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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1793273 No.1793273 [Reply] [Original]

So why do you guys hate biology so much compared to the other sciences?

>> No.1793284

More women in biology. /sci/ is bad with women. Girls are icky and they have cooties.

Also premed students are obnoxious.

>> No.1793294

I love you. Also, ditto.

>> No.1793320

not a hard science,

a hard science could be physics for example

>> No.1793318

Because the biology department at my university is the most poorly run piece of shit on the planet. Worse than the government of afghanistan.

>> No.1793332

Biology major here.

Do you hate us more than engineers?

>> No.1793339

What do you guys think of medicine and doctors?

>> No.1793346

Same as engineers. Just a bunch of fags who piggyback on the work of real scientists.

>> No.1793347


Who cares what /sci/ beta fucks think.


>> No.1793350

As Feynman himself said, Biologists waste time learning the names of everything when they could just look it up, they meticulously memorise every part of every organ in the body, all the parts of cells, the nomenclature of animals, stuff like that. That is not science, it's a waste of time. It shows how bloody easy it is when he decided to dabble in it for a bit and was at the same level that they all were within a couple of months (not denying he was a genius, but still - even if you were you wouldn't be able to master degree level physics in a matter of months pretty much from scratch).

>> No.1793354

Haters gonna hate.

Until they are dying. Then bio is their god.

>> No.1793357

golden age of biology is coming right up. physics has gone and chemistry never really had one.

u mad, chem/physfags?

>> No.1793358


>never got past intro bio

>> No.1793364

>implying there aren't more women going into chem/physics
>implying the majority of physicists will always be socially awkward virgins
>implying any good biologist isn't a male

>> No.1793369


>implying the majority of physicists will always be socially awkward virgins

that's a pretty safe assumption to make, bro.

>> No.1793372

engineer and idiot here and I would guess that theres a lot more to most biology fields than the learning and making up of more names

>> No.1793373

I will admit that biology is a bit lacking right now due to morals and religion but once we get past that then get ready for some amazing things

>> No.1793386

bitches don't know about my differential equations and optimization/topology in biological aspects

enjoy your quantum physics producing barely anything while biology will be thriving in the next few decades

>> No.1793387

Biochemistry is where it's at

>> No.1793394

Clones, Stem cells, Genetic manipulation, Designer babies

all to come

>> No.1793406

>/sci/ hates biologist

they just mad cuz their ass is old~

>> No.1793413
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>> No.1793418


bitches don't know about it. used linear algebra the other day to model an ecological system regarding gene flow in three dimensions.

/sci/ takes 9th grade bio or intro college bio and assumes the entire field is like that.

i just lol at them

>> No.1793449

Molecular biology, don't mind me, just helping to find a cure for cancer.

>> No.1793486

What makes a science difficult? Surely the more complex the system is the harder it is to get a grasp on things, study them, and figure out what is going on.

Because biological systems (from the gene to physiology to ecosystems) are the most complex systems humanity has ever encountered, their study would be the most difficult.

Therefore biology is the most difficult science to master.

Rage away, faggots.

>> No.1793510
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Eclecticism is what's up. It's really about the human element that drives it all. If you think any field is a waste of time, then you just don't realize the value it could bring you when you start making some real fucking connections.

Knowing them all, how they're all useful, and how they interconnect will make you not only an awesome scientist, but an awesome person as well.

Why do you think Sagan was such a likeable motherfucker? Because he talked about all the sciences while bringing some philosophy and history to the table too.

He also fucked a lot and smoked weed.

Start embracing if you want to get anywhere. If anything is waste of time, it's bashing other fields instead of working with them/adopting their knowledge.

>> No.1793512

Biology - Waste time learning the names of random plants and animals and shit
Physics/Engineering - Apply physics in a way to help all of society and improve upon inventions and ideas that are used every day to sustain human life.

In b4 physics vs engineering anyways, I put them both in the same one because physicists are worthless and contribute absolutely nothing to society without engineers, and engineers contribute absolutely nothing to society without physicists. They both go hand in hand, now please stop arguing about this every thread.

>> No.1793519

Why biology, medicine, etc. are all shit: memorization, memorization everywhere.

>> No.1793534


Implying everything else isn't about memorization on some annoying level.

Just because the practical applications of biological knowledge aren't apparent to you (or even Biologists) doesn't mean they're not there.

So much unnecessary hate.

>> No.1793544


>> No.1793559

My physics teacher in high school was a fat bitch with a moustache.

>> No.1793581

I support this fully. The coolest profs by far at my uni is the chemists.

>> No.1793605
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I heard girls don't poo...

>> No.1793622

who do you think makes a more valuable contribution to humanity; astronomers or doctors?
who cares about some faggot quasar in the alpha centauri galaxy?
astronomers/particle physicists are butthurt because their autistic asspie obsessions are worthless and contribute nothing LOL

>> No.1793627

I also support this fully. Shit is cool, but fucking impractical.

>> No.1793630


>> No.1793652

Physics - hasn't moved an inch in sixty years. enjoy your unprovable, untestable string theory (guess) fags.
Chemistry - LOL
Biology - genetic manipulation, stem cells, cloning, reprogenetics, performance enhancing genes, custom animals, cures to every major disease.

>> No.1793655

LOGIC? I TEACH LOGIC MOTHERFUCKER! well actually I teach chemistry but I could teach logic if I wanted to. BITCH.

>> No.1793666
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wow it smells like trolls in here

>> No.1793675
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YOU'RE ALL FULL OF SHIT WHEN YOU'RE BASHING EACH OTHER. You sound like you're arguing creationism. It's all so personal and whiney. Learn to realize that nothing is useless. Just misplaced.


Of course, in every day life the contributions of a medical doctor are more apparent. However, astronomers are doing what amounts to plotting the universe. Whenever we have the technology required to go somewhere besides this solar system (which we will NEED if we want to survive as a species in the long run), astronomical knowledge will become VERY practical. So what if astronomers are a little ahead of their time.

Hell, your arguments aren't even objective, and they certainly don't take a lot of factors into account. That's not scientific at all. It's completely personal.

Learn to appreciate things outside of your little box.

>> No.1793680

the majority of /sci/ are still in school and still believe in the artificial separation between physics, chemistry and biology.

>> No.1793689


Nailed it.

Moral of the story: It's all good, bitches. Science is progress. Knowledge is practical.

Fuck your specialization. Embrace all.

>> No.1793704

Advancing our knowledge of the universe and answering age old questions. Doctors are contaminating the gene pool by curing diseases that should have killed off weak individuals.

>> No.1793710


>implying all sick people are in the effective population.

>> No.1793711

Also, where would your precious medical instruments be without the fucking telescope?

>> No.1793716

We're definitely producing crappier children in regards to their health.

>> No.1793720

>I only have sex to procreate.
>I am a virgin.
You are one of these.

>> No.1793724


>life expectancy is up
>we are producing crappy children

>> No.1793741


Yeah, stupid diseased bastards like Stephen Hawking should have never existed!

>> No.1793750

Why can't you fuckers get it through your thick skulls? There's pros and cons to everything. Nothing is useless. Stop your infighting and bitchy negativity and try doing your specialty better or opening your mind to more things.

>> No.1793752

A small movement in physics is a great leap in chem

A small movement in chem is a great leap in bio

One small step for bio, one great leap for mankind.

>> No.1793758

>he thinks people will naturally live to that age without a single outside medical treatment

>> No.1793791

This shows me how many freshman and sophomores are on /sci/. Once you get to higher level sciences, everything blends together. Biology is just as intense and difficult to make progress in (identifying enzyme pathways, devising drugs) as chemistry and physics.

>> No.1793806

On a statistical basis...yeah, probably not. It's not valid to say "BUT WUT BOUT BEETHOVEN OR STEPHEN HAWKING?!?!" Sure, those two individuals did some great things, but a statistically healthier/smarter society will have a better chance of producing individuals capable of the same feats.

>> No.1793839


No shit. My point is that no one's perfect, and people shouldn't have to "die off" because they're not. That's the point of human existence. Cheating natural selection through knowledge.

So some guy has a stupid disposition, but is incredibly strong, healthy, and hard working.

Should he die off? I say no.

So a guy is wheelchair-ridden and has a gaggle of nurses changing his diapers constantly, but he's remarkably intelligent and has so much to contribute to society knowledge-wise.

Should he die off? I say no.

Perfectionism is not only impossible, degrading, and takes the fun out of everything, it's also really unnecessary when it comes to achieving our overall goals. You should strive for quality, yes, but to such an extreme degree? No.

This is what I meant about Eclecticism. Pursue a harmonious balance of progressive ideas if you want to win my heart.

And yes, these are subjective ideas, but what isn't at the end of the day?

>> No.1793860
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Haters ain't gonna hate for long.

Pic related, when it happens, it will be so obvious that biology is god tier.

>> No.1793869


The Golden Age of Biology IS Chemistry. DNA is a chemical. That's all that's being manipulated. Proteins on DNA to turn genes on and off. It's Chemistry, fuckweeds.

>> No.1793874
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>> No.1793938


By that logic, everything is chemistry.

Which, it is. However, if we want to look at this from a more realistic, grounded, down-to-Earth standpoint, you'd realize that Chemistry is a lot more meticulous and draws tinier (but not less significant!) conclusions than most of the other sciences.


Sweet quote, anon. Saved.

>> No.1793955

>The Golden Age of Biology IS Chemistry. DNA is a chemical. That's all that's being manipulated. Proteins on DNA to turn genes on and off. It's Chemistry, fuckweeds.
Sociology is applied psychology is applied biology is applied chemistry is applied physics is applied math is applied logic is applied philosophy is applied marijuana.

Therefore everything in science is marijuana. I like your rationale.

>> No.1793965
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>he thinks humanity can get around natural selection

>> No.1794003
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I can get on board with this.

>> No.1794027


You know damn well I meant "cheat" in the sense that we make it easier for "weaker" individuals to survive because we're awesomely empathetic creatures who sometimes recognize that these weak individuals may have world-changing talents. Or at least make cool people to chill with.

Sentience is sentience is sweet.

>> No.1794037

Yep, that Hawking guy should have been cleansed by good ol' natural selection.