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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1672716 No.1672716 [Reply] [Original]

How long did it take you to realise Science and Math are pointless and your life would have better spent doing something else?

Me: 2nd year of my degree. Pic related. What a load of pointless shit.

>> No.1672733
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It's called "the hump" and you need to get over it. The last two years get better. I'll be done this fall except for one course. Sophomore year was the last of the "why am I here" courses for me.

>> No.1672757



>> No.1672772

It is undeniable that a good deal of
elementary mathematics—and I use the word ‘elementary’ in the
sense in which professional mathematicians use it, in which it
includes, for example, a fair working knowledge of the differential
and integral calculus—has considerable practical utility.
These parts of mathematics are, on the whole, rather dull; they are
just the parts which have the least aesthetic value. The ‘real’
mathematics of the ‘real’ mathematicians, the mathematics of
Fermat and Euler and Gauss and Abel and Riemann, is almost
wholly ‘useless’ (and this is as true of ‘applied’ as of ‘pure’
mathematics). It is not possible to justify the life of any genuine
professional mathematician on the ground of the ‘utility’ of his

- G.H. Hardy

>> No.1672781
File: 137 KB, 1024x837, How can people not know what beauty this is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just an expression (i.e. after you get over "the hump" it's "all downhill from there").

As much as it pains me, here's Yahoo Answers as a reference: