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File: 9 KB, 350x250, sunearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1760201 No.1760201 [Reply] [Original]

If the sun suddenly ceased to exist, what would happen in the next 10 minutes? (Takes around 8 minutes for light to get from the sun to the earth)

a) Would our orbit instantly degenerate?
b)Would it degenerate at the same time that we saw the sun no longer existed?
c)Or would the orbit stay for even longer than it would take us to notice it was gone?
d)Something else

>> No.1760218

Effects of gravity also propagate at the speed of light, so the orbit of earth would remain unchanged for 8 minutes. After that, Earth would fly off at a tangent to its orbit. Of course the earth would go dark and start to cool.

>> No.1760227

gravity travels at the speed of light, as far as we know.

>> No.1760229

And the creatures living close to undersea vents would chug along just fine. We'd all be screwed sooner or later.

>> No.1760241

>Effects of gravity also propagate at the speed of light

Son, you need to study your physics.

Shit is instantaneous, it is a consequence.

>> No.1760246



>> No.1760247


>> No.1760257


>> No.1760264



>> No.1760271


>> No.1760273
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>> No.1760277

Didn't get the memo apparently

>> No.1760279


at least give something remotely believable lol

>> No.1760283

As others have said, after 8 minutes, we'll veer off into space. Then we'd all die because of a lack of sunlight unless we learn to rely entirely on geothermal energy.

>> No.1760291


It would take a few days for it to get cold enough to kill us all off.

>> No.1760304

> sun disappears
hahaha... bet those faggots spouting solar would have red faces!

>> No.1760312

earth would become an asteroid

>> No.1760326

God would sustain us with the light of His love like before he created the Sun above the Earth in Genesis.

>> No.1760331

Yeah, if the sun suddenly vanished, it would be the perfect opportunity to laugh at the solar-power proponents.


>> No.1760340

An interesting continuation..

Does gravity propagate at the speed of light in a vacuum or does it vary depending on the medium that it is traveling through like light does?

>> No.1760343

What else are you going to do? Expand your investment portfolio?

>> No.1760350


doesn't light only vary because of the efffects of gravity?

>> No.1760359

because of the momentum of the earth it will continue going around the position that the sum was for several minutes after the gravity from the sun stops attracting the earth. so option c

>> No.1760368

it's (b) faggot

>> No.1760369


i lol'd

>> No.1760380


Gravity doesn't effect the speed of light, light does however travel at different speeds through different mediums, which is why Cherenkov radiation is possible.

>> No.1760385

I reckon causality won't hold for instantaneous elimination of large masses. Mass has a connection (for lack of a better term) to both its past and future self. The nearer in time, the stronger the link. The disappearance of the sun will result in changes propagating both forwards and backwards in time. Those changes which propagate backwards may influence the Earth less than 8 minutes after the disappearance.

>> No.1760392


Cherenkov radiation is one of my favorite fucking effects. Like an optical sonic boom instead of a sonic one (I know, I know, it's electrons, but I think the analogy holds and it sounds better)

>> No.1760435

b) It would also cause a "wave" of bent space, so earth wouldn't go off on a straight tangent for more than an instant.

Also, even if you could make every individual atom of the sun disappear, there is still nothing like simultaneity at different spatial coordinates.

>> No.1760448
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>> No.1760449


Yeah, you really have no idea what you're talking about do you.

>> No.1760475

You have much experience with mass disappearing (without producing an equivalent amount of energy), do you?

>> No.1760739


It's a pretty decent analogy imo, makes it easier to visualize since it's hard to think of how light propogates

>> No.1760757

It's neat for about 30 seconds when you witness it, then you just go on with your day.

>> No.1760798
File: 105 KB, 216x640, 1283483847314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
