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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 464x272, chris-langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1721021 No.1721021 [Reply] [Original]

This man has proven God using math.

What did you do today?

>> No.1721029

masturbated for 3 hours

>> No.1721030


Post his calculations.

>> No.1721048

I can disprove your very existence. What were the chances of your parents meeting, and their parents meeting etc? If you saw the odds of that on paper, you would say it was too unlikely too be real.

>> No.1721058
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>> No.1721066

exactly, which is why creationism makes the most sense.

>> No.1721068

that guy is a fucking crackpot nutjob.


>> No.1721069

the odds of yourself and your dad being the first ones to the egg, alone, would be enough to "disprove" your existence, really.

>> No.1721078

That's like proving there is a carpenter by measuring wood. You can't even tell me if it is shaped wood or natural grown, how the fuck is labeling it with numbers going to tell me whether or not there is a carpenter?

>> No.1721095


Anthropic Principle, BITCHES

>> No.1721096

lol a bunch of physics neckbeards trying to disprove the smartest man on earth? give me a fucking break.

>> No.1721110

Am I the only one slightly unimpressed by the title "Smartest American"?

>> No.1721117


Haters gon' hate

>> No.1721122

Its like being the worlds tallest midget

>> No.1721139

America has the best universities in the world, along with the most inventions and best military. You're argument is invalid.

>> No.1721142

That wasn't the point I was making. I was saying how it is such a low chance of you actually being born, that you would not believe it on paper. the same logic applies to the big bang, and the first life on earth.

Also, you shot yourself in the foot there, as your religion is one of thousands. We have no real evidence for any of them, yet you still continue to believe in that one specific God. Why?

>> No.1721150

I can't help but snicker at this statement proving my point.

>> No.1721157
File: 819 KB, 700x933, pete_in_garden_chair_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post reminded me of this picture.
Not trying to troll, just really want to grow a chair.

>> No.1721160

I'd like to see his proof

>> No.1721162

+1 to you sir

>> No.1721175

In 1999 Langan and his wife, Gina LoSasso, formed a non-profit corporation called the "Mega Foundation" to "create and implement programs that aid in the development of extremely gifted individuals and their ideas."[19] In addition to his writings at the Foundation, Langan's media exposure at the end of the 1990s invariably included some discussion of his "Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe" (often referred to by Langan as "CTMU"), and he was reported by Popular Science in 2001 to be writing a book about his work called Design for a Universe.[9] He has been quoted as saying that "you cannot describe the universe completely with any accuracy unless you're willing to admit that it's both physical and mental in nature"[11] and that his CTMU "explains the connection between mind and reality, therefore the presence of cognition and universe in the same phrase".[14] He calls his proposal "a true 'Theory of Everything', a cross between John Archibald Wheeler's 'Participatory Universe' and Stephen Hawking's 'Imaginary Time' theory of cosmology."[8] In conjunction with his ideas, Langan has claimed that "you can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."[6]

>> No.1721192

this man also took an iq test under different names until he got a genius level score

>> No.1721193
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>> No.1721202

that's because he's smart enough to know that IQ tests are flawed. He's just playing the system in a intelligent fashion.

>> No.1721215

what is fascinating is the fact that any mathematical proof of god instantly disproves god, as according to the creationist mongoloids god refuses to reveal himself explicitly as part of the gift of free will.

The creationist god wants you to choose to believe. If god is proven then you no longer have free will, you are compelled to believe, and the very concept of faith is destroyed.


>> No.1721225


>a intelligent

Well I fucked you're mother.

>> No.1721228

IQ tests may not be perfect but they are still a decent indicator of intelligence.

>> No.1721233

Was that Douglas Adams who said that?

>> No.1721235

no, iq tests are very culturally and racially biased. black people, on average, score much lower than whites on iq tests. since blacks and whites are the same mentally, there has to be another component. and that's the racial bias.

>> No.1721240


Yay for preachy comics.

>> No.1721242
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>> No.1721255
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Oh anon, you crack me up

/sci/ - professional comedians

>> No.1721268


What? Sociology, motherfucker, do you speak it?

IQ tests simply measure how well you do on an IQ test.

>> No.1721269

>blacks and whites are the same mentally,
My last post for the night. Thanks for making it a motherfucking kneeslapping good one, /sci/.

Thank you and good night.

>> No.1721276

Yeah, and a driver test only measures how good you are at driving.

>> No.1721290
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1263846622602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is why /sci/ will never have actual science.


0/10. Not even apples and oranges. Someone who scored 30 points below you on an IQ test could out do you on every task involving "intelligence." Your IQ score is irrelevant to the real world.

>> No.1721298

a person that scored 30 less than me would be clinically retarded, good sir.
I STRONGLY DOUBT they would out-do me in anything at all, except maybe shitting their pants repeatedly.

>> No.1721307

>Douglas Adams?

Probably, but it's also true. I got interested in the creationist mental disease and learned quite a lot of the anti-logic arguments for a laugh, even to the point of buying books by proper nutjobs with titles like "Ten arguments atheists will use, and how to defeat them". Makes for some awesome dinner party trolling.

>> No.1721317


Unless your IQ is 100 (In which case people who agree with you would say you're barely qualified to man a cash register), you sir, are an idiot.

>> No.1721318

Luckily I live in the Land Of Tea And Crumpets so we have hardly any Christian fundamentalists here. The few that are, are either old or black.

>> No.1721342
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But your a britfag so it evens out.

>> No.1721344

Yeah it was Douglas Adams.

"Now it is such a bizarrely improbably coincidence that anything so mindbogglingly useful [the Babel fish] could have evolved by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED"
"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic."

>> No.1721349

Hey look at me I can prove big foot exists using math.

>> No.1721350

>europe: gay rights everywhere
>usa: inflation, fat-containing pizzas and last real accomplishment was in the 60s
I am OK with this.

>> No.1721353

I forgot to quote what the babel fish is.

"The Babel fish is small, yellow and leechlike, and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centres of the brain which has supplied them. The practical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish."

>> No.1721359

Please don't turn this into /b/
I was not insulting The USA, or Americans at all, but I was making reference to the mind bogglingly large amount of fundies living in The USA.

>> No.1721366

Thank you. America Is so smart they don't have to produce their own stuff... China does it for them. See now, when I was 8 I dreamed up, constructed, and rode my own hovercraft made out of plywood, inner tubing, and 2 leaf blowers all because I hate walking to get mail and tell the neighbors information my mom tells me to do. If Americans applied the knowledge to something important and didn't just keep it to themselves then we'd be the most productive country in the world. America is still great (until you talk politics) I come from southern based home... I believe in less gov't.

>> No.1721375


also, i fapped today. felt much better than anything this man ever had done.

>> No.1721401
File: 39 KB, 500x338, difference8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u mad?

>> No.1721406

Why are you samefagging it on both sides? I get the whole being a troll thing, but al least be consistent.

>> No.1721408


Why would you assume the second picture was in favor of Europe?

>> No.1721413

Fighting for the freedom to Love Jesus
Fighting for the freedom for sinners to not love Jesus(...ungrateful bastards...)
The F-22 Raptor, so the enemy can't see what's coming.Liberating Iraq...15 times before the history of history before liberating them twice
Kicking ass
Taking names
Chewing bubble gum
Although for some inexplicable reason we seem to be all out of gum.Having a drinking age of 21, so that America's youth don't end up like drunk beer-drinking Canadian youth and start beating up their girlfriends, killing people relentlessly, and committing crimes like being homosexual.The Internets (created by them.)invented the clapper
Invented the lightbulb Fucked Megan Fox. where's the proof of no acclomplishments nao?

>> No.1721422

Einstein was an American. He was a US citizen and taught at Princeton.

>> No.1721428
File: 155 KB, 269x307, 1278596143252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 times before the history of history before liberating them twice

>> No.1721434
File: 103 KB, 427x369, 1266205733995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 times before the history of history before liberating them twice

>> No.1721437

Oh wow I'm SO SURPRISED to someone point out an accidental repeating of words. What a fucking shock!

>> No.1721438

Langan's IQ could quite possibly be a gross overestimation. No valid IQ test measures past four deviations. He took the untimed "mega test".

Also, you must approach this man as any other human. Due to our very nature, we are not infallible nor immune to mania or insanity. I see a complex coping mechanism coming from a complex mind. He is attempting to make up for his relatively "wasted" life by pulling off the highly improbable. He has only attempted this after learning his inaccurately measured IQ. This is fueling his mania. Others either don't take him seriously or blindly jump onto his bandwagon. Please use some sense when judging the practicality of this man's work.

>> No.1721441

that goes to

>> No.1721444

*backwards* oops

>> No.1721447

I was gonna say that but didn't want to be trolled.

>> No.1721453
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>> No.1721455

Dude, theres an accidental repeating of words and then there is making absolutely no sense whatsoever. Nothing you posted made the least of sense, and was on par with "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like"
Yes I know I am most likely being trolled, but in the odd chance I'm not I'm gonna bite

>> No.1721473

How does it not make sense... genius.

>> No.1721478
File: 151 KB, 430x615, troll5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WARNING: This thread's trolls have reached a singularity. All further discussion will be sucked into the infinite mass of troll. There is no escape. Recommend activation of sage protocol.

>> No.1721486

>What did you do today?

I disproved god using mathematics.

<span class="math">God = \sqrt{-1}[/spoiler]

>> No.1721506



>> No.1721519

Fucking naive faggots thinkin that this guy's proof is something like 1+2=God exists and not something completely alien to what they think when they think of maths. Also, I would just like to say that anyone who ever had a proof for God, didn't confirm it LIKE A FUCKING SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESIS/THEORY WITH EVIDENCE but drew conclusions from axioms like mathematicians, so stfu with this chorus of "there is no evidence for God." See, the beauty of it is that you never prove a theory so all these faggots coming out saying that they've proved a theory (like evolution) are just disproving science lol!

>> No.1721532

leave. just leave.

>> No.1721545

IQ does mean something. If you get a 190+ on an IQ it means you can breeze through college and graduate school, basically breeze through anything and easily master any subject up to the level which humans are at. so e.g. real world consequences.

>> No.1721549

So fucking sick of creatards failing probability forever.

Firstly - for something that has already happened, the probability is ONE.

Secondly - the chances of something occurring in a population are far higher than in an individual. Finding this occurence and claiming odds of one individual, when you've been observing a population, is faggotry.

Finally, the universe does run on natural laws, not pure chance, and not every state is as likely as the next. Assuming evolution and cosmology are governed by a roulette wheel is one of the creatards' many little breaches of scientific ethics.

But then again, since when has religion made sense?

>> No.1721554

suck a dick. just suck a dick.

>> No.1721558
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>implying success in life is solely dependent on IQ.

>> No.1721561


u mad?

>> No.1721563

wow, good one, you told me.

but seriously. leave.

>> No.1721568


Cognitive strengths and ambition are leaps and bounds more relevant.

>> No.1721574

for example people say that the probability of us having evolved is one because it's already happened but isn't that begging the question?

>> No.1721580

you faggots. his supposedly high IQ is based on a bullshit test made by some total crackpot faggot.

the test is stupid as fuck I looked at it one time and solved a few questions, and then realized it was bullshit, and there was no way I was going to pay some douchebag $50 to grade my untimed test.

>> No.1721588
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I say he's right.

>> No.1721589


"Oh dear", says god, and then vanishes in a puff of logic.

>> No.1721590

why would you post in sci when you have no math or sci? where is the maths?

>> No.1721596

I said you can breeze through. So what I'm doing is comparing a guy with a 190+ IQ to say, you. You would not be able to breeze through whereas he would. Herp derp implying
Yes, I am, actually
Don't forget about yourself. You told me too. Yes you did! Coochie coo! Queer.

>> No.1721599


>> No.1721608

The guy got a 1600 in his SAT, plus finished high school at 16 and got a scholarship. I don't know what this is worth but he won 250 thou on 250 to 1.

>> No.1721623

>I said you can breeze through. So what I'm doing is comparing a guy with a 190+ IQ to say, you. You would not be able to breeze through whereas he would. Herp derp implying

Nice bullshitting. Said man of 190+ IQ could have crippling anxiety/paranoia/schizophrenia and never go anywhere. Their perceived intelligence could lead them to apathy towards their classes and they could end up a homeless heroin addict. Honestly anything could happen to them. A good score on the IQ test doesn't mean you're going to give a shit.

Conversely, someone with a 105 IQ who was abnormally focused and devoted could accomplish everything you outlined, perhaps even just as easily depending on their learning styles and hundreds of other factors that make IQ practically irrelevant in modern society.

>> No.1721625


hes a intellgent design proponent, and his "papers" are just made up quasi-philosophical jargon, which he makes up to make himself sound smarter.

also, this shit is OOOLLLDD news. he has been peddling this CTMU bullshit for like 20 years.
'nuff said.

>> No.1721634


Anxiety and paranoia detract of measured intelligence.

I suppose this adds onto your argument.

>> No.1721638


What the fuck did I just type?

Let my try that again.

Anxiety and schizophrenia detract from measured intelligence.

>> No.1721643

No matter how intelligent, if a man says 2+2 = 5, they are wrong.

Newton was an alchemist - he was wrong.
Einstein was dead set against quantum mechanics - he was wrong.

>> No.1721652


Not necessarily. In fact there are many cases where it hasn't affected the IQ test.

>> No.1721656

>Newton was an alchemist - he was wrong.
Being an alchemist makes you wrong? Modern chemists have reproduced many of the reactions performed by the alchemists. Are they wrong too?
>Einstein was dead set against quantum mechanics - he was wrong.
And by dead set against it you mean he was a major co-developer of it?

>> No.1721660

On the first point, has gold been turned to lead?

>> No.1721662

what type of IQ test are basing this stuff off of. The IQ test I took had a max number of 139 or 139+ Atleast I think it did... why else would my IQ have a plus sing by it. just nvm

>> No.1721663


Schizophrenia or anxiety?

They both effect cognitive performance under timed pressure.

Especially schizophrenia. There are well known cognitive deficits associated with the disorder. Saying there isn't is like trying to prove we breathe carbon.

>> No.1721665


Holy fuck I'm out of it. Meant to say lead to gold. Herp derp

>> No.1721667

Variable: IQ
guy 1 has 190 IQ, guy 2 has 90 IQ

Hurr durr, you're bullshitting man, that guy 2 is just as likely as guy 1 to breeze through university. iq has no real world consequences. you're just bullshitting!

that last paragraph was wut a retard would say.

>> No.1721671


Herp derp. They got things right. But I pointed out that they got things wrong also, and that intelligence is no guarantee of being right. Argument from authority fallacy.

>> No.1721678


Depends on what triggers the anxiety. Usually timed situations under pressure, but not always. For example, my social anxiety disorder (actually diagnosed, none of this "I read about aspies and it sounds like me" bullshit) was quite bad when I took my first IQ test, but now that it's under control my IQ results don't vary.

Schizos vary more. A symptom could be talking to an imaginary octopus or dead relative and thinking it's real. Just thinking someone else is in the room won't fuck up your test scores. Not all schizos are constantly having a bad acid trip.

That said, there are vast spectrums for both disorders. Saying what they will and won't affect without looking at it all on a case by case basis is impossible.

>> No.1721692


The conditions for IQ being the only difference between two people would never arise. Not even close. Still irrelevant, faggot.

>> No.1721705


Yes, I understand your point. One may even have "schizophrenic like symptoms" and be completely free of the cognitive deficits. Due to the nature of these disorders being diagnosed through psychoanalysis, there is mass room for inaccuracy.

I myself was diagnosed with ADHD and will be getting an EEG done soon to either reject or conform my own beliefs about how it may effect my cognition or if I even have the disorder.

>> No.1721721
File: 21 KB, 301x165, troll-feild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related, its a graphic representation of the Trollzschild solution to the Einstein faggot equations

>> No.1721747

that bit is extremely played out and one failed experiment doesn't grant you the right to generalize lest you destroy all other standards of understanding. Lead to gold was a western fetish promoted by greedy alchemists trying to get that king's money and you are greedily assuming this was every alchemist's plight presumably because you've got some sort of off-topic agenda.

>> No.1721780


I'm furthering an agenda by posting about alchemy at 1am in /sci/? (I didn't post what you originally quoted)

One of the main goals was to turn lead to gold, among creating a substance that could melt anything else and a solution for immortality.

The contributions of alchemy are significant in that they allow us to understand what isn't possible in chemistry and physics. They had no concept of the atom or electrons gaining energy. Alchemy only started contributing to the world when some of the practitioners realized they were wasting their time.

>> No.1721825

I won't say you're dead wrong but just don't trash talk our ancestry unless you think you can do better being surrounded evil under the guise of religious zeal beyond your comprehension to even begin to form a complaint about.

other than that, do more research and decoding.

>> No.1721835
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Trash talk my ancestry? whatamIreading

Don't get me wrong, I understand your point there about the scientific, political and social climates of the day and its effect on research/the scientific process. You're just still an idiot.

>> No.1721860

there was no scientific method
therefore there was no science
therefore there was no scientific climate

this further indicates you are missing some elements of the vantage point

>> No.1721902

>therefore there was no science

Jesus, you really are a retard. Please try to remember back to 5 minutes ago and realize we're talking about ISAAC NEWTON.

Also, those climates had an affect on the scientific method in that it prevented it from existing.

Shit was backwards but the people who were interested in actually preforming science back then were at least more qualified to talk about science than you.

>> No.1721913

Can you two curmudgeons start arguing while saging? This thread should not be kept on the front page by two Anon.

>> No.1721914

ok at first I thought you had (just) an agenda, but now it sounds like you are arguing just to argue and presumably sound 'right'...

I thought you said he was a alchemist?

>> No.1721921


This was my first post on the subject. Newton did spend a lot of time with alchemy in his later life. I only responded to the comment about alchemy being right.


Can you blow me?

>> No.1721930


You're obeying me aren't you, faggot?

This is not implying you should commence bumping this thread in order to immaturely defy me.

>> No.1721932

I'm sorry repeat that, I don't quite understand.

>> No.1721939


TBH I meant to be saging to begin with, so thank you for the reminder. However, this doesn't mean that you don't sit outside your parents' bedroom door and fap to the sound of your mother taking it up the ass from nigras.

>> No.1721942


From what I understand you're saging in compliance to my suggestion?

>> No.1721951


From what I understand you're a major faggot with an astronomical case of unwarranted self importance?