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File: 22 KB, 480x352, Pure Joy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1738559 No.1738559 [Reply] [Original]

>Local "conspiracy theorist" at my college holds rally in Campus Courtyard
>Gets about 300-400 others to join in in his "GOVERMENT DID 9/11" Bullshit
>Individually, the head physics, history, engineering, and pyscho/socialology teachers come up to the stage and debunk EVERYSINGLETHEORY

Today is a good day /sci/.

>> No.1738568
File: 11 KB, 320x240, Hounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing ALMOST happened at my town's local community college, but the dean...Well, just look at the pic.

>> No.1738571

Did you tape it?

>> No.1738582

>>1738559 debunk EVERYSINGLETHEORY

If only it was that easy to get them to piss off; they'll just keep repeating whatever they want to believe regardless of how thoroughly debunked it is.

>> No.1738584
File: 9 KB, 182x195, a explnation tellie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/x/ here,

But if the govenment didn't do it, then who was phone?

>> No.1738593


>> No.1738596

History channel is running a debunking special today. Wooo for skepticism!

>> No.1738597

it was a big plane, that's why the buildings fell. idiots.

>> No.1738599

> they'll just keep repeating whatever they want to believe regardless of how thoroughly debunked it is.
It's the same with global warming, people won't just give the shit up, because if al gore said it it must be true.

>> No.1738611

It was so big that even buildings that weren't hit fell apart in the same manner as the ones that did get hit. Amazing what terrorists can pull off with airplanes.

If the white house had somehow collapsed too with no trace of an airplane you still wouldn't question the official story.

>> No.1738612

also lrn2quote

>> No.1738623


>> No.1738633
File: 28 KB, 531x750, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing I don't understand is why did the Terrorist go after the WTC instead of the White house or the Capitol building?

I know people say that the last plane was heading to one of the two targets, but why not make it the first plane?

I mean, after people realized what was going on, they evacuated the shit out of Washington D.C., meaning if the last plane had reached it's target, it would have simply hit an empty building, rather than take out a bunch of senators or whatever.

Just a failure of planning on the Terrorist's part?

>> No.1738651


The theory is it's more a failure on the part of the highjackers.

Aparently they were supposed to highjack the planes in such a way that all the planes hit simultaneously, but as we know, they fucked it up so that they hit at diffrent times.

But thats just a theory.

>> No.1738660

>But thats just a theory (a geuss)

>> No.1738664


Bin Ladin saw America as a more Economic giant than a political one, so it makes sense he would want to hit America's Economy (i.e. WTC) before he hit her government (whitehouse) or military (pentagon)

>> No.1738668

(a geuss)

>> No.1738675

They think that by stealing a plane, killing thousands of innocent people, they will please a magical entity of the sky into rewarding them with a number of virgin women to have sex with for all eternity. I think it's fair to say that these are not intelligent people.

>> No.1738679
File: 56 KB, 906x736, Hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What you did, it's there, and I see it.

>> No.1738686

But what if I take it away? Then it isn't there. But I still did it. Do you still see it?

>> No.1738688
File: 104 KB, 864x594, Holy Crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
