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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 120 KB, 800x504, 1284614765548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1762602 No.1762602 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/ why doesn't the world look like this yet?

What's holding us back?

>> No.1762604

The lack of a dome fetish?

>> No.1762607

Homework threads. Actually, the kind of people who post homework threads.

>> No.1762608


No, I don't know.

>> No.1762610


>> No.1762612

threads like this

>> No.1762613

republicans and muslims

>> No.1762618

In a way, capitalism.
Nobody that has enough money to actually build these things wants to build these things for their functional purpose could be done far cheaper with the standard skyscraper. Therefore, much of our construction financed by corporations and so forth are simple rectangular structures. It's only recently we started getting these cool tower shits, when it stopped becoming so expensive.
Don't worry though- we should we an explosion in artistic infrastructure with the coming robotic revolution.

>> No.1762621


In part you. Seriously. Why aren't you working your ass off like Asians do?

Personally such fantasies aren't anywhere near my ambitions.

>> No.1762623

>we should we an explosion in artistic infrastructure
we should have an explosion in artistic infrastructure*
My brain farted.

>> No.1762630


You are missing the point. Capitalism or communism or socialism or any other social model is irrelevant when most of society doesn't have some intentions/ambitions in mind. Capitalism or not most people don't give a shit about science and technology and their advancement. Deal with it.

>> No.1762631

Americans and Christians.

>> No.1762633


The concept of opportunity cost. Sure, you might build a more fancy skyscraper. But for the same amount of resources (measured in money) you can perhaps build a 10 % larger skyscraper. People are prepared to pay for the function of the skyscraper (in the end, for the products produced by the people using it as offices), but not its looks.

In a way it's the fault of capitalism. Capitalism allocates resources to where they are most valued. We would be worse off if we built every skyscraper to be as fancy as possible. The real problem lies in scarcity and that we can't have everything we want.

tl;dr Scarcity sucks, deal with it.

>> No.1762635


>> No.1762639

Poverty, seriously. About 90% of the humanity is in worst conditions that all of us on /sci/. Think about the workforce we could have if such poverty didn't exist.

>> No.1762642


We innovated the world more than any other country on Earth and they destroy it all by being gay tards.

We have to nuke Europe, the middle east, and parts of India.

>> No.1762645
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You know, it's sort of tragic.
Watching Americans like you is a bit like watching the people of Oceania cross their wrists and scream 'IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH'

>> No.1762646

A still more glorious dawn awaits...

>> No.1762648
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Dubai is one of the most nicest looking cities in the world as of 2010 and guess what it's in a Muslim country.


>> No.1762649

socialism failed, get over it. Capitalism drives innovation because it drives competition. Surely it's flawed, but the western world is so powerful because of it. A socialist society would give people no motivation to succeed, only mediocrity.

>> No.1762650
File: 103 KB, 912x825, HansHermannHoppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying he made an argument for socialism.
Inb4 I'm a socialist too, would I use this picture?

>> No.1762651


I don't know what you're talking about?!

>> No.1762652

religion and international cooperation + war

>> No.1762653

Poverty IS the workforce. Without poverty there'd be nobody to do all the shit jobs because everybody will be in offices.

>> No.1762654
File: 34 KB, 530x367, 1284393103848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you're so butthurt. There's not a damn thing you could do about it. Now get off my American website.

>> No.1762661

Is there really a better alternative to capitalism then? Everything is at fault here by his logic because nothing can ever be perfect.

>> No.1762665

A Muslim county built by American corporations and oil-based industries who's largest customer is the USA.

>> No.1762667

In Soviet Russia science doesn't give a shit about YOU!


>> No.1762668


A useless city for rich faggots and faggot architects to show off their faggotry. Real cool irrelevant place, bro.

>> No.1762672
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>> No.1762674

In Soviet Russia...

Oh wait, it collapsed. It was no where near the innovation levels of the USA or Western Europe.

>> No.1762675
File: 115 KB, 400x688, 1278813684258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm for socialism in the context that it would have to have technology to make it work, because human beings are inherently flawed by the fact that we're all selfish animals to some extent. Hopefully the robotic revolution will change how we think about work and economic systems. There's a great chance for a post-scarcity world to arise quite soon.

In the meantime, I believe a mixed market economy based off the Nordic model is the best for all parties involved. At this current time, capitalism is the best system we got. But it still needs a sprinkle of other aspects as well otherwise it just turns into pic related.

>> No.1762677
File: 9 KB, 119x150, YoungRothbard-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use picture of famous anarcho-CAPITALIST economist
>Get asked if you think capitalism is good.
I'm not saying there is an alternative to capitalism. Socialism isn't. I'm saying under capitalism, some things will not be produced. That's just the way the world works, stuff is scarce. What capitalism does is it produces (in the long run) the most valuable goods in the best ways. A socialist government can build some insane project. Maybe it's really, really cool. But that means something else is not built and that something else might have been more valuable. Sure, it sucks that some stuff doesn't get built. But that's because (presumably) what DOES get built is worth more.

>> No.1762679
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>> No.1762680


you funny

>> No.1762683
File: 25 KB, 240x199, 4545053025_451a1d2078_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post-scarcity world to arise quite soon
I don't think scarcitiy means what you think it means.

>> No.1762685
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It's not making me mad. It is akin to watching a mentally handicapped person shit in their hands and attempt to draw on the wall with it.

>> No.1762687


They have next to no culture, history, or accomplishments. Good job, bro.

I hate faggots who run around saying greed is a bad motivation. Has anyone seen the technological advancement chart? We're doing fine and progressing faster than any time in all human history. Don't screw this up.

>> No.1762688
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>> No.1762690

i think he is sort of right
you are also right

therefore, let's think of a new theory! I prefer the one where we finally SOLVE the problems of our needs in a way that we can shift intentions/ambitions towards other problems.

The supply of humans basic needs, for instance. If we manage to shift the energy that is used to maintain competition into other fields, better results will be produced for sure. And anyway, competition in food supply cause a lot of troubles anyway, therefore this should be organized way more efficient anyway. May it be communism or something else, but NOT capitalism.

>> No.1762691

>They have next to no culture, history,
it would be deliciously ironic if this comes from an americunt

>> No.1762692

>Post scarcity or post-scarcity describes a hypothetical form of economy or society, often explored in science fiction, in which things such as goods, services and information are free, or practically free. This would be due to an abundance of fundamental resources (matter, energy and intelligence), in conjunction with sophisticated automated systems capable of converting raw materials into finished goods, allowing manufacturing to be as easy as duplicating software.
>The Nordic model refers to the economic and social models of the Nordic countries (Iceland, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Sweden and Norway). This particular adaptation of the mixed market economy is characterised by more generous welfare states (relative to other developed countries), which are aimed specifically at enhancing individual autonomy, ensuring the universal provision of basic human rights and stabilising the economy. It is distinguished from other welfare states with similar goals by its emphasis on maximising labour force participation, promoting gender equality, egalitarian and extensive benefit levels, large magnitude of redistribution, and liberal use of expansionary fiscal policy.[1] The Nordic Model however is not a single model with specific components or rules; each of the Nordic countries has their own economic and social models, sometimes with large differences from the neighbours.

>> No.1762695
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>> No.1762696
File: 9 KB, 202x248, 2dv4dva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have next to no culture, history, or accomplishments. Good job, bro.
>mfw economic model decades ahead of the US

>> No.1762698

Government funding doesn't work out well as it should. I favor a freer market, but only if faggot xbawk HUEG corporations get torn down first.

You know during the world wars, we advanced so quickly because of competition and the motivation to beat our competitors. We need this motivation, we need competitors. It's what drives innovation so far in the modern era.

The fact remains that we can't talk in ifs and buts.

>> No.1762699

ITT: libertarians with their heads within their ass looking for arguments

>> No.1762701

>he thinks socialism is decades ahead of capitalism

>> No.1762702
File: 303 KB, 512x384, 1281956589903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not our problem you have sick feitishes, fudge packer. Don't hit your gay ass on the way out.

>mfw no accomplishments

>> No.1762703
File: 48 KB, 500x375, colosseum03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ancient rome
>>1762672 China = flash new design
>>1762679 UK = fancy new design
>>1762695 America = ancient rome

>> No.1762704

If Post Scarcity were possible, it would already have happened after the industrial revolution. What happened instead, and what will continue to happen, is that demand expands to create new scarcity, and employ people in new types of jobs -- particularly services jobs.

And the Nordic Model only works in niggerless societies.

>> No.1762706

>Government funding doesn't work out well as it should.
Yeah, it really doesn't work out.
>I favor a freer market, but only if faggot xbawk HUEG corporations get torn down first.
A lot of them are xbawks HUEG because of government intervention and without government favors they would be a much smaller problem.

>> No.1762708
File: 9 KB, 225x225, derped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also Iceland is bankrupt so LOL

>> No.1762718

>A lot of them are xbawks HUEG because of government intervention and without government favors they would be a much smaller problem.
That's the most retarded argument you keep mumbling about.


>> No.1762720

Personally, I think our current model overwhelming rewards are brightest and most talented but fucked over the regulars. Nordick countries do it for the people, not for science. tl;dr nordics are faggots

>> No.1762726
File: 74 KB, 661x720, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iceland debt: around 75% of GDP
US debt: around 93% of GDP

ITT Amerifags don't understand how their economy works.

>> No.1762727

after a crisis Americunt markets caused

>> No.1762729

The difference is that there will be large if not absolutely huge pockets of unemployment as automated machinery such as robots and navigation systems become advanced enough to pilot themselves and make conscious decisions.
First the pilots, taxi drivers, and key fast food restaurants. Then you'll start to see more managerial positions being taken over.
>And the Nordic Model only works in niggerless societies.
I believe Sweden has quite a high population of middle eastern immigrants, and I don't think most of them have professional training.
Iceland is one of the smallest and isolated European countries. Sweden, Norway and so forth seem to be booming economically in comparison to many international counterparts.

>> No.1762736

>implying making more competitive i-Pods is the epitome of science

>> No.1762739

>US debt: around 93% of GDP


Are you really that fucking retarded?


>> No.1762744
File: 15 KB, 500x294, Justin-Bieber1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think our current model overwhelming rewards are brightest and most talented

>> No.1762747

You have absolutely no understanding of economics so I lol'd hard amount of told you're going to be getting.

>> No.1762752

I see no problem here.

>> No.1762753
File: 44 KB, 446x400, girls laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks machinery causes unemployment






>> No.1762755



>> No.1762757
File: 753 KB, 200x86, GFUAJHAHA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses external debt instead of public

Euroshits confirmed for shit understanding of economics.

>> No.1762762

Usually there would ne new jobs created gradually as machinery phased out humans out of area of production, but it is getting harder to afford a college education and to sustain one's self generally, and when the cheapshit amazing robots that work 24/7 for basically $0 an hour start coming off the assembly line, you must be nuts if you think that's not going to create a huge hiccup.

>> No.1762766

>40% of Americans believe in young earth creationism

I wonder what's the networth of scientific output under these conditions.

>> No.1762767
File: 27 KB, 695x316, ntso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear lord, just fucking stop. You absolutely no idea what the fuck you're on about and keep sounding more and more retarded.

>> No.1762768
File: 40 KB, 604x483, dark-ages[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's religion. Religion has done nothing but slow humankind down and has left nothing but suffering to anyone involved in it's spell. Look at all human conflicts, witch burnings, scientific oppression and the Dark Ages to see how religion is killing humanity.

Pic Related: It's what happened when Christianity took over and prevented us from having flying cars and super computers today.

>> No.1762770

Sure there will be a transition phase but unless you're
>implying new technology is universally adapted overnight
it's not a huge deal. It's happened for over 200 years. The unemployment rate is still not even 25 %. Deal with it.

>> No.1762773

I think we will be able to catch up.

>> No.1762776

And they're the ones filling up our cars with gas for us. It feels good, man. You need a stupid population to keep up the power of the brighter ones.

>> No.1762777

Excellent argument there fine sir, you must of been a consistent winner of debates in high school.
Not necessarily just religion, also people using religion to push their own agenda.

>> No.1762778


>> No.1762779

I'm expecting widespread adoption within the 2030's. I may well be wrong. We just cannot know yet.

Oil scarcity is not gonna help much either.

>> No.1762781

The dark ages aren't real.

Also, many of the greatest scientists in history have been theist. I may be atheist, but religion isn't THAT bad. There's so many problems in the world but many of the greatest, smartest, and most successful men today are still religious. It has to be something more. I'm betting poverty because lack of talented human capital.

>> No.1762788

Lets just destroy Europe, Africa, and the rest of Asia and get it over with. We only need the Japs and North America. Fuck everybody else.

>> No.1762789

>implying educated people that do not butthurt about stem-cell research, "bombing" the moon, "wasting" tax-money in fruit-fly experimentations and space programme and don't get manipulated by Palin-like fucktards can't bump gasoline

>> No.1762793

And just in a few decades we've progressed more than everywhere else in history combined.

Capitalism and non-hardcore religious people work.

Think of what the internet was like in 1996.


>> No.1762797

>implying those rednecks have a college degree to matter

We can stem cell somewhere else. Besides, we're not the only ones with that problem.

>Embryonic stem cell research has divided the international community. In the European Union, stem cell research using the human embryo is permitted in Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Greece, Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands; however it is illegal in Germany, Austria, Ireland, Italy, and Portugal.

Fucking Germany of all places. I am disappoint.

>> No.1762798

Bro, really? You're going to blame Christianity for the Dark Ages? It is agreed by historians that the fall of Rome had very little to do with Christianity and more of barbaric invasions, political/economic instability, over expansion & Inflation etc. The fact there isn't any consensus among historians on who was responsible for Rome's downfall should clue you in that blaming religion for it is not in any way a valid answer.

This is not even mentioning the graph is very western centric. During the time when Christianity was supposedly repressing science in Europe; the middle east went through a golden age of scientific advancements, and the far east continued to progress.

What we have to accuse of this lack of progress is governments and corporations who not only have the resources to prevent technological progress but a motive as well.

>> No.1762801
File: 48 KB, 623x480, WHHHHYYYY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>however it is illegal in Germany, Austria, Ireland, Italy, and Portugal.

Holy fucking shit. At least it's legal in the USA.

>> No.1762811
File: 10 KB, 275x184, polar mantear..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free-markuts will bring corporatiunz un theyr neez DODDAMN GOVERMENTZ STOP OPRRESING ME!!1

CAPTCHA: polar mantear

>> No.1762813

Bro, this ENTIRE website is full of angsty kids who blame religion for all the problems in the world.

I'm not religious but fuck I hate angsty atheist teenagers who don't have a fucking clue what they're on about.

>> No.1762820

How exactly do we do that? The corporations can get power with or without the government. Their fucking lobbies are so damn powerful and expensive that every other country on earth just sends in their men to Washington and gets them shit. Free or regulated markets, nobody is going to win.

>> No.1762829
File: 31 KB, 250x335, yuri_gagarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just in a few decades we've progressed more than everywhere else in history combined.

Authoritarian socialism and non-hardcore religious people work.

Think of what the motherland was like in 1917.


>> No.1762830

>governments and corporations

Wait, you're going to blame both businesses and politicians?

>> No.1762852

>What's holding us back?
The fact that we're mainly still just dumb animals.

>> No.1762855

This has been true at every point in history. Well, except the middle east in the last century, but even then they've got rich.

>> No.1762949

When the robots come, we will finally be free.

>> No.1762952

Most of the people hoping for something more of the future are probably old, bro. They've been promised unbelievable technology today by retro-futuristic science fiction mediums. If I saw the Jetsons, Back to the Future and other films and tv shows telling us these things as a child, I would be pissed too.

>> No.1762955

They had to remove Swastiskas from the Inglourious Basterds posters in Germany... Don't mention the war

>> No.1762976

their butt still hurts

>> No.1762985

Ireland looked like that before whiskey.

>> No.1763010
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>> No.1763019

Corporations like Lockheed-Martin and others who keep the most amazing scientific advances under wraps indefinitely out of fear that someone ELSE might use it if it got out. Hence, shit like flying saucers, cloaking technology and more won't become commonplace until we the citizens take it from these absurdly evil companies and use it for the betterment of all mankind. Entrenched interests in Washington who subsidize big oil a lot more than renewable energy are also to blame.

>> No.1763027

>Invent product, costing billions of dollars in R&D
>Keep product secret
>As a result, don't sell product

I think you're onto something pal.

>> No.1763040

You know I am.
You can't honestly believe the billions poured into black projects don't yield things of amazing technological superiority. The guys at the top would rather deny the world the opportunity to buy a triangular flying craft than let it be known such a thing is possible to build. Their quest for power for power's sakes has little reason, it's just unsatiable greed and paranoia.

>> No.1763043

I'm sorry but how do they make profits from pouring billions of dollars into RnD and not selling anything?

If they were just embezzling then surely that would turn up in the books. (Not that it isn't possible to hide...)

>> No.1763053

At the expense of the tax payers, of course. BLACK PROJECTS BRO

>> No.1763054

It's the endless pursuit of better ways of controlling the world, with weapons, transportation and psyops. There's little economic advantage to having the USA spend a trillion dollars on the Iraq war when they could've bought Saddam out for a fraction of that cost, but that's why war is a racket.

>> No.1763060

Our black budget doing good. We have the most technologically advanced military on Earth and I'm pretty damn sure someone out there wants to keep it that way. I sure as hell do.

I know you bright eyed kids want to believe science and technology is all good but you have to learn that there are terrible consequences to such advanced technology. Do you really believe the world is ready for this shit? The majority is in poverty after all. Are you really this selfish? Ask yourself.

>> No.1763062

... well it's not exactly that all corporation invester are using all their money to further expand their potential for profit

some of them are living making some serious ass expenses to trivial shit

>> No.1763063

OP Look up form follows precedent.

>> No.1763068




>> No.1763074


If it wasnt for religion science would have been far more advanced by the current era.

JUST SAYIN', not even hating on modern religion, it's just historically true.

>> No.1763075

Advanced military to do what? Fuck around for seven years in a middle-east hellhole to protect oil reserves? Stage a coup in sovereign South American nations to install a pro-american dictatorship? I'd rather have this technology available and well-known than to be left in the hands of a greedy horrible organization.

>> No.1763088

>hi guys i know nothing about military engineering but I have a strong opinion about the war in iraq ama

get the fuck out of /sci/

>> No.1763091

Seriously, you faggots honestly don't see the problem with people having hover or flying cars?

>> No.1763099
File: 49 KB, 1280x636, skunkworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This here aircraft was designed by lockheed in 1959.

It would have been capable of crusing at mach 4.5 and hit altitudes of 90,000 feet.

1959. That is only 56 years after the Wright brothers built their aircraft.

Also, look up Boeings X-70 bomber. It was a nuclear powered bomber that could fly up to mach 3 or something.

>> No.1763104

Considering the number of religious scientists throughout history, I'd say religion has done good as much as bad. Please shut the fuck up and realize there are numerous problems, kiddo. Also considering how nonreligious the Chinese, Koreans, ect. have been forever, I'd say you're full of shit.

>> No.1763106

People that looks and acts like niggers.
Thieves and murderers and pedophiles.
Old people.
Stupid people.
People that doesn't care about what's better for the society and the world.
People that only does what's better for themselves.
Left-wing parties.
All the arabian middle-easterns.
All the south-americans.

Basically, there's an awful lot of people that you'd need to murder before mankind can get together and make a better future.

>> No.1763119


not the guy you responded to

but how your greentext was even relevant?

>> No.1763130

>That is only 56 years after the Wright brothers built their aircraft.


Science and technology is progressing at a ridiculously fast rate. All you kids need to stop watching science fiction movies and open your eyes to the realization that things are doing fine. Fucking alarmists teenagers who need an excuse to blame someone else if something isn't going their way or how they thought, I swear.

Here's a question. What the fuck have you basement dwelling neckbeard pieces of shit been doing for the progress of science? Also Europe, why do you contribute so little compared to a single country in the modern era? Fucking pack of worthless 12 star blue monkeys.

>> No.1763141

I am sure you are quite straightforward with your opinion in public.

>> No.1763143

/new/ is that way ----------------->
and you forgot jews

>> No.1763144


>> No.1763186


Why so hate?

Really, I'm not saying ALL religion holds science back, but there have been key events throughout history where it has drastically held back science for up to hundreds of years.

>> No.1763253

All people arguing that religion is to blame for scientific regression/repression during the Dark Ages have it backwards. Who do you think preserved writing, art, language, morality, and political stability after Rome collapsed? The huge majority of people who lived at that time were completely uneducated, and knowledge doesn't magically retain itself, someone has to understand it and be able to teach it for it to continue. This is why we all go to school-just because someone else knows all this shit doesn't mean you do, you have to learn it. With the collapse of government infrastructure and the fracturing into smaller, independent nations/provinces/kingdoms and you have the roman catholic church to thank for convincing monks to sit around all day writing and the pope for threatening the banhammer on anyone who got too out-of-control.

>> No.1763267

Give examples.

>> No.1763293

o look

religion fags taking someone entirely out of context.


>> No.1763346


>> No.1763534

Archimedes discovered calculus TWO THOUSANDS YEARS before Newton

his documents were ignored for half the darkages, then pulped and recycled for a prayer book.