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File: 25 KB, 581x269, Screen shot 2010-09-29 at 7.17.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1822938 No.1822938 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you put an op amp into another op amp?


>> No.1822990

More importantly, whywouldyoudothat.jpg

>> No.1822997

bitches don't know about my instrumentation amplifiers

>> No.1823011

It is supposed to be a filter of some sort, probably a notch. Not sure how to start solving it though, until I figure out how to op amp sex.

>> No.1823016

Ain't that far yet. I've heard op amp is a bitch though.

>> No.1823017

put a vacuum tube in the circuit

>> No.1823021

I am not trying to build it, I am trying to figure out what the tits it does.

>> No.1823030

If it is a 741, pin 6 to pin 2/3 for the obvious answer...

If you're looking for information on how to turn a Static Source Transfer function into an operating equation, and then design a circuit, there's a textbook I can recommend...

>> No.1823052

I am looking to find out what kind of filter this OP amp is performing, most likely from finding out the transfer function.

>> No.1823065
File: 7 KB, 193x182, clippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like you could use some help.

Hint 1: Those op-amps are non-inverting with unity gain. They simply repeat the input voltage at the output without drawing current from their input when you apply a load to the output.

Hint 2: Do the circuit analysis in the complex frequency domain. This is a linear filter.

>> No.1823090
File: 70 KB, 556x372, BillTed3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even notice that this circuit is already labeled with impedances in terms of the laplace "s." Carry on.

>> No.1823107

>non inverting
>unity gain

so it is just a buffer?

also I am not sure how to solve this with the resistor R1 on the top like that.

Also the input to the first op amp, it is in the middle, should I just assume it should go to the + side? or is there something about the middle that is significant.

I never had to do OP amps in my first electrical networks class, and now I have to do them with inductors and capacitors ;_;

>> No.1823150
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 1271211459430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so it is just a buffer?
Yep. The op-amps in this circuit ideally provide a perfect voltage source that mirror the input voltage.

Use nodal analysis. Label all the nodes and currents in the circuit.
Remember that the op-amp input will not draw any current (ideally.)
Treat the capacitors like resistors in the s-domain. Ohm's law applies because they are linear components. V(s)=I(s)Z(s) where Z(s) is impedence.
Where you reference a point in the middle of components, that's simply a voltage division as you would do with regular resistors.

You should ultimately get a linear system of equations. To solve for the transfer function, manipulate the system of eqns to find Vo(s)/Vin(s)

>> No.1823157

Let me give you some general assumptions to consider with an OPAMP:
1. No Current flows into the inputs.
2. Gain is infinite
3. Output resistance is 0
4. Input resistance is infinite.

>> No.1823167
File: 101 KB, 803x564, Screen shot 2010-09-29 at 7.59.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an equivalent circuit?

>> No.1823174

>2. Gain is infinite
Don't let this confuse you, OP. This is open-loop gain and its an internal property of the op-amp. The closed-loop gain is something entirely different and in this circuit it is G=1.

>> No.1823334

Unless I have calculated wrong, the amplifier in OP's pic has unity gain in the high-pass case only when <span class="math">R_1 C_1 = R_2 C_2[/spoiler].

>> No.1823436

Stick yo dick into the equal sign part.
Everything can be solved by sticking your dick into something.

>> No.1823457

open up the amps asshole?

>> No.1823466

The possibility of feedback would make me leary of pushing too hard in the ass.

>> No.1823476

Pump it full of cum and that bitch will be bonnified.
No need for extra amps.
Just make sure you haven't jizzed for like 2 weeks and EXPLODE THAT HOLE.

>> No.1823493

Oh god now im just fapping hard to that circuit system.
Why is this arousing. FUCK.

>> No.1823502
File: 47 KB, 486x500, What'sInThisThread123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]