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File: 135 KB, 950x1300, 22_Mecco_Leone_dornai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1824052 No.1824052 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/. I don't believe in an afterlife, and I know you don't either. Growing up, I always wanted a kind of religious belief so I could believe in an afterlife. But I've come to realize that it just doesn't work that way. There isn't an afterlife, as far as we know, and that's something that really bothers me. Sometimes, when I'm sitting around with nothing to do, the thought creeps up in my head that I could die at any moment, and my consciousness will be forever gone. But it's not just the idea of me dying. It's also the idea of others dying, friends and family. And them being gone forever.

This whole thing has been on my mind a lot lately, and I don't know how to shake it. I'd be interested to hear how you /sci/ people deal with the idea of death.

>> No.1824084

Life is fleeting, but totally awesome dudes like Sagan can go on influencing the world long after death. This both reduces my fear of death and gives me something to live for.

>> No.1824087

Nice pic; thanks.

To the point...

This is how I react to death:

I am terrified of dying, but perfectly fine with death.

I'm sure you can see the difference.

When you're dead it simply doesn't matter; as...you're dead.

I certainly don't want to die though, as that would imply the end of my consciousness, which is something that I'd very much like to avert.

It may be difficult to come to terms with, but change is the nature of our reality. Nothing remains fixed forever; things change.

>> No.1824088

I just think of it like this

our brains are just cells that fire small amounts of electricity from one node to another to pass information and shit, well maybe one day we might just evolve beyond the nodes and be pure energy

reality? no. but if it makes you sleep at night believe in what the fuck you want death is part of life and once your dead you wont be alive to care about being dead.

problem solved.

>> No.1824089

Think of it this way. Everyone that has ever lived is dead and anyone that will ever live will die. Past, future, present: everyone is ultimately dead.

>> No.1824096
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You become part of something greater, the Earth.

>> No.1824102


i chuckled at this.

1 internet for you

>> No.1824123

true but he's one in a billion. Most of us won't have that kind of afterlife after we're gone.
so you live in fear of death. I want to come to terms with it before I'm dead
pretty silly, to be honest
favorite answer so far
funny but basically false

>> No.1824135


I said I fear 'dying'.

Not 'death'.

>> No.1824141

Believing in the afterlife doesn't make it true. So there's no point in wanting a religion to pretend something to make yourself feel better. Fuck, if you can get your rocks off like that, just pretend whatever makes you happy is true without religion and be done with it, most people do this every day rejecting reality for something more pleasant to them.

In end the death of everyone will come and with time we will all be forgotten. Just enjoy life, live it in a way that pleases you, try to make the best of it for those you love and when it ends everyone will be all the better for it.

>> No.1824182

semantics doesn't really solve the problem

>> No.1824187

There is a chance that life extension can become a reality. I really don't give a shit if my life remains in people's memories after I die, the fact is I'll be dead. Therefore I study science inorder to pursue biological immortality.

>> No.1824195


>I fear falling asleep, but not sleeping.
>I fear traveling, but not arriving at my destination.
>I don't actually fear these things, they're examples.

If you are unable to understand the difference between:
'dying' and 'death' then why are you here?

>> No.1824202


Oh? Why biological?

>> No.1824203

There's no reason to believe that immortality will ever be scientifically possible. What scientists are now studying is how to expand lifespans, of worms. Expanding the lifespan is something entirely different from immortality.

>> No.1824204

Just the term. Immortality would imply you could outlast the universe, or walking through the sun.

>> No.1824207

Gezz, you are mixing up terms. There is a reason I said "biological immortality."

>> No.1824211

Why are you being argumentative and semantic? If you're going to be like that then just leave

>> No.1824225

I'm surprised to find so many other people who cope by reasoning that once you're dead you won't care.

I go by that - I figure it'd be like being in a dreamless sleep - you don't really care about anything. No eternal happiness - but no worries either.

That said, I don't subscribe to the view that this is preferable to life. As far as I'm concerned, life is precious, and it's important to squeeze every experience you can from it.

I hope I don't see my death coming - what would REALLY ruin my day is knowing when I would die.

I understood religious people better when I realised a large chunk of it is due to fear of death. But I prefer to take reality as it comes, stare death in the face and go like a man.

>> No.1824235

Think of it like this.

When you go to sleep, you aren't aware that you've fallen asleep until you wake up. (Excluding lucid dreams)

Apply that forever. Without the waking up.

>> No.1824241

Life - it's like giving a lollypop to a child and then snatching it away before they can have another taste.

>> No.1824242

“Our theories of the eternal are as valuable as are those which a chick which has not broken its way through its shell might form of the outside world."

>> No.1824243

So death = an eternal coma. Well, that's scary as hell. Thanks a lot

>> No.1824247

My grandpa died this summer, I didn't give a fuck because I accept death.
tl;dr stop being such a pussyfuck

>> No.1824251


Pretty much!

You won't be conscious of any of it though, so don't worry. You won't even be aware you've died.

>> No.1824253


Protip: Being a freak who doesn't care about relatives dying is a mental disorder.

You should probably go see someone.

>> No.1824258

No it isn't you fucking idiots, when you die you lose all consciousness, rendering you unable to even comprehend your death.
Death = the same as before you were born (before conception)

>> No.1824261
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I have a solution to your angst

>> No.1824265
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>> No.1824268


>> No.1824278
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D'aww c:

>> No.1824284

I don't know, I think that if I live into my 80's or so, dying might actually be a relief. A lot of my friends and family would be dead by then, and I'd have lived a pretty long life. If I die before hitting the 80 mark then I'll just have to deal with it

>> No.1824332
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>> No.1824347

Implying anyone truly wants to experience eternity.

>> No.1824350
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sup rocco

>> No.1824352

>mfw no one can trick themselves into believing in an afterlife and then becoming content

>> No.1824377

I do, better than not being conscious for the rest of eternity.

>> No.1824378

The body becoming decrepid would be the worst thing. Family and friends dying, meh. You can always get new friends and there's plenty of family for ages, well for some of us.
I wouldn't mind living for centuries on end as I am now. It'd be nice to just see the world slowly become the world I envisioned it could have been in this day and age.

>> No.1824383


>> Family and friends dying, meh.

You have a lot to learn friend.

>> No.1824385


>Implying that zygotes are conscious.

>> No.1824386

Was it that bad before you were born?

>> No.1824390

I don't know, that's the worst part of all.

>> No.1824419

Have you never lost a close friend or family member? It's devastating, bro. And it stays with you forever

>> No.1824424
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it's not death that scares me that much. What bothers me is being born with a severe disability like autism or mental retardation. Because nothing you can do would turn around and make life better. You would always be a burden, and never enjoy life like normal people would.

And what saddens me, is the fact the normal people don't do anything to help the situation. They just sit there on there asses thinking "Am I lucky not to be in that situation" and continue to watch the ball game. when they could be using there intellect to work on a cure or these disabilities. Stem cell research would sure help here.

>> No.1824437

we have no obligation to help weaker beings just like they have no obligation to help us

>> No.1824452
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that could be you man!

>> No.1824453

But it's not.

>> No.1824464

I would actually want to be retarded, like, severely autistic. Then, I'd only know happiness.

But not a savant. Fuck that.

>> No.1824469

Without death, there would be no reason for evolution.

>> No.1824470

you sure about that?

>> No.1824474

>implying you didn't wake up into this

>> No.1824480

I love being an aspie, it's how I excuse myself from bullshit social occasions.

>> No.1824492

I never asked to be born. It was out of my control and so is my death. So fuck it.

>> No.1824493


Man, you must be the coolest guy at your family reunions.

>> No.1824494

I've lost cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents.
If they were awesome, yeah it sucks a little, but they lived a good life. If they were scum, then eh life's better without them.
It's really not a big deal at all. You move on with life and the world keeps on spinning.

>> No.1824501


What if they are happy?

>> No.1824502

I hate being autistic. Want to shoot everyone. All of you other fuckers can die

>> No.1824505

>Implying that they are

>> No.1824509

See it in terms of the Einstein-Minkowski block spacetime: your death is just one end of you in a static 4D universe, no much different than your left side.

>> No.1824518

Yea but you're 13

>> No.1824541

Well that's twice your age, so respect your elders.
(actually don't, that's terrible advice to give people and those who give it should be slapped silly)

>> No.1824553


Yep, you're definitely 13.

>> No.1824559

Yep, you're definitely six and a half.

>> No.1824563

Smoke more weed. I was deathly afraid of dying and tried to apply all sorts of logic and semantics to it to the point where I was in depression and thought about just getting it over with now. But the fact is life is more or less what you make it. Look for the good and you'll find the good. It's simply amazing at the beauty of life. Nature, the universe, and the simple beauty all around you. We are the way for the cosmos to know itself. We miss you Sagan <3

>> No.1824582

My brother's autistic and retarded :(

What a terrible person you are. I'm glad I don't know you.

>> No.1824618

That pit you feel in your gut when you think about not existing is just your survivalism instinct kicking in. No organism could possibly find it beneficial to view one's death in a negative, or not surviving, state. It's counter evolutionary.

Get over it, stop thinking about it, and do whatever the fuck else you want.

It's that simple.

>> No.1824620

Cycles, bro.

You live, you die. Over and over, forever.

"You realize the sun doesn't go down; it's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round."

inb4 gay

>> No.1824640

I don't remember living b4 this.

>> No.1824645

yea you're full of shit

>> No.1824658

What you faggots need to understand is that 'you' never actually have existed nor will you ever exist beyond the concept your brain perceives. I apologize if this gets difficult, but it is the limitations of the English language.

'You' are defined by your brain's ability to create memories. The ability to create memories is nothing more than one of the benefits of an elevated state of consciousness/understanding which human beings garnered through evolution. Think about it, if we didn't have memories, and lived solely off of instinct, no one would have personalities or really any differences for that matter. Perhaps there would be occasional physical differences but who would be there to perceive them without memories to compare one object to another? The fact is your brain bundles these memories together and they bind to form 'you,' being your identity, character, personality, and so forth, but beyond this perception, 'you' never actually exist. It is a survival mechanism, nothing more. Therefore, when your body shuts down and dies, 'you' cease to exist because your brain can no longer contemplate the concept.

Science motherfuckers.

>> No.1824661

You'r will is powerful enough that you can choose to believe in god even if the idea seems illogical. I knew a lady who could not believe that her husband had killed someone before they met even though there was irrefutable evidence and he admitted to it. If believing in god will make you happy than just do it!

>> No.1824668

I believe we'll get to live for as long as we want (barring some apocalyptic catastrophe) so I don't think about it too much.

>> No.1824680

You are an amazing adaptable biological robot capable of procreation. So far as we know there is nothing comparable to us. I have dedicated my life to extending life beyond the solar system. I don't fear death, I fear my life ending before I am able to make a meaningful impact in the future of humanity.

>> No.1824688


>You'r will
>implying will exists

>you can choose to believe in god even if the idea seems illogical
Because the idea of a God, beyond deism, is illogical, and the question a deist must answer is why is God necessary?

>herp derp anecdote

>If believing in god will make you happy than just do it!
Ignorance is bliss. Blatantly ignoring reality in favor of delusions is not ignorance; it's stupidity. Spreading/promoting stupidity should be a crime against humanity.

>> No.1824689

You are having an existential dilemma. No one can tell you how to be ok with the idea that you are going to die and that you are alone. It's confronting and it's something that most will need to negotiate at some point in their lives. Being ok with this reality, however, will ultimately empower you. Read some philosophy, or colour in... That usually helps me

>> No.1824693


Just because there's no soul or contiousness distinct from a bundle of memories and personal quirks does not mean there's no "Ego", all that says is it's more complex than a soul, but there IS a worldly correlate to what we perceive as ourselves.

It's like those teenagers who claim that since love is actually a complex mix of sex appeal, hormones, dependance, and neuronal reinforcement, love doesn't exist. But that makes no sense: love is a bundle of all these things.

It's not like phlogistons that have no correlate in the world. Consciousness does have a correlate, it just happens to be much more complex than what we could think out of naive psychology, introspection, or native-language metaphysics.

>> No.1824695

Read what philosophy?

>> No.1824698
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Supposing we don't reach the ability to spread these life extension technologies within our lifetime, what is your opinion on cyrogenically freezing one's brain until said technology becomes available?

>> No.1824710
File: 79 KB, 361x358, 1285177047166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Hitler said it best when he stated that religion is the opiate of the masses. Now I ask why is letting people be happy and feel secure so offensive to you?

>> No.1824717

I forget the guy's name, but there was this baseball player that did that. It was revealed recently that the people storing his head beat it around with a bat like a ball for fun

>> No.1824718

In the future no one will care enough about you to go through the trouble.

>> No.1824723

Perhaps you should look into Bruce Lipton's work. He does an interesting job of making a case for some afterlife without mentioning the G word. I am not a micro biology major, but his notions seem to make as much sense as anything else I've read. Hour long videos can also be found on Youtube. He even came tot these conclusions as a staunch atheist supposedly/

>> No.1824730


>Consciousness does have a correlate

I see no evidence of this beyond my explanation of it. I kindly ask you to show me something that negates my view of the matter.

Analyzing your example:
>love is a bundle of all these things.

No no no, the problem here is that you have identified the physical as equal to concepts when in fact it is concepts that are conclusive of the actions of the physical. It's hierarchical.

>> No.1824732

If you don't believe in the afterlife, but are worried about your consciousness being forever gone just an hero. You won't have to worry then.

>> No.1824767


I have no problem with ignorance; if one naturally becomes religious because that is all they have been exposed to, there is no wrongdoing on their part. My anger lies with people who recognize that knowledge exists that explains our existence that is within direct contradiction with a belief system, of which most of the popular ones have many discrepancies, and then decide to ignore this knowledge in favor of an incorrect belief system. It is willfully casting aside knowledge for delusions, and this is absolute stupidity. Then most have the audacity to spread their stupidity, for if they did not, religions would not exist.

>> No.1824770

He's an atheist that believes in an afterlife? He must be full of shit

>> No.1824772

RE: what philosophy?

Well, if you've never touched philosophy before starting with the big hitting Greek granddaddies is the way to go. I recommend getting a context to philosophy before reading any works. Plato is a good starting point. For more contemporary musings, try existentialism, but once again, get a context. It deals with tenants such as death, ultimately being alone, freedom and responsibility. In pedestrian's eyes it is quite a dire, empty and nihalistic period for thinking, however, if you can see the freedom in understanding your insignificance, it can be eye opening. If you're needing something a little more enriching, try Charles Taylor - he's a contemporary. Also, you don't have to read their work, philosophy can be difficult to read if you're not aware of the conversation that is/was happening when it was written. Read stuff about the actual work itself. Woah... what time is it? Essay o'clock

>> No.1824816
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Don't me mind, just superior religious doctrine coming through.

>> No.1824823

but the greek guys believed in total bullshit

>> No.1824840

The Greek guys believed in bullshit... You are a fucking retard and should probably just shut the fuck up, although in saying that, tell me; what bullshit did the Greek guys believe in? I am curious to know... because I've got me a feeling that this little troll doesn't know the first fucking thing about great western thinkers. I wait upon your enlightenment

>> No.1824843
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>> No.1824848


Plato/Socrates/Aristotle go way beyond discussing Greek mythology, bro. It really laid down the groundwork for all philosophy. Well, really the Upanishads did it first through the concepts it created. Pythagoras is well worth a looking at as well before jumping into the Big 3.

I can link you to a nice audiobook to download if you're at all interested.

>> No.1824860


Step 1: Read Sartre
Step 2: Have existential crisis
Step 3: Become a God
Step 4: ????
Step 5: Prophet!

>> No.1824867

I have Plato's complete works, and some of Aristotle's. I might have it around here somewhere, link would be nice though

>> No.1824868


Kant here, fuck your shit.

>> No.1824874

Oh man, this has plagued me for a while now.

I have a tremendous fear of the end. It's the final unknowable; the single most terrifying moment of my life was when I understood that there will be a point in my life in which I will be dying. It will come just as tomorrow will come. It's an absolute.

>> No.1824877


Why Kant we just be friends?

>> No.1824881



Lectures are 30 min each.
ep 01: From the Upanishads to Homer
ep 02: What is it and did the Greeks invent it
ep 03: Pythagoras & the divinity of Number
ep 04: What is there - The Pre-Socratics and the ultimate stuff
ep 05: Is Medea guilty as charged
ep 06: Know thyself - Herodotus and the lamp of History
ep 07: Socrates on the examined life
ep 08: Plato's search for Truth
ep 09: Can virtue be taught
ep 10: Plato's Republic - Man writ large
ep 11: Mind and Body - Hippocrates and the science of Life
ep 12: Aristotle on the knowable
ep 13: Aristotle on friendship
ep 14: Aristotle on the perfect life
ep 15: Rome, the Stoics, and the rule of Law
ep 16: The Stoic bridge to Christianity
ep 17: Roman law - Making a city of the once-wide world
ep 18: The light within - Augustine's idea of human nature
ep 19: Islam
ep 20: Secular knowledge - The idea of the University
ep 21: The reappearance of experimental science
ep 22: Scholasticism and the theory of Natural Law
ep 23: Erasmus and Luther · Humanism and Fundamentalism
ep 24: Let us burn the witches to save them
ep 25: Francis Bacon's Great Instauration

>> No.1824883


ep 26: Descartes & the skeptical mind - The authority of reason
ep 27: Newton - The saint of science
ep 28: The social machine - Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan
ep 29: Newtonian science of mind - John Locke
ep 30: No matter Never mind! - Berkeley
ep 31: Skepticism & the Pursuit of Happiness - David Hume
ep 32: Common sense & divine providence - Thomas Reid
ep 33: The play of mind & the salons of dissent - France
ep 34: The Federalist papers and the Great Experiment
ep 35: What is Enlightenment - Kant
ep 36: Moral science & the natural world - Kant
ep 37: The Phrenologists - Early sciences of mind & brain
ep 38: The idea of Freedom
ep 39: Human history as the unfolding of the Ideal Hegel
ep 40: The world as the gift of Genius - The Aesthetic movement
ep 41: Dark corners of the soul - Nietzsche at the twilight
ep 42: The Liberal tradition - John Stuart Mill on Liberty
ep 43: Survival of the fittest - Darwin
ep 44: Marxism - Dead but not forgotten
ep 45: The Freudian world
ep 46: Yankee thought in a world of mystery William James
ep 47: William James's Pragmatism
ep 48: Helping the fly out of the bottle - Wittgenstein
ep 49: Breaking the Code - Alan Turing in the forest of wisdom
ep 50: Four Theories of the Good Life - From Saints to Heroes to Brains in Vats

>> No.1824890

Just take knowledge in the fact that you're still alive, go with a "cross that bridge when we get there" attitude, then, wen you're 70 and are getting scared for the eventuality, turn to relegion. It may be pussy, it may be wrong, but if it keeps you sane, then it works.

>> No.1824894



http://hotfile dot com/dl/62333236/7c06bac/Great_Ideas_of_Phllosophy.part1.rar.html
http://hotfile dot com/dl/62333350/d866196/Great_Ideas_of_Phllosophy.part2.rar.html
http://hotfile dot com/dl/62333452/b249cfe/Great_Ideas_of_Phllosophy.part3.rar.html
http://hotfile dot com/dl/62333504/63cc19b/Great_Ideas_of_Phllosophy.part4.rar.html
http://hotfile dot com/dl/62333604/b854017/Great_Ideas_of_Phllosophy.part5.rar.html


http://rapidshare dot com/files/245632343/Great_Ideas_of_Phllosophy.part1.rar
http://rapidshare dot com/files/245633411/Great_Ideas_of_Phllosophy.part2.rar
http://rapidshare dot com/files/245633547/Great_Ideas_of_Phllosophy.part3.rar
http://rapidshare dot com/files/245632610/Great_Ideas_of_Phllosophy.part4.rar
http://rapidshare dot com/files/245632947/Great_Ideas_of_Phllosophy.part5.rar

>> No.1824896

Plato believed in an afterlife, bro

>> No.1824899


Thanks for the good bit of knowledge. Now to listen to it

>> No.1824918


You moron. It was Marx that said religion was the opiate of the people.

>> No.1824920


1. Put on mp3 player
2. Go walking
3. Get smart, get fit

>> No.1824925

Plato was wrong about everything. Thus we can safely assume he was wrong about that too.

>> No.1824930

That was the only intelligent thing Marx ever said. Though I think that Anon was comparing Marx to Hitler, they are more or less the same person anyway.

>> No.1824955

>Plato was wrong about everything

true words

>> No.1824969

It's irrelevant if Plato was wrong or right. The tenants he proposed are worked into a pretty big - no matter how wrong - cultural dictator being Christianity. He actually was disgusted by his culture, in the same way that many here are disgusted by Christianity. Are you really that different to Plato. I say no, no you aren't.

>> No.1824979

Well, the main difference between me and Plato is I was never that wrong. So we are different in that regard.

>> No.1825064

>It's irrelevant if Plato was wrong or right.

Well that sums up philosophy

>> No.1825075
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>> No.1825081

Worst... Retort... Ever... Actually, in saying ever, it implies that you have achieved something, but you haven't. So I retract the ever and just go with worst retort.

>> No.1825086

this is why I choose to be religious. No matter how insane christianity might sound, at least I have a CHANCE at salvation, no matter how slim the chances christianity is real. If I were atheist on the other hand, I'd be doomed 100% of the time

>> No.1825105

Precautionary principle is the biggest fail possible.

>> No.1825109


>> No.1825111


Think of it this way: you can either bet that god exists or that he doesnt. If you lose the bet, you go to hell. If you bet god exists and he does you get eternal happiness. If you bet he doesn't exist you get nothing if you win. Just using simple game theory you can immediately illuminate atheism as the best choice, so its logical to always be religion

>> No.1825113


>at least i have a CHANCE at salvation
>implying there even is a chance of salvation

and way to follow your religion, pussy. the christian god does not want followers like you.

>> No.1825119


look there's no reason to get mad at other people for their choices. Is my choice affecting you in anyway? No? Then why you so mad?

>> No.1825121
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>> No.1825140


>> No.1825145

death is only mournful, because other people think about someones death. For the person who died, it's only "the last breath".
We should remember the good times with a person and hold the good memories in our hearts instead of mourn years
So death becomes an act, and the hardest thing for you should be the dying, like many said. The only think i want is, that i lived my life and die quick without pain :) and i hope that i can exist a little bit longer in the memories of my friends and family

>> No.1825149

The thing about religion is that it can never mind its own business

>> No.1825158


>Implying "edgy" atheists ever do that.

>> No.1825165

If there was no religion, we'd relax.

>> No.1825358
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in the words of the mighty Gandalf
>"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

In a non-religous way thats how i think about it.

>> No.1825375

> I just think of it like this

our brains are just cells that fire small amounts of electricity from one node to another to pass information and shit, well maybe one day we might just evolve beyond the nodes and be pure energy

reality? no. but if it makes you sleep at night believe in what the fuck you want death is part of life and once your dead you wont be alive to care about being dead.

That's no better than believing in heaven.

>> No.1825391

Religion is just people guessing. A lot of philosophy is pointless garbage anyway.

I just say, can't know what there is after life, so why bother prodding the subject? Hell, I'd say reincarnation is probably the most plausible idea out of any religion, I mean, energy isn't created or destroyed, just transferred. Saying there is a God and an afterlife that demands something of you and saying that death is nothing but blackness is just as bad.

You just cannot know. Live a full life, find meaning and see what happens.

>> No.1825398


Protip: Ignoring science doesn't work.

We know consciousness is created by the brain, we know the brain stops functioning at death. Nothingness is the best conclusion we have.

Just because there are people who say otherwise doesn't mean a compromise should be reached. What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.1825409

For all we know there could be some mysterious energy that scientists haven't been able to find.

There's so much we just don't know yet. You seem to think we're at the absolute peak of knowledge in science.

Back to some shitty philosophy, for all you know this world is a dream from your mind.

>> No.1825416


Your argument is as weak as god of the gaps. In fact it IS a god of the gaps.

Problem is, you can't make judgements based on what could be found in the future, only what you know now. And at the moment there is not one shred of evidence for an afterlife.

>> No.1825425

I'm a little tired and didn't actually read your wording
>best conclusion
I would agree its the best conclusion.
Just not the only one.

>> No.1825471

you seem to think scientists don't know anything. for all you know nobody will ever take you seriously. for respect in a belief, that belief needs evidence. whether that belief is the absolute truth or not is irrelevant. as such, the guy who said ignoring science doesn't work is correct and i don't know what you're trying to say. with that in mind, god can exist, but not any of the ones man created for existing religions. any basic history and psychology knowledge will tell you why not. the universe can be a dream within your mind, but that doesn't mean you should sleep through it. you can choose to think enough into it to achieve depression status, or you can accept your biological needs and pursue happiness, not at all saying you should ignore these imaginative "for all you know" scenarios.

>> No.1825507

We will never know for sure

>as far as we know

Stop adding that to your sentences. There could perfectly be an afterlife, you must be so close minded so as to not consider afterlife a posibility. We still dont know how conciousness fully works, from the looks of it, it can perfectly be much more than electric impulses and evolution. The effort of rationalizing everything hasnt succeeded, thats why those damned religions still exist. A dead brain has no activity, probably all of your memories and thoughts die as your brain dies

>> No.1825539

Is that also kinda like why people who dream they are falling, wake up just before they hit the ground? Because the brain can't interpret what would happen next?

>> No.1825631

That survival instinct kicking in, no healthy creature would willingly give in to death. The lower part of your brain puts everything it has into living, waking you up in the process.

Or, as an alternative, God is warning you that the path you are taking through life is leading you to a "fall" and He is giving you a chance to recognize and fix your decisions.

Just being fair as far as theories go.

>> No.1825655

OP welcome to being human!

>> No.1825745
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What about the Subconscious? Conscious in nature can be described as etheric at best. Anyways. If anyone wants to know about death but their interest in "Science Only" has them blinded or confused about what takes place when the body stops working, your best bet would be to get interested into Buddhism/Meditation.

Just researching Buhhidism/Meditation will help you find not only information but the results that you guys are obsessed with. Just consider this for a second; You have 3 states of consciousness as a 3 dimensional being. Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, and Super-consciousness. Consciousness is what you use on a daily basis to form your personality, etc etc. Sub-Consciousness is your INDIVIDUALITY, it's your true self, where dreams come from, etc etc. Than you got your Super-consciousness (Universal-Consciousness), sounds mythical and vague, yes. But consider it's what connects everything to essentially, everything.

When you die, the physical body dies as does the Consciousness. Now image the other 2 Consciousnesses MERGING forward to take the place of the physical conciseness your mostly familiar with. Now the Earth just like the human body is temporary indeed, but to think Consciousness in general is as well? That defeats the purpose of existence.

Now believe it or not, take it with a grain of salt for all I care, but the Soul IS your sub-consciousness. It's your individuality in etheric form at the moment. Your Spirit on the other hand is your Super-consciousness. Sounds crazy yes, but until you have fully explored your own states of Consciousness as you explore Science, please refrain from passing judgment on the idea.

BTW- Here's a pic of the "7 Chakra's" within humans. Buddhist's called these spiritual points in the body thousands of years ago. Modern biological Science later found that there were 7 major endocrine glands located in the very exact locations.

>> No.1825778

Transhumanism helps me get ove the feer of death, the thought that science will get to a point in my lifetime that it will be able to prevent death, e.g. replacable organs etc...

>> No.1825810



>> No.1825817

It's more likely than you think.

>> No.1825861

good thing is you can twist this argument to your liking.
I postulate an all powerful, all hatin' god that gets angry once someone believes in it.
So there are 4 outcomes:
You believe in it and it exists: You go to hell.
You believe in it and it doesn't exist: Normal peaceful death
You don't believe and it exists: He doesn't give a fuck and grants you normal peaceful death
You don't believe and it doesn't exist: Normal peaceful death

You see, not believing is the safer choice.

>> No.1825869


just grab a hold of the edgar cayce readings all ready.

god exists? yes
when you go to hell you go forever? no
the purpose of life? to grow
is life supposed to be hard? yes, your supposed to fail, in order to learn and grow.

want more info?

google edgar cayce readings.

>> No.1825963

you were dead the whole eternity before you were born. remember that? wasnt so bad huh? also, no one can take the time you spent alive away from you. your existence will be forever imprinted in time, even if no one is left to remember.

>> No.1826001

Most days it slips into my mind, usually I just try to ignore it. I finding death terrifying, an eternal void is quite unnerving. The idea of dying soon doesn't panic me, but I know death is an irrevocable aspect of life, an impending doom that will ALWAYS frighten me.

>> No.1826035

>you were dead the whole eternity before you were born. remember that

1- A state different from life could be something other than death.
2- You don't know if it was "the whole eternity". At most, it could only be the age of the universe at the time of being born.
3- Our brains remember stuff. You can't remember without a brain. You don't have a brain before being born. Blah blah blah.

tl;dr : Suck dicks and die.

>> No.1826060

Can I have some links on this stuff? Sound intriguing.

>> No.1826071

>mfw people in this thread aren't scared of death
basically OP, you're going to be fucking terrified of death until you die. Since this is /sci/ you'll understand why it's logical that you wake up every day and live the shit out of that day. Take every opportunity, bang every bitch, write every song, talk to everyone. Live all the fucking time. Scream loud enough for the skies to shake. Siege the gates of fucking heaven just so God himself will take notice of you, because if it's worth living then it's worth living right.

>> No.1826073

god exist : LOL

>> No.1826105

you've got to be shitting me. some anon spouts random arbitrary bullshit made up by superstitious gurus with newagey jargon and you think it's worth studying?

am I being trolled or do we have real /x/philes here?

>> No.1826153
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the presumption that the brain is comprehended in these modern 'scientific' times is only slightly more valid than the idea that aristotle had it sorted out (i.e. he thought it was a form of radiator to disperse heat from the blood)
close your eyes for a moment and breathe..
we are more than this flesh
my arguement here is that we persist in our existance as an enerjetic presence dispite current presumed lack of tangible measure of this
the brain is much more sophisticated than any computer yet built
more sophisticated than any radio or television
the complex field of energy that our non physical presence is, is clearly measurable.
my arguement here is that this complex raidological signiture is more who and what we are than our more easily seen corporial bodies.
i am in no was an endorser of religion.
but i comprehend it;
any clustering of organisms are an attempt to create 'living' macro organisms,
be they religions, governments, corperations, or other persistant associations of individual organisms.
if you care to you can become more aware of your own consciousness.
you can gather data from direct perception and test your ability to perceive without the use of your eyes.
yes actual double blind style scientific tests.
and while the rest of the world is having their kneejerk reaction shouting 'fraud' 'hoax' 'lie'
there you will stand, in awe of the magnificiant device that is your own mind
for you will know.. what the masses can not;
that the mind can see beyond time and space
the general public at large may not become aware of this; but why would you join them in their chosen darkness if you know there is a way to see beyond their limits?


do you want to know why the image of a child bending a spoon was used in the matrix?
that exercise has been demonstrated in fromt of military brass and shocked the hell out of them
pic related.. truth is stranger than fiction

>> No.1826222
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>> No.1826242

If you want people to listen to your stupid shit dont put it in a godawful unreadable font

>> No.1826261

maybe it was not intended for you..
seeing as how you can't read and all...

>> No.1826284

Cryo's the only way to go.

>> No.1826314

I'm religious, but I also accept that I am wrong, for I pronounce my belief through faith, not logic or reasoning. But I also comprehend that not believing in some sort of afterlife is as justifiable as my belief in one. This may me seen as borderline agnosticism, but I don't see how that would be a problem.

>> No.1826353

I've found that, when considering new ideas, if the implications of those ideas frighten me, I haven't fully embraced them. And letting them frighten me prevents me from seeing their true meanings and consequences. Take the lack of a soul, the idea you seem to be playing around with. First, let me give the definitions of words I'll be using in this context (don't want the limits of the English language to muddle up m explanations, which are often crappy enough themselves).
<span class="math">Person:[/spoiler] An entity defined by its beliefs, habits, world view, and idiosyncrasies. When I say "you," "he," or "she," this is what I'm referring to.
<span class="math">Death:[/spoiler] The change that happens to a body when its brain ceases to function.

Let's jump right in. Do you notice how those two definitions need not affect one another? A person is a collection of abstract things, while death is a purely physical thing. Consider one of your friends. Now imagine that he's lost both legs. Arbitrarily saying that his legs were 1/3 of his body, does his loss of them mean he loses 1/3 of his personality? Of course not. Does the absence of his legs even change his personality? No. The experience of losing his legs may change who he is, but not because it has a physical effect; it will change his beliefs, habits, and world view. If he were somehow to never know he lost his legs, he wouldn't change at all. So your friend's persona isn't confined to his body. But what about his brain? Death affects the brain (by my definition, the brain's state is what determines death), so maybe this is where death leads to the end of a person. If a person is a collection of ideas, maybe the death of the brain, which stores those ideas, causes the person to stop existing.

(To be continued...)

>> No.1826358


To investigate this, I'll take you into another morbid scenario (aren't these fun?). Imagine your friend goes camping for the weekend by himself. You say your goodbyes on Friday, and on Saturday night you go out drinking. At the bar, you meet your friend's ex-girlfriend and start chatting. She then asks if you want to go to her place afterwards. Not wanting to hurt your friend's feelings, you decline. In this situation, your friend's existence affected you. Now here's the morbid twist: your friend died Friday night. Despite his body being dead, your friend affected you. How is this possible? It's because a person, a collection of abstract ideas, is not only separate from a body, but separate from the person (think about that sentence when you're high). Since your friend affected you, something had to exist to have that effect. A person is a shared idea amongst everyone with whom he/she has a relationship. Imagine people as tacks in a wall, and relationships are strings that connect the tacks to one another; the combination of all the strings that represent relationships which deal with a certain person are actually where the person exists. Nobody truly knows a person, not even the person him/herself, so even the person in question is nothing more than another tack in the wall. Your friend affected you, despite his death, because he did not disappear even when his body died and his relationship to himself ceased to be.

My point is, as long as people are affected by their relationships to a dead person, that person still exists.

>> No.1826402
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Pippen: "I didn't think it would end this way..."
Gandalf: "End? ... No the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... one that we all must take. The grey rain curtain rolls back and all turns to silver clouds.... and then you see it."
Pippen:"What?... Gandalf? See what?"
Gandalf:"White shores.... and beyond... a far green country under the swift sunrise."
Pippen:"Well... that isn't so bad."
Gandalf:"No.... no it isn't..."

I have faith in afterlife. I understand why some people are so sure there isn't afterlife nowadays, but I think they have no good reason to be so sure about an inscrutable subject.

>> No.1826424

>I have faith in afterlife
>no good reason to be so sure about an inscrutable subject


>> No.1826631

yea but when you die you die and you're dead forever

>> No.1826802


You don't die. Your body dies. "You" are a shared concept. A meme, in a way.

>> No.1826873

>hurrr semantics hurrr

>> No.1827008

"Death is nothing to us; for that which has no sensation is nothing to us."

Personally, I don't care about death. For me the idea of death only makes life seem more beautiful. Life is incredibly short, soon I'll be gone, but everything that I am has always and will always just be another part of the universe. The best thing I can do with life while I have it is to be happy, and the things that make me happy are my friends and the ability to learn and try to understand as much as I can about everything while I'm able to.

>> No.1827043

Death is a fact of life, and in a philosophical sense, death gives life meaning the same way that darkness gives light meaning.

Having accepted it, I don't worry about it too much and instead concentrate on the here and now, expending my time and energy on what I need or want to do. I suggest you do the same, OP.


>> No.1827249
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I'm lookin' forward to an eternity in Hell after my death. Shit's gonna be awesome

>> No.1827277

Life is awesome BECAUSE you WILL die.

It's that simple.

Deal with it.

>> No.1827342

I'm surprised at some of /sci/ responses to this question. Some guy linking us to some cracknut and a bunch of other reasons stating "I believe because it feels good. Don't go beyond that".

Stay classy /sci/.

>> No.1828272

I like how 90% of the answers in this thread are bullshit. People trying too hard

>> No.1828357


bro, its from the edgar cayce readings. his readings cover any question you can think of thoroughly.


how can you call it random when you don't even know what the fuck it is to begin with? it's anything but random. do some research dumb butt.

and the study of consciousness is much more beneficial than the study of science.

>> No.1828380

Death isn't bad or good, it's just nothing. Go enjoy your life while you still can and make something of yourself so that you can live on in the memories of your future family members.

>> No.1829166

I am confuse, is this criticism or praise.

>> No.1829193

I understand your position OP. I've delt with the thought that when my pets died, when my siblings died, when my parents died. I will never have a chance to see them again. The only comforting thought I can offer is, if backwards time travel has any credence, we all have our life's, forever playing in a section of time, always present. But it still hurts. I tried to believe in a afterlife real hard, but even with my efforts towards superstition. Logic won the battle.

>> No.1829863
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Thread is tl;dr & full of religious asshatting.

When you die, regardless of what you believe happens, you are no longer living. The generally enjoyable experience of life is no more. Considering the invariability of death, this is frightening. Every now and again this realization becomes salient resulting in existential angst (i.e. the op's situation). The best way to reduce this anxiety is by reaffirming your membership in valued groups. Be the best _________ (student, parent, lover, ditch digger, church goer, etc.). Find something that you identify with, and pursue the shit out of it.*

But this doesn't immediately inoculate you from others' eventual death. That will hurt for a time proportional to how long you sit around with nothing to do. Continuing to live your life, especially if it consists of what you value, will nullify the hurt.

Here's the way out of your existential crisis, live you life. But you won't hear that, or at least it won't have deep meaning, until you get there yourself at the end of your vacillation. Could you at least humor me and try it before then?

* Other viable strategies include degrading those who don't belong to groups you identify with and belief in afterlives.
TL;DR live your life

>> No.1829877

damn, this tread still alive???

>> No.1829928


No, you were born with the "big bang." That was your true birth. You've been around a lot longer than you think. And the fact you can't remember this as a 3 dimensional being is done on purpose. The thought of that being true is annoying indeed, but in the grand scheme of things, which is eternity, it's really nothing to sweat.

The 3 dimensional life youre experiencing now is no different than a period of your life where you're going to school. you're here to learn plain and simple.

>> No.1830045


Note that there are 7 major endocrine glands in the human body. Thousands of years ago Buddhists called them "Chakra's"-spiritual points in the body, due to the fact those glands are the source of man's motivations for everything from anger to sexual desire.

Now here's an example of symbolism in the bible in relation to those 7 endocrine glands. Which is all the bible really is, a book of SYMBOLISM. A series of symbolism. The book is no different than hieroglyphics, you read it with the intention to analyze it like you would a dream or vision.

EXAMPLE: Satan translates to "Seflishness/Adversary" in hebrew. There is no physical devil or satan. All Satan is, is a lower frequency of thought soley based on selfishness.

Now that 7 headed dragon that John saw in the book of revelations was a symbol and that's it. IT WASN'T A REAL FAIRY TALE DRAGON. It was a symbol of what happens to MAN when all of his "7 Spiritual points/Chakras/Endocrine glands" are motivated by "Satan"(Selfishness). Man becomes no more than a 7 headed beast etc etc

Same with Adam and Eve, we don't decend from 2 people. We descend from the ADAMIC-RACE. The first race of man suitable for the expression of the Soul/Spirt.

You notice how everything is perfect among the human body? We are built to experience everything perfectly, with joy, pain, and suffering. You're here to learn from that pain and suffering.

>> No.1830064

doesn't know that he is 4% Neanderthal... well unless he is a nigger

>> No.1830072

Is there any proof in your research you have obviously extensively done, that we retain the knowledge and self after this life/learning experience?

>> No.1830077

Neanderthal were red haired and white skinned because of the cold climates they lived in, they didn't need the heat protection.

>> No.1830096


That's the significance of the "Adamic- Race." That's why it was so supposedly celebrated in literature and legend.

It was the first suitable vessel for the soul/spirit to properly express itself in order to get the true experience of 3 dimensional existence.

All vessels before the Adamic-race were inadequate and limited.

>> No.1830172
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>mfw god doesn't get it right the first time

>> No.1830182

god used evolution to create the adomic race it was a process

>> No.1830190

Then why do we still have Niggers and not Neanderthals?

>> No.1830200

To remind us not to fuck up, or we get black listed.

>> No.1830205

Well, OP, I was dead for fourteen billion years before I was born and it never inconvenienced me in the slightest.

>> No.1830222

I "died" one time before.

And you know, death isn't anything to fear, it's hard to explain but it's pretty much what everyone is saying in this thread.

You just..don't care because you're dead, when I was dying all I could feel was this...immense relief, I don't even fucking know how to explain it, it was like this ultimate nirvana..high..orgasm combined with the realization that you'll never have to do anything ever again, and your body is perfectly and totally content with that, and then you drift off into "sleep"

It was the most amazing shit ever and it didn't hurt at all.

Also, when you die (or get near death I guess), your body feels cold as fuck and you feel like you're being pulled/floating out of your body.

Feels fucking weird man.

>> No.1830224


Of course. That's the point of exploring consciousness.

Despite popular belief you don't need peyote or some acid or have to be some hippy bum ass loser to explore consciousness. I mean you experience visions nightly in your dreams, right? Pay attention to who you are in your dreams because that's who your Soul(sub-consciousness) see's you as.

You ever try to shoot a gun in your dream that doesn't go off? It's because you're feeling helpless and weak.

The same way your white cells attack an infection and problem solve the diseases that reside within you, your soul gives you visions to get the poison out of your consciousness.

God or the Creator or whatever you want to call it didn't get you to come to this floating sphere with just your dick in your hand. He gave you Soul and Spirt, which I explained are forms of consciousness. Those in themselves are the ultimate tools.

Maybe I shouldn't have suggested Buddhism/Mediation studies because there are plenty of books written about Quantum Physics and Consciousness. My dad gave me 2 books that really set off a mental journey of amazing shit and epiphanies.

One was the "Celestine Prophecy," DONT WATCH THE MOVIE FOR FUCKS SAKE LOL.

The other was a Quantum Physics by Amit Guswami.

Check em out.

>> No.1830256

sounds kinda like hypoxia

>> No.1830259

I've had a NDE like that too, but was pretty miserable before the bliss set in.

>> No.1830275

Probably considering my heart stopped.
Pretty much, for a few seconds I was panicking the fuck out, but then the bliss kicked in and it was all DON'TGIVEAFUCK.jpg

>> No.1830310

The choice God gave you to leave his light, his comfort and help, isn't one to be scoffed at. Some of us know deep down what we are doing and head out into the abyss to become our own god, seeking the strength to hold ourselves up. Rather then hiding under the umbrella of Gods brilliance. We are the charismatic of the world, even if we may on occasion pretend to be under the guidance of a god, we are indeed on our own because we lead.

>> No.1830318

Yeah that's true. Well it does mean I am not scared anymore, on occasions I hope I die soon.

>> No.1830421


It wasn't God's fault to begin with. Not only that but the law of Cause and Effect is perfect.

In the grand scheme of things everything is going the way it should, only it could go faster concerning our development.

>> No.1830886

You're some wise people

>> No.1830936

I always think of it like this:
Once you die all the building stones of your body get recycled in some way. In a way you truly do return to the earth. On a daily basis pieces of you grow and die, just like everything else in nature. Actually dying is just a slightly bigger thing than that.
A person's death is just a small spoke in a large wheel. An individual spoke is gone, but the wheel keeps turning. Now instead of focusing on being that spoke, try focusing on being a part of the wheel instead. That thought always comforts me.