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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 450x323, music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1823506 No.1823506 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, why do we enjoy music? It's almost universal, every culture has some sort of musical background of some sort, and the field it's so ample that there is bound to be something you truly enjoy.

Any hypothesis?

>> No.1823513

proto-emotion of language :3

>> No.1823527

We recognize patterns, and over millions of years as our intelligence and consciousness became complex so to did our art......

>> No.1823537


>> No.1823536

it makes dem wimminz wiggle dem asses. science does not know why, but it likes it.

>> No.1823540


music, and to some degree, art as a whole is the closest we'll get to universal language right now.


enjoy some classic music /sci/

>> No.1823577
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I have now words for what I've just watched and listened.

>> No.1823614

Music appeal is something very difficult to determine to just one cause. I'm stumped.

Anyway, have some good music /sci/


>> No.1823620
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Keep in mind that there are some people who cannot stand music; they tend to be autistic but not allways.

I'm no neurologist, but if I wanted to know what makes music enjoyable, I'd start by looking at what's different in such people's brains.

>> No.1823634

Interesting subject, my friend, but I'm afraid I'll need more samples before I can reach a conclusion.

>> No.1823640



Have a bit of piano music then.

>> No.1823666


Sinatra??? on my /sci/???


>> No.1823681


Generally, people who make music try to convey a certain something with what they do. If your "ear" to call it something, has a similar range as the person who made it, and you find whatever he was trying to convey appealing, then you'll enjoy said music.

Bare-bones explanation, but that is the best I could come up with.

>> No.1823702

I wouldn't call music a universal language by any means. It's very much bound by time, place and culture.

I think the specific choice of things to develop is more or less arbitrary. It's just the continued effort by large numbers of people to build it up as a form of language (this goes for instruments, theory, cultural role) accumulates to make something much larger than what single individuals can achieve by themselves.

>> No.1823747

It's just another form of communication, which was and still is essential to our survival.

>> No.1823777


Just wanted to post some Protomen.

>> No.1823778
File: 5 KB, 361x279, disinterestedresponse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music is the lowest art.

>> No.1823792

I disagree.

>> No.1823794



you're gonna have to back that one up...

>> No.1823800

It's pleasing to people, it can strike various emotions and feelings into a person.

>> No.1823802


Not to say music hasn't it's blunders, but I disagree with you.

>> No.1823810


Approaching it as neutrally as possible, I have to say you're wrong.

But in the context of how it's most often consumed, I can't really disagree. It's most often light entertainment, even to most semi-serious listeners and aficionados.

>> No.1823820


Not that I'm falling for your troll but I'm just leaving my opinion, that is music is for me the highest art. It's not pseudo intellectual bullshit you get to see in modern arts.

>> No.1823827
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 Okay, I guess..
 >>1823810 is on to something, I think.

>> No.1823830


Easily digestable accessibility doesn't make it the highest form.

Something challenging, conceptual or experimental doesn't make it "pseudo intellectual bullshit".

>> No.1823836


>Music is the art with the greatest standard deviation in terms of quality


>> No.1823846
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Plenty of music is pseudo intellectual bullshit, though, as are much of all other sorts of art. I'm not comparing modern, ancient, or whatever art forms, I'm referring to traditional, I just think music is the lowest of them. It's really a subjective thing which is why I'm not articulating contrived syllogisms to prove objectively my opinions.

>> No.1823853

>implying that's not photography

>> No.1823860


I have seen sculptures lately, just rock and copper, they all looked similar. Each one had a totally random name, the names were so incredibly unrelated despite the extreme similitudes. As if you were staring at different rocks named "Warrior on a field" etc. Unlike "the thinker" for example, they did express nothing. As if the artist was a troll about modern arts.

>> No.1823864

I think it's so cute that basement dwellers on 4chan fancy themselves as scientific = D

>> No.1823880

Not saying that those are good, but I think you hold a little bit of bias for the "confirmed" pieces of art in the world. The Thinker is just a dude. And Mona Lisa is just some woman. Sure maybe it's Da Vinci as a woman, but does it really deserve the status is has? Neither of them is aesthetically or intellectually stimulating or satisfying. In my subjection.

>> No.1823881

>Basement dwellers of 4chan
>Also on 4chan

>> No.1823884


Then why post?

>> No.1823885


Composition and theory have as much depth, refinement and expressive capacity as any other art form. I think literature and poetry might have an edge in terms of their ability to communicate and convey ideas, but that's kind of beside the point since music is mostly inherently abstract.

If it's a shortcoming that it's most often absorbed as light entertainment, that's hardly unique to music. Of course it can be passively enjoyed without it really commanding your attention, but that's not really much different from having a print of a famous painting on your wall to fill up a big blank spot. Literature scores points here again, since you can't really read something without devoting significant attention to it, but again that's more an observation about the medium itself than its quality of expression.

>> No.1823891


protip: a valid opinion on contemporary art requires considerably more scrutiny than that.

>> No.1823906

Why would YOU post? Do you think you can prove objectively which art is best?

I was looking for a bit of discussion, please try me in internet court for the infraction.

Neat write-up.
>If it's a shortcoming that it's most often absorbed as light entertainment
I like this bit. That's sort of true. I have a hard time processing any deep messages in most music, especially one's worth saying, and whenever people try to explain it to me I fail to see the merit and basically get a stern 2deep4u in response. But that's okay, because I know of things that are 2deep4them, so to speak.

And yeah literature is pretty boss I guess. In theory, anyway, but not always in practice. I like short stories.

>> No.1823908


Oh dear. You might as well just stare at a deep nothingness to be stimulated intellectually, if that is so. I believe the Mona Lisa is rubbish, but then saying the "thinker" is "just a dude"... You're full of contradiction, you sure have just left your subjective opinion, but that was objectively retarded.

>> No.1823911


Listen to this and tell me that again.


>> No.1823920


>implying this is about "which art is best"
>implying art actually is separated in different categories

>> No.1823921

So you think a realistic painting of a woman is rubbish, but a realistic sculpture of a guy is incredible, simply because he's in a thinking stance? Or what other merit does he have? You don't need to get mad at me, I'm not trying to be contentious, just tell me I'm sort of curious.

>> No.1823935


I know, but since this is /sci/, I concluded from my observations that this case was overrated. Just like other pieces I've seen, and since they all "belonged" to modern arts, I tend to think that especially modern arts seem to be overrated.

Obviously I shouldn't generalize

>> No.1823937

Nice example of how music can tell a story all on its own, it is pretty good

>> No.1823942


Rubbish as in "nothing exciting about that". Else: you're not worth arguing with... Sorry. Don't reply, especially not by throwing questions onto someones face to get around what has been said.

>> No.1823953
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>> No.1823966

>I have a hard time processing any deep messages in most music, especially one's worth saying, and whenever people try to explain it to me I fail to see the merit and basically get a stern 2deep4u in response. But that's okay, because I know of things that are 2deep4them, so to speak.

Well I'm sure this doesn't really need to be said, but your appreciation of something doesn't determine its merit. A lot of it kind of requires an insider's perspective, for instance to appreciate what traits make something unique or progressive compared to everything else, what establishes historical significance, etc.

You may or may not want to put in the effort to understand it, but to brush it off entirely is like saying "What's the big deal about semiconductor physics? it's just sand and shit with stuff mixed in, I can do that."

>> No.1823978

Yeah, I understand. But I sort of want to defend myself in that I never utterly berated music like that. I understand it's just a matter of perspective, and I lack a certain flavor of it.

>> No.1823987

What is good books
What is bad books
What is good music
What is bad music
What is good film
What is bad film
Not example, but the properties of each that would make them good or bad
Or is it too complex and too many variables and so on

>> No.1823998


The thing about modern art is that 1) it doesn't have the same goals as older forms (durr) and 2) often requires considerable outside context to be properly appreciated.

Well, actually 2) could be said of anything, BUT the context is more likely to be understood already, from culture or your existing understanding of art. Something that deliberately challenges that is going to require extra effort to "get" it.

>> No.1824001


>his idea of art is hiding a message

You wouldn't consider music an art if you could would you son?

>> No.1824022

I don't think I said that, maybe you misunderstood something

I was noting that the meanings behind certain things may be obscured to me, and things I see meaning in may be obscured to others, but I didn't mean to say that that was the intent, it's accidental if anything, and inconvenient for discussions of this sort

There is also a difference in what sorts of meaning are appreciated by what sorts of people and such

>> No.1824032


I fucking love science. Even more now...

>> No.1824045


Well, it's probably better to just recognize your lack of interest than to have a dilettante's halfhearted enthusiasm and understanding. I think that's where a lot of people stop (check out /mu/ sometime), not that it keeps them from overrating their own opinions.

I recognize the shortcomings of overspecialization, but trying to be a polymath has its limitations too.

Finite time and energy, fuckin sucks man.

>> No.1824056
File: 35 KB, 296x295, fiestaspider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1824090

I can into science and music?

>> No.1824101


Yes No..

>> No.1824104


Fine for novelty but that's it.

>> No.1824112


Wow, that's a lot more erudite than I expected to see around these parts...

>> No.1824124
File: 2 KB, 184x172, thisshitisalright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1824173


the source for insect music in contemporary film scores

>> No.1824191


Yeah, film scores in general kind of represent the distilled entirety of 20th century music.

>> No.1824272


I actually find it distracting to have lyrics in music. Though I will listen to music I don't understand the lyrics for.