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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 424 KB, 400x295, 273969765_6f81580ef0_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1716654 No.1716654 [Reply] [Original]


Try not to step into moralfaggotry or pro-infantophilia, but can science explain what would cause a man to do such a thing to an innocent child? It's mind-boggling at the least.

>> No.1716658

I've never fully understood why people think doing things to young children is so much worse than doing things to adults.

>> No.1716667

didn't watch the video, but HOW ABOUT HERP DERP SEXUAL IMPULSES?

>> No.1716669

It was 5 months old?

>> No.1716673

I wouldn't have a problem with pedophilia if there were a reliable method of establishing consent.

>> No.1716672 [DELETED] 

Tell me honest that you DON'T want to rub your dick on a bald, puffy, vulva.

Fuck it? Or course I won't, the child in question will die from the traumatic damage my penis might cause. But to rub on it and have the most exhilarating orgasm that can't be naturally obtained between me and my and or me and a woman? No doubt.

I would never rape a child, unless they show interest in maturing their sexuality with me. And the love for me must be genuine, with no indoctrination from me or a third-party what so ever. I shall never plan the idea that "sex" with an adult, or anyone, for that matter is a good thing. She must discover it herself.

>> No.1716679 [DELETED] 

Tell me honeslut that you DON'T want to rub your dick on a bald, puffy, vulva.

Fuck it? Or course I won't, the child in question will die from the traumatic damage my penis might cause. But to rub on it and have the most exhilarating orgasm that can't be naturally obtained between me and my hand or me and a woman? No doubt.

I would never rape a child, unless they show interest in maturing their sexuality with me. And the love for me must be genuine, with no indoctrination from me or a third-party what so ever. I shall never plan the idea that "sex" with an adult, or anyone, for that matter is a good thing. She must discover it herself.

>> No.1716681

Doing anything dreadful to someone (or something) that is much more defenseless than you is rather abhorrent, contemptible, and impetuous an act one can do; rather savage in behavior to go through, especially if in your own need.

>> No.1716682 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 211x212, 1276716081139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /sci/ has mods

>> No.1716685

Tell me honestly that you DON'T want to rub your dick on a bald, puffy, vulva.

Fuck it? Or course I won't, the child in question will die from the traumatic damage my penis might cause. But to rub on it and have the most exhilarating orgasm that can't be naturally obtained between me and my hand or me and a woman? No doubt.

I would never rape a child, unless they show interest in maturing their sexuality with me. And the love for me must be genuine, with no indoctrination from me or a third-party what so ever. I shall never plan the idea that "sex" with an adult, or anyone, for that matter is a good thing. She must discover it herself.

>> No.1716687

well he could rationalize it, because he knows the child cannot think or remember anything and will not have any clue that it happend.

>> No.1716692

How do you perform surgery on a 5-month-old's vagina?

>> No.1716698

>senior in highschool

Why am I not surprised?

>> No.1716700

This makes me want to be a surgeon.

>> No.1716704

With my penis!

>> No.1716711

>rapes 8-day-old baby



>> No.1716717

You take the front, and I'll take the back!


>> No.1716722

>how could people do this
>half the people on /sci/ wants to fuck babies


>> No.1716732

It's a little more than half.

Lol, raping an eight day old baby.


>> No.1716743



American teenagers... What the fuck man?

>> No.1716745

Well, I guess science DOES explain why.

>> No.1716749

Look at their mothers.

They're like 15.

The wife goes out to work, while the father stays at hope and commits baby fuck.

>> No.1716750

Pedobear strikes again.

>> No.1716755

Americans are savages, especially their young.

>> No.1716759

And he comes in black or white!


>> No.1716766

What's better than knocking up a 15 years old and raping her baby?

Knocking up a 12 years old and raping her baby!

>> No.1716771

Somehow I suspect marijuana had something to do with this.

>> No.1716772

This is why I would never have a child.

If it is a daughter, I'm afraid this will happen to me.

>> No.1716779

Holy fuck that's really sick. Disgusting, even.

Can't they fucking wait until they turn 5? Jesus Christ, patience is a fucking virtue, man.

>> No.1716787


Fuck, I think I'm moving to America.

I'll just go over to the slums, pick up a 12-year-old virgin working in streets for the first time, and offer her a place of shelter for free. A few months in, full from my nurturing, I would take her down to the basement, rape her all day, everyday, fill her with my seed, and rape all life that comes out of her.

>> No.1716792

Can't we settle at 3? 5 years is much too long to wait...

>> No.1716799

4, and not a day younger.


>> No.1716807

We have ourselves a deal!

>> No.1716808

Truly the American Dream.

>> No.1716818

Morals are relative w/o God,
Atheists bring this on themselves.

>> No.1716821
File: 150 KB, 600x800, 7b8efcdb3c5b8d6df6bd9194aae870da402190da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desire. Nothing more, nothing less. Butthurt and want more of a reason? Too bad. Life's not as hard to figure out as people try to make it seem. People do shit because they can, not because of some twist people try to wrap around it.

>> No.1716822

I'm a 25yo faggot and like guys 40+

No reason. We don't get to choose who gives us a hard on. Unfortunately for some, it's kids and babies.

>> No.1716823

Why are preteens so sexy?

What makes them so sexy?

Every time I walk near an elementary school and see the little girls chase each other around, pluck flowers, and throw them at each other, I get the jitters.

So cute~! I just want to nab one and run off with her!

>> No.1716824

>implying God ever said anything about having sex with children being wrong

>> No.1716826
File: 73 KB, 400x541, reactiondog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just had to bring god into this didnt you, you sick fuck

>> No.1716827

ermm, excuse me. where did it say he was atheist? there are lots of pedo theists. keep on topic please

>> No.1716829

I know what you mean, man.

I live next to one, myself. It's driving me mad. Mad, I say.

>> No.1716831

Sex outside of marriage, rape, lust, all wrong.

>> No.1716832


Not really. Different strokes for different folks. Life give you apples, and you either accept them or you don't.

There's nothing unfortunately about wanting to fuck 12-year-olds.

I mean, there's a religion BASED on it. It's called Islam.

>> No.1716833
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>> No.1716835
File: 79 KB, 750x600, 1282653833321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *heart attack*

>> No.1716836



>> No.1716838


The pope for instance.

>> No.1716840

It's unfortunate to fuck 12 year olds because society will hunt you down like vermin.

>> No.1716841

And nowhere does the Bible say that there is a lower limit on the age necessary to marry, does it? If man's laws go against God's laws, aren't man laws wrong?

>> No.1716843

The fag you're quoting, here.

Sure I don't mean unfortunately as in "You poor soul" I mean unfortunately they're attracted to someone unable to properly consent (or even be physically suitable) thus acting on it is illegal. Must suck.

>> No.1716844

youve seen too much loli.

>> No.1716846



>> No.1716849
File: 35 KB, 420x600, 1282345893155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, only a handful, its not hard to see how many thousand pthc ptsc videos there are each year, without anyone getting jailed. These people are intelligent, and they have the desire to fuck youngins, I can't deny them that right anymore can I deny children the right to hate it or love it, cooperate or whatever. Don't believe me? I've seen it all. =) The world isn't black & white.

>> No.1716850

I think you shouldn't indoctrinate ideas into children, but make them figure out sex themselves.

Go water your lawn and talk to her if she walks by or takes an interest in what you're doing.

My neighbours like me. They left me with their children one day during the summer because they went out shopping and she didn't want to go. They were afraid that she might suffer a heat stroke by herself, so they left her with me.

I took her out for some ice-cream and sat at a park. She likes touching (more like slapping, but she's a kid, so it didn't really hurt) me, and she spilt some ice-cream on my laps.

She frantically wiped it off and apologized, and I told her there was no need for her to. I was holding back a boner so damn hard, I almost burst a vein.

Fucking children, so damn sexy. By the way, I'm 19 and she's 8.

>> No.1716852

If God exists, or rather, if moral absolutes exist, sure.

But there is no proof they do

>> No.1716854

Ahhh this is insane that someone would rape a baby. More insane was all the related videos of similar infant rapings having happened.

But isn't it interesting, that they are going to give this guy 5 felonies and 1 million dollar bail, and life imprisonment for doing this to this baby but had that mom hired someone to vacuumm the baby's brains out of it's skull 9 months before -- everything would be just fine by the law.

>> No.1716857


>> No.1716860


>> No.1716866

Lol, it really does reminds me of loli. But I shit you not it's true. It was so fucking cute. I wanted to take a picture, but it was after school and there were one or two grandparents there.

>> No.1716874

It's weird how there was a thread earlier claiming we should be able to abort babies up to 3 years old. I consider murder worse then rape myself.

>> No.1716875

So fucking sexy.

Jerking off right now.

>> No.1716877

I can't be the only person who doesn't care what this man did.

>> No.1716878

Murder IS worse than rape. I like the idea of having sex with children, but I would NEVER harm a child by raping her.

I want children to want to have sex with me, not the other way around.

>> No.1716885

Keep moral issues out of the thread.

>> No.1716895

There's no moral issues with wanting to have sex with hot young children, right?

>> No.1716899

Morals are to have a bias or feeling towards something. Void morals, void anything right or wrong. Child sex is okay, raping your girlfriend when she don't put out is okay, chaining your wife to the kitchen is okay, downloading a car is okay, downloading a movie is okay, raping random strangers is okay, ect.

>> No.1716903


i hope you are staying anon behind a proxy and not just behind 4chan

just typing sentences like that could be seen as intent in some cities, counties, or even states

some places do not fuck around with casual statements like that, bro

>> No.1716907

He was possessed by a demonic spirit OP. He gave into those desires and therefore committed that act.

>> No.1716910

lol troll don't know the truth, FBI don't care.

>> No.1716912

Not in the country I'm living inn.

>> No.1716913

I'll buy that.

>> No.1716916

Surprisingly enough, I don't have CP or loli on my computer.

>> No.1716918

Yay freedom of speech, right?

>> No.1716929

Does standing out in the middle of the streets proclaiming "I'M GOING TO RAPE CHILDREN" violate the freedoms of speech?

I hope not.

>> No.1716930


mostly no. but you havent been around the block if you dont know something like that could potentially (say less than 1% of the time) get you into some serious trouble

what if he was already a registered sex offender and his internet connection was unencrypted and under surveilence? GG.

>> No.1716934

Nope it doesn't, but the states doesn't have freedom of speech =). Go try it and find out.

>> No.1716939

There are no sex offenders on 4chan. Only 30 years old virgins.

>> No.1716940

Well then its a problem, but if you just download a terrabye of child porn videos and pictures, you don't get in trouble unless someone wants to be a dick. I suspect he is that type, not a sex offender.

>> No.1716942


If i stand out in the middle of the street out in front of your house and loudly proclaim i'm going to molest *****fill in your general description***** type of people you could call the police and have me arrested

some of you need to learn a bit about life, or at least learn the law

of course this is the internets and its easy to forget you are still under the law of the land in which you sit your fat ass in that computer chair

>> No.1716948

Lies. We're all unregistered sex offenders.

>> No.1716951

You have to register now!?

>> No.1716955


If I, personally, caught someone downloading a terabyte of child porn...? I would take a blunt object and strike them on the head until unconscious, and then I would drag their ass to a police station along with the evidence, personally.

Or maybe that's just me.

>> No.1716956

If you tell somebody yep.

>> No.1716961

If you do, they give you a cute little girl as a welcome gift. Try it, man!

>> No.1716963

I think you don't belong on 4chan, but that's just me, I would do what you describe to a religious fag in real life if fellow agnostic/atheist didn't jail me for it.

>> No.1716966

This gives me an idea, Imma pay a little girl to go to a police station to say she is a unregistered sex offender.

>> No.1716967

Not a registered sex offender. No criminal history either.

I won't get in trouble unless I threaten to bomb a football stadium, which of course, I wouldn't.

>> No.1716969

I'd strike them down and... uh... take the evidence home to... uh... check it. Yeah, check it. Make sure it's really child porn, you know. Wouldn't want to bother the good officers with some non-child porn images that might be in there. Yeah.

>> No.1716970

man this board is slow. How many people are on here?

>> No.1716971

Spoken like a true human being. Curiosity to the fullest.

>> No.1716973


Actually 4chan is a bunch of faggots. I lurk /sci/ and for the most part avoid the rest of the nonsensical bullshit.

I realize you guys are all jsut cracking jokes so i'll stop with the seriousnessness, but, yeah, some things....

>> No.1716975

>>1716966 Imma pay a little girl to go to a police station to say she is a unregistered sex offender.

She could say she touched herself. Reminds me of the girl that took naked pictures of herself at 14, then posted them online at 18 and went to jail for child abuse (of herself)...

>> No.1716980

Was that in the UK? It was in the UK, right?

>> No.1716981
File: 181 KB, 814x741, 28f0830bada985e8b421618bbbd52047b6abf13a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

=) Cute girl for you.

>> No.1716982
File: 29 KB, 450x300, Image_4_for_Dr_Whos_and_the_Tardis_through_the_years_gallery_760171573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love humans....

>> No.1716984

Haha, there are a ton of videos like that, where a lot of girls don't get in trouble for it. Very easy to get too, I just don't think authoritative figures really care much, or have the resources to crack down on the thousands of child porno videos made by children.

>> No.1716986


It's happened more than once...

>> No.1716988

Quick question, which is the human being? I see no horns, its unusual.

>> No.1716991

That is just sad.

>> No.1716992

The horn is out of the bottom of the frame.

>> No.1717014

Mmm, children.

>> No.1717040
File: 3 KB, 239x214, wtf man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.1717075


I cant believe one of you fags from this thread actually posted that child porn on the main page. Dudes... no...

It's the difference between making fun of the holocaust and how all the jews got owned, and actually going out and setting jews on fire.

>> No.1717080
File: 640 KB, 250x170, deal with it crab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you telling me this? I'm the one that actually fucking REPORTED IT.

Thats right you sad fucks, I reported the cp thread.

>> No.1717082



>> No.1717088

How many pics were there?

>> No.1717097


Like 40, bro. Naked little girls masturbating everywhere.

>> No.1717104


With penises in them!

>> No.1717108



You guys could've at least linked me there. Not that I wanted to see the images, I just wanted to help report them.

>> No.1717140

Children are sexually maturing earlier and earlier as time goes by, right?

Why are the ages of consent still so high? Canada used to be at 14, and now it's 16.

I mean, I thought that with earlier puberties and what not, that governments would come to their sense and lower the ages of consent, not maintain or raise them.

>> No.1717169


It was one picture of a little girl without pants.

>> No.1717173

Because people are becoming financially and emotionally secure enough for marriage later and later in life. And people aren't supposed to have sex before marriage. Right? Right?

>> No.1717174

There were two threads. Two seperate pics, little girl without pants.

>> No.1717189

There's mods on /sci/?

Why don't they delete Science VS. Religion threads?

>> No.1717224


Because god hates you.

>> No.1717252

Ephebophilia I can completely understand. Pedophilia, however is pushing it a little too much. Sorry, but I know I was easily influenced as a kid, and didn't know what I was doing, nor do I believe that any child can truly be consenting.

Yes, they're cute, but I'd rather people stick to loli.

>> No.1717346

Agreed. If you're going to have consensual love with a child, she should at least be sexually mature to consent, with no prior manipulations. Age? At least 10, otherwise you'll be hurting her.

Better yet, stick to loli.

>> No.1717351

>otherwise you'll be hurting her

The size of my penis is no concern of yours, mister.

>> No.1717369

I'm not that guy, but sex when minor does not know what she is doing CAN hurt her, not only physically, but emotionally.

There's a shady difference between saying "yes" when she's premenstrual and when she had her period.

>> No.1717391

which is the more effective time, if i may ask>?

(my intention is to get laid (and not necessarily by little girls) asap)

>> No.1717426
File: 22 KB, 500x500, in b4 puberty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ - pedo-haven.

Fuck you vermin.

>> No.1717479

>wanting to have consensual love with children who wish to do the same


And why would you have that picture saved is beyond me. Perhaps you like children, too?

>> No.1717550
File: 963 KB, 300x250, 1267348889669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask a mother if they love children.
If they answer yes.
You have them sign a document saying that loving your children is a good thing.
Profit big lulz by posting a video of them signing it.

I.E similar to women signing a document saying they'll give up their freedoms and right to vote. Women only have a brain to feel around the edges. They have no scrutiny if they words sound right.

>> No.1717559

might work if you pay a female troll to ask around for signatures just for the lulz

>> No.1717565

Really? There was an experiment that got women to sign away their rights to vote?

There was an experiment where a lady was paid to go around getting stupid cunts to ban water (dihydro monoxide). Stupid cunts.

>> No.1717571

Several videos on it on youtube, look up women suffrage, and women signing to have it removed cuz they thought it "sounded" right. Men on the contrary don't give a fuck how it sounds, they care if women are in the fucking kitchen, and are putting out. Pitiful women can't think objectively. Most of the time.

>> No.1717574

got a link? I feel like losing more faith in women.

>> No.1717602

Women suffrage - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uPcthZL2RE

It's funny how the guy knows what the fuck "suffrage" means and the chick doesn't. Stupid cunt, eh?


>> No.1717626

The Man's Show did a skit on this. They set up a booth protesting "Women's Suffrage" and got all kinds of signatures. Only a couple of elderly women who looked like they participated in the movement confronted them about it, and a few guys tried telling people what was up.