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File: 59 KB, 500x400, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1852160 No.1852160 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have absolutely no sympathy for someone who commits suicide?

My Reasoning: Natural Selection. They were most likely mentally unstable and contributing nothing to society, so we're better off that they're gone and not reproducing.

>> No.1852163

more oxygen for me.

>> No.1852172

I don't suppose OP has ever heard that people are shaped by their environment?
But yeah, I believe anyone committing suicide now is a fucking idiot. So close, and to give it up...

>> No.1852173


Transvestite detected

>> No.1852174

>Natural Selection
>implying evolution is real

>> No.1852176

>They were most likely mentally unstable and contributing nothing to society

Boltzmann killed himself. OP's theory status: debunked.

>> No.1852179
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Hah, how far from the truth you are.

>> No.1852265

There is no such thing as "natural selection" in human beings. Man has long since transcended such meager boundaries.

Also, why don't you commit suicide since you obviously don't believe in God and as such there must be no point to your existence either or anything of much significance you could contribute to the rest of society. I don't really mean that, but you have to know that "natural selection" even if we were subject to it, is not an inherently good process in the progressiveness of a species in the long run. There are plenty of reasons to be opposed to suicide no matter what your philosophy on life is.

>> No.1852278
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> Mfw billions of purposeless humans die of natural causes and a few geniuses off themselves

>> No.1852298

Good sir, I am a scientist and a valuable asset to society.

>> No.1852334


so close to what exactly?

>> No.1852356

I hate it when people justify anything with: "hurr natural selection" or "durr its survival of the fittest".

>> No.1852362
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To attainable immortality.

>> No.1852371

>There is no such thing as "natural selection" in human beings.


>> No.1852383

>Anyone else have absolutely no sympathy for someone who commits suicide?

Because they're dead. Dead people aren't inconvenienced by being dead, they're dead. I do have sympathy for people that are suffering enough to contemplate suicide though.

And not everyone that kills themselves is just randomly unstable, plenty are put there by outside conditions see Alan Turing.

>> No.1852390

that's actually a fairly common reason why people commit suicide. they fell they can't get better and are better off removing themselves from society. ironically, they can. and they often are capable of contributing much more than the average person. one of nature's many cruel jokes I suppose

>> No.1852391

There are still some traits being favored over others in terms of reproductive fitness. Our large population size has slowed down the rate of change, but it's still there. You can believe humans have outsmarted nature all you like, but until we start genetic engineering humans nature will continue to shape us just like it does for every other species on the planet.

>> No.1852400

Wait, Turing killed himself?

>> No.1852406


>> No.1852409

Anyone else have absolutely no sympathy for victims of serial killers?

My Reasoning: Natural Selection.

>> No.1852410

Some backward retarded Christian judge sentenced him to hormone injections for the crime of being a homosexual, and when he felt his brain changing from the female hormones he killed himself with a cyanide laced apple.

>> No.1852415

Hemingway also killed himself

>> No.1852417


Persecuted for being gay, Turing killed himself in the 60's or 50's. I'm not sure. I may be wrong.

Pic related, the computer is evil because it's a "devil's homo machine".

>fuck me I couldn't find it

>> No.1852419
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>> No.1852422

The funniest are people who fail at killing themselves.

>> No.1852423

You actually raise a valid point. If the bitch had just stfu and stayed in the kitchen like she was supposed to, she wouldn't be stabbed to death. Selective pressure to women to not be dumb bitches.

>> No.1852439
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Holy Jesus fuck what the fuck man just what the fuck.

>> No.1852445

What was the name of the judge who sentenced Alan Turing? It is now my life's goal to torment the (Thankfully late) judge's family. For all eternity.

>> No.1852452

Gotta love Christian morals. Because being a good person comes from reading the Bible and nowhere else!

>> No.1852469

>implying mentally unstable is the same as not useful

Einstein was not mentally stable, Tesla was not mentally stable, mozart and Van Gough definitely weren't. Would society be better without them?

>> No.1852483

Everyone thought homosexuality was a sin back then, the judges religion is as irrelevant as his race.

>> No.1852485

If anything, mentally stable means being willing to fit in and keep your head down. It should come as no surprise that the people willing to invent new ideas and test them are often not mentally stable.

>> No.1852489

It was not up to the judge. Being gay was a crime and convicts would have a choice of either going to prison or taking the chemical treatment.

>> No.1852493

You best be trollin, Colonel. His family are innocent, as you are of slave trading.
agreed. If anything, mental stability would hinder, rather than help invention

>> No.1852497

>>1852483Everyone thought homosexuality was a sin back then, the judges religion is as irrelevant as his race.

Bertrand Russell came out against laws against homosexuality decades earlier. Nonreligious people have pretty much always accepted homosexuality with the exception of the few that were trying to build an empire.

>> No.1852501

>>1852483Everyone thought homosexuality was a sin

>Implying atheists ever believed in the concept of 'sin'

>> No.1852511

His religion was irrelevant because 1) the jury supported the conviction, 2) the law itself stated the punishment he was given was appropriate, and 3) virtually everyone else at the time was christian. The judge was not, to my knowledge, excessively conservative for the time.

If you feel the judge is responsible personally, do you mind explaining why he thought what he did?

>> No.1852518


I'm kidding of course but still... I mad, I mad.

>> No.1852521

>1) the jury supported the conviction

Also Christians

> 2) the law itself stated the punishment he was given was appropriate

Created in 1885 by Christians

> 3) virtually everyone else at the time was christian

Oh I'm not blaming the Judge's personal views, I'm blaming all Christians everywhere.

>> No.1852524


>The judge was not, to my knowledge, excessively conservative for the time.


England is so full of meanies :(

>> No.1852525

phew. For a moment then you weren't my favorite namefag anymore

>> No.1852526

It's really only modern atheists who now oppose the concept of sin. Formerly, atheists going all the way back to Democritus believed in sin and virtue, despite the difficulty of reconciling that with atheism.

>> No.1852532

nothing is as bad as to kill yourself, longing for death i can agree with... crap times, no hope.

>> No.1852535

>>1852526Formerly, atheists going all the way back to Democritus believed in sin and virtue, despite the difficulty of reconciling that with atheism.

It's not difficulty to reconcile. Atheists believe in vice and always have. The difference is vice is what effects humans, to my knowledge atheists have never attributed sin to anything that would piss off a skydaddy.

>> No.1852536

In that case, fair enough. Where do you think christians everywhere get their views from though?

If you look at the origins of religious belief, they're always external and always involuntary. Nobody chooses to be gullible, or to grow up in a christian home, and the unfortunate consequences are not their fault.
I know it was irrational and I agree completely that it was wrong. This was before the cold war had even kicked off, and frontal lobotomies were given like antibiotics are now.

Though the English can be pretty mean, most of them are nice people. Honest

>> No.1852542

>>1852536Nobody chooses to be gullible, or to grow up in a christian home, and the unfortunate consequences are not their fault.

A wasp doesn't choose to be a wasp but that doesn't make me feel any different about hitting it with RAID. In similar fashion it is important to never forget that religion makes people behave immorally and ignorantly. Never let anyone feel superior for believing something they believe out of ignorance.

>> No.1852564

There are many things worse than death, including life. It's all meaningless anyway though, so I don't see killing yourself as a wise move. Have some fun instead.
>A wasp doesn't choose to be a wasp but that doesn't make me feel any different about hitting it with RAID
Then you need to reconsider a lot of things. Free will isn't just an illusion, it's a belief system you're following hypocritically.
>religion makes people behave immorally and ignorantly.
Does it? or does religion facilitate this behavior? I'd contend religion is just a way of channeling opinion, rather than a source of it.
>Never let anyone feel superior for believing something they believe out of ignorance
oh the irony.
You'll work it out sometime

>> No.1852585

>>1852564Free will isn't just an illusion

Isn't it though?

>> No.1852595

read the next line. The context is intended to show I meant "not only"

brb, I have shopping to do. Will continue posting if thread is still here.

>> No.1852611

Can you think of any mechanism that could cause an otherwise nice person to support leaders who would persecute a group as completely harmless as homosexuals?

>> No.1852631

Off to stock up on some more misguidedly confident greentext I'll wager, because he certainly used up quite a lot there.

How bout this for an idea? We treat religion like most of us treat homosexuality!

"Ah, so you're in to religion/homosexuality, then! I guess I can see that... well, now that you mention it, I can anyway. Good for you! To be clear, I don't believe that anyone should restrict your right to practice religion/homosexuality in any way whatsoever, as we should all be free to make our own choices. However, please remember that I personally am not in to religion/homosexuality, have made my mind up differently to you on some not insignificant details, and therefore have limited interest in talking to you about it, if the topic happens to come up in future conversations."

>> No.1852635

I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for the person who does it, but I have plenty for their family and the people who actually gave a shit about the loser.

>> No.1852654

Actually I do feel bad for the person if they were bullied to the point of wanting to die. If it's just a bunch of internal crap where they can't get over themselves (I've known people like this), then the world will be a better place without their pessimism.

>> No.1852657

Are you sure atheism wouldn't be a more fitting subject to your proposal seeing as it shares the trait with homosexuality of being opposed by most of the world's populace.

>> No.1852669

Sympathy, no. Understanding, yes. Who isn't actually sick of living on this planet? All these societal rules and expectations just to live a mundane life. I'm tired of all the rigorous work and bullshit just to suck up to some jack-off for money, degrees, or whatever else. Unfortunately escape elsewhere at this point is impossible so suicide is the next best option.

>> No.1852674

>implying religion isn't a choice
>implying religion doesn't harm other people

Oh you

>> No.1852693
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>> No.1852701

>Hitler and Mussolini
>84 mil

Is that what American schools really teach?

>> No.1852707

I think they're trying to blame all the casualties of WWII on them? Not like the Japanese practiced Shinto or anything...

Oh yeah and the Catholic Church had a hardon for Hitler.

>> No.1852709

maybe but the real kicker is when they tell us Jews deserved Israel

>> No.1852710

You forgot all the people "atheists" killed during the French revolution. Oh wait it was a good thing because those people needed to die, every bit as much as the Russian revolution needed to happen to get rid of Czars.

>> No.1852715

On religion, or least /sci/'s lulzworthy view of it:

The nose of the donkey doesn't cause the tail, Duncan, no
matter how often you see the beast pass that thin vertical space limiting your
view of it.

>> No.1852718

Yet you see plenty of atheists claiming murder is wrong.

How comes, atheists? Afraid you'll burn in Hell if you kill someone?

>> No.1852720

>and they often are capable of contributing much more than the average person

you just explained why I haven't killed myself yet

being useless probably keeps me alive

>> No.1852725

>implying the crusades is the only time any religion at all has ever been the cause of death for anyone ever

>> No.1852730

Nothing specific, but I think nazi germany shows normal people don't understand the extent to which they are inhuman. Likewise, bullying in schools is rarely by "nasty" people.

ho ho, a witty reply!
Hitler was motivated by religion, as were the majority of his nation. The crusades were driven by religion, as was the serb-croat-bosnian conflict and as was the 9/11 attack. My point was that though these events were due to organized religion, those carrying out the attacks were motivated by more than their doctrines. none of them were due to an absolute religious belief.

you're on 4chan, and I assumed that those who don't care tend not to write overly long posts replying to those who do. My mistake.
>implying humans are responsible for choice
>no I wasn't

silly /sci/, since when could you not into philosophy?
enjoy that

>> No.1852731

OP, you sound like a grimdark 12 year old. What if that person had a child that would benefit the human race? Butterfly effect, motherfucker.

>> No.1852744

>The reason I don't kill people is because I'm afraid I'll burn forever if I do

That's what you just said. Normal people have something called "instinct"

>> No.1852745

What if that child was the next Hitler?

>> No.1852752

Likewise to atheism. Who knows how many more massacres were directly or indirectly caused by atheists throughout the course of human history.

>> No.1852755

>OP here. Left thread for hour and then came back


>> No.1852764

...are you talking about me? I'm not OP

>> No.1852766

what if he wasn't? all this future-predicting is crazy. let the child live and kill him if he gets rowdy.

>> No.1852776

I bet most people that commited genocides and caused wars did not believe in the Flying Spagetti Monster.

Proof that only pastafarians are good people.

>> No.1852782

And Buddhism. Proof that only Buddhists can be good people.

>> No.1852784

two possibilities:

Child does bad things for species
child gets killed


Child does good things for species
species continues more healthily than before
more children born
more children who do bad things produced
good people indirectly responsible for production of bad people
good people are bad

Kill them all if you want to take the "good people bad people " approach

>> No.1852792

A significant part of China's militia is buddhist, but none of them are FSMian. rAmen

>> No.1852798

>>1852730The crusades were driven by religion

To be fair, the Crusades started out in response to the invasion of the Byzantine Empire by the Seljuk Turks. When Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos sent a letter to Pope Urban II asking for aid he expected the Pope to send a few hundred hired mercenaries to repel the Islamic Turks from the Eastern Christian Empire rather than risk having the Turks invade the rest of Europe (which they ended up doing anyway). Ubran II saw this as an opportunity to gain more power for the Church however, because it would set a prescient for raising a religious army so he sent out a message to collect a bunch of retards from all over to go fight the Turks for the holy land. It's not so much an example of religion being evil in itself, it's more an example of how when religion and politics get together it's about as synergistic as putting AIDS in an enema. This applies for the Caliphate spreading Islam by the sword westward just as much as it applies to the Pope bungling a war.

>> No.1852800

My instinct tells me to get rid of anything that gets in my way.

If I haven't killed anyone yet, it's just because I know I'm not clever enough to get away with it.

>> No.1852804

>>1852752Who knows how many more massacres were directly or indirectly caused by atheists throughout the course of human history.

Atheists have never massacred anyone because atheism told them to. The only times atheists have ever killed out of classical liberal values was when they were left with no choice if they wanted to not be ruled by religious fucktards.

>> No.1852805

You're probably a sociopath.

>> No.1852809

Thankyou for that insight. What species are you?

>> No.1852811

I think you mean a psychopath. But so long as he reasons that he has nothing to gain by murdering anyone there's no reason a psychopath can't live a moral life.

>> No.1852817

It's pretty much the same thing. But his reasoning for not killing people is not a moral thing. It's a selfish thing. He doesn't want to get caught, so he won't do it. There's plenty of manipulating and walking on people that he can get away with. That's not a moral life.

>> No.1852830

As long as his willingness to step on people is moderated by his fear of reprisal I don't see the problem.

>> No.1852842

The point was that his instinct is not the same as everyone else's. Normal people don't kill each other because they get in each other's way. These people who do are outliers.

>> No.1852847

I suicide is a valid option for those who have the balls to go through with it

>> No.1852852

I don't care if they were useful to me or society, I don't feel sorry for suicide "victims" because their death is self-inflicted. The same reason I'd feel sorry for a poor man who can't scrape together enough cash for a meal, but not for a reasonably wealthy man who burns all his money then complains of hunger.

>> No.1852883

Yes and no - depends why they committed suicide.

>> No.1852940

I know you're just trolling OP and I agree with teh trolling but.
y helo thar Ayn Rand

>> No.1853173

To be fair and historically accurate Crusaders performed way more attrocious acts of pillaging and enslaving against the Byzantines than any muslim did (at least 'till the fall of Constantinopole).

>> No.1853221

OP: that's equivalent to the alternative argument

having children is the only way to further your genes

not having children is the same thing as killing yourself, because your genes will not continue ever again

>> No.1853266

Portraying homosexuals as a threat.

>> No.1854898

depends, many of these issues can be caused on environment that leads one to commit suicide, a change in environment might lead them to be superior and others to be inferior. therefore what you are saying doesn't reflect genetic defect more genetic variability, your argument comes down to saying less genetic variability is better, when it is not, it is probably the only thing you can say about genetics that makes a species superior