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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1814758 No.1814758 [Reply] [Original]

"So, /b/, apparently the governments of the world are pretty much barreling towards official disclosure on the topic of extra-terrestrials. The United Nation announced that they are assigning a delegate to become Earth's "contact" for the aliends, if you will. Today, there was a press conference held live on CNN in which former military whistleblowers affirmed that UFOs have been sighted near many nuclear missle silos over the years, and in some cases, rendering them inoperable. NBC's new show "The Event" could also be described as a type of 'soft disclosure'. This is all coming up FAST as we approach the year 2012. Psychological operations? Or has the secret been blown wide open? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, /b/?"

Dumb post I gotten from the worst board ever; Sci's thoughts on the whole nuclear alien shit lately? Bullshit?

>> No.1814760
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I doubt this is real. If it is, post a reliable source.

>> No.1814765



Dunno if these count.

>> No.1814767
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anyways...it would indeed be cool if they found other life

>> No.1814766

You want a serious response to this crap?

>> No.1814769

Yes, though I fear asking for it would invite the opposite knowing how chan's speak. I'm curious as to one though, indeed.

>> No.1814774
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It's fake. We have no proof of aliens and they don't exist.

>> No.1814778


Let's say there are aliens, how the FUCK did they get here? Second, let's say they did, let's say they can skull fuck reality and just zip on over to Earth, do you think EVERY country on Earth is keeping this shit a secret? Do you think the aliens have made contact with humanity and no spy from any nation has figured this out? When we figured out the nuclear weapon Russia had that shit in a couple years because they stole it from us, do you think that over the entire Cold War (the time period where aliens found us or some shit) no mentions of US people meeting with aliens or Russians meeting with aliens, or British meeting with aliens etc. was intercepted by the massive intelligence network set up during the Cold War? Why would we keep that secret? So that our enemies could have a clear and distinct advantage over us by having contact with aliens? Its all so stupid my fucking brain hurts.

>> No.1814781


It's just rubbish; and even if it were true(electing someone for this position), it'd be more of a cute thing to do than anything else.

Also, note the use of '2012' in there? That should tip you off right at the start.

>> No.1814785
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This is so weird.

>Sit down at the computer
>Open up Firefox
>Go to The Psychedelic Salon first
>Latest podcast is about Terence Mckenna's UFO speeches
>It starts by talking about the Disclosure project
>Come to 4chan with the podcast playing in the background
>Come to /sci/ first
>first thread is this


>> No.1814786
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Please discontinue thinking on this subject and return to what you were doing previously.

>> No.1814789


Thank you much for the perspective. It baffles me how people can honestly claim this shit with a straight face though, there's so little reason to...

>> No.1814793


As a side note...

Digivolve to ANGELMON!!

Lol ^_^

>> No.1814796


>> No.1814801

I have no idea but this isn't some new thing.

"legit" whistleblowers (people who were actually in the military and did what they say they did, not crazy 75 year old former corporals) have been saying this for years about the nukes, and most have just that this happened and they weren't supposed to talk about it, no david icke bullshit profit making or anything.

>> No.1814805

That's what raises the question to my attention.

>> No.1814809

Jokes on you. It's alien conspiracies all the way down.

>> No.1814818

Why would they bother saying that shit though then?

>> No.1814829

I might believe it.

>> No.1814831


It's funny you know. People will do crazy things for attention and money. That is, of course, assuming that they're simply not delusional.

>> No.1814838
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It was the work of spies. Aliens definately do not exist.

>> No.1814842

First, "aliens" are a metaphor for demons.
Demons are liars/deceitful/destructive.
So the government saying aliens are coming, would make themselves aliens.
Yes, it is an Illuminati fear tactic, to scare people into believing lies.
So aliens would be: The media, music, the government, and other dishonest people.
There are no such things as the aliens the government describes.
Steven Hawking has done a great job in annoying me.
By trying to say I'm a fucking particle, and thinking he knows me.
By lying, saying he's figured out how to slow down time, and using the media to back up lies.
By saying aliens are real.
Then, Hawking has failed to provide proof for his scientific lies, and successfully played a role in assisting the Illuminati.
A lot of people believe him because of fame.
The government also backs up their shit with "proof" of shit in space.
How the fuck is the average person supposed to know this to be true? By faith in government? Fuck no. Lies.

>> No.1814847


First comment, technical analysis of what went on. What does /sci/ make of this?

>> No.1814855

Just by reading the link: a fucking lie.

>> No.1814870


>> No.1814866

The history of humanity is the history of arrogance. First we belived that the Earth was the centre of the universe, but when the nature of the Sun was discovered, we insisted that our star was the centre of the universe. Then we demanded that we were the most intelligent creatures on the planet, but as science is now revealing, most species have a comparative ability to think and reason, indeed, it is arguable that a significant number of humans are actually amongst the least intelligent creatures on Earth.
So now, the human sumpremacists are insisting thatthere is no other intelligent life in the universe. Given that at every step of the way, humans have been humbled and shown to be nothing more than average, is it really so impossible that other life forms are not visiting this planet?
Read the evidence, it is incredibly compelling! Aliens or otherwise, we are definitely in the presence of something that our own limited science cannot explain.

>> No.1814876
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>> No.1814889


actually it wasn't about the disclosure project, it was about today's press conference

>> No.1814894


the podcast, that is

>> No.1814899
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I am skeptical of every idea, external and internal. It is obvious to anyone grasping the scale of the known universe that there is life. Even at unlikely odds the dice is rolled for every star for every galaxy it will favor life. The only real question is if we have been visited. I have heard accounts from many military officials. And there were thousands of witnesses for that siting over O'Hare airport. It just seems to point in that favor. This is definitely something that should be adressed head on. The people should be able to make informed decisions like weaponizing space. I also believe this gives hope for faster then light or multiverse travel. Horay.

>> No.1814908

Who is the delegate going to be?

Who do you think would be a good delegate?

Michio Kaku?

>> No.1814909

Eye witness accounts are worthless. Why do people insist on acting like they hold value?

>> No.1814914

We're not suggesting that we're alone in the universe, simply that there is not a vast multi-government conspiracy to hide the presence of extra-terrestrial life on earth. Keep in mind that UFO in no way means aliens; there are plenty of things that have not currently been explained or identified, but the evidence for it being alien life that is covered up by the governments of the world is no where near enough to justify such a belief.

>> No.1814918
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Aliens apparently disabled nukes so that we wouldnt waste the earth they made for us. Oh my god.. this is groundbreaking. This means that scientology was RIGHT??

>> No.1814923

>Ah, so wonderful, to be meeting my alien friends!
>What's that? You said my contributions to string theory are irrelevant? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY YOU PIECE OF SHIT ALIEN, DO YOU WANT ME TO STOMP ON YOUR ASS LIKE I DO TO MY STUDENTS BITCH?

>> No.1814925

>I am skeptical of every idea, external and internal.
Pffft hahahaha
Im too lazy to find the article but there is one that applies to your thesis and blows it away
You should just read the entire blog anyway its pretty awesome

>> No.1815085

I assume you are talking about my skepticism of my own thoughts. You make an assumption that I was not informed on sociology. I realize that free will is objectable but characteristics are not. Being introspective for instance is a characteristic that I have acquired in my life. It is not to say that I have complete understanding and control of my thoughts it just means that compared to others I observe my own thoughts. That was all I was trying to say. Think about your own language. If you wanted to give up free will completely and correct me for saying I doubt my thoughts then you should no longer say "you" and "I" as they are illusions too. We would be nothing more then echoes of reality

>> No.1815223

OP here, what are you on about?

>> No.1815249


If you are skeptical to every idea internally then you mus be skeptical to the idea of being skeptical (as that idea is internal), but to be skeptical of the idea of being skeptical, you must be skeptical to the idea of being skeptical of the idea of being skeptical, and you must then be skeptical to that idea, but to have that idea you must be skeptical, so you must go on and on ad infinitum. However, since you are not in a comatose state over you inability to come to a consensus on any one idea due to an infinite amount of skepticism, you are a fucking liar, or an idiot who does not know what he is talking about.

QED bitch

>> No.1815256

hahaha. Anon told me that my thesis was way off. I think he was talking about me being a skeptic of myself. The only thing on the website he linked was a video promoting the idea that human behavior is causal. Being that is not in the realm of control but the effect of our surroundings. I was saying that if we are not in control we dont exist. We are merely a sensation

>> No.1815259

Let's say for a moment, that it is aliens and the government comes forward with full disclosure, and even does media interviews with the aliens themselves.

What would this mean for humanity's future? If they're disabling our nukes, it means either they are peaceful and want to keep up from killing ourselves (which I can totally get behind) or that they're hostile and are blocking our best method of defending against them, which is Apocalypse scenario.


>> No.1815269

I love how /sci/ claims belief in God is retarded, and then most of you believe alien life to exist.

>> No.1815271
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Not true, any level of that infinity would still be "skeptical" You only need to be skeptical once in order to be skeptical. I am not lying. I am merely not going into specific details.

>> No.1815275
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>> No.1815280

Even if you dont observe all rocks falling down, you can assume when you drop a rock it will fall based on logic and previous observation. We have observed conditions for life in the universe. We have yet to observe any evidence of god. Not trashing your beliefs just pointing out perspectives

>> No.1815286

If they've found us, they're waaaay ahead of us technologically. If they were war-like, we're already dead. I think it'd be pretty badass if they came out and said hi; there might be some philosophical debates re-evaluating what being human means; they'd probably share technology (assuming the peaceful scenario); a bunch of your typical dumbasses would gather and protest their existence just like happens to any "outsider" group. Shit would be cash in general, though.

Too bad it will never happen. Probably ever.

>> No.1815291

honestly If they were hostile it we would never know. They have the ability to accelerate transportation near the speed of light then they can destroy planets. I doubt they are aggressive. They could terraform any planet if they wanted resources. I doubt we would have to worry about it. They have surpassed the suicide of there species they are probably not aggressive.

>> No.1815322

what the fuck you sick son of a bitch
show me the goddamn money
where is this public aclaim you fucking refer to?
pisses me off that limpdick limpbrain pukes can sit on their lame asses and talk like you
ohhh how i wish you had the misfortune of being deemed a fit biological sample for consumptive abduction purposes
you in your absence of personal experience deface without the slightest consideration the character of others
just remember
even if they force this watered down drivel down your throat and into your belief system,
you never will be told all there is
and you sure as hell are not looking to find it out for yourself
im reminded of the fictional vogon fleet comander as he said 'apathetic humans..'
i wish sincerly they would hit you with all there is
you would go into shock
heres a sample

>> No.1815413

Yes, well, read my post.
There'd be no reason for the Illuminati if I didn't exist.

>> No.1815777
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Go here, all your questions will be answered to your liking.