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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1841971 No.1841971 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, this might sound stupid but I'm dead serious. My family has weak hearts, unfortunatly, especially the males. We tend to suffer heart diseases and die before our climax.

Does fapping train my heart?

>> No.1841982

No, jog over to >>>/fit/

>> No.1841986

cmon /sci/
I want to live atleast another 50 years.

>> No.1841996
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>real advice

>> No.1841998

/fit/ is useless, squatz/oatz and fapping to tripfags every goddamn day.

work on eating healthy, take multivitamin supplement, start a daily cardio routine. get regular checkups and don't fucking smoke.

>> No.1842012

Well then go to the health board, idk what it is.

>> No.1842038

>I want to live atleast another 50 years.
Oh you'll be able to live far longer than that.

>> No.1842058

i dont think this will happen. complications and road blocks are bound to appear that we either wont solve or will take a long time to solve.

>> No.1842078


>> No.1842079


What is even the chance of normal people being able to afford this?

>> No.1842090

Very high. In a capitalistic free market, there would be immense demand for this, and it would be very profitable for pharmaceutical companies to make this affordable to the most people possible.
As for any overpopulation questions, I would say just make sterilization mandatory for acquiring the treatment.

>> No.1842100


And I'm suddenly filled with joy

>> No.1842104

I wouldn't fap if you're gonna die just before your climax.

>> No.1842110
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>> No.1842113

if i see one more thread about this immortality shit.

op came here with a legitimate concern. "oh, eventually technology will fix everything that's wrong with you" is not of any use to him.

op, go to your doctor and tell him about your concerns. all i can imagine him telling you is: "eat healthy, maintain a moderately rigorous exercise routine, don't smoke, drink in moderation."

no, fapping does not train your heart.

>> No.1842142

sterilization condition wouldnt work, you wouldnt be able to enforce without going to extremes in which case you'd just end up being the one country on the planet with a retarded policy.

not saying population wouldnt be a problem if this happened but i'd rather we get a stroke of luck and find a miracle mineral from space which is worth a million credits an ounce for which we then fling millions of people out into space for.

>> No.1842158

People seeking the treatment would probably be beyond reproductive age anyway. I think the only answer would be to ban the treatment. There is no good to society from it.

>> No.1842160
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>OP does not want to die soon
I don't see much of a shit getting chucked over mandatory vasectomies. Most people would see the logic and that if it were not there, then BABBYS EVERYWHERE

>> No.1842162


i'm going to personally hunt down and kill every imortalistfag.

>> No.1842168
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And I will personally hunt down and kill every moralfag like you. :3

>> No.1842174
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>Ban the treatment
How can you kill me...
If you're dead?

>> No.1842201

yes see. thats the thing. most people consider BABBIES EVERYWHERE a good thing.

i exagerate but anyway. do you seriously want a layer of people who cant breed but who all look like the're in their thirties? why wouldnt people want to stop their aging when the;re in their prime?

so we'd end up with teenagers fucking like rabbits while they can, then joining the immortal master race.

>> No.1842205

>do you seriously want a layer of people who cant breed but who all look like they're in their thirties?
A cure like this would actually revert you to about just after you finished puberty. And nobody agrees babbys everywhere is a good thing. you want babby, you can't get immortalized.

>> No.1842223

If it ever became possible it would be banned. But it will probably never become possible. Please grow up and start accepting your inevitable death. You immortalfags are an embarrassment to 4chan... which is saying something.

>> No.1842227

oh now you're stating it like its a fact. source please.

its a simple easy solution to over-population, i agree but what you dont get is that its never that simple with people. so unless you think its a-ok to have a police state of immortals enforcing sterility, it wont happen.

>> No.1842239

dont agree with you. if you dont like living so much that you want to die when you hit 80 then do so. i might vaguely remember your idiocy when im 300.

>> No.1842241


Enjoy no cure for senile dementia.

Life's gonna be pretty cool sitting around at 130 years old with a pile of mush for a brain.

Before you go "B..B..B..BUT SCIENCE", science doesn't know shit about how the human brain works and it will likely be hundreds of years before we are able to understand the immense complexity of the human brain, not just its physical structure but its various specific functions.

Face it. You're dead.

Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.

>> No.1842250
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>enforcing sterility
>it will likely be hundreds of years before we are able to understand the immense complexity of the human brain, not just its physical structure but its various specific functions.
Also b b b b but s s science!
If there's a problem, it usually gets fixed. I believe that there will be ample people to solve it before it become a problem for us.

>> No.1842276

b b b b b i cant argue further so ill just state my opinion over and over and say lol when i feel cornered.

even /sci/'s tripfags are the scrapings of the barrel i see.

>> No.1842282

Not really. Just that this is a problem foreseen by cures for aging even now. We have over a hundred years. I'm not too worried.

>> No.1842296

>If there's a problem, it usually gets fixed.

Like heart disease, you mean?

The heart is a simple pump, but everybody is still dying from heart disease. This is a mechanical problem, not even a neurological problem, and we cannot fix it, even with today's technology, and probably not for decades.

That's just ONE organ. If any of the other ones fail, you're dead.

Now imagine how intricate your brain is. That will also die.

Enjoy the realisation that you will die and there's nothing you can do about it apart from to bury your head in naive tech-blogs that report unique, unverified and unsubstantiated findings and try and convince yourself that it isn't all true.

>> No.1842321


Let's use mechanical organs then. Should be less prone to failure, I'd say.

>> No.1842326

We'll most likely be able to print hearts by the end of the decade.
We have exponentially improving technology; I'm pretty sure we'll be able to have brain deterioration licked.

>> No.1842357
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>print hearts

>> No.1842363


>> No.1842373


Long term supplements (nootropics for example) would definitely almost halt cognitive decline, if not actually improve the baseline function of your brain.