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1817106 No.1817106 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1817121

If god didn't want us to eat animals then why did he make them out of meat?

Omnivores: 1
PETAfags: 0

>> No.1817133


>> No.1817150

I know this is just a troll thread, but there's a difference between bull fighting and a humanely-killed steak...

>> No.1817153

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make a roast beef sandwich.

The difference between bullfighting and the consumption of beef is that one is a silly sport and the other FEEDS PEOPLE

>> No.1817163

>Strung up from it's hind legs and slit from the throat down...
Slow down /sci/ I'm getting hungry

>> No.1817171

Thank Jesus I live in Texas where a good steak house is always a block away

>> No.1817178

Benjamin Franklin was a vegetarian, he's actually listed by a lot of vegetarians for being such a great man who was a vegetarian. Thing is, what they don't like to say is that later on in his life he was watching a bird of prey hunt and kill another bird and eat it. He stopped being a vegetarian that day saying "If they can eat each other why can we not eat them?"


Also I couldn't care less about bull fighting, they eat the bulls afterward.

>> No.1817180

correct version: If god didn't want us to eat pigs, why did he put bacon in them?

>> No.1817183

would they be better justified if the first guy was eating only skin and not flesh, and the second guy was eating a dry steak instead of a blood-filled one?

>> No.1817192


So was Hitler.

>> No.1817196

Being vegan is so awesome

>> No.1817202


And for the people who agrees:

Lol you really don't know a thing about bull fighting do you? what happens to the bull in the actual bull fight is not even half of what they go through days before, or do you think bulls behave like that in normal circunstances?

Consumption of steak is for feeding people and dosent make the cows suffer that much.

>> No.1817216

Damn, I am so glad he never watched ducks mating.

Them and bedbugs.

>> No.1817218

steaks are not filled with blood

When a cow is strung up, milk does not spill out.

I will agree that bullfighting is wrong, and I do eat meat. The difference is one is tortured in front of an audience (btw a bull is all but defenseless) , and the other is raised in captivity and one day killed fairly quickly.

If you made that pic, OP. You are a god damn moron and not /sci/ related btw.

>> No.1817223

I'm a member of PETA.

People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.

>> No.1817228

um this

there is a difference between killing an animal for food and killing and torturing an animal to death (in the most cowardly way I have ever seen) for entertainment.

it is like the people against the death penalty, who go no the person who kills a child raping murder to prevent children from being raped and murdered is just as bad as the child rapist murderer who rapes and murders children because he wants to rape and murder them..... hmmmmm???????

I also know many vegans/vegatarians who say that they would kill and eat meat for survival, I know one who is a vegatarian who says it doesnt count if you kill it with your bare hands and eat it

the kind of vegatarian i can agree with is the one who says they want to minimalise animal suffering because we can live off vegetables (although alot of animals would suffer for us to produce enough vegetables to feed the human race on non meat products alone)

p.s. I eat meat because it tastes fuckin good

>> No.1817240

Yeah, when I watched videos of lambs being killed with bolts and read Temple Grandin's papers I concluded that animals can be humanely slaughtered. I mostly don't eat meat now out of having lost the taste for it, ignorance of which companies use properly slaughtered animals, and seeing human meat in a picture of mutilated corpses left by Mexican coke gangs.

I saw a video of a rodeo where this guy boxed a horse around the ears to get it riled up and bucking. That's not nice.

>> No.1817248

And the tourist says "Hey, what are these?"
The waiter replies "Cojones"
"Weren't they bigger last time?"
"Well, Senor, sometimes the Matador does not win..."

>> No.1817256

death penalty is a ridiculously stupid and barbaric concept.
to think in a country where we believe in "NO CRUEL OR UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT" the state still tortures and murders people is ridiculous

also i'm a meat eater
it's the way of nature

>> No.1817263

why hasn't this become a zippo cat thread yet

>> No.1817273

Ya, there are some serious complications to the death penalty.

>Killing is bad, so we're going to kill you to demonstrate that killing is bad.

>> No.1817277


>it's the way of nature

so is rape and theft, your point?

>> No.1817280

Are you also against prisons?

>> No.1817282

>implying cruelty and punishment isn't the way of nature.

>> No.1817300

Actually, I was going to complain about how bullfighting makes the meat taste bad, asshole.

Way to fucking put words in my mouth.

You better hope I don't put cum in your mouth while you're asleep in the dorm, dickface.

>> No.1817303

Depends on how you define cruel, unusual and punishment. You'd tend to think that wouldn't be the case though, especially given how much animal conflict and dominance behavior comes down to show rather than ultraviolence.

>> No.1817323


Just call it "eating what you hunt". You don't have to use words that sound like a low-budget 70's sci-fi movie.

>> No.1817325

Now you're just idealistically stupid. The state does not murder people. If I put a sign at the top of a building that said "If you jump off this building you'll die" and a person jumps off and dies who's fault is it? Is it the architects fault for building a building that was capable of killing people if they jumped off?

Now if I make a law that says, "if you murder someone you'll die" and someone murders someone who's fault is it they die? The architect of the law? It's the fault of the man who murdered. He willingly chose to murder, therefore he willingly chooses to die.

Now if you take away the death penalty then I have less reason to worry about murder. So if I hate you I have the freedom of murdering you and what is the consequence? Prison? Even if I'm in prison for life if I hate you enough I'd be willing to trade my freedom for some years in exchange for you're life, your future, your everything. That's a pretty sweet deal.

The death penalty is fair and makes logical sense. The punishment fits the crime, it is neither cruel nor unusual.

>> No.1817329

>He willingly chose to murder, therefore he willingly chooses to die.
>Implying all punishments are voluntary

>> No.1817337
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Cows do not live humanely and are not killed humanely

>> No.1817340

You choose to jump off a cliff, you accept the consequences. You choose to murder, you accept the consequences.

>> No.1817342
File: 101 KB, 800x600, 1208267039363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot.

>> No.1817346

Funny thing is that humans are being treated more and more like animals. The term humanely is void.

>> No.1817348

>If I put a sign at the top of a building that said "If you jump off this building you'll die" and a person jumps off and dies who's fault is it? Is it the architects fault for building a building that was capable of killing people if they jumped off?

If a government architects a law that says "if you publicly disagree with us you die" and somebody violates it and they die, whose fault is it? The government's? I think not. Anybody who would violate the law brings that shit upon themselves.

>> No.1817350

except that the state makes mistakes
and if it makes one mistake with the death penalty and kills an innocent man then the state is a murderer

>> No.1817351

And what's wrong with my analogy? It shows that you are free to choose your actions but are not free to choose your consequences.


Now tell me why my analogy is wrong.

>> No.1817353

Name for me in the history of the United States 1 man who was put on trial, found guilty, put to death, and later exonerated. Name ONE!

>> No.1817355

>implying the free will of others is comparable to a cliff

>> No.1817360

I do not know whether they eat the bulls afterwards or not.
If they do, go ahead.
If they don't, a waste of meat.

>> No.1817362
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>> No.1817364
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>> No.1817368

Huh? That's not what I was talking about at all. Animals hunting each other has nothing to do with cruelty and everything to do with effectiveness. Even cats are just following their messed up impulses, not wanting to kill since they aren't hungry due to being fed regularly. Punishment only comes into play with social animals, and there cruelty seems counterproductive.

>> No.1817369

i can't remember the name but the us sentenced a couple to death for treason. the husband was probably guilty but the wife had very little evidence against her

>> No.1817370

I like how you're ignoring my obvious reducto ad absurdum there because you're a huge troll.

>> No.1817378

You guys are worthless, you can't even argue, all you're doing is claiming I'm trolling?

Real arguments people! Come on, you're intelligent, tell me why I'm wrong, name one innocent man put to death in the US who was given a fair trial, show me that my analogy is wrong instead of just saying it's wrong, get with it!

>> No.1817384

Eh? You were using that as an argument? I thought you were agreeing with me. Absolutely! If the government says, we'll kill you if you use toilet paper you have 2 choices, stop using toilet paper, or suffer the consequences. That's it.

Just because it's something trivial as being put to death for using toilet paper doesn't negate the fact that it's my choice that brings about the consequences.

>> No.1817385


Learn to google, awful faggot.

>> No.1817386

Trolls are so weak these days.

I thought prove me wrong threads were banned?

>> No.1817388


>> No.1817389

I'm just saying there are lots of people who have been released from death row.

Maybe no one has been exonerated after their death. Well, it's not like dead people can appeal their execution is it. Really
>implying the courts are perfect
>implying people haven't been released from death row
and you ask why people think you're trolling.

>> No.1817392

Why would the state exonerate someone after they killed them. That is like saying, "Dont believe anything I fucking say"

>> No.1817393

Looks like you just went full obvious troll. Reported.

>> No.1817394

>implying the police, the prosecutor, the court and the firing squad don't make choices to arrest you, prosecute you, convict you, sentence and you shoot you.

>> No.1817401

If a mugger says "if you don't give me your wallet you die" and somebody fights back and they die, whose fault is it? The mugger's? I think not. Anybody who would resist a criminal brings that shit upon themselves.

>> No.1817403
File: 9 KB, 119x150, YoungRothbard-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying the government is the same as a criminal

>> No.1817404

Releasing from death row is not the same as finding the individual was innocent after putting them to death.

I'm done with you guys, you can't even use reason and logic or come up with a convincing argument. All you can claim is I'm trolling.

the firing squad is now at fault? God that's a pathetic argument. What do they have to do with the creation of the law?

>> No.1817406

10/10. You're almost convincing.

You should be a lawyer.

They actually believe shit like this.

>> No.1817412

>you can't even use reason and logic or come up with a convincing argument. All you can claim is I'm trolling.

We're using reason and logic.
You're trolling.

>> No.1817467


>> No.1817547

Why are we an all or nothing country?

I am for the death penalty but obviously only in cases of rape or murder.
And even further, only if it has been witnessed, and proven without doubt. Because innocent people get sent to prison or given the death penalty all the time, simply because the jury has deemed that the defendant was guilty.

There are cases of rape and murder where it has been witnessed, videotaped, audio recorded, etc. and in the states where there isn't the death penalty: these assholes get to live.

Don't you think that if there is undeniable proof or if the defendant pleads guilty or no contest, that they get the death penalty?

Prison is a waist of tax dollars too. We are spending money so these ravenous, barbaric people can live, when we could be providing healthcare to the poor that are actually trying.

>> No.1817562

costs more money to give people the death penalty, then to give them life in prison.
lawyer fees, and whatnot

>> No.1817595

omnomnom MEAT

>> No.1817601

only shitty places kill animals like that, eat better meat, bullbaiting is barbaric.

>> No.1817602

That's because it needs a major reformation.
It takes longer in trial because you are trying to prove it so you don't send an innocent man to death. I'm saying that if you only have the death penalty in trials where the crime has been recorded, with clear identity, or if they plead guilty or no contest.

>> No.1817624

Correction, if god didn't want us to eat pigs...why did he give us pigs and a potato peeler for fresh bacon

>> No.1817677

If God didn't want us to eat animals then why do we have an unapologetically omnivorous dentary and digestive tract?

Checkmate atheists

>> No.1817710
File: 36 KB, 460x276, 1280344171526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once saw a video of how chicken was prepared in some easter european factory
The still alive chicken where hanged from the feet on some conveyor line, then were stunned with electroshocks, then a blade slit their throats open, so their still beating heart gets all the blood out of the system
then ,there was a turning, large screw, which took in the head, and ripped the head, including all of the intestines right out of the still alive animal

Latter that day, i did eat some chicken curry
It tasted delicious

>> No.1818258

lol youre comparing killing for sport to killing for food. go an hero fucking petafag.

>> No.1818314
File: 31 KB, 608x448, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyewitness testimony is faulty, biased, and fucking terrible. That doesn't mean that it doesn't sway judges and juries, because it does, but it is objectively poor evidence.

The legal system is not a vengeance system. It is supposed to deter and rehabilitate (lol) criminals. The court system does not work on undeniable proof, the prosecutor simply has to prove things "beyond a reasonable doubt". That's it.

The death penalty is not a good deterrent. People who are going to commit such a massive crime such as murder or rape are doing it because they either:
A) Don't care.
B) Think they'll get away with it.
C) In throes of passion.

P.S.: You're fucking retarded.
P.P.S. : You're fucking retarded. Seriously.

>> No.1819062

some people missed my point on the death penalty

my point was it is not as simple as "Killing is bad, so we're going to kill you to demonstrate that killing is bad" my point was the reason for doing so.
i am saying there is a difference between killing someone to remove them from society because they did something bad, and no other punishment seems to fit, or because they will never reform, and someone killing someone for their own amusement, or no reason. but when ever the death penalty is mentioned people dumb it down to

"Killing is bad, so we're going to kill you to demonstrate that killing is bad"

or something similar which is plain ignorent

and sometimes killing someone seems like the best resort. im not saying if im for or against the death penalty i am just saying that its not as simple a 'moral' choice as it seems

>> No.1819118

I don't think prison is a waste of tax dollers, I believe the way they spend it is, they dont reform the prisoners, they just let them rot emotionally, mentally, physicly

>> No.1819206


and that's not all - in some first world countries you even get away with "life" in prison, meaning 12 years.

>> No.1819221

OP is a pedophile.

>> No.1819230

Actually my beef was shot in the head with a bolt, nice and humane like

>> No.1819241

I agree here, "moral choices" are often very dumbed down. I saw an african man in a documentary, stating he'd rather lose a son than his gun. Seems stupid to a first world viewer, but then we fail to take into account that loosing his gun might directly lead to him loosing ALL his sons, family, his own life. There are places and moments in this world where violence is the only solution, as bad as that sounds.

>> No.1819494
File: 136 KB, 640x500, DOUCHE JOKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your double standards, and raise you.

>> No.1819584

the president has said 'even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we would be against it'

wonder how that goes down with the vice president

>> No.1819605

like 40% of the population is a macro study of aids, can an animal control himself enough to prevent death clearly they cannot so they must be allowed to die

>> No.1819619

ummmmmmmm wot?

>> No.1819640

i saw an argument stating that non eating meat is healthy, then my mom (nurse btw) just laughed and said, yea protein deficiency is just made up!

>> No.1819643

Mmm, steak.

Thanks for deciding what I'll have for dinner tonight OP, you faggot.

>> No.1819644



>> No.1819694


>> No.1819696
File: 52 KB, 679x516, argpyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually if you eat a good balance of vegetables, and no your diet you will not get a protien defficency. meat does have all the protiens we need and we absorb more protiens from meat, no groups of vegatables can supply us with all the protiens alone so ya need to eat at least two or more groups of vegetables (Grains and Legumes) and in theory you should be fine.

and no I am not underage, see bottom tier of picture

>> No.1819713

but it still doesnt stop vegetarians from developing it, like, all the time

>> No.1819725


>> No.1819732

thats why I mean in theory, in theory you can be a healthy vegatarian, just as healthy as a non vego. but ya need to keep a proper and very close eye on your diet. and resist eating meet, mmmmmmmmm meat, can ya taste it in your mouthes right now!. later i think im gonna grab me some mouth waterin bacon

>> No.1819741

im on a diet... only lots of delicious grilled fish here... mmmmm

>> No.1819742

bullfights are fine with me, seriously i know its rigged and all but holy shit a fucking bull running at you is scary as fuck and it seriously can fuck you up

anyway how is this faggotry science

>> No.1819857

I thought bullfights were awesome when i was like 5... then i saw an actual video of one and i was like, they stab the bull with numerous swords before they go near them, what a bunch of fuckin pussies, theres nothing 'manly' or cool about that. (when i was young mind you) i would have no problem with it if it was done man to bull, but the way they do it is pathetic and cowardly

>> No.1819870

OP is absolutely right
bull fighting is just as awesome as steak

>> No.1819890



>> No.1819943
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Vegetarian reporting in to provide a balanced perspective. OP is using shock and emotions where logic is perfectly fine. Vegetarian diet is completely healthy. There are many things on my diet that are high in protein. (Rice beans, nuts, eggs and soy products are my main source.) It is also arguable that it is more healthy then meat because of the lower levels of cholesterol then meat. My main reasons for vegetarianism is the fact that the meat industry is responsible for 60 percent of carbon and nitrate emissions. They also leave the 50 lbs a day of waste per cow untreated into our rivers. They also pump all the cows with antibiotics (which we humans are being rationed because it breeds bacteria strains immune to them) And the morality of holding a being fully capable of feeling pain and suffering in a cage its whole life and inhumanely killed. There is also a little fact I learned that they could feed the whole world with all of the food we feed the animals. The only reason why it is so cheap is because they made deals to have it subsidized and the price made artificially cheap.

>> No.1819954

Biggest Double standard ever = Religion


>> No.1819957

I would also say that we are now being told (Americans) have a diet too high in protein. The FDA (though I dont trust them) now recommends only a card sized piece of meat a day.

>> No.1819967

What kind of non-faggot person actually cares about how humane bull fighting is? My only problem is that it's all done by faeries in tights waving their capes around. Get a real man in there, one that actually wrestles the bull, and we've got a sport.

>> No.1819992

I dunno man, when I argue on the internet I like to use every part of the pyramid together.

>> No.1819997

I fucking hate you pathetic faggots who use /sci/ like your fucking blog to tell us your sob story about how you were already fucking a loser and pathetic, started smoking pot, became more pathetic, and then when you stopped, went back to being normal pathetic but act like weed was this big bad thing holding you down when you were just predisposed to fail with it from the very beginning.

I didn't smoke pot until I graduated high school. Once I found out I had a full ride to college, I decided to cut loose and try smoking pot with some of my friends who smoked in HS but were completely chill guys and never pressured me or anything. Tried it and loved it. It's a great social activity, you can smoke to enhance you experience with like pretty much any activity you'd do with your pals from gaming, to movie watching, to cards, to sports. It's just a different way to experience the things you already have a blast doing (and often results in even more fun) like just chilling with your friends.

Furthermore, since it's just a lifestyle choice and a hobby, it serves as another way to connect with people. You obviously don't go around flaunting HEY GAIZ IM A FUCKING HUGE STONER ARENT I AWESOME, but when you happen to run into other smokers you have something to talk about with them to break the ice, just like any other interest. You have funny stories to tell and remember with new and old friends.

Been smoking casually (see: socially only) for 2 years now and I'm still in college omw to getting a fucking baller job and still have my full ride, and I've had tons of fucking fun and made tons of friends through pot the whole time.

>> No.1819999

lol... internet hate machine: finding ways to bring religion into the argument EVERY TIME, never change, never change

>> No.1820002

most people who dont like pot are very egotistical about their own intelligence and enjoy feeling smart, thats why pot produces a very undesirable feeling for them

>> No.1820004

That same point can be said about alcohol; everything(that isn't outright hazardous) in moderation I suppose.

>> No.1820007

people float around going HAY GUIZE IM A HUEG STONER AM I COOL YET? all the fucking time, most annoying shit ever

>> No.1820008



Go kill yourself, "humanely."

>> No.1820024

its true though, religion is totally hipocritical
It is the biggest most retarded double standard ever

can you really argue against this?

>> No.1820031

all i have evidence of are religious peoples being hypocritical

>> No.1820032

>>it is like the people against the death penalty, who go no the person who kills a child raping murder to prevent children from being raped and murdered is just as bad as the child rapist murderer who rapes and murders children because he wants to rape and murder them..... hmmmmm???????

but if murder is bad then rapist murder bad rape child becuase the children all murder rape rapist when murder rape child.

>> No.1820038
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ITT Every subject of morality.

>> No.1820044

The same reason they stab them with the swords is the same reason they can do this to the bull.

Humans are not retarded.

>> No.1820073

I've always been of the opinion that killing a murderer or killing in self defense is different from just killing because you want to.

Still against the death penalty for other reasons though.

>> No.1820102

I've seen it argued by some vegetarians that the body doesn't even need protein and that it can acquire amino acids directly from uncooked plant matter.

I can't really find a logical fault in this.

>> No.1820125

I understand why people are against the death penalty, I really do. What I don't understand is their refusal to acknowledge that pro-death penalty arguments exist. This isn't like gay marriage where one side has logical arguments and the other only has tradition or religion based arguments. With the death penalty there are pros and cons for each side, and what we need in the debate is to weigh those pros and cons.

>> No.1820149

As long as the cow is killed humanely.

>> No.1820152

>Half a ton of fat and muscle
>Easily able to crush people under its hooves

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I suppose that a polar bear is harmless and that world warr two was just a minor skirmish to you if you think a bull is defenceless.

>> No.1820158

Almost every black person put to death in the south prior to the 1980's.

>> No.1820163

Meat taste better than leaves.

>> No.1820323

yeah thats bullshit that humans dont need protien, protien is made from amino acids, some can be made by the body and others can't, those ones that can't are the ones that are in all meat, but not in all plants, but you can get them from plants, you just need to get the right plants

>> No.1820339

I wouldnt say the bull is defenceless, but making the bull fight on its death bed aint really even odds, it has no bad ass factor is what im saying

>> No.1820394

i think all the victims of peta should be euthanised, its the most humane thing to do to them after they have been emotially and mentally scarred by their extreme actions (and bullshit hypocrosy)

>> No.1820402

I am hungry now, give me my bloody steak!

>> No.1820428

>humanely-killed steak

I get it! That's even funnier then OP's joke!

>> No.1820440

steaks are already dead when you kill them

>> No.1820785


oh wow

please, please, for the love of jesus go to a doctor and get a blood test. I can GUARANTEE you are going to be deficient in at least one nutrient because of your "balanced diet".

i reiterate : it is a barefaced lie to claim that it is easy to have a healthy balanced diet if you are a vegetarian.

>> No.1821542
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Sounds to me like you have knowledgeable about health as you are not bringing any information to the table. The only thing a vegetarian doesn't eat is meat. And the only thing that meat has that most plants don't is protein and some minerals. And for your information I did go to the doctor. He is the one that said we only need one serving of protein a day. I usually get two because I like to maintain a bulky build. GTFO

>> No.1821848

Vegetarians are cute. Their attitudes and want to force their opinions on others, not the vegetarians themselves, that is; they look like zombies.

Anyway, a link relevant to the discussion:

>> No.1822696

Fucking retard.

>> No.1822851


faggot doesn't know the difference between "then" and "than"
>ignore rest of post

>> No.1822873


>> No.1822877

First, learn 2 English.

Second, studies routinely show that vegetarians are healthier and even have higher IQs. So take your junk science and ram it up your ass.

>> No.1822887
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>> No.1822912

>don't have argument
>post picture

>> No.1822933
File: 24 KB, 440x352, animal-rights-grill-demotivational-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OPs joke was in mouthwateringly good taste

>> No.1822935
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you're on sci, sage isn't making this thread go anywhere

>> No.1822971


>> No.1822995

People also sage as a sign of thinking the thread is shit, newfag.

Enjoy your lesser IQ, by the way.

>> No.1823063
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>> No.1823212

Pothead is someone who only smokes pot. Therefore you can only be stupid in order to be a pothead. Correlation solved