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File: 60 KB, 600x450, Whats_That.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1826504 No.1826504 [Reply] [Original]

Why are teachers so underpaid?

>> No.1826508

knowledge isn't appreciated these days

>> No.1826513

Education is underrated.

>> No.1826521

uni lectors and proffessors are off quite well, grades 1-12 (or however your educational system works) teachers get around minimum wage x 150%.

And thats not much.. at all.

>> No.1826525

Because they don't entertain their audiences with awesome things like Inception.

>> No.1826532

Because the retarded majority of mankind prefer to watch sweaty men throw, kick and catch balls and have a huge tackle orgy rather than receive a good education and watch debates.

>> No.1826539

Then they act surprised when they're blindsided by legislation that they don't agree with but never took the time to research.

>> No.1826540

Below the college level, teachers are paid by the state. And the public hates expensive government programs (unless it gives them money, like welfare or social security). Besides, there are always enough people who want to teach that the low wage doesn't keep them from doing it. Sad, but true. If you had a position that you knew would be filled, even if you payed a low wage, why would you pay any higher? It's just not fiscally rational.

>> No.1826561

I would be the CEO of a fortune 500 company for minimum wage. I'm sure a billion people would. Why aren't they paying their CEOs minimum wage?

>> No.1826567


Depends on what the professor teaches. Humanities profs make roughly the same as high school teachers, sans benefits. It's a bit of a raw deal, I've heard.

>> No.1826570

CEOs do a FUCKTON lot more work than teachers do.

Teachers at public school teach easy shit and get long ass vacations.

That's why their pay sucks, OP. That's why they are motivated enough to pick that job with low pay in the first place too.

>> No.1826571

Where did you hear that?

All university professors get benefits, and the ones I have heard of definitely make far more than high school teachers.

Also, I'm a PhD student in the humanities, so my sources are firsthand.

>> No.1826575

Eh, not really. Mostly what CEOs do is figurehead the board of directors and hire and fire people. I could do that easily.

You ever heard of the Peter Principle?

>> No.1826580

Might just be California, but teachers here are pretty well-paid and if they have tenure they can get away with fucking murder if they wanted to.

>> No.1826583

Really, just my own research and anecdotal conversations with people. What benefits do profs get? I've generally heard the package is better for public school teachers.

>> No.1826591

>Mostly what CEOs do is figurehead the board of directors and hire and fire people. I could do that easily.


>> No.1826594


>> No.1826595

Why are McDonalds workers so underpaid?

>> No.1826596


Because a person with the skill set of a CEO has so many career opportunities that are worth a lot. The high salary is meant to keep them from leaving the company. There aren't many people who can effectively lead giant companies, but there are a lot of people who can effectively teach (not teach well, but teach well enough).

>> No.1826599

They get full health and dental, not to mention tenure.

Are you fucking serious? Teachers are employees of the state and often don't even need a master's, and you think they make as much as someone with a PhD?

>> No.1826604


If this is equating teachers with McDonald's workers, you're a cunt.

Though many suck, good teachers are some of the most respectable people on the planet.

>> No.1826602

Because people keep becoming teachers despise the horrendous wages.
Seriously the only way to get the government to raise the wages is to boycott those motherfuckers

>> No.1826609

All you really need to be a teacher is the ability to put up with kids and teenagers then be motivated by summer, winter, fall, and spring break. Teachers have cushy jobs if you ask me, even if the pay sucks. But most teachers I know have a working spout that can support a quality lifestyle. Most teachers are women until the professor level anyway.

>> No.1826613




>> No.1826615

You need to qualify that statment.Here a secondary school teacher ( highschool) starts on 35000euro + or $47 785.5 U.S. and thats straight out of college.I personaly know a primary school teacher (early grade school I believe) who makes 2000 euro a week.Now she payes about 1000 euro in tax etc and has 30 years experiance but yea.You can really tell the value a nation puts in education by how much it payes its educators.

>> No.1826620
File: 34 KB, 389x388, 1279561278622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And the public hates expensive government programs
The military seems well enough off.


>> No.1826622

ITT: aspies are mad because they lack the interpersonal skills it takes to teach effectively

>> No.1826624

Are you serious?

I don't think you give good teachers enough credit.

>> No.1826625

go tell that to /sp/

>> No.1826627


dealing with a class full of niggers is probably the hard part

>> No.1826628

Where are you?

What's the United States doing wrong in education that other countries are doing right?

>> No.1826635


The military's budget will likely never see many cuts because it's a major contributor to our economy, and anyone who requests any of its programs to be cut can easily be portrayed as "wanting to weaken our security."

>> No.1826637

You must not have attended an American school recently.

>> No.1826638

The united states doesn't value education.Now I totally agree that teachers should be well paid but I also feel the pay they get here is a bit ridiculous.

>> No.1826639

Oh wow, Europe sucks so fucking hard I can't even begin to tell you how much you suck.

>The median expected salary for a typical Teacher High School in the United States is $53,342. This basic market pricing report was prepared using our Certified Compensation Professionals' analysis of survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at employers of all sizes, industries and geographies.

And that's shit pay, kid. What kind of faggot are you? If you don't make at least 70k+ a annual out of university, just fuck off.

>> No.1826643

Kids still don't realize how many jobs the military sector holds. Stupid kids...

>> No.1826645


That's a terrible pay. Are you from some poor shitty backwards Eastern European country?

>> No.1826647

>>The median expected salary for a typical Teacher High School in the United States is $53,342.
I had been lead to belive differently.Well then american teachers are very well paid and should shut the fuck up.

>> No.1826655

>Teachers are employees of the state and often don't even need a master's

All teachers need a 4 year degree in the US and Japan.
I know this, because I've taught in both countries. You get shit pay because it doesn't matter what 4 year degree you have, and there is no shortage of people ready to take your place.
Doing the bare minimum the job requires only entails reading from provided materials. You don't even need to know the subject matter, it's all provided and standardized.

Creativity is usually punished too, so any thoughts of "reaching these kids" should be abandoned. You will teach the state approved curriculum in the state approved manner or be fired and replaced.
Have tenure? We'll force you to resign by giving you the worst jobs on campus and forcing you to work ridiculous hours, and harrassing you constantly.

>> No.1826654

2000 euro a week is bad is it?

>> No.1826662

More like we want "nobody to get left behind". It's retarded how standards drop to appeal to the lowest scum, i.e. niggers who ruin the system. I'm just glad we have AP classes and ridiculously advanced magnet schools.

>> No.1826667

Yes it is.

And don't get me started on the taxes you Euroshits have to put up with.

>> No.1826674



Median takes a middle ground between the highest pay and lowest pay, regardless of how few people make the highest pay.

an average takes into account the sorry saps earning 30k a year (IE, the greater 35% of the education sector)

>> No.1826675

You sir are a retard.Thats 4 time average industrial wage which is itself more than twice minimum wage. What do you do to earn this 4k per week.I assume its 4k because if 2k is shit you must get AT LEAST twice that.Also what none-shitty non-eastern european nation you from?

>> No.1826679

Have you ever spent time with elementary/secondary education majors? They're morons.

My uni specialized in education, and so was basically a teacher factory. I used to think teachers should be paid more, but after 4 years there I totally disagree - they get exactly what they should.

Most teachers are fucking morons that are interested in teaching mostly because the idea of being an authority controlling a room full of people appeals to them. That and they feel want to push their moral/political/religious agendas ever so subtly, which is another form of control.

Truly good teachers are very rare; most are idiotic control freaks.

I'm only talking K-12 though - college professors are a different breed.

tl;dr teachers get exactly what they deserve because they're not actually educated

>> No.1826682
File: 1.12 MB, 3907x2887, Facepalmuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw living expenses in Europe, taxes, shit pay per capita, and real estate.

Europe? More like niggerope.

>> No.1826685


Angry much, faggot?

>> No.1826697

Job.You forgot to mention your job moron.Or is it taking a while to google jobs in norway that pay a suitible amount over 2k a week.

>> No.1826698

Calm down, butthurt.

>The average salary for a high school educator in the United States (excluding principal/dean) is $55,955 in 2010. This does not include bonuses or vacation. Please note pay scale varies by state.

>> No.1826704

I'm still a student, you fucking retard. You should see our average income but you're probably in that scam called the EU. Enjoy being poor.

>> No.1826717

Student of what?

>> No.1826718

Teachers get paid shit because most of them are shit. Professors or our parents make at least 85k+ annually. Well actually professors on average make 110k+ a year.

Just finish college and don't become a teacher. Who cares how much they're paid?

>> No.1826722

University, you moron. I go to Bergen.

>> No.1826725

Jesus Christ you mad.

>> No.1826727

even police officers get paid more and this is one easy job to get into

>> No.1826728

Yeah, I'm mad. Talking to a poor idiot like you would cause anyone to be angry with themselves for even speaking to such a poor and uneducated moron. You cannot begin to fathom my anger for you.

>> No.1826732
File: 15 KB, 530x350, Median-Salary-by-Years-Experience---Country-Norway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What subject.Not English I hope.
By the way some things might disagree with your assertion about pay in norway.

>> No.1826735

I didn't call you mad that was somebody else. I'm>>1826732

>> No.1826738

Teachers get paid by the state so it's a shitty salary like 50,000 dollars a year. They should have gotten a REAL job but nope, had to go the easy route. Teachers have crazy ridiculous benefits, unions, and a strike can get them pretty much anything. Fuck them.

>> No.1826739
File: 27 KB, 530x350, Median-Salary-by-Employer-Type---Country-Norway-Norway_V_USD_20100926061733-v2_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow look at all the bars over 70k.

>> No.1826741
File: 21 KB, 530x350, Median-Salary-by-Job---Country-Norway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another to disprove your asertion

>> No.1826752


Oh wow, you're absolutely retarded alright.

>> No.1826755
File: 15 KB, 530x350, Median-Salary-by-Stock-Exchange---Country-Norway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole lot of silence now.In face you have to get into the stock exchange to make the 2k weekly you said was laughable.Maybe your a bit of a troll?

>> No.1826758

teachers are fucking ridiculously overpaid. moreover, they do not have to contribute to the ponzi scheme known as social security, and instead contribute to a system tax payers support.

9 months on means 3 fucking MONTHS of vacation, plus every damn holiday in the calendar, plus working only a few hours a day, PLUS having an aide do the heavy lifting.

public teachers make 6 figure salaries. underpaid my fucking arse.

>> No.1826763

An excellent comeback.Also one lacking the answer to what subject you are doing in university which would of coarse allow sombody to look up your expected earnings,maybe because unless your family owns a large business which will wmploy you at hugely infated salary is not going to be anywhere near what you claim.

>> No.1826765

6 figure salaries? maybe if you're an administrator, but no way in hell a school teacher's pulling $100,000+

>> No.1826766


Britshit or whatever irrelevant faggotwealth country you're from, nobody is talking about you.

Fuck off in a timely manner.

>> No.1826770

You obviously never heard of per capita. Seriously, your country is shit so you need to get over it posting pathetic charts in a pathetic attempt to attack my country. Facts are facts but they don't change the fact you're a poor little worm with nothing.

>> No.1826768

hahaha trolled you fucker. i have no idea what british schools are like, i threw in arse to catch an idiot


and yes, making $75,000 for 9 months and then working the other 3 months (at time and a fucking half) puts you over the $100,000 mark. with full fucking benes

and, might i add, education majors are the STUPIDEST fucking people on campus

>> No.1826772

>huurrrddurrr I waz just pretending guise lol itrollyouxd!1!!

What a sad attempt to save face for your failure.

>> No.1826777


There's the real retard, Norwayfag.

>> No.1826779


I hate to say it, but as a guy who doesn't even want children, I have already decided that I will home school my kids. Taking a History of Math course right now, which is required of students in both the Mathematics and Secondary Education in Mathematics programs. Since there are only a few of us math majors (maybe 30 total), most of the class is the secondary ed.

Hearing them during student discussion, when they do nothing but read from the book (some of them literally reading from the book, verbatim, while staring at it), and watching one yesterday struggling with the pronunciation of "treatise" (finally deciding it's pronounced "treet-ice"), I fear for the next generation.

>> No.1826781
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>> No.1826782
File: 9 KB, 200x199, 1285627429767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Per capita means nothing fuck face 100 People on 1 doller and one on 1000000 dollers gives you a percapita of 9901..Percapita means nothing I now KNOW you are a troll fuck off and die in your troll hole.You dont know where I am from and don't know our per capita isn't bigger and you STILL haven't said what you do in university.

>> No.1826793

>home school

Just put them into a private school, you stupid faggot.

Home schooled kids grow up to be fucking messed up. They need human contact with the other kids and to want things like pokemon cards or that sweet new vidya gaems. You may give them an education but you'll take away their childhood. But who am I to tell you how to raise your kids? Enjoy your naiveducation.

>> No.1826800

Exactly, you haven't said a damn thing. Thanks for proving my point that you are nothing but a worthless worm.

>> No.1826814
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I am the only one talking your just saying 'your wrong, your wrong' with nothing to back up your case.You also can't read English very well.Are you putting all this through an online language translater?Well I have proven you wrong and you have not proven anything and as such I am leaving undefeated.