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1802518 No.1802518 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight. It's 2010. And people are sitting at Starbucks with their Macbook Airs downloading alternative indie rock music via iTunes and transferring it to their equally useless shiny iShit while sipping 8€ coffee and people on the other side of the world die of starvation and diseases that can be cured with a few euros?

How fucked up is this world?

>> No.1802522
File: 122 KB, 600x479, 1270589615594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1802536

I'd say it's decent enough. You can always share your wealth with them if you want to.

>> No.1802545

now show us the socialism pic with the two boys starving instead.

>> No.1802549
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>> No.1802551

>he thinks Africa is capitalist
>implying what that picture shows isn't the enormous success of Western capitalism and the failure of statism, tribalism and other forms of collectivism

>> No.1802553

Its either:
1: They don't care
2: They do care but expect 'someone' else to do all the work
3: They do care but say that they don't have the time to do anything about it
Feel free to add anything else

>> No.1802556
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>> No.1802612

>implying colonialism never happened.

>> No.1802617

>implying the situation didn't only get worse after colonialism age ended

>> No.1802622
File: 19 KB, 608x368, face32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying capitalism is about distributing resources evenly

>> No.1802636

>implying colonialism is a capitalist act
>implying things didn't get worse after

>> No.1802638

>8€ coffee and people on the other side of the world
>8€, other side of the world
implying Africa is on the other side of the world from England when they're only 1500 miles apart.

>> No.1802659

I don't know op, I don't think there is a point in asking this kind of questions, I mean why is there suffering, why is the sky blue, WHO IS JOHN GALT?

>> No.1802669

implications, implications everywhere

>> No.1802687

>implying that england use fucking euros

>> No.1802693

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

>> No.1802713

>people on the other side of the world die of starvation and diseases that can be cured with a few euros?

I'm not sure I understand the problem?

>> No.1802719

They can't form a society capable of scraping up a few euros and that's everyone else's fault.

>> No.1802724

No, he's not.

>> No.1802727

No, I mean OP's implication that starving niggers is a bad thing. He never proved that contention.

>> No.1802732

>implying hurr durr herp derp hurr

>> No.1802738

Of course suffering is a bad thing.

>> No.1802736

>How fucked up is this world?
Very fucked up to you, apparently; not so fucked up to people who don't care about starving africans, and probably pretty fucked up to the africans themselves.

It's subjective.

>> No.1802741

"No!" says the man on 4chan.

>> No.1802742

This a problem of our making! Our countries where forged by upriesing and revolution! The modern weapons we have created are making it impossible for the poor of these countries to revolt and form a decent government.

>> No.1802749

>>1802736 probably pretty fucked up to the africans themselves.

Or extremely fucked up to everyone that believes that things are the way they are because of an omnipotent intelligence rather than because of causality.


Prove that starving Africans are suffering. They have a more simple nervous system than we do, it's like boiling lobsters.

>> No.1802755

Prove it.

>> No.1802758

>>1802742! The modern weapons we have created are making it impossible for the poor of these countries to revolt and form a decent government.

Revolutions ARE NOT something Africa is short on. The issue is the leaders of those revolutions lack the moral integrity and philosophical background to set up a solid foundation of government. The closest thing they have to Thomas Paine are all socialists and we all know how well that works.

>> No.1802764

I don't know why it should be fucked up. Africa is a shithole because of many reasons, but if the situation gets better people will invest and Africa will get a share of the wealth too. Happened in China, will happen in India and in other third world coutries too. I don't see how people can think that capitalism is for western countries only. The success of Asian countries proved that that's not the case.

Africas problem is not capitalism or people at Starbucks (which have no obligation to give a fuck anyway, and rightfully so), but corrupt governments, ethnic conflicts and unstable conditions in general.

>> No.1802769

All because of human psychology.
Those people you describe would never go down to a level that everyone could have: live in a small town, eat local food, no more vacations in far away lands, ...
They'd rather give to charities to help, but look the other way when their leaders are securing their way of life by military force.

So, yeah, that's democracy for you (or rather, for the poor countries).

>> No.1802775

I hear what you're saying! I guess it's a moral thing. If the people doing the uprising are no better than the present government then nothing will change!
I still belive they are capable though but it's something that will take generations and widespread unity in said countries to achieve.
Maybe there is a place for religion after all?!?!

>> No.1802796

That's not accurate because there really is no capitalism in Africa. If there were, they wouldn't be starving. You have capitalism in China, which is a stable country and sure enough, it lifted millions out of poverty. Empirical evidence has shown that it's a very good system.

I'd expect that sci is more careful and doesn't jump to conclusions without considering other factors. (Like the enormous instability in Africa)

If you wanted to blame the industrial nations you could rightfully blame them for stuff like agricultural aids that harm the markets in developing countries. Those subsidies are just the result of lobbying and obstruct the market.

>> No.1802915

>>1802775Maybe there is a place for religion after all?!?!

What they need is intellectual integrity. Religion is the opposite of this. What they need is a few centuries run by atheists.

>> No.1803061
File: 11 KB, 300x340, Colonial-Africa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it did get worse, but have you thought how Europe divided Africa? It was a cruel division, a lot of different ethnic groups have to share the same country, starting civil wars and such.

>> No.1803080

If the Europeans had been allowed to keep Africa and mix the ethnic groups around until they disappeared and adopted European culture it wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.1803101

>implying that there aren't different ethnic groups in europe
>implying that european culture wasn't as savage as african.
Also, why the fuck did Europe had to colonize Africa?
Europeans are just thieves and murders, that's what they are.

>> No.1803105
File: 32 KB, 614x404, dennys-grand-slam-breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight. This is $1.99 are you out of your mind?

>> No.1803132

ITT Niggers niggering

>> No.1803148



>> No.1803313
