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1804918 No.1804918 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /sci/ I got question for you.

What if someone invented engine that only needs water as fuel instead gasoline/diesel etc.? What you think would happen/change?

>> No.1804926

The universe would explode because that is energetically impossible.

>> No.1804924

Protip: we've had those since the 1920's.

>> No.1804930

They have. It changed nothing.

Henry Ford originally prototyped engines that would run off of various things, including fuel made from Hemp. Electric cars have also been around since the invention of the automobile itself.

You have big oil to blame.

>> No.1804929

how fast does it consume fuel?
how much power does it output?
how heavy is it?
how pure does the water have to be?
how expensive is one to produce?

answers plx

>> No.1804932

Why we still use combustion engines then?

>> No.1804934

You'd never hear about it OP, big oil would cover that shit up so fast no one could ever get it noticed.

>> No.1804941

Identical to combustion engines(cars and such), but just use water instead gasoline.

>> No.1804950

The world would hit peak water in 200 years.

>> No.1804952

I would make millions of people die from lack of water and only the richest will have access to it.

>> No.1804959


I herd u liekd hydrogen engine.

>> No.1804975

I hear water is pure hydrogen.

>> No.1805000

No, but not for the reasons others are saying, water is extremely easy to make, becuase oxygen and hydrogen are found abundantly in our atmosphere, the reason it wouldn't work, is purely because of the beuracracy(spelling fail), there would be some sort of hazard to it, nothing good ever comes without it, and so to speak, someone will fuck it up for everybody, there would be too much paper work, and it would eventually banned, our society is awful at changing, and the government, and the ability to sue doesn't make it any easier

>> No.1805041

It's not that. Change isn't what's required. These technologies have existed since the invention of the automobile.

It's just that those with a vested interest in making money happened to have enough money to buy out the competition so that they could make more money in the end. Same reason pot's illegal.

>> No.1805058
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>Same reason pot's illegal.

>> No.1805078

Actually change is exactly what's required, though nothing as trivial as elections are going to change anything.

>> No.1805109

Those with a vested interest in the cotton, wood pulp, and pharmaceutical industries spent lots of money to make it so. Rather than adapting to the hemp market, they attempted to destroy the hemp market.

>> No.1805156

people would go about their general business unaware of the existence of such an engine. For example, they might post on 4chan asking about it and get repies like this.


convert water into fuel with sunlight only
only byproduct is used up in fuel's usage
only exhaust is water

>> No.1805161

I didn't think /sci/ were so paranoid; "Big Oil" are more interested in paying the government of niger to keep quiet about oil flaring than cars that make unicorns cry tears of happiness

>> No.1805167

They're interested in both and have enough money for both.

>> No.1805185

it's documented. not paranoia.

>> No.1805183

Pot is illegal because goverment doesnt want people to be fucking junkies.


>> No.1805190

It all turns around economic competition. Where there is a profit, there is a way.

Things like the availability of the fuel and stuff are involved.

However, even if a technology like hydrogen powered cars becomes economically more viable, there is still the additional costs of converting all of your factories into making these other cars. If you just start selling them alongside normal cars, youre competing with yourself and that can cause a lot of harm to a bussiness (think about if microsoft would make all of its Xbox exclusives available on PC as they come out, the motivation to buy an xbox is gone because you can plug controllers into a PC).

This is why probably in a few years (I think renault announced to have electric cars in 2012) alternative fuel cars will come out at a higher price than normal cars becauce of a luxury status created by the manufacturers. Much later, an alternative equivalent of the volkswagen beetle will come out and will be known as the "first affordable alternative car"

History repeats itself.

>> No.1805207
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lol, wut?

>> No.1805279

> water powered car engines available
> big oil companies won't let them to be built

This thread is full retarded.

>> No.1805369


Who said anything about built?
They can't gain market share versus an industry so well entrenched as big oil.
Without market share their R&D is an arduous process due to cost, which in turn means that it takes them longer to become affordable to the average consumer causing a snowball effect.

>> No.1805389

They would be instantly rich, obviously. Even richer if it could run on salt water.

The people saying big oil would cover it up and no one would ever know are potheads. You may ignore them.

>> No.1805472

>big oil would cover it up
>implying it hasn't already happened
>implying Henry Ford didn't think ethanol was the future, constructing a car of resin stiffened hemp fiber, and fueling it with ethanol made from hemp

>implying you're not a troll

>> No.1805567
File: 24 KB, 311x311, amused mad hatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't believe in corporate corruption
>calls other pot heads

>> No.1805600

>believes belief in corporate corruption institutes cause to believe anything bad about corporations

>> No.1805607

Derp. They already have made fuel from salt water. I can't find the exact link that explains everything (it's been a long time and multiple reformats since I've read it) but here is a news article.


>> No.1805632

Well in order to turn water into hydrogen we need electricity. So its cheaper to just use gas.
Also its hard to contain hydrogen since its lighter than air and its highly explosive.

>> No.1805645
File: 82 KB, 991x717, steam_engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steam engine anyone?

>> No.1805651

those are powered by coal <_<

>> No.1805721

It says right in the article it's probably not a fuel source... it's just a way to make fire from radio waves + water.

Oil requires energy input to extract and process it, hydrogen requires energy input to extract it from water.

The point is that they are portable energy containers, if we could just drive around with our cars plugged into an outlet while driving we wouldn't need either of them. However that's highly impractical so we need a fuel.

>> No.1805739

I didn't read this article, though the actual post from him showed how it worked and everything and how it could be used as a fuel source.

>> No.1805771

Please try not to be an idiot. "Fuel" means an energy source. Water cannot be an energy source, because it takes more energy to break the bonds than you can get back. A torch that uses electrolysed water to burn H and O, is not using water as its power. It is using electricity as its power source. And it's very inefficient.

>> No.1805785

They're not the same. It takes energy to refine oil, but not nearly as much energy as you get from burning that oil. That's why oil is a fuel.

>> No.1805797

Derp. It heats up to 1500 centigrade with less energy than is required. Use that to make steam for turbines

You don't need fucking question marks here.

>> No.1805841

Oil is harder to get and rarer than water. Take that into account and it likely all balances out in the end.

>> No.1805984

Yes, of course, of course, what would happen..?
You mean.. what did happen don't you?