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1864606 No.1864606 [Reply] [Original]

what is your idea of a perfect Utopian society? socialism, plutocracy, technocracy, anarchy? share your views with anon

lenny waits your answer

>> No.1864611

no std's, and everyone just fucks each other all day

>> No.1864618

I'm with Jean-Paul Sartre: Hell is other people.

Utopia is where everyone else on the planet is dead. I can do whatever I want all day.

>> No.1864627

That's what I was going to say. Too bad it wouldn't last long...

>> No.1864624

self bumpin

>> No.1864628

let me rephrase the question then, which political philosophy would create the most ideal world?

>> No.1864630


I would be ok with a world where all people had their own isolated living environments and interaction limited to a voluntary basis.

>> No.1864632

Humans are by definition social creatures
Solitude breeds insanity, you'd need at least a few people you're close to save yourself from madness

>> No.1864634

pretty much as it is now, except the laws are determined by science rather than hearsay and public opinion.

>> No.1864639


>> No.1864640

The one with no government and money is based on love & trust.

Might need the earth to destroy 99.99% of us for this to work.

>> No.1864645

100% you mean

>> No.1864647 [DELETED] 


Lol you're such a faggot.

>"Edgy" atheist detected.

>> No.1864658




This I can kind of agree with. A little less narcissistic.

>> No.1864660


>> No.1864701

Technocracy! All hail the Machine Messiah! Let us sing Hymns from the book of Yessongs!

>> No.1864721

Ever seen the somewhat-ok Aeon Flux flick?

Scientific Technocratic Socialism ftw.

>> No.1864730

Type of society makes no difference, it's all arbitrary. A society is only as good as the people who are running it.

>> No.1864764
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A monarchy led by a philosopher king. We needed democracy and civil rights, those shouldn't be circumvented but all the minutia of government is now holding us back.

>> No.1864799

and where do you live?

also, OP says, i need some of this shit for study so i need names of systems, rather then just ideas

>> No.1864811

my utopian society already exists. It's called america! (it even has a fucking black president. Yeah our president is black motherfuckers THAT'S how awesome we are

>> No.1864816

No one ages, or at least stops aging at a certain age.

Men stop showing signs of aging after hitting... 18 to 20. Women... stop aging around 5-12. Women will always retain the tight body of a little girl eternally.

Food will be self-replicated by nanomachines. Our bodies will be maintained by nanomachines to live indefinitely.

Girls have easy access to birth control, and can automatically shut their eggs off. Rape and incest will be commonplace and socially acceptable.

Everyone will be naked and live in nice, comfy homes. Nanomachines in our bodies will activate the chemicals in our brains to cause constant ecstasy.


>> No.1864822
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>> No.1864825

Fuckin' technocracy. Adequate laboratories you say? Sounds legit to me.

>> No.1864830


>> No.1864832

>Women... stop aging around 5-12.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Anon.

Why don't you have a seat?

>> No.1864833

communal child rearing so successful people can focus on work and pass on their superior genetics whilst the children are spared their parents neurosis.

>> No.1864835

>Men stop showing signs of aging after hitting... 18 to 20.

Coming from someone who didn't start bulking up until his mid 20s, FUCK YOU. I do not want to keep my skinny ass 20 year old metabolism for the rest of my life. Hell, I don't even think I was shaving at 20. FUCK YOU

>> No.1864838
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>> No.1864841


>> No.1864849

we haven't evolved enough to shed the ego which has almost no survival purposes in today's society and basically a lot of people spend their time working doing useless things.

houses should be built because people need houses, people should eat food because people need food, not because you used pieces of paper to not let anyone else use things that they fucking need

>> No.1864857
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>> No.1864875

So you want a utilitarian existence. hmmm not much of a life really.

>> No.1864883

Oligarchical Collective

>> No.1864891

>I do not want to keep my skinny ass 20 year old metabolism for the rest of my life.

lol. i hope that one day in your 30s you remember saying that and realize just how retard it is

>> No.1864894


rub one off and then come back and rethink what you just said

>> No.1864902

but what if your not apart of the collective.

>> No.1864905

>implying I wont be in the inner party

>> No.1864908

>Implying I didn't ask an explicit question.

>> No.1864916
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>> No.1864926

I tried to delete it but moot wouldn't let me.

>> No.1864936

>implying you didn't end with a full stop and spelled you're incorrectly

>> No.1864976

For me, an Utopian society would not need laws, because everyone had at least a bit of fucking common sense in them not to fuck other peoples shit up.

Of course, its inherent stupidity is basically the one thing that defines humanity anyway ..

captcha: utopia duments

>> No.1865093

the fantasy of a 12 year old

>> No.1865121

a utopian society isn't possible in groups of more than 150 individuals. so if you're imagining a utopian city/nation/planet you're shit out of luck.

>> No.1865336

if life ceased to exist, thats my idea...

>> No.1865343

Someone didn't read manna

>> No.1865384

The Venus Project

Also, all societies change with regard to the knowledge of humans and their ability to apply their skills to society over time. Therefore a utopia will never exist, simply by definition.

>> No.1865414

anarcho-capitalism; violence is wrong.

>> No.1865420

Utopian society eh ?
In my eyes the basis for such a society requires a very startrek type of device. A matter energy converter or as the trekkies call it : Replicator.

With everybody fed and amassing wealth being pointless and hopefully people not killing eachother over women and living space/land, society well humanity can turn to whats left.

Bettering and improving ourselves and explore the stars i guess.A general thinking of what is not only good for me but what is also good for my neighbor.
Leadership would have to be Democratic obviously.
Basic ground rules on how to live together are always needed but in this utopian societys case it would have to be more communism than anarchy.
Not everybody can have a mansion. But who gets them ? That an other questions would have to be answered within the ground rules.
What happens to people who do not want to do anything but sit in their alloted home all day stuffing their face from the replicator and read books or whatever.
Should the leadership be organized as a worldwide company including every single person ?
thats another tough question i wouldnt know how to answer (yet)

>> No.1865452


>> No.1865467

Everything from Brave New World, except there'd be no nature reserve. It'd be perfect because everyone is happy and no one realises how much they're taken advantage of.

>> No.1865481


im trying to make it happen.

>> No.1865486
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>> No.1865504

plutocracy with me as the richest man for no obvious reason

I'm an average man with an average dream

>> No.1865568
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dictatorship because democracy cannot prevent from such things like Hitler to happen and because one man deciding everything is always more effective than a bunch of fags bitching about the next law to vote

>> No.1865570
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Just wave as the themes pass you by. Did you just read that book for your Honors high school class?

>> No.1865573

Nothing, because even if the current system breaks down the people on the top will stablish a new one that still benefits the wealthier ones, so why care

>> No.1865589

Anarchy is the best system possible in theory.
Communism is the second best system possible theorically.

But everyone knows that those are incompatible with mankind because humans are not perfect.