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File: 26 KB, 500x341, inventions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1864962 No.1864962 [Reply] [Original]

There was a lot of butthurt the last time this was posted, but what HAVE Eurofags done in the last 100 years besides start world wars they can't finish?

>> No.1864970
File: 102 KB, 903x683, 1285733650925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll physics thread.

>> No.1864968

i lol'd hard

Also OP they've done ALOT of stuff.

>> No.1864974
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>> No.1864972
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>> No.1864975
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>> No.1864981
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>> No.1864986

my ancestor invented the cuckoo clock

other than that my life is shit

>> No.1864988
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>> No.1864994
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>> No.1864996

We didn't invent the automobile - Germany did. It was Mercedes-Benz. I was researching it for a paper last weekend.

>> No.1865003
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>> No.1865004
File: 206 KB, 480x1681, main_diff_lulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 90% of those inventions weren't invented by europeans living in america

[ausfag here btw, so no allegiance to either]
pic: related.

>> No.1865011
File: 53 KB, 805x537, trollphysics2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did someone say troll physics?

>> No.1865010


What else does Howard Zinn tell you is history, faggot?

>> No.1865015
File: 64 KB, 909x598, 1285766303421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

general relativity theory is just a theory (a gesus)

>> No.1865027
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>mfw umad in ur own thread

>> No.1865034
File: 38 KB, 640x480, fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thinking brain in Europe emigrated elsewhere 100 to 300 years ago.

>> No.1865051
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>> No.1865055
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>> No.1865056


I've been staring at this picture for a full 10 minutes now. I don't fucking get it.

>> No.1865078

>F. Kafka
>J. Joyce
>James Joyce


>> No.1865147

Charles Babbage, Humphry Davy, Johann Philipp Reis and Vietnam would like a word with you.

>Implying all of those things were invented within the last 100 years.

>> No.1865182

that fact is actually an opinion.

>> No.1865203

Actually, this is right. Quantum Entanglement is crazy shit.


>> No.1865210

Newtonian laws of motion
Digital calculator (precursor to the computer)
Helicopter (Da Vinci, no less)
Cartesian geometry

>Invent luxuries

>> No.1866757

Are you telling me those slingshot brothers invented it? LOL
Before anyone knew of them Santos Dummont was fliyng over Paris. Then those Wright Brothers showed photos and said that they invented it 2 years ago. Yeah, ok.
Anyone can take a photo and said it happened 2 years ago.

>> No.1866792

Airplane Ok i'll give you that
Car German
Light bulb both edison and a brit invented it around the same time
Computer - British
Telephone - Scotish man living in US
Movie camera - French
internet - CERN
fiberoptics not sure
Air conditioning not sure

PS You're forgetting: Steam engine, Internal combustion engine, jet engine, Einstein, Newton, Darwin, Faraday, Watt, Joule &c

>> No.1866799

Only 4 of your list has been invented in the last 00 years, and the computer and internet are european

>> No.1866810

Wars we couldn't finish? Explain yourself mister.

>> No.1866813

Internet is American
World Wide Web, especially HTTP and HTML, are European

>> No.1866816

just to avoid any confusion, DARPA created the internet, CERN created HTML.

Also, your web browser is American.

>> No.1866820


Frost applied for a patent which was accepted and registered in London on 25 October 1894 under number 1894-20431

Earlier flight than the wright brothers

>> No.1866830

Nice troll op.

For those of you who are ignorant all of the things listed were invented by europeans

>> No.1867008
File: 121 KB, 469x555, einstein-on-bikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Einstein, without him sattelites wouldn't work because newtonian motion doesn't allow for time dialation.
Newton, without him we wouldn't have had einstein, or the industrial revolution.
Marie Curie, everything we know about radiation we owe in origin too her and pierre.
Erwin schrodinger, for quantum theory.
Bernard Lovell's space telescope called jodrel bank, was the largest in the world, detected sputnik.
Stephen hawking and his hugely well selling book.
The LHC and all data to come out of CERN (granted Fermi-lab is beating us right now.)
First man in space was from russia.
America is asking for fucking Kazakhstan's help to get into space.
Richard Dawkins is british, one of the single greatest refuters of BullShit, and probably the greatest living genetesist.
First atom was split in manchester, a British city.
Jet engines were developed by britain and germany.
The biggest names in project manhattan were european ( Richard Feynman Owns but the origin of the idea came from an austrian jew)
Also we have the greatest philosophy.
Also we have the greatest art.
Also britain alone owned over a third of the earths surface.
America ain't got shit on us.

>> No.1867012

I forgot that the internet was invented in switzerland.
Also we discovered your country and sent all our lazy retards there :)

>> No.1867017

Well, the first computer wasnt american. I imagine a lot of other things didnt start as american either. Quite trying to convince yourself that you are somehow superior, cause your not.


>> No.1867030
File: 577 KB, 1600x1226, 1286245503751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeh, I also forgot Alan turing invented the computer, at bletchley park.
And just think of all the biggest names in science, heisenberg, planck, tesla, curie, newton, einstein. They just don't sound american do they?

>> No.1867161


Einstein was American. The Nazis kicked him out of Europe along with several other physicists. Just another of their brilliant plans to build a master race lol.

>> No.1867174

Yeah, I always loved that about Hitler.
Scare off all the nuclear physicists, in the age of the atom split.
Jesus, Hitler. You so dumb.

>> No.1867194

Well, what did Einstein discover in the US?
Most of his biggest ideas were already published in 1905, IIRC.

>> No.1867199

>Oh yeh, I also forgot Charles Babbage invented the computer


>> No.1867200

well he was a european.

>> No.1867228


Considering he left on his own accord.

>> No.1867676


I lol'd. Fair point, bar the fact the plane, the car, the lightbulb, the 1st computer, the telephone and the internet were actually invented in Europe...

>> No.1867699
File: 64 KB, 750x600, motivator12300a255f2dbd3455cb6629d36e6662a518a177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh piss of ameritrolls.

>> No.1867745

2 europeans won the nobel price of physics two days ago didnt they?

>> No.1867754
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>> No.1867773
File: 61 KB, 720x506, Europe_usa_difference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'nuff said