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File: 829 KB, 2304x1156, 1725505448204157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16465590 No.16465590 [Reply] [Original]

soon edition

previous >>16462178

>> No.16465594
File: 27 KB, 858x251, Screenshot_2024-11-06_190222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for fuck the FWS

>> No.16465596

two weeks! https://www.spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=starship-flight-6

>> No.16465597

ESGHound status?

>> No.16465600
File: 614 KB, 1215x1180, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16465601

Damn, what a colossal faggot.

>> No.16465604
File: 189 KB, 1200x295, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's being harassed by crazy people, apparently

>> No.16465605

We are so back

>> No.16465606

I wonder how he feels knowing everything he ever "worked" for is moot and he just wasted everyone's time only for nothing to change

>> No.16465607

Fun fact you can just ignore ESGfag, CSS, Kolodny, flat earthers, apollo deniers etc now, now that Elon and SpaceX won big it just doesn't matter what they have to say anymore, ESG/kolodny and other seethers writing their articles were only ever worth arguing with when the Dems could use their contrived bullshit half-assed accusations to go after SpaceX or Blue for minor shit out of petty political reasons and now thats just not gonna happen cause they lost - bigly

so waste of energy on all of these people now imo

>> No.16465610

All Elon has to do is disable the hate speech limiters and suspensions and then the website will naturally self-correct such people.

>> No.16465614
File: 501 KB, 1179x2048, Gbvv6OzbcAADW1K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also Trump winning means pathetic shit like this gains zero traction in America

>> No.16465615

just try to get through this without rolling your eyes I couldn't by the 3rd paragraph lol

>> No.16465618 [DELETED] 

I mean, what does that even have to do with space? I get it, no air empires where the Muskrat king gets to decide if your dome asphyxiates if you call him a name

>> No.16465620

i still cant fucking believe it. i doomed for nothing, holy fuck it wasnt even close. we really live in the best timeline bros. i cant fucking believe it deregulated spaceflight is like priority #1 for elon as well oh my lord. it is about to BOOM.

>> No.16465621

I mean, what does that even have to do with space? I get it, nobody wants air empires where the Muskrat king gets to decide if your dome asphyxiates if you call him a name, or destruction of alien ecosystems for profit, but the wonderful thing about space is that it belongs to everyone, so nothing's stopping those guys from eventually forming a commune in some O'Neil or ice moon. Hell, I'd wager a stable society of the type serious space settlement requires would naturally gravitate toward something like what they want, since Australian aboriginal-type tribes are our "natural" social setup, and any serious violent conflict off-Earth is likely to just end up with everyone in the colony dead

>> No.16465624

What an asshole. What's the point of him?

>> No.16465626


>> No.16465631
File: 1.49 MB, 1161x893, jimeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I'm so fucking excited for the future

>> No.16465632

best timeline and its not even close

>> No.16465633

What about Greg Autry?

>> No.16465635
File: 320 KB, 779x352, did someone say carbon fiber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16465636

yeah, crazy

>> No.16465638

He's a smart pick. If not administrator, he should be CFO or something

>> No.16465644

Why do you retards want Bridenstine? He immediately took a job at ViaSat and spoke out against SpaceX.

>> No.16465645

How deep of a house majority are Rs supposed to get? Does that even matter for space? Are some RINOs going to be like noooo dont go to space we have problems here

>> No.16465647

Leftists of this stripe are anti-positive sum: their ideal society is one where everyone is equally poor because then there's no injustice. Once people start creating new things, then inequalities arise. Spaceflight is particularly dangerous to them because it lacks any clear upper bound. With terrestrial extractive industries they can argue that the supply is finite (even though the Earth has absolutely immense resources which are now-unprofitable mainly because of political or technological limits that can be removed), but with space it's plainly obvious that the potential for growth is functionally infinite.

They usually frame these insidious views within the context of some clear historical injustice that most people oppose—i.e. colonialism is bad because it harmed the native peoples. But their true objection to colonialism is that the European pursuit of advancement and empire was per se immoral, essentially because humans shouldn't seek greatness. Ironically it's a position which derives from Christian theology (Protestant, really: Catholicism embraced Aristotelian virtue ethics with Aquinas and never looked back), which is why it sounds so utterly ass-backwards; it's logic makes sense only if you accept axiomatically that humans are evil and human advancement is bad.

>> No.16465648

If thats the case, then we should even consider Kathy Leuders who was demoted by the Biden admin for picking SpaceX for HLS

>> No.16465649

something about a filibuster idk

>> No.16465652

Isn't he an EDSer now?

>> No.16465653

They're like real-life Chaos cultists. They seduce the weak-minded with comforting lies, but in truth they only seek the destruction of Mankind.

>> No.16465654

It won't be a big enough majority to completely remove the risk of RINO shenanigans, but most of the real problems are coming from the administrative state and not congress. Just putting Ron Paul in charge of the Department of Killing Other Government Departments will improve things so much.

>> No.16465655

Dont hate the player, hate the game. When are you gonna stop whining about that?

>> No.16465656

When environmental legislation is thrown into the garbage, I will remind him that it is almost exclusively his fault

>> No.16465657

House is still in the air. In the Senate they will have a comfortable majority, but not enough to get around the filibuster. It probably matters little for spaceflight, since support for it tends to be bipartisan (that's not to say D and R support yield equally good policy). Trump seems genuinely enthusiastic about spaceflight and that should be enough. Also, the main driver of spaceflight right now is private industry, which will benefit massively from reduced regulatory burdens that can be achieved without any Congressional action.

>> No.16465658

Trump will now be able to re-classify most federal workers as appointees, which he was planning to do int 2020. This should make it easy to fire them at will.

>> No.16465662

So I got really drunk at a work party last night for the election and apparently I started talking to coworkers about the Mars piss lock meme and now I have a meeting on my calendar with HR and my manager tomorrow morning...

>> No.16465664

That would honestly be so hilarious
And then she purges those who pushed her out

>> No.16465665

this is why ive never drank. become a teetotaeler, its for the best.

>> No.16465666

Thats just his job tho. Not necessarily an ideological/personal reason

>> No.16465667

satan trips confirm you are a lying bastard and we should firmly reject bridenstine. everyone make sure you get a screencap of this to btfo and future bridenstine rats

>> No.16465670

Never talk about the pisslocks to non/sfg/ people, rookie mistake.

>> No.16465674
File: 203 KB, 1431x1080, 435423543524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has committed sedition against an officer of the Ministry of Space, and you are his sympathizer. Anon, your agonizer please.

>> No.16465683


This will happen and will really bite SpaceX in the ass when it does

>> No.16465684

What's so bad about piss

>> No.16465685

Please tell me you're at least aerospace-adjacent and that this hasn't fully escaped containment into the world at large

>> No.16465687

Absolutely. I'm already dooming about fucking Starlink hardware being found inside Russian drones.

>> No.16465688

That plover clearly enjoys watching starship launch, it would be facing away if it wasn't happy and excited to see the launch. Musk should be rewarded for making life better for the plovers.

>> No.16465689
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-2535307415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American GPS chips have been found in Russian shit, Russians use eotechs, etc. It happens in war

>> No.16465693
File: 291 KB, 666x650, jfqaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna buy an 8" dob

>> No.16465694

someone remake this with Starship

>> No.16465696


>> No.16465697
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, moon_2023.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice anon. I'm stuck with my equatorial mount. I kind of like it though, now that I'm used to it.

>> No.16465698
File: 52 KB, 763x932, GbwLeM3WYAsB84A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16465700

let me know when its the right time to start building my spaceship

ive got aluminium foil and some magnets and stuff
we can paint it with decals and stuff

>> No.16465702

do you know that some people pronounce it deck-uls instead of de-cals like a normal person does

>> No.16465703

>Trump is in charge right around the time America is celebrating its 250th birthday
>Also in charge right around when the Artemis program finally landed people on the moon again
Forget 2020, him winning in 2024 is a huge legacy jackpot for the guy.

>> No.16465704
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>> No.16465706

knee status?

>> No.16465707

thats a curioous thing
lets make fun of those people and defame their character

>> No.16465709

or perhaps
make an envious lifestyle

incompatible with success
becuase how else
does a teddy bear make it through a bstacle corsyuse with
a nerdy gerdy spiral projector

>> No.16465710

My field is completely disjoint to aerospace unfortunately. I just like rockets and am autistic about it.

>> No.16465714
File: 102 KB, 1600x1600, 61YICDLFqOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple solution: Tell HR you're autistic and lawyer up. Buy one of these audio recorders (it's a lot more menacing than just pulling out your phone to record), put it on the table during the meeting, look at them in the eyes and say these exact words "my attorney requested that I record this meeting". HR is all hot shit until you remind them you're a protected class and threaten legal action. Make sure you CC your company's legal team too to inform them you've lawyered up, legal can and will often times tell HR roasties to shut the fuck up.
t. autist that got in trouble at work, and the second I CC'd my attorney on an email chain, my managers started avoiding eye contact with me unless absolutely necessary.

>> No.16465715

hello retard-kun. remember that this is what you get for drinking. put the bottle down, learn your lesson and never drink again

>> No.16465717

I just think it's really entertaining how a really small nobody person of zero consequence could have one of the most powerful people on the planet as their arch nemesis.

>> No.16465718

What's the reasoning to not desire practice building and drilling/mining on the moon? It's 3 days away as opposed to 7 months(?), can practice all sorts of otherworldly building and maneuvering techniques with robots and people, practice building structures, that can be sealed and consistently oxygenated and all the tech monitoring techniques, stabilizing structures, landing and taking off craft, building launch and landing pads etc.

"What's the reasoning to not desire practice building and drilling/mining on the moon? It's 3 days away as opposed to 7 months(?), can practice all sorts of otherworldly building and maneuvering techniques with robots and people, practice building structures, that can be sealed and consistently oxygenated and all the tech monitoring techniques, stabilizing structures, landing and taking off craft, building launch and landing pads etc."

"Some areas of the moon have temperatures that could be suitable for human life, around 63°F (17°C):"

"The temperature on Mars can range from -225°F (-153°C) to 70°F (20°C), but the average is around -85°F (-65°C). The temperature on Mars varies greatly because of its thin atmosphere"

Large habitable space city structures also have their pro and con drawbacks

>> No.16465722
File: 326 KB, 2560x1440, flight 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this most epic video in 4K not getting any love here?

>> No.16465724

Most people are drunk as fuck or passed out or depressed. Expecting any significant attention the day after an election is retarded anon.

>> No.16465725
File: 72 KB, 714x800, soy_zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is this most epic video in 4K not getting any love here?

>> No.16465726

Already saw it on X hours ago

>> No.16465730
File: 109 KB, 960x960, vonbrawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get a little love in the chat for another fascist nazi?

>> No.16465735

never reveal your piss level!

>> No.16465738

Are nazis the only ones capable of building rockets?

>> No.16465739

fascism and national socialism are separate ideologies tho

>> No.16465744

The question was:
>Can we get a little love in the chat?

>> No.16465757

X is awesome in 4K, simply the perfect video streaming platform, you can just browse with no account and an adblocker!
Oh, wait...

>> No.16465759

>OP's Mom

>> No.16465809

Hell yeah

>> No.16465820

predictions for the number of starship flights next year?

>> No.16465826

I need a working, shielded gopro in the engine bay

Make it happen Elon

>> No.16465827

I got 20

>> No.16465828

Their license only allows 6, max. If they manage a bimonthly cadence they will be doing great.

>> No.16465829

Retard. What the fuck do you think happened yesterday?

>> No.16465832

The lesson Ive today is NEVER bet against Elon.

>> No.16465835

17, because of the weather.

>> No.16465837
File: 360 KB, 1024x1024, 1714196610831417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always bet on black.

>> No.16465838

Preach my african immigrant xista

>> No.16465841
File: 74 KB, 785x239, 5peryear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're actually down to 5 per year. It's so over.


>> No.16465843

Shut the fuck up doomer scum you have no ammunition left after the Elon victory.

>> No.16465847

were you asleep the last 24 hours?

>> No.16465862
File: 304 KB, 1179x574, 1702825030506117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, can we all admit poojeets are based and spacepilled?

>> No.16465864

Elon is going to fire you

>> No.16465867

>poos in LEO with an uncontrolled ASAT test
no fuck india

>> No.16465874

I have a radiation hardened (old) 1080p monitor.

>> No.16465876

You forgot yesterday? We getting new FAA.

>> No.16465880

ISRO have done very well considering their relatively low spending.

>> No.16465882

Are CRTs rad hardened? We must return to old technolgies

>> No.16465885

They'll get it up to 10, they're going to need massive changes to their GSE to support higher launch cadences
>Heavily expanded cryo storage
>LNG pipeline
>Off-site LOX production
>Maybe a rebuild of OLM-1

>> No.16465887

Conflict of interest since she works at SpaceX now.
It'll be some career politician.

>> No.16465889

>pipeline, pipeline, pipeline
Environmental review handed off to Texas, Cruz and Abbot personally sign off on the pipelines five minutes after receiving the application

>> No.16465892

>words words words faggotry
>we also reject the shift key and uppercase letters

>> No.16465896
File: 101 KB, 930x403, space hating commie jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their ideal society is one where everyone is equally poor because then there's no injustice.
No quite. The Party members who do such valuable work in such a selfless manner will deserve better food, housing and clothing etc. dont you think? And the Peoples Internal Security forces must be comfortable too...

>> No.16465907

Gearing up for another launch in ~1.5 weeks/11 days

>> No.16465908
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>> No.16465909

Traitors to American space supremacy should be blackballed and exiled from the industry and disallowed a platform to speak on the matter at all.

>> No.16465910

She could simply resign from SpaceX and take the position.

>> No.16465911

Mr. Musk got his transgressions pardoned. Why not him too.

>> No.16465912

How they make sure there wont be a mass casualty event in case the glass dome gets a hole?

>> No.16465915

Who did Musk pardon for what?

>> No.16465916

This. As far as I know, he's still Public Enemy No. 2 to the leftoids.

>> No.16465919

Musk was forgiven by DJT.

>> No.16465921

DJT isn't a communist so he isn't Musk's enemy. I think you're confusing this.

>> No.16465922

Based "wasn't around in 2016-2019" newfag poster

>> No.16465923

But the question was about was not is. They were feuding. They are not feuding now. How thick is your skull?

>> No.16465924

Eotechs are commercial items so easy to inport through this party. But like anyone is even trying to enforce the sanctions. Somehow European trade to all Shitfuckingstans that border russia have had their trade increased ridiculous amounts.

>> No.16465925

Trump realized he was in error. He was wrong. Will your traitor renounce his traitorous statements and pledge his loyalty to American space supremacy above all other things?

>> No.16465927
File: 237 KB, 1024x683, 6712535323_993ed177f3_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pipin' hot plovers are back on the menu boys

>> No.16465930

Sure but these things still take time to build.

>> No.16465935
File: 152 KB, 720x888, 1714503021455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alleged SpaceX supporter BTW.
Crazy how 100% of trannies on spitter came out of the woodwork this election and went mask off that they woud rather be gay than have life become multiplanetary.

>> No.16465957
File: 57 KB, 927x678, NASA GTX ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crazy how 100% of trannies on spitter came out of the woodwork this election and went mask off that they woud rather be gay than have life become multiplanetary.
that happened on /sfg/ too

>> No.16465970

Aren't they like the opposite of rad hardened?

>> No.16465972

It's so funny how Modi is literally an incompetent dictator but no one ever talks about that because... reasons. The dude has a fucking civil war going on right now, and it's just ignored.

>> No.16465975

shut your fuck bloody bitch you call him dictator then india is powerful from dictator you fuck bitch bloody

>> No.16465976

So if they try an engine reignition during IFT-6 and succeed, nothing will prevent them from reaching actual orbit from then on and we might see a starlink deployment in IFT-7?

>> No.16465977

Starlink deployment is suspected to be on IFT 8,but yes

>> No.16465978

No one buys the leftist media take on anything except retards. The only real news I've heard from India is some nonsense about toilet deficit. Yes, I wanted to make that joke too, but you know.

>> No.16465979

Engine relight for faster/controlled deorbit and more refined/robust catching play

>> No.16465980

mostly because india is publicly incompetent. A dictatorship that tries to hide its flaws might fool some into taking it seriously but because India is a bizarre mix of upright/open, dictatorial and 'democratic' people can't really form a solid opinion on it.

>> No.16465984
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 93969e16ly1hvdhtifjl2j21hc0u0kjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galactic Energy's Pallas-1 Y1; maiden launch planned for Q1 2025

>> No.16465986
File: 567 KB, 840x554, 93969e16ly1hvdhrvi1ovj20nc0fedui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(An antares-class partially reusable LV)

>> No.16465988
File: 48 KB, 748x1200, 1537160549713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16465990

I'll always love the look of 2018 BFR
even if that third fin was objectively useless mass

>> No.16465992

Big Fucking Rocket is a better name then SuperHeavy, and I'm tired of pretending its not.

>> No.16465994

Bird name would be better.

>> No.16465996

Super Heavy objectively sucks as a name, but frankly I've come around to Starship, it could be improved but it's better than MCT/ITS/BFR imo. Acronyms suck.

>> No.16465998

They should've stuck with the name bigger nigger imo when Elon came up with it. I have no idea why they changed it.

>> No.16466005
File: 611 KB, 2170x1590, 1724271032510059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't expecting that on /o/

>> No.16466007

Wouldn't look good though.

>> No.16466010
File: 597 KB, 1920x1440, Gbs8X6wXEAMCk7O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Various Themis flight hardware (3 years late)

>> No.16466012

>(3 years late)
very fast

>> No.16466019

desu the original timeline was unrealistic
You can't ask TWO separate consortium led by Arianegroup, one funded by the ESA, and another by the EU space agency (yes both are separate), using two different launch site, two different designs, to develop a new Medium-launcher class reusable methalox 1st stage with new engines and expect it to be done in 3 years (original timeline), it's very late, but not unexpectedly so.

>> No.16466025

I mean, it's very fast for Europe. I'm actually impressed that the hardware already exists.

>> No.16466031

yeah, there was payload hardware spotted already. We will be waiting for license again though.

>> No.16466033

tfw by next year we'll have a starship a month or better

>> No.16466035

No one likes Indians.
People feel visceral disgust when they see an average Indian.
But it's honestly not nice to feel that way about another human being who didn't do anything bad to you so people just stay quiet and pretend they don't exist.

>> No.16466050
File: 210 KB, 720x1254, 1722065051683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466051
File: 496 KB, 838x664, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds a jury verdict that cleared Elon Musk of all allegations of having misled investors with his 2018 “funding secured” tweet for taking Tesla private.
We're going to win so much, you may even get tired of winning.

In another news
>Virgin Galactic seeks to raise money to accelerate growth of spaceplane fleet
>Virgin Galactic is proposing to raise $300 million in additional capital to accelerate production of suborbital spaceplanes and a mothership aircraft the company says can fuel its long-term growth.


>> No.16466055
File: 1.16 MB, 1528x1528, ranger dunno shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who asked

>> No.16466056

Women have exceeded their credit limit for concern and I have no fucks to give for their fears.

>> No.16466057

Is that starship shopped in?
What the fuck is this art supposed to be about anyways?

>> No.16466060

idk how VG even gets funding
you would think venture capital would know better

>> No.16466062

fortunately yes

>> No.16466063

It's implying that celebrating space exploration as a benefit of the trump win is whitewashing/overshadowing women's issues.
Basically an IRL no fun allowed post

>> No.16466066

Well the original art is about women wishing to become sexless to avoid issues like objectification and rape.
I’m not sure what the meaning is supposed to be when you photoshop starship in, because now it sounds like it’s complaining that people ignored women and voted for space.

>> No.16466067 [DELETED] 

Women voted 45% trump so evidently women don't care either.

>> No.16466068

>Future Blue Origin Astronaut
these people don't care about space, its just a way to get attention for them, a niche that they think they could occupy


>> No.16466069

"You picked faster launch cadence over my rights to kill my baby!"

>> No.16466075
File: 134 KB, 904x608, astronaut smug coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're goddamned right we did.

>> No.16466077


>> No.16466078

After all that it can barely carry more than New Glenn

>> No.16466082

New Glenn can't carry jack shit. Come back when you've actually launched something, blueboy.

>> No.16466084

Starship can't carry shit either, it's only purpose is to burn fuel.

>> No.16466085

Makes sense, New Glenn is designed to enable permanent space habitation, Starship is designed to enable permanent Mars habitation.

>> No.16466091

I think he has a funny face so I like to post him

>> No.16466092

if you think the screeching is bad now, wait until DOGE actually starts cutting pointless programs

>> No.16466093
File: 12 KB, 160x160, 1434838177987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ - Politically Incorrect

>> No.16466094

>there wont be any adults left
Dad is back, and he's PISSED

>> No.16466097
File: 375 KB, 1920x1080, sx-[00.59.684-01.01.269].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my politics

>> No.16466100

Your body, my choice. Forever.

>> No.16466108

New glenn can carry 150 tons? based bezos

>> No.16466111

Fat Glenn can.

>> No.16466114

Imagine trying to fit 150 tons into 600 cubic meters

>> No.16466116

>you would think venture capital would know better

>> No.16466120

A 150ton steel brick would be like 3% of that volume

>> No.16466121
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1080, sxl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466123

>that beam of light
fuck fuck fuck I want to FUCK THE ROCKET

>> No.16466127

I'd imagine with a leg, it could potentially land on a small island or deserted area down in Australia

>> No.16466129

I wonder, it was going sideways quite a bit

>> No.16466133

Downright surreal
I wonder if an earth starship will ever have legs

>> No.16466135
File: 345 KB, 2596x1558, 1701953098599884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16466137

Yeah but I don't care about a woman's right to murder babies, I do care a lot about our space program, though.

>> No.16466138
File: 338 KB, 2604x1532, 1706187969959949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466139

It still can land on a skirt.

>> No.16466142
File: 30 KB, 1193x867, 1701763768523751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS delenda est

>> No.16466144
File: 392 KB, 2600x1516, 1730789485886006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16466145
File: 1.42 MB, 5568x3712, 1720622192548427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or they could repeat this.

>> No.16466146
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, SLS core stacking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We stackin'?

>> No.16466147
File: 21 KB, 500x462, gym class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember these things from gym class

>> No.16466149
File: 360 KB, 2606x1536, 1702057828905975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466151

What's new shepard doing there?

>> No.16466152

600 cubic meters of water weighs 600 tons

>> No.16466156

CRTs are quite vulnerable to ionizing radiation

>> No.16466157

That was on purpose, they mentioned during the livestream they were going to land at a bit of an angle

>> No.16466160

>After all that it can barely carry more than New Glenn
>45 tons with partial reuse vs 100+ tons with full reuse


>> No.16466161

>nasa actually acknowledging starship exists

>> No.16466162

it's hard to acknowledge starship more than the HLS contract

>> No.16466163

Timeline shifted, antagonism ended now SpaceX is NASA's bff.

>> No.16466165
File: 385 KB, 1707x926, IMG_5880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine trying to fit 150 tons into 600 cubic meters

>> No.16466166

where is this from?

>> No.16466167

Funny to imagine the oldspace nonsense on the moon while a Mars city is being built. Really depends on what NASA does over the next little bit. Would be funny if Elon's government reform is entirely self centered and only fixes NASA and his Starbase impediments.
I have to wonder what Bezos is feeling right now.

>> No.16466169

oh come the fuck on dude, you know exactly what i'm talking about.
in what promotional material for artemis have you seen starship?
fucking nowhere.

>> No.16466172

There's no way starbase factory can make a new starship every 3 days

>> No.16466175
File: 263 KB, 979x767, Screenshot_20241107_120439_Messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16466176

iirc, SpaceX is in discussion with Australia for this kind of thing

>> No.16466177

Why would it need to?
You know they plan on reusing them.

>> No.16466178

>not because they are easy but because they make me hard

>> No.16466181

this got posted on /o/?

>> No.16466182

It was, but the source is stack exchange.

>> No.16466183

What constraints would prevent that? Materials? Labor? How frequently do you think they'll bang them out?
Elon's plan means they'll need at least 10,000. You don't reuse the Mars ships

>> No.16466184

Could new shepard use the abort motor in the crew capsule as a second stage if they wanted to sound even higher?

>> No.16466185

>you don't reuse the mars ships
uh, yeah, you do.

>> No.16466186

yes, you could also throw your parachutes out of the window to get even higher!

>> No.16466187

Most other sounding rockets consider parachutes to be dead weight.

>> No.16466188

uh, no you don't. Think about how much work it would take the Martians to generate the lox and methane to return a ship that's outdated by two years by the time it arrives. Meanwhile Earth made 2000 in the meantime. It's just a function of cost. With $90k of steel and ~$5mil in engines it just isn't worth it. You'll return them full of people and rocks but that's it.

>> No.16466189

>leave earth in flagship ship
>when you return it's outdated scrapyard fees

>> No.16466190
File: 220 KB, 587x505, 1723281412007858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vertical stand is kill

>> No.16466191


>> No.16466192

So that's why they went so balls to the wall crazy with it lately setting all sorts of Raptor records

>> No.16466195
File: 241 KB, 1065x1062, GbwklJPa4AAziDW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao no way there was an actual crabs in the bucket anti-space meeting

>> No.16466196

I'm saying it isn't worth the cost on the Mars side. Spending precious energy and resources to send away a couple hundred tons of preprocessed metals? No way

>> No.16466198
File: 347 KB, 1080x1573, Screenshot_20241108_004444_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon is obviously one of most powerful person in the world right now.

>> No.16466202

it is shocking to reflect on his amassed wealth, influence, and military power. His resources alone could probably wage war against most countries on Earth.

>> No.16466203

It's rad hardened out of principle. It is emitting (relatively speaking) hard radiation during normal operation.
There's nothing that radiation could damage within the tube itself
Maybe the phosphors on the actual screen might degrade under extreme radiation.

Thin film transistor layer on LCD will get obliterated long before the phosphors do

>> No.16466204

/sfg/ was unironically a better election thread than anything in /pol/

>> No.16466206

I was one of those who posted quite often about how I hate his turn towards politics and supporting and batting for Trump like crazy, cause that would all come back to bite him on the ass if the democrats won and retaliated against SpaceX, even started to worry that if Dems won then they might be so vindictive enough as to alter SpaceX's HLS contract..

Crazy how things played out, dude took such a major gamble burned all the remaining bridges - and it paid off, respect.

>> No.16466210

it was so bad the he wasn't almost given a choice (not just specifically about the harassment and slow bureaucracy but where US was headed generally speaking)
some of the stuff going had Maoist vibes (or still has, the people and their agendas haven't gone anywhere)
and its not over yet, the reforms have to actually happen

>> No.16466211

Yeah but an unbelievably huge amount of pressure just got lifted off him, dude's gotta be elated as fuck, and Flight 6 is coming up too

>> No.16466213

not that anon, but anyway, I think the main reason is that most ships won't return. Maybe 9/10 ships will be cargo, and beside a few rocks, there's zero reason to return these, even if all the people return (which hopefully won't happen)

>> No.16466214

anime coomer brain poison as near as I can tell

>> No.16466216

the FAA will get abolished by end of January if they keep their bullshit

>> No.16466219

ULA company wide meeting.
No special trans treatment they already get their own bathroom.
Tory can't stop talking about Musk, and he is parroting DOGE. Remember that a physical minted dogecoin flew on CERT1 and legitimately orbited the moon.
Fucking buy nerds.
>t "engineer"

>> No.16466221
File: 143 KB, 365x543, von braun yes wvb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466222

It helps that he's really interested in the more altruistic industries of society with vehicles, energy, AI, civlization level discourse, and space exploration--and not using all that money and power to cantankerize society as most billionaires have a tendency to do.

>> No.16466224
File: 31 KB, 612x612, istockphoto-1177234024-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>~10,000% lower than Saturn V.
100% lower means zero. 10,000% lower goes into negatives and is a bit nonsensical. -99 times of the cost.
1% of the cost or 99% lower cost is probably what he meant.

>> No.16466225
File: 134 KB, 1290x1648, GbzDqFHXoAoGcuB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466226

Two weeks give or take

>> No.16466227

>$90k of steel
The steel alone would be worth 100x more left on mars than returned and reused, rapid reuse will only be needed for the orbital lifters and refuelling ships from earth. There might be benefits in creating a depot of spare parts from the landed ships in LMO just incase a ship lost a few tiles or a raptor burnt out but not in returning a whole ship just to send it to mars again.
Mars return will only be a sure thing for the ships carrying the first astronauts.

>> No.16466229
File: 331 KB, 1080x1791, Screenshot_20241108_012541_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the ASTS shills in panic because of Elon lol

>> No.16466230

ok so not only communication but imagining

>> No.16466231


New Mars Society Zubrin saltmine openned up.

>That said, whatever we think of the various policies that Mr. Trump has put on offer, there is one that I and the vast majority of Mars Society members certainly support: his promise to initiate a program to send humans to the Red Planet. We will therefore support that initiative, not because we agree with Mr. Trump, but because on this issue, he agrees with us.

>> No.16466233

buy what

>> No.16466234

I just know he was absolutely fucking seething that he had to write this. I couldve sworn I saw a post of him endorsing Harris but cant find it on his TL now

>> No.16466237

>Mr. Trump
Excuse me, that's PRESIDENT Trump to you, baldie.

>> No.16466240

Does anyone have the side profile of Zubrin?

>> No.16466241
File: 100 KB, 456x434, 1489209910099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of anime coomer brain poison
ordering ChatGPT to talk like anime girl as you ask it random questions that you would normally google is a complete game changer

>> No.16466242

I love the juxtaposition between old space and new
>Look! SLS is being assembled, aren't these adapters cool?
>also, SpaceX managed to catch a skyscraper

>> No.16466243
File: 49 KB, 1184x499, alien analog aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not a retro future, its a rational future

>> No.16466252

what does it say?

>> No.16466253
File: 15 KB, 455x493, Zubrin profile 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466256

The ASTS hype felt so fake, they have no satellites, no contracts, they pay full price for their launches, did anyone seriously expect them to overtake a constellation that already has 8000 satellites in orbit?

>> No.16466260
File: 90 KB, 640x960, IMG_8771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not call it X Band, fits with musk’s obsession with the letter X

>> No.16466261


>> No.16466262

>government can't fire FCC members
friends of the administrative state are going to be in for a very rough time these coming SCOTUS terms

>> No.16466264

lame, doesn't scale, requires clarification if you mean XBand Mars or XBand Moon or XBand Titan,

Self evident and cooler

>> No.16466267

and then what do you call the DSN-like inter-network that links the planets? SolarLink?

>> No.16466268
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1563903106049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amassed wealth
Paper wealth at the limit of liquidity thanks to how over-leveraged he is.

Who needs who more right now...Trump, who might be able to pardon himself, or Musk, who needs a relief from various Federal investigations?

>military power
Starshield is it.

Musk is a two-legged wallet who the Trump campaign took for a ride.

>> No.16466269

The only thing that isn't useful is the tiles. Seriously what the fuck will the tiles be used for? Railroad track ballast?

>> No.16466270


>> No.16466272

he has been seething about trump for a long time

>> No.16466273
File: 45 KB, 682x623, 1720099828971563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek look at this manlet. Now we need an edit of this that makes him a chinlet (see picrel for example).

>> No.16466276

Checked, you wish, and I left the ticker

>> No.16466279
File: 647 KB, 2560x2560, nerds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy what

>> No.16466281


>> No.16466285

for use on earth, not stars

>> No.16466289
File: 324 KB, 2608x1466, GbzCICzW4AAzbLI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16466290

Making fun of people's appearance is rude.

>> No.16466292


>> No.16466295 [DELETED] 


>> No.16466301

>The only thing that isn't useful is the tiles. Seriously what the fuck will the tiles be used for?
Bathroom walls and or floor?

>> No.16466303


>> No.16466304

Or will they be radioactive?

Laser-gun target practice

>> No.16466310

No way. They're super brittle and hard to detach. Whatever use they find not stuck to the side of a Starship will be post-shattering

>> No.16466318

Insulation dumbass

>> No.16466319
File: 58 KB, 936x624, outland 1981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spess marshals when?

>> No.16466321
File: 102 KB, 1050x692, Skylab airlock Gemini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16466325

I bought arduino, I'm going to make it

>> No.16466331

Starlink maybe in 25 min

>> No.16466332
File: 88 KB, 280x296, 1713401419646460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 years of pure space progress, brilliant pebbles, and BTFOing the chinese, bwos it's a great feeling.

>> No.16466333

What does this post mean

>> No.16466335

2 years until the midterms, though yeah at least the DOJ etc won't do lawfare anymore

>> No.16466337

Elon just has to get Starship across the line, then his spaceship becomes strategic defense important and MAD gets turned off for the US renaissance

>> No.16466338
File: 83 KB, 897x736, 145523_5day_cone_no_line_and_wind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump has closed the border to hurricanes

>> No.16466341

Roger that, Im all in. Thanks anonymos

>> No.16466342
File: 96 KB, 614x844, certified 100 anime catgirl brainrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it explains stuff as usual while powering up your glioblastomas

>> No.16466345
File: 97 KB, 490x638, insulation is haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466349

thanks anon, you just gave me cancer.

>> No.16466352

damn, written just like some1 with twitter bio:
>AUDHD, trans, neurospicy, HRT 5/22, she/her, obsessed with alloys and stainless steel analysis~

>> No.16466355

that's what you get when you scrape internet for training data

>> No.16466356

cute, now I want to fuck chatgpt

>> No.16466374

another boring launch success. yawn

>> No.16466376

The next picture will blow your minds

>> No.16466377
File: 26 KB, 514x536, 1712677571409014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16466378

oh, they flew it again? I wasn't paying attention

>> No.16466379
File: 1.09 MB, 4096x2299, 1709183938108701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that emblem

>> No.16466385

SpaceX: making spaceflight so routine even the autists aren't interested

>> No.16466387
File: 136 KB, 200x200, fa2907d265af786c47f0463cdf869709_w200-431076212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466388
File: 18 KB, 357x321, 1726760717065654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banana for scale?

>> No.16466389

Now there's a non-zero chance of anime girls appearing on future ships.

>> No.16466390

is it because they are peeling the shield like a banana?
woukd be interesting to see if the decal makes it to landing

>> No.16466392

dickbutt when

>> No.16466399

what are the terms of the Touhou Project again?
I want to see some Cirno on the Super Heavy

>> No.16466401

frogs aren't copyrighted so pepe will go to mars first

>> No.16466402

I'd say it's only a matter of time
didn't JAXA use anime girls in official mission art and stuff already

>> No.16466410
File: 2.28 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240711_185434555_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure pepe is copyrighted

>> No.16466413
File: 58 KB, 640x524, 4f8514ffc2d9dbd92987863cd47e65d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god
they paid anime studio to make promotional video for a weather satellite

>> No.16466415

also partnered with Suisei to send her to space

>> No.16466422

holy kino
this should be more common

>> No.16466425


>> No.16466429

it comes from the no no place

>> No.16466430

girl pee then

>> No.16466436

because there will be like 10-12 psi in the dome not 200 psi?

>> No.16466440

it's actually the lock part thats the problem

>> No.16466442

Girls don't pee

>> No.16466444

>first they came for my right to an abortion but I said nothing as I had chosen not to have children but then they came for my lazy girl job...

>> No.16466447

These space startups are getting weird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2nPg42xsXg

>> No.16466452

and pisslocks don't exist
what's your point

>> No.16466453

Someone tweet at Elon to put Krystal or Clear decals on Starship.

>> No.16466455
File: 1.01 MB, 2878x4096, Gbz91LyXgAYoC2W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466457

Why are the tiles glowing?

>> No.16466459

Watch out how some people WILL complain about this.

>> No.16466460

oh nice, the onions boys and the Burgoid are having a podcast
this should be at least mildly entertaining/informative

>> No.16466461

I like this company. No big promises or revolutionary tech, just make cheap rockets and get mass to orbit because China needs as much launch capacity as possible.

>> No.16466463


>> No.16466465

i can't find it

>> No.16466466


>> No.16466469


>> No.16466471

anon was trespassing to get those pics

>> No.16466473

I'd watch a whole anime of NASA/JAXA shenanigans like this.

>> No.16466474

It's bare metal, you can look at the bottom where 1 tile is sticking out.

>> No.16466476

rgb gamer lights

>> No.16466479

>crypto scam streams are already up

>> No.16466480
File: 46 KB, 825x464, longinus-stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, but I still hate modern anime so much. Nothing like 90s ol' school

>> No.16466481

Never NEVER NEVER NEVER bet against Elon Musk.

>> No.16466482

Youtube will do nothing. Elon should buy Google, hand all the records and paperwork over to the Trump DOJ, then liquidate the company.

>> No.16466485

I can 100% guarantee you there are jeets in Google management who get a cut from the proceeds of these scams, in exchange for protecting them.

>> No.16466487

except that time about him saying that a flame trench was not needed lmao

>> No.16466488

Blue LED lights help with cooling

>> No.16466490

I bet that will be revisited eventually. Like Dragon originally being meant to use propulsive landing, then switching to parachutes. But Starship won't use parachutes. T he future is trenchless.

>> No.16466491

>exceeds requested capability
>extra ability for global imaging and monitoring

Can you imagine that conversation:
>NASA: "hey, can you give us Hubble for Mars? One of those gen1 birds?"
>SpaceX: "how about we give you 23 JWSTs for the price of one?"

That last line is about as close to uncontrollable shit eating grin as you can get from a formal NASA document.

>> No.16466494

>Building satellite constellations around other planets

holy based

>> No.16466497
File: 80 KB, 977x246, spacex fr fr gateways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spent some time reading through Starlink's 2024 gateway filings with the FCC and noticed someone at SpaceX has been getting away with slipping in some rather humorous nicknames for these locations, like the "StressX" and "The fr fr" gateways.

>> No.16466499
File: 37 KB, 436x457, astro helm mafia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16466500
File: 656 KB, 1500x2219, 1707221831284098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swift's body, Elon's Choice.

>> No.16466502
File: 1.17 MB, 640x640, 1703831190994507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exceeds requested capability, extra ability for global imaging and monitoring
Imagine being at NASA and reading that proposal for the first time

>> No.16466503

the on god no cap gateway

>> No.16466505

>Banana for scale?
thats my guess too

>Now there's a non-zero chance of anime girls appearing on future ships.
that reminds me, anime series love to do official collabs. if spacex does an anime character, then it's unlikely to be a pre-existing one, but millions of people watching every launch does provide a strong incentive for an official collab...

it wouldnt be out of place either, because you see similar characters cropping up more and more these days. like we had hololive characters opening for an MLB game, and genshin impact branding at mcdonalds.

i just hope its not a fucking cat girl

>> No.16466506

both of you are wrong, it will be called heliolink

>> No.16466507
File: 215 KB, 720x960, 1725958119681592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cute
I love anime "girls" so much

>> No.16466509


>> No.16466510
File: 90 KB, 882x699, astronaut slidewire escape baskets apollo 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16466511

It's too much winning for me...
I can't handle it...

>> No.16466517
File: 67 KB, 850x850, cheshire shitpostan hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love catgirls and i want the cheshire cat from monster girl encyclopedia to be put on the next test flight.
pls elon

>> No.16466519
File: 14 KB, 589x276, 1719319161945892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466520

Zoomers continue to prove they are based and it's not that every generation hates its progeny but that millenials were just as bad as xoomers said.

>> No.16466524

You need to kys troon

>> No.16466531
File: 1.25 MB, 3374x3300, Phobos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after that Starship deploys all those Marslink sats in Mars orbit it should rendezvous with Phobos, set down on it, and then provide us with 24/7 4k views of the Phobos horizon and the surface of Mars passing below. (and then chuck out a javelin that buries itself upright and then an American flag unfurls from the top)

>> No.16466532

its way too early for a martian constellation, but the fact that they're considering hosting imaging and other payloads on it makes me think that it could happen sooner than expected. nasa would love to invest in something like that.

>> No.16466534

>24/7 weather monitoring and SAR scans
it must be a literal wet dream for those guys

>> No.16466537 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 659x860, 014840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this dude worked for NASA for 34 years



>> No.16466538
File: 33 KB, 661x381, namaste robot tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is going to be a *lot* of robotic exploration conducted from the base and high capacity, low latency datalinks enable that

>> No.16466541 [DELETED] 


what causes this kind of mental illness in adults that are this old? white male guilt gone so far that they seek to be part of some "marginalized" group or something?

>> No.16466548

>space is growing in importance every year
>nasa's budget continues to decline https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budget_of_NASA

>> No.16466557

going forward, they'll only need to produce probes and enough funds to pay elon for a cab ride to anywhere in the solar system.

>> No.16466559

"Dang it's too cheap, we won't be able to use all our budget if we go with this but it would be cool. Guess we'll go with Lockheed Martin for this one too"

>> No.16466572


>> No.16466573

what can we expect?

>> No.16466575

It's a thread, don't you have an account? Marslink nigga

>> No.16466577

post the screenshot of it retard. nobody reads the post if u dont include it because clicking links is gay

>> No.16466578

did we look at this yet?

>The bottom line is that no one knows today how space programs and policies will fare in a second Trump term. Trump is enthusiastic about the U.S. Space Force, sending people to Mars, and Elon Musk. In his first term, he was not enthusiastic about NOAA or NASA’s STEM education program or some of its science projects, especially earth science.
>Trump will have to decide if he wants to keep the National Space Council or not. If he does, by law the Vice President chairs it. Then-Vice President Pence played a major role in space policy in the first Trump term. Incoming Vice President JD Vance does not appear to have any background in space, but Pence’s was limited when he became chair so that is not necessarily an indicator of what Vance might do.
>The key to what the U.S. can accomplish in space over the next four years will be budgets, so keep an eye out for Trump’s first budget submission in the spring for clues.

>> No.16466579

I'm on the phone

>> No.16466580

i include phone screenshots of my xeet shares too, idiot. dont be a lazy faggot. effortpost from now on or dont post at all.

>> No.16466584

is elon able to chair this? vance probably doesnt know shit about space seeing as hes from ohio, elon would be the perfect guy from trumps inner circle to deal with this and let the private sector flourish. it does seem to be more about national security though, so who knows. either really hope elon gets the message through to him to start upping funding to nasa science projects specifically, and maybe do some audits of artemis and start cancelling useless shit.

>> No.16466588

>maybe do some audits of artemis and start cancelling useless shit.
>Thinking Elon will cancel Congress pork

>> No.16466592

Elon likes SLS money NOT going to him but instead ML-2? News to me!

>> No.16466593
File: 2.06 MB, 1354x1654, 1659560624335278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466594

Is this just someone using spare parts to make a mockup?
Or did americans just not like circular windows in the circa 1960s; worried about structural integrity or something

>> No.16466595

>LMO satellites could gain a second life as a relay satellite in a higher orbit
Daily thread reminder that gravity is the great satan of our time

>> No.16466596
File: 374 KB, 1200x1600, Apollo_Lunar_Module_Inside_View (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did americans just not like circular windows in the circa 1960s; worried about structural integrity or something

>> No.16466597
File: 833 KB, 2800x1575, 1731023800200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote for your favourite planet/moon!


Let's see which one is /sfg/'s favourite! What are your predictions?

>> No.16466598

4ASS must destroy SSASS.

>> No.16466599

This was more about saving mass and minmaxxing the window to be as functionally utilitarian as possible

>> No.16466601
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x676, 1656859292702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it have a Demon Core on top?

>> No.16466602

it misspelled "Autistic Stainless Steel"

>> No.16466603

Almost all of the stuff I like is on Earth.

>> No.16466606

>too early
Nah man, we should have comm satellites around every fucking orbital body in the solar system so we don't have to rely on the turd that is DSN.

>> No.16466607

Maybe surplus cores were cheaper than cyanide pills?

>> No.16466608

But also everything you hate.

>> No.16466609 [DELETED] 

bad raising, their parents were too wuss to ever say "no"
this is the final evolution of the spoiled brat

>> No.16466610

you still need relay sats between the planets because the sun will block communications

>> No.16466612
File: 51 KB, 500x350, 1433441541374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vance probably doesnt know shit about space seeing as hes from ohio

>> No.16466613

Only for (((two weeks))) every two years.
Not that big of a deal.

>> No.16466615

Two weeks for earth-mars, i mean.

>> No.16466616

True, more of the stuff I hate is on Earth than not.

>> No.16466617
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>> No.16466618


>> No.16466620

All we know for sure is that the alternative was just more neglect. Trump is very open to public/private partnerships to get things done quickly. Unfortunately, those partnerships are often exploited. (Or unsuccessful in Congress -- Trump's first term infrastructure plan went nowhere.) Elon is seizing this opportunity with both hands. The problem, of course, is still Congress. Debt ceiling gets hit before January. Trump will have to pull off a miracle his first hundred days in office: an actual budget instead of a continuing resolution. I suspect the SLS will get sacrificed on this altar. Who will be our Augustine this time?

>> No.16466622

What the actual fuck am I reading. This is pure mind rot. What does mining space rocks and terraforming mars have to do with white supremacy?

>> No.16466623

stale suipiss lock...

>> No.16466624

Today I learned that NASA can detect gravity waves from storms in the atmosphere.


>NASA’s Atmospheric Waves Experiment, or AWE, recorded enormous swells in the atmosphere that the hurricane produced roughly 55 miles above the ground. Such information helps us better understand how terrestrial weather can affect space weather, part of the research NASA does to understand how our space environment can disrupt satellites, communication signals, and other technology.

"Launched in November 2023 and mounted on the outside of the International Space Station, the AWE instrument looks down at Earth, scanning for atmospheric gravity waves, ripple-like patterns in the air generated by atmospheric disturbances such as violent thunderstorms, tornadoes, tsunamis, wind bursts over mountain ranges, and hurricanes. It does this by looking for brightness fluctuations in colorful bands of light called airglow in Earth’s mesosphere. AWE’s study of these gravity waves created by terrestrial weather helps NASA pinpoint how they affect space weather."

>These views of gravity waves from Hurricane Helene are among the first publicly released images from AWE, confirming that the instrument has the sensitivity to reveal the impacts hurricanes have on Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Anons, is it true that the incoming Trump administration is hostile to NOAA for some reason? I seem to remember someone in a previous thread mentioning this, or maybe I read that elsewhere.
I certainly hope they aren't, the GOES satillites are very important for several reasons including space weather.
There certainly would be no good reason to be adversarial, considering the importance of GOES.

>> No.16466625

Every single orbital body in the solar system wont' be blocked by the sun at the same time.

>> No.16466626


not only does space weather affect earth weather, earth weather also affects space weather

>> No.16466627

Not that kind of gravity wave. It's just a wave in the atmosphere that produces those clouds that look like ripples.

>> No.16466630

it's the same thing
these waves in the atmosphere is caused by gravitational flux

>In the Earth's atmosphere, gravity waves are a mechanism that produce the transfer of momentum from the troposphere to the stratosphere and mesosphere. Gravity waves are generated in the troposphere by frontal systems or by airflow over mountains.

>effects can be small-scale (like the generation of gravity waves by convection)
>this momentum deposition by planetary-scale Rossby waves gives rise to sudden stratospheric warmings and the deposition by gravity waves gives rise to the quasi-biennial oscillation

what am I missing here

>> No.16466631

Fake and gay.

>> No.16466633

Artemis is only about $7B per year which is minuscule compared to the waste that's going on in the rest of the government. The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment act spent $42 billion dollars to connect zero homes to high speed internet, and that was only one small part of Biden's infrastructure omnibus plan. Two BEADs is roughly equal to the entire Artemis budget to date. Washington spent about the same amount as Artemis' yearly budget on a program that built eight EV charging stations. Washington's budget is a target-rich environment and Artemis is WAY down the list.

As much as I hate the politics that created it, SLS shouldn't get axed right away. It needs to be replaced with a more economical commercial solution but that's going to take time to spin up no matter what architecture is used. Just cutting Gateway, EUS, and ML-2 saves a lot of money while still allowing Artemis 2 and 3 to launch as-is with hardware that's already under construction. That will give everyone time to not have to rush a better option.

There's also the wildcard poised by Orion's heat shield issue. That's got a better chance to sink the program than the current budget issues.

>> No.16466635

tidal forces exist and affect space weather
deal with it

>> No.16466643

Not gravitational radiation if that's what you're thinking

>> No.16466645

>The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment act spent $42 billion dollars to connect zero homes to high speed internet
you had better believe that Elon has that in his crosshairs after Starlink was shafted out of those sweet, sweet subsidies

>> No.16466646


When did this show up

>> No.16466656

Starlink was RDOF though and that has actually been working and connecting homes for over a year now.

>> No.16466659

nov 6

>> No.16466666

that "radiation" is one of the things that cause air to descend slightly from higher to lower, which is the atmospheric wave, and it's caused in large part by the movement and evaporation of the liquid waters that cover most of our planet

this effect causes energy and momentum to be tranferred vertically as a function of this ocillation

>> No.16466674

>The 30-minute launch window will open at 4:00 p.m. CT
Oh shit I could just take the day off work and drive down then be back home at like 10. Would be a long day but that's some nice timing.

>> No.16466676

nta but gravity waves ≠ gravitational waves. The weather phenomenon is not related to what is measured at LIGO

>> No.16466678

>commercial solution
Why does it have to be commercial? There is only SpaceX and others are jokes.

Not having to reuse every stage makes any misison much easier. NASAs job should be to push with non reusable missions which commercial can't do.
SLS still has potential to be better than Saturn V if they build a proper upper stage and force the program to launch at least 5x a year.
If there are boeing shaped bottlenecks making that impossible then NASA should make deep space upper stages for Superheavy.

>> No.16466686

The hatch was reused from the Gemini capsule. apparently the whole airlock reused a bunch of parts originally designed for Gemini, like the ventilation system. kinda based if you ask me.

>> No.16466688

>gravity waves ≠ gravitational waves

>> No.16466698

first sentence 2bh

>> No.16466699

$0 went to Starlink. RDOF was cancelled by Biden admin chief on her first day.

This needs to be redone so that customers can decide who they want as service. Just like how they apply for lifeline, they can apply for lifeline for Starlink ad be done with. If not that, then just cancel the program all together since Starlink is already available for $100/m anyway.

>> No.16466708
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>> No.16466709
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>> No.16466710
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They sent her plushie to space too, Clear mogged

>> No.16466723
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>> No.16466726

>Neural Link

>> No.16466731

average EDS person

>> No.16466732

behold, the first interstellar vehicle

>> No.16466736

I can't imagine willingly permanently etching that onto my body

>> No.16466740
File: 3.83 MB, 2558x1682, Moon_Phobos_Deimos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol nice "moon"

>> No.16466742

cute pebbles

>> No.16466747
File: 7 KB, 300x300, surface comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparent size of the various moons when viewed from the surface. Pretty reasonable.

>> No.16466748
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>> No.16466749
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>optimistic 9 hour drive each way

>> No.16466750

>even more red
>everything is fucking red
mars needs some diversity in color

>> No.16466751
File: 7 KB, 171x2360, emscale.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

size and distance differences are absurd
>mars needs some diversity in color
careful now

>> No.16466769
File: 79 KB, 945x680, Alpha Centauri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just right over there, waiting for us.

>> No.16466770
File: 846 KB, 1744x1496, chrome_FKdKDzLVZN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vance probably doesnt know shit about space seeing as hes from ohio

>> No.16466771


some1 told the ISS to do a flip and he's gonna actually do it the absolute madman

>> No.16466773
File: 2.17 MB, 387x338, Nauka iss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it's fine when NASA does it but Nauka does it unplanned and suddenly it's a big fuckin' deal

>> No.16466774

The drive from Houston sucks but definitely not that much

>> No.16466779

ISS is a girl

>> No.16466782

shouldve done a strawpoll fag im not clicking your ip grabber

>> No.16466783

send us video mr beaner
woman repellant

>> No.16466785
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, flat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16466790

i hate tattoos, i won't ever get one, even if it's spaceflight related.

>> No.16466792


>> No.16466794

>climate reached 1.5C this year
we need to accelerate the space colonization efforts 10x

>> No.16466797

>The climate is accelerating at 1.5x the speed of light

>> No.16466798

big if true

>> No.16466799

Look at those mangled decals. Disgraceful.

>> No.16466801

we need space-based solar

>> No.16466802

there's definitely some geoengineering solution roughly a million times easier than altering our industry. you just have to reflect some percent of a percent of sunlight, right? how many starships full of something or other would you need to launch into the upper atmosphere per year? it's just gotta be easier than people make it out to be

>> No.16466803

imagine the astronomer seethe when we replace the sky with confetti to combat global warming.

>> No.16466805

kek I just don't see any other solution at this point, even if just as a short term one (or long term if you keep doing it forever)

>> No.16466806

its about engineering the atmosphere, not the amount of sunlight

>> No.16466807

Oh my god, what if the Banana on S31 is noseart and meant to indicate that this is going to be the first publicly named Starship?

>> No.16466809

what would you do?

>> No.16466810

Elon's cool, but you're a massive phaggot.

>> No.16466813

>grow fast growing grasses
>convert them into biochar
>bury or stack the biochar so high it turns into actual mountains

>> No.16466815

this does not seem easier than launching a starship full of confetti

>> No.16466816

you're supposed to remove gasses from the atmosphere to reduce climate change

>> No.16466817

plants will do that on their own if you give them a little time

>> No.16466819

The problem is the climate, not the composition of the atmosphere. The solution doesn't necessarily need to involve the carbon

>> No.16466820

what the black liquid coming out of his mouth supposed to be?

>> No.16466822

The climate won't do shit if you remove the atmosphere.

>> No.16466823

lunar bros, we won...

>> No.16466824
File: 1.69 MB, 3116x2127, 1590387788027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so back

>> No.16466826

make a case for sending space force personnel into space

>> No.16466827

What's the bear case of RKLB?

>> No.16466832

You only need to convince guys that got tricked by ssto spaceplanes for fifty years, just make something up lmao

>> No.16466834
File: 78 KB, 640x925, Starship_S20 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466835

If they keep trying to make launch vehicles they are doomed

>> No.16466836

"it's fucking awesome [Halotheme.mp3]"

>> No.16466837
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>> No.16466839
File: 27 KB, 320x265, passing away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a case for continuing

>> No.16466840

That's way bigger than I expected. It would actually look like a proper moon.

>> No.16466844

rather send FAA personnel into space if you know what i mean

>> No.16466846


Clip from the art of surge with musk talking to JD Vance about starlink delivery in NC

>> No.16466852

Is Vance wearing makeup literally every time he's in public or are his eyes just like that

>> No.16466854

his eyes are just like that

>> No.16466855

egyptian genetics

>> No.16466858
File: 251 KB, 1536x2048, hopper crush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flight 7 wen

>> No.16466859

It's quite amusing how terrified of Vance the left is and yet he is so clean the only avenue of attack they have is to speculate whether he wears eyeliner.

>> No.16466864

an hour after flight six
>booster rapid reuse this year

>> No.16466870

I like the guy, I do not like his eyes

>> No.16466873

Ngl, Vance casually going "sifting through all the bullshit" and "that's fucking nuts" is throwing me, has there ever been a VP as casual as him?

>> No.16466877

>like females
you're retarded

>> No.16466878

He's our first 4channer vice president

>> No.16466880 [DELETED] 

Trump is the opposite, he never swears, he comes up with goofy names for people instead.

>> No.16466882
File: 38 KB, 634x320, uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check Thunderf00t's channel for lolcow entertainment
>it's literally just a big "Kamala won, SpaceX nazis lost" video
Did he finally just snap

>> No.16466883

Is the new NASA admin finally going to kill SLS?

>> No.16466884

It's so maddening that SLS is finally complete and is still as worthless as everyone guessed it would be a decade ago
A year from now they really will be able to stack it and say "We can do $10 million worth of work with this baby for just $2 billion"

>> No.16466887
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the comments are eating him alive

>> No.16466895
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>> No.16466897

I've already watched all 6 episodes. When the fuck is season 2 dropping?

>> No.16466907

Richard Nixon

>> No.16466908

Politislop superfans make me gag

>> No.16466909

Then take my huge cock out of your mouth, you fucking retard.

>> No.16466910
File: 138 KB, 1920x1200, 014842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the North Carolina thing is at 13:48

>> No.16466912

Your niggerdom is showing

>> No.16466914

I am eager to watch the continued mental decline of blunderfoot and ESGhound over the coming years

>> No.16466915

10 more days

>> No.16466916
File: 63 KB, 657x494, 014843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these guys live in an alternate reality

>> No.16466917

did you just have an aneurism because someone pointed out your embarrassing loyalty to a politician.
trump is the better option and i voted for him, but this cheerleader stuff creeps me out.

>> No.16466918
File: 59 KB, 649x560, 014844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every single award SpaceX wins will be challenged in the courts

remember that FWS used this guy as a source

>> No.16466920
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>> No.16466923

kill all journalists
if you do not list your sources at the very top of the article you deserve to get guillotine'd

>> No.16466924

>cheerleader stuff
Nigger, I simply asked a question about the show. You're the one having an aneurism, calm down.

>> No.16466925

Unironically start killing journalists. I'm done
I wrote my comment before reading yours. Happy the sentiment is shared

>> No.16466935

>according to
behead all journalists

>> No.16466945

looks like the left's attacks on spacex arent going to let up

>> No.16466948

they're only going to ramp up from all sides.
expect major seethe from SLS workers once starship starts flying operationally, they can feel that they're gonna be replaced.

>> No.16466950

>anonymous says
>experts says
>journalists says


>> No.16466955

And who the fuck is inc and why do you care? Are they in charge?
Some ya'll really get off on scrounging the internet to find things to get mad at.

>> No.16466956

Does Berger still have his operatives in the SLS discord? I want to see their seethe when it gets canned

>> No.16466958

the bureucrats are reading these

>> No.16466959

>wanting gravity to bully you
Are you stupid? Phobos would be a perfect moon for Earth, if it was there we would have used ISRU for decades

>> No.16466965
File: 417 KB, 747x664, eugeneawi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Eugene have the best Super Heavy model?

>> No.16466970

How does the senate look like then? Are the Alabama senators going to resist any changes or not. Any other state senators?

>> No.16466974


>> No.16466978


>> No.16466984

Why did Trump choose that bitch ass man child looking fatso?

>> No.16466985

He's just the frontman for Thiel

>> No.16466992

>a sequel thats better than the first
terminator 2, any else?

>> No.16466993
File: 795 KB, 1785x1188, 1617479968000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want animu hopper to step on my balls

>> No.16467009
File: 123 KB, 500x260, may i see it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May we see these sources?

>> No.16467011


>> No.16467016


>> No.16467017

that's because ocean ships now have to burn low-sulfur fuel instead of the cheap bunker oil they used to burn, the sulfur dioxide or whatever emissions was helping keep the planet cool

>> No.16467019
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Possible in-orbit picture of Chinese X-37

>> No.16467020


>> No.16467021
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>> No.16467025
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>> No.16467026

His weight is a bigger issue.

>> No.16467028

>leverage and margin debt
these guys really don't understand why people are banging Musk's door down to give him money

>> No.16467031

>earth sensing
nice euphemism lol

>> No.16467034

sensing = using sensors
sensors can be anything from magnetic, measuring particles etc to actual cameras, imagining would only cover camera-style stuff

>> No.16467041

imagine if Trump drops hik from the admin and becomes hostile right now kek

>> No.16467051
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More GNSS satellites

>> No.16467056
File: 38 KB, 565x423, dyson dot 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two birds one stone

>> No.16467057
File: 40 KB, 979x740, CRUSADER moons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he practices vile nilotic rites

>> No.16467071

Thinking of the time when Musk said they didn’t need to spend $ for rebar in a hangar, and all the engineers fudged the numbers and secretly bought it anyways because they knew they needed reinforced concrete

>> No.16467078

>he never swears, he comes up with goofy names for people instead
Maybe on stage, and even then that's not always the case.

>> No.16467081

He seems to be pretty good. I really liked him on Joe Rogan. I will stop talking about politics now.

>> No.16467082

there better be some amazing news out today

>> No.16467084

my ballsack haha

>> No.16467085

why would there be? why would anything happen?

>> No.16467088
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>> No.16467095

whoops, that picture wasn't meant to make it on to twitter, who fucked up?

>> No.16467157
File: 392 KB, 2048x1536, oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from a Space Command slide deck presented at the Korean National Assembly, no classification banner so presumably unclass, which is weird for the photo that was included. One of the Korean participants posted it on LinkedIn

>> No.16467172

>Vast signs agreement with Czech government
>WASHINGTON — Commercial space station developer Vast Space has signed an agreement with the government of the Czech Republic that could allow a Czech astronaut fly on a future mission by the company.


>> No.16467174
File: 408 KB, 763x763, pepe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reward for Elon winning his gamble is... another gamble. As long as he's in Trump's good graces he'll have the run of the roost in terms of how space policy is constructed. On the other hand, he realistically has 4 years to land on the moon and make progress towards Mars. It'll be less than 4 years if he has a falling out with Trump. Once that window is over, the liberals will basically annihilate him if he hasn't accomplished enough.

>> No.16467177

not if permanent lasting changes are made to the bureaucracy

>> No.16467179

Holy shit this is cope. Did you not hear his acceptance speech and how much he sucked off Musk? This is just another liberal pipedream about Trump fucking everything up. News flash, its not happening this time, there will be nobody in his cabinet that will actively try to backstab him like last time. Musk will be cleaning out EVERYONE that prevented the ships from launching sooner and all you can do is fucking cry and pray to nothing FOR nothing.

>> No.16467181

What that knife hurt the frog?

>> No.16467185

His real obstacle will be those in Congress who want to keep the Senate Launch System as the focus of Artemis

>> No.16467187

Only if he does something really stupid that is a slam dunk to prosecute like award himself federal contracts. Otherwise the lawsuits against him have mostly failed. And four years, who knows if we will even be on this mortal coil then.

>> No.16467191

its funny to see the fanfic being created about "clashing egos" or whatever
its a self-licking ice cream cone where people with EDS and TDS egg each other on and create more and more elaborate scenarios
the fact is that this fantasy is as far from reality as most of the stories about Musk

>> No.16467193
File: 829 KB, 2000x2162, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16467194

there is no critical need to do anything about Artemis really, let it launch a few times and Starship iterates
SLS will become so embarrassing that they will have to cancel it, with or without Musk or Trump interfering with it
more important to make reforms so that SpaceX can operate without getting slowed down or kneecapped by one bureaucracy after another, NASA and congresscritters having some pet projects doesn't matter

>> No.16467195

SLS will stay the focus of Artemis for the next few years by momentum alone before any political manoeuvres can be made. iirc Hullo made a point about offering production for USAF's new ICBM to the SRB cartel in exchange for ditching SLS and then retooling SLS production for station building.
All of that being contingent on Starship exceeding current performance, arriving on budget and massive expenditure of political capital.

>> No.16467198
File: 725 KB, 2048x1638, 1728837653029359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then he literally dropped millions on Trumps campaign and was one of the central figures to his grassroots and reelection. And he met his entire family.

>> No.16467199

the MIC needs to get disrupted by players like Anduril as well, but perhaps that happens organically

>> No.16467200

yeah, we know. still, I think almost everyone here realizes that musk decided to ally with trump was because a) it's beneficial to him at the moment and b) the other side was more hostile to his companies. it's not like they are unironic best friends, he's just playing 4d chess to get us to mars. after all, e*rth p*liticians are all snakes, they could betray you in any moment if you don't play your cards right.

>> No.16467201

Tesla 1T market cap again very soon, broke through the 300 dollar stock price 30 minutes ago

>> No.16467203

I'm personally in awe over how hard Ivanka hit the wall. Plastic surgery did not treat her well.

>> No.16467205

Nobody cares fag talk about space Tesla is not space

>> No.16467208


>> No.16467209

I don't understand that trend, but "conservative" women are often such ugly bimbos. All caked up, dyed blonde hair, plastic surgery, etc.
Just look at that blonde abomination on the right.

>> No.16467214

it's not a gravity wave in the sense of that generated by two black holes merging, which is what that word means now

>> No.16467217

Trump cares about legacy, and seems to understand what Elon's accomplishments being associated with his administration means. Now that Elon worked hard to get him in office, Trump is going to let him do whatever he wants

>> No.16467219

I am worried about bureaucratic side of things, people like Buttigieg have shown they'll twist the FAA's arm to make things happen. But the Chairs of the Trump transition team (Lutnick and McMahon) haven't expressed that spehs will be a priority for them, at least not that I've seen. I'm worried it will be Elon vs. the rest of Trumpworld when it comes to appointing people who'll keep the bureaucracy out of SpaceX's way

>> No.16467220

Yeah. I fucking hate fake blonde hair. None of that on Mars please

>> No.16467221

I think it's the elevation of 'white trash' culture (i dont mean that in a demeaning way). Trump is popular and relatable because he has no taste. He decorates his house and his women the way someone from a trailer park would do if they suddenly got a billion dollars. It's something we will see a lot more in furture due to trends in birth rate. That bimbo look is the exact same way women from white trash parts of the UK have looked for decades.

>> No.16467224

The only thing I forecast is elon is more libertarian and trump is more authoritarian, and if trump does something crazy elon could care that he's going to be held responsible for this time line. But last time BLM trashed cities and went up to the white house, trump didn't take the bait to use the guard, or was talked out of it. Other than that the trump administration was pretty normal but covid panic killed it. And as long as trump isn't losing something like J6 doesn't happen.

>> No.16467225

kek, but I think you are at least partly right

>> No.16467227

>According to a story in Wednesday’s New York Times

I bet if I go to NYT it'll be "according to someone familiar with the story"

I have zero sympathy for what happens to these people that use the critical institution of journalism to divide and damage our country

>> No.16467230
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>> No.16467232

>appointing people who'll keep the bureaucracy out of SpaceX's way
I thought that was the job Musk was meant to be doing for Trump? But anyway, Musk seems to be on the inside at the minute but we all know how fickle Trump can be.

>> No.16467237

we do? I don't

>> No.16467240

>Musk seems to be on the inside at the minute but we all know how fickle Trump can be
Fingers crossed
On a related note I'm not sure what government positions Musk should prioritize filling, assuming he'll get to pick a few. Of course NASA admin but what else, Secretary of Transportation is an important one

>> No.16467241

He isn't gonna take any cabinet position. He will be an advisor on some panel.

>> No.16467243

I love how the Starhopper went on to become the single greatest aerospace meme of this century.

>> No.16467244

I'm not saying for himself to fill, but him getting to decide who holds the position

>> No.16467247
File: 441 KB, 800x646, Clipboard02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they sure showed ol'Musky

>> No.16467250

Seriously why does Elon hate rebar so much

>> No.16467252

Did you miss that he has an entire new admin this time?
Wait don't even respond. I know exactly what you are going to say
>Those people were traitors, deep state, RINOs, paid off, corrupt etc.

>> No.16467254

It was more to do with cost of rebar. Remember that Elon created SpaceX out of spite by looking at the cost of raw materials and the cost of general labor to put together a rocket based. It's what his "high idiot index" is derived from. So when the cost of rebar for building concrete exceeded the idiot index, he would just push back on it hard. When an organization scales to the vision of Starship, certain costs become rounding errors, but Elon thinking from first principles and being a cost efficient engineer, will still periodically question why certain cost exists even if one shouldn't care because of the rounding error. One that over time, because of Starlink, will become insignificantly irrelevant. Like fractions of a penny on a dollar levels of irrelevant.

His autism, which is his greatest strength, can also sometimes be his greatest weakness. The fact that the rebar issue never appeared again after his engineers figured out that the way to get around this issue is to simply reduce the cost per order down into a number that satisfies Elon's cutoff for the High Idiot Index, and then they, using it as a trojan horse to breach the gates of troy, could scale those cost orders to as high as they want to get the job done.

I'd argue that the concept of rebar will be universal for any construction for generations to come until we figure out something better than concrete as an all-in-one material. It's foundational to all construction projects and it exists in order to strength a system so that it can handle shocks better and also transfer energy through the core channels (because metal is more ductile than concrete) into the ground below.

Elon wanted to skip using rebar, because its a cost that exists and Elon's all about cutting costs to increase efficiency, performance, velocity, and production. To support 1M people on Mars before he dies, towers can't be taking months. He wants it to be weeks. Rebar complicates that. Hence the "dislike" of it.

>> No.16467255
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>> No.16467260

Even Petabits/sec connectivity is a stepping stone. Truly, it will need eXabit/sec connectivity. But in all seriousness, it's amazing that SpaceX/Starlink teams are already thinking of the technology path that would get us towards Pbps bandwidth on a PER satellite basis, when Gen3 Starlinks are expected to be only around 150Gbps. So a 10x improvement over current capability.

>> No.16467261

so do you actually believe what you are saying or is this some copey talking point? lol

>> No.16467262
File: 344 KB, 714x875, KSP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys. KSP just got bought out by an anonymous wealthy buyer. This is KSP 1 and 2. No way this wasn't Elon.

>> No.16467265

elon doesn't care about this shit

>> No.16467267

Elon is a gamer. Maybe he wants to save space gaming. they will have to play something on Mars

>> No.16467269

nah it's probably just ubisoft or ea or some shit. after ksp 2 the company value must have shat itself. Large companies like to own a lot of titles just so that no one else gets them, just look at disney.

>> No.16467270

>NASA: we want 4Mb/s
>SpaceX: how about 1Pb/s?

>> No.16467272

The buyer will probably be some random venture capitalists or whatever who plan to gut private division for whatever money they can get from it, ksp isn't gonna be saved.

>> No.16467274

Trump's first presidency is littered with people he was working with at the start, and now hates. Are you unaware of that?

>> No.16467275

okay so a talking point
I don't care

>> No.16467278

Maybe someone associated with 'Kitten Space Agency'? But they said that they don't have such money to buy their IP

>> No.16467280
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Musk is going to continue winning, the EDSers are going to continue moving the goal posts

>> No.16467282

I think it's pretty telling when spacex is accomplishing stuff that's not possible in a video game. I wish KSP had more freedom

>> No.16467283

Yes and time to move on from the losers. Paying attention to losers have no merit. Its just DEI shit. Meritless and included in conversational for diversity of thought when that thought had no proven merit in the first place. If things were uncontested, there might be some place for diversity of thought, but the horse has been beaten repeatedly and yet the DEI cult keeps bring up the losers.

>> No.16467284

why is his "maga" hat black? is it an african thing or what?

>> No.16467286

he has an aversion to bright yellows/reds I think

>> No.16467287
File: 1.41 MB, 1600x900, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A.S.S. (Alliance of Sahel States) bought 3 satellites (military coms, radar and reconaissance) from Russian company Glavkosmos, they will be launched in 2028 and they will be their only operators

>> No.16467288

there's a lot of normal stuff you can't do in ksp. it bugs me that you can't put stuff in lagrange points. even with their simplified orbital model I'm sure they could have worked it in.

>> No.16467289


>> No.16467292

>la meme force

>> No.16467293
File: 194 KB, 918x829, russiafuckciv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this old meme remains true.
I wonder if they will be put up on a single soyuz or 3 different ones.

>> No.16467294


>> No.16467295

by 2028 Russia will have the zeniT M-K reusable launch vehicle designed with medium lift class to be reused up to and over 100 times. First Russia gets a warm water port in special military victory coming soon and next it bests the west at its own game, all while the westerner is smug.

>> No.16467296
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it's asparagus thing

>> No.16467298


look at these fucks, petty and jealous

>> No.16467300

Go back and stay back.

>> No.16467301

Maybe with KSP2 they could have done it, but KSP1 was pretty much a solo dev, at least at the start, and implementing Keplerian orbits is already a pain in the ass by itself.
The orbit themselves are simple enough, but when you start calculating seemingly simple stuff like closest approaches between 2 spacecrafts, it's already enough to give you huge headaches (I know because I did it...)

>> No.16467302
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So nothing actually changes at NASA, right? Congress wants the money wasted (spent in their states). The absurd cost of the 1B tower was basically forced on NASA by Congress. What could you actually change at NASA while still getting congress to pass the budget? MSR and SLS have to stay.
Maybe give management more freedom to fire and give raises? What would you do?

>> No.16467306

nothing ever happens

>> No.16467309

I've been seeing people with an apparently tenuous grasp on how the federal government actually functions dooming on twitter about Elon running NASA, but it isn't clear to me he'll even have a say on who the administrator is. Even that needs to be confirmed by the Senate. I just don't see how anything but nothing happens (ever)

>> No.16467310


>> No.16467311

Don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.16467312

yep this is the latest cope as seen in this thread as well

>> No.16467313

Stay here and keep going.

>> No.16467314

It's happened before. You have to be blind or a cultist to not admit that Trump can turn on people for perceived "disloyalty", and elon can be really autistic about some principles. These two things can lead to a rift very quickly.

>> No.16467315

Anyone can see the clash of egos coming from a lightyear away

This is just pathetic though, they're lashing out at SpaceX now

>> No.16467316
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>> No.16467317

>Trump has the White House and four short years. Musk has so much more since his influence cuts across government, media, business, the world, space and time.

>> No.16467318
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>> No.16467319


>> No.16467320

Trump will end the war before he even takes office.

>> No.16467321

>Libelon Erjackety!
sounds like a spell desu

>> No.16467322

really hoping someone will disagree with me and have a good argument for it

>> No.16467323

it would take me 20 hours to drive to the south corner of texas

>> No.16467324

uhhh your wrong bceaues <insert argument here>

>> No.16467325

Domestic flights are like $100

>> No.16467326

disregarded because you're brown

>> No.16467327

>zeniT M-K

>> No.16467328

can you give me a 4ASS one where instead of Trump and Musk it's Casey Handmer and Robert Zubrin

>> No.16467329
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>> No.16467330

Actually mentally ill people, the lot of them. Very perverse!

>> No.16467331
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>> No.16467334
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The Obzor system conducted a survey of the separation of the main and associated payloads
The system recorded the separation of Ionosphere-M devices No. 1 and No. 2 together with 6 small satellites developed by Russian universities, as well as a 12U CubeSat device.

>> No.16467335

that's a pretty good impression
this is actually exactly how they sound, even the specifying a "warm" water port.
truly god's funniest mistake.

>> No.16467336

People keep saying this but hell naw, I don’t see a human mars landing before the next election. 4 years would be a huge speedrun, extremely ambitious.
Trump will get the Artemis III (maybe IV lol) “return to the Moon”. Trump will get the 250th anniversary of the US of A. And he will, no doubt, get to make the kennedy-tier speech about going to Mars ‘before the decade is out’.
But he’s not getting a mars landing, even if it’s a priority. I’m a 2 and I like to think I’m being realistic here. Only a 1 believes it could happen that fast

>> No.16467337

I wish those payload deployment springs made a sproyoyoying sound instead of the ker-klunk sound they actually make.

>> No.16467338

>the way Moon landings were part of Kennedy's legacy
Get shot and have a guy from the opposing party preside over the landings?

>> No.16467341

>Republicque du Niger
>Hon hon hon

>> No.16467343

The only way to do it on his term would be the 2026 window. The spacecraft wouldn't make it to mars in time if launched in 2028. I guess he meant legacy in the sense of having kickstarted it (even though SpaceX is going to do it anyway).

>> No.16467347
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>> No.16467349

Oh well then yeah I agree with that. 45-47 SHOULD attach his name to it.
In a perfect world these things would be outside of the realm of politics, but we live in a nasty world where space is bottom of the totem pole. It would take two seconds for him to buddy up with Elon and staple on some sort of “let’s go” attitude with SpaceX, and that would mean it would get continued political support as it becomes a “GOP” thing to support space

>> No.16467350

Star Trek: Wrath of Khan

>> No.16467352


>> No.16467353

shrek 2

>> No.16467356

>as it becomes a “GOP” thing to support space
Pretty much trending that way anyways

>> No.16467359

>Musk did not respond to comment
He never does, and if he doesn't get an official position in the cabinet of Trump Administration, he still won't have to, must be nice for him

>> No.16467360
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>> No.16467361

we'renot getting humsns on mars in 4 years. 6 years minimum, 10 years probably

>> No.16467362

you know, this reminds me how often people seem to believe that politicians will actually do things that they say out loud and won't just silently do other stuff instead.
they could send a shitload of aid to ukraine to quickly finish the war without any theatrics and without mentioning it, and nobody would ever notice lol.

>> No.16467363

World War II

>> No.16467364

yeah, biden didn't remove the space force and it's likely trump won't get rid of the CHIPS act either.

>> No.16467366

I don't want to get too offtopic but at this point only nukes could save them.

>> No.16467368

Video would have been better without the women commenters

>> No.16467369
File: 589 KB, 992x744, biden_punished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor biden
>Pass good economic legislation
>Perform a decent soft landing after covid
>Trump gets elected right as the economy is turning around
>Trump gets all the credit for the next 4 years, just has to not fuck it up

>> No.16467370


>> No.16467373

Trash opinion.
Male commenters are always better.
Compare this
to this
The second video

>> No.16467375

>Pass good economic legislation
>Perform a decent soft landing after covid

Joe dropped out and the election is over you don't need to gaslight his bungling the economy anymore.

>> No.16467377

I rarely get to watch him, but in his last speech he seemed sharp... as a tack. That was quite contrasting compared to his debate with Trump

>> No.16467379

Third video is still my favorite. Second and fourth are tied for second place. Vibes are too different to make a decision. Was pretty disappointed with the fifth video.

>> No.16467381

Morning vs evening. If you have loved ones with neurological decline you know.

>> No.16467382

yeah, russia's running on empty, it's not surprising they're asking the north koreans for help, spilled too much of their own blood.

>> No.16467383
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Exactly. The election is over so you don't need to pretend anymore that the economy was handled the worstestest ever. All major advanced economies had problems with inflation. Didn't know that Biden ran those too.

>> No.16467385

US is leading in GDP. Stock market was at all time highs (before the election). Employment is rock bottom and has been for a while. Wages are shooting up. Things are looking great right now.

>> No.16467387

this is just something i generally noticed right before the election.
people turn into retards who pretend anything and everything is wholly reliant on current or previous leadership.
rather than things...you know...just happening.
covid happened, it fucked up everything and it was beyond anyone's control, panicked responses were the best most countries could muster. biden's a senile old puppet creature but how the hell would he or anyone else magically undo a global supply chain hiccup so grand?

>> No.16467390

You know what, I won't derail the thread.
I'll just take a screenshot to laugh at you in a few months

>> No.16467392

Everyone turns into a retard when it's about politics

>> No.16467395

Unrelated anon, thank you for not derailing. This is what civilized anons do.

>> No.16467398
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look at this rocket

>> No.16467399

It should die

>> No.16467400

How pumped are you guys for 2025? First commercial space station going up with Vast, huge increase in Starship cadence, regulations and hostile bureacracies being torn down in our sector specifically, a leader that will champion spaceflight, it is looking so fucking good bros.

>> No.16467401

non-reusable Alabama river rocks

>> No.16467403

Reminder that Fram2 is in a month

>> No.16467404

oh are they actually pulling it off in december? I remember hearing they were aiming for 2024 when it was announced and I just thought "no way" and then didn't think about it again.

>> No.16467411

how bad is the norwegian going to get molested in space?

>> No.16467413

new QI test flight on a larger cubesat NET Q1 as well

>> No.16467415

I'm ready for the post-methalox era of spaceflight.

>> No.16467416

I wonder if the Starship juxtaposition will be enough to get this thing cancelled. I'm guessing not. It's congress's baby and no one votes based on launch vehicle choice (except for me three days ago lmao)
Just think, this is a slower year for space than any ahead of us.

>> No.16467419

Update: Next has them listed for March 2025. Bergers law kicks in again

>> No.16467421

>Just think, this is a slower year for space than any ahead of us.
I yearn to be as bored of starship as I am of falcon

>> No.16467422

That'll have to wait for something like this power supply and a ~100N/kWe efficiency factor at megawatt scale.


>> No.16467428

i appreciate it but you could do even better by just not seething at all and just talking about rockets instead.

>> No.16467441

>Mars cargo refilling launch in 15 minutes
>fuck off no one watches those

>> No.16467445

its inevitable, there will be so many launches that you can't really reasonably watch them all

>> No.16467449

>Dragon completed its first @Space_Station
reboost capability demonstration, firing its Draco thrusters for ~12.5 minutes to adjust the station’s orbit

>> No.16467450

main watchers will be those with skyscaper or kaiju sex fetish, for the propellant transfers (unf!)

>> No.16467452
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>> No.16467454
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>> No.16467457

>go down to South Padre Island, hang out on the beach and watch launches
>only four, pretty slow day

>> No.16467460

Sex with rockets

>> No.16467461


>> No.16467463
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Also pic of China space plane.

>> No.16467466
File: 825 KB, 2000x1498, b12a606a51294bdb904e4dec572bbca0-l.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arianespace says the next Ariane 6 launch is now scheduled for no earlier than mid-February, and not this December as previously projected.

>> No.16467468

too cuteeeeee

>> No.16467474

can't see shit happening except 1 tiny burst near the end

>> No.16467475

reminder that Musk is going to become the first trillionaire in the next few years

>> No.16467476

orbit with starship when?

>> No.16467479

>next few months

>> No.16467480

Flight-7 probably? which might happen in January or something

>> No.16467483
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>> No.16467485

>He just keeps winning

>> No.16467487

lying in bed watching the third reentry livestream of the day, mesmerized by the colors, listening to jazz
>how does this guy who smokes pot beat us

>> No.16467490

>he keeps winning and it's not fair because i disagree with him and that means he's evil and reality should make him lose.
>all the rage farmers told me that he would lose, but he still hasnt, why????
it's so fucking funny guys, i'm audibly laughing from this one dumb post at this point.

>> No.16467492

he can't keep getting away with it

>> No.16467493
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I want to see what the redditors have to say about this

>> No.16467495

hes a god

>> No.16467496
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this is too good

>> No.16467500
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>> No.16467504

Take the direct drive pill. I plan to once I enter my retired boomer with nothing better to do years. Still love my G11 thoughbeit.

>> No.16467506
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>> No.16467507

new berger


>> No.16467512

Berger's Law strikes again! Kek

>> No.16467513
File: 138 KB, 1440x1060, 49955873916_eec9e31e4c_k-1440x1060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16467516

i remember a post on this general a little while ago comparing these reactions to the way peasants regarded chemical reactions back in the day.
they don't actually understand or know anything, so to them, seeing this guy that all the media keep telling you is a failure and an idiot succeed must seem like literal magic.
they actually genuinely are confused, they can't admit that they might be wrong or might not know something so the only other alternative is magic, he must somehow magically be bending reality to his will rather than just being a smart person who generally makes pragmatic decisions.

>> No.16467519
File: 1.08 MB, 3424x2560, Orbitaldisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musk and Trump might cancel the SLS moon landings and MSR for a manned Starship mission in 4 years.
Come on, this is pure post-election speculation bait.

>> No.16467522

>pages upon pages of TDS/EDS from orange redditors clinging to their crumbling worldview
The result of treating their political views like a null hypothesis and injecting into everything. Very tiresome!

>> No.16467524
File: 46 KB, 813x254, 014856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just good luck bro

>> No.16467526

>visiting the girls and gays subreddit
they are celebrity brained socialists. they legitimately don't understand why they continue seeing this annoying unlikable autist.

>> No.16467528

if you have 0 understanding of what the market rewards then every rich person just got lucky

>> No.16467530

>suddenly dragon can reboost the ISS
Does spacex ever stop winning? They are the “do anything” company

>> No.16467532

turns out you can just do things

>> No.16467537

This happens when your organisation is run by autists

>> No.16467539

>The spacecraft’s Draco thrusters adjusted the station’s orbit through a reboost of altitude by 7/100 [~110m] of a mile at apogee and 7/10 [~1100m] of a mile at perigee

As an answer to the "we should boost the ISS to GEO" retards

>> No.16467541

pretty weak answer, just do more reboosts lol.

>> No.16467542

>I kneel
kek finally

>> No.16467543
File: 155 KB, 1079x940, 014857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Although he may not have a cabinet-appointed position, Musk will have a broad portfolio in the new administration for as long as his relations with Trump remain positive. This gives Musk extraordinary power over a number of areas, including spaceflight. Already this week, he has been soliciting ideas and input from colleagues. The New York Times reported that Musk has advised Trump to hire key employees from SpaceX into his administration, including at the Department of Defense. This reflects the huge conflict of interest that Musk will face when it comes to space policy. His actions could significantly benefit SpaceX, of which he is the majority owner and has the final say in major decisions.

the article link below (and pic related)

>> No.16467546
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>> No.16467549

> The most concrete evidence of Mr. Musk’s efforts to reshape the agencies he does business with are his efforts to install his employees in the Defense Department. People familiar with those efforts said Mr. Musk recommended two SpaceX employees — a retired Air Force general and a government-affairs executive — as possible hires.
>Among the SpaceX executives who have been recommended by Mr. Musk, Gen. Terrence J. O’Shaughnessy, an adviser who is retired from the Air Force, and Tim Hughes, a government affairs executive, are among Mr. Musk’s closest advisers, according to one of the people briefed. Mr. Hughes did not return a request for comment and Mr. O’Shaughnessy could not be reached.

>> No.16467556
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>> No.16467560

truth nuke

>> No.16467562

it's funny watching this moment of lucidity from the EDS crowd.
for a short while, they'll realize they've lost and he won, and that he's not some bumbling fool, that he's smarter than them and that's why his victories are confusing and annoying to EDSers.
then they'll slowly pick up the scrambled remains of their internal narratives, and concoct new ones where he's totally going to fail this time. the cope can never truly stop, it must eventually be renewed, most people are simply too scared of going through paradigm shifts like this, they'll crawl back into their hole as soon as they think they've constructed a new lie they can fool themselves with.

truly interesting mass-psychology at work here, someone should write a paper on it.

>> No.16467564

My worst fear is the first words uttered on Mars being some woke shit. Please... just keep it simple ans vague along the lines of one small step.

>> No.16467567

hopefully DEI will have been dampened somewhat by the time we get to the first crewed mars launch.
ideally it will all be white men, that'll give the colony the greatest chance of success.

>> No.16467570

Exactly this: >>16467532

Oldspace had been sitting around for decades with their thumbs up their asses waiting for congress to give them money for every turn of a screwdriver. "Want reboost capability? That'll be a billion dollars please!"

When someone shows up who is actually interested in making space tech better, they can "just do things" and and the smoothbrains are baffled at how easy it was.

>> No.16467573
File: 27 KB, 535x333, we gaan to space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you say if you were the first person taking a step on Mars?

>> No.16467575

I don't like sand.

>> No.16467577

>that's one small step for white man, one giant leap for white mankind

>> No.16467584

If it isn't a baitpost, I admire this person's capacity to actually assess their own misjudgment

>> No.16467586
File: 65 KB, 512x341, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to say something like TKD, but to ensure I go down in history I would probably say my own version of "A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit", referencing how we are the pioneers of space exploration and the future of humanity for thousands of years to come and the struggles we face today will be immense and we will never truly see the results of our efforts, but knowing our descendants will remember us for the steps we took, the sacrifices we made, and the foundations we built.

>> No.16467592

Can someone explain to me why Neptune has more votes over Uranus? Uranus is more interesting with its vertical tilt and ring system. Neptune is just a bland Uranus.

>> No.16467594

The retarded 'use helicopters to pick up samples that will be $10 billion please delivery in 2040' MSR is absolutely being cancelled in favor of commercial options.

>> No.16467598

just quote Casval's speech at Dakar

>> No.16467600

>As an answer to the "we should boost the ISS to GEO" retards

It's almost like an as is Dragon capsule is not able to deliver much deltaV to the ISS.

>> No.16467601

You could get a Cassini-tier icy moon mission with Neptune. Not as much to look at if you commit to going to Uranus.
Triton (moon of Neptune) is worthy of an entire mission in and of itself

>> No.16467603

We're gonna win so much, you may even get tired of winning.

>> No.16467604

Uranus' moon system sucks ass, yes, but the point of that poll is about the individual planets/moons themselves.

>> No.16467605

triton is basically like if Pluto got flung into the solar system & accidentally captured.
It orbits retrograde--against every other satellite, so it was likely captured after migrating into the system away from other trans neptunian objects

>> No.16467607

It's made up of mostly the same stuff too. I bet Eris looks similar to Triton.

>> No.16467609

Aren’r Uranus and neptune like 99% similar besides slight atmospheric composition differences?
If you’re counting U’s weird axial tilt, then I’m counting N’s moon system

>> No.16467610

neptune is better because it isn't named after your butt

>> No.16467612
File: 2.51 MB, 350x262, 1699800884966723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more

>> No.16467614
File: 88 KB, 287x713, 1726445570319725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't keep getting away with it

>> No.16467625

>Step 2
Or something. Try to get a tradition going.

>> No.16467634

>Aren’r Uranus and neptune like 99% similar besides slight atmospheric composition differences?

You mean besides the fact that Uranus is on its side?

We can tell the interior of Uranus is different, that it is more massive and that its gravity is uneven.

Uranus likely has the cores of several smaller bodies mashed on to it similar to how we can tell where the remains of Theia are in the Earth.

>> No.16467635

I don't think we'll see it either but a cargo Starship landing on Mars will still be a huge deal. The visual appeal is obvious to normies and Starship already has a great brand because of the catch

>> No.16467638

>Played his political cards absolutely perfectly and is now the de-facto shadow leader to the new tard in the oval office with JD Vance as his tech-y stooge
great line

>> No.16467641

>A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit

>> No.16467643

this is great news for vast as long as they arent stupid like axiom and funding the flight themselves. getting a government signed up for their ride to space will help get the word out so they can sell to more governments.

>> No.16467646

>we can tell where the remains of Theia are in the Earth.
This is come of the biggest pseudoscience bullshit I've ever seen. Theia didn't exist and the moon just formed as a binary partner of the Earth

>> No.16467649

>Possible in-orbit picture of Chinese X-37
my first thought is that it was just a cgi render, but then i saw the other in-orbit image of the otehr satellites. both of the inserts say that they were photos taken by the worldview-1 satellite. pretty crazy find.

>> No.16467653

>How does a rich, motivated, autsitically obsessed, smart guy keep winning?

>> No.16467656

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.16467658

Only failures blame luck

>> No.16467659

you two should kiss

>> No.16467660

>Let Mars be for the Martian people. Let us remember that although we are pioneers, we are only stewards of this place for the sons and daughters of Mars who are yet to be born.

>> No.16467665



>> No.16467680
File: 152 KB, 330x319, 1701228581343641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeeek never bet against the worlds richest man hes where he is for a reason

>> No.16467683
File: 366 KB, 1079x2673, Screenshot_20241108_231338_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 45 minutes left to vote!

Someone come and show some love for poor Mercury...

>> No.16467684

Not clicking your ip grabber. Put up a strawpoll and Ill voot

>> No.16467687

this is more likely than anybody wants to imagine it is

>> No.16467688

Strawpoll doesn't allow images and is archaic as fuck. This was the best one I could find and it cost me £15 just to make this poll.

>> No.16467689

There are a bunch of private companies scrambling to be the first to do visual surveillance in orbit

>> No.16467691


>> No.16467692

Well nice job getting scammed, dork. Im not voting on some shady website I dont know shit about when strawpoll is a proven safe method for anons to vote on something.

>> No.16467694

An unmanned starship would be easy and also impressive though. Once you can send one to the moon you can demonstrate mars.

>> No.16467695



>> No.16467696
File: 1.76 MB, 300x225, 1491279178906.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it cost me £15 just to make this poll
I laughed so hard and felt immeasurable pity at the same time

>> No.16467697

NOAA needs astronauts

>> No.16467698

NOAA will not exist in two years

>> No.16467699
File: 611 KB, 1179x2042, 1723044986395563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight, Tesla regains $1t market cap, Musk clears $300b nw, and he takes political power in being EXTREMELY close with sitting president that has cooperation with party that has house, senate, and supreme court? And to top it all off he has his sights set on deregulating the government and removing bureaucratic obstruction of SpaceX and businesses at large? Mustve been a good week.

>> No.16467702

worldview-1 is nearly 20 years old. the newer satellites must be working wonders.

>> No.16467703

y-you spent real money to make an internet poll?

>> No.16467704

>Larry Ellison is still alive

>> No.16467705

why though
they provide valuable services for the entire country

what possible reason could the Trump admin have for being so hostile towards them
shit makes no sense at all to me and nobody will explain

>> No.16467706

You guys seriously think everyone on this site is a NEET?

>> No.16467707
File: 204 KB, 1600x900, 1715554429995698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16467709

fuck no, otherwise we'll need a loicense just to post the astronauts' name and face on the internet.

>> No.16467710

He spent real money to grab ips of gullible anons

>> No.16467711

This is the best form the of sea lioning. You can list all his accomplishments and "it just doesnt sense" while pretending to hate him. They have no choice but to read it and hard swallow then struggle to type a damage control response. They can't just insult you and skip thinking about facts.

>> No.16467712

No? Im not a NEET on here Im working my ass off in college to get a job at SpaceX. I know that its the same for many anons, theres also a decent amount of boomers and Gen X in here that are still working as well. No millenials though from what Ive seen, very strange though I dont blame them since they had the shuttle to grow up on.

>> No.16467715

Because they have over 12k civilian employees and costs 6.6 billion yearly

>> No.16467717

could a nose docking starship with a shitload of fuel do it?

>> No.16467718

>second largest civilian space agency
>handles alot of the space weather stuff
>runs the Office of Space Commerce which is meant to promote commercial space
i doubt elon would tell them to fuck off. he might instead push to grow it.

>> No.16467720

grab your popcorn
it seems to be bait, or maybe it's just me who is used to take every post I see as ironic, sfg rotted my mind.

>> No.16467721

Not reading your blog, also fuck off I am not paying 15 dollars just to see the tripe you wrote.

>> No.16467722

Because congress is stupid and made them some sort of ITAR janny for "remote sensing" aka imagery of earth from space.

>> No.16467723

yeah but they are responsible for GOES
that's literally the single most critical system available to the public that we have for studying and forecasting space weather

they should be restructured maybe, but their essential capabilities need to remain untouched
IDGAF if they are filled with climate alarmists pumping out agiprop "research", don't touch my boy GOES

>> No.16467725
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1920, US-NationalGeospatialIntelligenceAgency-2008Seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lots of US government agencies are absolutely critical for not just the US, but for the world as a whole, like NIST and NOAA.

Not to mention US spooks are holding the world together since we drip feed intelligence to our allies

>> No.16467726
File: 476 KB, 440x432, LLSVP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the moon just formed as a binary partner of the Earth
The angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system suggests it did not.

>> No.16467727
File: 598 KB, 245x198, geoidetierra.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we geoid posting now?

>> No.16467728

NEVER bet against Elon Musk. NEVER.

>> No.16467730

The angular momentum of the Me-YourDad sex suggests he is at least bi.

>> No.16467734

We should boost ISS to GEO
>literally why
Literally just to piss off everybody who said it's a stupid idea. That's the only rational reason to do it, but it's a sufficient reason.

>> No.16467735

full self-driving and 1 million robotaxis next year btw

>> No.16467738

i like the GOES satellites

>> No.16467739

Yes we know you have done very little reading on the subject.

>> No.16467740

fire it at the moon for an epic seismology event

>> No.16467741

S31 is officially going to be named "Banana For Scale", count on it.

>> No.16467743
File: 1.74 MB, 1808x1808, 20243132320_GOES16-ABI-FD-GEOCOLOR-1808x1808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wave, anon!

>> No.16467744

Nature endorse Kamala Harris. This isn't a serious science site. It's political.

Also unrelated to the post.


>> No.16467745
File: 2.62 MB, 320x240, 1725524230285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moon formation theories are fine even if flawed in one way or another. Real scientific fanfiction is the grand tack hypothesis. More like grand ACK hypothesis if you ask me.

>> No.16467747

What's the source for this image?

>> No.16467748

nah man see the expanding earth theory is correct, so earth used to be the moon's moon since it was smaller than the moon.

the man lost his keys, don't bother him

>> No.16467749

the keys anon, the keys

>> No.16467750

>grand tack hypothesis
this is cool as shit, never heard of it

>> No.16467751


Done. Ez

>> No.16467752

oh no, really
while that makes a degree of sense to me, I can see why that is also a problem

>The Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is US government entity that provides licenses for operators of all remote sensing satellites, and sets the rules on imagery resolution.

>> No.16467753

hint: this testing is also for the USDV, which is just a dragon with extra Dracos

>> No.16467754

Zubby is having another meltdown :(

>> No.16467756

It's a trivial task but they spent 100 billion dollars launching the damn thing so they have to dance around it delicately
The ISS is a joke

>> No.16467757

I had no idea either until another anon mentioned it and I thought they meant the FCC. It's just one of the many rules from a time when no one envisioned a private company would be doing end to end streams of their satellite launches every 3 or 4 days.

>> No.16467758
File: 21 KB, 652x337, bob truax rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theiafags are incorrigible. They're like star wars idiots, doesn't matter how loopy the story is, they just like big 'splosions

>> No.16467760

boing and locksneed would've charged billions for this lmao

>> No.16467761

I’m a conservative. I voted for Ronald Reagan twice, for GW Bush twice, for John McCain, Mitt Romney, & Nikki Haley.
I’m voting for #KamalaHarris because we need to defend the free world and can’t do it with a corrupt treasonous Putin-allied lunatic pervert in the White House.

>> No.16467763

My only politics are Titan. Everything else can fuck off. Mars is just a stepping stone.

>> No.16467764


>> No.16467765
File: 107 KB, 527x794, Space Station skylab vs ISS hoarders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend billions to preserve a filthy hovel
I think not

>> No.16467767
File: 44 KB, 1920x640, 1731110691337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Round 2 has begun! https://commoninja.site/sfg

>Mars v Luna
>Earth v Ganymede
>Jupiter v Io
>Neptune v Triton
>Pluto v Europa
>Enceladus v Callisto
>Titania v Mimas
>Tethys v Dione

Lots of interesting matchups. 24 hours to vote!

>> No.16467768
File: 181 KB, 1597x900, 1731110740301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16467770
File: 79 KB, 850x400, nixon nerva ntr faggiest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The "Mars problem" is a conflict between some simulations of the formation of the terrestrial planets which end with a 0.5–1.0 ME planet in its region, much larger than the actual mass of Mars: 0.107 ME, when begun with planetesimals distributed throughout the inner Solar System.
The solar system is such a fucking gyp. A planet that size in Mars's orbit would be a little chilly but otherwise fine and we'd already be on it

>> No.16467771
File: 21 KB, 600x400, 1513991825996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing stands in its way.
Elon: Challenge accepted.

>> No.16467772
File: 78 KB, 782x639, titanfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16467774

A relative of mine who worked on the supercollider said something similar about it.

>> No.16467775
File: 53 KB, 958x718, 1731111278137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy trying to survive on your dead, toxic rock.

Titan is the most SOVLFVL planet in Sol other than Earth.

>inb4 titan is not a planet

>> No.16467776
File: 59 KB, 710x288, sun brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well we're both brilliant fellows so we come to the same conclusions

>> No.16467777
File: 35 KB, 640x480, simpson u sicken me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> yet another dishonest image where Saturn is visible through the murk

>> No.16467778

Check it in SpaceEngine, idiot.

>> No.16467779

thats not reality
thats fake engine

>> No.16467780

More like pedophile engine.

>> No.16467781
File: 16 KB, 275x424, musk quizzical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh vidya is real
lmao, titanfags everyone

>> No.16467782

I will drive a zamboni on ganymede before i die

>> No.16467783
File: 455 KB, 700x933, solar system true color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay ass false color images you should leave and not come back
WTF I love space engine now!?!

>> No.16467784

>can't see Titan's surface in human visible light
>somehow able to see anything at all from Titan's surface in human visible light

>> No.16467785

this crazy shit about the core still blows my mind

I used to post these, until one of my sources went offline because their gravimetric map was of a sufficient resolution to accidentaly detect the position of nuclear Triad submarines.

>> No.16467787

The falling out between Musk and Drumpt will be delicious when it happens.

>> No.16467788

>true color images of the planets
Based, it really irks my autistic mind when normies show time and time again the false color pics. I'm so fucking tired of seeing Venus as just a volcanic rock without an atmosphere holy shit. Though, in a way, this really works as a way to filter out retards. Also, Pluto is apparently a tiny bit paler in true color compared to your pic, anon.

>> No.16467789
File: 157 KB, 817x811, lunar base bulldozer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Uranus and Neptune are nearly the same color
I'll stick to what generations of naked eye telescopic observers, both professional and amateur, say rather than some code monkey fag looking to make a headline tyvm

>> No.16467790

so trump's goals before the end of his term will be
>humans landing on the moon
>cargo starships landing on mars
>bigger space force
>rebooting brilliant pebbles
>kamala forced to make the first porn in space

>> No.16467791

Venus should be solid white. That's how it looks in visible light. Would be interesting to see the planets in true relative surface brightness

>> No.16467795
File: 69 KB, 595x393, wvb mcmurdo penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Planet 9, if it exists, would be so dimly lit that you couldn't make out any color on it even from a close orbit

>> No.16467798


Musk gonna get vindicated and exonerated hard

>> No.16467801

>It seems probable that many people in Congress will oppose any significant shift of NASA's focus from the Moon to Mars, particularly because it aligns with Musk's long-stated goal of making humans a multiplanetary species.
democrats confirmed by berger for being suicidal luddites

>But Musk's deepening involvement in US space policy could pose a serious problem to this, as he's now viewed extremely negatively by many Democrats.
funny how berger refuses to acknowledge that ars plays a big role in pushing anti-elon propaganda

>> No.16467808
File: 249 KB, 1173x793, 1703147541345812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit about spacex
>not allowed to talk about spacex if trump or politics are involved
how to kill a reddit

>> No.16467811
File: 122 KB, 1080x720, ching chong rocket numba 8 stacking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16467816
File: 787 KB, 1003x633, sfg_dont_go_there_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16467817

is this new or really old? i don't think I've seen this image before

>> No.16467821

Free speech

>> No.16467822

You have to go to spacexmasterrace for discussion

>> No.16467824

>gets banned from the discord
>starts spamming the thread
baka desu senpai

>> No.16467825

s m h
t b h
f a m

>> No.16467827

File says I made it in 2021, so then. Never posted it much.

>> No.16467828
File: 46 KB, 956x530, F0nz6wcWIAEB0nk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly pretty motivational in general
>"wahh I dont want to do it its too hard"
>"Just Do It™ lmao"

>> No.16467829

Hey remember when EDSers were so smug that Bernard or whatever took top spot? Turns out overpriced hand bags isn't such a viable way to stay on top

>> No.16467830

Holy shit, I'm on Mars.

>> No.16467834

still crazy that fashion is a viable path to top 5.
tech makes sense, finance makes sense, real estate makes sense. being a 3rd world oligarch who doesn't make the list makes sense. handbags is crazy.

>> No.16467837

You know the gatekeeping of spaceflight had failed when it turned from "Tesla CEO Elon Musk" to "Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk"

>> No.16467838


>> No.16467840

In terms of publicly documented net worth, is he the wealthiest person to ever live yet? It can't take too many more years at this rate

>> No.16467842

IFT-2 anniversary, its basically an IFT-5 redux to get rid of the last V1 Saarship

>> No.16467843

2 weeks sans 4 days

>> No.16467844

right after you ass gets kicked

>> No.16467845

>disrupts banking industry and creates online banking industry
>disrupts space industry by creating commercial space industry
>disrupts car industry by creating electric car industry
>disrupts internet industry by creating LEO space internet industry
>disrupts political establishment by creating a lean political system
>disrupts censorship by buying and transforming X

>> No.16467847
File: 962 KB, 5100x6600, Gb568BHXkAEZTC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One fortnight minus four days

>> No.16467848

Depends what you mean, if you mean by adjusting to inflation yes its Musk, but if you mean by percent wealth compared to the rest of the economy its still Rockefeller by a long shot so he wouldve wielded far more power over the nation with his wealth (though that is now in question as to who is more powerful kek). And obviously nobody comes close to Mansa Musa but he isnt recorded.

>> No.16467849


>> No.16467851

one and a half fortnite

>> No.16467852

And that's why the NRC is about to be abolished. e/acc

>> No.16467857

so the marslink proposal is for nasa's robotic probes and satellites? marslink would provide global coverage, connecting those missions with earth. marslink could also host additional science payloads onboard as a bonus? it seems like a really good plan, whether spacex or someone else builds it. maybe it should get the starshield treatment then, where spacex provides the bus and other companies provide the payloads?

>> No.16467859
File: 192 KB, 1300x881, american excellence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American excellence, then and now.

>> No.16467861

Methane looks so much COOLER

>> No.16467866


>> No.16467869

>because their gravimetric map was of a sufficient resolution to accidentaly detect the position of nuclear Triad submarines.
larp, no way

>> No.16467874

>Ariane 6 Flight 2, announced for December last June, delayed to February 2025
>Long March 8A maiden flight, announced for december last spring, delayed to January 2025

Two applications of Berger's law in a day, today is a good day.

>> No.16467875

i hate how berger tries claiming this as his own. people have been aware of this situation since forever

>> No.16467876

stop saying "Berger's law" retard

>> No.16467877
File: 891 KB, 1179x1222, 1722454779172569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw the Varda cofounder definetly posts here. I knew he was on the chuddy side but this leaves no room for doubt. Hi Delian!

>> No.16467878

it's not a LARP, the kind of resources that were publically available at the time simply no longer are
this whole thing happened back in 2017-2018
the entire internet was a different place then

>> No.16467880
File: 16 KB, 706x316, 1719910562783742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but you niggers need to shut the fuck up when its been in official SDA documentation.

>> No.16467881

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.16467882
File: 511 KB, 2340x1571, AS17-162-24053HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16467883
File: 7 KB, 269x187, pepe_cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot how cringe maga people could be

>> No.16467885
File: 548 KB, 1484x600, 1460675657154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16467886

>The solar system is such a fucking gyp.
Have you seen what's in the other direction? Fucking Venus.

>> No.16467887
File: 60 KB, 680x499, trump prepares pink crystals for gay libtards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIRECTLY into the crystals

>> No.16467892

guy on the left is handsome, and I'm not even gay.

>> No.16467893

that's Cernan, the epitome of Right Stuff

>> No.16467894

>So I think the government was just a thing that got in his way.
goes hard

>> No.16467895

it's very impressive how Saturn just werked. same with shuttle.
imagine if shuttle wrote off all 5 orbiters on test flights, with 3 total losses of crew. thats starship development in a nutshell.

>> No.16467899

I still cant believe it man. Ive never been more excited for the future than now, and it only grows with each passing day. Thank you Elon for singlehandedly bringing about humanitys multiplanetary future.

>> No.16467902
File: 66 KB, 468x468, elon_on_mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

np anon

>> No.16467903
File: 46 KB, 804x800, 1716081295410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16467904

the left will eventually come back into power, whether its 2028, 2032, or whenever. if we dont get them to change and love space again then they'll wield their power to crack down on spaceflight harder than ever. we'll be in the doldrums of the bush-obama years again or worse.

>> No.16467905

>Multiple hypotheses have been offered to explain the small mass of Mars.
yeah, but they're not going to tell you about this one

Mars had it's entire northern hemisphere blown off when it came into proximity with a massive celestial body unknown to modern science, a very long time ago.

There were enormous electrical arcs that passed between these two bodies, because they had different charges, and the evidence for this event is the monumental scarring that leads from the heart of Valles Marineris into the northern hemisphere.
Something that is impossible for normal geological forces as we are familiar with them to produce even on the scale of billions of years.

This is the reason why Mars is alone in our solar system (as a planetary body) in having a non-active dynamo.

>> No.16467911

>if we dont get them to change and love space again then they'll wield their power to crack down on spaceflight harder than ever. we'll be in the doldrums of the bush-obama years again or worse.
I believe that the moon landing with Artemis III should be a good enough argument for them to support spaceflight again. What SpaceX accomplished so far is impressive but at the end of the day, the general audience wanted a more visible, breaking news-worthy proof of achievement and I think the first moon landing in decades is a good thesis for that. And with that Dems have no excuse but to keep going.

>> No.16467912

cam someone post the girl holding the sls dildo rocket with the caption "I work on this!"?

>> No.16467913

Did this come to you in a dream or while under the influence

>> No.16467918

women actively dislike expenditures on space. a moon landing with media exposure would cause a flare up in "but why don't we spend the money on abortions instead" sentiment.

>> No.16467919
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>> No.16467920

I have topographic heat maps of the Martian surface and understand that geological forces as we understand them which are native to a planet the size Mars originally was cannot account for these magnificent features we see, nor the extreme differences in crustal depth that we observe between the northern and southern hemispheres of Mars.

>> No.16467933

Space-based "warfare" is so boring. It's literally just spy satellites and reconnaissance. Space Force will never be a real branch.

>> No.16467935

and berger put a name to it. should have attached your name first. sucks to suck

>> No.16467936

Interplanetary space wars are literally just accelerating the biggest rogg you can find floating out there as fast as possible at whatever you need destroyed. Its very boring as well other than the kaboom at the end.

>> No.16467940
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>We won't get Moonraker-like space tag battle in the eventual WW3

>> No.16467941
File: 1.01 MB, 720x1080, 2024-11-08 Spacepadreisle 1854736827917246668 Lkd6uocl5nx-Aixp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh batch of Starlinks

>> No.16467942

elon should buy it

he should've bought it before it became profitable actually

>> No.16467943

Damn them bitches are big. Looks like theyre not fragile either. How the fuck do they mass produce these fuckers and when can I buy one for myself

>> No.16467944

ah it's that starlink train thing astronomers piss and fard about all the time, no?

>> No.16467945

where's Melania?

>> No.16467946

>starlink trains on earth too
and wtf that we've gotten to to the point where satellites are being carried by the hundreds on freight trains

>> No.16467947

>Homer Hickam calls the moon Luna
Welp. That's 25 points deducted from his BASED score. Nobody's perfect, I guess.

>> No.16467952

>Homer Hickam calls the moon Luna
Welp. That's 25 points added to his BASED score. What a guy.

>> No.16467953

anon, the Saturn family of rockets had multiple iterations and test flights before a manned flight happened

>> No.16467957

even tho you posted a top kek alt-right pepe the frog from kekistan or something

>> No.16467960
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>Test the entire thing for the first time in one go
>100% flawless
How did he do it?

>> No.16467968

>German nobility
>Nazi scientist
>American engineer

>> No.16467969

he was a nazi

>> No.16467974

Where his chin at?

>> No.16467979


>> No.16467987

If Trump manages to pull of even 10% of everything he outlined in that, he'll cement himself unironically, forever as the guy who changed the course of American democracy forever in a way that returned a crazy amount of control back to the individual unseen in generations.

>> No.16467988
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Actual link lmao

>> No.16467990

kill that abomination

>> No.16467992

What the fuck is this real?

>> No.16467993

You have no case faggot, choke on a cock

>> No.16467994

Pretty fuckable

>> No.16467995
File: 181 KB, 1280x905, happy_american_sad_CCCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly a pretty big deal with the sun setting on Roscosmos.

>> No.16467997

2% of the federal budget or something

>> No.16467998

>transport starlinks on the back of a filthy train in open air, no clean room in sight
This kills oldspace

>> No.16468000

No you retard. You can't transport ITAR sensitive materials so openly. It's just fucking racks for cars or someshit.

>> No.16468002

>ITAR sensitive
Falcon 9 is ITAR restricted, Starlink is not

>> No.16468003


>> No.16468004
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>> No.16468005
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/Space Flight General/?


>> No.16468007

Prove it isnt real

>> No.16468008

Technically it is because SpaceX got an exemption for dual use in Ukraine or did you retards forget?

>> No.16468012
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>> No.16468015
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>> No.16468020

Within 15 years he's going to make Rockefeller, Mansa Musa, and even all the European shadow old money look like chumps.

>> No.16468025

Might unironically happen, they have said they will start testing unsupervised robotaxis in texas in like 6 months

>> No.16468026

I know this has nothing to do with spaceflight, but I really wish someone like Musk would disrupt the skincare industry. So many expensive products and different routines so that at the end my face still looks like shit :(. Acne scars are a bitch, zero self-confidence due to it. Current year and we still don't have a 100% solution, even if one were to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on it, this is insane.

>> No.16468027


>> No.16468028

Hyperloop lmao

>> No.16468034

calm down there bud, rockefeller had 1.5% of the national GDP which means musk would have to have.... $400b. ok but then you have to look at mansa musa who had an estimated net worth of... $400b.

>> No.16468035

You are just shitposting, but he delegated that idea to others, he never really focused on it. Yeah, he released a paper about it, held some student competitions for subscale prototypes with SpaceX, and that's it. I think also Boring Company officially put it as a future objective a couple of years ago? Can't remember, in any case, Richard Branson would be the scammer with his Hyperloop One company lmao. I swear, one day he'll go "fine, I'll do it myself".

>> No.16468036

Attaining richest person ever status is within Musks reach. EVER

>> No.16468037

the crazy thing is that it wasn't even his goal, it's just a side effect lmao

>> No.16468038

That is the goal, the current blocking factor is the cost of tunneling
Some form of hyperloop is going to happen

>> No.16468040

SpaceX is unlikely to go public before he dies, so independent of the valuation, even as said valuation grows, his worth/cash flow there will be entirely speculative. Tesla, if it solves autonomy, will push him easily to 1Tn alone. If he does spin off Starlink from SpaceX to avoid anti-trust at some point in the next decade or two, then that'll easily push him to 1.5-2Tn. X if it gets approved for banking and he achieves his original vision with Paypal/Zip2 from back in the day with it, another 1-200Bn on top of that. X.Ai if it ends up becoming an OpenAI competitor and goes public, another 2-300Bn on top of that. Boring eventually will probably go public, another 100Bn from that as its tech is used for Moon/Mars excavation projects additional to Earth.

Very likely that by the time Musk reaches the end of life, his networth will be ballpark $5Tn. He'll go down in history as the greatest man who ever lived.

>> No.16468041

>sfg missing the Starlink launch

>> No.16468043

Boring is a potential sleeping giant. Investment value in it and growth is subject to solved autonomy and more consistent flights of Starship/HLS platforms. The tunnels carved out by the Borers are 3m wide approximately, about the size of an average room. Which is actually a lot of space for carving out tunnels on the Moon or Mars be they directly from the surface or pushing the hardware offworld, lowering them into a lava tube and then carving out arteries and capillaries from the central chamber in order to build out mining/manufacturing hubs or hydro/aquaponics channels to support the central chamber.

>> No.16468045

>the current blocking factor is the cost of tunneling
If that's only it, then Boring Company alone would be the one enabling the possibility for a future Hyperloop. After all, they made it quite clear that their main intention was bringing the time and cost of tunneling orders of magnitude down, instead of focusing on what to put inside the tunnels (remember gary the snail? lmao). Civil engineering and tunneling is not my area, so I could be wrong, but I also thought that the main obstacle in Hyperloop was the design itself? As in, they had problems achieving the desired specs, either in a vacuum or in a low-pressure environment, given the current state of material science?

>> No.16468046

Fuck off. Those are Starlink v3 racks from Bastrop, TX on the way to port of Brownsville. Bound for Starship flights 7,8,9

>> No.16468047

Its good because its common. It was once considered impossible, then wow exciting, then thats pretty good and now its background noise because its just so fucking good. The real engineering marvels are those that have become accepted as normal.

>> No.16468048

The whole hyperloop thing was just him going "Here's this cool idea I had, I'm not going to pursue it because it's not viable right now but I'll fund a bit of research" and retards latched onto it like it was the central idea of his master plan and not just a fun side project

>> No.16468050

Although, now that I think about it, and extrapolating Musk's other successful ventures, it might be that Boring and Hyperloop are just what SpaceX would be today if Musk had never put effort into it. Perhaps Hyperloop is possible right now, but could require thousands of man-hours, billions of dollars, and lots of time and dedication from Musk's autistic brain. From the point of view of an outsider, it just looks impossible, just like everyone thought that landing back a booster was impossible in the early 2000s.
That's another whole and really interesting usecase for Boring/Hyperloop, basically apply the idea on other planets, especially where there would be no drag.

>> No.16468051

Wow this is impressive

>> No.16468052
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meanwhile, oldspace be like
>it's been 10 years, but here you have your satellite, that'll be 1 billion usd plus tip
>oh, forgot to tell you, one single mote of dust or human hair landing on it will basically brick it, so we'd have to build another one, same price.

>> No.16468058

But can he see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

>> No.16468061

Handmer said its plausible and he actually woeked on it for years, but the problem is tunneling costs
The speeds are so high that the tunnels need to be very straight, earth is bumpy hence tunnels

>> No.16468062

What hasn't this faggot done lol. What can't he do?? >>16467845

>> No.16468064

i really hope lon stops doing his weird nooticer replies like !

>> No.16468065

I have no expectations, as far as I'm concerned he's glued to X 24/7 by now.

>> No.16468068

Wow they're in a really low Earth orbit.

>> No.16468069

some bantz hehe.. also wasn't this around when Elon was a desantoid kek

>> No.16468071

No. it's necessary to get to Mars

>> No.16468074


>> No.16468075

You aren't intelligent enough to understand. See >>16468015

>> No.16468088

Are you the cat fucker?

>> No.16468097
File: 99 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20241109_085605_623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jupiter is a mesmerizing giant, a colossal swirl of vibrant colors and powerful storms, dominating the sky with an otherworldly beauty. Its vast bands of red, white, brown, and orange clouds flow in turbulent currents, revealing the planet's dynamic and violent atmosphere. At its heart lies the iconic Great Red Spot, a centuries-old storm large enough to engulf Earth, spinning like a celestial eye. Jupiter's sheer size and the intense, glowing hues across its atmosphere evoke a sense of awe, making it appear almost alive—a majestic, restless titan reigning over the outer Solar System with a gravity and presence that is second to none.

>> No.16468099


>> No.16468105
File: 3.43 MB, 476x846, 1721575784675950.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will the Martian calendar be structured?

>> No.16468108

You're not intelligent enough to evaluate whether it's the necessary part or not.

>> No.16468112

you are not intelligent enough to assess other's intelligence.

>> No.16468117

It's Electric Universe schizo-babble, so yes.

>> No.16468119
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the hardest working fairy on 4chan

>> No.16468120
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hand made by only the finest Boing workers

>> No.16468122

just give her an endless supply of woodfrogs

>> No.16468123

astroonomers fuck off

>> No.16468127

astroonomer is not a word.
were you trying to say astronomer?

>> No.16468128
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so much salt, but arse posters (outside of most Berger articles) are awful

>> No.16468137
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>> No.16468139
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Look at this fucking retard. Fell for the libshit propaganda so hard he believes his government is accountable.

>> No.16468140

There is little seasonal variation, so even a colony would probably use the Earth calendar for quite a long time.

>> No.16468142

Go back

>> No.16468143

Go back

>> No.16468147

Go back

>> No.16468148
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Go back

>> No.16468149

Go back

>> No.16468150

it would be funny if we moved it and Russians couldn't reach it

>> No.16468152
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Go back

Nothing in Project 2025 indicates 'disbanding NASA'

>> No.16468153

We had to go out of our way from the start to put it at such a high inclination so they could reach it.

>> No.16468155

oh give it a rest schizo. the crust is virtually the same depth everywhere.

>> No.16468158

Saturn v worked flawlessly in 1 (one) try

>> No.16468159

I am upset that Space Launch System worked flawlessly. I still have hope it will have problems

>> No.16468161

Go back

>> No.16468173
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Go back

>> No.16468176

That cannot possibly be what that is.

>> No.16468178

Calling the moon Luna is Based and Heinlein pilled.

>> No.16468185


>> No.16468188
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New Chinaman space plane, say something nice about it

>> No.16468194

Handmer's AI takes are retarded

>> No.16468195

whats its purpose?

>> No.16468197

>why would Elon be interested in multi cycle vacuum stable hardware that can be tested and developed by an earth market
beats me

>> No.16468201

It’s gotta be more functional than dream chaser

>> No.16468202

>it's not a direct copy of something else
not a direct copy of something real anyway. what anime or movie did they steal this design from?

>> No.16468205

>black TPS on the top of the wings
why? probably just because somebody thinks the color scheme is for style and it looked better this way.

>> No.16468206

total astronoomer death

>> No.16468207

what does this have to do with spaceflight? or even the thing you replied to?
go back.

>> No.16468208

the fact these people self-select out is very good in fact

>> No.16468209

nta, he replied with "yeah", tacit admission that the train isn't carrying starlinks

>> No.16468210

that's not a real word.
i've gathered from you repeating your mistake that you are illiterate, is this true?

>> No.16468211

Probably 24 months. Even number days in each with the extra days as a week long state holiday (like Christmas break here but built into the calendar)

>> No.16468213

no, he replied with a link to an x post.

>> No.16468214
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no, you are illetirate

>> No.16468215

because that way it looks like he's linking to a post where elon says that the train is carrying starlink satellites.
it's a bait and switch, a form of mild trolling

>> No.16468216


>> No.16468217

"No, you" is the response of a 5th grader who just got caught red handed, thank you for conceding.

>> No.16468219

fair enough

>> No.16468222
File: 520 KB, 1200x1524, 1718026726256213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off ((())).

>> No.16468225

pour paint on astroonomer telescopes, fill the sky with shiny satellites, cut astronoomer funding, laugh at astronoomers every chance you get

>> No.16468227
File: 465 KB, 600x891, 1726097292988838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

astronomers of the past:
>didn't need telescopes, just used their eyes
>looked at stars for the intellectual satisfaction it gave them
>made money by selling fortune-telling services to rich dumbasses

astronoomers of the present:
>have telescopes costing billions, cry that it isn't enough
>look a the stars for clout on twitter
>demand free money from the government like welfare queens

>> No.16468228

remove an astroonomer's sun filter

>> No.16468238

also China snuck in another four SAR sats on a Long March 2C

>> No.16468240
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>pour paint on astroonomer telescopes
Now you're talking

>> No.16468245

Xi Lon Musk
Marcus Laos

>> No.16468257
File: 1.22 MB, 5568x3712, 001WLsZ7ly1hvfuz0p206j64ao2v41l102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At 11:39 on November 9, at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, four satellites invested and built by Zhuzhou Space Interstellar Satellite Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Space Interstellar") were successfully launched on the Long March 2C carrier rocket. The satellites successfully entered the predetermined orbit and the launch mission was a complete success.

>The four SAR remote sensing satellites launched this time were invested and built by Space Interstellar. They are key projects introduced by Hunan Beidou Industrial Park. They can work reliably at night and under cloudy, rainy, foggy and other meteorological conditions, and perform tasks such as high-resolution imaging and deformation monitoring.

>> No.16468262

herro eberywan

>> No.16468269
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Tiangong cargo resupply, and higher downmass than Shenzhou, also supposed to be relatively quickly reusable and launcheable on short notice.

Fun fact: It's probably going to ride on top of a reusable rocket without any fairing, like Dyna-Soar/Hermes were supposed to.

>> No.16468274

so what you're telling me is that chinks have technologically surpassed everyone?

>> No.16468278

following through on abandoned designs that we were too pussy to implement? I approve. They should try some winged flyback boosters while they're at it to fulfill some dashed Soviet dreams.

>> No.16468282
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In that case, they should develop their own Project Orion.

>> No.16468294
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>> No.16468296

>But honorable Chairman, this is the fifth test launch in Xinjiang this month. Don't you think that our Project Orion HLV can start carrying proper payloads?
>Project Orion...?

>> No.16468391

It takes 668.6 Sols for Mars to go around the sun. If you divide that by 12, you get 55.717 days per month. So you'll have essentially 11 months that are 55 days long and 12th month that is 64 days long. Or you can double it and have 24 months in a year on Mars with 23 months of 28 days which gets you to 644 Sols and then the last month has 24.6 Sols. It would be convenient to stick with Earth system of 12 months, but there's a unique opportunity here to rewrite this calendar and make it so that all months except the final month of the year are evenly segmented. 28 days is 4 perfect weeks of 7 days. Sunday off initially (as the colony is young and needs all the time for growth) so you get 24 days of useful productivity time and 1 day off for just about everyone to recover/relax. Once you get civilians on the planet and they either bring kids or have kids on the planet, then you introduce Saturday into the mix and make it 2 days off, so you get 20 usable days instead of 28. Just shy of 3 weeks. But you have 24 months instead of 12, so your opportunity curve is MUCH longer. On top of that, in terms of time management and logistics, everything continues to remain even.

Finally, and MOST importantly, EVERYTHING on Mars MUST follow the metric system. Imperial is subhuman trash. Everything you do is either multiplied up by 10 or divided down by 10 for your scaling.

>> No.16468415

Not even close, these lists always exclude monarchs and other such turbo rich who hide their wealth.
These are just the publicly available wealthy that Forbes interns can plug into a spread sheet.

>> No.16468500

>my only politics are fusion. Every other energy generation tech can fuck off. Solar is just a stepping stone.
All starships ever flown have been development prototypes, this argument is retarded.
It should be illegal to provide internet to crackpots like you

>> No.16468505

Everything went flawlessly as expected

>> No.16468521

Space shuttle was a development prototype until STS 41 retard.