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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1804024 No.1804024 [Reply] [Original]

Fact: Gay Engineers was started by a few butthurt physics majors, and then the /b/ crowd caught onto it.

Also fact: In civilized countries, engineering majors learn as much pure math as the physics majors do.

>> No.1804033
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>> No.1804040


>quotation needed

>> No.1804057

For proof of #1, see: >>>/sci/
For #2, ask any non-murrican

>> No.1804060

Physics major here.
We consider engineers to be despicable due to their abuse of science for financial gains, and cooperating with the highest bidder.
That's the most prevalent reason for majoring in engineering.
You study material far easier and less complex than ours, and get payed more.
If anything, you're not gay but rather the niggers of the science world.

>> No.1804069
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>merryfag detected
>still in school detected
>butthurt detected

>> No.1804079
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An engineer thread? I did a month of that. Now I am a butthurt physics major.

...I can still hear the banjos when I look at diffraction patterns.

>> No.1804080

No, no...and no.
I don't mind the making less money, I do mind that you people are the vanguards of our demise.
You provide with the ignorant masses with more and more redundant products that they only think they need and get payed for it in the end.
Do you think I enjoy seeing the knowledge of the transistor being used to create iphones?

>> No.1804088
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You do know physics is an experimental science right? What's more experimental then making hipster iborgs?

>> No.1804091


Such naivety. Oh, to be 14 again.

>> No.1804093

We strive for knowledge. That is purity.
Such knowledge can be harnessed to create great things.
I do not consider the current world's industrial status to be a great thing.
If engineering students had resisted the urge to make easy money, we'd be in a whole lot better place right now.

>> No.1804096

Yes, I know.
That was an extreme over-simplification of the situation, but I'm currently answering a single aspect of it, whose pattern keeps popping all over the place.

>> No.1804099
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>'You people'?
>'Our demise'
>engineers create redundant products

sure is generalisation in here, isn't that right mr labcoat wearing anti-social virgin nerdy scientist?

>> No.1804106


You're only a part of the problem, but a part nonetheless.
And of course I know that not all engineers are subject to this observation.

>> No.1804109


>> No.1804112

Good fucking lord, I hope I'm getting trolled really good here. Most modern physics research is ivory tower faggotry that will never see actual applications.
>If engineering students had resisted the urge to make easy money, we'd be in a whole lot better place right now.
I'd love to see you elaborate on that one. I thought a the average salary of a profession was determined by the demand of its skills.

>> No.1804114
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Sure is blame game in here. Nice try.

>> No.1804302


Ausfag studying engineering here. In Australia it is widely accepted that Engineering is the single most difficult undergrad degree. A physics professor taking a thermodynamics course I have has explicitly stated that engineering is harder than physics.

>> No.1804317

Same here in NZ. The entry requirements for engineering are way more that for the sciences, too.

>> No.1804320
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Another ausfag engineer here bro.

>> No.1804322

That's because nobody wants to study sciences.

>> No.1804330

Engineer here (Civil, Transport Planning)

Its widely known that engineering is one of the single most respected degrees you can take on.

Additionally, we dont care so much for science as we care for applying its principles to develop the world around us

>> No.1804334
File: 98 KB, 502x680, trollmw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.1804343


wake up and face the world we live in, delusional faggots

>> No.1804434

>In civilized countries, engineering majors learn as much pure math as the physics majors do.

But no where near as much as the pure mathematicians do. Check and mate.

>> No.1804459

>wake up and face the world we live in, delusional faggots

>the world I live in

Enjoy your paycheks.

>> No.1804464

Engineering is not a branch of science. So why are there so many engi's on /sci/. Should'nt they be on /g/ or something.

>> No.1804488

Engineering is both science and math related.

>> No.1804521
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>wake up and face the world we live in, delusional faggots
>mfw you just used the bandwagon argument without realizing you're contributing to its momentum by choosing to make even more money.
You do know what momentum is, right?

>> No.1804547
File: 42 KB, 330x483, you'regay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP it's a clinical fact that 80%+ of engineers are gay

>> No.1804559
File: 96 KB, 500x407, EngineersBanner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth: All good engineers are gay.

>> No.1805401

Well, when I go up to people and say that I have a PhD in nuclear physics, their jaws drop.

I fucking win.

>> No.1805427

>engineering majors learn as much pure math as physics majors do.

Experimental physics majors maybe. Theoretical physics is hardcore.

>> No.1805448

Not everywhere. Most the places I know of, engineering majors stop at Calc 2 or 3. If you're a physics major, you're only missing one course from dual majoring in math.

>> No.1805481


>> No.1805500

I'm electrical engineering and I am only 4 classes from double majoring in physics. It doesn't work the other way around for physics majors. Additionally I take just as much math as a physics major (Calculus 1-3, Differential Equations, and calculus based statistics).

>> No.1805512

Engineers do more work, Physicists do more thinking. It is as simple as that.

The thing is, Engineers work in an office and Physicists work in Academia. Unless you are an engineering physicist, that's your own problem...
I don't get why /sci/ argues about it so much, the only real time they will ever see each other is in college.

>> No.1805536
File: 30 KB, 500x452, political-pictures-iwo-jima-epic-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then the /b/ crowd caught onto it.
/sci/ I am proud

>> No.1805546

or NASA, when physicists tell the aerospace engineers to do the bitch work

>> No.1805556

>It doesn't work the other way around for physics majors.
Epic logic fail

>> No.1805571

>or NASA, when physicists tell the aerospace engineers to help them do their work.
>or NASA, when aerospace engineers tell the physicists to help them do their work.

NASA isn't high school.

>> No.1805594

You do know physics majors need to do Partial Differential Equations, Complex analysis, linear algebra on top of the basic calc/ODE/stats...

ITT Deluded engineers think they have any fucking clue in comparison to theoretical physics,

>> No.1805655
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>>1805594 I'm just going to leave this here.

>> No.1805699

Why is salary so important to you people?
$50k is more than enough for a family of 3. Plus there is to consider the spouse's earnings. Which has to be at least $20k, that's in a dead-end HS diploma type job. That is $70k, more than twice as much as what I was raised on.

>> No.1805720

Not if you life in Northern California. Can't survive on less than 70k a year in Nor Cal.

>> No.1805726

>Implying that nuclear physicists don't make $120,000/year.

FYI: That's my major. Nuclear Physicists make $80,000-120,000 with making, on average, $60,000 right out of grad school

Of course the $120,000 is for working for the government, but still...

>> No.1805728

The salary isn't what is important. It just illustrates how a engineering major is harder and thus worth more. If a physics major really was so much harder than it would be worth more. It is supply and demand.

>> No.1805732

>mfw when my parents are immigrants and earn around 200k a year

>> No.1805744

The fact that you even needed to make point #2 is a testament to your collective insecurity.

Across the world, your "discipline" is comprised of nothing more than glorified electricians.

>> No.1805745

what does "mfw" mean?

>> No.1805755

I doubt it. You just aren't willing to give up some luxuries.

>> No.1805767

moral of the story: Don't live in California

>> No.1805775

60K out of grad school? You could make twice as much out of a 2nd tier law or business school.

That's just embarrassing.

>> No.1805784

Mikey Fuckin' Way, he's 4chan's mascot

>> No.1805827

This reminded me of something I was going to say earlier, but didn't out of respect:
If you engineers seek nothing more than monetary gain, why are you even here? This is a board for science and math, and engineering is neither science nor math. It's just a convenient degree for someone looking to make money.

The only time you drones have ever contributed anything to society was when you were under the command of a REAL scientist, so fuck off until we need you to do the leg work again.

>> No.1805937

By the way, the computer you are using right now was engineered. Most of the devices you use everyday were engineered. Saying engineering isn't math or science is just stupid. Engineering is just applied math & science for technological advancement.

>> No.1805999

This will be the first and only time I'll respond to these kind of threads. It was tolerable before but now its just plain stupid.

Engineers and scientists are suppose to work together! There isn't any competition anywhere. Engineers make better equipments for scientist, scientist provide the ideas for engineers so they can either carry out the experiment or use it to solve problems.

The gay engineer meme is true. It was made by physicists and /b/ start spamming.

All you're doing is generalizing and crying about it. You completely ignore those who are in it to help people, problems, the world, whatever their ambitions are.

You are making fun of engineers because they get paid for their skills?

Also, the engineers in this topic are just insults.

All this antisocial, make less money then you, butthurt, you mad?, practicability insults aren't making you likable.

"Engineering isn't science or math!" Saying engineering isn't the least bit related to science or math is plain stupid.

Nobody, i mean NOBODY, argues this in real life. We help each other out in the real world and we barely see each other in college.

>> No.1806027

I agree with this completely.

>> No.1806068

Unless you're an EE, where I can say fuck you, we deal with all that too. PDE's are optional, but easily google-able.

>> No.1806095

Engineers who don't understand the basic concepts fully don't thrive, scientists who can't design experiments without considering technological limitations won't go anywhere.

Engineers just know how to practically apply science and math, but have to know what the math and science means, not just how to solve the integral.

Scientists, thank you, you give my degree topics of interest that keep me going.