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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 456x358, butthurt_trannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1795427 No.1795427 [Reply] [Original]

A little lesson to the butthurt trannies and sympathizers here.

God hates you all.

>> No.1795433

your mom's actually your dad, OP, sorry

>> No.1795441

Can someone please tell me if there really isn't proof that supports transsexuality?

>> No.1795443


The Bible, done.

>> No.1795442
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>> No.1795448
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>> No.1795451

>God hates you all.

You do realize there is such a thing as a †ransgender Christian, right?

>> No.1795454
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>> No.1795459 [DELETED] 





>> No.1795458

>You do realize there is such a thing as a †ransgender Christian, right?

No there isn't, you fucking lameass.

They're oxymorons, the bible condemns homosexuality and transsexuality.

Also, don't you dare use that cross the spell out that nasty word ever again, you nigger.

>> No.1795466
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>> No.1795470

Buddhism has no problem with transgenders. Which might explain why there's such an active community of transgendered people in Thailand.

>> No.1795485


Looks like another transgender topic just got derailed into an argument on /adv/.

Why does everyone there come here?!

>> No.1795481


I could agree with your picture, but your post killed it..

>> No.1795476

Why should anyone care?

They're all Hellbound anyway.

>> No.1795475
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>> No.1795493

Someone please provide references, sources, and evidence to support why or why not transsexuality is a lie or I will shoot each and every one of you!

>> No.1795504


>> No.1795511


There is LOTS of evidence which supports the brains of transexuals is closer to the brains of the non-birth gender. Here's one that took me 10 seconds to find.



>> No.1795512

Science is a lie all together.

Try Epsilon.

>> No.1795518

Wtf is Epsilon now?

>> No.1795526

>I googled it
Sure is reputable sources in here

>> No.1795527

0/10, are you butthurt?

>> No.1795534

Why are you even on the Internet?
How do you even have an Internet connection where you live?

>> No.1795543

Please stop feeding the trolls and maybe read
It basically dissects the BTSc theory

>> No.1795550

Because God wants me to teach you morons what's right

>> No.1795549

Since when is /sci/ so fucking liberal?

>> No.1795557

The only thing that explains that is those people acting like hipsters. They seek to break out of the norm, and what is more pretentious than sex change and Buddhism?

>> No.1795572

How the FUCK did that happen?

>> No.1795575

Who are you to tell me what brain structure goes with which body? Even if we can't change them - maybe I don't want to - maybe I want my mind in a female body.
And I think your God could dig it - last I heard they had some trouble pinning the sex of that one down too.

>> No.1795587

Scientists putting more effort in catering the bitching of some whiny minority rather than focusing on actual problems.

>> No.1795588

Yeah, you liberals with your citations to research! We here at /sci/ should stand by our baseless received notions of prejudice without recourse to evidence!

>> No.1795592

ITT: God is gender confused

>> No.1795600

>>1795549Since when is /sci/ so fucking liberal?

You mean socially permissive? A message board that encourages the posting of shitting dick nipples and you're surprised it's socially permissive? Even /k/ is over 9000 times more socially liberal than mainstream society.

>> No.1795599

Just because you don't seek to please a bunch of whiny fuckers does not mean you have to stop doing SCIENCE. Precisely is SCIENCE's task to remain unbiased, not to serve some group of wannabe women.

>> No.1795602


As long as you recognize that one is not BORN "cisgendered" or "transgendered", and all this "I was really supposed to be a girl" stuff is complete bullshit, and it's all, you know, developed over time, or maybe it's fetishistic or something, I don't really give a fuck.

It just pisses me off that the main argument is YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I WAS BORN THIS WAY

>> No.1795608
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>> No.1795613

>implying god is a tool of reasoning
>implying there are any gods

luls 0/10

>> No.1795615

/k/? That board is the second most-filled with nazis and gun fetishists. I think even /new/ is less right-wing than them, what with that board filled with strawmen of all sides.

>> No.1795621

I bet you'll take that back, when you die and you stand up to God and have to explain to him why you think all this genital mutilation and hormone fucking is okay.

>> No.1795622

It must have changed since I hung out there. A couple years ago it was full of people who loved guns and personal freedoms.

>> No.1795626

A couple years ago there was always a handful of threads about how killing all niggers and expelling spics out of the one country where whites think they are the natives.

>> No.1795628

Shit I am out of touch with mainstream, I thought K was nuts.

>question recticks

>> No.1795640

/k/ is unpolitical most of the time since they have a nigh unmatched ability to stay on topic. When it does come up, there are in fact many liberal democrats who are pro gun rights on /k/, but.

>> No.1795648
File: 54 KB, 800x600, 1283308228931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha ha. You're either a troll or one of those retards who actually believes in YEC.

you are aware of the fact that those who honestly believe in an orthodox or dogmatic religion have low IQ scores, right?

Are you alright with being technically classified as "stupid" or "retarded"?

>> No.1795647
File: 24 KB, 395x400, splash3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should it be any surprise?

>> No.1795663

You do realize that IQ's don't prove anything, right?

>> No.1795664

I bet you believe that gays aren't born homosexual neither.

>> No.1795676

Being attracted to the same sex and believing you should be another sex are two entirely different topics.

>> No.1795678


Not that guy, but that is what i believe. It is caused by environmental factor rather than genetic and i have nothing against homosexuals.

>> No.1795684
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>i believe

>> No.1795695

what else can you do there's no evidence either way

>> No.1795710

Transgendered here. Your post reminded me I need to scream "YOU WERE WRONG" at his face if I meet him. Thanks for the reminder!

>> No.1795718
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>> No.1795725
File: 305 KB, 1265x600, FireShot Pro capture #126 - 'ADF-Fuensalida on deviantART' - adf-fuensalida_deviantart_com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1795722
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>> No.1795729
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Sure is picture related in here.

>> No.1795742
File: 30 KB, 415x351, 1264135161776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im transgender and what is this

>> No.1795747

Someone needs to be shot to preserve purity.

Luckily for you.

I have your address and guns.

>> No.1795752 [DELETED] 

Looks like someone needs to be killed.

LGBT (T), stupid nigger.

>> No.1795772


There's a furry fuck among us.

>> No.1795791


He calls himself "The voice of the LGBT community." lol

>> No.1795797
File: 72 KB, 400x300, gin-rummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

>> No.1795798

Are you seriously think one man's views speak for the entire community?

Oh wait, you must be a Glenn Beck faggot.

>> No.1795800

I support full self-ownership. A person owns their own body and can do what they will with it. Period. Do I think people are born with a gender dysmorphic and will have horrible lives if they aren't modified into the opposite sex? No, probably not. But they can do that if they want to.

>> No.1795809

Someone needs to learn acceptance.

>> No.1795813

That doesn't make any sort of sense whatsoever in the context of the post you're responding to (which is mine). I'm not even a tranny, dude, I'm just saying as far as a person's own body goes "do as thou wilt," basically.

>> No.1795814

>>1795797Absence of evidence is circumstantial evidence of absence.


>> No.1795818

I didn't say that. He did. Read what I wrote, dumbass.

>> No.1795828

>implying being a tranny matters here.

You still need to learn acceptance.

>> No.1795848

Acceptance of *what*? U.S. politics being a joke?

>> No.1795886

Jeez, what the fuck.

God damn it.

This ruins my perseption of traps forever.

I thought that ANY men turning into women instantly makes them hot.

Not this weeaboo faggot, though.

Not this one.

>> No.1795892

I bet you let Glenn Beck influence your decisions too, aye matey?

>> No.1795890

Nice Strawman bro.

Whether the source of transsexualism is biologically or not is entirely irrelevant. Newsflash biological things can be changed: Clubfeet, Near-sightedness, hair-colour, breast-size, facial features etc. If a biological cause is discovered biggots like you will be no more accepting of how other people choose to live their lives.

>> No.1795920


Fuck you OP.
I may not like them myself, but they might aswell act like fools if they feel like it.
I just dislike what they represent.

>> No.1795928

Not an Americunt.

Also, Glenn Beck doesn't like traps, unlike me.

You'd better start studying for Advance Faggotry IV, there's a test tomorrow

>> No.1795956

>I just dislike what they represent.

What do they represent?

Be careful, because you may be killed in order to make room for a more tolerable and accepting world.

>> No.1795961

The notion that your clothes make you who you are, that's what.
I disagree with that notion.

You are you, not your fucking clothes.
The fuck is wrong with this world?

>> No.1795968

Trans-gendered people aren't just men that want to DRESS like women, they want to be TREATED like women. Dressing like they think they should for their character is a side effect of society, not the core of the issue. If they just wanted to dress like a woman they wouldn't take hormones for years and get their genitalia turned inside out.

>> No.1795969

What the fuck is wrong with your sense of reality, bro?

>> No.1795974

*tom-boy trapped in a feminine male body here btw. I want to be a masculine female not a feminine male dammit!

>> No.1795972

Somebody is confusing cross-dressing with transgenders and thus why you shall be tamed.

Somebody needs to be tamed.

>> No.1795987



>> No.1796014

In the words of /b/, you need some hormones and therapies.

>> No.1796045

fuck you OP. I'm male and I want to have a vagina so I can have anal sex.