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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 253x380, ist2_1492018-water-bottle-on-ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1690535 No.1690535 [Reply] [Original]

You take a water bottle filled with water out of the freezer. There is no water on the outside of the bottle and you leave it to warm up at room temperature. Liquid water forms on the outside even though there was none originally! FUCKING WATER! HOW DOES IT WORK!?

>> No.1690548
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That damned atmosphere

>> No.1690553

water vapor is all over that troposphere man.

I think its more interesting to let the atmosphere crush the bottle by changing the temperature.

>> No.1690568

Water in the air condenses to liquid

>> No.1690567

You see, hydrogen bonds form dipole moments in quantum entanglement and black holes with gravitons from the core where we take time-space and turn it over so that point A and point B overlap to allow FTL travel and take us to a place where we don't need eyes.


>> No.1690592

Just like supercooled metals become superconductors, supercooled water is able to perform quantum tunneling through plastic containers. If you could keep the water chilled long enough, all the water would eventually quantum tunnel out of the container.

>> No.1690596

Fucking /sci/, stop trolling for a sec. Air can only hold so much water, the cooler it is, the less it can hold. Psychometrics, look it up.

>> No.1690598

You are either a troll or an idgit, either way I'm out of here.

>> No.1690607

there is no limit to how much water air can hold.

>> No.1690620

[citation needed]

>> No.1690623

educate yourself


>> No.1690628


>> No.1690629

keep on trolling son, your parents must be so proud of their incestuous offspring.

>> No.1690638

I gave the proof. i see you are just as mindless. Atleast I will continue my life knowing air can go beyond super saturation.

Hey did you know that "pure" water won't freeze at 0C, that's cause there are no impurities, i bet you didn't know that.

>> No.1690646

Clouds are not the same thing.
The dew point is when the air is saturated, i.e. can hold no more water. Even if this wasn't the reason, the claim of "no limit" is false on grounds that there is a limit, regardless of how high it is.

>> No.1690654

Yeah, and it doesn't conduct electricity either. Quit being a tool.

>> No.1690661
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>> No.1690664

its called permeability

>> No.1690674

now you are attempting semantics.

The idea that air has a holding capacity is an eighteenth century speculation that likened water vapor in air to salt in water. Air is not holding the water vapor in any sense. Further, if all the air is removed, the relationship between the equilibrium vapor pressure and temperature remains the same. Empirically, the air is irrelevant. So, how can you justify telling folks that something which has no bearing on the issue (because in its absence the system behaves the same way) is the causative agent.

Are you suggesting that gas molecules do not behave independently, and that there isn't a massive space in between?

I think you should also understand cloud development. A cloud can form at 100% humidity, it can form less than or higher, but when a cloud forms it continues upward. There is less air above, and denser air below, but it is in those downdrafts that the clouds are usually destroyed, and yet it is when the air descends it gets denser, but no clouds form.

>> No.1690677
File: 29 KB, 440x311, amerifag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the water originated from inside the bottle

>> No.1690683

Well anyway, i think you guys should read this if you truly think air is holding water.


>> No.1690689
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>doesn't see the irony in acknowledging humidity but not the limit of water that air at a certain temp can hold.

>> No.1690697
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ahh. wafag here, there's a picture of i think the south side of mount rainier on that link.

seems like nothing but i've seen the north side almost every day for 23 years. its like looking up and seeing the other side of the moon. fukkin weird.

>> No.1690706

enthalpy is higher as temperature increases
thus alowing some of the water to escape the bottle

>> No.1690718

do you understand what humidity is, or is your understanding based on basic high school chemistry classes? I already stated humidity is just a measurement to try and see what a cloud might form.

Even if it is at 100%, a cloud may or may not form, i don't understand your difficulty in this. Although you've only posted pictures and /v/ green text, so I shouldn't expect much.

>> No.1690742

there there. just because you couldn't stretch your nonsense about cloud formation in a way that would logically relate to condensation forming on a water bottle. better luck next time.

>> No.1690745

This explains it pretty well, including the misconception that air is holding the water:


The confusion probably arises from the word "saturation" for 100% relative humidity. That implies something being dissolved, but gases are not dissolved in gases. Instead, the saturation point is the point where the water vapor reaches the partial pressure where (at the given temperature) it wants to be liquid rather than gas.

>> No.1690749
File: 40 KB, 400x400, upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, forgot to attach the pic.

>> No.1690754

Water is not a chemical. It is a compound composed of two hydrogen and one oxygen atom. When water (H2O) is heated up the molecules are accelerated and the bonds holding them together are separated and it turns into two separate Hydrogens and Oxygen (O2) gas. That's the good ol oxygen we breath in and breath out with an added carbon. We don't breath in pure O2.. our lungs can filter out the other stuff it brings in. Pure O2 can actually fuck you up. Air is actually made up out of a lot of separate things that could be compounded to make many things. So in theory you could say that Air holds lots and lots of things. Semantics is a bitch.

Everything below this line is a troll or an apology

>> No.1690755

I never implied that, someone stated air holds water, i said that was wrong.

>> No.1690767

>water is not a chemical
get out

>> No.1690769

air IS holding the water....in the same sense that air is holding nitrogen, oxygen, argon, etc.... air is just a word to describe a mixture of gases.

the low temp of the water conducts through the plastic of the bottle, resulting in a low temp at the bottle air interface...the water in the air at the interface then condenses onto the bottle.

end of thread

>> No.1690773

Wtf dude water vapour IS costituing air, all the shit that evaporates from oceans and your kettle, guess where is it

>> No.1690785

Now YOU'RE "attempting semantics". When they said 'limit' they probably just meant 'practical limit before it starts condensing on stuff' seeing as how informal this thread and board are. 8/10 though.

>> No.1690799

the temperature of the air, dictates how much moisture is present in the air. How can you not draw the parallel that the air is therefore holding the moisture? what the fuck is so hard about comprehending that? Man, if your parents weren't on lsd while trying to conceive you, they should surely tell people they were.

>> No.1690816

[citation needed]

>> No.1690829
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/sci/tards 0/10

>> No.1690837

define chemical

>> No.1690846

Which part? Refer to a psychrometric chart to understand the humidification part, the lsd part was just an educated guess. Clearly, I'm unable to offer solid proof that this is indeed the case.

>> No.1691044

Condensation forms on objects which are colder than the dew point of the atmosphere.

>> No.1691051

I meant element..

>> No.1691062
File: 12 KB, 380x304, ratard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An element of water?

>> No.1691142

homeopathy (the only real science out there) taught me that water is the element that can cure anything.

you fags should all stop taking all those noxious chemicals and relish in the might of homeopathy

>> No.1691160


>> No.1691169


>> No.1692603

ITT: Greeks