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1646041 No.1646041 [Reply] [Original]

>My face when I found out that 3 exams make up 95% of the grade of my calc class.

Oh fuuuuuuuck. I always get nervous on tests, even if I know the material. I always make dumb mistakes. What do I do?

>> No.1646044

Grow some balls?

>> No.1646054

How much does the class cost?

If you fail, retake the course perhaps?

If anything, having a majority of the grade based on three tests should mean retaking the course is pretty easy.

>> No.1646061


Talk to your professor, he/she will certainly help you.

>> No.1646068

Practice, practice, practice. Make/take practice exams under self-imposed time restrictions in one of your lecture halls if you have to. Gotta trick that ol' psyche.

>> No.1646072

what. Why isn't it 100% like it should be?

I fucking completely despite all thse extra shit you can get "bonus" points from etc... fucking retarded.

one course one test one grade. how can it be so fucking hard to understand this is the best way?

fucking ADHD kids fucking up my course evaluation mechanisms.

>> No.1646076

I'd hate to go to an American university where this wasn't the norm.

The idea of every piece of work you submit being worth half a percent of your final graduating grade sounds awful. Exams are much better.

>> No.1646086
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>> No.1646092

welcome to college

>> No.1646098

I believe you mean

>> No.1646125

One course, one test? lol. Enjoy spending $10 on adderall and cramming, faggot. Don't mess up.

>> No.1646122
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a big mistake beta students make is thinking that giving the right answer is the only thing that matters...

Just start your answer with writing down all formula`s requere`d to sovle the question... teacher should give some points for that.

Also write down your calculations step by step to show at least your intensions were somewhat right. Teacher can give points for this...

>> No.1646129

In American universities this IS the norm, buddy. This poster is likely a freshman.

>> No.1646134

you've never been to college. writing down formulas haha

>> No.1646136

My material strengths and statics course has 12 problems that make up 60% of our grade :[

>> No.1646137

How much time do you get for exams? I know it depends on the school but there should be a general answer. I hate when I ran out of time in high school.

>> No.1646149

I go to a state uni, and we generally get about 90 or so minutes for larger exams. some prof's just do in class exams, which give you about 50 min or so

if you're having trouble finishing tests in hs, i'd suggest learning how to work more quickly!

>> No.1646153

If you think that's bad, my organic chemistry course grade consisted of nothing but 3 exam grades (Mid-terms were 25% each, while the Final was 50% of the final grade).

All it takes is to study hard and practice. Also, talk to your professor about this, see if he/she can help you.

>> No.1646156


If this is a high school course, then talk to your teacher.

>> No.1646304


Here in Spain's technical universities,100% (ok, some times 90%) of the grade is decided by one only final test.

Sadly, we have good engineers, but no industry at all.

>> No.1646308

Dunno, cant help you, I was always good at test and horrible at homework and assignments. If i learned my calc grade was 95% from three exams, i would be all like FUCK YEAH! \o/

>> No.1646318

avoid mistakes