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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1765816 No.1765816 [Reply] [Original]






>> No.1765819

Science leads to pleasure. That's why =D

>> No.1765818

Science is pleasure for the intellectually minded.

>> No.1765821

because pursuing science gives us a brief opportunity to see the beauty of this world, instead of wasting our lives as sick animals fucking each other.


>> No.1765822


Then why is the average scientist a lonely grumpy asshole?

Science can't love you back.

>> No.1765825


What's wrong with fucking? Prude.

>> No.1765826

You obviously don't know many scientists. Get out more, that's the way you get pleasure after all...

>> No.1765827
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scientists are betas, they will never experience the world as us alphas do bro..they can't help it

some are born to sweet delight, some are born to endless night.

>> No.1765829


The fact that you are not dying of starvation or smallpox right now begs to differ. Science is pretty much the Kamina of methodologies.

>> No.1765830

scientists are like plumbers, they are here to fix our problems so we can get along with living our lives

we need them to make cell phones so i can talk to my girl and contraception and cures and faster engines so I can race chodes on the highway in my suped up GTR.

we need them just like we need janitors and other trades men...

i dunno why they gotta do what they do, it's probably because they never had social skills to pursue life-enriching activities

>> No.1765835


ya man we need scientists to make the world better to live in, just like we need garbage men to clean shit up

some ppl are destined to work and toil and have the illusion of satisfaction, while others live the free life...we are here to experience and enjoy the moment, not dwell on abstract models that can never arrive at truth

>> No.1765841


Enjoy the crackhouse.

>> No.1765842

science is intellectually unfulfilling, it never provides true theories, only tentative models that will be obsolete in the future.

science lacks the human connection and only looks at the microscopic and minute. and even then it is myopic.

science works, just like how carpenters work or plumbers, through trial and error they find methods and models that sort of describe reality......

science is philosophically inert, aesthetically feeble compared to any art (even the lower arts)....

as a life-style it really isn't worth pursuing, unless you really have no other talents...

>> No.1765845

go bck 2 clas ok kid

>> No.1765850
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>science is intellectually unfulfilling

>> No.1765853

>implying any lifestyle is worth pursuing.

Kids, live your life not some stupid "lifestyle". Those were created to give the layperson the illusion they are living their lives (and not the life their government wants them to live).

>> No.1765854


it's kind how science has no access to truth, no real models that reflect reality, nothing universal, nothing objective

too bad all the neat discoveries and models will change in 20years and all your knowledge will be futile..really isn't philosophically relevant to study science since world-views dont depend on science at all

science is a good trade though, for lesser intellects

true wisdom comes in the form of art and philosophy, the rest is for workers and slaves, IMHO

>> No.1765857

I found my career and life as a professional scientist very dull, repetitive and not intellectually stimulating. Genetic algorithms loose their appeal quickly.

Now I'm interested in literature and history.

>> No.1765860


its funny how religions models reality better than science, yet religions are usually full of crap--at least they admit it!

>> No.1765870
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I enjoy science.
If anything, it has allowed me to slowly evolve into someone capable of interesting thoughts and that alone enriches my life.
Don't get me wrong. Science is lonely. This is because the world is full of uninteresting "alphas" who do nothing but perpetuate uninteresting systems and "betas" who do nothing at all. It's a sad, sad world we live in.

>> No.1765871


no scientist has had an enlightening or brilliant thought. All their models and theories are just mental constructs that have no objective relation to reality...they work for all the wrong reasons, and will eventually be thrown out

>> No.1765873


>no scientist has had an enlightening or brilliant thought. All their models and theories are just mental constructs that have no objective relation to realit

well u cant compare a scientist who has a job, has something to "fix" or model to someone like Buddha, or Hakuin, or Nietzsche or Kant...ppl who are interested in the fundamentals, important aspects of life...

two different categories

>> No.1765874
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How's Bizarro world working out for you?

>> No.1765878


well just cause science fails to reveal any truths about reality and only makes up broken models doesn't mean it isn't useful and worth doing

we still need garbage men and plumbers...to make the world go round

>> No.1765875


We got a samefag failed to enter the university

>> No.1765877
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Will never understand how magnets work

Will never understand how rockets work

Will forever be ignorant of the universe

Thinks that pure reason can come to conclusions about the natural world without experimentation

Is an anti spiral

Thinks his computer was made by Jebus (tm)

>> No.1765881
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This is why:


Through new discoveries (science being the best way to make them), and their responsible application the human condition can be improved potentially to a utopian state. Pic related.

>> No.1765883

why study science when I can simply speculate about how the world ought to be using pure reason

>> No.1765884


assuming free-will exists, no one would choose to be a plumber or scientist

everyone would be a libertine, a pleasure seeking poet or metaphysician

>> No.1765886
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Epic pic. Fucking saved.

Humanity is going to drag itself from the state of nature and become as gods.

Then we will ensure that the luddites are exiled to live 'naturally'.

>> No.1765887

>My model is only right 99.7% of the time
Damn, I guess that means it's useless and will be replaced 20 years from now!
Oh wait, we still use Newtonian Mechanics to solve problems. It's not like science gets outdated. It just gets more accurate.

>> No.1765888
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>write bullshit stories for morons like you to buy

>> No.1765889


Because you'd be as wrong as the people who believed that the sun goes around the earth, or that zeus chucked lightning bolts, or that there were 4 elements.

>> No.1765891


Correct. Asimov explained this clearly - new scientific models are more accurate - doesnt mean the previous ones are useless.

If you think so you are wronger than wrong.

>> No.1765895
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>> No.1765893


they could be right, observation via induction is always faulty

>why study science when I can simply speculate about how the world ought to be using pure reason


>> No.1765896

Implying being a scientist isn't totally fun and awesome.

>> No.1765897

You realize that scientists see beauty in interesting systems and science, to scientists, is like art to stupid people, right? If the universe were already well explained, scientists would just be rebranded as engineers. The constructs of man and the constructs of man are far more interesting than art for its own sake.

>> No.1765898


science wont tell you how to live a good life, it only makes stupid shit like bombs and weapons to kill ppl with

>> No.1765901

all the theories of science will be obsolete in 20years then ill laugh at u when your "cures" and nuclear bombs become false

>> No.1765904

You will note that the computer you are using was built using science and the tech that derives from it. Not art. Not philosophy. Science. It works, bitches, like nothing else.

>> No.1765907

>it only makes stupid shit like bombs and weapons to kill ppl with
Yep, the reason half the people on planet Earth are alive right now is only good for making bombs and weapons.

>> No.1765908


philosophers > artists > hedonists > scientists > tradesmen

>> No.1765913

About the right order if you're ordering it in terms of "who does the least amount of work for the most money."

>> No.1765920


working is for tools

>> No.1765929


scientists first see a vageen when they are 30+

pleasure isn't in their vocab

they delude themselves into liking stupid shit as a coping mechanism for their shitty imagination and social skills

>> No.1765930

Keep smoking your pot and telling yourself that.

>> No.1765931

ITT: one dumbass posting over and over again

What's it like being a college dropout, OP? That the only reason you're "free" from the system is because you have money? That you will never understand complex philosophy or anything interesting or meaningful?

>> No.1765932

Are you going to samefag this entire thread? You can keep deluding yourself thinking that you're accomplishing something by sitting on your ass all day if you really want to, just stop posting about it.

>> No.1765936

>OP responding to himself over and over again with his shitty fractured sentences and poor grammar.

>> No.1765939

Guys, guys...I...I think there may be trolls in this thread!

>> No.1765943


Sorry, some of us would rather live off a large inheritance than slave away in some lab looking at paper or dissecting rocks.

Sure you provide a helpful service, similar to mechanics. You guys make the theories for engineers to use. That's great.

But I'd rather pursue more noble ends. The company of women, travel, excitement, adventure. All while keeping a journal with my philosophical musings and indulging in a healthy diet of literature and history.

>> No.1765948


artists > scientists > tradesmen = philosophers > hedonists

>> No.1765950


OP is a gentleman. These worker ants are too much in denial to appreciate your refined tastes and intellect.

>> No.1765947


Some people actually espouse radical redistribution of wealth views like anarchism and socialism WITHOUT being college dropouts.

He is not representative of humanity, for any aliens watching.

>> No.1765953



>> No.1765955

When my army of tiny robots takes over the world, you will be first to be disassembled.

>> No.1765957

>refined tastes and intellect

>> No.1765959

hey guys lets figure out how to calculate the trajectory of a flying piece of shit assuming it's initial velocity is 20m/s and its angle of....

or we can spend our lives doing something intellectually stimulating and enriching, like philosophy and literature!!!!

leave shitty work to the shitty workers, thats what i always say

>> No.1765960
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Leave some to my atomic-powered-armour-wearing, laser-rifle wielding Starship Troopers.

I believe we could also get an AT-AT or two in case they go all na'vi fucker on us and try to fight back with bows and arrows.

>> No.1765963


science only fuels the cancer that is capitalism

we should revert back to the glorius roman empire where philosophers were stoic kings like marcus aurelius

>> No.1765965
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OP, the difference between the sciences and trades is much larger than you seem to imply. Namely, the sciences have no necessary value to humanity outside of providing new information or ways of looking at things. It is not a task that can be repeated. Besides this, science requires that all theories within it be verifiable. Discovery in science requires a deep understanding of the universe itself. Science requires both creativity and intellect far beyond that of any other subject, with the exception of mathematics, which is on a similar level.

>> No.1765970
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>thinks freshman physics classes are similar to the work of scientists in any way

>> No.1765972


scientists understand nothing, they only make abstract tentative theories that work out of luck via trial and error

most science discoveries were serendipitous and their explanations ad hoc

everyone knows science theories are just tentative guesses

and science is simply a pragmatic discipline it has no philosophical undertones. it simply exists to make life easier, it doesn't tell us anything ABOUT life or how to live it. It just says 'out of trial and error we can fix your sink by doing this maybe'

it just fixes shit and builds shit--construction workers

>> No.1765977

most scientists are idiots and one dimensional, they have to be, if you read their personal writings or hear them speak its obvious

watch feynman speak, he sounds like a really dumb plumber, even when talking about science hes got this dumbness too him, very simple guy

get him in a discussion with anyone well read, like Hitchens or Sam harris, and hed be made into a retard--a laughing stock

>> No.1765978

>trial and error
See, there's a huge problem with your argument when the person you're speaking to actually does scientific research.
Well, I'm getting bored of your thread. I'm going to go take a bath in your community college tears.

>> No.1765981


Too bad Hitchens is the laughing stock to end all laughing stocks.

>> No.1765983

I hope you guys enjoy looking at paper and charts all day

lol scientists, go figure out a faster lazer reader so I can listen to my iPod faster while I have sex with a woman

>> No.1766005

wow is it major troll in this thread. Look around you, see that wall, your costructed house, your phone, your computer, your bed, your next computer, your tv? Yeah you're welcome.


>> No.1766009

thats why I pursue both at once!

>> No.1766049

The thing is, dear troll, that the creator of ipod can get any hot chick he wants, and even you would give him a blowjob if he wanted it. It's just the question of money.
Anyway, enjoy your meaningless shitty life.

>> No.1766338

implying the love of a hairy headed primate with daily exfoliation and glandular thoracic appendages and bacteria-infested mouth parts is something i want right next to me

oh, sorry, didn't mean to give away that part of the Matrix

>> No.1767027

why should I do science when I can do other things that are more fun and rewarding

i never understood that, why ppl just settle for work that simply provides a bit of money, like construction workers

why do ppl settle on being scientists

>> No.1767036


>why do ppl settle on being scientists

They dont have the brains to be philosophers/deep thinkers.

They dont have the talent&imagination to become artists/creators/writers/architects/lawyers/etc

They don't have the brawn and agility to become athletes, construction workers...

they are stuck, they are only good at looking at paper and sitting in front of computers trying to model reality because they can't experience it themselves

>> No.1767041
File: 22 KB, 400x267, arhtuor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assuming free-will exists, no one would choose to be a plumber or scientist....just because something is pragmatic doesn't mean u should do it...ppl are scientists because the universe is deterministic and it pushes them in that direction

everyone would be a libertine, an artists, a rich pleasure seeking poet or metaphysician if they had free-will like I do

>> No.1767062

scientists are some of the worst ppl you'll ever meet

thick headed, unimaginative, socially awkward, neckbeards, no taste or ambition

>> No.1767203
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Btw: You people sure are easy to troll considering the logical rigor I expected of you.

>> No.1767211

holy shit some serious butthurt by anti-science fags on this board.

>> No.1767281

"An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex." -Aldous Huxley

>> No.1767330
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Actually, intellectual pursuit is still sex-driven. It's just defense mechanism-based. To be specific, sublimation.

>> No.1767368


That's a misleading graph. Once you account for high infant mortality, life expectancy was always decent through a lot of human history. Plato lived to around 80. Hammurabi ruled for 42 years, so he was presumably older than 42.