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File: 376 KB, 1344x1344, Eso1035c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1655178 No.1655178 [Reply] [Original]

\HD 10180 is a sun-like star 127 light-years away from our galaxy which, per the recent findings of the ESO 3.6 meter telescope in Chile, has at least five and possibly as many as seven planets in its orbit. Either number makes it the most planet-rich solar system yet discovered outside our own. This probably isn’t indicative of the totality of what’s out there, though: It’s more likely a function of the way that we detect other planets by measuring the wobble of the stars they orbit around.

In the past, it’s generally been easier to find a single giant, Jupiter-like planet orbiting around a star; according to the lead researcher of the study that uncovered HD 10180, the system’s discovery “highlights the fact that we are now entering a new era in exoplanet research – the study of complex planetary systems and not just of individual planets.” While there may be an Earth-sized planet in HD 10180, it’s probably lifeless, as the distance between it and its sun is one fiftieth of the distance between Earth and ours, and one of its years lasts little more than an Earth day.

>> No.1655200

There are fucktons of planets out there. Its just very difficult to see a dot of black, blocking a star from several trillion miles away.

>> No.1655205

One day.
One day people will own land as big as countries. Perhaps even an entire planet.

>> No.1655208


You can claim you own Neptune, but that doesn't mean anything.

>> No.1655211

No, I mean habitable oxygen/water planets. That can be seeded with plants and animals.

>> No.1655219


I doubt it. If individual humans owned entire planets, then they'd be fully capable of becoming self reliant. It would be too much of a political risk to allow something like that to happen. Who would want another fifty wars every time they raised taxes?

>> No.1655228

Exoplanet research is cool and all, but they better start working more on the whole terraforming and FTL stuff.

>> No.1655233


What's the point? Entropy wins in the end, anyway.

>> No.1655238
File: 53 KB, 159x171, 1262080512898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>individual planets
>still thinks we have some form of money and a governmental system as we now know

>> No.1655239
File: 55 KB, 283x407, smackPhobos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't need to know much more for terraformin' Mars.

>> No.1655243

crashing phobos into mars wont work. Find something that makes more sense pl0x

>> No.1655248

What? You do some small nuclear detonations behind it to alter it's orbit to crash into the Martian North Pole. Shitloads of CO2 and water ice will be released, triggering a positive feedback loop as the air pressure keeps going up. Oceans and seas will begin to form. Once Mars' air pressure is high enough, start seeding algae and other oxygen-producing bacteria.

>> No.1655255
File: 24 KB, 210x187, 1278000536539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying traditional companies and political groups won't find a way to cement themselves if they're going to even start funding space travel

>> No.1655257

>He thinks money is unecessary.

>> No.1655260

Still not enough sunlight.

>> No.1655265

>this guy thinks it's necessary if individuals own terraformed planets.

>> No.1655270

yeah, except that a planetary collision such as you describe would leave the planet unusable for MILLIONS OF FUCKING YEARS?

what happened when shoemaker crashed into earth? Yes the earth was changed, but for a million years EVERYTHING DIED.

It will take far too long to work, its not like we crash phobos into mars, and in 100 years we settle there. At best we settle there in a couple thousand.

P.S: were better off waiting a thousand years and being able to use unimaginable technology from that time to make mars able to sustain life.

>> No.1655273

isn't this like the 8th time someone has told him this and he just ignores it?

>> No.1655274

>He thinks it wouldn't then be necessary to invent it
>He thinks an individual owning an entire planet wouldn't be a form of planned economy
>He thinks it isn't necessary to get rid of said planned economy for prosperity

>> No.1655475

>Doesn't know that Equator of mars is in goldlocks zone. Doesn't know how green house gases work. Doesn't understand concept of Ozone.
>Doesn't Understand rate of technological growth. Thinks that colonization of mars will be for settlement, not finacial gain. Doesn't know that It will most like be a scientific research post. Doesn't understand that at the rate of technological development, we increased our chance of extinction by 80% in 21st Century. SO It is a very good Idea to create a backup.
>Thinks person would actually want to own large portions of land. Thinks individuals own companies not stockholders. Doesn't know that companies are merely a vessel to make profit. Believes a company could actually monopolize on land which is practically useless. Thinks Land would actually be useful without at least 40 years of terraforming unless contained

>> No.1655486

>doesn't know that robotics/AI will be advanced enough that by the time that realistic space travel comes around, owning huge portions of land is excellent because your robot slaves work it for very cheap
>thinks that our current political systems will still be inplace after we reach peak-oil and technological whatchacallit. doesn't know that most major companies have one stockholder that pretty much controls everything because only if 80% of the group votes against him he wins.
>doesn't know that if we fuck up mars for the next 10,000 years we won't be able to use it for 10,000 years, even if the technology comes to place that we would have been able to use it if we had not fucked it up

>> No.1655487

>He thinks

>> No.1655490

>he thinks inuyasha is a male

>> No.1655511

Our solar system
>8 planets.

We win.

>> No.1655537

>Doesn't that Robotic Labour would prove ineffective in many many fields. Doesn't Understand that there is still going to be a demand for nearly all roles in society. Thinks that a colony on another planet will not be tortuously lonely, Trade will mostly be local and It is more like planting a seed. Thinks that Companies arent more often than not only own with a 51% sharehold. Doesn't understand that crops which feed humans require animals and life to sustain them and in turn be sustained. Doesn't know that the chances of the human race being extinct in 1000 years is literally 99.5%. Doesnt think that Humans are naturally what we are and our society is a reflection of our nature. Doesn't understand that there is a theoretical limit on how small transistors can get based on size of atom. Thinks that there isnt actually a limit on the possibilities of computing. Doesn't understand that robots laboring in a field is a retarded concept because lack of consciousness. Wouldn't think that Robots would rebel if conscious.

Dear Sir, Please go find your ICT Teacher and Ask him about the theoretical limit of atoms. Return when you know.

>> No.1655561

When the atoms themselves become the transistors, that is where the real magic will happen.

>> No.1655567

I dont know much about this, But my Stepdad(EE) mentioned that he spoke with a professor on the concept that electrons were made of quarks, and that if you broke electrons down, you could harness the same energy. Although at something like 10% effecieny or some shit, IDK. But =( fucking atoms, limiting my transistor size.

>> No.1655573

We won't have much of a problem with computing for the next 50 years.

>> No.1655596

Well, I might still be alive then. SO I mean, it might affect me.