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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1790787 No.1790787 [Reply] [Original]

>Sitting in chat
>Ask if people looked at the harvest moon
>Girl goes to look
>Comes back, I ask..
>"Which is bigger? The sun or the moon?"
>Her: "During the harvest moon or what?"
>If I took the Sun and the Moon and put them beside each other, which would be bigger?
>Her: "I don't understand your question? Do you mean during the Harvest moon or what?"

>> No.1790830
File: 574 KB, 799x389, moonvs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha that girl is sure stupid
They are both the same size.

>> No.1790853

protip: shes happier and enjoys life more than you

>> No.1790874

OP, if you were behaving competently you would've understood that the difference in logic is semantics and scope. she thinks that you're asking as to which of the two is bigger in the visual field of a skyline, the image of the sun that we see, or the image of the moon that we see. thus, in terms of the skyline as the space for which we ask the question, her question is totally valid. you're not in math are you. if you are, perhaps you should think with a more open mind before doing something like this again

>> No.1790890

>If I took the Sun and the Moon and put them beside each other, which would be bigger?
>>1790874 thinks he's talking about their appearance on the horizon

Jeez. Did you flunk out of 1st grade, or what? There's no excuse for this level of illiteracy.

>> No.1790896


>If I took the Sun and the Moon and put them beside each other, which would be bigger?

If I put an apple and a watermelon beside each other, which is bigger?

>> No.1790917

You seem to not be able to grasp the simple concept that her mind is operating under a totally different set of rules. I don't find that laughable in the slightest, semantics is a highly important, and to her "If I took the Sun and the Moon and put them beside each other, which would be bigger?" had a different meaning than the actual Sun and Moon. Have you not considered the possibility that her definition of Sun and Moon is totally different than yours? Perhaps her definition of Sun is the image of the Sun in the sky, and the Moon as the image of the Moon in the sky. I'm not saying her definition is correct, of course it's not fucking correct, but you're a god damn retard if you can't understand why she said what she said

>> No.1790928


>> No.1790932


Girl isn't even here and it sure is white knighting going on.

>> No.1790947

It's not even white knighting, I could care less about the girl. It's the fact that there's a total lack of understanding that bothers me. If everyone thought like OP then we would've never fucking developed the idea of complex numbers

>> No.1790967

Also, if everyone thought like the girl, then the same situation would've occurred. Just putting that out there.

>> No.1790968
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>> No.1790974


I agree. Terms have to be defined explicitly before you can get all mad about it. It wasn't made clear at all.

It's like asking "which is more, styrofoam or lead?" More what?

You can't answer a question that isn't a complete thought.

>> No.1790978

White knight guy has a point. It's perfectly reasonable to assume you're asking if the visual image of the sun or the moon is larger because A: they are virtually the same size in the sky (as seen in an eclipse) and B: During harvest moons the moon often appears to be larger than normal due to an optical illusion.

>> No.1790982

It's not whiteknighting you retard, it's the OP's inability to understand why this girl would've misconstrued what the OP actually said.

Logical fallacies all around!

>> No.1790993
File: 19 KB, 449x336, umad[1].jpg_126003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down whiteknightfag

>> No.1791003

No, that wasn't me. The only posts I've made are
so, in all honesty, I'm not mad. In fact, u mad.

I was going to climb back into this thread and smack you, obviously the OP, silly for not understanding, but now it seems that you've reduced yourself to posting image macros, so it doesn't seem like there's even an argument here anymore.

>> No.1791017

Op here. My post are.

So obviously someone else agrees that this girl is dumb.

>> No.1791024
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1283567177162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to protect his image by claiming he didn't make specific posts even though he's anonymous
>claiming everybody who calls him a fag is the same person
>implying I'm the OP
>claiming he's not mad while simultaneously being really butthurt and trying to counterflame

oh man, the butthurt. I can feel it over the internet. So intense

>> No.1791025

(guy that keeps arguing)
Well, at least you're not the angry one.

I'm not denying that she's dumb. I'm also not saying that you're dumb. All I'm saying is that there's a reason she thought the way she did. That's all. Perhaps I was harsh with the tone in my later posts but that's just because the argument against was both harsh and dumb.

>> No.1791030
File: 75 KB, 482x307, 1267581408553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks I care because I'm anonymous and can just fade into the shadows whenever I want

>> No.1791048
File: 24 KB, 350x263, 1283568349038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to the effort of using reaction image and green text to point out that he doesn't care

>his posterior is still pained

>> No.1791054

heh. okay, forget what i said earlier, i actually like you. plus, i'd rather be finishing my proofs homework than arguing over a subjective experience. no hard feelings anonybro.

>> No.1791064

there is legitimate confusion and misunderstanding regarding the size of the moon when its low on the horizon. to pretty much everyone it looks bigger than it usually does high in the sky. it is also a nice little fact that the moon and the sun are the same size in the sky, hence total eclipses, so OPs question could have gone either way from the way it's phrased in the first post. figuring it might be a trick question, sounds like she just wanted OP to clarify himself before she gave a definite answer. instead OP goes on 4chan to vigorously masturbate his ego.

>> No.1791083

What the hell is going on in this thread?

It's like two retards who think they are smart because they are scrawny are trying to engage in a duel of wits.

The girl had a perfectly reasonable question. She was asking for clarification as to whether you meant bigger by perspective or bigger by actual size.

Probably thought you were bizarre for asking such a thing and got confused at the extremely simple question posed in such a bizarre way.

>> No.1791085

Hey OP, which is bigger the sun or the moon during twilight?

>> No.1791093


The sun is bigger, always will be. I don't see what is so hard to grasp about, "If I put the SUN AND THE MOON BESIDE EACH OTHER" Meaning if Some how I managed to put the sun and the moon, right beside each other. Like 10 inches of space between the two, which would be bigger?

>> No.1791110

>Meaning if Some how I managed to put the sun and the moon, right beside each other. Like 10 inches of space between the two, which would be bigger?

think about the fact that, to get your point across properly, you had to say that. do you understand now? you need to be clear with your definitions. of course everyone understands what OP actually meant, because this is /sci/ and we're all quick on the uptake, or so i hope.

>> No.1791127

OP is retarded if he can't understand her confusion. She probably thought he was talking about the angular distance they take up. You can put them "next to each other" from our point of view and they'll still have very similar angular distances.

Know what an eclipse is?