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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1739040 No.1739040 [Reply] [Original]

Has the Riemann hypothesis been proven yet?

>> No.1739055

What year is it?

>> No.1739050

Can people fly yet?

>> No.1739064

Who's in charge here?

>> No.1739062
File: 181 KB, 1152x900, 1211012303222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1739065

Oh hey, would you mind and get me a mug of coffee?

>> No.1739066

Have I just been told it was 2000 years in the future? Or do I not know yet?

>> No.1739067

If I don't know how long I've been suspended, >>1739055

Otherwise, "Is this the physical reality or a computational simulation?"

>> No.1739069

What asshole set my alarm? I wanted to sleep in.

>> No.1739074

Possibly the least relevant question.

>> No.1739088


>> No.1739089
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x1024, duke_nukem_forever_wallpaper_by_zephroelectro_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Duke Nukem Forever finally out?

>> No.1739092

where is everyone?

>> No.1739098

How advanced our our manned spacecraft?

>> No.1739106

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.1739107

Where's my hover board?

>> No.1739113

Have people finally overcome religion?

>> No.1739114

Has it been proven yet that if you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me?

>> No.1739116

This will be a grammatically correct sentence in 2000 years.

>> No.1739119

What if god was one of us? Just a slob like one of us?

>> No.1739122

I can haz cheezburger?

>> No.1739125

Are the Jews dead yet?

>> No.1739133

What's pokémon like now?

>> No.1739147

Have nonwhites been deported? Are we free from the shackles of liberalisim?

>> No.1739145
File: 64 KB, 600x750, trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which 4chan'board I gonna troll today...

>> No.1739152

What time is it?

>> No.1739163


As usual - although we have about a billion of them throughout six thousand games and films.

>> No.1739167

Has applied cognitive neuroscience sharply increased human reasoning ability?

>> No.1739176

Where the white women at?

This will be a valid question, since either (1) humans will all be some homogeneous brownish color, or (2) the indians and chinese will have completely taken over.

>> No.1739208

Which direction is Mecca?

>> No.1739215

WERE ARE ALL THE HOT TRANS-HUMAN WOMEN!!!!(seeing as how men died out)

>> No.1739228
File: 198 KB, 475x360, 1269705397611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1739231

Where's the toilet?

>> No.1739239

It will be dispersed as a fine particulated fusioned matter all over the earth.

>> No.1739252


Consequences will never be the same!

>> No.1739255

What is love?

>> No.1739298

number theory and qm been converged then?

>> No.1739303


>> No.1739305


>> No.1739312

did the singularity happen yet

>> No.1739324

Did Jesus come back yet?

That lazy ass long hair.

>> No.1739340
File: 864 KB, 1776x2547, Uhrwerkszerlegung_01_GW_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my new robot body ready yet?

>> No.1739388

Is it still forbidden to pee in pools?

>> No.1739549

If I wake up after 2000 years of sleep my first question would be : Where is the bathroom?

>> No.1739568

Have you seen mike, mike hock. He's about yay high

>> No.1739573

"Fuck did I REALLY just do that?"

>> No.1739574

Are there intelligent robots / computer programs yet?

Also, how is babby formed?

>> No.1739655

Who the fuck are you people?

>> No.1739670

I'd wake up and the first thing I would say is, "Oh GOD where's my computer??" just like the rest of the people in here.

>> No.1739696

Have you developed my own genetically superior sex slave yet?

>> No.1740021

Need to take a piss

Has the middle east been nuked yet?

>> No.1740030

oh god nobody will understand my language.

>> No.1740042

Did the PS3 ever get games?

>> No.1740072

I wanna play Starcraft 177

>> No.1740107

"So.. have you fixed the nigger problem yet? No? Ok. Have you mastered interstellar travel yet tho? No? Ok. Just making sure you future people know that I'm extremely disappointed"

>> No.1740111

"What's up?"
Need to be briefed on what has been going on for the last 2000 years bro.

>> No.1740183

Mohammad? You mean dem sand coons were right all along?! Dangnabbit Skeeter, we dun goofed.

>> No.1740200

Who are you?

>> No.1740216

you got any spice melange?

next question " can i have some?"

>> No.1740260


OP you stole the fucking words right out of my mouth. Lol, Hilbert.

>> No.1740272


>> No.1740312
File: 628 KB, 1197x1497, Einstein1921_by_F_Schmutzer_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found any hidden variables?

>> No.1740317

>implying that the riemann hypothesis has significant applications to real world physics
better questions that are pertinent to technology

1) solutions (numerical or otherwise) to N-dimenensional coupled nonlinear partial differential equations

2) solution to the problem of exchange and correlation in fermionic systems (exchange of energy or momentum between electronic states and correlation of electronic motion are 2 of the completely unsolved problems in non-relativistic quantum mechanics, which, if solved, would allow high degree of accuracy in prediction of chemical and physical properties of matter)

3) quantum mechanically/theoretically sound model for the description of non-covalent bonding (ionic bonding, hydrogen bonding, van der waals, etc have no definite physical models that are soundly grounded in reality, all existing models are pure theory and fail in most situations)

4) (when combined with 1 and 2) a systematic algorithm for the accurate and precise prediction of in-vitro/in-vivo protein folding from primary sequence (not even close currently, all existing models are coarse grained classical with semi-empirical force fields)
if the answer to any or all of those questions is yes....

THEN science fiction will be real.

>> No.1740356

>implying that the riemann hypothesis has significant applications to real world physics

Do you know what an implication is?

>> No.1740363

is this a horror movie?

>> No.1740406


2000 years in the future. the IMPLICATION of the question you asked is that this person wakes up in a future where science and math have developed way beyond our current level.

despite what anyone says about "pure math" math and physics were invented and have been developed over the years with the primary focus being on APPLICATIONS (most of the named theories in math and physics come from scientists or mathematicians who worked on applications of their work, rather than on "philisophical" implications).

thus, it is safe to assume that the most logical questions would be related to WHAT KIND OF TECHNOLOGY this advanced civilization possesses.
thus the IMPLICATION (the meaning that is assumed to be associated with the statement) is that the observer is interested in shit that has to do with technology.

I can understand, however, that a mathematics undergraduate would be autistic enough to not realize that normal people would be more interested in the technology, rather than the philosphy.
but dont get me wrong, the riemann hypothesis does indeed have implications in statistical mechanics (and statistical field theories) and signal analysis.

>> No.1740443

I sure slept well. What time is it?

>> No.1740461

Who do I have to fuck to get a beer around here?
With any luck it a robotic minifridge.

>> No.1741893

are the jews gone yet?

>> No.1741978

Can you make my penis bigger without mauling it?
Second question.

Can I have psychic powers?

>> No.1741989

so fucking cliche...OP quoting some mathematician

>> No.1742000

Can my brain connect to the internet?

All the answers will be there.

>> No.1742006

Do you speak English?
Can you understand what I'm saying?
>and if that doesn't work...
Vous parlez français?

and if that doesn't get a response I'm quite possibility fucked.

>> No.1742031

"Mwurghhhh... what happened? Where am I? Who are you? What's all this shit connected to my body?!... What's up with all of those monitors, and those weird, blue lights?"

>> No.1742045

Are we using the human brain as storage yet?
failing that
Have we REPLACED brains with solid state drives?
the answer should hopefully be "ahaha what a loser nobody uses solid state drives any more, they're fucking slow"

>> No.1742056

Tell me everything.

>> No.1742158

Are there still pandas?

>> No.1742418


The lights are just for ambience.

>> No.1742423

Hey guise, I came up with this truly marvelous proof of the Riemann Hypothesis, but this box is too small to contain it. Just letting you know that it's fucking amazing though.

>> No.1742455


Sweeeet... so... where am I? Who are you? What's all this shit connected to my body? And what's up with all of the monitors?

>> No.1742490

How did you manage to keep yourselfs from destroying the entire planet, given the human drive to utilize new and fantastic technologies for the most evil and mass murder possible.

>> No.1742491

Did we finally get things right and murder everyone with an IQ lower than 100?

>> No.1742505

>murder everyone with an Iq below 100
just so you know you're a fucking idiot who doesn't know how statistics work because this would end up killing everyone except the smartest person on earth.

so i hope they would shoot you on sight for saying that in 2000 years

>> No.1742541

>Implying having only the smartest people on earth around would be a bad thing.

>> No.1742551

more like
>implying you're fucking retarded because IQ is a bell curve system and 100 IQ is completely subjective

>> No.1742552

not smartest people
IQ 100 : Average intelligence : i.e. you kill all the stupid people AND THE PERSON WITH IQ 130 BECOMES IQ 90

>> No.1742610

Pretty sure he just meant kill off the bottom half the population.

Don't be so literal.

>> No.1742626

Sorry, I must not have made myself clear.
I mean kill off the part of the population that are fucking retards, such as yourself, and the intelligent ones may prosper.

>> No.1742730

Where the white women at?