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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 47 KB, 479x450, lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1798581 No.1798581 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any possibility that in the future, Human senses and nerves will be connected to a, lets say, a lion, Further explanation is that the human brain would be replaces by the lions brain etc...

>> No.1798585


>> No.1798588
File: 144 KB, 377x562, lion-sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1798592
File: 50 KB, 476x418, 1283546535920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean a human-lion cyborg or a human-lion furry?

>> No.1798597

op here, im high as fuck here lol

>> No.1798602


WTF am I reading.shutthefuckupfaggot

>> No.1798603

What about hybrids between humans and other species?

>> No.1798611


lololol umad umad thoguh??? trolololo

>> No.1798615


I just happen to be the resident expert on this subject.

>> No.1798671



>> No.1798689
File: 128 KB, 600x750, ethics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related. If you want cyborg-furries or genetically-engineered super-furries, or clones, or genetic engineering, or stem cell research, or pretty much anything that people quote Bible verses about, then you need to GET RID OF THE ETHICS COMMITTEES.

>> No.1798708
File: 205 KB, 674x975, CyborgWolf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coffee Mug, you magnificent bastard!

>> No.1798729


It's true, the ethics bandwagoners must be disposed of.

>> No.1798733
File: 60 KB, 1000x1400, 11111c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait... third time i read it and now i'm not sure anymore if op wanted to mention some kind of animal-human telepathy or evolution of a species into mutants or hybrids.

that's scary.

>> No.1798735
File: 98 KB, 400x326, pedolooga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but but but why is she not a loli

>> No.1798743


You're telling me a part-human leopardess bartender is not exotic enough for you?

You also want it to be a little girl?

( ._.)

>> No.1798768
File: 433 KB, 551x720, 1285126242755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1798771

Well, as long as we're throwing ethics out the window...

>> No.1798773
File: 52 KB, 400x326, 1285371010968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1798800
File: 235 KB, 691x700, f_1279069840186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, me getting a harem of genetically-engineered super-furries... Implies letting pedos have a harem of little children?

That's a though choice ;_;

The poor kids... But... The furries... No, don't touch the kids. I will, I guess, any other non-human sentient will do, it doesn't have to be a furry ;_; as long as it doesn't bring back the memories ;_;

Is there a way to get genetically-engineered super-furries without throwing the whole of ethics out of the window? (ie letting pedos fuck children?)

>> No.1798816
File: 78 KB, 800x900, 1285264410314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


neko Loli furri all in one

>> No.1798825


I'm sorry, I prefer my genetically-engineered super-furry women to be at least over 17.

>> No.1798827

pedo >>>>>>>> fury

>> No.1798830
File: 113 KB, 1920x1200, Digiwarrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the state of war. it will require further developments into making bio-engineered warrior mutants, more skilled and agile than the actual dominant species and an unequaled combat ability.

>> No.1798841
File: 76 KB, 247x253, 1284512142434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not like I want the furries to take over the world dude.

I just want a depressingly solemn, grim, sad little slender genetically-engineered super-furry half-human half-leopardess version of Helen America... Because baselines are so pre-Singularity!

Yeah, that's the summarized version of it. Haters gonna hate etc.

>> No.1798847

Ok perfect solution, I'll use them from ~4-17 then you can buy them from me. Everyone is happy!

>> No.1798864


I'd prefer my genetically-engineered super-furry women not to have childhood traumas from spending their childhood with a pedo.

What am I saying? Let's do your plan, I want them weak, sad, vulnerable, depressingly grim.

>> No.1798883
File: 102 KB, 600x688, bruceRUCKAS0606_468x661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, teach them the most brutal way how to hate human beings forever~

...aw. okay!

>> No.1798915

Even if I had the means to create slvaves, I'm fairly sure I wouldn't have the hearth to do it

>> No.1798937

you could just let them fuck child shaped robots

>> No.1798940
File: 357 KB, 810x1410, 1285132889172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will be engineered to want no need the abuse. An ridiculously high sexdrive and the longing to please and seek the acceptance of others. Also they will have a natral lifespan ending before the age of forty because we don't need old ones clogging up the system

>> No.1798978

This thread angers & intrigues me.

Military advantages of a hominid felines would be interesting to see,

>> No.1798997


I don't need the furries to be sexed up, just regular everyday-kind of (lol) genetically-engineered super-furries, not engineered for anything else. Just "baseline" furries.

Programming them to be obsessed with one is cheating!

>> No.1799048

I just... There are six and a half billion baseline human minds. That's all the same, boring, unexiting computronium.

I want something new. Matrioshka brain AIs, genetically-enginered super-furries, seed AI, uplifted dolphins and apes, cyborgs, stuff like that. Something new and exciting on this old world that has remained the exact same thing for four billion years with the exception of a few millions of tonnes of computronium in the heads of evolved apes.

>> No.1799053



>i'm too socially awkward and think it will be any different with genetically-engineered super-furries just because they are non-human sentients

>> No.1799075

I don't think the scientific community will attempt to create a feline hominid just to appease fantasies of other people.

>> No.1799090


yes, the community that gave us elective rhinoplasty and pet cloning wouldn't ever stoop to that level.

>> No.1799094


Of course not! They will create the genetically-engineered super-furry for other reasons (Military? Unlikely. Medical? Bleh. Just for science? It shouldn't be that expensive to do, plus the results would be incredible... Incredible as in, huge popularity and attention directed towards the lab)

And THEN I start dating her.

>> No.1799108

something new? new existential risks, new and exciting biological firmware to fuck over reasonable people, new flavors of instinctual stupidity and sociopathy.

AI will bring more than enough problems on it's own, no need to add more.

>> No.1799117

CCM: Transhumanist and Super-Furfag

>> No.1799119


Everyone going mad due to accelerating change > Boring pre-singularity life

Sure, AI will bring problems. So will furries. And bionano.

But [Kurzweil]by then we'll have the bionano to build sentient spacecraft and escape to Mars![/Kurzweil]

>> No.1799132


>CCM: Transhumanist and Super-Furfag

Transhumanist, extropianist, utopian, immortalist, exotist, NASA cheerleader, Internet Detective (ICCRH certified!) and super-furfag extraordinaire

>> No.1799134

rhinoplasty and pet cloning has the advantage of being relatively cheap & help the ecomomy.

human sized feline hominids have no real practical use besides you can stick you dick in it.
This wouldn't help our overpopulation problem if we start test tube breeding there things

>> No.1799139

Sooner or later some underage and B& will get a taste for furri and grow up to be a bio engineer

>> No.1799149
File: 168 KB, 644x800, 1272166131872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We don't need to wait for furry geneticists, they are already here:


Okay, he's not really a geneticist, but it's close.

Some day, my beloved. Some day...

>> No.1799157

I think OP was more about being able to experience what a different creature/person is experiencing.

Which could be quite interesting. Instead of the doctor asking where it hurts you just share your pain with him.

>> No.1799165

>Samuel C. Conway (born June 4, 1965 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania[2]) is an American researcher in the pharmaceutical, biomedical and agrochemical fields of organic chemistry. He has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College.

Outside the scientific community, Conway is better known as Uncle Kage (pronounced /ˈkɑːɡeɪ/) and is chairman and chief organizer of Anthrocon, the largest furry convention in the world.[3][4][5] He is also a volunteer entertainer, auctioneer and a published author.

>> No.1799169


>inb4 Avatar USB-hair

>> No.1799177
File: 185 KB, 770x599, Panthera_pardus_orientalis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucken love big cats!

please go die in a fire before you make me hate them as much as I hate your kin...

>> No.1799191
File: 232 KB, 311x400, 1263603780010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't count as a big cat if most of it's DNA is human.

>> No.1799195

You are crossing lines now dude.

>> No.1799207

Probably the major concern outside of ethics regarding something like this is that it allows a segway for communicable diseases specific for other animals to quickly adapt to human hosts. Not sure if want.

>> No.1799221

May ask whats so great about people that look like dogs?
Don't you fags find it in the least creepy?

>> No.1799224


Diseases don't usually cross the species barrier, so you would be safe with a genetically-engineered super-furry... RIGHT?

What would worry me the most is xenopregnancy. Jesus.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.1799229


Precisely because they are unrelated. If you make a human more related to a cat or vice versa, you close the gap a little bit. That is the concern.

>> No.1799237


If done right, it's interesting. From a completely scientific point of view of course.

If done wrong, they will end up as deformed, crazy nutjobs. Think Dren, but instead of a creepy bat-human it would be an even crazier, blood-thirsty human-leopardess with retractile claws and other horrible, horrible ways to kill its makers.

Or awkwardly do them if said makers include Adrien Brody.

>> No.1799239

CCM Just wants to Stick his dick into one

Creating a feline hominid might create a mutation of said species specific diseases, enabling to affect to human, do not want.

>> No.1799236 [DELETED] 

On the other hand no one really rallies behind martyrs these days... they only act if they're afraid of something.

>> No.1799241


i don't know how it is called

you know the "all chinks look the same to me" thing

>> No.1799242

you can't crossbreed with a real furrie
Chimps share 99% of our dna and they can't interbreed with us
I'd imagine furries would be like the same amount of genetic difference.

>> No.1799248


>CCM Just wants to Stick his dick into one

I'm starting to think I may have deeper psych issues, but for the time being, "stick a dick into one lolololololololololol" is better than all the other possibilities. So I'm sticking with that.

>> No.1799250

you mean like cat FIV (cats' AIDS) mutating into HIV-like virus?

>> No.1799260

Yes they can and probably have.

>> No.1799271
File: 78 KB, 457x386, how_about_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can crossbreed with monkeys

>> No.1799275

>Chimps share 99% of our dna and they can't interbreed with us

that's only because we have a pair of fused chromosomes were chimps have two pairs

if we were to fuse chimps' equivalent chromies or split the humans' homologue (which sounds easier) I think it would be plausible to happen

I think the reason it has not happenned yet is ethics, as always

>> No.1799276


>> No.1799306

So, is it feasible to create gentically-engineered super-furries? Or when could it become feasible?

>> No.1799318


I know furries. I have seen enough of them to get to know how their little minds work.

You're still telling yourself it's just a fetish. All of them start out like that. No, Colonel, it's much, much worse.

Tell me CC', were you bullied during childhood? Divorced parents? Some past negative experience with humans? Huge trust issues?

>> No.1799327

>Or when could it become feasible?
Let me check my watch
like 5 years ago

>> No.1799338


Great, now I just have to wait until the ethics bandwagoners die of old age... They are against telomere reconstruction too aren't they? Yes, they will die. Old age. A few decades at best.


> Some past negative experience with humans?

Please, that happens to everybody. It's probably a little brain deformity (In my time, we called those a personality) , nothing to worry about.

>> No.1799341

So, is it feasible to create gentically-engineered super-furries? Or when could it become feasible?

Yes, Can we create them now, no. I think 13-18 years of of Research & experimentation to perfect. Good luck getting the funding.

>> No.1799355 [DELETED] 

Even mammals with different number of chromosomes can crossbred easel. The resulting offspring are normal but not always sterile.

The real thing is that eggs send out chemical beacons for sperms to follow.
Well monkey sperm cant read human beacons and human sperm cant read monkey beacons so natural fertilization is highly improbably.

But you can inject sperm into eggs these days and problem solved.

>> No.1799356

never mind that
Good luck getting female hosts to give birth to your abominations

>> No.1799360


Can we expect it to become feasible as the indirect result of other research into genetic engineering?

>> No.1799373

Any bitch off the street will do anything for money, all humans have price.

>> No.1799381

Are you deaf?
It is already possible
You just have to get a female human embryo and an animal embryo, swap a few little balls with a needle and inject it back into the womb of a female human and wait 9 months for it to be born

>> No.1799382

Even mammals with different number of chromosomes can crossbred easel. The resulting offspring are normally but not always sterile because the chromosome get even more fucked up than either parent.

The real thing is that eggs send out chemical beacons for sperms to follow.
Well monkey sperm cant read human beacons and human sperm cant read monkey beacons so natural fertilization is highly improbably.

But you can inject sperm into eggs these days and problem solved.

However if you did what >>1799275 said you would probably end up with offspring capable of continued reproduction - not totally sterile but may still need reproductive assistance if the beacons are not correct. In a few generations you could breed the beacons to be correct or just do a little genetic splicing to replace bad beacons.

>> No.1799388

>Good luck getting female hosts to give birth to your abominations

fucken women's rights!

>> No.1799390

Ever heard of surrogate mothers? How the fuck would she know the difference till it was too late.

>> No.1799395

Anything is possible dude. Penicillin was discovered be accident. Potato chips was discovered cause one was being a prick in a restaurant.

>> No.1799396


Last time I checked, the only thing we have made is a few little sheep with human cell proteins.

How is that close to a super-furry?

>> No.1799422

Scientists have done a lot of things since dolly
They've made animals that glow in the dark, cows with human blood, sheep with human organs and animal/human hybrid fetuses(aka FURRIES) to bypass the embryonic stemcell restrictions

>> No.1799425
File: 13 KB, 454x393, mouse-human-ear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A - This sort of thing is regulated already and allot of things are not legal to do
B - people too scared shitless to try bc for fear of pucblic backlash and more regulations or to be found in violation of current ones
C - They do it but keep it in wraps to avoid issues A and B

>> No.1799430

>CCM and Patachu in the same thread


>> No.1799436


> animal/human hybrid fetuses(aka FURRIES)

Wow. You really are an idiot aren't you.

>> No.1799451

A guy in korea got an embryo to grow just from a human egg, no sperm.

Sharks and some amphibians can do that naturally and we have done it in mice too.

The resulting product is always a female with one set of chromosomes not two so deleterious alleles are problematic but they are often fertile.

>> No.1799452
File: 860 KB, 1068x792, 1268983441.strype_vandell_display1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either go try to make one human-animal hybrid or shut the fuck up, nobody cares about what you think.

>> No.1799462

I care what you think

>> No.1799486
File: 50 KB, 800x1000, 1282392192274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the sauce on this meme anyhow?

>> No.1799490
File: 428 KB, 2000x1184, 2000px-Notable_mutations.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translation starts with a chain initiation codon (start codon). Unlike stop codons, the codon alone is not sufficient to begin the process. Nearby sequences (such as the Shine-Dalgarno sequence in E. coli) and initiation factors are also required to start translation. The most common start codon is AUG which is read as methionine or, in bacteria, as formylmethionine. Alternative start codons (depending on the organism), include "GUG" or "UUG", which normally code for valine or leucine, respectively. However, when used as a start codon, these alternative start codons are translated as methionine or formylmethionine.

The three stop codons have been given names: UAG is amber, UGA is opal (sometimes also called umber), and UAA is ochre. "Amber" was named by discoverers Richard Epstein and Charles Steinberg after their friend Harris Bernstein, whose last name means "amber" in German. The other two stop codons were named "ochre" and "opal" in order to keep the "color names" theme. Stop codons are also called "termination" or "nonsense" codons and they signal release of the nascent polypeptide from the ribosome due to binding of release factors in the absence of cognate tRNAs with anticodons complementary to these stop signals.

Anyone else think that DNA is like a programming code?
If we understand it completely we could predict how one would like before the conception.

>> No.1799494

>would be like

>> No.1799500

>If we understand it completely we could predict how one would like before the conception.

and that's were epigenetics fuck things up

we have to put every motherfucking translated protein into the equation

>> No.1799527

Basically its base four with parade and eec.
Problems is DNA copied to fold in on itself to directly for sturctures, contains instructions like maps and signs telling things like genetic airplanes to land and start unzipping, translates directly into strings of amino acids that through some dark voodoo fold in on themselves to build 3d proteins. And that's not even counting shit like switches and epigenetics. This shit is not just a programing language its a thousand other things all at once and the same bit of code can be read countless different ways with different results. Even the direction you read it changes based on what your doing. We will have computers smarter than humans before we can fully understand it.

That dose not mean we don't have enough understanding to have a little fun along the way. And the fastest way to learn is to get your hands dirty!

>> No.1799540

>We will have computers smarter than humans before we can fully understand it.
>MASSIVELY underestimating how difficult the former is

>> No.1799557

If it is legal to abort fetuses, why have we not tryed to make a chimp-human hybrid and just abort it at a legal age?

>> No.1799560

We don't have the technology for it yet, but one day we will, right? Like, in hundreds of years.
In a century ago we didn't know what computer was...

>> No.1799578

>The Vacanti mouse was a laboratory mouse that had what looked like a human ear grown on its back. The "ear" was actually an ear-shaped cartilage structure grown by seeding cow cartilage cells (there was never any human tissue used) into a biodegradable ear-shaped mold.

>> No.1799580


We have all the technology we need to do it today!

things will just be a little messy and lots of trial and error be assured at first fail would come of it but eventually epic win will result

>> No.1799586

I never calmed otherwise

I just threw it out there to let people come to there own false conclusions.

>> No.1799595

spoken like a true public affairs representative

>> No.1799598

But that's the point, it can't be a trial and error thing, or it will produce monsters along the process.

Of course you could do it without anyone knowing, but if someone discovered... and plus I doubt you would do it without feeling guilty.

>> No.1799599

>>implying there is something wrong with that

>> No.1799603

I don't comprehend guilt
perhaps regret for missed opportunities but never remorse for prior actions with consequences to others

>> No.1799608

not at all, I just hope you use your powers for good or for awesome

>> No.1799639


Well, until we discover a method to make furries that doesn't involve brute-force splicing...

... Trial and error it is...

>> No.1799669

wtf is this lol
...and wow, it happened in 1996

>> No.1799709

The legal restrictions for ape cat hybrids are probably not as tight, how bout starting there and when we get somewhere we can transfer our knowledge to human specimens.

>> No.1799711 [DELETED] 

awesome, can't wait for it

will we have discovered magic?

>> No.1799752

If we ever get around to reviving Neanderthals it will prolly be though chimp hosts

>> No.1799765


>> No.1800154

Aha, but this is how it bumps.

>> No.1800347
File: 31 KB, 397x574, 1285396980648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guess what I want for christmas, pic related

>> No.1800402
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>> No.1800436
File: 13 KB, 209x171, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

CCM, forget genetics. You're gonna to get your furries, but it's going to be a VR.

>> No.1800974
File: 36 KB, 475x341, 1279321334548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>CCM, forget genetics. You're gonna to get your furries, but it's going to be a VR.

>> No.1800978
File: 7 KB, 224x217, 1264173072024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>CCM, forget genetics. You're gonna to get your furries, but it's going to be a VR.

VR... Virtual Reality is not enough...

>> No.1800983
File: 321 KB, 864x594, 1265155744498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... Virtual Reality is not sentient, it can't feel love or hold you at night and whisper everything is going to be allright or sleep with its genetically-engineered super-furry tail wrapped around your leg


No, Virtual Reality is not enough. And with my copy of Grey's Anatomy, Craig Venter's email address and all the data I need to kidnap him, and a trusty calculator with the number '3' missing, I will create genetically-engineered super-furries and TROLL THE ETHICS BANDWAGONERS, TROLL THE TERMINALLY FUTURE-SHOCKED, TROLL THE REPUBLICANS, TROLL THEM ALL TO DEATH

Then awkwardly tenderly do one >;3~~

>> No.1800997 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 512x410, ghost_in_the_shell_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animalbrain hacking! Fuck yeah!

I would try it but only with birds. Most interesting to get the feeling of flying in the sky.

>> No.1801000


You are a pathetic loser incapable of having a relationship with a baseline human because of past negative experiences, probably you were bullied but were too much of a pussy to stand up for yourself and now you have ended up like that.

A valuable mind, completely wasted by its own psych quirks. No, you probably won't get genetically-engineered super-furries. Yes, you probably will get them in VR. No, they won't love you, but you can program them to.

But they won't be real. They will be only as real as the computronoium in which they live. They won't be sentient. Your little VR furries will be non-sentients pretending to be sentient, they will be your little monkeys fluttering around in a VR. You can make her look as and feel and talk as realistically as possible, but, Colonel, she won't be real. Deal with it.

Now go outside and fuck human bitches and get the Eliza syndrome out of your head for fuck's sake.

>> No.1801003 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 750x441, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO!! Even better than birds! I would hack the brain of a whale and go hunting for giant squids!! That would be awesome!

>> No.1801006
File: 109 KB, 437x816, shifter-cleric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not gonna be able to create cat human hybrids, but we'll be able to create creatures LOOKING like hybrids.
I mean, growing a leonine fur and a tail is relatively easy.

>> No.1801013

Dude, go back at trying to feel superior in /b/, we are trying to have fun here.

>> No.1801038

I'm guessing that you are a failure with women. Do you really think you have a chance of getting laid with a furry? There will be thousands of people like you and me after them.

>> No.1801048
File: 459 KB, 1075x1518, AB3_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say a hybrid is succesfully created and revealed to the world: how would society react?

>> No.1801053


>Do you really think you have a chance of getting laid with a furry? There will be thousands of people like you and me after them.

I'm still working on the details of my so far perfect plan.

1 - wait until the Baby Boomers are dead
2 - suddenly global IQ skyrockets
3 - all ethics bandwagoners are DEAD AND BURIED
4 - genetically-engineered super-furries, along with cyborgs and transhumanism
5 - glorious cyberpunk future, colonization of space thanks to the nanotech revolution
6 - meet one of the furries on the off-world colonies
7 - stalk
8 - arrange a blind date as if i had not been the guy who arranged it
9 - use some sort of chemical like an aphrodisiac that actually works or something
10 - get laid
11 - brain-computer-interface her, change a few electrochemical thingees here and there, so she has no choice but to love me

>> No.1801055

>>I'm guessing that you are a failure with women
>>like you and me
>>Implying you are a failure with women

>> No.1801056


If genetically-engineered super-furries are introduced before Baby Boomers die, there will be blood.

If they are introduced afterwards, there will be no ethics committees to complain.

>> No.1801076


You realize that's not going to work, right?

It's funny, because you have the whole super-furries part all planned out, but when it comes to getting laid with one, you'll probably end up at the end of a long queue of xenophiles and exotists.

Wait, you're the one who thinks because he can't have a relationshit with baselines, he'll have a nice little relationshit with a genengineered super-furry? That's so sad. I mean there's a small chance of it being true, but seriously: Don't hold your breath.

You probably think they are going to be loyal like a dog is loyal to a human, since these would be hybrids. I'm sorry CCM, but they are going to be bitches and whores.

Not to mention, you have this thing for... Human-leopardesses hybrids, no? How loyal is a leopard to a human? Then extrapolate that to the furries. You know what I'm talking about.

Your waifu >>1799149 will be as much of a bitch and a whore as aphrodite was, in mythology of course. Or that chick who fucked 919 men.

>> No.1801080


>implying I wouldn't hit my super-furry waifu with a steel pipe until she becomes docile, weak, needy, and all that

Moreover, the ethics bandwagoners would try to kill all the furries. She would need me for protection.

But wait, by the time super-furries are made, all the ethics bandwagoners will have died of old age... As I said I'm still working on the details.

>> No.1801090


You want a relationshit with a genetically-engineered furry.

I'd say you would be the weak one there, but whatever, if having her traumatized makes you think she'll be easier, fine then. Just keep doing what you told us you would do, throwing alter-ego-ized furry/human relationships into serious sci-fi novels. That sure will sell, Col.

>> No.1801101
File: 36 KB, 600x440, 1276454249742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 - use some sort of chemical like an aphrodisiac that actually works or something

You only want to have a furry to be your slave, to comfort and have sex with. FUCK YOU. Everyone have the right to be free.
And if you are a failure at getting laid with a women you will also be a failure at getting laid with enetically-engineered super-furries.
Stop being selfish and maybe human females will start liking you.
You are nothing better than a selfish egotistical idiot.
I seriously hope you die in the worst way possible.

>> No.1801133

>>implying I wouldn't hit my super-furry waifu with a steel pipe until she becomes docile, weak, needy, and all that
If you're going to do that, expect me firing a bullet in your head, fucktard.

>Moreover, the ethics bandwagoners would try to kill all the furries. She would need me for protection.
>ethics bandwagoners
>try to kill
You sir, are an IDIOT.

Do you even know how the furry fandom have been growing? There will be more people wanting to protect them than there will be people wanting to kill them.

>> No.1801162

Why the hell does it always have to be living?

We can ALREADY make perfect, loyal machine-and-silicon androids of both human and whatever fucked up little fetish you might have, and you stupid fucks want to wait another million years for some genetic experiements to happen.
(actually some people claim aliens already made several "furry" hybrid humans in an underground giant lab complex, there's a show about it on history channel)

..oh, I know- it's just like how you're fucked up to like animal-humans, and you're also fucked up to not be able to understand how absolutely superior silicon-and-machine ones would be.

[spoiler]I'm glad you fucked up cunts won't ever get what you want. You don't deserve to, just because of how stupid you are.(which is also ironically the real reason you don't get it as well because you're too STUPID to get involved in the sciences you'd need to advance)

>> No.1801275

is a man who due to genetic fail + FAS has a level of intelligence similar to most animals. What he dose have is (somewhat) functioning language centers in his brain.

If you added language functions to an animal and physiology to speak you might end up with similar but i expect them to more present than this nigger.

In any event such a being should not be allowed complete freedom, this man is not even fully toilet trained or knows how to bathe himself.

>> No.1801289

This is a better video


>> No.1801294


>Genetically-engineered super-sex-slaves
>implying they would be programmed to want to be free

And that's when the ethics bandwagoners jump in, mod their code and save the day and it's all singing and dancing and peace and free love.

But seriously now Colonel, you used to be a common pathetic nutjob, why did you get all "THEY WILL BE MY SLAVES" now? You're too much of a fag to be the dom guy in that relationshit, especially if you expect it to be between you and some sort of genetically-engineered part-human leopard splice.

Hint: Don't try the steel pipe thing, she will kill you. With genetically-engineered super-claws.

>> No.1801305


He used to be a pathetic loser, now he's pretending to be dom or something.

You know those guys who are always running up to their gf's and buying them gifts and always trying to please them? CCM is going to end up like that, only with more transhumanism and genetically-engineered super-furries.

>> No.1801317


>If you're going to do that, expect me firing a bullet in your head, fucktard.

>Threatening others on the Internet


The ethics bandwagoners are all hypocrites, they only care about humans and animals, mostly humans since most are a bunch of old Republicans. If furries were created these nutjobs would try to kill them just like they wanted to kill Dolly, and then quote Bible verses.

Or maybe I'm being too pessimistic and nothing bad will happen when cyborgs and furries are made and people will just simply, not get along, but at least accept it.

>> No.1801327

You can already hit normal women with a steel pipe until they become docile if that's what you're planning on doing

>> No.1801353

ITT: Coffie mug's sexual-psych issues.

Go get a psychologist you need help.

>> No.1801426
File: 3 KB, 209x215, Fuck You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great job faggot, you turned a resonably interesting thread about brain transplant to different bodies into a pig disgusting furry thread

>> No.1801485

I think its better this way

>> No.1801494

Agreed. Though CCM seems to be taking it a little creepier than usual this time around.

>> No.1801721

Seriously, who the fuck is the sad faggot arguing with CCM ?
To me you sound infinitely more pathetic than a guy with some fetishes having a random chat.
Just my 2 cents, I think your issues ran pretty deep. And you are annoying. At least he was being amusing.

>> No.1801750
File: 41 KB, 576x432, 1264696596398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, just re-read some of those posts and still dunno why. I had just woken up so I guess that's why I was all like "SUBDUE OR MEET THE STEEL PIPE".

Silly morning me being a psycho, normally I'm all like <3<3<3 >;3~~ and I wouldn't hit her with a steel pipe or drag her to another uninhabited world where she would have no choice but to love ME. I would do other, completely innocent, lovely tender things that don't involve steel pipes or duct tape.


But seriously, with or without genetically-engineered super-furries I will end up like pic related.

>> No.1801852
File: 50 KB, 500x333, Helen-Thomas[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>version of Helen America
Don't you mean Helen Thomas?

>> No.1801861


>> No.1801884


... No, I mean Helen America.

But that Helen Thomas woman seems like a fine lady.


>> No.1801886
File: 95 KB, 512x483, 1281957675305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could always get a 2d waifu

>> No.1801893




Some day my beloved etc etc

>> No.1802444
File: 35 KB, 991x679, 1282392865827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So dose anyone know who this character is?

>> No.1803186

bump because

>> No.1803189


He's a Digimon.

I'm unsure as to which.

>> No.1803495


I realized it was a digimon when one of patachu's filenames had "digi" in it.

>> No.1803507
File: 16 KB, 226x284, odonnell2-748456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if you know this, but scientists are splicing the DNA of mice with the DNA of humans, so that they're creating humans with the bodies of mice.

True story, bro.

>> No.1803622

Coffie, you are a crazed rapist.

That is all.

>> No.1803624



>> No.1803669
File: 13 KB, 322x300, mouse 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a start.

>> No.1803789

Bumping so i can squeeze out more amusement from this thread.

CCM, if you want a feline companion, get a domesticated cat. I'm sure a large percentage of people who visit 4chan love cats, and chances are a few might have a couple for adoption.

Now to address the brain transplant subject. The biggest problem i see is cranial space. A human mind will never be able to fit in an other animals cranium. There is also the problem of attaching the nervous system to said brain.

Discus, and feel free to correct my dumb ass.

>> No.1804232

where is that pic from, its so familiar

>> No.1804358
File: 16 KB, 500x500, eeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IM NOT A DIGIMON, i'm a mokvwap warrior and that's a big difference on the structural and fondamental aspect of the species. even if the base of all mokvwap's evolutions is the Patamon.
nobody ever explained from what patzamons are made of, but many people does researches on this subject, and we're not going to cover this itt.

guess if it's not an anthropomorphic monster, but the ideal cute kemono thing, everybody would go "awww science", simply.

the rest would go "you am play gods" and the hordes of furries and antifurries would finally exterminate together into a disproportional and irrational flamewar.

>> No.1804371
File: 295 KB, 576x1024, 4823150071_c5d9d7ff32_b_jpg..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1805060

This shit is still alive?

>> No.1805074


No, you're a baseline human.


>> No.1805094


A cat wouldn't be enough for CCM, he wants a cat-woman who can talk, think, and do things.

See pic: >>1799149

(ps. she looks like a whore)

>> No.1805112

ITT: Group therapy.


>> No.1805182
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x950, 04841dd9189fdc28e7e6dc1a7925eaf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one is ugly, I hope they don't end up like that.

Something like this would be better...

>> No.1805216


>That one is ugly


Don't talk shit about my waifu.

>> No.1805308




You are personifying the drawing of a part-human leopardess drawn by Kacey.

This is not going to end well.

>> No.1805570
File: 50 KB, 320x240, 1265470105827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been like two days now, what the fuck?

>> No.1805583
File: 122 KB, 473x555, 1283545853143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking seriously.

>> No.1805656

holy shit, that's some killer wakfu fanartz i recognize~

damn, you're right.

>> No.1805741
File: 311 KB, 3500x3388, 1266978097021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Prehensile Clitoral Hood

>> No.1805776

Kinda scary subject, interesting nonetheless. If these non-humans were made someday, where would world end up to?

>> No.1805780
File: 209 KB, 640x423, hyena_eating_itself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to point out that the closest you can come to that IRL is the alpha female (not sure if correct terminology there) hyena's psuedopenis. I'll just let you look that up.

Also, fuck you, /sci/, for making all biology threads furry. Do we ever have threads about predator-prey models? No, of course not. Let's just post Euler's Identity again.

>> No.1805795
File: 100 KB, 800x598, Jaguar_Tattoo_by_KaceyM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, if SCIENCE made genetically-engineered super-furries, at first it would be something like "YOU BE PLAYING GODS, 9/11 VOTE PALIN".

Then there would be millions of xenophiles and exotists turning into creepy stalkers.

Then there would be a lot of stalkers admitted into hospitals with severe claw marks.

Pic related, not something you want to stalk.

>> No.1805796


What are you bithching about? This is a scientific debate about genetics and biology and its possibilities, you don't have to categoeize it to understand it.

>> No.1805807

I like the lion's expression, they're just all 'wtf is this nigger doing?'

>> No.1805849


Sure it could lead up in tolerance and understanding in some point but imagine: there are probaply a million of furfags out there. It would be hell for them to live in such society. Not to mention the racism, they would still be considered as animals by some groups and murders would be common. I don't know how it would develop in 100 years or so...

>> No.1805859

How is that different from now? You make it sound like we'd become <more> uncivilized.

>> No.1805910


Well, yes, introducing genetically-engineered super-furries to society would be like, I dunno, America in the 1850's with black people?

In other words: Take the furries, put them in a relativistic ship, and get them as far a way from xenophobes and nutjobs with guns as possible.

>> No.1805913
File: 11 KB, 429x410, 1281468624757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there ever was a race of these "subhumans", if they share same morals and ethics and shit... sure there would be super-furry and human couples.
Unless their fysiology is something that our brain don't recognize as sexually appealing, then they would probaply stay as just subhumans

>> No.1805955


In there days people are crying human rights for everybody. I don't see the world would live it again as it was in the 1850 america but it wouldn't be solved "peacefully" that is certain. And if the super-furries were sentient and aware, they would demand the world to treat them as sivilized race, they wouldn't just submit if they share any of the human traits.

>> No.1805965

Again how is this different from niggers and spics?

>> No.1805988


Even if there was a Treaty of Sentient rights to give equal rights to uploads, AI's and genetically-engineered super-furries, there would still be xenophobes with guns.

I mean, look at the crazy pastors that rally fat rednecks to burn homosexuals and such.

We're in a world full of terminally future-shocked idiots and bigots, so yeah, I expect a few of the furries to be burnt and their corpses dragged down the streets. I'm just waiting for the Baby Boomers to die.

>> No.1805990

Hey Patachu! Somebody's dissin you on /ic/

>> No.1806002

ITT: Furries and Otherkin make asses of themselves.

>> No.1806008
File: 314 KB, 1006x708, 1273241912903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Niggers have only different skin colour but otherwise they are just like whites. The super-furries (who the hell came up with that name) have plenty of more different aspects. If that is what you're after.

>> No.1806042


Perhaps if there was enough super-furries, there would be a war where these waste genes are wiped out. When that is done, super-furries and humans start an era of peace, live as a nation, building a strong and mighty civilisation where they are all equal.

>> No.1806048

But it's irrelevant, xenophobia is based on differences > 0

If for some reason a group of people started, generation after generation only having 4 fingers per had they'd fall into the shit just as deep as any super furry.

>> No.1806102


Most likely religious groups would attack publicly in a large scale on people with 4 fingers, others would just accept as a part of evolution. Not that they wouldn't attack on super-furries as well since godfags are the shining example of xenophobes. Godfags are the group that in my opinion are the worst blight on our world. We would do much better without them, just saying.

>> No.1806105

Without doubt godfags are a blight.

>> No.1806115
File: 427 KB, 711x903, 1282977405795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



It will go like this:

>Genetically-engineered super-furries are created

You know how the anti-gay pastors are always found in a bathroom stall with a cock in their arse? Well, I wonder what would happen if we sent a genetically-engineered part-human part-tigress to the office of one of the (Hypothetical) anti-furry pastors of the future.


>> No.1806141

op here, why the fuck are you talking about furries?

fuck furries, i would assume that youre talking about the sexy hairy dog like humanoids that pathetic nerds fap too..

>> No.1806155


Then what should we call these non-humans we are discussing about? Fumans?

>> No.1806164


You could get technical and call them "anthropomorphized whateverspecies" but furry just rolls off the tongue, and describes the same damn thing.

>> No.1806174

CCM really have some dark view about humanity, maybe it's because he lives in United States, where there are a lot of racists and ignorants...

>> No.1806188


>thinks racists only exist in America

Most cultures will praise lighter colored skin. Don't get mad.

>> No.1806193


Yeah but we are talking about a fictional race and discussing how they would adapt in this world. Furry just... I dunno, just the word gives me the greeps but I can't come up with better.

>> No.1806196

Where I live some people sometimes go to the beach to get tanned...

>> No.1806203


>not sure if troll

>> No.1806205

I suppose the formal topic of this thread has just ended.

>> No.1806214

But it's true!

>> No.1806261
File: 22 KB, 600x450, sarah-failin-fascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, kind of. I am very hopeful about science and technology evolving into the future, no "lol nuclear war" kind of end, maybe even reaching a Singularity point. I do think we're going to get transhumanism, and a Nanotechnology Revolution that will change everything.

But I still think there will be xenophobes, ignorant fascists, isolationists and easily mislead young people. The future is like a set of ideas in a bouncy castle, and there are always people trying to pop it.

I think we're getting genetically-engineered super-furries, along with AI's and cyborgs and uplifted animals, and they'll get human rights allright. But there will still be crazy whackheads trying to kill them.

I don't live in the US.

>> No.1806298

sage because furfags are an abomination that belong on /jp/

>> No.1806299

Racism exists because people think that the other ethnic groups are inferior to them, but what if we made the furries intelectually and physically superior?

I believe there would be more people venerating them than hating.

>> No.1806310


If we made the super-furries superior to baselines then people would be jelly and moar killings.

>> No.1806331

That's just your opinion. I have high hopes in manking.

>> No.1806346 [DELETED] 

That's just your opinion. I have high hopes in mankind.

>> No.1806357


>> No.1806382


op here, this:

>You mean a human-lion cyborg or a human-lion furry?

human lion cyborg, im not talking about a fucking furry here..

>> No.1806412
File: 12 KB, 220x240, slowpoke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


too late...

>> No.1806458

1. Humanity creates sergals
2. Conservatives antagonize aforementioned sergals
3. ????
4. Bloodshed!

>> No.1806480
File: 62 KB, 600x717, bush-obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we went full national socialist back in '36
when we left our system of laws and moved to a system of statutes
and created the social security system..
in order to fool both the communist and facist into waring with eachother only a very very few at the top of either side ever really realized who held the purse strings
the game played itself out for the last time in the battle between hillary and obama

hillary = one of the last of the oldschool russian hardliners
obama = islamifascist covert cia asset

but im not arguing.. your particular propagandized vantage point has allowed you to correctly identify part of the puzzle

>> No.1806499

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.1806810

sauce on pic?

>> No.1806903


There's a difference between OH SO CUTE AND CUDDLY super-furry human-animal hybrids and blood-thirsty sergals.

I mean seriously. Nobody in his right mind would do Rain. Kacey's stuff, now that is... To be considered. But there's no point in worrying before super-furries are actually made. If they are.

>inb4 CCM studies genetics, all doomed

>> No.1807113
File: 41 KB, 533x400, cougarlick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1807352



Now splice it up with some human DNA thrown in and you have the perfect tool to troll conservatives, creationists and ethics bandwagoners: A human-animal hybrid.


>> No.1807437

Fuck off CCM.

>> No.1807463

I am a conservative, creationist, ethics band wagoner... and splicing people with animals does not bother me a bit. Go for it.

>> No.1807501


>conservative, creationist, ethics band wagoner

Conservative? Perhaps.

But creationist ethics bandwagoner? Boomer? You?

>> No.1807527


I love how after weeks of talking to people about physics, genetics, and some rather esoteric stuff, and seemingly having a blue-orange morality system to myself... I mention I am a creationist and people's heads explode.

I report every fucking damned asshole religion thread on /sci/ and was against the creation of a philosophy and religion board.

>> No.1808231

>11 - brain-computer-interface her, change a few electrochemical thingees here and there, so she has no choice but to love me

Or you could try catnip

>> No.1808271
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>> No.1809016
File: 69 KB, 576x432, 1283749147457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you make super intelligent creatures with claws and teeth and you don't expect them to kill you?

>> No.1809492

Since they are more intelligent, they will only feel the need to kill us if we attack them first, because only stupid humans kills for stupid reasons and lies. Intelligent people are pacific.

>> No.1809504

>implying intelligent sociopaths would not kill you if they were to benefit from that

>> No.1809506

Yes the possibility to exist to connect conscious minds with technology. How soon? I wouldn't expect it in your lifetime that we finally understand what our fellow creatures think and feel.

>> No.1809513

Sociopathy is a personality disorder, they are an exception to the rule.

>> No.1809744

>implying genetically engineered animals (furies) will be closer to the norm of human psychology than the usual "deficiencies"

>> No.1811281


I remember that from the good old days of /tv/.

>> No.1811295
File: 16 KB, 247x248, 1270575002658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this thread is still up

>> No.1811344
File: 15 KB, 679x427, 127782436310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ never was good.

>> No.1811372
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1200, pikagirl_goes_to_war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of a biomerge digivolution? I wonder if it's feasible, scientifically speaking. I take Renamoo.

>> No.1811382


>biomerge digivolution


>> No.1811602


You lie!

>> No.1811623

I don't think any of you has read Ringworld.

I mean, remember the tiger... Person... Alien... Guy... Thingee?

Yeah that one.

He was a cutie, I give you that, but seriously, he was always ready to jump and kill everyone and take over the expedition.

Why would you do that in real-life? Human-animal hybridization could go horribly, horribly wrong.

... But a diverse society is better than six billion baselines on the same world. Go and splice human DNA with animal DNA my flying monkeys!

>> No.1811798
File: 44 KB, 314x468, kzin_seductress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>real-life Kzinti


>> No.1811907
File: 64 KB, 580x480, think_of_the_children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Okay, that's it. Last straw.

... Oh who am I kidding, I can't leave /sci/ :3

>> No.1811988


Don't you feel a little guilty about having a picture of a, erm, Kzin seductress, on your computer?

( ._.)

>> No.1812324
File: 150 KB, 600x838, 70_Most_Beautiful_CG_Girl_Artworks_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be awesone, but we barely stand other humans, integration would be a bitch (no pun intended).
On the other hand, by the time we are able to create super furries we'll also have intelligience augmentations, hopefully, so racists will be but a memory.

>> No.1812383
File: 764 KB, 555x694, ajani-planeswalker-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay guy here.
I approve the creation of fluffy sexiness.

>> No.1812519
File: 82 KB, 550x850, fixded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can belive..
they are thinking of the kids..

>> No.1813477
File: 61 KB, 373x387, calvin_hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1813622
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>> No.1815191
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>> No.1815811

2 days and this thread still exists?
/sci/ has been conquered by furries...

>> No.1815902
File: 596 KB, 1140x761, 1261513940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On any other board this kind of thread would have been flooded with furry porn