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File: 29 KB, 300x274, telomere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1751228 No.1751228 [Reply] [Original]

what do you know about this? fact or fiction?

>> No.1751236

It's a fact but there are other problems with it such as mutation and cancer risks from living longer.

>> No.1751238
File: 107 KB, 500x354, I could be happier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up antagonistic pleiotropy and cry me a river. Telomere degradation isn't all there is.

(No, seriously, I'm sad I can't be immortal either)

>> No.1751243
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>> No.1751251

i know it's not a cancer cure. i don't care for a cure for cancer. cancer is not a disease. it's your cells last attempt at life. But does it work as long as you do not suffer from other illnesses

>> No.1751261

In tests on lower lifeforms telomerase drugs can double their lifespan. But ultimately they wind up with out of control cancer growths because the cells never die after a normal amount of divisions like normal cells do. So the cancer just keeps growing infinitely until it kills the organism. Basically you would live longer but spend 100% of your life getting endless cancer treatments to slow down the inevitable take over by cancer.

>> No.1751267
File: 372 KB, 1600x1200, I'll miss you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was being serious when I suggested that you look up antagonistic pleiotropy. As you age, different genes can be activated and deactivated. The newly activating genes could interact with continuously transcribed genes in new ways. The interactions early in life could be favorable, but the ones after you've expended most of your reproductive value can be detrimental, especially since these post-reproductive interactions are effectively hidden from evolution.

Here's the wiki version:

>> No.1751276

fair enough!!! live twice as long and die of cancer. i'd take the risk. i'll have twice as long to figure something else out haha.

>> No.1751283


Terrific reference picture there. Thanks for posting it, and if you posted the silver fox pic, thanks for posting that too.

>> No.1751289

Yes I looked it up, but that does not mean for sure it will happen in this case. It does mention the possiblility, but nothing will ever be set in stone until the drug is observed over years and years.

>> No.1751298

find the drug online (there might be more than one) and findreviews or side effects or something. i went to TAsciences or something, but my computer is effed and won't open links on the site. I think some solid articles would be sufficient for either side.