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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1848074 No.1848074 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, give me evidence showing racial superiority of whites.

>> No.1848079

Define racial superiority.
Define whites.

>> No.1848084
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>> No.1848085

Step 1: go to a white neighborhood. Make some notes, maybe a picture of what you see.

Step 2: go to a black neighborhood. Make more notes

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit

>> No.1848086
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>> No.1848090
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>> No.1848091

I wouldn't say we could prove the racial superiority of whites, but we could at least prove the racial inferiority of blacks.

IQ test results, prison populations, niggas being niggas, etc...

>> No.1848094
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>> No.1848101
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>> No.1848107



>> No.1848111

Your point? jews?

No one cares about religion. THey both did not believe.

>> No.1848120
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Keep trying, niggers.

>> No.1848118

So Jews are superior. Huh. It all makes sense.

>> No.1848128
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>> No.1848136

butthurt nigger jews are white and even if feynman and einstein were black that wouldnt prove anything.

>> No.1848141
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>> No.1848146
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Jews are white

>> No.1848154

lol butthurt nazi

>> No.1848156

White supremacists would disagree with you.

>> No.1848163

butthurt hook nosed kike subhuman untermensch

>> No.1848169


Both notorious for blowing up at the most inopportune moments.

>> No.1848189

all the world's jews are white.

>> No.1848264


Sorry to tell you but all Semites are Arabs--> Sandniggers. A little mixing won't really make them white.

>> No.1848275

Asians are the superior race.

>> No.1848277

The examples were European Jews.


Judaism = Religion Judaism =/= Race

>> No.1848294

>European Jews

They define themselves more as a race than as a religion. A convert without any jewish ancestry will never become completely accepted.

European Jews are the descendants of salvetraders. Fucking a small blonde slavegirl won't make a fucking slavetrader white.

If fucking white slaves would make them white, we would also have to accept a whole lot of Arabs and Turks as Whites.

>> No.1848307

It doesn't actually matter what they define THEMSELVES by, they mixed in with the European population and now there is very little Arab left in them.

Judaism is still a faith though, and you've proved nothing. Doesn't matter whether they've been accepted, a born Jew can just will himself not to be a Jew anyways.

>> No.1848317

>It doesn't actually matter what they define THEMSELVES by,
If you say this!

>they mixed in with the European population
Then this is very contraproductive.

Let's do a survey on the general public and see if the media forced opinion really is that successful. I actually doubt a lot of people will accept the whining slavetraders of ancient times as their kind.

>> No.1848354

You're right, that was rather contradictory.

Slavetraders = Profession, not race. Still.

You know who also traded slaves? Just about every race. Not much of an argument there. And the entire "Jewish population" were not slave traders either.

>> No.1848383

white people invented everything

>> No.1848417
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don't mind me, just trolling with the truth

>> No.1848463

what about asians ?

>> No.1848480

0-10 rapists but around 1/20 of victims.

There aren't that many Asians in the USA yet. Hardly 15 million or so.

>> No.1848484

They're pretty much on par with white people. Except there's more of them.

>> No.1848487

you mean north east asians. every other kind is shit tier, iq wise

>> No.1848493

That's around 0.5 percent, not bad really.

>> No.1848502
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White people have higher incidence of skin cancer, and therefore are less prone to overpopulation.

>> No.1848529

It doesn't really matter. The best of each race is better than the average of any of them. So fuck it.

They all have the ability to have astoundingly intelligent members of their race.

>> No.1849034

Black people are better at sports.