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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1708774 No.1708774 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Your favorite element and why
Just listen to the fucking name. THORium. Thor was a badass, and so is thorium.

>> No.1708792

as usual
liquid metal
also you can't store some thorium in your drawer and play with it when you feel like it

>> No.1708812

OP please shorten your post :D

>> No.1708819

I like Hydrogen.
Some say I'm just following the crowd, but I don't care.
Ionized Hydrogen is a nigger though.

>> No.1708828

silver, fuck bacteria yo

>> No.1708834

Fluorine. You know why.

>> No.1708836

Fucking silicon.

>> No.1708853


its ability to strengthen tooth enamel?

>> No.1708856


>> No.1708857

Mind control, noob.

>> No.1708861


>> No.1708864


>> No.1708868


>> No.1708870


>> No.1708875

It is the only stable light element that is fissile.

It has the second highest specific heat capacity by mass the first being hydrogen which is useless as a thermal battery.

It makes a more efficient rocket fuel than hydrogen / oxygen.

Ive been told you can make some interesting drugs with it.

Makes great batteries.

>> No.1708889


>> No.1708907
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By your powers combined, I am Captain Pla...
oh wait

>> No.1708940

Fuck dude. Linoleum. That shit's so badass.

>> No.1708954


>> No.1708955


much wascion

>> No.1708962
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>> No.1708963
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>> No.1708978


An anomaly is the Nature.

>> No.1708986
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Fucking fluorine up in this bitch! It's extreme to the max. and you know it goddamnit!

>> No.1708993
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>> No.1708998

uranium 238


>> No.1709006
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tungsten bro

>> No.1709007


>> No.1709016

technetium because its BEAUTIFUL

>> No.1709026

radium or polonium, because chicks like them

>> No.1709038
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>> No.1709053
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>> No.1709055
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Palladium, "why?" you might ask; because of motherfucking cold fusion you dumb fuck!!

>> No.1709060

I'm conflicted between my top two.

1. Gallium (melting point between room temp and body temp)
2. Vanadium (amazing name, sounds like it should be from the future or should exist only in an alternate universe like transformers; holy fuck)

>> No.1709066

Cobalt is more gangster than all of your pussy ass elements

>> No.1709082
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Well I am still going to post.

Bismuth threads were the shit

>> No.1709143 [DELETED] 

You know how that shit's made, nigger? That's right, fucking SUPERNOVAS

>> No.1709194

What?! Now you're just messing with me.

>> No.1709208

And? Iron is made in supernovas too.
So's gold.
So's..oh wait, most of the heavy metals

>> No.1709218


shits fucking cold

>> No.1709232
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germanium because it so shinny

>> No.1709234
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Fuck, Bismuth is the shit.

[this post brought to you by Pepto-Bismol - 57% goddamn Bismuth]

>> No.1709253
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>> No.1709271
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Good luck with that

>> No.1709277

Uninunium.... Because it sounds funny.

>> No.1709283
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Unununium is now called Roentgenium.

>> No.1709309
File: 28 KB, 460x460, thorium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thorium is awesome because you can get the same amount of energy from it than 20x the same amount of uranium.

AND it's a lot more common naturally than uranium and plutonium.

AND it's significantly more difficult (to the point where its not worth it) to weaponize it.

AND it's named after a badass Norse god. Take that, Ytterbium!

>> No.1709319

Pff, pipe dream, that fucker is good for shitloads of carbon to carbon couplings.

>> No.1709329

Yeah, I heard everybody who invested in Uranium based energy is holding back Thorium.

>> No.1709330


Cold Fusion is bullshit.

Look at the sun, all that mass and pressure and all it's doing is making element #1 into #2. Converting much heavier elements into others at room temperature isn't going to work.

>> No.1709336
File: 1.14 MB, 3154x2000, Molybdenum_crystaline_fragment_and_1cm3_cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this shiny bitch. It's Molybdenum.

>> No.1709338


No, the issue is that nuclear plants are really expensive to build (and in some places like the USA, politically difficult) and nobody wants to invest in new technology when they can just build the same-old-same-old. Same reason most cars on the road are still your old fashioned gasoline engines.

>> No.1709355

when i was a kid i got my hands into a small block of lead. then i got some scissors and started to scratch it to make it more shinny. and there i was taking pieces of lead from it day and night and it was so much fun because its reeally soft.

tl;dr lead cus it pretty cool guy

>> No.1709567




>> No.1709588

>Thorium is awesome because you can get the same amount of energy from it than 20x the same amount of uranium.

no, uranium will also work in the same reactors as thorium and produce the same amount of energy because instead of just the 235 being fissile the 238 will also be able to split. in fact anything heavier than francium can be used, thorium is just nice because it is the most abundant.

>> No.1709628


I swear that I've posted in at least three different threads about how thorium is inefficient, but here it goes again.

Thorium requires fast (high energy) neutrons to fission. Neutrons require a FUCKTON of energy to become fast, thus minimizing any advantage thorium has of being a fission fuel. The Telegraph article explaining it (if you can find it) even says that the prototype FAST reactor that would be used to fission the fuel would basically be particle accelerators. It's doable, but U-235 is soooo much better at being a fission fuel than thorium. This whole debate is just tiring.

Also, >>1709567
Cold fusion is an entire crock of shit.

>> No.1709657
File: 82 KB, 650x497, SilveradoGold1NolanMine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most sought after metal in history FTW

>> No.1709663


so then you mix up a little bit of u235 and a bunch of thorium plus some depleted u238 for good measure and put it in a sealed container so that the u235 heats everything up crazy fucking hot and everything starts splitting. no particle accelerator needed.

>> No.1709669
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>actual size of gold is 30% larger

my face

>> No.1709671

>Implying that we even know for sure that the proposed phenomenon occuring in Pons' och Fleischmann' palladium-cell was some kind of fusion.

>> No.1709683


Dude, that wouldn't do shit. You physically need neutrons to create a fission reaction. Sure, U-235 /238 is capable of spontaneous fission, but the probability of that reaction is laughably low. U-238 decays by alpha emission, which would not cause a fission reaction. If that's your idea of a fission reactor, you might as well become a juggalo.

Anywho, the point still stands, thorium requires fast neutrons. I'm a nuclear engineer, believe me, I know my shit.

>> No.1709724
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Ditto, it's just awesome all around.
Isn't it one of the rarest elements too?

>> No.1709729

Helium - really cold when a liquid; doesn't react with anything; makes balloons rise way up; makes your voice sound funny

>> No.1709740
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ah crap where did that name come from
also, HR periodic table

>> No.1709757
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>my face when i realized that dubnium is atomic number 99

nice dubs, dubnium.

now to get 111 changed to tripnium.

>> No.1709767

Fools! Carbon FTW. It is so chemically flexible it constitutes it's own branch of chemistry.

>> No.1709769

Dubnium's number 105, bro...

>> No.1709776

that's my second favorite for the same reason

>> No.1709786

i can't believe nobody's said fire yet...

>> No.1709791

Fuckin' aluminum. It's light, cheap, and reasonably strong. It's easy to cast and machine. It conducts nearly as well as copper. It's used in some compound semiconductors. It even oxidizes to stop oxidizing; bitch is smart as hell.

>> No.1709799

In Hungary, X-Rays are also called 'röntgen'... de amerikaban, kevesek vannak a magyarok. Azert mas a neve. It doesn't really matter who invented what, as long as we know, or what country they came from, but it can serve as a sort of incentive if you want to leave a mark on the world.

>> No.1709804
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>> No.1709812

jack of all trades, master of none
carbon is shit-tier, enjoy your plastics and pills

>> No.1709815

>>1708861: see >>1709786

>> No.1709820

The element with 634 protons that hasn't been 'discovered' yet and has an odd never-before seen electron spin & configuration giving it properties as if a God among men.

>> No.1709874

Mine is Tungsten, but only because it was found and named in Sweden, and I'm a Swede, so...

Also, every time I hear any none Swedish person try and pronounce the word "tungsten", I laugh like an idiot.

>> No.1709885



>> No.1709888

How is it pronounced than, Cpt. Elitist Dick Face?

>> No.1709897



^me saying tungsten, is this bad?

>> No.1709900

Selenium. Just kinda rolls off the tongue :)

>> No.1709925

This may just be my inner American talking, but that sounds exactly like how anyone else I've ever heard pronounces it, including myself.

Either that, or it's the low quality sound-byte messing with it.

>> No.1709930


i am american, from the west coast. i'm asking the swede if i'm saying it wrong, i'm not the swede.

>> No.1709941


this is how I say it too. can someone from sweden or another scandinavian country please go on vocaroo and show us how it is supposed to be said?

no registration required or anything, you just go to vocaroo.com and hit record.

>> No.1710025

My bad.

And yes, teach us, oh learned Swede.

>> No.1710487


Fucking elitist cunt Swede.

>> No.1710504


Okay, for reals: Flourine. So freaking volatile it'll attack anything to feed its thirst for electrons. Even *glass*. Fucking GLASS.

>> No.1710525

Neptunium, because without it I would have never realized plutonium and uranium are named after planets/gods.

>> No.1710537

Are you implying you can store mercury in your drawer and play with it when you feel like?

>> No.1710550


yes, you can. even a cupboard would work, go crazy.

>> No.1710558




>> No.1710587

I still dont believe you. I know mercury is poisonous is essentially ever organic and inorganic compound, but I still am not fully convinced that it isn't also hazardous in its pure form. Really have the urge to play with mercury right now.

>> No.1710601


Don't forget mercury.

>> No.1710658


if you keep it in a sealed container it can't do anything...

/sci/ and society seem to be really fucking scared of mercury, even though you could chew and swallow a mercury thermometer and wouldn't even get mercury poisoning. you need consistent, prolonged exposure/contact for mercury to hurt you, if you get a couple grams of it and put on gloves and play around with it every once in a while you will be perfectly fine.

my dad had a jar of several pounds of mercury that we used to put on gloves and play with every once in a while and I'm fine.

>> No.1710692


Dimethylmercury will fuck your shit up.

>> No.1710694

Uranium cause it ryhmes with Uranus which ryhmes with "your anus".

>> No.1710706


Me2Hg != metallic Hg

organic mercury compounds are orders of magnitude more dangerous than mercury by itself.

>> No.1710729

Fluorine, motherfuckers. It breaks shit apart. No one can handle it. That one bad motherfucker from the periodic table nobody messes with.

>> No.1710736

funny shit

>> No.1710799

(fun part starts at about 2:50)

>> No.1710813

>What with sound off
>Nightmare fuel

well, I'm not sleeping tonight. Thanks asshole.

>> No.1710844


looool I'm listening to techno and turned the video sound down. looked like they were breaking it down like madcunts

>> No.1710908

My favorite element is an accumulation of neutrons kept together by virtue of gravity. I hate electromagnetism.

>> No.1711801


NOOOO! Poor cats ;_;

>> No.1711818

hydrogen or oxygen. So many organisms need oxygen to breath. But then again water is the basis of life and contains both. idk...one of those

>> No.1711819
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Californium. Just think, in the future, of the possibilities. Drastically reduced scale of nukes. Nuclear motherfucking hand grenades.

>> No.1711824

Building block of life

>> No.1711828

The best ellement is wood.


>> No.1711863
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>> No.1711946
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GOOOLD precious gold!

>> No.1711972

Uranium or gallium which you can buy either at

>> No.1711979
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>> No.1712102

Iron, because it's stable as hell and doesn't take shit from anyone.

>> No.1712113

hydrogen, bitches!

stuff that you can fuck around with that's existed since the primordial nucleosynthesis!

>> No.1712151

Radon, because it kills basement dwellers.

>> No.1712333


>> No.1712365

Carbon of course, because organic chemistry

>> No.1712367

water cuz wed all b dead without it

>> No.1712369
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Oh wait, THESE Elements? Damn...

*Goes back to play Pokemon [b]Platinum[b]

>> No.1712403
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>> No.1712408

Nitrogen, because of guns and bombs.

>> No.1712418

The most badass name out there.

>> No.1712426


keep in mind, thorium is more prevalent in the earths surface than uranium but MUCH harder to get than uranium. this means its more economical than thorium. hell, gold is more prevalent than most other metals!

>> No.1712430



>> No.1712443


>> No.1712454

H for Hydrogen :)

>> No.1712465

Hydrogen is the best. All other elements are forged from hydrogen if you go back far enough.

>> No.1713331
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because U is for Uranium..Bombs!

>> No.1713337

Gold cause I'm JEW

>> No.1713649


You picked gold when platinum is more valuable? You're not a very good jew.

>> No.1713664

The element of surprise LOLOLOL

OT: Francium because it EXPLODES on contact with water.

>> No.1713705
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It's the most bro-like element of them all.

>> No.1713708


and platinum is cheap compared to many other elements/isotopes.

>> No.1713714
File: 177 KB, 970x1037, merc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercury, because it looks badass. Also, it's not particularly more harmful than other heavy metals as long as it stays contained.

Store in container. Fill container with water so you detect leaks. Don't break container. Looks awesome!

>> No.1714993


>> No.1715009


you got some bunk ass mercury bro

real mercury wets glass >_>

>> No.1715030

It's old mercury, also the container has water instead of air. Too lazy to distill it yet. Want some?

>> No.1715037

motherfucking TIN

>> No.1715052

>container has water instead of air


you realize that all the water-soluble mercury impurities are in that water and you can pour it off into some assholes drink if you want right?

>> No.1715056

cause you just can't spell bromine without BRO

>> No.1715066
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>my face when half of /sci/ capitalizes their elements
I fear most of these kidddies haven't taken chem...

>> No.1715097

>you realize that all the water-soluble mercury impurities are in that water and you can pour it off into some assholes drink if you want right?
The water's convenient because I can dispose of it down other people's drains as it gets cloudy. I put the water in there to slow down oxidation; the last small batch I put in this syrup bottle after about a week - so far this has been working ok. I ought to use deoxygenated water for that.

I got this for free, and it's legal to have, but what do I do with it? I can only put so much in various glass containers around the house before I'm worried about becoming an EPA cleanup site with one fumble.

Anyway, it's pretty and slightly dangerous, so woohoo.