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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 128 KB, 656x1613, agnostics morons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1787509 No.1787509 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking agnostics.

First of all, they're the indecisive jellyfish. These shitheads make up the majority of the agnostics. And why not? Indecisive jellyfish is practically the definition; after all, Richard Dawkins is certainly cooler than that proselytizing nerd Bertrand Russell. They typically look spaced out and believe in "something" but they're not sure "what".

The typical athiest is usually an annoying prick ("THE BIBLE IS MY FAVORITE BOOK...OF FICTION! OWNAGE!!!!!", but the agnostic is worse insofar as he has the pretensions of thinking what he's spouting is new. When it's really just a slightly different spin on "I don't fucking know", with maybe a little bit more smoke tinted glasses and windsocks. The second type is the apathetic, known for just not caring about something that's really fucking important and a display of your intelligence. And the third and final type is the athiest who doesn't want to have the stigma of being an athiest. Agnostic sounds better, and more Godly. You know? Coward!

And the worst thing of all? There's no upside to being an agnostic. No advantage. Zip. Nada. Nothing. At least with Christianity or any of the other religions, there's hope of becoming whisked away into Heaven (where you worship God for the rest of eternity) or Hell (where all the rock bands go to die) or some other plane of existence. And athiesm obviously has no afterlife or further plane of existence. Agnosticism? "No one knows." So if some religion is right, the agnostic is going to Hell or Hades or whatever. If athiesm's right, the agnostic doesn't get the smug satisfaction of being right. It's lose-lose, man! I don't see a fucking point in being agnostic, just like I don't think being 'undecided' is a good choice to pick for politics.

>> No.1787527
File: 117 KB, 495x330, 1266422352173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking agnostics.
Stopped reading there. Fuck your religion posts, this is a board on science. Your random rant isn't interesting. inb4 replies

>> No.1787532

You can bring religion into politics but you can't bring politics into religion, sage in all fields.

>> No.1787533

I can't believe you wasted time writing that up. proves nothing aside from the fact you are an intolerant child. get over yourself and leave the house. have a nice day.

>> No.1787541
File: 29 KB, 425x301, 20100411-161738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/sci/ is about science, not "HURPADURPA, dey be not sceentific!!!". It sucks hard enough with all the "geuss" threads.

>> No.1787543


>> No.1787547

Can't be an atheist, can't be agnostic, I JUST WANT YOU TO LOVE ME, WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME

>> No.1787549 [DELETED] 


>> No.1787560

>And the worst thing of all? There's no upside to being an agnostic. No advantage. Zip. Nada. Nothing.

>implying God doesn't give the intellectually honest the greatest rewards of all in heaven.

>> No.1787577
File: 27 KB, 500x505, 1284343523724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like I don't think being 'undecided' is a good choice to pick for politics.

>And the third and final type is the athiest who doesn't want to have the stigma of being an athiest. Agnostic sounds better, and more Godly. You know? Coward!

10/10 binary thinking troll, also

>/sci/ - (atheists vs christians) vs agnostics

>> No.1787590

>just like I don't think being 'undecided' is a good choice to pick for politics.

Why would anyone pick between two wrong choices? (I'm not intending this to imply anything about theism/atheism)

>> No.1787597


Then you decide that "Both are shit." You don't just say "NO OPINION FROM ME AAARGH"

>> No.1787633
File: 3 KB, 126x90, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP is a theistfag who hates anyone even people who fence-sit the subject of god.

IMO agnostics are just atheists without the urge to make a big deal of it. Also, OP, Bertrand Russell could pwn you over 9000 times a second. He came up with Russell's teapot, you know, which is actually an argument against agnosticism and for atheism.

>> No.1787635

You can't be a theist either.

The subject of theism vs atheism isn't a display of intellect, and it isn't that important. What's the worst that could happen? A 14 year old will call me a pussy. OH NO, ANYTHING BUT THAT.

If there is a god, there's a god. If there isn't a god, then there isn't. If the god(s) will punish me for not whole-heartedly worshiping them, then they can go fuck themselves. If the god(s) care about it as much as I do (or as little), then great. If there is no god, then I assumed correctly. Cool story, nothing happens.

It is fun to talk about, but stupid to argue. Instead of waisting your time whining about people not believing what you believe, live your life.

PROTIP: you bitch people out for whatever reason, and complain about not having a girlfriend.

>> No.1787638

>IMO agnostics are just atheists without the urge to make a big deal of it.

Abso-fucking-lutely. Amen.

>> No.1787640

Arrogance: The crime of not forcing one's belief that the world was created in 7 days by magic in a story completed contradicted by modern science, on the minds of others (including children), and threatening them with eternal torture in the equivalent of Barad Dur if they question it.

Yup, look at atheists, with their fancy arrogant book learning and their fancy arrogant "logic" that you can't even hold.

>> No.1787641

That was supposed to read
"PROTIP: you can't bitch about..."

>> No.1787645

>scientists should care and have opinions about things that are not science related

Cool story, bro.

>> No.1787646


That said, while I respect agnostics, I personally enjoy poking holes in the religion of my childhood. It keeps my brain exercized.

This is of course why I frequent /sci/.

>> No.1787654


I hear you. Science is limited to that which exists. First they start telling us how god doesn't exist, next they'll start on warp engines, wookies, elves and we'll have no fucking fun.

>> No.1787660

Which is thus why I don't vote, since 'both are shit' is not provided as a choice.

>> No.1787664

penis penis penis

>> No.1787726
File: 73 KB, 540x598, 1284908379185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a gigantic faggot and here's why: nobody can prove whether there is an intelligent creator or not, so therefore it makes sense to say we cannot believe either way. Such simple yet you cannot grasp this simple concept because your are so in love with the idea of there being a god.

>If athiesm's right, the agnostic doesn't get the smug satisfaction of being right. It's lose-lose, man!

Its not about "winning" bro.

8/10 if you be trollin'

>> No.1787732

It's actually impossible to know whether or not OP is a faggot.

>> No.1787736

I'm agnostic.
I believe and take comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.
And I do not care if there is any sort of God since it probably has no reach on us. It there is one, and it does, we can't perceive it. So why care.

>> No.1787742

>Agnosticism is the view that the truth value of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, but also other religious and metaphysical claims—is unknown or unknowable.
>Atheism, in a broad sense, is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.

You can be agnostic AND atheist; that is, someone who rejects the existence of deities but doesn't assume that they know for sure, since you can't really prove there are any deities. That, of course, does not mean that there are; and I'm fairly sure there aren't, but I don't know.

>> No.1787743

that is an interesting point

>> No.1787746

>since you can't really prove there are any deities
should read
>since you can't really prove either way whether there are any deities

>> No.1787748


religion has your mind so warped, you think the logical starting point is there is perhaps a god

>> No.1787749

>Implying your person heaven actually exists

>> No.1787751


>> No.1787755

Sure Is Copypasta That was on /v/ a couple hours ago in here!

>> No.1787757
File: 6 KB, 208x208, stalemate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agnosticfags got told
>just a theory
>OP is not a troll

>> No.1787760

>implying this is a checkmate

>> No.1787762




>> No.1787835

But my argument was pro-agnosticism.

>> No.1787951

Thats a stalemate you fucking tool

>> No.1787966
File: 265 KB, 598x533, 1268771422575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic self pwn.
Where are mods when you need them.

>> No.1787996

>At least with Christianity or any of the other religions, there's hope of becoming whisked away into Heaven
>any of the other religions


>the agnostic is going to Hell

If you did good things around you during your lifetime, it would be really unfair from God to send you to hell after you died, even if you didn't believe in him.

>> No.1788015

Mormon here, I don't know of a single major religion in this world that teaches that people who live good lives are all going to hell. Mormons teach baptism for the dead where people not given an opportunity to learn the truth in this life will be given that opportunity in the next. Catholics teach that there is a place called purgatory where souls wait judgment and the prayers of the righteous can free those who are otherwise damned.

Most Christian religions teach tolerance of others beliefs and believe that God will provide a way for unbelievers to have a chance at going to heaven so long as they lead good lives.

Even Jehovah's Witnesses for all their fucked up beliefs believe that there's 2 heavens one for true believers, the 144,000 and another for those who lead good lives but weren't quite good enough.

The only exception to that is fundie whackjobs who think stupid shit like they're the only ones who go to heaven and everyone else is eternally damned and pretend like they're something special when they're not.

So believing that agnostics gain no reward for this life and all go to hell is listening to a small segment of the religious population who shouldn't be listened to anyway. I respect them far greater than a person who claims knowledge that there is no god when such knowledge is impossible.

>> No.1788032

Secular Humanist master-race checking in.

OP, why are you starting an argument about this? It's not productive at all to even discuss this. I assume your time and energy are valuable to you, so can't you find something better to do with them than starting pointless arguments? Also you're wasting everyone else's time and energy. Stop being so inconsiderate, OK? Thanks.

>> No.1788062

I know one that teaches that every fucking continent but europe rejected jesus and were made into non whites to show their evil hearts for rejecting the light, these same morons also think there was a whole roman like civilization in america and they also wear speshul underpants. and they are also the biggest factor in combating the rights of engineers. gee i wonder what religion this is could you tell me?

>> No.1788088

The Dig.

>> No.1788102

This assumes that whether you go to heaven or hell is a conscious decision made by a god sitting in judgement.

With some religions, it's more like a natural law of the universe. Everyone goes to the same place after death, but whether or not you find the answers during life makes that place either heaven or hell.

>> No.1788148

>The second type is the apathetic, known for just not caring about something that's really fucking important and a display of your intelligence.
>something that's really fucking important and a display of your intelligence