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1760464 No.1760464 [Reply] [Original]

Possible explanation for existence of the universe.

How can you get something, from absolute nothingness? We have to assume that something can come from absolute nothingness. This is explained by our existence.

The universe is expanding in time, but is space/time expansion infinite? It is reasonable to assume that something with a beginning will have an end, there are many examples in the universe of this. The universe had a beginning. It went from absolute nothingness to something over a non existent amount of time.

Something expanded from absolute nothingness to create a space/time reality. The expansion was caused by a reaction. The reaction was because absolute nothingness can't exist. There is always potential for something to exist, like the universe.

Absolute nothingness is only an idea. It is the fact that absolute nothingness can never exist, that something exists.

Everything we know came from absolute nothingness..

>> No.1760473

>>Continued consciousness. The End.

>> No.1760477

Here's an idea

I call it shut the fuck up

>> No.1760479

god came from nothingness


>> No.1760484
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>> No.1760487

cool magic eye

>> No.1760490

I question the basic assumption that nothingness somehow precedes or supersedes something.

Time itself requires something. When was there ever nothing, and can you prove it?

>> No.1760507

Yes, this is the standard rhetoric for why the big bang occurred. Now the question becomes, why is nothing so unstable? If there was absolute nothingness what stops it from just being and never changing?

>> No.1760524

There was never 'absolute nothingness'. There is always something that exists. 'Absolute nothingness' is not unstable because it doesn't exist.

>> No.1760542

well, then, if something always has to be everywhere (in space) all the time, why not make it space itself?
Space is why there is something as opposed to nothing, because space is something and it exists everywhere.

>> No.1760554

I question the very idea of nothing.
I think our concept of physics is limited with us having the constant need to visualize shit, so your question means fuck all at this point.

>> No.1760570

Nothing =/= something.
Everything = something.
Therefore nothing =/= everything.


>> No.1760580

There is something because, time, 3-dimensional space and matter make an environment that can evolve. There was a beginning to time because we can trace the radiation from the heat of the initial reaction of something coming into existence from 'absolute nothingness'.

>> No.1760595

Nothing is better than eternal happiness.
A ham sandwich is better than nothing.
<span class="math">\therefore[/spoiler] a ham sandwich is better than eternal happiness.

>> No.1760606

I think its a simple concept to understand.

>> No.1760612

Um, no, space, matter and gravity is not "absolute nothingness".

>> No.1760618

nothingness etc are all concepts
concepts are just some circuits inside the human brain
therefore nothingness is in fact, something.

>> No.1760622

Yeah, forgot gravity.

>> No.1760628

Time does not exist.

>> No.1760637


>> No.1760660

The universe came into existence from 'absolute nothingness'. Time began because, of the FACT that 'absolute nothingness' can NOT exist. There is ALWAYS something that exists.

>> No.1760661

He's right, only changes in time exist. Same with energy, it doesn't really exist, only changes in energy have any measurable effect. Neither are absolute concepts.

>> No.1760670

our concept of time is severely flawed, think "god" with similar paradoxy bullshit, yes time's bullshit.

>> No.1760674
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>> No.1760678

consider nothingness as a name and it starts to make sense

>> No.1760699
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>mfw when every 12 year old on the internet says this

>> No.1760705

The 'changes in time' are because the environment is able to evolve, but it takes TIME, which is real.

>> No.1760711

Isn't time just a measure or a concept used to keep track of entropy?

>> No.1760712

You have to just take it as a given, that something came from 'absolute nothingness'. It makes sense, and it is proven because we are able to observe it.

>> No.1760750

As Lawrence Krauss said, "Take nothing and apply quantum mechanics, and you'll always get something."

That's how I look at it.
Lawrence is brilliant, and is the only one I've heard say this yet.

>> No.1760758

Time is really not passing us by.