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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1721875 No.1721875 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /new/ more conservative, and why is /sci/ more liberal?

>> No.1721891

Racist dumbfuck or apathetic virgin.

Take your pick.

>> No.1721901

Because /sci/ is full of trolls.

False dichotomy. I'm both.

>> No.1721904

What about a nonchalant transsexual rock-star?

>> No.1721903

Reality has a well known liberal bias.

>> No.1721906

Conservatives are more interested in current events because they fear change.

>> No.1721909

No it doesn't.

Reality has a reality bias. It's just that liberals are able to accept reality unlike conservatives which stick to ancient fairy tales.

>> No.1721927

Conservatives weren't always so stupid.

It really only happened when they started pandering for religious votes.

>> No.1721962


Exactly. Basically you've got the far right, and the centre left constantly accused of being communists. The centre right is just nonexistent in the US at least.

>> No.1721968

And then real conservatives became libertarians, but nobody takes them seriously.

Actually, there aren't any political groups I take seriously.

>> No.1721971

The republican party got hijacked by neocons, not real conservatives.

Who cares.

They don't have power either way

>> No.1721972
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If by "liberal", you mean the perversion of the word that now means "socialist", then... no.

>> No.1721974

they don't fear change, they fucking hate it. There is a difference.

>> No.1721977

Well I went there once a few months ago.

Never again.

The Liberals there are retarded as any other political group.

Liberals there actually believed they were classical liberals and not modern liberals.

>> No.1721981

Real socialists hate liberals, though.

>> No.1721985
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Classical liberal reporting

>> No.1721986

Democratic transhumanist.

>> No.1721987

>I'm a faggot

>> No.1721989
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>mfw when of the two big Australian parties, the Liberals are the most conservative

>> No.1721991

>libertarian reporting


>> No.1721992

I was kidding. Transhumanism isn't a big enough thing to have its own political groups yet.

>> No.1721996

wait, what?

>> No.1722004

Fuck politics. Religion is how you get wealth and power.
Tax exempt united church of transhumanism. Go Go Go.

>> No.1722009

I think you mean there is no centre left in America. Or in most English-speaking countries.

>> No.1722014

Oh crap, I think that I have to leave if it becomes any more cult-ish.

>> No.1722017

social liberal =/= economic liberal
social conservative =/= economic conservative
social socialist =/= economic socialist

scientists should stay the hell away from politics. The last scientist to run a country was the one who laid the foundations of the current tabloid-propaganda controlled, oligarxhist, neo-totalitarian state.

>> No.1722020

Nah. Here our right-wing parties are more left-wing than your Democrats.

>> No.1722022

I still have no idea why social conservatism is actually acknowledged seriously in the political process.

>> No.1722027


You assume I'm American. I'm not.

>> No.1722029

Because we live in a democracy and their are more of us than there are of you.

>> No.1722030

>social socialists != economic socialists


>> No.1722034


Well, first of all, I live in Canada.

Secondly, the US is a Republic that employs democratic systems.

>> No.1722038

Because social liberalism doesn't work.

>> No.1722040

I don't believe your from Canada. Firstly you would have begun your retort with "Excuse me sir", and ended it with " Thank you for your time." Everyone knows that Canadians are super polite.

>> No.1722043


...do you even know what social liberalism is?

>> No.1722063

Ironically, for conservatives,
economics= laissez-faire, social system= regulations

for liberals, economics= regulations, social system= laissez-faire

why can't supporters of "small government" stay away from my weed, I ain't hurting anyone...

>> No.1722064

socialism is the only way for the planet to continue sustainably, and ensure that no human is allowed to suffer simply to feed another's desire for ever less necessary luxury.

Uncontrolled capitalism = end of the world

>> No.1722069

>Implying classical liberalism never existed.

>> No.1722075


socialism needs constraints as well and elements of freedom, otherwise it's super inefficient

neither pure socialism or capitalism work

>> No.1722078


>> No.1722083


Socialism is great for building new economies quickly, but Capitalism is more stable in the long run.

>> No.1722096

>neither pure socialism or capitalism work

ain't that the truth. it pisses me off when everyone tries polarising it into either/or FUCKING BOTH!

>> No.1722103


>> No.1722105

So are you advocating some gay social democratic shit, or something more akin to Lenin's New Economic Policy?

>> No.1722122

>transparent troll is transparent