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File: 49 KB, 485x350, mars_flag_485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1727497 No.1727497 [Reply] [Original]

I want to leave earth.
Going through my History class I've found out how much my country has been founded on evil. Yes, there's the good, and some may argue it outweighs the evil, but I'd rather not be able to have someone tell me "You're only doing well because your forefathers enslaved people for hundreds of years".

I want to build a society that's not based on any inequality. I want a society that's based on a "you work, you eat" policy. I want a society that is not afraid to banish people who are troublemakers (for lack of a more severe word) for no good reason, or who abuse the rights and privileges of the society. I want a society that's small enough that we don't become disconnected from one another like we are today.

Is there any society that's trying to achieve that today? Is there any possibility that in my lifeitime I will be able to colonize mars (maybe the moon) with that kind of society? Is anyone working on ANYTHING like this today?

>> No.1727505


>> No.1727507

Your ideas are awfully totalitarian. I hope with all my heart you will never succeed.

>> No.1727511

Your country was founded by scientists and historians.
They were the cream of the fucking crop.
It's the rest of the fags that fucked it up, slowly convincing you to sacrifice a little freedom for security.
Lol, you fell for it too. You poor, poor bastards.

>> No.1727512

so wait, what's wrong with my ideas?

>> No.1727516

OP here, what I really hate is how my society puts down people who actively try to learn and be smart and knowledgeable, and raise up in praise people who are dumb.

>> No.1727517

>Going through my History class

/sci/fags can't history

>> No.1727522


>> No.1727529
File: 24 KB, 363x473, obama_barack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture related, right Anon?

>> No.1727535


Yeah, so? Plenty of historical figures are romanticized. Also only white nationalists believe in "white guilt."


Yeah Obama was practically carried into Harvard by the liberal US government. And get this, he doesn't even have a science degree, LOL.

>> No.1727536

that's a different problem.
Let's not vote for him because of what he's going to do, but because HE'S BLACK AND OMG WOULDN'T IT BE COOL TO HAVE A BLACK PREZ Y'ALL???

>> No.1727538

It's hard to explain it to you if you grew up in a free society. Whenever i read something along the lines of your OP text, an alarm goes off in my head.
Let me give you an example. USA is very very good at banishing their "troublemakers" with no remorse. So how's their prison system working out right now? Or are you suggesting killing them off? That would just prove my point you should never succeed.

>> No.1727539


concepts made up by retards like you, leave the earth, it will be better without you

>> No.1727540

My Mormon friend isn't racist, at least. He preferred Obama over Hillary.

>> No.1727541

Either you're calling me a white nationalist (which I'm not sure what that is) or you're saying I don't have this thing called "white guilt"?

I'm in college, dude, I haven't defined myself that far yet. What I do know is I care probably way too much about what other people think about me, and if someone can say that the only reason I'm doing so well (after I graduate) is because slavery blah blah blah, well, I don't like that.

>> No.1727544

Give them a free ticket back to America, land of the free?
what would you do with those people?

>> No.1727547

join a tribe in africa

>> No.1727549

>you're saying I don't have this thing called "white guilt"?

read this from your post:

>if someone can say that the only reason I'm doing so well (after I graduate) is because slavery blah blah blah, well, I don't like that.

Do you know what your problem is? It's this:

>What I do know is I care probably way too much about what other people think about me

>> No.1727550

So if someone has a grievance with me, or if someone thinks that something is unjust, I should just ignore them?

>> No.1727553

try to prevent most of the stimuli that would make them a genuine troublemakers in the first place. And now we can argue about a definition of a troublemaker if you wish.

As for the most extreme measure possible, probably chemical sterilisation.

>> No.1727552

communist nation on a red planet


>> No.1727556

>So if someone has a grievance with me, or if someone thinks that something is unjust, I should just ignore them?

No, you shouldn't ignore them. You should devote your time to debate with people who disagree with you in an intellectual manner, so that both sides may eventually concede and come upon a mutual agreement.

Why don't you go to stormfront or free republic and debate with them until you feel satisfied?

>> No.1727564

no god damn sterilization, jesus
I guess a "troublemaker" is someone who likes to annoy or fuck with people, who doesn't want to work but still thinks he deserves food, bullies are a good example; I don't know.

I know that laws in america are followed to the T too much and aren't followed by their spirit (i.e. why the law was placed there in the first place) as much as they should be. The law I would have is "If you're intentionally disrupting the flow of livelihood just for the lulz/fun of it, then you're getting shipped back to earth."

Of course I would be reasonable however, and take each case individually. How old is the idiot, 5? leave him be. 16? he's pushing it, give him a few chances to straighten up.

I don't like the idea of "institutionalizing" or "re-education" camps, so we're not going to try to force them to change, just to force them to leave if they can't fit in. We aren't a melting pot. We are a people trying to live without the complications and barriers that exist between people today for multiple reasons (race, etc).

>> No.1727568

>try to prevent most of the stimuli that would make them a genuine troublemakers in the first place

Over the past few millennias, the human civilization invented all kinds of political systems, from organized religion to socialism, to address these trouble-making "stimuli" to create an ideal society.

Now we have OP here with a brilliant plan to move to Mars to start a colony so that he can solve these problems that the entire human race couldn't solve over a few thousand years.

>> No.1727571

>>1727564 here, it's late, I'm rambling like an idiot, I'm going to bed. Thanks for the talk, gentlemen (and ladies).
Jesus, we need a word that implies both male or female.

And if after discussing it with them I realize I was wrong and they were right? Yeah.

Sorry, I'm leaving. I'm sure your answer is good.

>> No.1727572

With added technology, it could become possible.

>> No.1727576

>And if after discussing it with them I realize I was wrong and they were right? Yeah.

I think you should actually go to stormfront instead of making hypothetical statements like that.

>> No.1727582

>I want to build a society that's not based on any inequality
I lol'd that is impossible.

>> No.1727605

These are the great effects that comes with the security gained from having a state. People take rights for granted and simply lack overview. Believe me, everything will backfire.

>> No.1727617
File: 63 KB, 550x325, United-States-of-America-Flag-3X5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, at least we're not China, eh?

pic related: real flag of Mars

>> No.1727618

Mars Op? Probably not within your lifetime or mine. I do agree with some of your points though. I still believe if people would treat each other just a bit nicer, the world could be a much safer place. Everyone has their own set of beliefs from their culture, adolescent experiences, country, etc etc. Putting together a "perfect society" is nearly impossible. If by "my country" you mean the USA, I will agree on some points. The U.S. has a great set of ideals, but are abused by big business and politicians. I like the concept of free speech and free market, but I loathe the government system. Everyone has an opinion on whats best for the world, just suck it up and deal with it.

>> No.1727623
File: 11 KB, 193x178, 1270762494328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not the first person to colonize Mars

>> No.1727648
File: 44 KB, 219x207, 1263010081261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you're not an over zealous idiot who thinks you'll actually accomplish anything.
You'll only ruin us farther.

>> No.1727680

>Implying we'd ever let a dirty sandnigger colonize Mars.

>> No.1727689
File: 39 KB, 210x168, 1264920436104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna bet?
Dude what

>> No.1727690

You work, you eat?

What kind of trash is that.

Keep on moving through history, apply a little science, and some foresight. In a highly technologically advanced society, there simply isn't enough "work" to be done.