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1644802 No.1644802 [Reply] [Original]

Guess what? Doctors are human. They make a shit ton of mistakes. Don't expect them to be perfect.

Instead, stop living a shitty life where you don't take care of your center, like you can just end up at some PokeCenter and get healed up.

Most common visits to the doctor are harmless but stop thinking that you can live however you want and expect medicine to save you.

>> No.1644805


>> No.1644809

why dont you tell that to whomever you want to tell it to instead of randomly blurting it out onto 4chan you silly fool

>> No.1644815


My friend in Med School is having trouble with nerves not because he'll make a mistake...but that he'll get sued.

I'm going next year and now it's got me fidgety. I should be worrying about messing up for the sake of the patient's life, not because his family might sue me so I don't even try something I should.

I'm also just sick of people acting like it's all on doctors to fix everything, just like some people think college is the next step after high school. NO. It is not. It is an investment, if you don't know what you want to do with your life, fucking HOLD OFF on college until you figure it out. Stop going on 4chan. Stop going on facebook. Figure out your place in society then go if you need to. Same thing with hospitals.

>> No.1644837

ok ill try not to go on 4chan or facebook in hospitals next time

>> No.1644846

Was going to go fuck a girl with HIV, then jump out my window. Then I realised I can't just get healed like in pokemon. Thanks OP.

>> No.1644875
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Grabbin Pills

>> No.1644877
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>> No.1645227

Have fun mate, med school is fucking awesome.

>> No.1645232
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I take vitamin supplements, ride around 10 kilometers every single weekend, eat my vegies, take Fish Oil capsules and so on.


>> No.1645267

Stop taking vitamin supplements, they provide nothing you don't already have and you are supporting an industry based on more lies than most (supplement and healthfoods).

>> No.1645305


Are you the same faggot who spent hours in a thread the other day claiming that fish oil supplements are a scam?

Get the fuck out of here. NOBODY BELIEVES YOU.

Put on your tin foil hat and go back to /x/

>> No.1645315

Vitamin supplements increase rate of death (but good for you for taking the fish oil capsules).

Synthetics are bad mkay

>> No.1645320
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He was talking about vitamin supplements, not fish oil supplements. They're two very different things.

>> No.1645346

my face when you don't know what vitamins are.

>> No.1645349

Drink Cod Liver Oil like a real man and stop swallowing your pansy capsules.

>> No.1645380

For starters, no I'm not and I don't appreciate the aggression. I'm a medical student, laugh at all conspiracies and wholeheartedly believe "big pharma" isn't on a mission to kill children and make profit.

However, people peddling health foods are bullshitters. They do not care for the truth, they are simply misreporting facts. Nutritionists reading papers they do not understand and trying to help but ultimately causing damage. You have to remember, these are people without scientific backgrounds out to make a quick bit of cash.

A situation could arise like this; paper on Mediterranean people living longer than Eastern Europeans and the factors of diet on this difference (deliberately obtuse study, I know). The nutritionist may confer from this that eating olives increases life expectancy, completely forgetting the confounding factors. No desire to cause harm, no really care for the truth and just wanting to make money. This becomes big news and a healthfood company makes olive tablets (with the goodness of fifty olives in each one) these get marketed well and everyone makes a profit.

Transposing this to the real world, exactly the same has happened with multivitamins, we get enough in the diet. This notion that the more the better is flawed. The human body doesn't work like. Let's say we're marketing a vitamin B12, for healthy cell division and important in pregnancy. It's a good thing, let's give more! Won't work, we absorb it using a protein (intrinsic factor) and there is more vitamin that the protein can transport, so it mostly gets excreted. Another clear example, but the same goes for most vitamins, a complex series of balances and negative feedback keep all chemicals carefully in check.

>> No.1645381

In fact, sometimes altering the system can have some unfortunate effects. For example, antioxidants, while important in mopping up free radicals are harmful in some supplement doses. Free radicals are important for certain reactions to take place within the body.

Now I don't know about fish oil, I've not looked into it, but I can tell you that you are being sold snake oil. Read up on it rather than going for the reflex of calling me a faggot and moving on, I can provide some citation if you really want, but I'd rather not dig them out.

>> No.1645388

Your an idiot if you think they arent on a mission to make profit, do you even know what a non profit organization is? you must not be a very knowledgeable person outside your field. Medicine, like food, is not a luxury, and if they wheren't an organization geared for profit, whats with all the patents that drive up medicine prices?

>> No.1645405

You misunderstand, I used the operator AND. I know they do it to make money.

>> No.1645406


fucking thread/