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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1863435 No.1863435 [Reply] [Original]

Riddle me this batman,

which of these are pure substances, and which are mixtures.

>egg yolk

>> No.1863468

egg yolk and honey are mixtures, the rest pure substances

>> No.1863477

define pure substance, cause the the first and third are molecules while the second is an element

>> No.1863492
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Good job,

Next question,

Digesting food is an example of

>a physical change.
>a chemical change.
>a change of state.

>> No.1863493


>> No.1863500





>> No.1863503



>> No.1863506


>> No.1863520


>> No.1863525
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trick question, its both, physical and chemical.

physical:chewing food, making it into bolus, squeezing it through the esophagus.

chemical: everything related to enzymes and change of composition, or breaking down stuff.

>> No.1863528

egg yolks and honey can both be impure according to islam. c3h8o may or may not be, depending on if it is an alcohol like propanol (impure) or an ether (pure) therefore i would say 1, 2 and 3 are pure, while 4 and 5 are impure.

>> No.1863542
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here come an easy question,

A molecule is the smallest unit of a substance that retains the ____ of that substance.

>> No.1863555


>> No.1863569

stop trying to get /sci/ to do your homework.

Put the text of the questions into google and you will get the answers.
Sometimes you even get the answer key your teacher took the questions from.

Also: If you do your assignments this way you're still going to be fucked on the tests if you don't get the concepts.
Tests are weighted more usually so you will still fail even if you get away with cheating the assignments.

>> No.1863570


hallowed knowledge

>> No.1863579
File: 14 KB, 407x306, ash YEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw >>1863555 is troll

Last question was a bit to easy. how about this,

Tooth fillings are often made of gold or porcelain because those materials are NOT ____.

>> No.1863582

>a substance that contains only one kind of matter; elements and compounds are pure substances
>n chemistry, a mixture is when two or more different substances are mixed together but not combined chemically.

So in theory they are all pure substances but none are mixtures. Chocolate milk is a mixture, Honey complex carb and eggyolk is a organic structure. Yet again im a business major

>> No.1863590


>> No.1863601


>> No.1863605

Thats a good fucking question.

>> No.1863615

buoyancy, if it is your mother doing the digesting

>> No.1863618



>> No.1863626


>> No.1863628
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Ding, Ding, Ding!


Explain why baking is a chemical change

((Another easy question))

>> No.1863638

because you take some things and turn them into another

>> No.1863643


Trick question - it's actually a physical change since all baking really is is adding heat

>> No.1863646

yes, and also you must use your arms to mix the stuff, so that's physical too

>> No.1863666
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Sorry >>1863643

According to this answer key i have here, its a chemical change. besides, can you UN-bake a cake?

New Question,

Grinding wheat into flour is an example of a(n) _____ change.

>> No.1863673


fuck you, I've baked cookies and then melted and froze them back into cookie dough before

>> No.1863681

state change, from (s)olid, to (p)owder

>> No.1863689
File: 81 KB, 383x478, gary haters gana hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now is that anyway to talk to the game master? the games have only begun, if your already in rage by now then i want to see the look on your face when i ask my next question.

>> No.1863693

It's chemical because adding heat causes some ingredients to oxidize and others to change form and still others to bond with mixed ingredients.

example. sugar caramelizing and meat browning.

>> No.1863706

>be in Turkey (middle east)
>learn those shit on 6th grade
HAHA oh wow

>> No.1863708
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heres a math question for a bit of variety.


>> No.1863720


>> No.1863766

>Post in an english board making fun of the simplicity in this thread. Cannot use simple english properly.

Hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.1863781
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Next question,

If you have a fox, a chicken, and a bag of feed that you have to take across a river, and you can only carry one at a time, how would you do it without the fox eating the chicken or chicken eating the feed?

>> No.1863785

>implying i didnt do it by purpose
Nice try,euroarabia!

>> No.1863787


>> No.1863790

take the chicken, then the fox, then take the chicken back, take the feed, then the chicken last

>> No.1863797


>> No.1863809
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explain the scientific theory of evolution in 10 words or less.

>> No.1863818


Monkeys had retarded babies which somehow turned into humans.

>> No.1863820

survival of the fittest


Natural selection

>> No.1863821

Organisms either die or adapt to their environment to survive.

>> No.1863832

your mom is a monkey

>> No.1863836
File: 606 KB, 752x469, look over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1863818 is funnest
>>1863821 is the most correct

Explain how time travel into the future would be possible, according to the theory's of Steven Hawking, without using any words that have 12 letters or more.

>> No.1863847

I have no idea, but i think it has something to do with going through black holes that allow traveling vast distances in a smaller time frame.

>> No.1863853

Boy, I sure do love High School Chemistry!

>> No.1863856


Thats one of his theories, which I'm sure was proven wrong, if I'm correct.

>> No.1863863

The speed of light is constant across all frames of reference but time is not.
As you approach the speed of light, time slows down for you but remains the same for the world around you.
In effect, not time passes around you that passes for you.
When you slow down again you will be in the future compared to the time progression recorded by you.

>> No.1863864

yeah i dont know, only saw one show once and thats about all i remember, haha

>> No.1863875

HI, this message is from the past. to bring it here, I first wrote it and used my time machine to evacuate organic byproducs before hitting submit. That's how I travelled here from the past.

>> No.1863879

Not sure if this is attributed to hawking or not tho, it's really just a consequence of special relativity.
Demonstrable too, just read about an experiment that showed there is a measurable time difference even across as little vertical distance as a flight of stairs.

>> No.1863880

Then what is the actual correct answer?

Captcha just said it best: growage family

>> No.1863881

ie - he took a piss before hitting submit? lol

>> No.1863882
File: 36 KB, 280x280, FuckYea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Heres one for the trolls.

If i have a stick that is 1 light year long and i have a friend thats 1 light year away from me ((Chilling in space with his "I don't need to breath" powers)) and I poke him with the stick, will he feel the stick poke him before he sees it poke him?

>> No.1863884

the opposite would also be true. as you slow down, time moves faster for you which is why, sitting still in front of a computer, time seems to go faster.

>> No.1863892


>> No.1863895

yes, but he would also disintegrate from the force

>> No.1863896

He will see it first of course.
Light travels faster than nerve impulses.
Same case as if I poked you in the arm with my finger.
The difference is so minute though that he will not notice which happened first.

>> No.1863898

Q. Why is OP a faggot
A. Because he fucks men

Other possible answers include, he is underage b&, retarded, and cant do his homework

>> No.1863901

You must quote this post if you saw C3PO before C3H8O

>> No.1863902

only relative to a fast moving body
this is a matter of perception, time SEEMS to fly when having fun because you do not pay attention to it.

>> No.1863907

u mad?

ITT: Science trivia game.
I'm okay with this.

>> No.1863908

lol starcraft

>> No.1863915
File: 108 KB, 400x405, troll middle finger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Riddle me this batman,

why is faggot a OP?

For everyone else.

If im on a space shit thats nearly going the speed of light, then if I walk forward to the bathroom because i need to take a piss, will I go even slower in time and will everyone around me look like there going at the speed of super fast as they see me as going as if i was in a slow mo shot of a movie.

>> No.1863920

Is there a form of perception in which I can SEEM to go back in time?

>> No.1863926

Huh? So you want to piss on your space shit?

>> No.1863934

is the effect of speed on time direct or exponential?

>> No.1863935

yeah, in my perception a lot of people seem to go back in time, at least in ther "choice" of clothing

>> No.1863936

A light year is a measure of distance is it not? not time?
Correct me if im wrong...

So that means he should see it first, unless of course he is not facing the direction of said stick, or asleep or something like that.

>> No.1863941


replace the word shit with the word ship.

Better way of saying th question. If im on a bus in space thats going near the speed of light ((like 99.9999999%)) then if i get up and walk up the hallway of th bus, then will I slow down and look like im in a slow-mo shot of an action film, or go the same speed as everyone on the bus sitting down.

>> No.1863942

I lol'd
So what's /fa/ doing on /sci/?

>> No.1863956

no that wont happen because 'space shit' does not exist, the speed of light is not achievable. If it was, there would be no difference because all the light or whatever within the space "ship" would be going the same speed as all the occupants - so it would just look like normal walking

>> No.1863958

im sure your speed plus the speed of the bus isnt THAT much closer to the speed of light, so when the bus is going 99.9999999999999999999, youll be going 99.99999999999999999991

not much of a difference

>> No.1863962

I think you're confused.
"the" is spelled T-H-E
You keep typing "th"

>> No.1863975

not /fa/, but the irony is that since 70's clothing is all the rage nowdays, in THEIR perception they seem to be moving faster than their surroundings. I also recently raeg'd at a some hag on TV dismissing WINE GRAPES as "so last year". because taste sensations are trendy.

>> No.1863977

Time for you will slow slightly relative to those around you who are not walking and slower still for those who are not traveling and walking on space shit near the speed of light.
Those around you who are also traveling on the space shit will see you just as you would see someone walking across shit not traveling near the speed of light.
This is because from your frame of reference to theirs you are only traveling at foot speed.
From your frame of reference to those not on space shit traveling near the speed of light you are traveling at foot speed plus the speed of space shit traveling near the speed of light.

>> No.1863979
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My e key is messed up. and will sometimes do that.

New question?

If Shara has 2 apples and James has 3 apples, then if James gives Shara one of his apples, dose that mean James has a crush on Shara? P.S. Shara is a trap. Dose that make James gay?

>> No.1863988


you are not red trainer

go away

>> No.1863990

Without confirmation, I'd say it is direct.
Time must slow evenly with added speed in order to maintain the speed of light across all frames of reference.

>> No.1863991

no you fool, just means he gave 'him' an apple without knowing its a 'him'

>> No.1864000
File: 18 KB, 510x383, ash rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, and jack fell down on his crown, then how badly hurt is jack?

The hill was 25 feet high and jack made it to the top before falling all the way down.

>> No.1864001

is James OP? if so, yes, and yes.

>> No.1864012

Answer is subjective to societal norms.
James' sexual preference is his choice, independent of other choices he makes.
ie - his choice to give apples to others or not does not limit the number of options he has for sexual preference.

>> No.1864016

well he can't exactly fall if it is a hill, unless there is a cliff or an edge where he will not make contact with said hill, then that would be falling and he would probably be dead or concussion. If its a hill with all slopes, then he would slide/tumble/etc down not fall. So he wouldn't really be harmed unless he built up too much momentum and then smacked his crown near the bottom.

>> No.1864021

>implying crown is his head as well

>> No.1864024


A true man of science right here. Give himm a medal for not calling OP a faggot and leaving the thread.

Only a true man of science will attempt to find a logical answer for any question, no matter how retarded.

>> No.1864028

Also I find it difficult that he would fall on his crown the whole distance, I think he would have just fell backwards or something, so he wouldnt really be injured unless he fell onto a rock or something nearby.

>> No.1864029

Not enough information.
Must also know the slope of the hill, resistance of the material the hill is made of, if the part he fell off of was actually a cliff or not, and which way he rolled horizontally or head over feet.

>> No.1864036

Thank you op.
The wife hates me sometimes because of shit like this:

>> No.1864039
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If I have A portal gun from portal and I put a box in a infinitive loop where the bow will fall from the sealing into the portal on the ground and I wait for 1 day for the box to gain enough momentum and then put a portal on the ground in a park somewhere, would the box beable to make it into space?

>> No.1864044

no because there is only so much speed that the box could posses with wind resistance and weight just using the pull of the earths gravity.

>> No.1864047


re-wording this question, If I do this,


25 seconds in ot 45 seconds in

but i left the box for 3 days and tried to launch the box into space, would it make it?

>> No.1864054

Terminal velocity is MUCH less than the escape velocity required to leave earth's atmosphere.

>> No.1864055

So it would reach its max speed and not increase any further, so leaving it for longer won't change anything.

>> No.1864073

If A = B then B = A what does that make B?

>> No.1864075

Correct, the box would stop accelerating when it reaches terminal velocity, which is less than escape velocity.

>> No.1864078

B = B of course.

>> No.1864108

B doesn't exist

>> No.1864111

What if the box weighed 1 million US pounds at surface level? Would it at least reach lower atmosphere?

>> No.1864136

A = 10 = B then B = 10 = A
A and B are both equal to 10 and both exist. They are merely the same.

How high it goes is a function of weight to surface area in this case.
If the box is small but weighs enough it can reach a terminal velocity which would be greater than or equal to escape velocity.

>> No.1864144

I have a question for you Red Trainer. Can you see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?