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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1856129 No.1856129 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please explain to me if men and women truly are equals? Science says that there are distant differences between both genders/sexes. I always assumed that if we're both human, we're equal to one another. Yet many sexists disagree with my opinions. But than I got to thinking, what if they're right? Can science determined rather or not men and women truly are equal to one another?

>> No.1856137
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>> No.1856151

Women are of course very maternal. Men are more violent but generally able to make decisions without being influenced by sissy emotions.

>> No.1856154


I never got this.

Why are emotions sissy? They are in incredibly efficient coping mechanism developed by evolution over millions of years.

>> No.1856155

But what if a men is more like a woman with the mannerisms and the emotions?

>> No.1856160

Men and women are both gender/sex of the same species thus they're equal automatically.

>> No.1856156


>> No.1856162
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Then he is homo and unable to reproduce. So he really doesn't matter.

>> No.1856164

Disagree. Eventually with cloning women wouldn't be needed or men for that fact. So eventually either men would be wanted for their dicks or women for that hole between their legs.

>> No.1856169

That isn't something you can disagree with you idiot.
You're not above the truth.

>> No.1856170

They are equal but they are obviously not the fucking same.

>> No.1856171

You're right, but... GET OFF MY FUCKING DICK!!!

Jesus, why did you choose to follow me if you were that desperate for a leader?

>> No.1856175
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>> No.1856178

Because you're a good leader and own a successful restaurant. If I didn't already have a girlfriend and know you in person. I would instant blow you off.

>> No.1856179

Women are superior, not lying.

>> No.1856184

Homosexuals can still reproduce.
Look up surrogate mothers, dipshit.
Gays still have sperm and eggs.

>> No.1856187

Define equal.
That would be the question to ask to sexist and other group.

>> No.1856186


>> No.1856185

Think about it. I am not the same as you and you are not the same as any other person. If you are thinking of equal in a mathematical way then no person is equal to another person. Even Identical twins are not mathematically speaking equal.

>> No.1856189

If they are equal, why do transgender people want to be the opponent sex as they are?

>> No.1856190

Because they're sick in the head, done.

>> No.1856196

Political correctness, the new 1984.

>> No.1856200

I think he wanted a more scientific explanation, bro.
What happened in 1984?

>> No.1856203

>>1856200 What happened in 1984?

>> No.1856206

And public mind control is bad?

>> No.1856208

Don't ask me, I'm not the one who made the other comment.
But just read the book, it's a classic.

>> No.1856224
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>> No.1856250

It is scientifically proven that women are inferior creatures.

>> No.1856264
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Say hello to the arachnids, we use our mates as food after sex frequently, and we are much stronger always. The males will often spend their entire life's looking for us, for 1 moment of joy, then die at our hands.

>> No.1856268

Of course we're not equal. That doesn't *necessarily* mean women are inferior. I'm sure they're good at something, but I can't think of what.

>> No.1856270

Humans aren't spiders.

>> No.1856272

Yo retard, please see >>1856160 and stop these idiotic posts.

>> No.1856273

Talking out of their ass, bleeding once or twice a month, being the only ones with PMS, and generally being retarded.

>> No.1856275

Humans aren't apes either, told /sci/!

>> No.1856276

The only thing women have on men is the clothing options. Not saying I want to crossdress, but it sucks that men are limited to shirts pants shorts and jackets, pretty much.

I wouldn't mind some variety, but then again what else is there to invent, clothing wise?

>> No.1856277
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>mfw he is born as a male spider next life

>> No.1856279

>being the only ones with PMS

Guys have PMS too, bro.

>> No.1856280




>> No.1856278


>> No.1856281


Not necessarily. No menstrual cycle, so you can't call it PMS. But men do the whole hormone/mood fluctuation thing too, it's just not as obnoxious or gory.

>> No.1856282

Why are we males socially inept in comparison to women? I mean seriously, we don't enjoy talking, we just can. Women ENJOY talking, they get some pleasure from it. I hate it. Is this some sort of natural selection when we were still hunting and being hunted in the wild, the loud males that enjoyed talking got killed?

>> No.1856283

He actually believes that IMS doesn't exist.

>> No.1856284

I'm interested, does it have a name that I can find sources of info with?

>> No.1856285

I love talking and I'm a male.
Then again, my Jewish ex-girlfriend said I was too much of a woman than a man.

>> No.1856286

Transgendered much?

>> No.1856287


>> No.1856288

I don't understand your post.

>> No.1856291


No, just that it has nothing to do with a menstrual cycle.

>> No.1856294

Does this mean I'd get to the next life quicker?
I wear skirts in public and other female clothing. I'm not a crossdresser, but I am making a statement. If people mock or ridicule me, they probably were raised wrong or raised by abusive parents like most fucking conservatives.

>> No.1856295

You keep bringing up irrelevant facts.

>> No.1856298

Troll Exposer, did you once post as Racs_for_Macs?

>> No.1856299


I'd wear one of these;


>> No.1856306

Well I do the same as you, even if you're trolling. I admit to wearing a red outfit often outdoors, hell I'll even describe my self. Blond medium length hair, blue eyes, male, long red skirt, and red hoody often. Nobody has ever given me shit about it, in fact think im cool guy who respects others opinions.

Women and men who think we can't wear anything we like are delusional. Nobody fucking cares.

>> No.1856309

that looks awesome

>> No.1856310

>who respects others opinions
This is the problem and why you will never get laid.

>> No.1856312


Yes, why?

>> No.1856313 [DELETED] 


Of course, in the future, fashion will cease being an issue altogether.

Unless you're a chick, apparently. Gotta have nice legs to work that communications console.

>> No.1856314
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Of course, in the future, fashion will cease being an issue altogether.

Unless you're a chick, apparently. Gotta have nice legs to work that communications console.

>> No.1856316

I think that a few guys bring up a valid point in this thread. Woman and men both have weaknesses, and strengths. We can't quantify them accurately or generalize them because on both "sides" of the same race, there are dumb fucks, we face them everyday.

Also I agree that clothing shouldn't ever be limited to either gender, I've seen some men where I live in skirts that look very masculine and cool. I'd never wear them my self but I'd never give them shit about it. If you ever see anyone sporting that kind of clothing, you gotta know they're tough people who don't be afraid anything.

>> No.1856318

I get laid every night lol

>> No.1856320

Nudity is cool with me, drop the clothing all together women!

>> No.1856325

All humans are equal, you can't contest it, fool.

But humans are unique which makes up individuality.

>> No.1856328

Fucking conservatives, why are they allowed to live?

>> No.1856329

No, men and women are not equal(s). It's never going to happen because (surprise surprise) men and women ARE not equal.

Old joke that makes the point:

"Why are all men assholes and all women bitches? Because all men ARE assholes and all women ARE bitches."

Case closed.

>> No.1856338

Tell that to the disabled.

>> No.1856343

Jokes are jokes and only meant to be laughed at and you're sexist attitude is depressing.
The disabled are people too, asshole.

>> No.1856348

Tell that to the brain dead.

>> No.1856349

How about I get my girlfriend and she kick yo ass, man.

>> No.1856354

I fucking knew it, the way you present yourself even online indicates to me that you're still that little wussy bitch I dated. Didn't think I'd still be lurking here since I dumped you back on /adv/, did you?

>> No.1856357
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>mfw ITT the truly freeminded get laid more often then me

>> No.1856365

You broke my heart, bitch; you make me glad you fucks got what you deserved.

>> No.1856376

Non-practicing now, whore.

>> No.1856386

Both men and women are people. Power does not equals worth - how you use it does. A genius asshole who only cares about making money does more damage to the world and would be better off inexistant.

Basically, although men are better in some spatial stuff, physical strength, and mathematics, that does not makes them superior in anything but those areas. It is about how you use what you can do.

>> No.1856393

Morning /sci/ is ugly /sci/.

Even the tangents are horrible!

>> No.1856409
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I think with each gender difference, there is a specific role that each does exclusively well.

Kind of looking at the thing from an evolutionary standpoint, on AVERAGE men are stronger then women because we were meant to go out and hunt for and protect our family units when females, having the ability to bare offspring and are on AVERAGE weaker in strength, focus most of their energy on childbirth and care, (hence the voracious appetite alot of pregnant women have during pregnancy and their milk producing glands)

Now those are physical and completely biological differences, Social differences come with how we are brought up in todays society.

>> No.1856415

I just assume you are speaking about JUST humans.

>> No.1856422
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>> No.1856426

Extensive experiments actually did prove women are worse in mathematics and spatial skills, as well as (obviously) physically. On average, of course.

Women were actually shown to be better in algebra/calculus, though. Rote-learning and algorithmatic solutions come easier to them. Better empathy/social skills too.

I however seen it on a show so I can't really link it which is why you are probably going to tell me to go suck a cock since the burden of proof is on me, which is fair enough.

>> No.1856429

Studies were falsified.

>> No.1856430


Do I care? Why am I responding to you?

>> No.1856434

Could be, since it isn't a commonly-accepted truth and most of the research was done in 1990 America.

It WAS government-sanctioned, though.

>> No.1856447

how come it is acceptable that men are physically stronger than women, but then when people do proper controlled studies and find that women have an IQ 3-5 points lower than men it is not acceptable to say that men are smarter? all evidence points to yes, but all politics point to no. meh.

>> No.1856453

You do realize that the government lies to people, right?

>> No.1856455

>implying we shouldn't be nice to our pets.

>> No.1856464

Sometimes. The Government is not a force of malice. It does as much good as it does evil. The result could be either the fruit of misogyny in the top levels, or genuine studies.

One must wonder if we do not accept the studies widely because of politics, or because they are fucking stupid. I think the ideas, at the least, NEED to be explored, studied, and observed to get a conclusive answer.

'No, its fine' is not the way of science.

>> No.1856471

Fucking this. If someone is weaker then you, but is a good person, then you better fucking help and protect that person as opposed to using your supposed superiority to rule over them.

I swear, people who think might makes right are the scourge of the earth.

>> No.1856474

Typical 4chan unwarranted self-importance demonstrated right here.

>> No.1856475
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Of course, usually in most nonsocial species, the males job is to just mate and nothing else. That characteristic is apparent in most r-selected species

>> No.1856479

Glad someone got the point.

>> No.1856486

>>1856474 Perhaps you should address the flaws in the premise, rather than some half-abstracted fact about the author?

>> No.1856495

...but women aren't good persons, they are bitches and whores...

>> No.1856496

>I swear, people who think might makes right are the scourge of the earth.
tell that to the guy who'll kill you in one punch

>> No.1856502

How about you shut your mouth before you sound more foolish? I know people who will kick your ass, you pathetic neckbeard prick.