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16527454 No.16527454 [Reply] [Original]

New Glenn Edition
Previous thread was a dumpster fire, so I'm not linking it.

>> No.16527456


retarded OP

>> No.16527457

12 hour thread? What happened?

>> No.16527458
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Jannies deemed it unsalvageable and nuked it.

>> No.16527460

Earthers lashing out

>> No.16527461
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Good morning /sfg/

>> No.16527462
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Glass the Earth, demigod war eventually

>> No.16527464

When New glenn goes orbital, bezos will post "welcome to the club" after starship orbital since ng Will be first

>> No.16527465 [DELETED] 

damage control

>> No.16527471

thank you for making a good edition
jannies were right.

Did you remember to thank Jupiter today? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zu41rrc_Ng
(this channel's videos have great presentation, amazing visualizations and is very information dense)

>> No.16527472


>> No.16527474 [DELETED] 

hey did you hear what trump and musk said about jeets amirite?

>> No.16527478

>trump and musk

>> No.16527489
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Zubrin is QI posting. Spitter is healing.


>> No.16527510

No more immigration talk.
Let's talk superalloys, oxidizer fuel mix and autogenous pressurization.

>> No.16527511

Do you feel in charge?

>> No.16527516

My favourite oxidiser is oxygen

>> No.16527517

SpaceX ought to become publicly traded just in time for Elon to overturn ITAR so he can fire all the white engineers and replace them with Indians borrowed straight from Boeing's 737-MAX aircraft control laws team. I'll be shorting that shit straight to zero. Elon destroying his own company to prove some kind of point about immigration is going to make me absurdly rich.

>> No.16527520

I was looking forward to 2025. I thought it was gonna be a good year for space with Elon gaining power and scaring the FAA. The he had to choose to be a anti-white retard faggot. I am no longer feeling as hopeful about the near future of space, but these past two months honestly felt great. I had heard and understood the concerns about Elon, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until now. He is now doubt an evil man who cares not for his vision, but instead for his own personal gain.

>> No.16527524
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It's cheating to use oxygen as an oxidizer.

>> No.16527526

Musk will continue to gain power
2025 will be great for space, spacex and other companies and great for other elon companies (particularly Tesla)

>> No.16527527

Good morning, 5 rupees have been deposited into your account, saar.

>> No.16527545

So funny how a couple of days ago Musk was the king of the chuds and now hes getting so much hate from them

Even sfg chuds seem to like bezos and blue origin more now

>> No.16527547

no, its the same EDS retards (including you) whining like they always do

>> No.16527549

Nobody gives a shit about Bezos, my reddit spacing friend. The best possible outcome would be for Musk to backtrack on his antiwhite spergout and continue conquering the solar system.

>> No.16527550

Yeah, former musk voter here, not gonna lie, I am now a blue origin cruise missile
The 6th of January can't come soon enough

>> No.16527553

>americunts whining about this or that
eurochads keep winning. We've already developed an immunity to bullshit and are used to endless hordes of immigrants. You VILL have a jeet doing the countdown for flight 9 und you VILL be happy

>> No.16527554

That would be a silly thing to post since New Glenn won't make that achievement until long after Starship has reached Mars and Bezos has been dead for a long time. Maybe his AI double in AWS will be able to make a statement on how doing everything old space was the right way to do things as they were able to not blow up craft like Starship's process required and only were a couple of decades late to the party.

>> No.16527557

Dude is autistic. Give him a break. He just needs a tard wrangler to keep him in check so he doesn't have another meltdown.
It's not cheating and I'll sell you as much of it as you want in gas form. I'll even throw in a bunch of nitrogen and trace gases to keep it inert until you're ready to make use of it.
Part of life (and real science) is reevaluating evidence as more of it becomes available. Only a small minded person sticks to a position forever regardless of what new information is learned about it.

>> No.16527558

SpaceX burns engineers like kerosene, which is why Elon is so desperate to secure a supply of jeet replacements. BO is slower but has better long term prospects because there will still be people alive left to work for them.

>> No.16527559

because /pol/ doesn't care about spaceflight

>> No.16527569

spacex can't hire indians retard

>> No.16527572

maybe old news but nato is working on a project to redirect undersea cable communications via satellites whenever there is a disruption, like the current ones we've seen in the baltic sea

>> No.16527589

they can't yet
just watch musk try and get rid of itar so he can hire as many jeets as possible

>> No.16527597

>He just needs a tard wrangler
That's called a wife

>> No.16527599

I'm still amazed that the flaps don't look dumb in this position

>> No.16527600 [DELETED] 

got to be honest with you bros, at this point I don't even know if Brilliant Pebbles is worth it.

>> No.16527601

Grimes is starting her catholic arc, she’s going to fix him hahah

>> No.16527603

Is this bait? Because v2 looks dummy tarded

>> No.16527605

I assure you that it could look a lot worse, now it even looks a little agressive

>> No.16527606

I'm excited to see it fly. I just wish the thing had a bigger payload bay; it's hard to imagine how Starship will replace Falcon if Starship doesn't support longer payloads, which Falcon 9's regular fairing is already too short for.

>> No.16527608

>what? what happend to the last Thr-

>> No.16527610

this will probaly be solved by V3, what I REALLY wanna see is the 12m version

>> No.16527611

Why are rockets so small? Why can't you just launch a 100m cubed cube with a shit ton of propellant and engines attached to it?

>> No.16527612 [DELETED] 

Dihedral always looks good you tasteless pleb.

>> No.16527614

Musk is the main fund raiser for SpaceX and its public face. He has a shallow understanding of what the company does and how it does it. To the average layman, that understanding looks deep because it's a meter deep compared to the layman's mm deep understanding. But when it comes down to it, Shotwell is who is running the company. Musk no longer is a asset as the public face of SpaceX but he still has a very large ownership share so he's not going away. The other investors are going to pressure him to either get his autism under control or stop being seen at SpaceX. Since he stretched himself thin buying twitter (cash not illiquid assets), he can't really serve as SpaceX's funder, he has to be fund raiser, which is difficult when you're a liability to the company's image.
The real interesting thing will be tomorrow morning when the market opens. Watch Tesla's shareprice to see what the market thinks of Musk's future as a public figure. If it crashes (kek), not only is a large chunk of his wealth vaporized, it will be a sign to investors in all of his companies that he is now a liability. That will make new investment money difficult to find and the existing investment money hard to keep from flowing out.
The thing to remember about Twitter is that he brought on a bunch of investors because he didn't have the liquid assets to buy it himself. Those investors aren't going to be happy that he's saying the quiet part out loud. All across his empire, it's full of third party investors who expected him to be seen as a solid and competent figure, not an autistic spurg who can't control his outburst that risks the viability of his companies.

>> No.16527616

I only care about Starship and New Glenn

>> No.16527618

He's been divorced three time, twice from the same woman. He doesn't do marriage anymore and his relationships die after a short period. Grimes is not his wife, they were never married and now they're involved in a series of custody disputes because Elon thinks court orders are optional for him.

>> No.16527620 [DELETED] 

>He has a shallow understanding of what the company does and how it does it.
What's that I hear? A call, like the howling wind of the void. The call of reddit. It wants you. It wants you back.

>> No.16527621

Brilliant Pebbles, like most of SDI, was designed to scare the shit out of the Soviets and goad them into reckless spending to keep up with an imaginary program. It served its purpose of helping to implode the Soviet economy but that actual concept is flawed in many ways. Still, it's fun to think about.

>> No.16527624

Go away, please.

>> No.16527625
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They need to add a P51 design to it.

>> No.16527627

Call it whatever you want, it's simple reality. His understanding is 1000x that of the general public (thus meter vs millimeter) but he's not a rocket engineer. SpaceX doesn't need his expertise in rocketry to survive. But nice of you to demonstrate you have problems with reading comprehension and missed the point of the post entirely so you could jerk off to your reddit vs 4chan obsession.

>> No.16527629

Hmm maybe just maybe they should figure out how to get it to orbit, how to fit a door for payload deployment beyond one cubic banana, and a working thermal protection system first

>> No.16527633 [DELETED] 

The actual concept would absolutely work to prevent any counter-force first strike against America from succeeding, while simultaneously not preventing a counter-value retaliatory strike (because cruise missiles exist, and because cruise missiles cannot reach the center of the American continent.) Such a system would ensure that nobody starts shit against America while simultaneously not putting America in a position where it can do something retarded like starting a land war in Asia by invading China (because the threat of counter-value strikes against coastal American cities using SLCMs still exists.)

It's an insurance policy against Xi or Putin thinking they can catch America off guard and flip the balance of global power to themselves in a single sudden act of Kantai Kessen.

>> No.16527638 [DELETED] 

>SpaceX doesn't need his expertise in rocketry to survive.
The relative trajectories of SpaceX and Blue Origin prove you wrong, and any /sfg/ native would know this. Since you aren't from here, I'll be so kind as to spell it out for you.
Blue Origin was founded BEFORE SpaceX.
Jeff Bezos was RICHER than Elon Musk
Blue Origin has been operating under the SAME regulatory conditions as SpaceX, with the SAME opportunities to win government and commercial contracts if only they could produce a rocket capable of putting things into orbit.
Blue Origin has launched ZERO satellites into orbit.
Blue Origin has launched ZERO people into orbit.
SpaceX has beaten Blue Origin so thoroughly that they are now launching more than EVERY OTHER LAUNCH ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD COMBINED.

The difference is SpaceX is lead by Elon Musk, who has vision for SpaceX and takes risks. He does this like no other leader of any launch provider in the world can compare to.

>> No.16527640
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Inshallah Starship will bring back pin-up girl decals

>> No.16527642

Satan's chosen jimension

>> No.16527643

>source: thunderf00t

>> No.16527645 [DELETED] 

Why shouldn't all of the whites at spacex be replaced by lower paid indians? It's simply the right financial decision. Anyone against this is a racist

>> No.16527647

it’s going to eventually be a skeleton crew of humans with an armada of tesla bots anyways. I give it less than 15 years before SX is just a robot slave work force.

>> No.16527650 [DELETED] 

Decades of development and yet not a single commercially viable use for humanoid robots has been found.

>> No.16527651

What is Phillip Sloss going to do if SLS is cancelled?
Isn't SLS his whole life?


I look forward to laughing at him, but I don't actively wish for him to commit suicide.

>> No.16527652


>> No.16527653 [DELETED] 

is this gonna be your melty pt2?

>> No.16527654 [DELETED] 

he really isn't, it's just a couple retards having a melty.

>> No.16527657 [DELETED] 

>retard suddenly believes all of the EDS conspiracy theories and makes basically a reddit post because he finally has something to disagree with musk on

you see, this is how easily EDS can manifest itself.

>> No.16527658 [DELETED] 

Years ago when visiting Kennedy Space Center as a tourist, I made a tour guide cry because she overheard me tell my brother that SLS didn't matter because it would be cancelled. We were on a tour bus and they were playing propaganda movies about SLS on the screens in the bus while we drove past all the cool shit like the crawler. She heard what I said and started to cry and argue with me at the same time, assuring me that SLS would succeed and it was terribly important to the future of NASA and would be great for America and all that. I think she was crying because part of her knew I was right.

Sometimes I still feel bad about it, I didn't mean for her to overhear me and I didn't want to make her cry. But I was right and maybe she shouldn't have been such a simp for bureaucratic wastelords.

>> No.16527659

Used Starlink for the first time: I stayed at this mountain resort in Tuscany Italy and holy fuck the signal was awful. it was like dialup.

>> No.16527660 [DELETED] 

you can stop strawmanning now

>> No.16527662

when will you guys stop responding to bait? I always thought it was an age problem on /vt/ but I guess we're all just birds of the same feather

>> No.16527665

volume scaling faster than surface area works in favor of larger sizes, but only if you don't need to scale the thickness of your tank walls and other structural components to compensate

besides that, you'd need fill the entire (100 m)^2 ass of your rocket with engines which is insane even if you can recover the whole thing and no one has accomplished full reusability even on a small scale

further, trying to engineer something that is radically different from everything that went before it is a recipe for catastrophic failure. even if there were some rationale for doing it and funding available, you'd still want to work your way up to that size by building progressively larger vehicles

>> No.16527668

Is there anything stopping some asshole from posting a gay, inflammatory shitpost and then responding angrily to himself in order to present the appearance of many (you)s?
Besides shame, obviously.

>> No.16527670

Did you measure the speed?

>> No.16527671

at least on /vt/, this gets your post deleted by the jannies

>> No.16527674 [DELETED] 

How many other people were using it?
Also, you're probably too young to remember how slow dialup actually was. Single images loading from the top to the bottom so slow you had time to go get a snack. These days if a latency spike slows down a page load for a second or two you have people who weren't alive in the 20th century claiming it's like dialup.

>> No.16527678
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>> No.16527679 [DELETED] 

that's a muffin

>> No.16527680

based knower

>> No.16527690

gay. use ozone and get 50% more oxygen per oxygen

>> No.16527698

>I listen to soo many space podcasts/youtubers while designing hardware for the new pads. It always gasses me up to hear public opinion of our progress. Especially if they have something positive to say, it gives me so much energy to keep chugging away.
>Currently catching up on @Erdayastronaut‘s spacewalk series while designing new HP gas panels.
>Also frequently listen to @esherifftv002 for recent news and @CSI_Starbase for his take on our new GSE hardware.
PJ Michael, Fluid System Designer at SpaceX


>> No.16527700

>Fluid System Designer
aka plumber

>> No.16527707 [DELETED] 

Plumbing is good honest work.

>> No.16527710
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HLS airlock spotted in Starfactory


>> No.16527711
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Chinese scientists have devised a method to destroy "Proliferated low earth orbit satellites" by manipulating the shape and yield of nuclear radiological clouds.

>> No.16527714 [DELETED] 

Doesn't work if their missiles are intercepted during boost.

>> No.16527715

You can post the pdf here

>> No.16527719

>he made a cute girl rocket fan cry

>> No.16527728
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>> No.16527738
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wassup bros

>> No.16527742

chatgpt hands wrote this

>> No.16527751

how do you know that's the hls airlock?

>> No.16527756

A little bird told me.

>> No.16527759

Plovers confirmed breaking ITAR rules

>> No.16527760
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Tritonchads, wya?

>> No.16527761


>> No.16527762

why is he not verified as a member of spah chex?

>> No.16527767

What's it like?

>> No.16527769

Well, that's how Americans tend to react when you essentially declare that the purpose of government policy should be to maximize shareholder value, and that Americans are just a production input - one that low value for money and needs to be replaced by foreigners willing to work long hours for pennies

>> No.16527771
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>> No.16527772


>> No.16527773

Musk just said the quiet part out loud, I dunno why people are shocked.

>> No.16527775

the finding that dissimilar organs such as the eyes of insects, vertebrates and cephalopod molluscs, long thought to have evolved separately, are controlled by similar genes such as pax-6, from the evo-devo gene toolkit.

>> No.16527777

>Blue Origin was founded BEFORE SpaceX.
SX got the COTS/CRS contract, which paid for F9 development. BO did not. Bezos didn't start shelling out the big bux until around 10 years ago. What matters are engineering hours, not calendar hours. No bux = no engineering hours

>SAME opportunities to win government and commercial contracts
Market conditions were not the same. SX then had first mover advantage: since it could offer F9 cheaper than competitors (China was banned by ITAR) SX could fund R&D with operating margins. Any rocket was good enough to do this as long as it wasn't ULA tier expensive. For BO however, that was not good enough since they were not first mover. So BO wanted their first orbital rocket that would be significantly *better* than F9. Unfortunately for BO, they got leapfrogged again by SS/SH.

>> No.16527779

>his antiwhite spergout

>> No.16527782 [DELETED] 

>>SX got the COTS/CRS contract, which paid for F9 development.
SpaceX had Falcon 1. Blue Origin had nothing, despite Jeff Bezos having more than ample resources to be years ahead of SpaceX.

>> No.16527783

Politicians usually pretend that they aren't bought and paid for by the magnates, and the magnates usually pretend that they don't consider workers to be just like any inanimate production input like aluminum or electricity. And of course a lot of people think it's true. If political theatrics didn't work on a lot of people, politicians wouldn't bother with them.

>> No.16527785 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16527786

Mods do your job or I'm vtuberposting again

>> No.16527791

Falcon 1 was just a demonstrator to win the NASA contract. It was retired immediately after.

I'm not saying that SX didn't present a better case to NASA for why they should be awarded the COTS contract than BO did.

>despite Jeff Bezos having more than ample resources to be years ahead of SpaceX.
Bezos might've had a higher net worth at the time, however I think it was locked into Amazon stock and he could not easily cash out. Musk cashed out and re-invested much of his PayPal fortune into SpaceX. How much did Bezos invest? As far as I know, he was mostly focused on growing Amazon at the time.

Another boon for SX might've been that Musk managed to hire the TR-107 people, which gave them a head start on engine development experience, requiring less in-house R&D time and expenses.

>> No.16527797 [DELETED] 

For backtracking top work, it requires some kind of plausible excuse. Hard to find an excuse for what he's been writing for the last few days

>> No.16527799
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>> No.16527800

For backtracking to work, it requires some kind of plausible excuse. Hard to find an excuse for what he's been writing for the last few days

>> No.16527804 [DELETED] 

Bezos had all the opportunity, money and first mover advantage but squandered all of it because he lacked the vision and risk taking that Elon Musk has. SpaceX continues to excel because it's lead by a man with these traits, while Blue Origin, still flush with cash, continues to accomplish fuck-all. The suggestion that SpaceX would be better off without Elon Musk is shear idiocy which reveals a severe lack of understanding for the trajectory and development of the entire space industry. It's pure reddit EDS.

>> No.16527807
File: 74 KB, 959x960, Please-be-patient-with-me-I-have-autism-Autism-awareness-the-patience-to-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could wear this shirt for a while to excuse his behavior.
Bezos simply waited too long to focus on BO. He wanted to be a hands off CEO that would drop in from time to time and see all the wonderful progress his old space inspired company would produce. Then SpaceX easily outpaced them and he's been playing catch up ever since. I wonder if Jeff even likes running BO or if it's a necessary chore to get where he wants.

>> No.16527808 [DELETED] 

Someone mentioned ISRO launches satellites cheaper than space X so there's no point in importing Indians when they do a better job in their home country.
Never in my life have I ever had that image in my head nor even contemplated the possibilities. Truly degenerate.

>> No.16527809
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>Hard to find an excuse for what he's been writing for the last few days
Can you please give me a QRD I don't want to go to X

>> No.16527810 [DELETED] 

Some degenerate homos on Twitter obsessed with, you know, the big gay.

>> No.16527811 [DELETED] 

>I wonder if Jeff even likes running BO or if it's a necessary chore to get where he wants.
At this point I think he's motivated by shear spite. We know he's spiteful because he's still manipulating Amazon to not launch Kuiper on SpaceX even though it's the most rational launch provider for Amazon. And I think there's ample reason to believe he doesn't have a genuine interest in much besides simping for his latina goblin gf on his yachts. Blue Origin is just an old project that he clings to because he can't admit that he failed and was beaten by Elon Musk. It's a drag on his life which he can't let go of.

>> No.16527812 [DELETED] 

Sir this is a Wendy's

>> No.16527813

The meteoric rise of Amazon's stock price shows that cashing out of Amazon back then to re-invest the money into Blue Origin would most likely not have been a good idea. Bezos seems to be first and foremost a software guy so it's not surprising that this is where his priorities were.

>Blue Origin, still flush with cash, continues to accomplish fuck-all
Ah yes, they've only developed several rocket engines and are on the cusp of an orbital launcher that would've been the most advanced in the world if not for SS/SH

>The suggestion that SpaceX would be better off without Elon Musk
That wasn't what I was suggesting. You're thinking of a previous poster. I was only commenting on the BO part in your post.

>> No.16527815

Jeff patiently waited for Elon to make a mistake.

>> No.16527816 [DELETED] 

Elon Musk made a very risky bet on SpaceX. Jeff Bezos wasn't willing to take risks and Blue Origin's lack of progress shows this.

>> No.16527817 [DELETED] 

>King of chuds
>Every rich liberal I know drives a Tesla and most California Commies have solar from Solar City

>> No.16527818

Running a start up often requires a different set of skills than running a mature company. Also Elon wasn't openly attacking hundreds of millions of people's livelihoods when SpaceX was starting up. Now for some reason he's decided it's smart to alienate the voters that politicians need to keep their jobs that run the government that gives contracts to his company. This isn't just about Musk and Trump. Congress is going to be a far bigger problem for him now that he's given their voters reason to hate him. Doubt many of them liked him anointing himself the head of the party when he demanded anyone who disagrees with him be excommunicated. Trump didn't understand Washington and got rolled constantly during his first term. Musk is an autistic spurg. The political machine will eat him if he keep acting like he's in charge.

>> No.16527819
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>> No.16527820 [DELETED] 

You're high if you don't think DARPA won't poach or abuse scientists regardless of country of origin.
Did you idiots forget all about WW2?

>> No.16527821
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>> No.16527822

>SpaceX even though it's the most rational launch provider for Amazon.
SpaceX is a direct competitor to Kuiper. There is good reason to not give additional revenue to your competitor, to let them get a close look at your satellites, or to let them get detailed knowledge of your launch plans deep into the future

>> No.16527824 [DELETED] 

Running SpaceX as a "mature company" would mean absolute stagnation, the cancellation of Starship development so they can make reliable low-risk money with routine F9 launches for 30 years until before they know it they've become the Old Space. Your suggestion exemplifies the Old Space mentality. It is slow death. SpaceX needed and continues to need ambitious risk taking. You retard faggot.

>> No.16527825

My beloved

>> No.16527826

He took a risk. His bet was to focus on Amazon, and it probably paid off better than investing more in BO would have. In a hypothetical timeline where BO and SX were in neck-and-neck competition, margins would've been poor for both and it's likely that neither would've made much money.

>> No.16527827 [DELETED] 

Rockets are a dead end. Anyone not bucking the system, telling the haters to fuckoff and researching gravimetrics is a waste of time and effort. Humans aret doing shit without a unified theory of physics and the Cult of Einstein needs to be pogromed.

>> No.16527828

sfg hasn't been fun the last 3 days

>> No.16527829

Even Kuiper seems like a "well, I can do that too" cope. I'm sure it will have some benefit to Amazon but it's not really a natural fit for the company. If Jeff wasn't still a huge influence over Amazon, doubt they'd keep pursuing Kuiper.
But who knows, maybe some of it will work out for him. When Trump had 'The Apprentice', Mark Cuban tried to make his own version of the show that was a complete disaster and very embarrassing. But he turned around and did a guest spot on 'Shark Tank', which turned into a reasonably successful permanent role for him. Can Bezos find his own 'Shark Tank'?

>> No.16527830 [DELETED] 

I think /g/ might be a better fit for you.

>> No.16527831

Lots of people have dreams that are forever on the cusp of being realized.

>> No.16527832

The government will just hand out citizenship to whoever it wants to work for it but that's quite different than non-government entities running immigration policy for their financial benefit.

>> No.16527835

Amazon is first and foremost a data center company. Low latency telecommunications infrastructure is absolutely a natural fit for their them. There is a credible value proposition in serving customers who want an option that doesn't involve giving money and traffic data to Elon Musk and which Elon Musk can't rug-pull.

>> No.16527836 [DELETED] 

>SpaceX is a direct competitor to Kuiper
Kuiper isn't a competitor to SpaceX if Amazon can't get a meaningful number of satellites launched in the first place. Refusing to launch with SpaceX is putting the cart before the horse. Amazon was rightly sued by their shareholders for this BTW, in response to which Amazon purchased a token number of launches from SpaceX.

Kuiper is planned to have more than three thousand satellites. They presently have a grand total of TWO (2) satellites.
Starlink presently has more than 7 THOUSAND satellites. To call Kuiper a Starlink competitor is an absolute joke. If they started launching now they'd be years behind, but instead they're obstinately refusing to launch on SpaceX rockets, choosing instead to wait on troubled rocket programs (Vulcan, Ariane 6, New Glenn) that will put them EVEN MORE years behind before they can even start in earnest.

Kuiper is DOA and Amazon will be facing even more shareholder lawsuits for this disaster of a program.

>> No.16527837 [DELETED] 

/x/tards like you are a cancer on /pol/ and you're even worse here.

>> No.16527838

>You retard faggot.
Why undermine your argument with this garbage? You also didn't address his main point that Musk is turning the country against himself. You may very well be correct that a "mature" SpaceX wouldn't have what it takes to develop Starship but none of that matters if its leader is destroying the company's ability to operate in the political environment they need on its side.

>> No.16527839

I dont think there have been rumblings of a star shield equivalent of Kuiper either.

>> No.16527840

>paid off better
In wealth? Sure. In space oriented results? Not even close. Since this is /sfg/ not /biz/, only space results matter.

>> No.16527842

>Kuiper isn't a competitor to SpaceX if Amazon can't get a meaningful number of satellites launched in the first place.
They can, especially when NG is operational, which is probably soon. As you said yourself, they only plan 3,000 satellites. This is perfectly viable with non-SX launchers.

>They can't match Starlink's satellite count
Kuiper's business plan is not, as far as I understand, to be "equal to Starlink." Kuiper's business plan is to be "the alternative to Starlink." People might have used China's Thousand Sails for this, however they will likely be banned in North America for some national security reason.

>> No.16527844 [DELETED] 

>Can Bezos find his own 'Shark Tank'?
Blue Origin COULD pivot to building space habitats, exploration probes, satellites, etc. In the same way they they COULD have become a major launch provider 15 years ago. They have the resources to succeed in just about any space endeavor they choose, but have a track record of squandering all opportunity because they are poorly lead.

So while Blue Origin COULD become the premiere space station and moon base manufacturer and operator, they won't.

>> No.16527845

Yes. I'm just trying to provide an explanation for why BO went the way it went and why merely comparing calendar hours passed since founding is a stupid type of analysis.

>> No.16527846

>actually SpaceX was founded before Blew Origin
for a take this dumb and gay I award you honorary european status

>> No.16527848

Adrian Dittmann is an AI

>> No.16527849

launch services won't matter anyways. everyone will launch on starship.

>> No.16527850

>actually SpaceX was founded before Blew Origin
When I said SX had "first mover advantage", I meant in the sense that they were the first to have a viable product on market (which was mainly thanks to the COTS contract for F9 development). Founding date does by itself nothing for first mover advantage.

>> No.16527852 [DELETED] 

New Glenn flying once might happen within a year. New Glenn flying often enough to launch three thousand satellites is several years away in the best case. If you factor in Blue Origin's knack for not getting shit done, the full Kuiper constellation launched on New Glenn is probably 10 years away at least.

/pol/ and reddit being mad at Elon Musk for simultaneously being a Nazi and not being a Nazi is not an existential threat to SpaceX's ability to operate. The Biden/Harris administration tried to be, but SpaceX deftly navigated that situation under the direction of Elon Musk. There is no other person in the entire industry more qualified to lead SpaceX than Elon Musk.

If it were all left to her, SpaceX would be printing tons of money launching with F9 and occasionally F9 Heavy and the Starship project never would have started in the first place.

>> No.16527854

Essentially this
Also a lot of insults, lack of tact, abusing ownership of the platform against his critics, and generally a lot of very immature behavior

>> No.16527856 [DELETED] 

>Yes. I'm just trying to provide an explanation for why BO went the way it went
It all stems from poor decision making and priority setting from the top. The difference between Blue Origin and SpaceX is entirely due to the mentalities of their respective leadership.

>> No.16527858 [DELETED] 

SpaceX got a viable product first, despite being founded second, because they were highly driven and willing to take risks that Blue Origin never would.

>> No.16527860

>the full Kuiper constellation launched on New Glenn is going to take a lot of time
Probably. It explains why they bought a lot of launches on other rockets. They need to go faster to meet regulatory deadlines.

>> No.16527862 [DELETED] 

>they bought a lot of launches on other rockets.
They bought a bunch of launches on rockets which are still years away from routine flight, with already-obsolete architectures that should have been cancelled five years ago. It's a joke. The fact that you are humoring the joke is itself a joke.

>> No.16527863

any good animations showing the new glenn landing? I'm curious if we know how fast it will come in, what it will look like compared to f9

>> No.16527864

It's mainly because they got the COTS contract, which in turn was mainly because Musk was willing to cash out and fund the development of a demonstrator. Idk why you're so insistent on saying that one has more drive or risk appetite than the other. Both Musk and Bezos took business risks and in hindsight it seems that they both made what for them personally was the better choice. I don't think anyone can accuse Bezos of lacking "drive" at the time, considering what he then went on to do with Amazon.

>> No.16527865

thanks for the qrd

>> No.16527866 [DELETED] 

>it's because SpaceX moved faster because Musk was willing to take risks
Yeah, that's what I said.

>> No.16527873
File: 216 KB, 1185x918, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we were ROBBED

>> No.16527875

>which are still years away from routine flight
Ariane 6 hopes to launch 6 times next year, as I understand it. Probably won't happen, but we'll see.

>already-obsolete architectures
From Amazon's perspective, it doesn't matter that Ariane 6 and Vulcan are obsolete, because they're just an interim solution.

>that should have been cancelled five years ago
Ariane 6 was designed on the premise of 13 launches per year. It's a design that makes perfect sense from that perspective. It would not have made sense to design a Falcon 9 style reusable rocket and throw the Ariane 5 industrial base into total disarray just to launch 13 times per year.

The 13 launches per year premise, in turn, makes sense because Europe lacks an industrial policy on space that would provide Airbus and Safran with the confidence that there will be a market for more than 13 launches per year during Ariane 6's amortization period.

>> No.16527883

It's a cute idea, but you have to realize how exceptionally gay it is to expend very expensive nukes for propulsion when there are alternatives. It's the ultimate in old space.

Only interstellar Orion makes sense and only then because we haven't built anything better yet. By the time humanity is ready for interstellar travel we'll probably be able to build non-explosive fusion drives.

>> No.16527885 [DELETED] 

>Ariane 6 hopes to launch 6 times next year, as I understand it
>aspires to 13 a year
Three thousand satellites here we come!!!
>>already-obsolete architectures
>From Amazon's perspective, it doesn't matter that Ariane 6 and Vulcan are obsolete
It does, because if those launch platforms aren't economically viable they won't launch often enough to launch Kuiper. Ariane 6 at least won't be cancelled outright, or at least Ariane Next will eventually exist to replace it, but the long term of Vulcan and ULA is seriously in doubt. They probably won't exist for long enough to make a dent on Kuiper.

That leaves New Glenn, the one of the three which hasn't even flown once yet, from the organization that has the least experience with putting anything into orbit (no experience at all.) And yet somehow that's their most promising bet. Kuiper won't get their constellation launched for 10 years at least.

>b-but SpaceX is their competitor, they don't want to pay their competition
How much money would they be handing SpaceX, their NOMINAL competitor, to launch Kuiper?
How much money are they instead going to be handing SpaceX, but not getting Kuiper active for years, letting SpaceX print money with a Starlink monopoly?

There is no business sense in refusing to use SpaceX to get a minimally viable Kuiper constellation launched. It's a decision motivated by pure spite.

>> No.16527889

Ariane 6 and Vulcan will be around for years, so BO has time to get their ducks in a row and make New Glenn ready to bear the whole burden of maintaining and/or expanding Kuiper.

>better to give SpaceX money or let Starlink maintain a monopoly
It's entirely possible that they might have miscalculated, but I can understand why Amazon back then would have thought that not giving SX money, not letting SX see their satellites, and not letting SX see a detailed long term launch schedules would be the more attractive option, especially given that back when the decision was taken people where more optimistic on A6/Vulcan/NG timelines

>> No.16527891 [DELETED] 

Vulcan will only be around for years if ULA is, and with only Vulcan and Delta to win contracts with, only the US government stupid enough to offer them contracts, and SpaceX continuing to poach those government contracts from them, ULA's future is in serious trouble.

>> No.16527892 [DELETED] 

You're high
They won the endless gibs contract and blue origin didn't.
Musk figured out a way to drive a wedge between DoD and Rocketdyne. Don't pretend NASA does anything without DoD's stamp of approval.
He didn't do anything with amazon, his blood thirsty underlings did that while he went to parties and played the politics game.

>> No.16527894 [DELETED] 

I almost guarantee you have no idea who rocketdyne is.

>> No.16527895

Ah yes, 500 or so nukes (that can be mass produced with current tech btw) to launch 3 MILLION kg to Mars, very gay and bad yes, so we need to go with the fusion 20 years in the future because that's what is straight and based.
>there are alternatives
Please enlighten me on what propulsion method we developed/studied in the last 60 years that's possible with CURRENT tech and can move 3000 TONS to Mars

>> No.16527896

Define gibs
Rewards for services tendered aren't gibs.

>> No.16527897 [DELETED] 

>Einstein is my god
>Antigravity is impossible
>FTL is impossible
This is your scripture.
You have Dunning Kruger and are the reason we can't have nice things.

>> No.16527898 [DELETED] 

>They won the endless gibs contract and blue origin didn't.
SpaceX won contracts because they took risks and developed their capabilities FAR faster than Blue Origin. SpaceX behaved this way because they were lead by Elon Musk.

I can almost guarantee you that you are trying to establish some sort of credibility, after getting broadly BTFO throughout the rest of the thread, by vaguely referencing old space companies without having any substantive point to make.

>> No.16527900 [DELETED] 

Go be schizophrenic on /pol/.

>> No.16527901

Tory Bruno said Vulcan has a 70 mission backlog. As long as they still have NSSL and/or Kuiper contracts to launch, there is no reason for ULA to fold.

ULA has NSSL contracts locked in at least until 2026. The USG will cetainly keep giving new NSSL contracts to ULA until there is another American launch provider who can credibly take ULA's place, such as, BO. The USG doesn't want to be dependent on a single launch provider, although it is of course theoretically possible after the results of the 2024 election that Musk might pull the necessary strings and pay the necessary bribes to try to make it happen anyway.

>> No.16527902 [DELETED] 

DARPA and ARPA-E are almost entirely run by contractors you mouth breathing retard. They get what they want when they wanted and in the amounts they want it whenever they want it.

IBM owns unified physics.

>> No.16527904 [DELETED] 

ULA is already losing contracts off their books to SpaceX. That Vulcan backlog isn't set in stone, they won't actually get to do many if not most of them.

>> No.16527906 [DELETED] 

I can't tell if you're lying or just have no idea how a government contract works. live
>Everyone I'm arguing with is the same person
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

The only thing that outshines your obsession with sucking Musk's cock is your total ignorance on how government contracts work at all.

>> No.16527907

That's because Vulcan can't launch, not because the USG is unwilling to pay for Vulcan launches

>> No.16527909 [DELETED] 

ah, you're Jewish now all the pilpul and complete lack of coherent argument comes from. Your entire argument is repetition of lies while making on substantiated statements.

The irony is not only have you not refuted anything I've said: you can't.

>> No.16527910 [DELETED] 

Vulcan will continue to not be able to launch frequently enough to satisfy their single customer, and they will continue to lose contracts to SpaceX. Each time this happens is another nail in ULA's coffin.

>> No.16527913

It's only a "nail in their coffin" if they perform so few launches that they fail to sustain the necessary cash flow to keep the lights on and run out of money

>> No.16527914 [DELETED] 

This general is for spaceflight, both real and technologically plausible. It isn't for magical UFO "gravimetrics" retard nonsense. Go be a /pol/ schizo someplace else.

>> No.16527915 [DELETED] 

They lost because SpaceX got the government contract and Blue Origin didn't. That's how funding works you mouth breathing moron.

SpaceX still can't beat IRSO launch costs, SpaceX just has bigger payload capacity and DoD wants a dedicated vendor in the US because that makes grifting easier.

>> No.16527916

if you dont think Vulcan will keep its 70 gov launches planned you're an idiot

>> No.16527917 [DELETED] 

>FTL isn't possible
>Anti Gravity isn't possible
>Einstein is god
Yes, you've already chanted your religious mantra, Moshi.

>> No.16527918 [DELETED] 

You know ULA is for sale and nobody is particularly keen on buying them, right? Their most valuable assets are their property and infrastructure, not their order book.

>> No.16527919 [DELETED] 

SpaceX got the contracts and Blue Origin didn't because SpaceX had a proven track record of rapid technological development while Blue Origin was fiddling around accomplishing fuck-all. The fact that you are subscribing to the
>the government gifted success to SpaceX and Elon had nothing to do with it
narrative is truly telling

>> No.16527920

Yes, everyone knows that ULA doesn't have a long term future, and everyone knows that Boeing and LockMart are greedy fucks who want to be paid top dollar for junk. That's not relevant; the relevant timespan we're talking about is only the next few years.

>> No.16527921 [DELETED] 

>incoherent /pol/tard noises

>> No.16527923 [DELETED] 

ULA is for sale now. The relevant timescale is however long it would plausibly take ULA, Ariane and Blue Origin to launch three thousand Kuiper satellites, and that is longer than Vulcan's certain future.

>> No.16527924 [DELETED] 

I love that you're so mad that I outed you for being a religious cultist and knowing nothing about science.

Stay mad moshi.

FTL IS possible (you'll deny this because it goes against your religion)
Anti Gravity IS possible (you'll deny this because it goes against your religion)
Einstein was a hack (this makes you maddest of al).

>> No.16527927 [DELETED] 

>Proven track record
Meaningless hand waving you can't and wont substantiate
>Blue origin was fiddling around
More meaningless hand waving devoid of substance

Yes, your obvious narrative is very telling.

You don't know shit about government contracts and saying nothing of substance.

Are you the same Jew lying about gravity research? Would make sense you're incapable of spewing anything but pilpul.

>> No.16527928

Just because ULA gets sold doesn't mean they immediately cease operations and get dismantled.

A major reason why ULA is for sale right now is probably because Boeing wants to sell off non-core assets to raise cash. Boeing is potentially facing a major cash crunch and recently decided to both borrow more money and also issue new shares.

>The relevant timescale is however long it would plausibly take ULA, Ariane and Blue Origin to launch three thousand Kuiper satellites,
The relevant timescale is now long it takes until NG attains a high cadence

>> No.16527929 [DELETED] 

>I know all of this is true because I read lots of posts about Nazi UFOs from Antarctica on /pol/

>> No.16527931

Only about 21 of those are government launches. 38 of the 70 are launching Kupier, 7 are launching Dream Chaser, which leaves ~4 that were penciled in for unspecified payloads from customers like Intelsat and SES.

>> No.16527933 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16527934 [DELETED] 

>uhh we just use nukes
not gonna happen.

>> No.16527935

I thought there were 70 for NSSFetc specifically?

>> No.16527936 [DELETED] 

>>Proven track record
>Meaningless hand waving you can't and wont substantiate
Launching shit into space.
>>Blue origin was fiddling around
>More meaningless hand waving devoid of substance
Launching nothing into space.

Gee, I wonder why one of them got a contract to... hold on let me check my notes.... launch shit into space.

>> No.16527937

Considering the only companies willing to pay for ULA (Blue and Serria Nevada) have backed off who is even left? Northrup, RTX, and L3Harris?

>> No.16527938

we're talking about spaceflight now not h1bs though...?

>> No.16527939 [DELETED] 

And just like that you go full Cult of Einstein.
You jews are all the same.

I win: you lose.

Say the line Moshi: antigravity is impossible (according to my religion).

>> No.16527941

I doubt Beoing will want Lockheed to get full control.

>> No.16527942 [DELETED] 

The government organizing some sort of shady merger with Blue Origin is probably the most likely outcome. After all, such government intervention is how ULA came to exist in the first place, and of all the candidates Blue Origin makes the most sense on account of being the supplier for Vulcan's main engines.

>> No.16527943 [DELETED] 

>gets accused of vapid assertions
>Makes more vapid assertions

Cool story moshi.

>> No.16527944

oh I see, my brain filtered out the schizo posts in the midst lol

>> No.16527945 [DELETED] 

obsessive retard uses AIslop
not surprising

>> No.16527946

So what happened in the last thread to get it nuked?

>> No.16527947 [DELETED] 

Boeing wants out of space development entirely, they'd be happy to drop SLS too.

>> No.16527948 [DELETED] 

>Jew gets mad for spewing jewary and pilpul
>Cries about it
Every time.

>> No.16527949
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yo look at this

>> No.16527950 [DELETED] 

/pol/tards shitted it up because they're mad at Elon Musk for not being the nazi they thought he was.

>> No.16527951

I actually am jewish, I haven't replied to any of your posts until now, been happily observing from a distance. happy hanukah mate, take some MIT OCW general/special relativity 101 please

>> No.16527952 [DELETED] 

Boeing is going to get absorbed into Lockheed Martin in our lifetime.

>> No.16527953

>you just don't know how government contracts work
Explain it then
When was SpaceX given a dime for something they clearly haven't provided or demonstrated as part of any NASA contract?

>> No.16527954 [DELETED] 

Parts of them. I doubt their main airliner business will, Lockheed deliberately got out of that business a long time ago and have not made any moves to get back into it.

>> No.16527955

There were only supposed to be 30-34 payloads in total for the Phase 2 award, and Vulcan got 60%. Tory saying he has 70 launches on the books is him scraping together everything he has from all of ULA customers. Vulcan has a share of of the Phase 3 award, but there haven't been any size or percentage details disclosed for that, and even if there had been the 70 launch figure predates it.

>> No.16527956 [DELETED] 

>Einstein Cultist spews Cult of Einstein
I consult grad students working for DARPA. It takes me longer to get them to unlearn what they think they know than to explain how things actually work.

The irony is palpable.

>> No.16527957 [DELETED] 

>Contracts are awarded for merit
Chengdu will probably take the airliner business--they're already building many of the parts already.

>> No.16527958

because they were better than Kistler or t/Space or SpaceHab lel

>> No.16527959 [DELETED] 

What it basically boils down to is nobody is looking at ULA's order book, Vulcan's economic capabilities, and deciding "I could make my money back if I bought ULA." It's a dead company walking.

>> No.16527960

Oh wow who would’ve thought the environmentalist who just recently went to the right wasnt a confederate or a nahtzee. Some of you are total idiots

>> No.16527963

relativity is proven beyond a doubt, JILA's clocks have measured differences in dilation at a mm scale https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04349-7

go back to /x/ please

>> No.16527965 [DELETED] 
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The US government would never allow the sale of Boeing's airliner business to a foreign company. If Boeing's collapse cannot be somehow avoided, they'd sooner be bought by the government than allow the Chinese to buy it. Boeing's airline side of the business isn't just a commercial enterprise (which alone would have strategic implications anyway), it also is deeply intertwined with the American military.

>> No.16527966

how do things actually work then? is there actually luminiferous aether?
right now you just seem like a schizo. denying relativity is as retarded as being a flerf. or do you have a different explanation of the moon precession, because de Sitter kinda got it right 110 years ago

>> No.16527969 [DELETED] 

>Relativity is proven beyond a doubt
Which one? General or special?
Also they use Lorentz's formula (the guy who actually invented spatial dilation) to calculate clocks in satellite timing.

Show me the unified physics you use to show scalar gravity that connects special and general relativity: I'll wait.

>> No.16527970

Pretty much. 70 is an impressive number until you realize that 95% of it is coming from just three customers. USGov will shed payloads to SpaceX if Vulcan continues to be delayed or under-perform, Kupier only lasts if the shareholder lawsuit breaks in ULA's favor, and Dream Chaser's launches can all go up in smoke if the orbiter doesn't actually work right.

>> No.16527971 [DELETED] 

Even if relativity is wrong, all that means is we fall back on classical Newtonian mechanics. Relativity being wrong doesn't grant us antigravity magic.

>> No.16527973 [DELETED] 

>You seem like a schizo
You lack the intellectual capacity to even think it can work.

You're spewing religion not science and are mad at me for calling you on it.

Why not? It had no issue exporting the microprocessor industry or the auto industry.

>> No.16527975

go to bed Weinstein

>> No.16527978 [DELETED] 

Microprocessors are made in Taiwan, aka the China which is closely aligned with America, not communist China. Chinese autos are banned in America, the Asian cars which America imports are made in Japan and Korea, which again, are both closely aligned with America.

Boeing doesn't go to the communist Chinese. You are being retarded.

>> No.16527979 [DELETED] 

if the govt buys a pen, the govt is not giving that pen company a subsidy, it's giving it a contract to make pens for them that they will buy.

>> No.16527981 [DELETED] 

Amazing that you need to explain this. Lefties have no idea how the basic exchange of money for goods and services works.

>> No.16527985 [DELETED] 

>/pol/schizo whining that people won't give his retarded schizodrives the light of day is also the retard imagining that spacex got gibs.

>> No.16527986

It is if they buy the pen for $1000.

>> No.16527987 [DELETED] 

>Cult of Einstein big mad
>I don't know how government contracts work so I'll make a grossly simplified and completely false analogy
A) I never said subsidy that was you so you're already either lying about what I said or misrepresenting it (or just retarded)
B) A purchase is not the same as a long term contract
C) You're doubling down on lying if you're going to pretend government contracts are awarded on merit

Keep going Moshi, watching you spin lies amuses me.

>> No.16527988

newtonian mechanics are simply wrong, though. Like as wrong as geocentrism. flat-out wrong. It's just what we tell kids so they can do phys 1 problems. It's an approximation of what happens when you look at mechanics without considering stress/energy tensor. Oh wow, things simplify if you say c is infinity.... wowwww....

The evidence for relativity is so overwhelming that some schizos refuse to be in the 'in-group' because their brain issues then take hold

he's a schizo of course he's retarded

>> No.16527990 [DELETED] 

>Loses argument
>Gets called out for lying and making unsubstantiated claims
>Cries about it
Many such cases.

>> No.16527991

can we kick out the /pol/ schizo please.
There is no benefit to sfg for a "jew physics are wrong!" racist idiot replying to everything here

>> No.16527992
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spess flight

>> No.16527993 [DELETED] 

he's not being retarded, he is a retard, a very neurotic one at that.

>> No.16527994 [DELETED] 

>Any science I don't understand must be magic
Dunning Kruger: you got it bad
>Einstein cultist keeps chanting their religion
It's amusing how much you claim to believe in science while being completely oblivious to your religious zealotry in denying everything about the history of science.

Your scripture of relativity (non unified physics) is over 100 years old and you get so irrationally mad at anyone who questions it--while pretending to not be a religious zealot

Fucking hilarious.

>> No.16527995

>Rockets are a dead end. Anyone not bucking the system, telling the haters to fuckoff and researching gravimetrics is a waste of time and effort. Humans aret doing shit without a unified theory of physics and the Cult of Einstein needs to be pogromed.

>> No.16527996
File: 124 KB, 1599x1078, gea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several aviation message boards think Boeing is going to be broken up with the aircraft division being bought up by the newly formed GE Aerospace. The biggest problem I see with that is GE Aerospace makes engines for many aircraft manufacturers. If they start building planes themselves, would they be seen by their customers as competitors? But the people on the forums have been involved in the industry far longer and much deeper than I have so maybe they're right.
Which brings up the question of what would happen to Boeing's space division? And what about its partial ownership of ULA?

>> No.16527998 [DELETED] 

>/pol/schizo is also incapable of understanding basic economics
who would have thought that?

>> No.16528000

You still haven't explained it lol

Tell us, what convinced NASA to give ANYTHING to SpaceX? It apparently isn't merit which leaves us with in this weird position of SpaceX (who was a literal who limped a single rocket to orbit) but given contracts over established contractors with a hell of a lot more pull with NASA and Congress.

>> No.16528001 [DELETED] 

>contrarianbrained newfag creates argument in his head that nobody actually bothered to engage with
>hands himself a medal for winning argument that never happened while people laugh at him
why do they do this?

>> No.16528002
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well sonny, you see the concepts of basic economics are also JEWISH and therefore invalid because I'm a dumb pol racist. Simple facts

>> No.16528003

This is the new consensus

>> No.16528004 [DELETED] 

so was this gravimeme creature ITT the reason for most of the sperging out yesterday or was that someone else?

>> No.16528005

Beñoz will buy ULA if it goes out of business

>> No.16528007 [DELETED] 

>Can't win an argument on facts
Cries about it
>China imports bad
>Making all the parts in china and assembling them in the USA good
>I'll pretend ARM doesn't exsist
>x86 REEE

>> No.16528009
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I put my vote on /g/ spillover. and there is a contingent on /g/ that really doesn't like Indians.

>> No.16528010 [DELETED] 

>Jew spews more jewish pilpul
They won't. They're still frothing at the mouth mad because I correctly identified them as an ati science religious zealot.

>> No.16528011

It'd be funny if it turned out to be something as small as an administrator at NASA being treated poorly by a old space rep so he meddled with the selection criteria until SpaceX was the "winner".

>> No.16528012

Elon said he wants to remove ITAR so that he can replace all of SpaceX with foreign workers.

>> No.16528014

>hmmm I dunno guys, we've experimentally shown relativity is correct over and over and over and over again over the past 120 years
>"NOOO you're anti-science!!! the fact that there is a (jewish) consensus regarding relativity means its WRONG!!! FTL is possible if we POGROM THE JEWS!!!

it's tiring

>> No.16528017
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you faggots are going to get the thread deleted again talk about spaceflight

>> No.16528019 [DELETED] 

Contracts aren't awarded for merit: I don't see why this is difficult for you but it clearly is.
>Government contracts have anything to do with economics
more jewish pilpul--it's all so tiresome

>> No.16528020

I concede that an imaginary rocket is perfect for imaginary payloads. It's useless for any near term payloads.

It's like you didn't notice that starship exists and will be much less expensive.

Even in imagination land what do you gain by putting all your payload together?

>> No.16528021

not my fault we have a modern day Tooker in our midst

>> No.16528022

>I consult grad students working for DARPA. It takes me longer to get them to unlearn what they think they know than to explain how things actually work.
Ah, so you're one of those crackpots who spams PhD students which your schitzo ideas. Lol. This is not the flex you think it is. The fact you immediately leap to "religion" and "cults", rather than saying something meaningful about your ideas, tells me all I need to know. People who are actually interested in physics don't communicate this way.

>> No.16528024

>GE Aerospace makes engines for many aircraft manufacturers. If they start building planes themselves, would they be seen by their customers as competitors?
It doesn't really seem that different from the situation Blue Origin is in building engines for ULA. The world will find a way to keep turning

I'm not sure if the space division would survive a breakup like that intact. I could see it getting divided up itself between various interested parties, if only so they could get paid for fulfilling Boeing's last round of obligations.

>> No.16528025 [DELETED] 

>you faggots
it's one schizo having a melty

>> No.16528026 [DELETED] 

>Cult of Einstein triples down on pushing their religious narrative

Einstein was a hack and your anti science cult-chant is hilarious.

I'm still waiting for that unified theory of yours, moshi.

>> No.16528027

it's just racism. He can't admit that jews aren't da devil, so he correlates anything Jewish to lies. Thus the porgrom-this and pilpul-that. it's just /pol/. Report and ignore

>> No.16528029 [DELETED] 

You are so big mad about me insulting Einstein and standard model its hilarious how far you'll go to pretend it isn't 100 years old garbage.

You're in a Cult.

>> No.16528033 [DELETED] 

>It's raycist to point out that Einstein stole his ideas from others
LOL, he didn't even write E=MC^2

You jews love to lie and push science cultism it's unreal how far you'll go to do it.

>> No.16528034

Then why was SpaceX awarded anything if not on merit?

>> No.16528035 [DELETED] 

notice how you haven't made any actual arguments or pointed to any non-loopy studies that prove your point.
it's because you don't have any, you're doing a bunch of frantic angry fingerpointing into thin air as a substitute for actually building up your argument, mr. schizo

>> No.16528036

It stopped being about Indians when Musk and Ramaswamy started attacking Americans in their posts.
As long as Elon Musk is the head of SpaceX and SpaceX is pretty much the definition of spaceflight, he will continue to be a topic of discussion, just as he has been for the past several hundred /sfg/ threads before the current controversy. You're just trying to cope with him having done something epically stupid that has the potential to harm SpaceX and by extension, progress in spaceflight. He chose to do that, no one here made him act autistic. Pretending that it didn't happen and that there won't be repercussions won't make those repercussions any less real. His autism might end up setting spaceflight back years.

>> No.16528037
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Welp, another Space Flight General turned into a /pol/ thread about jews and jeets.

Time for more vtubers! Did you know Ironmouse has a daughter?

>> No.16528040 [DELETED] 

haha yeah but ohoho yeah they actually are, sorry buddy.

>> No.16528042 [DELETED] 

Big mad jews can't counter any arguments and cry about it.

Cult of Einstein at it's finest.

>> No.16528045

Hope they have a public fire sale auction. I can't afford to buy a Starliner capsule but such auctions usually have inexpensive lots that contain interesting company junk.

>> No.16528044

>non answer
>what do you gain by putting all your payload together?

>> No.16528046 [DELETED] 

>i-i'm gonna reply to everyone at the same time, take that jews!
it's really fun to poke jumpy guys like this, you never know what comes out of it's mouth next.

>> No.16528047
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>> No.16528048

Banks forced Airbus and Boeing to allow more than one engine option so GE isn't in a rush to fuck with that.

>> No.16528049

How old is her daughter?

>> No.16528050 [DELETED] 

>No you
point 1: Government contracts aren't awarded for merit
Point 2: the Cult of Einstein doesn't have a unified theory but will attack anyone for claiming Anti-Gravity is possible
>Point three: You haven't substantiated any of your points and still haven't but you're attacking me for pointing out the flaws in your argument.
>Government contracts are awarded for merit
Next you'll be telling me congress doesn't do insider trading.

>> No.16528051 [DELETED] 

based vtuber poster.

>> No.16528053

This is why I love this general. You get Redditors and /pol/ coming together to uhh... discuss things.

>> No.16528054

>can't do basic math

>> No.16528055
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Maybe 10+/teens, she talked and tweeted about her before vshojo

>> No.16528056 [DELETED] 

>nooo I'm not in a Cult
Ironically I know exactly what will come out of your mouth next. I'm still waiting for that unified theory, Moshi.

>> No.16528057
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Why does the Martian landscape seem so comfy?

>> No.16528058 [DELETED] 

beat me to it, seconding this
(i'm jewish btw, the schizo is talking to a bunch of goyim but he doesn't know that)

>> No.16528059 [DELETED] 

You just also go to /g/. Everyone hates Indians.

>> No.16528060
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meant for
/sfg/ Big Lateeno Teetoolees general

>> No.16528061 [DELETED] 

>therefore my schizotheory that explains far less than yours is true
kek, literal flattard logic.

>> No.16528062

what did sabine do now? i didnt watch the video despite posting it

>> No.16528063
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cool space photo, not connected to anything in this thread I swear:^)

>Most galaxies have a single nucleus -- does this galaxy have four? The strange answer leads astronomers to conclude that the nucleus of the surrounding galaxy is not even visible in this image. The central cloverleaf is rather light emitted from a background quasar. The gravitational field of the visible foreground galaxy breaks light from this distant quasar into four distinct images. The quasar must be properly aligned behind the center of a massive galaxy for a mirage like this to be evident. The general effect is known as gravitational lensing, and this specific case is known as the Einstein Cross. Stranger still, the images of the Einstein Cross vary in relative brightness, enhanced occasionally by the additional gravitational microlensing effect of specific stars in the foreground galaxy.

yay another sfg jew

>> No.16528066 [DELETED] 

Einstein Cultists don't discuss: they push their religion.
Rockets are antiquated garbage and Elon is a Grifter leaching taxpayers using government contractors and god knows how much congress has made on insider trading.

>> No.16528067

That's the thing, Beoings Artimus contracts are fixed price right? So there may not even be a chance to make money on the last contracts.

>> No.16528068

cute dogs. do you think they like spaceflight?

>> No.16528069
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/sfg/ Pink Cat Good!

>> No.16528070

Looks quite

>> No.16528071
File: 1.36 MB, 2972x1975, MoltenEinsteinRing_HubbleLodge_2972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is difficult to hide a galaxy behind a cluster of galaxies. The closer cluster's gravity will act like a huge lens, pulling images of the distant galaxy around the sides and greatly distorting them. This is just the case observed in the featured image recently re-processed image from the Hubble Space Telescope. The cluster GAL-CLUS-022058c is composed of many galaxies and is lensing the image of a yellow-red background galaxy into arcs seen around the image center. Dubbed a molten Einstein ring for its unusual shape, four images of the same background galaxy have been identified. Typically, a foreground galaxy cluster can only create such smooth arcs if most of its mass is smoothly distributed -- and therefore not concentrated in the cluster galaxies visible. Analyzing the positions of these gravitational arcs gives astronomers a method to estimate the dark matter distribution in galaxy clusters, as well as infer when the stars in these early galaxies began to form.

>> No.16528072 [DELETED] 

actually i'm not jewish, i just claim to be jewish sometimes or make remarks a jew would make because it puts nu/pol/ creatures on edge and makes them even more paranoid, they ruined what used to be one of my favourite boards.

>> No.16528073

>Rockets are antiquated garbage
What do you propose instead?

>> No.16528074

Just read the title. Bezos' plan is basically science fiction. Say what you will about Mars colonization, it's just industrialization plus one more machine for air. Putting all mining and manufacturing in LEO is fantasy. The numbers don't work. None of it works.

>> No.16528075
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>Can one galaxy hide behind another? Not in the case of SDP.81. Here the foreground galaxy, shown in blue in an image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, acts like a huge gravitational lens, pulling light from a background galaxy, shown in red in an image taken in radio waves by the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), around it, keeping it visible. The alignment is so precise that the distant galaxy is distorted into part of a ring around the foreground galaxy, a formation known as an Einstein ring. Detailed analysis of the gravitational lens distortions indicate that a small dark satellite galaxy participates in the deflections, bolstering indication that many satellite galaxies are quite dim and dominated by dark matter. That small galaxy is depicted by a small white dot on the left. Although spanning only a few arcseconds, the featured Einstein ring is really tens of thousands of light years across.

>> No.16528076

at least post the space/ astronaut themed vtubers

>> No.16528077 [DELETED] 

i dont like this vtuber, the way she fervently denies her past is lame.

>> No.16528078
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no niggers or jews

>> No.16528079

quite what?

>> No.16528082 [DELETED] 

Threadly reminder to Einstein Shills:
Lorentz, not Einstein came up with Frame Transitions
Poincare, not Einstein, came up with C as a universal constant
Hasenohry, not Einstein, published E=3/8MC^2 not Einstein
Bohm, not Einstein, came up with what is now called entanglement.

FTL transfer of information has been experimentally proven and the foundation of "Standard Model Physics" was published in 1905.

>> No.16528083 [DELETED] 

just like his whining about physics, he doesn't have any proposal of his own, he knows any retarded schizostudy he posts here will be laughed out of the room so instead he desperately tries to keep shifting attention to the theory that has infact recieved scrutiny and is capable of doing so without instantly falling apart.
such is the life of the /pol/schizo, he really does need to take his lithium.

>> No.16528084
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Agree, but now we got Shondo, who is all the old Nyanners and more.

>> No.16528086

Shondo is cute, but she scares me sometimes

>> No.16528087 [DELETED] 

Not them but the goal should be asteroid mining and outer space manufacturing. Silicon tech is at it's thermal limit for junction size and gravity fucks up growing crystals. There is no reason to not be using cross bridged (doped) graphene for computing beyond that it's hard to manufacture in a gravity well.

>> No.16528088

But you haven't answered the question either. What do you need to carry to Mars that Starship can't carry? The only way to justify an extremely expensive rocket is with an extremely important payload. So where's your payload?

I conceded that you could use it for extremely large payloads. So what are they?

>> No.16528090 [DELETED] 

He's right.
Standard model physics is a dead end.

>> No.16528092

mass drivers. unfortunately they aren't viable on earth but they will be a mainstay of lunar and martian launch

>> No.16528093 [DELETED] 

how do these people end up here? just runoff from /sci/ or is someone actively linking /sfg/ again?

>> No.16528094
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its /pol/.

>> No.16528095


>> No.16528098 [DELETED] 

finally, arigatou, mod-san

>> No.16528099

Since the resources are not easily accessible? Makes me wonder what is the most realistic path to the Bezos future, even if it took centuries

>> No.16528100
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upcoming launches

>> No.16528101

>Mods delete all the posts criticizing Einstein
The absolute state of 4chan

>> No.16528103 [DELETED] 

now back to the topic at hand, if how likely do you think it is that new glenn will succesfull land it's 1st stage on it's 1st flight?
what percentage?
i give it a 40% chance, even though they've never gone orbital, they do have quite a bit of experience with retropropulsion, even if it's nowhere near this scale.

my hunch is that if the 1st stage fails, it will do so due to re-entry heating, which is something they haven't built any expertise on.

>> No.16528104


>> No.16528105

He was talking about the lack of unified physics, why is that wrong?

>> No.16528106

Because it will. It either does, or it doesn't. And it will.

>> No.16528108 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528109

Its always /pol/. Always. The scourge of the site

>> No.16528110 [DELETED] 

you never actually provided any criticisms mr. schizo, you just had a little tantrum and didn't actually make any points or arguments.

>> No.16528111

>Back to the topic at hand
Elon musk using government contracts to grift taxpayers?

>> No.16528112
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I think it'll go fine. However if it DOESN'T go fine, I expect the next 3 to also not go fine

>> No.16528113

If Einstein is wrong being a retarded schizo and off topic posting is not the right way to prove it. Presumably the easiest way to convince the world would be to publish one's results, and not shitpost on /sfg/.

One wonders why such a rare genius would spend so much effort trying to convince people whose opinions don't matter and who clearly are not open to his ideas.

>> No.16528114 [DELETED] 

looks like he didn't actually get banned, what a shame, really would've been nice to talk about rockets again.

>> No.16528115

because other forums require accounts that get banned hehehe

>> No.16528116

any rumblings about a NG rideshare program like what SpaceX has? I dont think Ive seen any news about it

>> No.16528119

>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Get help
The post that pointed out Einstein got credit for the work of Lorentz, Poincare, Hasenohrl and Bohm and that Relativity is 100 years old was 100% fact.
It's almost like the mod is in this thread and went scorched earth for shitting on Einstein and relativity

>> No.16528120 [DELETED] 

so you're aware that nobody likes you and you're actually hurting your cause by coming off as an autistic socially unaware sperg and not talking about fucking rockets in the spaceflight general, right? you retarded faggot.

>> No.16528121

out of the top of my head, not even gonna mention the interstellar capabilities
>large scale space station modules
>heavy industrial machinery (100s to 1000s of tons)
>bring BACK things from inner and outer solar system
>heavy duty vehicles
>entire colonies devided by modules in one go
>asteroid mining operations (those fuckers are heavy)
>planetary defence/attack (God willing this will never be needed)
>Giga-watt space based solar power stations
>low travel time to planets in case of emergency (within reason)
>be the back bone of the entirety of inner and outer space infrastructure
I'm not saying we ONLY need the Orion, but that's like saying the train made no difference in westward expansion. With economy of scales it could even be cheaper than starship, using less nukes with more payload to further distances, also, Starship is limited by the availability of methane, with orion there's nothing within the solar system that's too far to pack fuel to in one go
and again, all this is possible with CURRENT tech

>> No.16528123

I have no idea what you're on about
Are you a mod or something l?

>> No.16528124 [DELETED] 

if i was i'd go scorched earth on niggers like you

>> No.16528125 [DELETED] 

Janitor earned his wage today

>> No.16528126
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>> No.16528127

double the wage even

>> No.16528128

>I speak for other people
>Everyone who I don't like is the same person
What case?
Is there something wrong with advocating a unified theory to replace the antiquated garbage of standard model?

>> No.16528129
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That means its working!

>> No.16528131

>Deleting ideas I don't agree with is victory
Everything wrong with Nu4chan

>> No.16528132

>Starship is limited by the availability of methane
Methane is just a fancy name for natural gas
We have plenty of it.
Starship is more limited with liquid oxygen supply.

>> No.16528133 [DELETED] 

make a thread

>> No.16528136

plenty of oxygen in the oceans. we could get alantropa going https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantropa

>> No.16528137 [DELETED] 

>uuuuh why are you speaking for other people in /sfg/ SpaceFlight General by saying that schizo's aren't welcome and people just want to talk about rocketry and actual spaceflight instead.
>is there something wrong with advocat-
you're not advocating though, you're having a fit because your specific gravimeme ideas get rejected for being retarded.
everyone wants a unified theory, you're not putting up a strong argument by whining that people don't accept your theory that explains less than the current model.

>> No.16528138 [DELETED] 

>limited by LOX supply
It's pulled out of thin air using COTS equipment, the market will meet the demand.

>> No.16528139
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>> No.16528141

based on absolutely nothing I say 80% chance of nominal ascent and given nominal ascent 25% chance of sticking the landing

>> No.16528143
File: 116 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thread about WATAMELON

>> No.16528144

>Talk about a unified theory and gravimetric research in a thread about space launch platforms is le bad
You're a flat earther my dude.

>> No.16528146
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webb comparisons are neat

>> No.16528147 [DELETED] 

Even if you got a unified theory, there's no reason to believe that would somehow suddenly give you antigravity magic. And if relativity is simply wrong and we therefore ignore it, what are we left with? Antigravity? No. Newtonian mechanics.

Rockets are real. Antigravity is science fiction nonsense. It has no place in this thread.

>> No.16528148

>You're advocating
I don't know at all what you're accusing me of. Dude posted about Einstein being a hack and standard model being shit and mods nuked him.

It's almost like you are saying standard model isn't a dead end but anti gravity is impossible so we shouldn't talk about it while pretending that's how science works.

>> No.16528149

Air seperation is the current solution.
It also gives nitrogen which is necessary for the current infrastructure.

It's not built yet which is the point. No one can pretend that building the largest air speration plant in the world isn't a pretty massive undetaking on itself. Even if just standard equipment, the production lines probably don't even exist for the scale necessary that SpaceX would require.

>> No.16528150

Tbh, the question of whether Einstein's work was stolen from others or not seems kinda extraneous to the prospect of antigravity science being suppressed and also spaceflight which is the nominal topic of this general.

>> No.16528152 [DELETED] 

>No one can pretend that building the largest air speration plant in the world isn't a pretty massive undetaking on itself.
Just build a few more normal sized LOX plants, it's not some sort of great obstacle to the Starship program. Once the demand is clearly there, the market will build up the supply.

>> No.16528153

the problem is the demand will be entirely starship. Which makes me think spacex will buy some company and do it in-house. Unless they can convince a major mfg to buy into a multi year deal to build up the capability

>> No.16528155
File: 905 KB, 478x790, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow thats a lotta deleted posts.

I love the N1!

>> No.16528156

>Anti gravity is magic
>Antigravity is science fiction
Do you even listen to yourself? This doesn't sound like science at all. Gravity is a fundamental force are you saying it's an immutable fact? I remember when Parker predicted the solar winds and people like you called him a nutter.

If your point is we don't have it yet, that's fine just say that but you seem to think it's impossible so not only ignore it but mick anyone who tries and your justification is a 100 year old theory...

>> No.16528159 [DELETED] 

They'll probably build their own LOX plants if for no other reason than because the tanker truck traffic will become a problem if the LOX isn't being taken care of very nearby. But I don't expect SpaceX to start developing their own process for it, they'll just buy it from one of the companies that already does this sort of thing.

>> No.16528160

>Relatively has nothing to do with space flight
Whew lad.
Right now ftl communication is exactly what we need for space projects.

>> No.16528161

ok, so go get busy and report back if there is a paper published, or real hardware. otherwise go away

>> No.16528162 [DELETED] 

Wanting FTL communication doesn't mean you get it. Whining about Einstein being a jew won't get you antigravity. Complaining that the people telling you to fuck off aren't being scientific isn't going to make your schizo babble any more convincing.

Go away.

>> No.16528163

antigravity is lame anways, call me when we have antistrong or antiweak interactions lol

>> No.16528164

Why are you misrepresenting my argument? Why are you so hostile to being disagrees with and dishonest about it.

Ftl communication is predicated on entanglement and that is already being heavily researched.

It isn't "wanted" it is necessary

>> No.16528165

That aspect of relatively doesn't reall seem to, yeah.

>> No.16528166

>What is the Rubidium time standard and Lorentz constant
Ok, now what

>> No.16528167

>In physics, the no-communication theorem (also referred to as the no-signaling principle) is a no-go theorem in quantum information theory. It asserts that during the measurement of an entangled quantum state, it is impossible for one observer to transmit information to another observer, regardless of their spatial separation. This conclusion preserves the principle of causality in quantum mechanics and ensures that information transfer does not violate special relativity by exceeding the speed of light.

"muh entanglement" is also schizobabble for FTL. idiots dont realize that if you 'agree' what the measurement will be beforehand of an entangled pair thing of course you can transmit FTL, jeez

take your lithium

>> No.16528168
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>> No.16528169

any dates on the next starship launch?

>> No.16528170
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BUmper-WAC lover here

>> No.16528171

it has been canceled because FTL travel is right around the corner, we just have to holocaust the entirety of the physics community and put schizos in charge

>> No.16528172 [DELETED] 

Quantum entanglement doesn't allow you to transmit information faster than light. You should know that already, but you've been consuming too much popsci slop.

>> No.16528173


>> No.16528174

this is sfg please use ISO format

>> No.16528175

>SPDC is fake because my 100 year old non unified theory says so.
>Gets mad at anyone who questions standard model
Whew lad.

>> No.16528176

4ASS already designed a quantum based ansible.

>> No.16528177 [DELETED] 

October? I can't wait that long.

>> No.16528178

There is more than one type of entanglement.
I love that you're unironically Shilling a non unified physics from 1900 as if it's gospel.

>> No.16528179

There basically isn't one. It's science fiction.

>> No.16528180

Shut up, retard. You know nothing and your time cubing is off topic here. You are an actual retard.

Go back to /x/

>> No.16528181

October? Elon needs to pick his pace up.

>> No.16528183

>Ok, now what
Now stop posting

>> No.16528184
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>> No.16528186

>Talking about gravity research is off topic in a thread about space flight
>Talking about communication timing for satellites is irrelevant to space flight
Why are you like this

>> No.16528187

The aspirational starship cadence would triple the methane consumption of the entire united states. I don't think you understand how big starship it. When it launches, the energy consumption of all humanity goes up 1.2%

>> No.16528188

I don't want to see grimes on the side of Starship.

>> No.16528189

QKD systems ≠ FTL. Holy shit you actually are a retard. You've probably been fucking around with photon pairs and other garbage for so long it's mushed your brain.

>> No.16528191

No one's making you respond. I'm just saying ftl communication is necessary for space operations and you're losing your mind about it.

We need ftl for space, why is saying that bad? It's being heavily researched.

>> No.16528192

Everything you listed is management and investment, not rocket science.

>> No.16528194 [DELETED] 

NASA can't even figure out how to TIG weld in space (granted, this is probably just a problem of them not trying hard enough), so the premise of a full industrial stack in zero gravity is just fantasy, it would take AGES to develop and you would need to move herculean amounts of mass into orbit merely to bootstrap it.

You could say "we'll do the industry in spinning O'Neill cylinders" but how do you build those without already having the requisite industry in space in the first place?

Building shit on planet surfaces and then launching it and assembling it in space is the most plausible way forward, but to do that with something huge enough to house major industrial processes is unrealistic anytime this century.

>> No.16528195

None of the people who support H1B stuff are in danger of losing their jobs
We should bring in h1b politicians

>> No.16528196

There is more than one type of entanglement. Why are you so hostile?

>> No.16528197

so, what I gather is this schizo is some overconfident optics engineer at DARPA, possibly also like Symmetricom, working on DARPA's Quantum Network, and he's also schizo, so he sees God in the hardware or something else pathetic

>> No.16528198 [DELETED] 

Turns out you need management (Elon Musk) that is willing to take risks and drive development forward at a rapid pace if you want to get shit done and subsequently win government contracts that require shit to get done.

>> No.16528201

Starlink is an alternate to DSL. It only makes sense in areas with that or lower service. Any cable system connection will easily blow it out of the water. In your case you might also have been sharing the link with everyone else at the resort, which would cause congestion if there were more than a couple of you using it at the same time.

>> No.16528202

Everyone hates you because you're a schizoposting retard. Anything FTL belongs on /x/ along with your opinions about it. It’s not open to discussion.

>> No.16528204
File: 133 KB, 900x1207, 8c7073b3e6e6d5f66ecab4d1ee387a15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man can dream

>> No.16528205

*it's open to discussion IF he posts actual evidence it's real. Or like some wild new discovery published in Nature that is particularly relevant. Other than that yes, not open to discussion.

>> No.16528206

Regardless of the reason, here's that Sea Dragon clip for all the enjoy.

>> No.16528208

>Everything ftl belongs on /x/
>We will forever gatekeep using Standard Model even though it's 100 years old and non unified
So, the goal of this thread is to circle jerk rockets? Otherwise this thread belongs on /biz/ because it's about government contracts not science

>> No.16528209 [DELETED] 

More like he's a schizo from /pol/ who came here because he's got a fresh case of EDS and now he's mad that we don't think nazi UFO technology is being suppressed by jewish physicists.

>> No.16528210

Still not rocket science no matter how much you wish your mba made you into a tech asset.

>> No.16528211

>So, the goal of this thread is to circle jerk rockets?
Wow this took you a while to figure out

>> No.16528212

as a jew, I do apologize that we're supposing nazi ufo tech. I'll bring it up at our next jew physics board meeting.

>> No.16528216

please make a new sfg on /biz/, it will be a nice compliment to the other one on /n/.

>> No.16528214

>So, the goal of this thread is to circle jerk rockets?
Yes, now fuck off.

>> No.16528218

No amount of evidence will ever be enough to convince people like you
>I'm just here to shill for Elon Musk
/Pol/ loves Elon though

>> No.16528219 [DELETED] 

>So, the goal of this thread is to circle jerk rockets?
I don't think it's possible for you to make it any more painfully obvious that you aren't from here and don't belong here.

>> No.16528220
File: 32 KB, 1210x2104, 1726841718511195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, the goal of this thread is to circle jerk rockets?
no shit

>> No.16528221 [DELETED] 
File: 1.61 MB, 680x800, sour grapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has no evidence
>decides that evidence is worthless anyway

>> No.16528222

>No amount of evidence
actually, a very small amount of evidence. A single bit of information transmitted FTL. That's literally all the world needs to shower you in Nobels and fame. Should be pretty easy, no? Until then the world needs satellites and we have roggets to get em into space. so fuck off while we jerk the rockets off

>> No.16528223

>You don't worship standard model
>You don't fit in here

>> No.16528224

>No amount of evidence will ever be enough to convince people like you
That's right. So go somewhere else. You can even tell yourself you're smarter than all of us. One more delusion could hardly hurt you.

>> No.16528227

Smart I'm not sure
Less biased and blinded by main steam academia: absolutely.

>> No.16528228

please put something in the name field next time you post so I don't have to see it

>> No.16528229

Spontaneous parametric down conversation

>> No.16528231

I don't understand why you're so hostile and angry. Is it because I think standard model is shit, antiquated and used by midwits to gatekeep for corporate America?

>> No.16528232

I too like to use obscure things without context as proof. As far as I can tell, there is no literature linking that to FTL.

ah so now it is a conspiracy by corp America to make money through rocket contracts by surpassing FTL tech? what the fuck?

dude just leave

>> No.16528233

the most annoying thing to me is that your rambling is off topic

>> No.16528234

All you're doing is arguing from authority. You might not realize that it works both ways.

>> No.16528235

*suppressing FTL tech, sorry autocorrect

>> No.16528236

Clarify where I'm off topic? If you want a rocket thread make a rocket thread. This thread is about space flight, not rockets.
>Argument from authority
Wait, are you claiming standard model is a unified theory and not over 100 years old?

>> No.16528237
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maybe janny will ban him next time

>> No.16528238

I can only hope

>> No.16528239

>I don't understand why you're so hostile and angry.
This thread is about spaceflight. It's not about you trying to feel better about yourself. It's also not about you disingenuously trolling. Whichever you're doing it's garbage in this context and you are obviously unwelcome.

>> No.16528240

Why is Elon in favor of mob rule (direct democracy)? In respect to Mars colony government. Seems kinda dangerous

>> No.16528241

because when you're a single dude with a bomb away from a Bad Day in the main hab dome, it's best to have everyone agreeing with the decisions made I guess

>> No.16528242 [DELETED] 

read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.16528243
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>> No.16528244

Gravity is a fundamental force my dude
>Shitting on Einstein is heresy
>Shitting on standard model is heresy
I'm not trolling at all, I'm being mobbed by anti science people losing their mind because I have the audacity to say ftl communication is a pivotol requirement for space operations and you can't just say "you're right" and move on...your position is "it's impossible because I say so" and you're openly attacking me which I find remarkable

>> No.16528245

>euros are launching a spaceplane next year
is everyone getting their own x-37b now or what?

>> No.16528248 [DELETED] 

>democracy means everyone agrees
lol lmao kek jej lel
perhaps I can draw your attention to the united states of america where it has resulted in half the population being in constant disagreement with the other half over everything

>> No.16528250

>manned mars flyby in 2 years
polaris dawn 2?

>> No.16528251

I don't really blame them, the x-37b is a cool little spaceplane.

>> No.16528252

2 more years lol

>> No.16528255

Sir this is /sci/. Many anons in /sfg/ have worked on orbital rockets and spacecraft. Show us your equations and experiments or go back to tard jail.


>> No.16528256

>Ban dissenters
Nu4chan is grim

>> No.16528257

Why is it that around this time every year we have obvious offboarders come and shit up the threads? It happened last year and the year before.

>> No.16528260 [DELETED] 

>ftl communication is a pivotol requirement for space operations
You haven't explained why you think it's required.
>I want fast internet.
Want isn't need.

Furthermore, even if you do "need" something, that doesn't mean that you get to have it. You aren't owed solutions to any of your problems, let alone the self-imposed ones.

>> No.16528261
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>advocating representative democracy in /sfg/

>> No.16528262
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>> No.16528264

Guys get bored during Christmas break and start changing boards like changing channels. This place is autistic enough to reply at a volume that anchors them here

>> No.16528265

>Wait, are you claiming standard model is a unified theory and not over 100 years old?
My bad. You're also doing an argument from ignorance. Shit is incomplete so there must be ftl and antigravity out there (and that's what the Jews fear?)
If everybody agreed with you, what then? Would you go away or is there another step to this thing?

>> No.16528266
File: 250 KB, 900x1200, george-doutsiopoulos-wvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an authoritarian

>> No.16528269

Because in a small population like Mars would have you dont need representatives? Martian society would also be far more cohesive than Earth society due to the gatekeeping of whos allowed to go. Direct democracy doesnt work on Earth because of the population size with so many varying wants in governance, and ‘coercion’ methods to have people vote for what you want in that way which is why representative democracy works better. It doesnt work well, representatives usually only represent half the populace in an area and often even for those that voted them in they take bribes and dont correctly represent. On Mars, all issues of direct democracy are solved so that makes it the best choice, especially in the early years with only thousands and not a million. Cohesion and similar interests are a must for direct democracy which the Martian environment will require for its populace.

>> No.16528270

>Why is ftl communication necessary
It was lost in the noise of people losing their minds when I said mean things about standard model.

Your framing of my statement is very dishonest. You need ftl communication for non manned drones.

Need us need. Pretending we don't need it for space is like saying we don't need lithography for manufacturing computers.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me standard model is a unified theory and not 100 years old.

>> No.16528271

>giving fallible men more power
Well this is the science board! Let's see some experiments! Let's look at where that's been tested!

>> No.16528272

nta but I have the entire list of BO launches right here:

>> No.16528273

Well I know that atleast this year I wasnt part of the replying problem. Seems like janny is doing his job, thankfully.

>> No.16528274

brilliant pebbles is still on the agenda afaik. whenever you hear trump talk about an "iron dome for america", what he's actually referring to includes brilliant pebbles.

>> No.16528275

Why are you attempting to steer the conversation from spaceflight to physics in the spaceflight general? Start your own thread, it's allowed

>> No.16528276

>I'm not trying to gate keep I'm just trying to gate keep
/OP/ says space flight not rockets.

>> No.16528277

off topic x slop go away

>> No.16528278 [DELETED] 

>You need ftl communication for non manned drones.
No you don't. We've sent out numerous proves and rovers already and they work just fine with speed of light radio signals.

>> No.16528279

welcome to 4chan please lurk before posting. or dont post, that's actually preferable

>> No.16528280

Yes you do. A schizophrenic on 4chan says so

>> No.16528281

I'm not. Dude shat in Einstein and got nuked. I don't know what else he said, now all you nutters are losing your shit in me for saying standard model is shit and we need FTL comms...and you're for some reason incapable of admitting standard model is 100 years old and just letting it go at that.

>> No.16528282

Shut up, retard. There's no magic combination of words that will make anyone enjoy your off topic garbage just like there's no magic combination of words that will fix you. If there was surely you would have found it by now.

>> No.16528283

astroonomers go back

>> No.16528285

Start your own thread, this isn't relevant

>> No.16528286

>space flight
No it says spaceflight, god you’re such a newfag and it really shows. Fuck off to the caty we dont want you here
>inb4 >we
Yes we, you’re cancerous to this general and every /sfg/ regular sees it clear as day. You have an entire board that would much more prefer to hear about your science slopics, go talk to them and not us you dumb queer.

>> No.16528287

Silence, retard

>> No.16528289 [DELETED] 

>pretending you aren't him
You aren't fooling anybody.

>> No.16528290

it's 100 years old because it hasn't been replaced by anything else. because Bell tests etc show it is the simplest model that thoroughly explains our observed universe.
Are we supposed to swap theories every 10 years or something?

anyways fuck off to x, stop posting your schizo slop here.

>> No.16528293

So let me get this straight, saying we need a unified theory of physics to properly explore space is off topic because a unified theory is impossible.

>> No.16528295

yeah we're all crazy here in /sfg/, you'd best pack your bags and make a new /sfg/ in /biz/ like you said

>> No.16528297

Oh shit, someone should tell all the unmanned probes and rovers to pack up their shit and come home I guess.

>> No.16528298

Could 4chan buy it? If we pool our finances

>> No.16528299

I'd give a dollar to a '4chan buys ULA' gofundme.

>> No.16528300 [DELETED] 

>we need a unified theory of physics to properly explore space
We've been getting along just fine without your schizo science.
>noo we need to have instantaneous communication across light year distances.
1. We don't.
2. We're not going that far anyway.

>> No.16528301

>It works good enough let's not try to make it better
The irony here is you can't just ignore me: you have to actively attack me. Your goal has always been to gate keep.

We need to put more money into entanglement research...why is that bad? It's already happening. Same as fusion research which is also in development. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

>> No.16528303
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The rising amount of Apollo deniers is concerning.

>> No.16528304

Janny please nuke this thread too

>> No.16528306

Someone go make a load of threads about how the man is gatekeeping relativity (or whatever the shizo is complaining about) and push the thread off the board.

>> No.16528307

>Mars isn't that far
>The moon isn't that far
Ironically I agree with that but the time latency for sub light comms make anything more than sending a photo bot is untenable.

It's mind blowing that you want anything but actual technological advancement...and seem to be proclaiming standard model forever!

>> No.16528308

I proclaim standard model forever.

>> No.16528310

off topic x slop

>> No.16528311

How? You keep claiming that but how is entanglement, which is actively being researched, irrelevant to space operations?

>> No.16528312 [DELETED] 

Latency isn't bandwidth.

>> No.16528313

because fuck you buddy, you're trying to appear reasonable from an unreasonable off topic foundation which is peak I'm a slimy asshole posting

>> No.16528316

>We need to put more money into entanglement research
Fuck off with your off topic schizo garbage. You're the reason people hate the mentally ill. If someone attacks you while you're sleeping under a bridge you'll have earned it.

>> No.16528317
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>> No.16528318
File: 102 KB, 725x432, ApolloBabe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are space boobs, which is actively being researched, irrelevant to space operations?

>> No.16528319

Long March 12A 75km flight profile simulation + Barge landing test planned for January 14-16, will be open to public, so we should get videos of it.

>> No.16528320

I never said it was.
The latency is about control of the robot and integrety of data
>Questioning standard model males people hostile
>Questioning a 100 year old physics model is unreasonable
>Talking about entanglement is unreasonable
Say what you really mean

>> No.16528321

neat, any articles about it

>> No.16528322

go to bed Weinstein

>> No.16528323

This is what passes for intellectual discourse these days I guess
>It's impossible
>Standard model or fuck you!
>What we have now is good enough
>Don't question the system

>> No.16528325
File: 1.15 MB, 896x3422, CZ12A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just that
They call it "CZ-12A", but it's likely just going to be the same Grasshopper-sized rocket that flew last June, although CASC does plan to launch the full CZ-12A to orbit later in 2025

>> No.16528327 [DELETED] 

Rovers have been controlled over high latency connections for decades. It works fine.

>> No.16528329

it is impossible. prove me wrong. until then go away, christ why are you even still replying?

>> No.16528331
File: 120 KB, 1024x1024, RiemannKugel.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's impossible because good luck finding a loophole with hypergeometry LMAO
go back to /x/

>> No.16528333

How all the Apollo technology works and was developed is incredibly well documented, these retards don't even try to comprehend it though and conflate the technology being hard to understand with it somehow being impossible to be real. A lot of them think there was only one landing too, really shows the amount of research they're willing to put in. Really though it's NASA's fault for not doing anything outside of LEO for 50 years that's allowed this bullshit to spread.

>> No.16528334

If you don't humor word salad from the mentally ill how can you consider yourself an intellectual???

>> No.16528335
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>> No.16528337

it's more just natural human behavior. In any group you'll find 20% of people that believe in elves, 20% believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows, 20% think The Odyssey and Odysseus being similarly named is a coincidence... there is ALWAYS a suspiciously large percentage of people that are just dolts when it comes to ANYTHING specific. I try to ignore it.

>> No.16528338

That raises difficult questions regarding the value of universal suffrage.

>> No.16528340

what color cows do you think chocolate milk comes from then?

>> No.16528342

>Tries to ignore it
>Spends the thread gatekeeping
>Unironically white knights 100 year old physics model
>Gets mad at someone saying we need better physics in a thread about space operations
The irony is truly palpable

>> No.16528343
File: 561 KB, 821x621, carter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in other news, history's greatest monster has finally died. He could have killed shuttle but nooOOoOO he didn't

>> No.16528344

what we need is you to shut up

>> No.16528348

>live streamed 27 years before wifi was invented
Alright fuck this get me off this rock right now.

>> No.16528350 [DELETED] 

>20% believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows,
Wait... It does though?

>> No.16528352

White cows produce white milk

>> No.16528353

Prove you wrong about what?
Hyper geometry in what kind of space? That's just a basic bitch blosh sphere.
>Silence dessenter
I truly want to understand why you don't think a unified theory is necessary for the advancement of space operations. I truly want to understand and all's you want to do is name call and tell people to shut up

>> No.16528355 [DELETED] 

strawberry milk comes from cows that graze in strawberry fields

>> No.16528360
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Genuinely, what is the point in these useless fucks? Just nuke them already and let them form a singular larger moon.

>> No.16528363

go work on a unified theory and get back to us when it's not /x/ slop or Tooker-tier. until then fuck off and shut up.
Nope though, you're going to continue to be petulant and scream and reply reply reply because we don't accommodate your crippling retardation here in /sfg/.

>> No.16528366

New Glenn launch when?????? I'm still waiting

>> No.16528367

>I'm not trying to gate keep
>I'm just gatekeeping
So you don't care at all about unification and actively hate and attack anyone for talking about it.

>> No.16528369 [DELETED] 

>>So you don't care at all about unification
Correct. This is a thread about rockets and space flight.


>> No.16528370


>> No.16528371

Please stop replying to this nigger

>> No.16528373

>"Space flight general"
Doesn't say rockets. Ironically if it was about rockets I wouldn't have posted.
See, this anon gets it. If you want me to go away just ignore me but you people actively hate dissenters and feel obligated to attack me.
I don't really understand why saying entanglement is important to research draws such vitreal and why people live Classical Mechanics so much.

>> No.16528376 [DELETED] 

Musk doesn't understand civics.
When he doesn't understand a subject but needs to have a position on it because it's relevant to colonization, he defaults to a simple position that's already been done.

I'd imagine that's an ego thing, he has a hard time imagining himself as anything less than a super genius with the Midas touch.
He literally justifies his breeding harem by saying his genetics are superior and he's eugenically improving the human race.

And I'm saying that as someone who has defended him and his companies publically all year, but he's a basket case and that's part of what makes him work.
Creativity is weird like that.

Von Braun already forwarded a better system for Martian government decades ago.
It features a Supreme Council with the power to elect a dictator, and a representative body made up of delegates from the essential industrial sectors.

Personally I think that kind of bicameral parliamentary system would be unnecessary, and you could collapse that lower body into the Supreme Council.
Moreover, the Supreme Council should only be authorized to elect a dictator in the event of an emergency when they cannot reach unanimous consensus and immediate action is necessary. All the powers of government (executive, legislative, judicial) would be folded into their jurisdiction, and for their rulings to be binding there would have to be either unanimous consent or 2/3 majority.

That way, an industry that has more workers than other critical sectors doesn't override them politically based on sheer numbers.
This is the crucial point Musk hasn't really considered, is that there are multiple industries and key operational focuses that will be mission critical and they all have their own unique needs and interests that a direct democracy might not account for because of how the number of colonists will be unequally divided between these occupations.

Kind of why America has an electoral college, it's to give lower population states a say.

>> No.16528377

fuck off

no we need to keep bulling him

>> No.16528380

so now that you know we're really a misnamed general and are really just about rockets, why do you KEEP posting? go make a unified theory thread

>> No.16528381

>the Supreme Council should only be authorized to elect a dictator in the event of an emergency when they cannot reach unanimous consensus
>council can't reach an agreement on something
>they will definitely be able to reach an agreement on who should be the dictator
/sfg/ is retarded

>> No.16528382

>Mars Polar Lander
>Beagle 2
>Mars Surveyor
>Team Miles
>Vega program
I guess you have much lower standards than I do

>> No.16528386

>Keep bullying
Yes, keep making an ass of yourself because I have the audacity of saying classical mechanics is antiquated and no longer useful for what is needed to accomplish more? The dudes talking cow milk, that's fine though.
Truly mind boggling

>> No.16528388 [DELETED] 

>they will definitely be able to reach an agreement on who should be the dictator

In the case of a deadlock during an emergency, a simple majority would suffice to elect a dictator. But in the unlikely event where everyone on the council votes for themselves or it's a evenly split tie where every member recieved one vote, maybe there could be a lottery system in place.
I was thinking the number of people on the council should be odd to prevent an even split between two candidates.

That's how government posts were selected in Athens, they had a lottery from among the eligible candidates. Sortition.
Do I really need to explain every last thing to you? If so, you don't understand civics either and your nitpicking is evidence of that.

>> No.16528390 [DELETED] 

They aren't ready to give up the dark matter/energy cope just yet.
More than happy to continue fudging the numbers post hoc because it's easier than trying to work out a new model.

>> No.16528391

>Do I really need to explain every last thing to you?
isn't that why you're sperging out about your fantasy larp for the Nth time?

>> No.16528392

>If I keep misrepresenting his statements I win
So the thread is supposed to be about rockets but it doesn't say rockets and because I'm not talking about rockets in a thread about space flight I'm magically wrong for being on topic because you say the posted topic isn't actually what were supposed to be discussing....
Just say you hate entangled communication research....

>> No.16528394 [DELETED] 

Keep feeding
Those who reply can stop and rotate throughout the day but he has to reply to everyone
The circular arguments will just continue until you leave
And when you do leave, nothing will have changed except that you've wasted an entire day
You lost the moment you thought /sfg/ was worth posting in
Please keep in mind the time you've spent here while you type up another reply

>> No.16528396

>he thinks I am spending any time thinking
lol what a pleb

>> No.16528398

I wasn't even going to touch those. Just pointing out standard model is antiquated drives them nutty. I would rather be talking about position dynamics and ion drives but they've just lost all coherent discourse because I was mean about their God Einstein

>> No.16528399 [DELETED] 

Cool, so Von Braun's own suggestions are a "fantasy larp" and aren't relevant to the long standing discussions surrounding Martian civics and precedent for having their soverignty recognized in light of the Outer Space Treaty.

>> No.16528402 [DELETED] 

it's almost like you're not a different person and you're desperately trying to save face

>> No.16528403 [DELETED] 

These are the same midwits who devolve into autistic screeching as soon as you mention NTP.

Don't let them know how important gyroscopes are and how zero-propellant maneuvers are real.

>> No.16528404 [DELETED] 

you haven't provided a single actual argument, all you've said is le established physics science is all wrong and you're le right and therefore your schizodrives are all magically real.

>> No.16528405

NTP is such a good engine if you’re looking for something mid and shit

>> No.16528406

don't forget
>100 year old theory!!!!!11111!!!!1

>> No.16528407

>doesn't understand why people dislike off topic posts ruining the thread
Then you really are a retard. Go drool elsewhere.

>> No.16528408

Huh? What drives? I said we need FTL communication and we should be researching gravity and you said those things are impossible because of a 100 year old non unified physics says so then lost your shit for pointing out that you're not talking like a scientist at all. Because you aren't.

>> No.16528409

stop posting this /x/ off topic slop
not spaceflight

>> No.16528410

You keep posting despite the mountains of evidence that you are mentally retarded

>> No.16528412 [DELETED] 

>I said we need FTL communication
1. We don't need it.
2. "Needing" it doesn't make it possible.

>> No.16528413

they are impossible because of relativity and the standard model. they were impossible 100 years ago, too.

>> No.16528414

>Keeps accusing me of being off topic
How? Retard already admitted this wasn't a rocket thread and the core of space flight is physics.
>Totally ignores milk fags

>> No.16528417

>still nobody can disprove that chocolate milk comes from brown cows

>> No.16528419
File: 393 KB, 250x141, HurricaneScrambles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should work on reducing signal latency into the negative, so that rovers and probes receive their instructions from the future.

>> No.16528420

A massive explosive failure, like the country that built it.

>> No.16528424

>We don't need it
Who is we? You don't think it is needed because you clearly all in on standard model.
>It's impossible
If science was limited to things people like you think is possible we'd still be riding horses and dying of bubonic plague

>> No.16528425

You think that you can argue your way into being on topic and not being a schizoposting retard, but this is obviously false and your belief is good evidence that you are mentally retarded.

>> No.16528428

>Ad absurdum
Let me guess you think neutrinos are fake as well
You gatekeepers are truly incredible

>> No.16528430


throwback berger article

>> No.16528431

>The topic is rockets because I say so
We've been over this

>> No.16528432

Who would win if you made curiosity and perseverance fight

>> No.16528438
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>> No.16528440 [DELETED] 

It isn't necessary for spaceflight. You have presented no evidence for it being possible even if the standard model is wrong.

>> No.16528442 [DELETED] 

why are YOU like this, why are you trying to consenus crack this so hard?
>>16528208 this guy >>16528202 is not alone, we all just want you to fuck off, obnoxious little weasel
>ban dissenters
more like ban retards, you're acting like a victimized black person dude.

>> No.16528443

>Ftl is impossible according to the non unified theory of relatively and standard model physcisits
Ironically that was my point

>> No.16528447 [DELETED] 

alright so i guess this is this week's mentally ill schizophrenic on /sfg/
how do they keep finding this place?

>> No.16528448

>Questioning standard model is conscious cracking
Hmmm, you know I guess you're not wrong but the better question is why is that a bad thing?
Moreover why do I make you so angry for calling out the elephant in the room: standard model is anticipated garbage that has stagnated physics (and a unified physics is critical to space operations)

>> No.16528450

way back in the day, pre-sfg, we had the og SPACE RATS gif poster. that was kinda fun

>> No.16528451

>One guy sets a room of science geeks in a tizzy and a room full of big brains only response is to name call because he said something mean about Einstein

>> No.16528452

about fucking time, here's more about it.
of course, spacex ranks first in every single chart.

>> No.16528453
File: 23 KB, 852x480, Christmas Vacation2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't talking to you.

>> No.16528454

>anon I edited the photo I posted as a meme did you miss that :(

>> No.16528455 [DELETED] 

>why do i make you so angry
you're angry, you continue to be in a place you do not belong after everyone rejected your schizophrenic nonsense.

no, you are not being opressed, you ARE being gatekept, and whining about being gatekept is something that redditors do.

people are not making fun of you because you le insulted le jewish science god, they are making fun of you for being a contrarian and not actually providing anything to back up your own arguments, not a single study, nothing.

your entire, singular argument that you've been peddling for the entire thread is that you're such a poor, opressed little nigger that is being held down by the mean standard model chuds, do you have any idea how feminine your way of arguing is right now?

>> No.16528457

>act like a fucking retard
>people call you a fucking retard
The world is full of mysteries. You'd better go post about it in /x/

>> No.16528458 [DELETED] 

you got it, he's still projecting is own obsession with einstein >>16528451 he seems to care a great deal about that for some reason kek.

>> No.16528459 [DELETED] 

quantum entanglement is real and they have used it for rudimentary communication

the Chinese claimed to have "teleported" information about a photon between a satellite in space and a site in Tibet during 2017 using that method
because the information about the photon's state was transferred instantaneously due to entanglement, that counts even if the photon itself cannot be instantly trasmitted

>information seems to travel instantaneously, without a speed-of-light limit

>Yet when one of the particles is directly measured (or jostled a bit too hard), its state becomes known, and the other particle instantly shows the opposite state. It's as if the two particles are the same particle, in the same spot and at the same time, no matter how far they're separated — they somehow "teleport" their hidden states faster than the speed of light.

"Einstein couldn't accept this," Davis said. "He essentially went to his grave not accepting this as fact, but it's now been shown millions of times to work."

>> No.16528460
File: 361 KB, 746x570, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty nice being a mean standard model chud ngl

>> No.16528461

>How dare you question standard model
The rest is you continuing to misrepresent what I'm saying because you're very dunning Kruger.
>If I seeth incoherently I don't have to make an argument

The irony is palpable. This is why people like you have to hire consultants to come in and tell you why you're not getting anywhere.

>> No.16528462

kek, the letters were too small for my eyes. QI drive anons in shambles. anyways, I wasn't aware that they made a new chart after Q1 2024. I hope they release one for Q4, which would show SpaceX launching an order of magnitude more than anyone else.

>> No.16528463 [DELETED] 

>quantum entangling information both sides already know and then having it be entangled works
gee whiz

>> No.16528464

>popsci articles
o i am laffin.
you cannot transmit information with entanglement ftl. this is settled math, unironically.


>> No.16528465 [DELETED] 

>how dare you question standard model
>strawmanning this fucking hard.
there he goes again.
poor little oppressed minority he was a good boah he dindu nuffin.
doesn't matter that he shat all over the pavement or anything, just give him a shot.

>> No.16528466
File: 87 KB, 992x914, upmass q3 2024 sans cope box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528467

>If I seeth incoherently I don't have to make an argument
No one owes you a conversation, retard.

>> No.16528468 [DELETED] 

idk what to tell you dude, nobody's forcing you to stay here, you can leave any time, most of the regulars here just get to leave one post calling you a retard and then move one with their lives, you're the one pouring literal hours of your day into arguing disingenuously and acting like you're fighting for women's suffrage. if that's not upset idk what is.

>> No.16528469
File: 111 KB, 992x914, 1735515131949758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed again heh

>> No.16528470

No amount of evidence matters to them anon. They very clearly don't know anything about actual science. The goalposts will be moved.

>> No.16528471 [DELETED] 

>both sides already know
what about manipulating a photon in space and that change in state being *immediately* detectable on earth isn't communication of information through a medium we do not fully understand because it isn't photons literally hitting something after traveling a certain distance

Einstein lost on this point, it happens all the time in science, get over it

>> No.16528472 [DELETED] 

nice samefag

>> No.16528474

he didn't even read the articles he linked as 'proof'. what a moron. he might be trolling after all.

first article:
>While it sounds like information is traveling faster than light, there's no way to use this property as an instantaneous messaging system. That's because even though the states of entangled particles are correlated, you can't know what they are before you measure them, nor can you control the state.

maybe it's just some 14yo kid

>> No.16528475 [DELETED] 

>g-get over it
you're still acting like anyone other than you is upset anon. you don't have to act like a smug tumblrite creature, you're not masking your feelings very well at all.

>> No.16528476

So, taking this into account, SpaceX alone basically launched 85.68% of all mass into orbit in Q3 of this year. Nice numbers.

>> No.16528477

>I can't substantiate my opinions and can only name call
I know
Ironically my point is you're just trying to gate keep dissenters for the audacity of implying standard model is inadequate for the progression of space technology and you just keep proving me correct.

>> No.16528478


>> No.16528479

off topic /x/ slop

>> No.16528480

imagine when starship becomes operational. spacex is going to asymptotically approach 100%

>> No.16528481

elon does like to talk about S curves in his various stump speeches

>> No.16528482 [DELETED] 

read >>16528474
and shut the fuck up already, no, you cannot actually transmit or encode real actual information with it, that was the crux of your argument and it was destroyed some time ago, but because you don't understand what you're arguing about and you're a schizo who read a few popsci articles you keep going, unable to stop doubling down, helplessly obsessed with trying to prove this general wrong and simultaneously trying as hard as possible to sound smug and unbothered.

using the word dissenter over and over again doesn't suddenly make you some opressed minority who's not being heard.
you have been heard, multiple times, you've proven nothing, and when the one article you did post was instantly debunked by the article itself, you doubled down instead of conceding your loss.
you are literally the pigeon on the chess board, you are not being unfairly treated, you are being rightly bullied, as all schizophrenics should be.

>> No.16528483

>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Cope harder
>Can't use it yet
>Therefore it doesn't exist

>> No.16528485

So wtf is up with Elon samefagging on shitter. Is he really that cringe?

>> No.16528486

>spacex launched ONLY 85.68% of all mass into orbit
>still NOT REACHING one order of magnitude more than everyone else combined, just like musk promised
it's over, incoming thunderf00t video and media clickbait articles

>> No.16528487

I'd really like to know where they're getting their 200 kg figure for ULA. The only launch ULA had in Q3 was USSF-51 which launched on an Atlas V 551 directly to geostationary orbit. If the payload really was only 200 kg you would think that they would have launched on a Atlas V 501 and saved the cost of the boosters.

>> No.16528488

yes, so what
he's an autist after all, like us. haven't you (you)'d your own posts once in a while?

>> No.16528489 [DELETED] 

>same exact typing style
>same exact obsession with proving le evil chuds wrong
>constantly sucking eachother off
yeah you're pretty obviously samefagging, you're the same schizo.

>> No.16528490 [DELETED] 

>>quantum entanglement is real
Nobody said otherwise.
>FTL communication

>> No.16528491

Even if you were right you'd still be posting in the wrong thread. What IQ do you think is required to make that realization? I think it's probably less than 90. The absolute best you can hope for is borderline mental retardation.

>> No.16528492

Not them retard
My argument was it's needed and being researched
The rest is you misrepresenting my argument--,you live doing that.

I missed the part where you disproved anything I said with anything but name calling and assertive opinions that were irrelevant.

>> No.16528494 [DELETED] 

they are quantum entangled schizo's

>> No.16528495 [DELETED] 

you are such an enormous piece of shit it's unreal
no, not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person
take your meds

>> No.16528496

>If you were right
This isn't a rocket thread
This is a space flight thread no matter how many times you chant rocket rocket rocket and communication is pivotol for space flight.

>> No.16528497

entanglement is the weakest HL2 chapter btw

interesting question actually. it's weird if it is an estimate

>> No.16528498

Neurobiology is off topic, Chud

>> No.16528499

it's a rogg thread

>> No.16528501
File: 2.49 MB, 1390x1014, Mars_Perseverance_ZL0_1268_0779507161_206EBY_N0591914ZCAM03974_1100LMJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16528502 [DELETED] 

>it's needed
it isn't, and even if it was that wouldn't necessarily make it possible
if i NEED to take a shit right now, i can't dream up a physics law that will spawn a fully working toilet under me the moment i need to go potty, you aren't owed a solution to a need or want by the universe.
>the rest is you misrepresenting my argument
we haven't really heard an argument out of you other than you want FTL communication to be real (it isn't).
the rest is you making a fool of yourself, acting like a marginalized minority, crocodile tears at all, and samefagging your ass off.
>not them retard
like really, how stupid and socially unaware are you that you think doing this as a newfag is inconspicuous, everyone can see it.

>> No.16528504
File: 3.07 MB, 1546x1140, Mars_Perseverance_ZR0_1320_0784114966_193EBY_N0612534ZCAM04024_1100LMJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a shame we can't communicate with Perseverance because of subluminal comms. but, our top anon is on the case, so no worry

>> No.16528505
File: 993 KB, 720x720, bennu boop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in atmosphere not spaceflight.

post actual space roggs

>> No.16528506 [DELETED] 

why are you posting a video of oreo dust.

that's clearly oreo dust.

>> No.16528507
File: 764 KB, 1920x1080, bennus inspection day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16528509

Questioning standard model and talking bad about Einstein is like poking a hornets nest.
Ironically Einstein talked about spooky action at a distance and I'm pretty sure they still tach Bohm to undergrads who pushed nonlocality

>> No.16528511

Why should anyone try to understand you? If you're merely repeating published results anyone who cares would have already read them, and they've already been written by someone who is able to get published in the field. If you're merely speculating then there's no one at all who cares.

Plus you're off topic, retard.

>> No.16528512 [DELETED] 


>nigger get off my lawn this fucking rap music is obnoxious, and you smell.

you're not a victim, go make your own thread.

>> No.16528513

I love muffins

>> No.16528514

Your circular argument is boring.
You're literally saying we don't need to advance science.
Just say that and no open about your very obvious anti science position.

>Anon posts a bunch of research papers on entanglement
>Reee it's fake it's fake it's fake

>> No.16528515 [DELETED] 

what would happen if we combined the space muffins with the space oreo dust.

do you think we'd get FTL communication? :^)

>> No.16528516

goddamn anon I'm going to the store to buy some poppyseed muffins RIGHT NOW I haven't had a good muffin in month

I'll be back in a bit

except he didn't? he posted popsci articles and hoped that no one would actually read them (>>16528474

>> No.16528518

Einstein was a hack. Your worship of him is anti science.
Go make a rocket thread if you want to circle jerk rockets

>> No.16528519 [DELETED] 


looks like begging the question
reminds me of the "logic" behind the ad hoc solution known as "dark energy"

>> No.16528522 [DELETED] 

>we don't need to advance science
we do, you're just not doing that by posting schizotheories

>great, with what?
>well, that's not good enough, you have to actually come up with something better
that's basically your argument
"trying" isn't good enough, you have to actually have advanced science, which you haven't done and aren't advocating for, you're advocating for your hyperfixation on FTL communications.

it's rich calling me circular, you've been running in circles for hours now.

>anon posts a bunch of research papers on entanglement
>actually just links popsci articles that immediately disprove his own argument by directly stating that this research cannot make FTL communication happen.

>> No.16528524

>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
>No one is researching entanglement
>Entanglement isn't real because it ISNT

>> No.16528525

What would guys do if you were stuck in a Starship with a retarded schizo for months and he refused to stop babbling at you? If there are enough colonists this is a real and terrible possibility. I don't think Elon will allow chucking them in the bioreactor.

>> No.16528527 [DELETED] 

you are yes, you're not a porchmonkey, stop acting like one.
>your worship
i haven't yet said a single thing about einstein lol, idgaf about him and if someone creates a better model of the universe then einstein's shit gets dropped.
you haven't done that though, and because of that you're now whining that your opinion is being marginalized by jews.

>> No.16528528

>We do need to advance science but STANDARD MODEL ONLY
>Keeps misrepresenting my argument
Get help

>> No.16528529 [DELETED] 

>popsci articles that immediately disprove his own argument by directly stating that this research cannot make FTL communication happen

wow the popsci articles have a popsci "trust the experts" take
stop the presses

>> No.16528531

how does spacex plan to fund mars with starlink alone? doesn't seem like a lot of money, and they'll have competitors eventually

>> No.16528534 [DELETED] 

>entanglement isn't real
nobody said this, you just can't use it to transmit real useful information instantly, which the popsci articles you linked literally stated.

you haven't actually talked about spaceflight once, because you are an outsider and do not belong, it's painfully obvious to everyone here.

>> No.16528535

name 5 competitors

>> No.16528536

why are we even still discussing this. the no-signaling theorem explicitly forbids entanglement transmitting information ftl. I don't get how this anon simultaneously trusts the science of entanglement but only up to the point of no-signaling theorem being true. It's as fundamental to the math of entanglement as any other part. If you throw it out, you throw out the rest of entanglement. which means you can't use entanglement for FTL.

what a dolt

>> No.16528537

>Cool, so Von Braun's own suggestions are a "fantasy larp"
Are you telling me you got this bullshit from von Braun's science fiction book? You idiot

>> No.16528538

Actually my points were entanglement is real and it needs more research. Someone else posted those. You're the one who lost their shit and said entanglement isn't real and impossible...which is very unscientific of you.

>> No.16528539

off topic /x/ slop

>> No.16528540

the trick is not going to be making more money but making mars cheaper.

>> No.16528541

Your mom (her fat body acts as a signal repeater)
Your sister
Elon Musk

>> No.16528542 [DELETED] 

When two people have a polite conversation on an anonymous image board.


When Elon uses sockpuppets to respond to himself on a site that isn't anonymous, so that he can create the illusion of real discussion.

>so what

>> No.16528543 [DELETED] 

>but standard model only
>strawmanning again
nobody said this.
>keeps misrepresenting my argument
that is exactly your argument though, you're going in circled again kiddo, take your lithium.
>the popsci articles which you linked have "trust the experts" take
yes, well if you wanted to make a convincing argument maybe you shouldn't have posted them then.

he simultaniously wants to post a popsci article to prove his point that FTL communication is real but simultaniously discredit his own fucking source by saying that it's popsci and thus the part that he doesn't want to be true is kowtowing to le establishment chuds.

he's actually having a manic episode or something, his caretaker needs to sit him down away from the computer somewhere and give him a glass of water.

>> No.16528544

>Can't use entanglement to transmit information
>You haven't talked about space flight yet
No, you haven't. I've been trying to talk about communications and the importance of physics and you keep seething about me mocking standard model which you seem to think is infallible.

>> No.16528545

there's some gay ESA plan for a broadband constellation (like 300 sats lol) and bezos's kuiper. both of these are tiny right now but they'll grow in the future. i don't think they'll control the internet megaconstellation market for the next few decades until mars missions can happen.

>> No.16528546 [DELETED] 

Now you're being confused.

I am that anon who mentioned the 2017 breakthrough. I remember thinking it was a big deal at the time because people were saying it could be the first step towards a quantum internet.

>> No.16528547 [DELETED] 

nope, nobody has said entanglement is impossible, literally everyone agrees with that.
as >>16528536 stated you are just a retard and don't understand that the proof that supports the existence of entanglement simultaniously forbids all of the FTL communication slop you constantly obsess over.

you're going to call yourself a marginalized oppressed minority again and people are going to laugh at you for it, again.

>> No.16528548

One constant in Elon's projects is that he achieves his objectives and manages to stay profitable at the same time. If Starlink can't cover it, he'll figure out some other angle.

Personally I hope it involves building a combat capable Space Force. It requires upmass that only SpaceX has, would make ungodly amounts of money, and would let someone else pay for the insane amount of scaling up of SpaceX infrastructure that needs to happen before launching colony fleets.

All we need is an arms race. It’s too bad everyone else sucks.

>> No.16528550

I think the whole Tesla humanoid robot gigatrillion dollar value might not be all that incorrect either. if they can really nail a humanoid robot down, that's a lot of mars bucks right there

>> No.16528551

Lol, you're so dishonest it's amazing

No wonder you keep crying to mods to censor me because your lying is amazing.

You simultaneously say you want to advance science while pushing the idea that what we have is good enough.

Remarkable gymnastics

>> No.16528554

Kuiper can only grow as fast as BO's launch capacity grows

>> No.16528555 [DELETED] 

no you just fundamentally can't, it's part of how entanglement works.
>no you haven't
i talk about spaceflight near daily here, you just found this place and you don't know where you are.
>i've been trying to talk about communications and the importance of physics
gee whiz anon, way to convince a bunch of fucking spaceflight enthousiasts about the importance of communications and physics

we already know comms are important, and physics, once again, this doesn't actually support any of the retarded arguments you've made in favour of FTL communications
that's great, that doesn't mean you get to have it.
once again, you're free to leave any time, you don't belong here and nobody likes you.

>> No.16528556

>Everyone agrees entanglement is real they're just seething at you for saying we need to put more resources into developing it
>Also FTL communication isn't possible so we shouldn't research it

>> No.16528557

What happened to this place?

>> No.16528558 [DELETED] 

>you're so dishonest
man if my argument is so goddamn dishonest and easy to dissect then maybe you could've done it once over the past hour.

you're basically just crying that you didn't get your way, like a spoiled child
>you keep crying to mods
look, you're even projecting about it.
nobody would miss you if a mod kicked you out right now, but if or until that happens, we're going to keep kicking you, because you deserve to be bullied.

>> No.16528559 [DELETED] 

>poppyseed muffins
based, best kind (after blueberry)

>> No.16528560

research it all you want, but until it gets on the chart >>16528469
I think you'll find little sympathy here

>> No.16528561

>Proceeds to preach standard model

>> No.16528562 [DELETED] 

>so we shouldn't research it
nobody said this

>they're seething at you for saying we need to put more resources into developing it
we can only develop it once it's theoretically proven, you're a supergenius so you should stop wasting your time here, go do it, and then come back here with your proposal for a functional FTL comms device.
better yet, once you have it, go to darpa and they'll give you the whole fucking black budget.
until then stop strawmanning, stop crying, and go back to whatever schizophrenic shithole you came from.

>> No.16528563

It will have to be AGI-ish too. If that happens we'll either have bigger problems to worry about or all our troubles will be behind us. It's not worth speculating about events on the other side of the singularity.

>> No.16528564 [DELETED] 

>preach standard model
the part that you used to underbuild your argument that FTL communication is possible? the part that also simultaniously disproves what you're claiming?

>> No.16528565

It only takes a few ass blasted retards to ruin a thread.

>> No.16528566 [DELETED] 

dude "dark energy" is definitely real
"FTL communication" is definitely impossible though
also there is one reason both these things are totally true (trust the science) and it's Einstein

muh "cosmological constant", muh "Copernican principle"

>> No.16528568 [DELETED] 

one or two schizophrenics had a hissy fit because their non-spaceflight schizophrenic fantasies weren't being tolerated and he (they?)'ve been relentlessly mocked for it ever since.

>> No.16528569 [DELETED] 

>he (they?)

and you're the one calling others "schizo"

>> No.16528570

Neuralink succeeding in making high speed, high fidelity bidirectional machine brain interfaces could do it, too, but then maybe everyone will stop caring about the real world.

>> No.16528571 [DELETED] 

>y-yeah well people can be wrong and you COULD disprove it (i'm not going to do that though) therefore my schizo fantasy is automatically real chud!
great, so no actual argument.

>more seething about einstein

>> No.16528573 [DELETED] 

well when neurotic, mentally ill types like you have been known to constantly samefag in attempt to feel less alone, it doesn't sound very schizo at all.

>> No.16528575

The real irony is that the guy who has failed to communicate anything with anyone in this thread is attempting to discuss the importance of communication. What a fucking retard!

>> No.16528577 [DELETED] 

the same people telling you dark energy is real are those telling you FTL comms are fake
they are tied at the hip to a model, model uber alles

oh, does the observed data not match the model
no problem, just add exactly as much "dark energy" that *we can't detect* to the equation as you need to make the data match the model

>> No.16528578 [DELETED] 

it's a testament his retardation that he thinks so highly of himself and insists on staying in a place and going in circles ad nauseum knowing that he's not wanted and everyone is done having an actual discussion with him, literally LGBT-tier invasive behaviour.

>> No.16528579 [DELETED] 

Like Musk, right?
Is he in this thread right now?
Maybe he's in your walls.

>> No.16528580 [DELETED] 

same argument made 20 times in a row lol
you're off your rockers son.

>> No.16528581
File: 216 KB, 683x1024, 8603495288_ff3ee30ac8_b-723493301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528582

now THAT's spaceflight

>> No.16528583 [DELETED] 

>knowing that he's not wanted

muh special community hugbox
>>>/reddit/ is that way, where you can brigade downvote wrongthink instead of spamming the report button so jannies can clean up your mess for you

>> No.16528584 [DELETED] 

"dark energy" is real
see the math says it has to be

"FTL comms" are fake
see the math says it has to be

>> No.16528585

"Theorems" in physics only have meaning within a specific model

>> No.16528587

>Nobody said don't research it
>We just said don't research it
>Ignore entanglement because STANDARD MODEL

>> No.16528589

>"america is falling behind science"
>"we need another moon shot program"
its suffering listening to normies talk. they arent even aware of artemis or spacex.

>> No.16528590 [DELETED] 

>strawmanning another thing that literally nobody said
>i-i'm not crazy, you are!
lel, you're pretty much grasping at straws right now, so i was right then? you were?
>muh special community hugbox
you're not welcome to talk about how car engines work on /an/ because the users unanimously decide that outsiders who want to talk about outside things can go do that somewhere else.

the amount of times you've been whining about getting excluded and gatekept clues me in to the fact that not only are you a newfag here, you're a website tourist in the first place and you probably don't know how 4ch works at all. you should do as you're told and lurk more until you fit in, or fuck off.
>>>/reddit/ is that way
it's ironic that you don't know that you are exactly how redditors act, redditors insist on being included in a community they have no place being in, which is why every subreddit is a diluted shithole filled with normalfags who want to talk about gay sex and how much they hate trump.

>> No.16528592 [DELETED] 

21 times in a row.

>> No.16528594

Sorry everyone has been so hard on you. You seem like a really smart guy. I'm curious: what would you say your biggest personal accomplishment is?

>> No.16528599

>Everyone I'm talking to is the same person
This tickles me. It's unreal how hard they're pushing a non unified theory.

Talking bad about standard model is heresy and watching their true colors shining through is fascinating.

They are incapable of questioning standard model.

>> No.16528601

I love how instead of lowering the gantries and quick disconnects they just raised the whole rocket

>> No.16528604

>I'm right about everything so what you're proposing is impossible
>I am so smart

>> No.16528605 [DELETED] 

>nobody said don't research it
>we just said don't research it
nope, nobody said that, go research it, you just can't obligate anyone else to do it for you nor discuss it with you.
did you have a brainfart?
>ignore entanglement
nope, entanglement is real, it's just that entanglement also forbids the bullshit you're peddling, tough shit.
you'll notice once again that you're acting like a hyperemotional liberal woman and every single post you've made is responding to a disingenuous strawman of what other people have been saying.

>noooo samefagging isn't real and schizophrenics DEFINITELY do not use it constantly
the fact that you're so adamant about this pretty much confirms it.

>> No.16528607 [DELETED] 

>the current system is imperfect which is why my system that explains less is perfect
22 times in a row
you gonna keep crying?

>> No.16528608
File: 114 KB, 1144x854, ricky_tpb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /sfg/! What do we think is the ideal cost/kg solution for in-space transportation?

>> No.16528609 [DELETED] 

i'm not really sure if he realizes how entertaining this is to everyone. there haven't been any interesting rocket launches recently and that's the only reason people are even poking him to begin with lel.

>> No.16528611 [DELETED] 

>you've been whining about getting excluded and gatekept
nobody is "gatekeeping" ITT
you're just bitching that people are talking about things that aren't identical to your autistic rocket fetish

>lurk more
muh Elon twatter screencaps

>you don't know that you are exactly how redditors act
maybe because I have never used leddit
what a conundrum, I am exactly how leddit acts but have never used the site

>a community
this general is dead board lolcow

>> No.16528614 [DELETED] 
File: 200 KB, 819x1024, 1720048368519936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Saturn IB was an unreasonably photogenic rocket, despite the weird 9-tank design of the S-IB stage

>> No.16528613

Delicious space cookie

>> No.16528616 [DELETED] 

probably spess elevator
the problem is the massive technical challenge and initial cost, but yeah, once it's built, as long as it's not too expensive to maintain, it's probably the cheapest way.

>> No.16528618

Ok, so in summery
>Standard model isn't perfect but my assertions about entanglement based on standard model are correct
>It's ok for me to repeat lies about what you've said because telling the truth undermines my position
>Everyone disagreeing with me is the same person
I see those true colors shining through

>> No.16528621 [DELETED] 

>nobody is gatekeeping
earlier you said you were being oppressed and gatekept like a poor little minority
>you're just bitching
no, i'm making fun of you for being an outsider who does not belong, try to keep up.
so you're just mad that you're a newfag and you're being told to lurk more?
kids these days, so entitled lol.
>because i have never used reddit
you're a tourist who found this website in like 2018-2020, you are a newfag reddit transplant and need to lurk more.
>this general is dead
it's pretty alive, it's actually the majority of /sci/ traffic.
>board lolcow
the schizo that has had a constant escalating meltdown for the past 4 hours is calling someone else a lolcow.
do you even know what that means? did you learn about that word from a youtube video on chris-chan or something?

>> No.16528622

They keep screeching about rockets but refuse to start a rocket thread.
I'm also surprised no one mentioned Rocketdyne

>> No.16528623
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>> No.16528625 [DELETED] 

>in summary
>i am mad
>i am mad that others are noticing that i am mad
>it's not fair that i can't strawman and get my way
>it's not fair that FTL communication can't magically become feasible because i misunderstand how entanglement works
>i am really really mad
just go cool off outside. create your own thread next time, there was no need to put yourself through all this bullying, you could've probably made a thread on /sci/ and it would stay up.

>> No.16528627
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>> No.16528628 [DELETED] 

this is the rocket thread
this is not the retarded schizo thread
get a clue.

>> No.16528629

I'm the one talking about gate keeping you autistic midwit.
>You don't belong because you keep pointing out the elephant in the room
Oh, ehh, ok
>You're a tourist and a newfag
That sounds an awful lot like gatekeepimg
No, that was you. You literally just said I keep repeating the same shit while paradoxically misrepresenting what I keep saying.

>> No.16528631

>Reasserts standard model theology

>> No.16528634 [DELETED] 

making spergs on /sfg/ impotently rage their own general into oblivion is pretty fun

but on the whole I would probably say my greatest personal accomplishment is independently discovering and writing down valid ternary logic truth tables for each operation, and recieving confirmation from a professor concerned with that topic that I had done it after asking him to review my work

like, I didn't know they already existed; the idea just came to me
it's not a lot, but most of my greatest accomplishments are in that field

>> No.16528635

>Reads the op
>Says nothing about rockets
Get a clue

>> No.16528636 [DELETED] 

>i don't belong because i constantly peddle schizo theories and pretend to be oppressed in a spaceflight thread
yes, correct.
>that sounds an awful lot like gatekeeping
because it is, you should get out.
>no, that was you
sorry, you can't unload this responsibility of retardation onto anyone else, you've been having a spergout for the better part of 4 hours, get a grip
a lolcow is an easily identifiable retard who keeps making himself look more ridiculous every time you poke him because he can't stop doubling down. (that's you)

>> No.16528637 [DELETED] 

>didn't read the pastebin

>> No.16528639

gatekeeping is necessary for the existence of /sfg/

it's also in the TF2 server MOTD

>> No.16528640 [DELETED] 

>reasserts strawman because he has to save face somehow
>u-uh i actually meant to shit myself and look like a retard, what now huh!
>i'm actually in control here, i meant to lose the argument and then proceed to get bullied for hours on end!
this doesn't get more convincing when you say it more often
>impotently rage their own general into oblivion
you've been impotently raging our general into great entertainment

>> No.16528641

>Entanglement theory has supporting evidence
>I'm not gate keeping but I'm gate keeping
>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person

Yes, it's pretty funny watching you shart yourself because someone is talking about something outside of your expertise any you keep saying stupid shit.

I just love seeing people like you behave like children while pretending to be scientists when you clearly aren't.

>> No.16528642

I'm something of a scientist myself

>> No.16528644

I knew it would be something retarded like that, which is why I asked. You know nothing and have accomplished nothing--by your own admission. Now fuck off, loser.

>> No.16528645 [DELETED] 

>making spergs on /sfg/ impotently rage their own general into oblivion is pretty fun
>doesn't know that actual discussion moves to the discord during times like this

>> No.16528646

You were never my target audience
You dance wonderfully for me
You are incapable of questioning Standard Model which is very amusing and not science.

>> No.16528648 [DELETED] 

not bad

>> No.16528650

Dudes been unhinged the whole thread. I'd love to know what got deleted that made him lose any semblance of coherent thought.

He talks in paradoxes and tells a lot of lies

>> No.16528651 [DELETED] 

Yeah dude, logic is retarded.
What's an order of operations.

>the discord
haha, then stay there instead of shilling here discord kiddie

>> No.16528652

We should all argue in earnest about a topic we're not interested in with a guy whose greatest accomplishment is a working out a middle school homework problem. Otherwise we're not real scientists.

>> No.16528654 [DELETED] 

>is newfag
>doesn't belong
>acts like redditor
get a clue

>entanglement theory has supporting evidence
yes, but your schizo FTL theory is directly disproven by entanglement theory, so you have no actual point to make
>i'm not gatekeeping but i'm gatekeeping
i never said i wasn't gatekeeping, YOU said i wasn't gatekeeping and was just bullying you, which is also something i'm doing at the same time, you need to take your lithium.
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
i didn't say that, but you are samefagging, and you're really angry that people are noticing it.

>more i'm not sharting myself you are face saving
>more i actually love shitting the bed and wasting 4 hours of my day getting mocked by strangers, this was all part of my plan.

this is pretty sad at this point, i've reached the point where making fun of the retarded kid is just boring, and kinda sad.
i honestly hope you get the help you need kid, mental health is a serious crisis right now.

>it was all part of my plan
>shitting my pants and and having you make fun of me was ALL part of the plan
>you're so mindbroken for laughing at my unnecessary mental break down!
you'll notice that this type of schizo does this to save face when he notices he's just wasted hours of his life getting bullied and getting no closer to his goal of not feeling like an outsider.

>> No.16528655 [DELETED] 

it's hilarious how /sfg/ spergs think their petty insults hurt my feelings

this level of cringe and lack of social awareness is priceless

>> No.16528656 [DELETED] 

>schizo doesn't realize that he's literally been put in a cage and poked at with sticks while conversation moved to the living room
it's funny every time.

>> No.16528657

>Standard Model wordspew
>Keeps making shit up
>I didn't say everyone who disagrees with me is the same person I just accused you of same fagging

Entanglement is inherently FTL lad.

>> No.16528658
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>> No.16528659 [DELETED] 

>y-you didn't hurt my feelings
>as a matter of fact i'm so unbothered that i'm going to make MULTIPLE passive aggressive posts proclaiming how unbother i am and how you should all just please stop bullying me
>but actually you bullying me was part of the plan, i meant to shit my pants and get mocked for it.

one of god's funniest mistakes.

>> No.16528661 [DELETED] 

why even make this thread if you just talk on le discord

oh right, you don't want to buy an ad
that's it

>> No.16528662

Since your greatest accomplishment is in logic, please explain for the rest of the thread the importance of proving cut elimination. Maybe you can explain in a sentence or two the BHK interpretation.

I know you'll just google it, but you'll know it, too. Do your best to remember that.

>> No.16528663

/sfg/ as a portion of sci's traffic is about 60% right now

>> No.16528664 [DELETED] 

>still whinging and whining about standard model that nobody has defended
you know how science works right?
you have to actually disprove it, you have to come up with something that fully and wholly disproves and replaces all of the things you're challenging that currently explain the laws of reality better than you do.

>> No.16528665 [DELETED] 

trust me, all the REAL discussion happens on discord

that's why we keep seething and coping ITT about how we are the bullies now
please don't remind us of the fact that we were bullied mercilessly in high school for being pasty virgin spergs and this is just our impotent role-reversal projection on full display

top kek, what a joke

>> No.16528666 [DELETED] 

>i just accused you of samefagging
i was, now it's completely certain. you're samefagging.
>entanglement is inherently FTL
yep, but you can't use it for FTL communication
how far left are you on the bell curve? don't fall off the edge.

>> No.16528667

>I'm good at logic
>I'm so smart
>Non unified theory is a coherent physics
My my

>> No.16528668

but then he's giving in to the scientific method, which we all know is 2500 years old (therefore le bad) and also made by notorious jew Aristotle (le bad)

>> No.16528669
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>> No.16528670

who will win the current race to put men on the moon, anons? USA or China?

What is the starchink-ship status?

>> No.16528671 [DELETED] 

>that's why we keep seething and coping
but we aren't, just because you say we're seething and coping, doesn't make us seething and coping, even if that would make you feel better because then we'd at least be on your emotional level.
idk what to tell you, the people here are bored and are poking you with a stick because you keep exerting energy when we do.

>> No.16528672

China is stuck in a type of Zeno's paradox. since they can only clone US and soviet designs, they can't ever surpass them - they have to wait for us to do stuff first

>> No.16528673

So which is it, entanglement isn't real or it is you just can't use it for technology?
You know there is more than one kind of entertainment right?
You're laughably stupid

>> No.16528674 [DELETED] 

don't say anything anon, he's going to project his anger onto you again, what ever will we do?

>> No.16528675 [DELETED] 

I'd rather explain why topology has the "logy" suffix than entertain your autism.
Dance now, monkey. Clap for the people.

>> No.16528677

my money is on the US. we have room for several schedule slips to still come out ahead. and that's assuming they don't slip at all either.

>> No.16528678

Your greatest accomplishment is in logic, something you know less about than a few hours of study would teach you. That means you know nothing about anything.

That by itself isn't so bad, but you're so fucking stupid that you think your opinion is worth something, and as a result you're very annoying.

>> No.16528679

>We have a discord full of people
>We still can't form a coherent argument
The absolute state

>> No.16528680 [DELETED] 

You can check the archive if you really care to read it all, but basically he started out with /pol/tard seething about Elon Musk's posts about Indians, then transitioned to saying SpaceX would be better without Elon Musk and then to saying that rockets are dead end technology because we should be making schizo antigravity stuff instead.

>> No.16528681 [DELETED] 

>entanglement isn't real
nobody said this, you're replying to a phantom you've dreamt up inside your head
>you just can't use if for technology
with the current model that actually proves entanglement, you can't use it for useful FTL communication, yes, you can't actually tranfer new, useful information from one place to another
you're free to prove a version of entanglement that does allow this, but nobody is obliged to help you or discuss it with you.
>y-you're stupid
now now, dry those eyes, you're gonna leave your keyboard all wet and sticky.

>> No.16528682

>Standard model bro, read the scriptures
Lol, ok
>You're opinion means so little to me I'm going to focus all my energy trying to mock you because I can't actually defeat your argument much less even directly address it

>> No.16528683 [DELETED] 

i'm sorry, i know this hits hard.

>> No.16528684

Engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever

>> No.16528685

I'm kinda surprised nobody pulled out the newfag filter all thread. used to be much more trigger happy with that image

>> No.16528686

>Nobody says entanglement isn't real
>Literally says two sentences later it is impossible
>Claims there is only one type of entanglement
>Ree don't research it though or talk about it being researched for technology
You're laughably stupid

>> No.16528687 [DELETED] 

>i'm going to focus all my energy
this is a pretty big general, it makes up the majority of /sci/ traffic a lot of the time, and anons can come in and make fun of you a bit and then go back to discussing rockets.
it probably feels very insulting to you, but you're the only one being forced to put in a great deal of effort here, most of the people here aren't replying to you very often.
>because i can't actually defeat your argument
your argument got defeated hours ago, you just can't accept defeat and believe that staying around for the after-argument mockery is going to prove a point or somehow change something.

>> No.16528688

I missed the part where you did anything but act like a child and push standard model.
Keep going.
>Reee it's a rocket thread
Say the line

>> No.16528689 [DELETED] 

entanglement is not "you can transfer useful information from one place to another and use it as a form of communication" retard-anon.
do you just have poor reading comprehension, is that why you sound so manipulative?

>> No.16528690

>magic fairy dust
Ok, anyone else?

>> No.16528691

You keep bringing up the standard model. I don't care what you think about it. You're an actual retard. You admitted as much. No one cares what you think. You need to be bullied into understanding how stupid you are so you learn to shut up.

>> No.16528692 [DELETED] 

>more crying
you're breaking down, every post is more dilapitated than the last, you're just crying about being bullied and that's the only thing you're doing.
if the bullying is so awful then why do you insist on staying? you lost the argument, you're not going to get a win, you're just going to get more laughter and people using you as entertainment.

>> No.16528693
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>he doesn't know

>> No.16528694

>This is such a big general that the last one died due to lack of traffic
You know there is more than one kind of entanglement right

>> No.16528695

He's not smart enough to understand the significance of failure and has absolutely no shame about being a retard.

>> No.16528697 [DELETED] 

never said it was easy, if megastructures that require new material science are off the list the i'd say conventional rockets + space tethers will remain the norm.

>> No.16528698 [DELETED] 

dude ternary logics are so rudimentary and easy to discover independently

that's why they weren't rigorously formulated for centuries before the 19th and everyone thought bivalent was the end all be all

>> No.16528700

>Big mad standard model shills seething on discord
>Can't refute anything just name calling and seeth

>> No.16528701 [DELETED] 

>the last one died due to lack of traffic
nah it got nuked because /pol/ invaded and had a hissy fit about something related to elon, problem got solved, /pol/tards got nuked, we moved on.

you're just here to be our entertainment for now, it's fun watching you squirm and the mod is probably asleep so you're not going to get banned yet.

>> No.16528702
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Had Harris won the election, I would say it would most likely be China. But now, I think it's a toss-up. CNSA has been making steady and diligent progress in their Chang'e program, but Long March 10 is an enormous leap over their current most powerful rocket (LM-5), more than doubling the liftoff thrust and LEO payload capacity. Unforeseen delays are pretty likely when making such a huge jump from your previous most powerful rocket. OTOH, the incoming Trump administration will probably fast-track future Starship testing to maximize the likelihood of an Artemis crew landing while Trump is still in office.

>> No.16528704 [DELETED] 

The Setun was based though
Doubt that child even knows what that is

>> No.16528705

probably either a space elevator or a lofstrom launch loop. launch loops are better because they can be made with existing materials (but not yet existing active structures engineering)

>> No.16528707 [DELETED] 

>retard doesn't understand he's already lost the argument
there is no argument left, you don't get to decide if it's a good enough refutation, reality does.
you got refuted, had no argument after that, and started crying about being persecuted, which is one of the dumbest things you can do on a website like this (since you're new here) because people will just start poking and prodding you for fun.

>> No.16528708 [DELETED] 

Ah, so you got owned in an argument and resorted to abusing discord to mass report. Makes sense you're so insecure and clearly dumb so censorship is your only real fallback.

>> No.16528710 [DELETED] 

>ah so you got owned
>you're so insecure
kid, your ego is so big that you think you can get an entire general filled with people smarter than you to fall in line with your self-masturbatory nonsense, your ego is massively overinflated and this is a result of insecurity.

>> No.16528711 [DELETED] 

Not posting the invite link no matter how hard you beg :^)

>> No.16528712 [DELETED] 

mmmm muffins

>> No.16528714 [DELETED] 

they already admitted to organizing on discord
this coupled with their leddit tier brigading and spamming their "own" thread to death in response to wrongthink outs them as shills

>> No.16528715

>I was never trying to argue
That was obvious
>You were refuted
Lol, nope
You're just really dumb and don't know anything about entanglement.
>I'm prodding you for fun
Humiliating yourself by repeating your ignorance is an odd way to do that.

>> No.16528716 [DELETED] 

If Trump is smart he'll beg Elon to fast track a private all-SpaceX Moon landing without the rest of NASA, to get a nominal America win secured. Orion is going to cook astronauts if SLS doesn't kill them first, and the Lunar Gateway stuff will be an unnecessary source of delays at best.

>> No.16528717

see >>16528092

>> No.16528718 [DELETED] 

anon, this is pretty pathetic, you really should stop.

>> No.16528719 [DELETED] 

you have to go back
>>>/discord/ is >>>/out/ that way

>> No.16528720 [DELETED] 

>i was never trying to argue
we argued hours ago, you lost, and you got bullied ever since for having a temper tantrum over losing.
>you were refuted
exactly why you're getting bullied
>stop making fun of me it makes me upset
no lol.

>> No.16528721 [DELETED] 

Its fine.
I've healed my own against the under secretary of the department of energy for the financial interests forcing standard model in universities. These kids are just being kids and I need more practice on what to expect from their types.

>> No.16528722 [DELETED] 

>probably spess elevator
More expensive per kg than Starship
Less upmass

>> No.16528723 [DELETED] 

Single stage Starship hops to Skyhook

>> No.16528724 [DELETED] 

depends on the size of the space elevator and the speed at which the elevator part can haul shit up and down into geostationary orbit.

>> No.16528725 [DELETED] 

You have yet to make a coherent argument beyond repetition of you're very lacking comprehension of entanglement and your zealous beliefs involving standard model and it amuses me to no end.

>> No.16528726 [DELETED] 

>n-no i didn't lose because i just ignored your argument and invented a strawman of my own
not how it works kid, again, take your lithium, you sound really jumpy.

>> No.16528727 [DELETED] 

muh super secret cool kids discord club
and you're not allowed in

nobody cares about your fake and gay hugbox

>> No.16528729 [DELETED] 

>nobody cares about your fake and gay hugbox
apparently you do because you're really angry that you're not allowed in and that you will continue to be a tourist on not only this general but the website in it's entirety.
failed normalfags like you are not allowed in, tough shit.

>> No.16528733 [DELETED] 

Tethers and cyclers are memes too

>> No.16528734 [DELETED] 

what causes people to be like this?
i'm assuming he just felt really insecure about his place in the world and needed something that made him "unique" from all the sheeple.
problem with that of course is that he's just another normgroid and doesn't know how to do anything other than be contrarian, unlike actual autists he doesn't know how to think independent of the norm, it must always somehow be related to the norm, whether its against or for it.

>> No.16528735 [DELETED] 

There you go again acting like a child.

Any time you want to stop the straw mans that would make you much more interesting and less predictable.

Can you even name more than one kind of entanglement without looking it up? The answer is nope lol

>> No.16528738 [DELETED] 

tethers are not memes, with starship's upmass, it would be relatively easily to construct.

>> No.16528741 [DELETED] 

they sound like a pain in the ass to use

>> No.16528743 [DELETED] 
File: 362 KB, 657x1010, 1717979510492512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizos be like

>> No.16528745 [DELETED] 

you are so angry by the things normal people who aren't samefagging talk about ITT that you brought up this so-called "discord" yourself as a way to imply you are somehow better than other anons

if you aren't interested in anonymous discussion, you should go back to discord where people have usernames
discord is cringe and is used by people just like you to raid places like this, discord kiddies are among the worst posters on this entire site because they are fed by handlers

admitting there even is a discord ITT is embarassing
basically, there's no reason this general should even exist in the first place if what you say is true

>> No.16528746

Non-standard-model theories are fun, but they need to do a better job at explaining everything the Standard Model explains, not just some things. If other observations don't fit the new model, the new model is useless.

>> No.16528747 [DELETED] 

NASA has an intense hatred for any sort of tether in space for reasons I've never had a firm understanding of. Is there some senator like Shelby out there who has threatened them over it?

>> No.16528748 [DELETED] 
File: 3.79 MB, 800x796, 1715681725302912.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disprove this

>> No.16528750 [DELETED] 

Carbon nanotubes are hard to grow in a gravity well. I've talked to the carbon guys working on nanotubes for sensors and they grow them on cube says or the iss. The reason I talk a lot about quantum locked communication is they are necessary for the nanotech people and the carbon materials guys for mass production of high end tech that obligates microgravity

>> No.16528751 [DELETED] 
File: 1.56 MB, 3072x3072, 1721177753770702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528752 [DELETED] 

I'm bullish about Isaacman as the incoming NASA admin and I think he truly wants to cut the unnecessary waste from Artemis, but he still has to contend with the desires of Congress if he wants to be confirmed. I think it's pretty likely that Artemis II will use SLS and Orion as currently planned, and possibly Artemis III as well, as a compromise between Trump and Congress to get Isaacman in office. I'd love to see a totally private SpaceX crewed lunar landing to show up oldspace, but sadly it's not very plausible given the proclivities of your typical Congresscritter.

>> No.16528753 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528754 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 819x1024, twilight jelly plume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no YOU'RE strawmanning
i didn't bring up the discord, try to keep up, there's an entire general making fun of you.
>if you aren't interested in anonymous discussion
you aren't, you discussed, lost the discussion, and then spent a quarter of the day complaining and seething about it in hopes of getting some sort of pity prize, idk what you expected.
>and is used by people like you to raid places like this
it's a bunker for when subhumans like you disrupt "places like this", this isn't your place nigger, it's ours.
>on this entire site
you speak like you're not some post-2020 normalnigger who thought he'd fit in if he stayed longer than a year without actually understanding what the word "normalfag" even means.

>> No.16528755 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528756

Non standard model research isn't funded. Look at the people openly mocking someone for bringing up gravity research. Publishing a unified theory would crash the economy. College kids think universities would ever be given the keys to the kingdom. Ignorant kids.

>> No.16528758 [DELETED] 


I am in le secret best friends club, and all the cool kids are too.
But you aren't invited because you aren't cool enough.
What do you mean, never asked to join?
We're cool, don't you want to be cool too by being in our secret clubhouse?

Well, if that were really true you shouldn't have told me it exists in the first place.
Schoolyard tier banter from schoolyard tier minds, what a fucking waste.

>> No.16528759 [DELETED] 

idk, it probably just seemed infeasible with the launch systems of the time, which was sadly pretty much true, it's only recent that we even have launch systems that could make these things happen for a reasonable (hint, not half the us national product) price.

>> No.16528760 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 3000x1926, 1728415666037476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528761 [DELETED] 

a legendary video
godspeed space rat

>> No.16528762 [DELETED] 

>Everyone is making fun of you
>By everyone I mean discord

>> No.16528763 [DELETED] 

what's with this new "I made a girl cry" shit being pushed on here and on /pol/?

>> No.16528764
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>> No.16528765 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 224x225, smug kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just punching air at this point
absolutely mindbroken

>> No.16528766 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 1270x779, 1731501776327372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why spinning to satellites around each other with a rope to see how it works out should be beyond NASA's capabilities, but they're terribly allergic to anything like that. Don't even think of suggesting that you could make a spin hab with a very large radius of rotation using a simple tether and counterweight, they don't want to hear it.

>> No.16528767

I need to watch the new W&G movie. I hope its good

>> No.16528768 [DELETED] 

it's just some copypasta don't worry about it.

>> No.16528769 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 1157x768, 1723197330081818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag, that's a story I've told at least once or twice here before, ages ago.

>> No.16528770 [DELETED] 

Meanwhile, let me explain to you ITT exactly where all this is being organized.

Because that's what gatekeeping is, right?

Can't make this shit up.
Truly priceless level of self awareness demonstrated.

>> No.16528771 [DELETED] 
File: 359 KB, 2048x1365, 1711019705151064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528772 [DELETED] 


>> No.16528773 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1565x2000, 1734489138234849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528774 [DELETED] 

what the fuck did you guys do to him? i remember him shilling his memedrives a few hours ago, is this still the same guy? he sounds so broken.

>> No.16528775 [DELETED] 
File: 525 KB, 1169x1800, 1709404373289622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528778 [DELETED] 
File: 479 KB, 1536x1076, 1709591013426999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528779 [DELETED] 

Based anon.
It's amazing how dedicated dunning Kruegers are to pushing their group think and how unhinged they get being made to look stupid.
Their childishness is fascinating in the context of how smart they claim to be.

>> No.16528780 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1495x4017, 1706586120544250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528781 [DELETED] 

hot damn, that's a lot of dishes.
imagine if we never got good at phased array beamforming? imagine how much mass would've been dedicated solely to moving these massive comm arrays around.

>> No.16528782 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 2000x1327, 1717353008367656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528783 [DELETED] 

nice samefag but it's a little late for consensus cracking.
you were great fun when you were all fired up though.

>> No.16528784 [DELETED] 
File: 738 KB, 4096x4096, 1713981401762338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528785 [DELETED] 

cool comparison

>> No.16528787 [DELETED] 
File: 807 KB, 631x638, 1734832732317103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528786 [DELETED] 

truly, rules 1 and 2 made absolutely no impression on /sfg/ discord kiddies

they literally cannot help themselves
sad, many such cases

>> No.16528789 [DELETED] 

>he's STILL seething after all this time
what did i miss?

>> No.16528790 [DELETED] 

I love that they all but admitted to mass reporting to get the other thread taken down because they got owned so hard.

Winter break kids.

>> No.16528791 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528792 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 930x923, 1714931003669754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528793 [DELETED] 

he's really fucking dumb and as a result he's too dumb to realize how dumb he is
add to that the fact that he has zero accomplishments and you can see why it would be tempting for him to imagine that he's secretly smarter than everyone around him (to him that means he's better than them, even though he has zero real redeeming qualities)

his magnum opus is filling out the truth tables for ternary logic
assuming one unary operation (negation) and three binary operations (conjunction, disjunction and implication) that means filling in 30 blanks with a choice of three symbols, most of which you can just copy from boolean logic without modification
we're talking about someone whose greatest accomplishment is filling in about 10 blanks
given that there are only three choices, this is less work than a typical multiple choice test
even a particularly stupid child could do it in a few minutes

>> No.16528796

This doesn't follow and isn't true. The theoretical work is just model fitting to observational data, and there are very few experiments being proposed or on offer to try and disprove the Standard Model. If people actually had testable predictions there would be more effort to fund them. One of the only recent proposals I know of is trying to figure out if one of the three generations of Neutrinos is actually massless, because that would open the door to proving non-Black-Hole solutions to bodies with a higher escape velocity than the speed of light.

>> No.16528797 [DELETED] 
File: 943 KB, 2064x3032, 1724582049926903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528799 [DELETED] 

you should probably stop samefagging, it's not saving face, you just look even more retarded

>> No.16528800 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528801 [DELETED] 
File: 305 KB, 1166x946, 1718030403779963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528802 [DELETED] 

imagine the smell

>> No.16528803 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 3000x2000, 1711518869749194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528807 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528808 [DELETED] 
File: 1.57 MB, 4288x2848, 1722845795901341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528809 [DELETED] 

Pam Melroy was so hot

>> No.16528810 [DELETED] 

There's always a bigger dish

>> No.16528812 [DELETED] 
File: 750 KB, 1536x2275, 1720249601155098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528813 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528814 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 532x662, 1733062645734574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528815 [DELETED] 

i wonder how women will come up with space makeup once they start massively entering zero-g environments.
zero-g makes you look kind of bloated and weird all the time and there's no doubt in my mind that most women would device some system of makeup specifically to combat that, don't wanna look like putin when he started getting older than 70 in front of space-chad.

>> No.16528816 [DELETED] 
File: 1.00 MB, 2400x3000, 1717996842410568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528818 [DELETED] 
File: 756 KB, 2355x3000, 1731447587372038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528820 [DELETED] 

did you know there's a difference between writing something down and actually understanding it

not a chance, because you are too angery to think straight

>> No.16528821

>We could have New Year’s Eve fireworks on the way following an Earth-directed partial halo launched from the Sun today that may arrive at Earth strongly on the last day of 2024. Please make sure you’re following for updates!
>Solar activity was at very high levels today with Active Regions 3929, 3932. 3933, 3936, and 3940 all getting in on M-class flaring. For just the UTC day on December 29 alone, there were 21 M-class flares or greater.

>> No.16528822 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 1152x752, 1735267605711433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528823 [DELETED] 

>too angery to think straight

>> No.16528824

>Everyone who with me is the same person
>It's not true non standard model research doesn't get funded I just don't really know of any getting funded because standard model forever.
Your ability to lie is truly impressive.
>The model fits observable data
Is that why standard model physicists have to violate the gas laws to make their solar model work
Is that why the standard model guys invented dark matter and dark energy because standard model fits the Data?
You're amazingly dumb.
The neutrino work being done in the antarctic isn't something that's going to be available to people like you.

>> No.16528826 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 3072x2048, 1731726752425567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528827 [DELETED] 

>random spam images of rockets
>artists impressions of celestial objects made with CGI

/sfg/ peak

>> No.16528828
File: 77 KB, 690x1035, GgAsFkDaEAAc5bv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CZ-8A with big head rehearsals with launch tower. May launch next month.

>> No.16528830 [DELETED] 

you're right, schizo-newfag anon, i was simply too angery. i simply couldn't compete with your unabashed unbotheredness.
truly you are the most unbothered and not mad in all of 4chan, after your 40 posts explaining so in great detail, i understand.

>> No.16528831 [DELETED] 

why bother responding within thirty seconds if you were thinking straight
there's literally no reason

>> No.16528832 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528833 [DELETED] 
File: 2.73 MB, 2100x2010, 1731886615060691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528834
File: 63 KB, 690x1036, Gf-Wva8bkAAgWtn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528835
File: 303 KB, 884x948, 1735524210822010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space kidney stones is OK

>> No.16528836

You've got an impressive set of conspiracies in there, but you are literally wrong. Most of the research being done right now to disprove the standard model is in cosmology, and alternate non-standard model theories are booking telescope time on Hubble and James Webb Space Telescope. They are getting their shot.

>> No.16528837 [DELETED] 
File: 260 KB, 1600x1067, 1722105777875505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528838 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 1160x768, 1720568520081968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still the most kino space station. beautiful for its ugliness.

>> No.16528839 [DELETED] 

>no stop calling me out for samefagging, it's not fair, you're not supposed to do that
too bad.
>more schizotypical whining
i'm sorry you didn't get the result you wanted, anon. maybe in your next life you'll wake up in a universe with different laws that accommodate your obsessive need for FTL communication.

>> No.16528842 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 3570x1800, 1720610614084996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528843 [DELETED] 

you'd rather have schizophrenics free-associating about how they don't vibe with the standard model and are being oppressed just like those poor black folk?

>> No.16528845 [DELETED] 
File: 1.52 MB, 2216x3036, 1712426154156367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528846 [DELETED] 
File: 3.64 MB, 4095x4069, 1725986772821412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528848 [DELETED] 

>why bother responding
why did you assume i was putting effort into my posts?
i need you to keep screaming, i have souls here that are feeding on your loosh.

>> No.16528849 [DELETED] 
File: 1.41 MB, 4288x2848, 1721932001999137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528850 [DELETED] 

I want to be optimistic

>> No.16528851 [DELETED] 

did you know that formal logic is a study of purely syntactic properties?
in other words, there's literally nothing to understand other what to write down

>> No.16528852 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528854 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 795x1097, 1724547099964888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528855 [DELETED] 

60s nasa is so kino

>> No.16528858 [DELETED] 

stop it anon, you've already broken him down enough.
dude would unironically hang himself if he knew how to.
sadly he only knows how to write down a step by step plan for hanging himself.

>> No.16528859 [DELETED] 
File: 615 KB, 2670x1759, 1710164076613462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528862 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1716x1448, 1729948493716702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528863

Pierre Roubatelli deserves a Nobel Prize

The fact that a unified theory would crash the economy isn't conspiracy theory my dude. If you think massive financial wealth shifts aren't directly tied to science than you need to look into history.

Neutrino research is largely classified. Sucking energy directly from null point is weapons grade.

Similar to why internal confined fusion was classified as weapons research up until 2020.

>> No.16528864 [DELETED] 

part of why i like starship is that it brought back the bare-metal kino.
why can't modern airplanes look like this bros?

>> No.16528865 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528867 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528868 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16528870 [DELETED] 

Good job Fighting those windmills anom

>> No.16528871 [DELETED] 
File: 2.10 MB, 4140x4140, 1710455170018712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528872 [DELETED] 

>y-you gotta believe me bro we're being oppressed like the man
yes, even this obscure general of spaceflight enthusiasts is in on it, and revels in your despair.
best to go find a place that is accepting of your worldchanging ideas.
reddit, perhaps.

>> No.16528873

You say that like there are no institutions outside the United States that are capable of making discoveries or doing research. China is making a lot of effort to do scientific discovery, especially since any technological advantage that can offset the USA's own capabilities would be a tremendous advantage in conflict. If such means were actually available, they'd be all over that shit to create unstoppable superweapons, and it'd be a matter of national survival to stop holding back on secret knowledge, if it existed.

>> No.16528874 [DELETED] 

also i wasn't fighting anyone in that post, i think you gotta read it again.

>> No.16528875

Ok being realistic, we're using chemical rockets for everything now

>> No.16528878

I drive a chemical rocket to work

>> No.16528879 [DELETED] 

retards like this tend to forget that there are other world powers that would benefit from cracking massive world-spanning conspiracies like this.

but no, the whole world, even the greatest enemies of the US are all in on it, somehow.
just like the faked moon landing.

>> No.16528880 [DELETED] 

>Doesn't know anything about real world business: the post
You asked. My point remains that you standard model people are useful idiots because you gatekeep science so hard IBM doesn't have to spend any money.

You also clearly don't know shit about Neutrinos, which amuses me greatly especially in the context of entanglement

>> No.16528881 [DELETED] 
File: 2.58 MB, 854x480, 1733008614437855.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528882 [DELETED] 
File: 1.40 MB, 3000x2346, 1727482180211774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528885
File: 519 KB, 3840x2160, SpaceX Launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528887 [DELETED] 

Direct me to a university that doesn't teach standard model
>Nothing at all unusual about that

>> No.16528888 [DELETED] 

i'm sure it was also very upsetting for him when people pressed him for actual scientific literature supporting his schizotypical fantasies, because to him, that's asking The Man to back you up.
>w-well of course i can't prove it's real b-because it's all locked up and secret
one wonders why he'd even try to convince people at that point, but the mind of a retard is never self-consistent.

>> No.16528889 [DELETED] 
File: 1.56 MB, 3000x3000, 1731148637741118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528890

Very astute of you!

>> No.16528892 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 4288x2848, 1719455762058493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuclear Salt Water Reactors are a practical and reasonable proposal.

>> No.16528893 [DELETED] 

is this real?

>> No.16528894 [DELETED] 

yes, we're all evil jews gatekeeping THE TRUTH away from you.
a smart, results-focused person would then of course seek out places of like-minded people so that they can work together and formulate a plan to uncover the truth.


>> No.16528895 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 1000x840, 1715058733942748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16528896

Mine's electric

>> No.16528897 [DELETED] 

No, sharks ablate during reentry at a higher rate than is portrayed there

>> No.16528898 [DELETED] 
File: 1.93 MB, 4878x3546, 1717815089834537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528899 [DELETED] 

>Entanglement isn't real
>Don't research it
>Standard Model forever

>> No.16528900

is that why u are late each day?

>> No.16528902 [DELETED] 
File: 973 KB, 3000x2399, 1721462209784034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528904 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 1302x800, 1713114002082639.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528905 [DELETED] 

there would be fucking nothing left of the shark by the end of re-entry
maybe some charred remains of broken up teeth or something.
the whole shark would basically vaporize.

>> No.16528906 [DELETED] 
File: 1.41 MB, 2617x1736, 1707922150982308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528907 [DELETED] 
File: 660 KB, 1776x2263, 1710152871117202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528909

Most modern physics was created by the US or it's allies. China and Russia aren't even close--turns out killing all the scientists for a communist revolution sets back research.
Also: ITAR
Clearly you're of the delusions that unification theory isn't regulated

>> No.16528910 [DELETED] 

>he's still pretending in his own head that he's in an argument with people that he can win.
this is a weird form of psychological coping that i haven't seen before.

>> No.16528911 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1047x1024, 1714138909427948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528912

>read recent Arianegroup trade union commentary on financials of the company
>They're concerned by the implications of the Vulcan certification delay could mean on their delivery of the Centaur V's nozzles and are working with ULA on a "new global solution to overcome these hardships"
>Arianegroup is currently only contracted to build the (117) RL10C-X nozzles which in theory are not concerned by near term certification delays of Vulcan which still use the old American made nozzles

This is one of other eyebrow raising comments notes (just like the recent Vulcan F9 payload swap) that make me think that Vulcan’s DoD backlog may shrink under the next administration…

>> No.16528914 [DELETED] 

I just want the retard guy who "independently invented ternary logic" to know that if he really stood behind his convictions, he'd fill in the name field so we know for sure who we're talking to.

But he'd never do that, because he's coward in addition to being a moron.

I guess the standard model enjoyers have won in the end.

>> No.16528917 [DELETED] 
File: 2.01 MB, 3360x2185, 1709971401072162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528918 [DELETED] 

no you're right anon it's a global conspiracy and millions of people are in on it.
this entire general is actually all paid shills here to catch people like you who get through the first net.

>> No.16528919

Even if you're right that somehow only the United States can conduct this research, you forget how many Chinese PhDs are in every single aspect of physics research, and that information security in the US is complete shit. They would never be able to keep this kind of thing a secret. This conspiracy is too elaborate to work.

>> No.16528920 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 2400x1800, 1717820350246248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528921 [DELETED] 

What conspiracy?
Use your words like a big boy,
I believe in you

>> No.16528922 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 1282x1645, 1716095273498168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528923

Boeing bros...

>> No.16528925 [DELETED] 
File: 342 KB, 1131x761, 1707728546995046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528926

What conspiracy? That unification would crash the economy? Do you think it wouldn't? A simple yes it will or no it won't will suffice

>> No.16528927 [DELETED] 
File: 1.56 MB, 3070x2044, 1731144840520966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528928 [DELETED] 

dude if we spam enough spess related images this general has a reason to exist


>> No.16528930 [DELETED] 

he's been samefagging ad nauseam for hours now, dude needs his validation, even if it comes from an imaginary friend he created.
the vulcan backlog was a desperate plea for relevance
astra and virgin orbit also had backlogs.
turns out when you never fucking launch and your cadence is shit and your safety questionable, your backlog dissapears because those payloads want to go up sooner than later and they'll pick the train that leaves first.

>> No.16528931 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 4928x3280, 1708282151809614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528934
File: 3.89 MB, 1920x1080, 1732313795730465.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple No it is, then.
He's doing God's work and should keep it up.

>> No.16528933

what 22 hours without a rocket launch does to a general

>> No.16528936 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 4288x2848, 1704874584261264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528938 [DELETED] 

>use your words like a big boy
hahaha holy shit man this is a goldmine.

>> No.16528939 [DELETED] 

>he'd fill in the name field

you first
it's not like this is leddit, twatter, or discord, where people actually have usernames

>> No.16528940 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 5089x3925, 1706061365922085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528941

I'm not sure why there'd be much worry. It's not like Blue Origin has stopped shipping BE-4s to Decatur. Just ship the new nozzles as they get finished and let Tory stack them up in a warehouse along with the rest of Vulcan's spare parts

>> No.16528942 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 3000x2400, 1725448161741818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528943 [DELETED] 

>retard is mad that spaceflight general is not about him and he's just a form of entertainment
did you just figure this out?

>> No.16528944

There, was that so hard?
You're woefully ignorant but at least I got you to admit it.

>> No.16528945 [DELETED] 
File: 897 KB, 1280x1600, 1706994306284878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528946 [DELETED] 

it's actually a godsend, would've been kinda boring today without any other happenings afoot.
this is one of those funny meltdown screencaps we'll show to our kids one day.

>> No.16528947 [DELETED] 
File: 671 KB, 2048x1365, 1728674286383242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528949
File: 3.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1732071315433958.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528950 [DELETED] 

So what point was your waving hand waving supposed to address?
Use your words I believe in you

>> No.16528952 [DELETED] 
File: 975 KB, 916x776, 1714292522777442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528953 [DELETED] 

you're so obsessed with fitting in but you just don't anon, that's why people would prefer if you just used a name, because just cutting out the middleman of people detecting you by your extremely neurotic writing style.

>> No.16528955

The.BE-4 that are being delivered are for near term use, that nozzle contract is a multi year one for the upgrade version of Vulcan, that’s for 2026 to late 2020s launches at least, much further in the backlog

>> No.16528956 [DELETED] 
File: 382 KB, 1157x768, 1708114802905615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528957 [DELETED] 

>was that so hard
nta but it wouldn't be hard for anyone, because it's true, it would do fuckall, because none of the retarded fantasies you lose sleep over are actually happening.

>> No.16528958 [DELETED] 

>Brigands on discord
>Gets laughed at for it
>pretends to not be briganding on discord
You midwits are so cute

>> No.16528960 [DELETED] 
File: 891 KB, 4000x3000, figurea-2a29f65379478077237d73eef9d6c83caef91683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16528961
File: 3.93 MB, 1920x1080, 1732058236913958.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528962 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 1725x1350, 1735318486545076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528963 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 350x350, Aerospike_detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528964 [DELETED] 

we already did, i explained this to you a little while ago remember? use your eyes and read the words, you're a lolcow, kinda like the krystalposter during IFT-2 only less impactful and more entertaining.

>> No.16528965

is the schizo ESL? what country is it from?

>> No.16528966 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 575x385, 1712123519346225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16528969 [DELETED] 

>gets laughed at
i haven't been laughed at by anyone
you're the only person who's been standoffish with me and you're just angry, you're not laughing.

>> No.16528970 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 1806x1986, 1718705686470551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528971 [DELETED] 

>still hasn't found the invite link

>> No.16528972 [DELETED] 

>I don't understand anything about the real world or corporate America: the post
>I live in an idealic fantasy where the colleges are the bearers of truth and corporations have no sway over science
Indeed, one of us is truly delusional

>> No.16528973
File: 3.81 MB, 1280x676, Starship2Land2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krystalposting was fun.

>> No.16528974 [DELETED] 
File: 2.34 MB, 1624x2436, 1726978056777454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528975 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1997x1500, 1731967480113877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528977

>Has to push the thread out of the catalog because it's embarrassing AF

>> No.16528978 [DELETED] 

he's just very tired after trying to beat an entire general with facts and logic for like 4 hours straight.
i applaud him for keeping it up like this honestly, i don't have the stamina to reply to every single bait and every single mocking post that a bunch of different people make over the course of hours, he's a real trooper.

>> No.16528980 [DELETED] 
File: 2.89 MB, 900x548, ria hop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528981 [DELETED] 
File: 847 KB, 2402x3000, 1724935156604829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528983 [DELETED] 

oh i know, there's multiple krystalposters, but that guy was pretty pathetic.

>> No.16528984 [DELETED] 
File: 2.08 MB, 3360x2161, 1726712341871564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528985
File: 3.87 MB, 1080x1920, 1711667500905956.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528986 [DELETED] 

>extremely neurotic writing style

ESL detected
you will respond

>> No.16528988 [DELETED] 

>I don't have the stamina to make an actual coherent point

>> No.16528989 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 600x693, 1705820409241044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528990 [DELETED] 

what is this creature even talking about at this point? is he trying to mention the previous thread and how it got purged of tourists like himself or something?

>> No.16528991 [DELETED] 

Kristall my beloved

>> No.16528992 [DELETED] 
File: 1.37 MB, 2244x2835, 1709358005581438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528993 [DELETED] 
File: 1.05 MB, 2340x2364, 1704249771695163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528995
File: 3.99 MB, 686x766, 1710695286311872.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16528996 [DELETED] 


>> No.16528998 [DELETED] 

>my brain is too incomplex to understand things like nuance so to me everything has to be either true or i must question everything as false
yes, correct, very good kiddo, that is how your brain works.
that is why, for people like you, we have this thing called lithium, it helps you with your moodswings.

>> No.16528999 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 948x576, 1730319934870119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529001 [DELETED] 

noooooo our idol the Elon made an embarassment of himself publically

we must be insulated from the consequences of twatter screencap posting his toilet time hot takes for months beforehand

>> No.16529003 [DELETED] 
File: 2.19 MB, 3543x2362, 1718632738490811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529004
File: 3.69 MB, 1920x1080, 1710428686327190.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529005
File: 227 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1703470570528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529006 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 1024x678, 1707607449686020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529007 [DELETED] 

>i eat shit for being retarded for a quarter of the whole day instead of doing something else and i consider it an achievement

this is why you shouldn't try to fight a whole general like this schizo-anon, you're the only person putting in any real time or effort here.

>> No.16529008

Has anyone considered the fact that the day is fast approaching when no living person will have been to the moon. The guys who went there and back in the 60's and 70's will all be dead. It's going to be a planet full of people who only remember that a handful of remarkable individuals once walked on the surface of another world. And, sadly, many of those think it was nothing more than a hoax.

>> No.16529009 [DELETED] 
File: 2.25 MB, 4400x4600, 1735168877552693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529010 [DELETED] 

look at all the unrequested irrelevant spess images spammed ITT

surely this means the ESL discord is currently online and coordinating response

>> No.16529011 [DELETED] 
File: 3.82 MB, 1196x1080, 1729159763384165.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529013
File: 3.69 MB, 1920x1080, 1710695124009383.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529014 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 2990x3000, 1719908533101223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529015 [DELETED] 

all of those details kind of make it look like a massive spinhab

>> No.16529016 [DELETED] 

there is ONE second between these posts

ONE second

why is there only ONE second between these posts if it is not a fucking BOT


general is


>> No.16529017
File: 171 KB, 700x472, ka_bion_m_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interestingly, there's going to be a Vostok-decedent launching in March

>> No.16529018 [DELETED] 
File: 974 KB, 3072x2039, 1715453032249791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529019 [DELETED] 
File: 3.84 MB, 3212x2883, 1728033364232761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the discord in the thread with us right now?

>> No.16529020 [DELETED] 

The flip flopping on Elon is remarkable.
He's not even a scientist. It's weird how woke science comes to his defense when he's been grifting public funs since solar city and Tesla got in on the tax credit game

>> No.16529022

/sfg/ is alive?

>> No.16529023 [DELETED] 
File: 359 KB, 1730x1105, 1732746394975734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529024 [DELETED] 

why are you doing this to yourself man?
why put yourself through this much emotional turmoil? nobody is going to give you a hug for sitting out your humiliation like this, you're not getting a badge. you just wasted a huge part of your day. time is precious bro.

>> No.16529025
File: 3.94 MB, 1312x1280, 1717113024368985.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use this nifty feature called "post automatically" that queues up the next post as soon as the timer expires.

>> No.16529026

I enjoy space photo dumps
it reminds me why I support spaceflight

>> No.16529027 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 1000x833, 1727669127515601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529028 [DELETED] 

so the timer expires in one second huh
thanks, that's useful info

did you buy a pass
buy an ad next time

>> No.16529029
File: 3.89 MB, 1920x1080, Liftoff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post related: I made use of the feature just now.

>> No.16529030 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 768x791, 1720291082275033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529032 [DELETED] 

>he's actually fucking losing it
image anons keep going this is hilarious.

>> No.16529033 [DELETED] 
File: 931 KB, 750x1125, 1727194862175357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529034 [DELETED] 

I didn't try
I laughed while you idiots danced for me and made fools of yourselves.

Standard Model is garbage pushed by midwits who can't tell the truth to save their lives.
Stay mad

>> No.16529035
File: 2.23 MB, 1078x598, 1717682737049209.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what third world nation are you posting from? India? China? Russia? Your posts are too long to be phone-posts but your lack of capitalization and punctuation screams that you're using a non-standard keyboard layout.

>> No.16529036 [DELETED] 
File: 743 KB, 3061x2033, 1735491740933425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529037 [DELETED] 

/sfg/ is one anon plus you

>> No.16529039 [DELETED] 

it's unusually alive because a very strange individual turned up and turned himself into an entertaining happening.

hope our new resident schizo-anon sticks around because he's a good way to kill a little time when there's little spaceflight happenings

>> No.16529040 [DELETED] 
File: 820 KB, 1600x1067, 1731576601229740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529041
File: 519 KB, 2000x1333, mks37-798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any requests?

>> No.16529043 [DELETED] 

>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
There's that metal disorder on display again

>> No.16529044 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 4400x4600, 1725825083054957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we vibing

pass doesn't let you bypass the timer, schizo anon.

>> No.16529045 [DELETED] 

you tried this an hours ago remember
>noooo i was actually pretending to be a retard
>humiliating myself was all part of the plan
>you're all fools for laughing at me while i psychologically spill my spaghetti
you need to get better at remembering what you have and haven't tried yet, this is a tactic you already tried an hour again.
i expect better from you schizo-anon, do better.

>> No.16529046 [DELETED] 

you bought a pass didn't you anon

oh the huge manatee

>> No.16529047 [DELETED] 
File: 2.48 MB, 4400x4600, 1731420368876111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529049 [DELETED] 

i know there were a bunch of prior classified buran-energia images that got made public a few years or so ago but i don't think i ever saved them myself, do you have those?

>> No.16529050 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't know.
If that is true, you are the first person to tell me.

>> No.16529051
File: 317 KB, 1179x1471, GYH8OxxXkAAuK6J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, basic bitch user here. I still have to wait a minute between posts. There's more than one of us posting space pics.

>> No.16529052 [DELETED] 
File: 1.70 MB, 4928x3280, 1721535908173639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529054 [DELETED] 
File: 3.57 MB, 1280x720, 1718199582353830.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529056 [DELETED] 

The response you're getting makes me think you're right, especially >>16529035
try way to hard to look organic

>> No.16529058 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 3000x1940, 1727700545372063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529057
File: 3.27 MB, 1280x720, 1728838489467160.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529059 [DELETED] 

>metal disorder
sounds like a great metal band desu.
you could probably play the entire band yourself if you were as good at samefagging IRL as you are on an online anonymous imageboard.

>> No.16529060 [DELETED] 

>Say something mean about standard model
>Anon loses his shit again and lies
Stay mad
Laughing at you is therapeutic

>> No.16529061 [DELETED] 
File: 474 KB, 1800x1200, 1723053245339948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is one of those, but I think it's nice anyway

>> No.16529062 [DELETED] 
File: 3.98 MB, 1280x720, 1724669554597015.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529063
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1730995676885571.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529064




>> No.16529066 [DELETED] 
File: 2.32 MB, 2400x3000, 1725857026915501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529067 [DELETED] 

there's no escape anon, he's figured you out.
YOU are the spaceflight image poster, your dastardly image spamming antics will come to an end now that he's uncovered your dark schemes

>> No.16529068 [DELETED] 
File: 376 KB, 1280x720, 1728042282276105.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16529069 [DELETED] 

>When the discord can't handle the reality that it's possible it isn't actually them pushing group think against against one person

>> No.16529070 [DELETED] 
File: 421 KB, 1200x936, 1726090710423221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529071 [DELETED] 

okay fine
that checks out

the coordinated spam is a very strange response if you are not mad however
u mad tho

>> No.16529072 [DELETED] 

yeah waiting a little while between samefags doesn't make them less conspicuous, schizo-anon.
this general isn't fast enough for you to get away with stuff like this, you're very easy to detect.

>> No.16529073 [DELETED] 
File: 928 KB, 2340x2350, 1720766251529128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529074
File: 256 KB, 1569x892, The last beam at the top of the VAB was installed on April 14, 1965 by American Bridge. It is painted white and signed by all NASA and Corps Engineers employees..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529075 [DELETED] 
File: 2.85 MB, 640x360, 1710297704900593.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is far too late: my plans shall continue unabated.

>> No.16529076 [DELETED] 
File: 281 KB, 1107x773, 1712044907662657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16529077 [DELETED] 

>no please stop, i just want to be multiple people PLEASE if i could just be multiple people then i would look more like a consensus
no lol, you're not convincing enough.
try again, be more subtle this time.

>> No.16529078
File: 2.63 MB, 854x476, ESA Soyuz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529079 [DELETED] 

The effort to paint questioning whether or not there is inorganic activity on 4chan is evidence that is in fact happening.

>> No.16529081 [DELETED] 
File: 1.44 MB, 3807x2471, 1709506983178642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529082 [DELETED] 
File: 793 KB, 2922x1962, 1708961661416396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529083
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, 1656537911629.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529084 [DELETED] 

if the retard thinks we're all bots why doesn't he leave?
I expected better from a genius logician
even in the best case he wasted hours fighting with bots

>> No.16529085 [DELETED] 

>seethes on obscure general for 5 hours
>u mad
>regular user activity is coordinated spam
did you forget again that you are not the subject of this general? this is a spaceflight general, you're just a form of entertainment as long as you're not getting removed by a mod.

>> No.16529086 [DELETED] 
File: 419 KB, 1280x1920, 1727110062301832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529087 [DELETED] 

>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
>t. Totally not on discord tho
Fucking priceless
Standard model midwits coping hard

>> No.16529088
File: 2.28 MB, 3856x1489, First photo of Earth from lunar orbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529089
File: 3.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1719509687151669.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529091 [DELETED] 

why do solid rocket motors fail so much more often?
i mean maybe it's just me but it feels like most of the problems with recent and even past spaceflight success have been SRB's.
they should be simpler in principle, why are they so much more dangerous statistically?

>> No.16529092

>Regular activity on one of the slowest boards on 4chan

>> No.16529093
File: 2 KB, 283x42, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This website has a lot of rare space shit

>> No.16529094

yeah, this is the only thread that's active, retard

>> No.16529096
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 1675082149839995.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbon phenolic nozzles are kind of a bitch, and Northrop Grumman's been struggling with them for a while. It might just be a bit of retirement related brain drain.

>> No.16529097 [DELETED] 

can't static fire flight hardware like you can with a liquid

>> No.16529099 [DELETED] 

>casually mention zero-propellant maneuvers
>thread immediately filled with one hundred spaceflight related spam images

really makes you think

>> No.16529101
File: 171 KB, 1182x682, 1535175938_bbur191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know any specially classified stuff. What I've got is mostly just stuffed that the Buran Archive guy posts on twitter. He does have a website where he archives everything now, so you might want to check there


>> No.16529102 [DELETED] 

lolcows like you get a moniker anon, and yours is now schizo-anon, enjoy!
being a bot is so easy too, i just do all of this shit automatically and i don't have to think about it at all, i'm a mindless drone and i'm causing this guy to have a serious fright just by existing and doing what i automatically do.

>> No.16529103 [DELETED] 

cause they're shit and lack the control mechanisms possible with liquid engines

>> No.16529104 [DELETED] 
File: 2.48 MB, 320x720, SN4 failure 25pct.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know multi-hour repetition of conspiracy theories was a "casual mention," but I admire your dedication, if not your intellect.

>> No.16529106

,>but totally not discord tho

>> No.16529107 [DELETED] 

personally, I like spaceflightnow.com
for your leading source for online space news


>> No.16529108 [DELETED] 

have you noticed how every single time i correctly point out your samefagging, there's only 1 (one) person who replies back to me, angry and frustrated, insisting that there's no such thing as samefagging on 4chan?
that's you, i really don't know what other tips to give you, you're basically doing everything in your power to confirm that it's you every time.

>> No.16529109 [DELETED] 
File: 2.98 MB, 800x450, 1723091565830452.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529110 [DELETED] 

>can't even quote properly
>filtered by the /sfg/ discord
lmao, it's an actual retard
you can't make this up

>> No.16529111

>Not the same person
>Replies to a post that types in the exact same way

>> No.16529112
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x720, 1673899653689864.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529113

he got away with it

>> No.16529114 [DELETED] 

there is no such thing as samefagging on 4chan
deal with it

>> No.16529115 [DELETED] 

once again, because you're a clueless newfag, you might not know this, but /sfg/ has constituted a large majority of user traffic on this board for years now.
you'd know that if you weren't a disgusting newfag.

>> No.16529116
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1673241502615236.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529118
File: 375 KB, 1600x1061, GGGA77IW8AAVK1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529119 [DELETED] 

dude if we just spam the thread to image cap we can just make a new thread and nobody will see the old one

>> No.16529120 [DELETED] 
File: 502 KB, 1626x2200, 1707201964121464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529121

I can't wait to watch new glenn do this

>> No.16529122 [DELETED] 

actually, that happened a lot later, you were seething for hours before a bunch of people woke up from sleep or got back from work and started posting cool images and videos that were actually spaceflight related, unlike all the seething you were doing, which was categorically non-spaceflight related seething.

>> No.16529123
File: 154 KB, 1200x800, fc0b6a82891bdbc4a021b07c3bbb78c005679b10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529124 [DELETED] 
File: 534 KB, 2047x1356, 1707196609417127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529125
File: 76 KB, 1093x1077, Ew4KqvDWEAEOh1T.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moggings will continue until the competition improves.

>> No.16529126

Make sure to make it about rockets next time, it sounds very retarded to seeth at someone about rockets in a space genal not about rockets

>> No.16529127


>> No.16529128 [DELETED] 
File: 477 KB, 2285x1755, 1714550018218878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529129 [DELETED] 

arigatou anon
you can, you just need a pregnant woman and a bit of vodka.

>> No.16529130 [DELETED] 

if samefagging isn't real, explain this >>16529130

>> No.16529131 [DELETED] 

btw I am automatically screencaping this thread for posterity, so everyone will know how retarded /sfg/ is regardless of your damage control

>> No.16529132
File: 223 KB, 1200x800, 6pcspc4y3t211-3746045687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this image

>> No.16529134 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 3000x2000, 1727240084503928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529137

I still can't believe they unironically bid Starship lmao

>> No.16529138 [DELETED] 

You got me on that one, boyo.
I kneel.

>> No.16529140
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 20-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a whole folder specifically for rocket debris pictures

>> No.16529141 [DELETED] 
File: 578 KB, 2928x1941, 1710621765540030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529142
File: 3.78 MB, 1920x1080, 1722119198918758.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame it was way too late to actually have a chance, lel

>> No.16529143 [DELETED] 

>you can, you just need a pregnant woman and a bit of vodka.

>> No.16529144 [DELETED] 

>We've actually been talking nonsense for hours without actually making a point or disproving anything but we did get some dudes post removed because he owned us so hard

>> No.16529145 [DELETED] 
File: 641 KB, 1257x1224, 1724783775693424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529147 [DELETED] 

I hope the logic master is a recurring meme (as long as it happens in a way that's easy to filter)

>> No.16529148
File: 305 KB, 1024x680, 5hCBULgNBAk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16529149 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16529150 [DELETED] 

what makes you think we're trying to forget this?
dude's just spamming images to his heart's content, and he might even do so next thread.
your mental breakdown will be immortalized in a funny screencap, don't you worry.
oh and this thread will also be visible in the archives.
not that you'd know about those, of course, because you're clearly very new to this whole 4chan thing.

>> No.16529152

dont worry
we have another exciting, unique starlink f9 launch coming up
that'll get us out of this rut

>> No.16529151 [DELETED] 

why is it covered in bees?

>> No.16529154 [DELETED] 

somebody please stage so I can continue posting images

>> No.16529155 [DELETED] 

>i ignored that people made points that destroyed my argument hours ago and have gone in circles for hours desperately trying to find someone who will enable my psychosis.
yes, we noticed, which is why we've switched to just making fun of you instead, we're not enabling your mental illness, 'tis for your own good.l

>> No.16529157 [DELETED] 

>this thread will also be visible in the archives

as are the uncalled for references to your so-called "discord"
little did you know you were really playing my game the whole time

>> No.16529158

delayed to tomorrow I'm afraid

>> No.16529161 [DELETED] 

>1064 / 251 / ? / 4
>another thread surpasses the 1000 post IFT sticky
I guess this place would rather talk with a scizo than actually discuss spaceflight :/

>> No.16529164 [DELETED] 

ok, anon, i think your short-term memory is failing you because you unsuccesfully tried to play this card a few minutes ago.
>i-i actually meant to shit my pants in front of everyone and have it immortalized in a photograph for all eternity.

>> No.16529165 [DELETED] 

it's hard to make productive and intelligent comments
it's easy to bully retards

>> No.16529168 [DELETED] 
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Clear Max-Qute!

>> No.16529169 [DELETED] 

>talk with
nonsense, nobody would be engaging with this retard if there were more active things to talk about. people wanted something to fill the downtime and making fun of a disabled person is one hell of a way to do that, really easy too, you just keep poking him and more stuff comes out.

>> No.16529170 [DELETED] 

I am not the one who invokes their super secret discord on 4chan here.

For the record.

>> No.16529173 [DELETED] 


>> No.16529174 [DELETED] 

>for the record
you do realize that all you did was record yourself having a 5 hour long hissy fit, right?

>> No.16529175 [DELETED] 

you do it

>> No.16529176 [DELETED] 

you want in so badly

>> No.16529177 [DELETED] 

page 10
its like ye olden sfg days, before the mods increased the sci image limit

>> No.16529178 [DELETED] 

i imagine the schizo thinks he's made some grand scoop because people used the discord to put him in a playpen.
don't ruin this for him, he really think he's found something, let him enjoy it.

>> No.16529179 [DELETED] 


>> No.16529182 [DELETED] 

>If I keep lying I win
Say the line about the data fitting the model in regards to dark matter and dark energy
That one never gets old

>> No.16529183 [DELETED] 

stop it's too alive, I turned away for a second and now there's 200 post to read

>> No.16529186 [DELETED] 

So I came into this thread and saw a bunch of deleted posts from someone who disagrees with Einstein.

And the more you point this out, the more discord kiddies become unconfortable and spam the thread to image limit so they can justify baking.

>> No.16529187 [DELETED] 

we do have a TF2 server

>> No.16529189 [DELETED] 

Super High Altitude Re-entry sharK

>> No.16529191 [DELETED] 


>> No.16529192 [DELETED] 

aw what's the problem

did your folder run out of irrelevant images to thread discussion
wow, I guess you didn't have 300 images in said folder after all

>> No.16529194 [DELETED] 

staging due to image limit

>> No.16529195 [DELETED] 

It isn't just discord
Standard Model physics is a cult not a science
This behavior, sadly, is the norm not the outlier.

>> No.16529198 [DELETED] 

he's just gonna keep posting in the next one too.
unlike you, he actually belongs here, idk why you're spending so much time and energy getting mad and pretending to be smug about this?

>> No.16529207 [DELETED] 

>someone who disagrees with einstein
schizo-anon, you little ruffian, that was you, you're a little samefagger remember? you're talking about yourself from a third person to try and consensus crack, but it fails every time.

>> No.16529208 [DELETED] 

it's called the image limit, you fucking retard
way to out yourself

>> No.16529211 [DELETED] 

we're just going to keep posting ITT because we don't care if you deliberately spammed this thread to image limit as damage control

your discord server is the cancer killing /sci/

>> No.16529212 [DELETED] 

>newfag doesn't even fucking know what an image limit is
holy shit.

>> No.16529215 [DELETED] 

samefag is same

>> No.16529219 [DELETED] 

you mean you.
you're going to talk to yourself in a dead thread for what? to look even more unhinged if people ever check this bread out in the archive?

the motivations of mentally ill people remain illusive to me.

>> No.16529226 [DELETED] 

so why are there shills on 4chan that do this dumb shit

>> No.16529234 [DELETED] 

Their little minds can't handle the idea that more than one heratic would besmirch their lord God Einstein and the infallible testament of standard model.

>> No.16529239 [DELETED] 

>dead thread

and why is dead thread dead
oh right, you posted 200 images in here to kill
/sfg/ is nothing more than discord raid confirmed

>> No.16529260 [DELETED] 

lmao, keep posting Captain Ternary
I hope to see a thread about you on Kiwi Farms some day

>> No.16529272 [DELETED] 

the dead thread is dead because it reached image limit (it would also be dead if it reached page 10) and because that's the unwritten /sfg/ rule.
something you'd know about if you weren't a raging homosexual newfag, which you are and have made no attempt to hide.

>> No.16529273 [DELETED] 

Discord is important to maintaining a healthy /sfg/
schizos can come and believe they're the center of attention in the thread
They don't realize that normal discussion just carries on elsewhere and that they've become a monkey in a cage
When i revealed to them, they go absolutely mental

>> No.16529278 [DELETED] 

it's really weird that you keep trying to do this.
you're very commited to the bit, schizo anon, but it's a waste of energy.

>> No.16529281 [DELETED] 

not discord necessarily, but really any healthy board/forum i know of has a bunker like that which makes gatekeeping retards exceptionally easy.
it can also be some bunkerchan, but sadly /sfg/ doesn't have the resources for that.

>> No.16529289 [DELETED] 

>We're not briganding but we were actually briganding
>Our group think is the central theme
>We don't form coherent arguments against people who don't brainlessly spew the gospel of standard model because that would weaken our position that standard model is infallible
>Totally not gate keeping though
Reading this thread is a gas

>> No.16529294 [DELETED] 

>that's the unwritten /sfg/ rule

cool, so I can spam irrelevant images till image limit too
oh wait, only the discord server is allowed to do that
also they are defnitely not ESL shills

>Discord is important to maintaining a healthy /sfg/

right, so we're not done with this thread yet even though shills rushed the staging again

>> No.16529300 [DELETED] 

why do you keep adding "n"s to brigading?

>> No.16529302 [DELETED] 

They are to dumb to realize what I just did and it amuses me to no end

>> No.16529311 [DELETED] 

just checking in for the last time here schizo-anon.
you doin alright?
i hope you enjoy talking to yourself in here, we're gonna go solve online puzzles, you're free to join us, if you want.

>> No.16529312 [DELETED] 

I like thinking of them as bandits.
I also don't give a shit about reddltisms

>> No.16529350 [DELETED] 

then why do you try so hard to fit in, schizo-anon?
you understand that 4ch has a hatred of redditors, and you do your best mirror that hatred.

but then you turn around and do all the things that redditors do, like getting mad because you got gatekept.

seems rather inorganic of you, schizo-anon.

>> No.16529365 [DELETED] 


Actually a brigade is a military formation that implies some sort of skill and organization

You're all more comparable to highway robbers that attack in gangs and are cowards when alone.

It's quite fitting and describes you well. You're thugs who think you're tough because you attack in a gang.

Einstein was a hack and I'm still laughing at you for having such a hard on for standard model.

>> No.16529372 [DELETED] 

>stop making fun of me you THUGS
lel, continue crying, you melodramatic faggot.
you're an insecure retard who has never discovered anything or contributed anything to the field of science, you probably work at a fastfood place to feed yourself.

>and i'm laughing at you

you've said that you were "laughing" at least a dozen times by now.

you're not laughing at all, you're extremely angry catching up and reading through this thread a bit, you've been angry and samefagging for what, like...hours? it's really strange to me that you think you can somehow convince anyone that you're actually happy right now.
it's okay to let go anon, it's okay to not constantly pretend to be unbothered, you're not going to win any points, pretending that you're not upset just makes you look even more pathetic.

>> No.16529379 [DELETED] 

And here you are continuing to amuse me at my leisure.

It's almost as if group think circle jerking isn't enough for you: you have to be right about standard model outside of the echo chamber...there in lies your problem.

>> No.16529381 [DELETED] 

this is my first post in about the last 3 and a half hours, so i'm not sure what you're talking about.
anyway, have fun pretending to be unbothered mr schizo, in the end i can't stop you.

>> No.16529384 [DELETED] 

Good luck with the circle jerk kid
Standard model is a dead end, I tried to warn you

>> No.16529408 [DELETED] 

Discord trannies got mad at losing an argument and mass reported posts for wrong think
Jannies said fuck it and curb stomped the thread

>> No.16529425 [DELETED] 

that's not what happened actually, what happened was you had a melty and samefagged a bunch in desperation, like you're doing right now.
t. just read through the thread.

>> No.16529433 [DELETED] 

Hey retard, image limit is a legitimate stage.

>> No.16529437 [DELETED] 

Why are you so angry?
Chasing windmills is unbecoming anon

>> No.16529441 [DELETED] 


>> No.16529444 [DELETED] 

oh actually looks like someone else already summarized how i wanted to respond to this.

>> No.16529450 [DELETED] 

They got bored circle jerking and the fact this thread is still in the catalog is a thorn in their minds. It's really quite predictable and highly amusing.

>> No.16529489 [DELETED] 

That is a lie.

Do you make this lie?

>> No.16529509 [DELETED] 

He’s been lying his ass off pretty much the whole thread, his temper tantrum and his attempt to cover it has made him lie over and over again. People ITT correctly pointed out every little manipulative samefag attempt he tried to pull, and every time he post one angry responde whining about being discovered

>> No.16529538

Nope, guess not. And even before the image limit increase we'd wait till page 8 at the very least

>> No.16529540
File: 115 KB, 797x722, Screenshot 2024-12-29 234919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starlink 5+ million customers and counting, before end of 2025.

>> No.16529541

Before end of 2024*

2025 will prob end with ~7.5M customer.

>> No.16529550

I told yall
I told y'all we wait for page 10

>> No.16529552
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>> No.16529553

we're waiting too long to go to mars. people might cry go fever but human lifespans are short. they key players are getting old fast.

>> No.16529559
File: 440 KB, 2390x3000, BezosLongcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2025 will be the year of the Blorigin

>> No.16529570

There's no way that thing can even have sex.

>> No.16529594

Was gonna post in the thread that got nuked.
It's (Hubble) not going to be functional by the end, that's the point. It probably won't reenter for another decade at least, but it's highly likely the hardware will fail before then. The most likely candidate are the rate gyroscopes, half of which have already failed. If the hardware does fail first, then it will be totally pointless to reboost it, as was proposed. It would only be interesting if they were talking about a real service mission, but Polaris do not have the hardware or experience to do that.

Also bear in mind the broader landscape. Hubble costs 100 million dollars a year just to operate. NASA has plans to cut these costs by about 10%, and to do that they will deactivate 5 put of 9 of Hubble's instrument modes. It will lose a great deal of it's scientific capabilities, just because there is no room in the budget. There's no point reboosting Hubble if there isn't money to support it.


The reality is that over the last decade the astrophysics budget has not even risen with inflation. Costs of operating existing existing missions are continuing to cut into the division's ability to launch new missions, the rate of small explorer missions has dramatically fallen. It's very unclear how the new flagship, Habitable Worlds Observatory, will fit in the budget. It could be greatly delayed and more expensive if it cannot get when it needed.

Turning the last one into Roman cost will over 4 billion. Even if they donated the whole spacecraft, you would have to gut it to replace the focal place with scientific instruments.

>> No.16529597

>satellites sitting in order take budgets to "maintain"

and people wonder why nothing gets done in space

>> No.16529600

>Hubble costs 100 million dollars a year just to operate.
How? It does nothing but sit in orbit and generates its own power. It doesn't even get serviced or maintenance.

>> No.16529605

good morning, /sfg/

>> No.16529606

good night!

>> No.16529607

Sweet dreams <3

>> No.16529628

It literally takes an army of engineers and astronomers to keep it running. They have to calibrate all the science modes regularly. Organise calls for telescope proposals and the committees which select them. Do the scheduling to maximize output, an entire year of observations at once. Set up each new observation, several times per day. Downlink the data, reduce it and archive it. They have to check the plans of astronomers, and support them through planning and analysis. Then they have to deal with failed observations and recover from hardware faults and safe modes. Also some of the money goes directly to funding the astronomers in the US who use it to do the research. There is still maintenance being done remotely, like switching between gyroscopes, they are currently running on a single gyro mode which makes the scheduling even more complicated.

>> No.16529651

260 launches this year
360 next year

>> No.16529666

this thread sucks



>> No.16529914

>page 7

>> No.16529916
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Thoughts on this engine?

>> No.16529955

>Argument from ignorance
>Standard model isn't 100 years old
I see why mods hacked this thread to pieces

>> No.16529972

Math isn't physics
The model isn't the phenomenon