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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1863612 No.1863612 [Reply] [Original]

So you have an old school over head projector. The projector casts an image on a wall larger than the actual projector. An ant walks across the projector at some speed. On the wall the ant's shadow moves much faster in comparison. The larger the projector and the father away the wall is the fast the shadow moves. make it big enough and the shadow can move faster than the speed of light
pic kinda related

>> No.1863640

the stick thing wouldnt work, the poke would travel the same speed as sound would through the stick.

Though there is no reason that the ant shadow cant travel faster than light

>> No.1863678

input? thoughts? ideas?

>> No.1863686

pretty sure the shadow doesn't move faster, just gets bigger.

>> No.1863694

Do this on a gigantic across-the-universe model
Send information faster than the speed of light

>> No.1863695

nothing in the system you described moves faster than the speed of light.

>> No.1863696

true, it could get to 100% the speed of light in a huge vacuum

too bad it's light, so the point remains, matter cannot go at the speed of light

>> No.1863699

Yea shadows can go faster than light, that does not violate the laws of physics. If you imagine pointing a laser pointer at a wall several light years away, you can make the dot move faster than light too.

These work because no physical object is moving faster than light. What is a shadow? What is a laser dot? They are just patterns.

>> No.1863700

This does work, and the shadow can move faster than the speed of light. But, that projected shadow does not carry information from one end of the projection to another.

The shadow is a coherent concept, but it is not really a single consistent entity moving across the projected plane.

>> No.1863704
File: 144 KB, 1311x640, 1286016049410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1863717

What if the shadow was the shadow of "2+2=4"

Bam information sent

>> No.1863718

The information is being sent from the light source to the wall, not from one end of the wall to the other.

>> No.1863722
File: 242 KB, 947x661, speed of dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


proof that the speed of dark is faster than the speed of light.

>> No.1863724

the shadow can move at the speed of light, but no information is being sent faster than light, unfortunately

>> No.1863731
File: 4 KB, 157x157, beesfuckingsuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck our scientific universe
Shit is so arbitrary goddamn

>> No.1863739

fuckin saved

>> No.1863741

Take up your complaints with whoever created the universe. Not our fault.

>> No.1863752

Say it better if you don't like it.

>> No.1863750

in fact, I would say it's the opposite of an object. It doesn't move at all, tha ant is just blocking light and thus only dictating where photons will hit a few lightyears away.

>> No.1863745

whoever is a bit presumptuous

>> No.1863748

oh god, lmao

>> No.1863779

>I would say it's the opposite of an object.

That's curious. I'll be wondering about this as I try and sleep tonight, I expect.

>> No.1863782

I said "Fuck our scientific universe"
Not "Fuck you"
What could possibly compel you to post this

>> No.1863783

>civilization 1 light year away holds up giant wall
>you point projector add it
>put information on projector to form a shadow
>wait 1 year for the light to build up behind the shadow
>now move the information in such a way to encode a message with the shadow
>the extra light will cause the message to be sent instantaneously

>> No.1863798
File: 95 KB, 349x395, 1276927914571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the maximum speed of things what it is

Why would there be a limit it's totally arbitrary

I'm beginning to think that the universe is just a giant computer with information pinging back and forth, constrained by the technology of whatever beings made us

Life just an accidental accumulation of the leftovers

>> No.1863807

>sent instantaneously
No, it will take a year, because that's how long it will be before the new shadow-pattern arrives at the civilization.

>> No.1863811

except light leaves from the object before the shadow, so your shadow is only seen when that light finishes its journey

>> No.1863812

I suspect the universe is something like a cellular automaton.

>> No.1863814

it still takes a year for the light and shadow to get there, but once it is there the shadow can move along the wall at the speed of light

the only application for this is if you had a civilization at each end of the wall who were incredibly far apart and for some reason they were about to die and had to be told about it and some how you know and they dont, but they dont have to worry about it for another however long it takes your light to get there, then you could warn the both of them but...yeah there is no practical application of this

>> No.1863823

who says it is? Einstein, is who. We still don't know if he is right and have based a lot of assumptions on that theory.

>> No.1863834

shadow can't move faster than speed of light, same problem as before with the shadow getting there faster than speed of light

>> No.1863838

Oh man that's cool.

>> No.1863841

Yes, shadows can move faster than c. Phase waves can also move faster than c. The only things that cannot move faster than c are particles and group waves (group waves constitute the velocity of particles when the waves are quantized).

>> No.1863846

The universe made me do it.

>> No.1863861

but you still have to wait a year or x amount of time for "the light to build up"

this has no practical application at all

>> No.1863909

can the boundary of the lit out-speed light?

>> No.1863939

lol now that's /sci/ trolling! lol

>> No.1864126

Actually we have a lot of evidence supporting his theory.
Like the fact that there is a measurable difference between the time recorded by gps satellites in orbit and atomic clocks on earth.

The reason c is the limit is that going faster requires more energy to accelerate, the faster you accelerate the more energy you require to keep accelerating. As you approach the speed of light you start to require more energy than the energy contained in your mass and that of your propulsion system.
In order to go faster you would have to convert your mass into energy which would then travel at the speed of light.

So c is not arbitrary but rather it is the speed reached when mass is converted to energy at maximum efficiency.

>> No.1864145


Each molecule in the stick would only be travelling as fast as you can push it.