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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1807244 No.1807244 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck biology. I took it because I thought I would like it, but I hate it. Nothing about how organisms interact with each other/chemicals. Just how their cells have really tiny shit that is super duper important. We spent the last two weeks on water. Feels bad man

pic unrelated

>> No.1807262

Enjoy lower level bio courses.

PhD in biology here; I do the shit you want to learn about (how organisms interact with each other [ecology] / chemicals [physiological ecology]).

Physiological ecology is the place to be atm. Climate change gets you grant money easy.

>> No.1807269

Yeah. Water is pretty boring. If by boring you mean the most amazing substance on the planet. Bonds just strong enough for capillary action, but weak enough for evaporation. Solid form less dense than liquid. Specific heat so high that it can absorb and release heat at will without changing its overall temperature by too much. Also it brings warmer temps to the UK which is the only reason they aren't living in pure ice during the winter.

fap fap fap fap fap

>> No.1807274

I dont care about grant money. I want to do a job I dont hate and get race car money

>> No.1807283
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PhD candidate for biology here.
Molecular biology or biochem will get you how organisms interact with chemicals, if that's what you want to learn about. Remember, your first year of college is not catering to you. It's catering to the foreigners who are taught that allah is why water forms a meniscus.
>Nothing about how organisms interact with each other/chemicals. Just how their cells have really tiny shit that is super duper important
Honestly, I believe that if you get into how the "really tiny shit that is super duper important" enough, you'll see that it's actually really fucking awesome.

Unrelated, my captcha is fucking STARING at me.

>> No.1807296


You should have choose another profession then bub.

>> No.1807323

Why? I find the biochemistry of the brain interesting. I am taking this course to understand the bigger picture more so. Seems like a good choice to me

>> No.1807336


>>1807262 here.

A career in the sciences above the BA/BS level is heavy with grant writing.

Anyone MS or above can tell you that. You want to study the biochemistry of the brain? Cool. Now where the fuck is the money going to come from?

Welcome to sucking dick so you can study what you want.

>> No.1807372

How do you make money doing this? Just skim some off the top?

>> No.1807376

Assuming you're a student, the money goes to your university, and the university pays you a pittance. That's how it's been for me, anyway. I don't have experience in disbursement for faculty, or in industry.

My old adviser used to tell me, "You typically go into science to do science, not to make money. If you want to make money, go get an M.BA."

>> No.1807383


Well, I am a grad student so I get paid to teach. I work 20 hours a week, teaching two lab sections making 20,000 a year.

The grants are used so I can do research. Because I am a grad student, the department will help me if I am unable to acquire them.

My adviser makes 89,000 a year as an associate professor. He is salaried; he does not make personal money from grants-- he can use them to hire post docs or more grad students, though.

tl;dr you make money from the university, not grants. Grants just allow more research.

>> No.1807393

ha ha bragging about being a PhD in a dumb fuck ass end of biology. Real biologists study the microcosm. Dumb fuck wanna be biologist do ecology and shit like that because they weren't smart enough to be able to handle genetics and cell biology.

The real changes in medicine and the world in general come from studying the smallest picture more so than the big obvious one.

>> No.1807397
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Troll harder. I use molecular genetics to quantify allelic distributions and dynamics of populations.

>> No.1807398
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Mol./Synth. Bio, gogo real biology!

>> No.1807434

This is why biofags should do more physics and maths. So much more interesting than learning by heart the functions and fucked up names of tiny cell shits. It probably depends of your teacher, but I've had a very bad experience with biology and i'm glad it's over. Maths rock so much more

>> No.1807453


There is math in biology, just go higher.

I use diff e q and linear alg programming in C++ to make ecological models.

But bitches don't know.

>> No.1807459

This is why mathfags need to take more bio - most of that shit is outdated and obsolete. We've got a whole new game going on over here now.

>> No.1807475

>implying that either math or physics is more interesting because they don't involve tiny shit
How about mammals that can regenerate limbs or organs?
You can make mice that are capable of regenerating REMOVED ORGANS and SEVERED LIMBS by knocking out one "tiny useless stupid machine" called p21. You can cut out bits of its brain and it will make new bits that are functional.

How is this not cool as hell?

>Also I have the PDF of that article if anyone wants it.

>> No.1807483

I used to hate the smallest part of the cell and wanted to do something more like zoology. Really medical related fields are waaayyyy more lucrative as well as more interesting. People are always going to get sick and medicine will always change. Once you get balls deep in cell bio and genetics you'll get hooked. I am currently working toward my PhD in Pathology and doing research on cancer.

My friends that did eco and zoology....Well they work in a range of jobs from Bass Pro Shop to the middle of some fuckin field studying something no one cares about not even them. So glad I realized my talents were better suited to medical research where I will be challenged way more and make more money doing what I like.

>> No.1807507
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mfw when I realized that the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) is pronounced Penis.

>> No.1807509


Dude! I want a link to that article. I worked in a neuroscience lab that was directed at brain regeneration after brain damage occurred in the frontal lobe in my undergrad. This sounds like it would be right up my alley

>> No.1807528


>> No.1807554

It's actually really simple. p21/WAF1 stops the cell from dividing at a critical checkpoint; knocking it out means the cells divide more readily. Persistent senescence is almost nonexistent. Cell divisions are still inhibited by neighbors - so no tumors - but when you remove neighbors they start dividing to fill the gap.

p21 also stops the cell from dividing when you get DNA damage, so in p21-/- individuals you get a lot of DNA damage, which triggers apoptosis (cell death) instead of a halt in division...but it doesn't really matter, because the cells that die are replaced immediately.

Also, for evolutionfags, knocking out a single gene restores a phenotype in mammals IDENTICAL to that in regenerating amphibians.
Evolution is totally just a gauss.

>> No.1807557
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I'm taking Anthropology, and it kicks dick. Our teacher is like the female version of Richard Dawkins and she trolls the creationist students by making subtle kidney-jabs at religion.

My friend recommended we take biology, and I was like lolno. GOOD THING THAT CUNT WAS WRONG, BECAUSE ANTHRO IS FUCKING AWESOME

>> No.1807588



a-POPT-tosis makes me rage.

>> No.1807589

Anthropology is worthless unless it is coupled with biology, chemistry, or geology

>> No.1807595


>> No.1807700

Yeah, really. It's almost as bad as pure archaeology.

>> No.1808000

I love how I'm not the only one who forces a cat to sleep with me. I wish I could find a woman who does the same, we could sleep together ;_;

>> No.1808012

lol I do the same thing with my dog

>> No.1808030
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Much like you can't judge a book by it's cover, you can't judge a field of study by it's intro class.

Also, mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and ATPase are more amazing than any bullshit you think you wanna learn about.

>> No.1808045
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hey guys

hey guys listen
I have this great i-HEY GUYS
I have this great idea
I'll use the movement protons
I'll use the movement of protons to MAKE ATP

>> No.1809828

>Anthropology is worthless unless it is coupled with biology AND geology. Chemistry also helps.

>> No.1809830
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>> No.1809833

>Also, for evolutionfags, knocking out a single gene restores a phenotype in mammals IDENTICAL to that in regenerating amphibians. Evolution is totally just a gauss.

>> No.1809848

>Want to learn about organisms and interaction with chemicals
>pissed off we're learning about how they interact with water (a chemical!) and how cells work

>> No.1809850


>> No.1809860

oh yes

>> No.1809879

You'd still have to deal with tons of other factors like DNA shortening once telomerase shuts down, etc. You can't do it with 1 gene

>> No.1809885

even if true, I don't see how the fuck does this disprove evolution

also why the fuck it does not have medical applications yet?

>> No.1809918

that is because you are doing first year courses, it is only slightly more material than high school biology, but requires you to actually pay attention to get a descent mark. but then you get to do fucking awesome shit and choose from heapsa courses that are awesome.

>> No.1809943
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pic related

>> No.1809955

Fuck race car driving. I took it because I thought I would like it, but I hate it. Nothing about how to smash other cars to pieces and multi lane drifting. Just how race cars have steering wheels and shit that is super duper important. We spent the last two weeks on changing gears. Feels bad man

>> No.1809963
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Who made that picture? O.o

>> No.1809971

I think he has a camera in my bedro... oh wait.. BUT I DON'T HAVE A CAT!11!11

>> No.1809983
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>> No.1809986

Omg this thread, I can't believe...

>> No.1809987

It doesn't. That was sarcasm. It's great evidence for evolution.
You raise a good point, but p21-/- cell cultures are observed to be immortal - even when they shouldn't be. However, lots of things are known to be immortal when telomere shortening would predict them to not be. NIH3t3 is a common, well known example.

Clearly telomere/telomerase aren't the only determining factors in cell lifespan, or else telomerase activity isn't fixed.
shows that when you inhibit telomerase in NIH3t3, they don't proliferate as much - you essentially take immortal cell lines and make them immortal. However, NIH3t3 cultures don't just die like that. They propose that telomerase activity is directly proportional to the rate of cell division - which would explain the observations.

>> No.1809991

>you essentially take immortal cell lines and make them immortal
*make them mortal

>> No.1810003
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Fuck my family. I took them because I thought they would like it, but they hate it. Nothing about how awesome using chloroform is when having an orgasm with your own daughter/granddaughter. Just how their vaginas are really tight is strange. We spent the last two decades in my basement. Feels great man

>> No.1810012

Its too bad you're such an ugly fuck, itd of been cooler if you were a pretty boy like me who does the same thing but on willing subjects.

>> No.1810266

get a job!