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File: 30 KB, 398x318, rouge-black-hole[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1767638 No.1767638 [Reply] [Original]

Faster than light travel.


Ill kick off with the concept of using blackholes/wormholes to shortcut through the universe. Thoughts?



>> No.1767650

inb4 e=mc2 wrongly used.

>> No.1767649

That is assuming you could escape the velocity of the black hole.... Otherwise, neat idea.

>> No.1767652

Blackholes go nowhere.

>> No.1767658

This would then have to be faster than light travel itself.

>> No.1767660

Even if you used a wormhole you'd still be moving through the wormhole at less than the speed of light.

>> No.1767665

What would be the point of going into a Blackhole if you could already go faster than the speed of light?

>> No.1767674

Might not be lightspeed, but could it be possible to use the gravity of a black hole to "slingshot" your way through space, like the astronauts did with the moon on the return trip?

They could use the gravity of the holes, planets and stars to build speed, yes? As long as they kept on the escapable side of it?

>> No.1767675

> cool science fiction thread bro

>> No.1767677

OP, well now you've blown my idea up care to provide some of your own /sci/entists

>> No.1767680

The escape velocity of black hole is faster then light by far, to an insane degree on super massive ones. Some reason people seem to think that this means faster then light travel is possible. All that is happening is space is bending onto itself, warping light right back to the surface of the blackhole/star(people often forget blackhole is just a fancy name for huge fucking star without luminosity). Learn to space/time/gravity.

>> No.1767693

Assuming they stayed within safe zones, they still could not achieve faster the speed of light.

>> No.1767699
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>Star without luminosity

>> No.1767700



>> No.1767704

Except it's not. There is no "surface."

>> No.1767714

> Accident-prone the whole post

>> No.1767717

I'm assuming you think a ship would reach near the speed of light; if that is the case then you would need another Blackhole to catch and slow you down. Or make a complicated path through multiple solar systems, otherwise you would need an insane amount of fuel.

>> No.1767734

Still doesn't change the fact he was right about using black holes to go faster then light is utter crock. How about warping space ourselves around a spacecraft.

>> No.1767738

arent gravitons instantaneous?

>> No.1767743 [DELETED] 


>> No.1767747

How about alternate forms of travel? Like grabbing the goal point in space, and pulling it towards you, hopping over the gap, then letting go?

>> No.1767749


>> No.1767751

Warp travel, yes please.

>> No.1767755

If they even exist, no. They would have zero rest mass just like a photon, forcing it to move at the speed of light.

>> No.1767759

>Goal point in space


>> No.1767765
File: 12 KB, 251x240, 1263908554393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've eaten one too many negroes to discuss this matter right now.

>> No.1767770
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Too many?

>> No.1767788

The point where you want to travel to.

>> No.1767792

Why does zero rest mass force lightspeed travel?

>> No.1767799


>> No.1767802

seems we need a new way of mathematics

since our current practices have lead us to the known limitations of "c" and the singularity behind an event horizon

must we assume 1+1 always equals 2?

>> No.1767806

It would be a pretty strange system you're using if 1 and 1 didn't equal two.

>> No.1767807

The speed of light is defined that way, "The speed of light is the speed of all massless particles and associated fields in vacuum". Why it's exactly that speed, nobody knows.

>> No.1767819

That is pretty cool, I learned something today.

>> No.1767824

If c is defined as the speed of a zero mass particle, wouldn't that mean that any particle moving at lightspeed contains zero energy, and therefore doesn't exist? e=mc² -> e=0*c² -> e=0

I feel like there must be a perfectly simple answer that I'm missing.

>> No.1767830

>Why it's exactly that speed, nobody knows.

i thought it was because of the gravitational constant and the plank length

>> No.1767832

the particle has zero mass, but it has momentum(energy)

>> No.1767836

That formula you use isn't completely right, it's actually <span class="math">E^{2} = \sqrt{m^{2} c^{4} + p{^2}c^{2}}[/spoiler] with p being the impulse given by <span class="math">p = \frac{h}{\lambda}[/spoiler] where h is the planck constant and <span class="math">\lambda[/spoiler] the wavelength.

>> No.1767841

>Compact planetary mass to size of atom.
>Rip space time
>Use negative energy to sustain hole in space time fabric
>Travel through hole.


Read Physics of the Impossible. It's what real physicists read.

>> No.1767845

The planck length is a number you can get using the gravitational constant, the speed of light and planck's constant. Planck length doesn't describe anything fundamental itself.

The speed of light arises from the permeability of free space and the permittivity of free space.

>> No.1767848 [DELETED] 

Should be momentum instead of impulse, it's called impulse in my language so I tend to screw it up sometimes.

>> No.1767850

you might want to check your math, chief.

>> No.1767853

Thank you, kind /sci/entist.

>> No.1767857

Heh yeah I just noticed, terrible mistake.
Should be momentum instead of impulse, also ignore that root or the square above E. It's just <span class="math">E = \sqrt{m^{2} c^{4} + p{^2}c^{2}}[/spoiler]

>> No.1767858 [DELETED] 

his equation is wrong.

>> No.1767861

well in nature, putting two individuals in relationship with each other can lead to 1+1=2, or 3(mom, dad, baby), or twins, or a brood, or 10,000 more "1s" may be created from the relationship "+" in nature

sure it sounds stupid, but that's the fact of it in nature 1 and 1 yields multiple possibilities

maybe we might learn something by assuming 1+1=? depending on the constraints we choose to apply to a given problem

>> No.1767866


>> No.1767877
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>> No.1767879


Not my fault you're not good enough to do it. Invent better science.

>> No.1767893

Nothing is faster than the speed of light.
Build a spaceship out of nothing.
The spaceship can travel faster than the speed of light.
Problem solved.

>> No.1767899

All I can say is that great leaps in technology have always been about shortcuts. Up to the 19th century I'm sure all respectable physicists thought manned powered flight was impossible - you'd have to break the law of gravity. Bernoulli discovered a shortcut. Who's to say there's not a FTL Bernoulli out there somewhere, fapping to tentacle hentai, crushing on some slut who will fuck ANYONE but him, on 4chan 24/7...

>> No.1767904

Cool equivocation, bro.

>> No.1767906

>>Nothing is faster than the speed of light.
>>Build a spaceship out of nothing.
>>The spaceship can travel faster than the speed of light.
O.o can you not see what is wrong with what you said?

>> No.1767943

You can't relate air flight or the breaking the sound barrier to the speed of light. Birds have the ability to fly in the air and shooting stars travel many times faster than the speed of sound. The speed of light is the limit anything and everything can travel, and we haven't seen any cosmic phenomena that would tell us otherwise.

>> No.1768045

using quantum tunneling to tunnel through the light barrier to trans light speeds where you have to travel faster than the speed of light? ie, mass = -1

>> No.1768078


and what abour the light trapped gy the gravitaty of a black hole? wouldn't light be able to escape it's reach since it's the quickest velocity something can achiveve?

>> No.1768124

>Insert zpm
>Dial pegasus

FTL travel is so easy guise, I really don't get why we are discussing it.

>> No.1768135

Why do we assume that we have to move matter for FTL travel?
Isn't it possible to simply move the space it occupies?

>> No.1768139

Haven't you read this thread?

you just put two words together didn't you?

>> No.1768158

To everyone who still rants about lolwormholes and lolnegativeenergypropulsion:


Though in my book I just worked around this by saying that we had basically learnt how to hack into reality's source code, aka the "Planck substance", and can manipulate vacuum fluctuations at a distance and change the quantum preference setting from "+ energy>- energy" to "->+" for convenience.

>> No.1768410


>Implying we could "see" something that is moving faster than light.