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1756340 No.1756340 [Reply] [Original]

I no longer think its a question of if,

When do you think we'll find the first alien life?

I will rage with the force of a billion, billion suns if there is no robot on Europa in the next 15 years.

>> No.1756350

According to the "space travel is impossible" thread, the human race will probably die off before we find any other life...

>> No.1756353

There are no such things as life without of Earth.

There's no evidence that supports this, at all.

>> No.1756358

Intelligent life: never
Any form of life: maybe 250 years - several millennia

>> No.1756365
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>> No.1756381
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>> No.1756416


>> No.1756430


I think all the 'alien' stories and conspiracy theories are all fun but ultimately bullshit. There is life out there it's mathematically impossible for there not to be but two intelligent species running into each other would be incredibly rare. But once they could meet I'd wager something like a galactic UN would form and keep underdeveloped planets and species isolated until deemed worth to join. First contact won't be a " oh shit there's one ship there WTF" it will be a "holy fuck they blot out the stars, but they just wanted to say hello and tell us not to be asshats in space".

>> No.1756436
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mfw a fish licks the camera lens of the hydro bot.

>> No.1756445

There is not sufficient information available to make any real predictions in regards to aliens.

There is not even detailed knowledge regarding how exactly life started on earth.

>> No.1756449

>I think all the 'alien' stories and conspiracy theories are all fun but ultimately bullshit.
..bullshit like this:
>There is life out there it's mathematically impossible for there not to be but two intelligent species running into each other would be incredibly rare. But once they could meet I'd wager something like a galactic UN would form and keep underdeveloped planets and species isolated until deemed worth to join. First contact won't be a " oh shit there's one ship there WTF" it will be a "holy fuck they blot out the stars, but they just wanted to say hello and tell us not to be asshats in space".


>> No.1756452

What is the light streak in the OP's picture?

>> No.1756487

What makes you think 'intelligent' life will be just like us? They might just as well be so different in body and mind to us that diplomatic relations would be very difficult or outright impossible.
We always assume that aliens subscribe to some kind of human archetype (the 'Warrior Race', the 'quirky Scientists Race', the 'Long-lived "Elven" Race' etc.) or that they are just like us.
What's much more probable is that we would have enormous difficulties understanding or relating to them (see for example "Eden" by Stanislav Lem).
Having some 'galactic U.N.' forming therefore seems very unlikely. If anything we'd probably be reduced to very simple, basic interactions.

>> No.1756494
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intelligence is probably overrated

>> No.1756498

If the universe is just crawling with intelligent civilizations, cruising around in their star ships, then where the hell are they? Why haven't we heard even a peep?

I'm pretty damn certain that there is another intelligent species somewhere in the universe. The question is if they are are actually within shouting distance (so, I don't know, 50,000 light years at the very most). Because if they're not, they may as well not exist at all.

>> No.1756500

Stephen Hawkings is a good example of that.

>> No.1756508


godfag detected

>> No.1756509

More like "oh hey look at these alien ruins from a billion years ago. Oh and here's some alien mold, guess they're going to be sentient long after we're gone!"

>> No.1756514

Well, you seem to know aaaaall about how dem pesky aliens are doing, and what they up to and why. They seem to behave exactly like some human wants them to behave!

problem solved; omniscience detected.

>> No.1756538

I don't know jack shit about how aliens behave, because they've never been seen or heard. Which means they are either:

A) Utilizing some advanced technology to completely veil their presence and remain unnoticed. Or...
B) They simply aren't here (or anywhere near here).

>> No.1756539

For all we know we could be the only life in this galaxy. Doesn't mean there isn't life in other galaxies. Or there could be an "alien U.N" already out there its just that they are on the other side of the milky way or in the Andromeda galaxy.
Most people just don't get how big space is and can't wrap there heads around it.

>> No.1756554

>I don't know jack shit about how aliens behave

>> No.1756557

>>I will rage with the force of a billion, billion suns if there is no robot on Europa in the next 15 years.

I don't think you understand that you can't launch spacecraft all willynilly. You have to wait for specific bodies to line up in order to reach wherever you want to go. Some launch dates have to be pushed back years else you risk being tossed from the projected orbit.

>> No.1756572
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>mfw people don't ACTUALLY take into consideration the factors of time and space travel that make intelligent aliens which have a very high chance of existing have next to 0% chance of ever coming into contact with humans

>> No.1756598

mfw people think aliens will be limited by human technology/lifespan

>> No.1756604

Since the odds are so fucking low that humanity came into existence, then what are the odds that there is intelligent life?

The odds really are that small

>> No.1756619

It's hard to imagine that we ever will, considering how many lightyears away they must be...?

>> No.1756622

>Since the odds are so fucking low that humanity came into existence

the odds humanity came into existence are 100% exactly.

>> No.1756628

Because the universe is absolutely fucking gigantic. For all we know there could be thousands of populated planets in our own galaxy.

However I think the odds of us finding life that's at a similar stage of evolution to us. Considering how old the universe is it's more like alien life will be billions of years advanced or behind compared to us.

>> No.1756630

I don't think you realise just how massive the universe is.

Also a depressing thought, there may be a massive amount of intelligent life in the universe, but at the same time it might, regardless of technology, be impossible to travel the enormous distances between stars quickly. So we will never make contact.

>> No.1756646

Why is it so difficult to believe that there could have developed an extraterrestrial species with a remarkably different chemical composition to that of life on Earth, who have spent millions of years with highly advanced spaceships exploring the galaxy searching for other conscious beings such as themselves, and, to their luck, finally finding radio signals from our planet after eons of soul-searching?

>> No.1756647

Shit people, we might not and we might. None of us know for sure. I DO know it's the only thing I come close to praying for.

Even if they were resource stealing destroyers of systems at least I'd die happy, thinking "FUCK YOU CREATIONISTS FUCK YOU"

>> No.1756676

you need to read my post again

>> No.1756680

Alien life would not help against the argument of creationism

>> No.1756681

The sorts of aliens I'm thinking of would very much destroy the creation myth

>> No.1756714

I think the aliens you are thinking of should have been here a long time ago

>> No.1756722
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yfw anything

>> No.1756768


The universe is so large.. SO VAST.. we may never come into contact with Aliens.. There may be millions of civilizations out there but I think it would be very lucky if any two races actually bumped into each other.

>> No.1756779
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>my face when the first race we meet look like humans with wings.

>> No.1756806

>I think

yep, we found the problem.

>> No.1756880
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Iife is a chemical reation
there are chemicals in the universe-
great in their amount and variety
there is heat in the universe
long chain molecules + heat + time = life
life + time + bountiful conditions = intelligence

these elements are rare but rarity + unthinkably huge size of universe = certainty

we just have to wait until they pick up our radio and TV signals, then send some of their own

since we only started broadcasting in the 1930s
we could be waiting awhile

>> No.1756887
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>> No.1756895
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>> No.1756906

not enough evidence to say either way

Claiming that space travel is impossible is like some dumb fish in the ocean claiming swimming from California to Japan is impossible. Just because you cannot perceive it or the ability to do it does not mean it is impossible.

For all we know we might be the smartest beings or the dumbest and everything in-between in the universe.

>> No.1756921


I think a better analogy for space travel would be a fish in the great lakes swimming to another lake in Africa. Which is impossible, because fish are stupid.

>> No.1756926


Would you want contact with a race that happily kills itself in the expansion of it's progress? Imagine coming down and giving humans a means to the stars and the science to cure everything ( not like it doesn't exist but religion and idiots keep it in check) and letting us loose on the stars. We weaponise EVERYTHING as it is. Giving humans the means to travel to another galaxy also means giving us enough energy to do so which would be turned into a missile or bomb. I believe the space races are those that are pacifists and have their huge organisation that basically waits out the races bloodlust before inviting them. Humans obviously won't when we are evolved from territorial matriachal animals that see most other life as little more than food or entertainment.

>> No.1756927


or a man in Britain in the 0 AD era going ' I will never reach Africa' which they did later on and then conquered it.

>> No.1756932


Hopefully they can stop my age when I'm about 50-60 and then find a way to reverse that shit.

>> No.1756938


Great. I get to see humanity run out of resources and regress into medievil savages with nuclear radiation everywhere from the inevitable nuclear war.

>> No.1756948
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Fuck Yeah Fallout 1+2+3 IRL

>> No.1756952

For all we know, faster than light travel could very well be impossible. Furthermore, as far as I understand, the more advanced we become the less EM radiation we emit (FM vs. AM, directed beams vs uniform broadcasting). Consequently, the chance of aliens detecting us (or us detecting them) is minimal, unless they are pretty close by.

>> No.1756953

>implying aliens couldn't be as aggressive as us
Our aggression is, in large part, the source of our progress. It's foolish and naive to think that an alien race is "perfect" and doesn't have conflicts.

>> No.1756961

Yes, but it is likely to have resolved its conflicts sufficiently to not be in a position to destroy itself.

>> No.1756983

I'm hoping that we come into contact with a transcendental race that, upon contact with us, will benevolently brainwash us so that we will be cleansed of our evils and sins and become one with them in their quest to unite the galaxy and create a heaven for all living creatures.

>> No.1756991

What makes people believe any aliens will be ramen? They will almost certainly be varelse.

Yes, I'm borrowing words from a book by a Mormon. They're good words.

>> No.1756993

Do you think we are still in that position? Just because we have the capability doesn't mean it's remotely feasible...

>> No.1757000

It wouldn't take much. North Korea has nukes now.

>> No.1757003
File: 16 KB, 225x300, ramen-bowl-225x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuuuunn. Ramen alien.

>> No.1757015

Have you read Speaker for the Dead? Sequel to Ender's Game? Explains the ideas well, basically varelse is alien, intelligent, but impossible to communicate with, while ramen is alien, intelligent and with possible communications.

>> No.1757019

Probably under the surface of Europa, which will be in a long time.

>> No.1757063

Nope. I knew you were referencing something, but I just had to crack a joke.

>> No.1757075

Fair enough. Alien ramen would probably lead to their entire species being consumed by us, though.

Brb, gonna write short story.

>> No.1757833
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mfw this thread is still alive.

for fuck, intelligent life? I was referring to simple microbial life, in our own solar system niggers.