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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1802501 No.1802501 [Reply] [Original]

Examples of gay mathematicians:
Alan Turing
Francis Skinner

Examples of gay engineers:

Now tell me, /sci/ducks, why are engineers so awesome and straight, while mathematicians are composed of faggots too busy jerking off to complex variables to worry about bringing home the bacon to a lovely, beautiful while?

>> No.1802513

>Examples of gay engineers:

>Examples of memorable engineers:


>> No.1802520

How about Edison or Ford?

>> No.1802523
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>> No.1802526

>Examples of memorable engineers:

Koroljow, Werner von Braun, Eiffel (the guy with the tower), Siemens, Otto (car engines), Messerschmidt...

Don't fall for your local availability paradoxon, dear non psychologist.

>> No.1802527

>Ludwig Wittgenstein went on to study engineering at Berlin, and he then moved to Britain at the age of nineteen to study aeronautics at the University of Manchester (1908-11) where he designed a jet reaction propeller. Developing more interest in mathematics and then mathematical logic he transferred to Cambridge where he took courses in 1912-13 given by Bertrand Russell (1872-1970).

say wut ?

>> No.1802521

>Wittgenstein a philosopher after a brief period as an engineer.

Research, another thing engineers can't do.

>> No.1802529


Biologist here, never heard of them.

Darwin, Watson and Crick.

And you just lost the game.

>> No.1802530

>beautiful while

>> No.1802531


As in, Student Alliance of Gay Engineers.

>> No.1802532

... so in addition to being gay, all good engineers became actual scientits in the end? Oh this is getting better by the minute haha

>> No.1802534
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both gay.. as a rule..
ALL engineers are gay... its a given

>> No.1802539
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sage sage sage, I hate these flame wars. Get over it

>> No.1802543

>Werner von Braun

Just the German guy who put Americans on the moon cause they couldn't do it alone. And I won the game years ago.

>> No.1802547

Problem is that methematicans are not pathetic pussies that cry about anyone calling them gay. It's just not fun messing with them. Engineers on the other hand are trolled so easily it's almost awkward.

Also PhD Mathemeticians, any job they want, 300k and so on

>> No.1802554

Wittgenstein was an engineer.

>> No.1802560


> Ph.D. in Engineering
> Any cock I want
> 7" starting

>> No.1802559

josef is and has always been the cancer killing /sci/

>> No.1802566

Agreed. Fkn agreed.

>> No.1802578

you speak with so much confidence that there is no other significance to the phalic representation of his 'rockets'
bravo, well done, yes, im sure, you '1' long ago

>> No.1802586

I'm one of the maybe ten scientits on this board, let's throw tomatos at me

>> No.1802590

Don't worry, I still love you.

>> No.1802592



>> No.1802601

that doesn't count mathematicians
i feel like there are more legit mathematicians here than scientist. maybe it's just me.

>> No.1802605

2/10 but it's close to 1/10 so work harder or you'll fail.

>> No.1802654
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Examples of gay mathematicians:
Alan Turing
Francis Skinner

Examples of gay engineers :
(Although you wont recognize most of the names, since all engineering conrtibutions are shit tier compared to science)

Norman Abramson
Edwin Armstrong
William Edward Ayrton
John Bardeen
Emile Baudot Andy
Arnold Orville Beckman
Alfred Rosling Bennett
Harold Stephen Black
Ottó Bláthy
André Blondel
Alan Blumlein
Hendrik Wade Bode
Karlheinz Brandenburg
Charles Tilston Bright
Charles Eugene Lancelot
William C. Brown
Walter Bruch
Charles F. Brush
Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton
Marvin Camras
William Corin
Sidney Darlington
Lee DeForest Audion
Georges de Mestral
Jack Dennis
Robert H. Dennard
Marcel Deprez
Bern Dibner
Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky
William Duddell
J. Presper Eckert
Douglas Engelbart
Justus B. Entz
A. K. Erlang
Lloyd Espenschied
Moses G. Farmer
Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti
Reginald Fessenden

>> No.1802660

I'd suggest having intercourse now, but then I don't think we've built enough airplanes to be allowed to do it yet.

>> No.1802667
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Gay engineers:
Donald G. Fink
Gerhard Fischer
Thomas Flowers
Jay Forrester
Leonard F. Fuller
Elisha Gray
Richard Grimsdale
Edward E. Hammer
Ralph Hartley
Peter Cooper
Edwin J. Houston
Lawrence A. Hyland
Kees Schouhamer Immink
Fleeming Jenkin
Kálmán Kandó
Nathaniel S. Keith
John D. Kraus
Eric Laithwaite
Hedy Lamarr
Uno Lamm Swedish
Benjamin G. Lamme
Georges Leclanché
Morris E. Leeds
Alexander Lodygin
Guglielmo Marconi
Orlando R. Marsh
John Mauchly
Charles Hesterman
William Henry Merrill
John L. Moll
Robert Moog
Daniel McFarlan Moore
Kenneth Olsen
Donald Pederson
Franklin Leonard Pope
Michael I. Pupin
Richard H. Ranger
Alec Reeves
Johann Philipp Reis

>> No.1802670
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gay engineers:
Hyman G. Rickover
Edward S. Rogers
Harold Rosen Syncom
H. J. Round
Carl Louis Schwendler
Thomas Johann Seebeck
Claude Shannon
Ernst Werner von Siemens
Carl Wilhelm Siemens
Phillip Hagar Smith
Percy Spencer
Frank J. Sprague
Chauncey Starr
Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Sarkes Tarzian
Albert H. Taylor
Bernard D. H. Tellegen
Nikola Tesla
Silvanus P. Thompson
René Thury
Kálmán Tihanyi
Charles Joseph Van Depoele
Milan Vidmar
Andrew Viterbi
Trevor Wadley
Harry Ward Leonard
Harold Alden Wheeler
Uncas A. Whitaker
Bob Widlar
Niklaus Wirth
Steve Wozniak
Pavel Yablochkov
Jerry Yang Hidetsugu Yagi
Konrad Zuse

U want more?

>> No.1802674

>>1802670 U want more?
bring it on
I bet you can't even name 1000 more!

>> No.1802675
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I could go on for days
The amount of gay engineers is pretty much endless. I think I have made my point.


>> No.1802684

>google search some of the names you posted
>no results
Nice making up names, bro

>> No.1802691


I've searched 3 of them and found hefty Wikipedia pages.

Suck cocks, engineer. Some may be less well known than others. His list still appears to be valid.

>> No.1802695

A mathematician calling an engineer gay is like calling your dick gay. They are both extensions of each other. Engineering is the practical application of math, and engineering is nothing without math.

>> No.1802699
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Try harder bro.
Wow, you cant find an engineer on the net. I wonder why!

Again, engineering is shit tier. No one remembers that shit.

I didnt make those names up though. Those were/are all legit engineers. If you give a specific name, I will refer you to a link. And tell you what they did.

>> No.1802700

I just took a name at random and:
>Charles Proteus Steinmetz
>a German-American mathematician and electrical engineer.

>> No.1802702

> list of random names with nothing to do with homosexuality
> I could go on for days
I'm sure you could.

>> No.1802714
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U jelly bro?
Nope, those were all confirmed proud homosexual engineers. Many coming out later in life.

>> No.1802721
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Davinci was an engineer. He was presumed to be homosexual. /thread

>> No.1802723


>> No.1802731

sure is butthurt $40k year in here, back to work so-called scientists aka deluded high school science kids.

>> No.1802733
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sad engineer is sad
Sounds like you havent come out of the closet yet. BE TRUE TO YOUR SELF BROGINEER!

>> No.1802743


>> No.1802745

I will never understand the pull of forced memes.

>> No.1802747
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>> No.1802765
File: 36 KB, 275x376, mrhands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasnt mr hands an engineer?

>> No.1802777

It's time.

Dear scientist,

Thankyou for allowing us to earn double what you make per annum. Enjoy wearing a labcoat all day and labouring away on useless and un-fruitful research in an effort to disprove God or something equally as ridiculous. I will be too busy being writing papers, attending conventions, and just being awesome to notice your futile contribution to society.

P.S The homosex generalisation is a bit boring, try to think of a new joke. Preferrably one that doesn't involve you having to amass a collection of homosexual pictures on your hdd. I'm just saying, you know, you wouldn't want someone suggesting that you're a faggot scientist because you spend your day collecting pictures depicting homosexuality.

All the best bro


>> No.1802792
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>> No.1802805
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>> No.1802814
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>> No.1802821

LOL - I think you win the thread

>> No.1802829
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he thinks he's stylin

>> No.1802835
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>> No.1802850

>PHD in math
>300K starting
>can afford larger penises

>> No.1802857
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>> No.1802867
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Dear Scientist,

Thanks for accepting my deviant lifestyle. It is usually very hard (like my dick in a mass ass) for young gay men to be accepted in society. I am greatful /sci/ doen not discriminate towards its engineering (gay) brothers. I truly feel like I am welcome here, despite the fact that I love to suck dick and gobbled up old man cum.

Thanks for the tolerance,

Looking for a gay orgy Chi town tonight, can any brogineers help me out?

>> No.1802875

Eh, save yourself the trouble of planning and just go to steamworks.

>> No.1802925

Engineer status

[] Not Told
[X] Told

>> No.1802959

>Kenneth Pinyan (June 22, 1960 - July 2, 2005) was an American Boeing engineer

>> No.1802967

>implying you know one not-awesome gay guy.

Sorry bro, but all my gay friends are the coolest guys I know. They are funny, eccentric, get girls to talk to you. Using homosex as a reason of inferiority is kissing-cousin back-assed retarded.

>> No.1803271

>mfw math