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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 300x300, torment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1647761 No.1647761 [Reply] [Original]


/sci/ are you good at cryptography or puzzles? I would suggest you check that link out then. It is a interesting set of puzzles that you must solve and codes you must crack to get to the next page/level.

If you want to test your intelligence against it just go to the link. The intro page will give you all the info you need to know.

>> No.1647774

trap, gtfo and go back to /b/ faggot

>> No.1647784

What's the code for the first page then, smartass? It's not torment or nietzsche.

>> No.1647790

Fuck off. I come from /x/ you troll. Also this dude has some credit with designing other e-puzzles.
Look at the definition. Isnt there something out of place there......Say, a capitalized letter in a word?

>> No.1647795


*ahem* *excuse me*
trap, gtfo and go back to

>> No.1647797

Also in case there are dumbasses in /sci/ after you paste the given link it leads to a splash page for the puzzle. You will have to scroll down and clock ENTER.

>> No.1647799

You trolling.

How the fuck is it a trap.

>> No.1647803

I would also like a description of this trap.

>> No.1647804
File: 175 KB, 500x375, trollfishigtrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because it redirects here...



>> No.1647808

Wow. You are so full of shit you probably squeak when you walk.

Oh, I forgot. Your trolling and trying to derail a thread that can give bored /sci/entists something to use their brains on.

>> No.1647812
File: 36 KB, 300x441, successful_troll2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1647814

wow your such a obvious troll

>> No.1647817


success, I am going to go do my genetics coursework now

thanks for the reaction, i lul'ed

>> No.1647820

Trolling used to mean something you faggot.

Getting called out as a obvious troll does not make you successful as a troll.

Now get back to /b/ newfag troll,

>> No.1647827

>troll samefagging and trying to give himself attention

So are any /sci/entists going to try and attempt this?

>> No.1647826
File: 53 KB, 287x241, trollpoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sci/

go to tubgirl(DOT)com

it contains rare images of Einstein and highlights his behaviour when he got his patent office job

>> No.1647832



look at when i was pointed out as "obvious"

after I declared victory, so you fail

>> No.1647833

trolls everywhere.

I am stuck on the third page with the encrypted text.

it looks like ROT.

>> No.1647835

failtroll is fail

I remember when this site was a good 2 day thread on /sci/, don't remember any of the codes though cause it was all incredibly vague clues

>> No.1647839

torquEre. but that's not the password.

I've done html riddle games like this before but this one is just fucking frustrating. I have literally no clue what I should be doing.

>> No.1647841

gb2/b/ failtroll.
Nice start

>> No.1647845

Read the directions again.

All inputed codes are lowercase and have no spaces,

So make it torquere

>> No.1647866
File: 26 KB, 163x207, dismay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right.


>> No.1647869

Ok well I have to go now.

Hopefully /sci/ will think this more fun and worth their while then the religion threads on here.

>> No.1647876


Did you push the enter button? You have to click the submit button for it to go through

>> No.1647884

I think that was your problem.

Still though after that your all good and done. All thats left is for you to solve the puzzles that have left the internet stumped for 3 years.

>> No.1647885

Oh flying fuck. I was hitting enter on the keyboard instead of clicking the button. Thanks.

>> No.1647888

torquere is the first answer?

That's not a clever or even engaging puzzle.

>> No.1647900

Just wait.

That is there to prevent the dimwits from coming in.

Once you get to the third puzzle your facing some cryptos.

>> No.1647920

Oh, also not all the puzzles are encrypted text and the like.

There are some that will challenge your other skills.

>> No.1647936

Yeah, I'm there now. But the torquere thing doesn't put off dimwits alone. Opening with a lame puzzle makes experienced solvers likely to dismiss the entirety.

I'm on three now. Irksome that the text is in image format, unnecessarily. Still, at least it appears to have some thought behind it. In any case, thanks for posting the link.

>> No.1647940

>got up to a level which appears to be morse code
> time is 2:08 am
>fuck this shit, sleep

>> No.1647970

You got quite far my friend.

Good job.

Still, remember some of the puzzles may not even have text.

Also, some of the puzzles will at first glance appear impossible to solve. Disregard that. It is possible.

>> No.1647988

can't get past second.

>> No.1648045

me neither wtf am i supposed to be looking for?!

>> No.1648058

This whole puzzle is a fucking troll or just self-destructively obscure to the point where it is not much more than an exercise in gibberish. Believe me I have been there.

The trail ends at something known as the blocks puzzle. Rotating it 90 degrees leads to something that could be perceived as text, and looks like a cipher by Edgar Allan Poe. However despite the best efforts of anyone crazy enough to decode it, it is just a mess of nonsensical letters. Other pages have been discovered and all of them are just dead ends.

Green Gecko, the puzzles creator, gets a kick out of e-mailing people and PMing them on forums pretending to be some esoteric puzzlemaster, sending them apparent clues and posting meaningless phrases. Absolutely no sense can be derived from any of his/her ramblings. The earlier puzzles are fun but don't be fooled by thinking that the puzzles are particularly clever or well designed, its just some graphics with creepy music and pretty much everyone lost interest in it years ago for a reason.

A note: Green Gecko is a lurker on /x/ and probably trolling the fuck out of you right now. The problem is no one gives a shit about this gay little website.

>> No.1648099

i kind of disappointed

>> No.1648121


Pretty hard, but I'm wondering if there actually is no answer after a certain point, and the "torment" mentioned is the hope that you think there is.

Other than that, pretty good puzzle, Imma try to solve it.

>> No.1648128

tell me, how in the fucking hell did you get 'midnight" from that? i just gotta know

>> No.1648152


You have to highlight below the picture and it reveals some text. Kind of like spoiler tags.

>> No.1648177

I'll do this later. The page appears to be the code from The Gold Bug story by Edgar Allan Poe. I just don't have the patience to decode it right now.

>> No.1648183
File: 1.56 MB, 983x1073, 1281484520036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im raging so fucking hard right now, how the fucking shit am i expected to randomly highlight a blank fucking spot on the freaking screen for no reason!

>> No.1648202

There are many hidden and strange websites on the internet that make no sense or are creepy.

You would be astonished some of the secret things you can get by highlighting what appears to be a blank page....

>> No.1648217

Is the fourth one Morse code? I don't feel like continuing if they're all just "translate this paragraph letter by letter"

>> No.1648226

i was just so concentrated on the text, i got mad when i found out they were just trying to waste my time with a decoy puzzle

pretty annoying man

>> No.1648228

Well, the whole "communicate by cover of darkness" thing was supposed to be a clue for that. But, yeah, it's not a very good puzzle.

>> No.1648232

Is 3 just 'figure it out letter by letter'
Assuming V is I and nz is am?

>> No.1648240

well that's it, im out

this thing is just waaaay to vague for me

>> No.1648241

Yeah, that's how I started. Then it was just a matter of finding a word that has all 3 of those letters and it gets pretty easy from there.

>> No.1648265

Its a ROT 13 cipher

>> No.1648337

That's how I did it, too. I saw na, nal, and znal were all there. I knew for certain that V was I, because it was capitalized everywhere, and I is the only 1-letter proper noun. I figured that nz was probably am. I worked with na, nal, and znal all being words to get a and l, and worked from there. It's kind of lame that the letters were in pairs, with one translating into the other, made it too easy. Ended up only deciphering half of the letter relationships before just inputting what was in quotations at the end. At least they didn't make it too easy because they made the passcode gibberish, so you had to decipher all of its letters