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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1831290 No.1831290 [Reply] [Original]

Mission: fake an UFO/alien event on a small town

Let's say you have a shitloads of money, time and a big warehouse where you can prepare and build basically anything without any observing eyes. And the town mentioned above will not be the one where you're living at the moment.

With current technology, how would you do it, dear /sci/? RC planes with blinking high powered leds and weird ass tentacle-like glowing optic fibers? Bunch of junkies paid to roam&lurk in the town dressed in black suits? And no, I will not use this information.
I promise.

>> No.1831300

LSD in the water supply. I'm convinced 99% of abduction stories told by honest individuals are just people who got slipped some hallucinogens.

>> No.1831313

lol, but NO! im still lollolollol you monkey

>> No.1831315

you are a very bad president Obama

>> No.1831325


I hear what you're saying, but that kind of experience will just increase more of the "SUPORFRAGTAL ASTRAL SPACXE BROTHERS omg I fart colors"-mentality that just makes the whole topic loop from beginning. I want the same confusion they emit with top sci-fi movies from Hollywood, that's the kind of stuff that makes everyone fucked up, even the ones who will just read from newspapers about the event.

If someone who is not me is going to do this gig, he or she should do it at 13th or 14th day, then we can harvest the conphoos in normal people AND the fractal new age durpalizers. So, not a lot of time here.

>> No.1831351
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I'm shamelessly bumping this myself. This is more important and cooler than your god damn mythologies and IRC trivia channel shit.

Prove that you are /sci/, otherwise you are just a feeble-ass /b/ faggot

>> No.1831700

I would slip DMT and a SSRI in the water supply, kill a few people, but religious and superstitious people would buy the hallucinations as a real experience because they're life newbs.

>> No.1831710
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>mfw somebody does this, and a whole town trips balls.
I would suggest adding LSD or something long lasting to that water supply tho.