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1759006 No.1759006 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific explanation for Deja Vu? For the past 6 years I have had it pretty regulary. I just want to find out why.

>> No.1759010

>scientific explanation
yo brain b trippin

>> No.1759015
File: 83 KB, 300x168, owardmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aightt thanks bro

>> No.1759017
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It happen to me yesterday. It was weird.

>> No.1759022

Didn't you just ask me that?

>> No.1759030
File: 12 KB, 300x300, owardmoon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost got me there. Well played.

>> No.1759051

Basically, your brain confuses a non-important non-clear memory with a current experience, because your brain does a hack-job of saving memories that aren't defining experiences.
That's why you never get Deja Vu from clear, well remembered memories.

>> No.1759058

Oh so having a photographic memory would correlate with this?

>> No.1759077

I've had DREAMS that I recorded in a journal that I'll ind myself replicating in exact detail a month later and get sudden deja vu.

It've never anything specacular, it's always something mundane, like washing dishes, and it slipping out of my hands, spinning on it's edge three turns, and then falling over and getting soapy water in my eye was the last deja vu I had that correllated to a dream I had 3 weeks prior.

>> No.1759079

The. Matrix.

>> No.1760616

I've read that it may have something to do with a lag between right hemisphere / left hemisphere interactions. Like your brain plays out the thought twice, slightly out of sync. Dunno how credible the hypothesis is.

>> No.1760645

Here's my guess: you have a shitload of dreams you don't remember. Although this shitload is giant, it isn't every single possible happening. Sometimes something in real life happens that is incredibly similar to that dream, and you remember it because of the similarities. Just a guess, but seems like it could be true.

>> No.1760690


Did that happen (drop, spin, soap in the eye), with the details already written in your journal? If so that's pretty weird (unlikely coincidence).

If you remember it happening exactly like that in the dream, but don't have it written exactly like that, then your brain might be "fixing" the memory of the dream to match the new experience.