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File: 2.61 MB, 3840x2160, shelby scared of orbital depot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16440086 No.16440086 [Reply] [Original]

Richard C. Shelby Memorial Depot edition

Previous - >>16438211

>> No.16440093
File: 86 KB, 1106x766, orbital repair balloon space station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440097


>> No.16440102
File: 22 KB, 500x379, IMG_4220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know what really grinds my gears
>newfag stages

>> No.16440104

why was he so terrified of depots?

>> No.16440105

no space related structure should be named after shelby. his family name should be damnatio memoriae.

>> No.16440108
File: 44 KB, 621x502, nasa satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440109

happens after every IFT at this point DESU
expect things to get worse in 20 years when more normalfags get access to spaceflight and it becomes more undeniable to retards the role it plays in their daily lives.

>> No.16440112

sfg wont exist in 20 years, we'll all be on marsnet

>> No.16440113

this is specifically meant to mock him for all eternity.
when it is decomissioned it will be raised to a graveyard orbit and the tanks inside will be refit into a museum purely dedicated to spitting on his corruption and attempts to stifle the true birth of spaceflight in the cradle.
children 20 generations from now will be spitting on his grave.

>> No.16440115

ah shit you're right.

>> No.16440117
File: 64 KB, 1024x683, IMG_4995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats the deal with space station food?

>> No.16440119

Who were the most prominent anti-space congresspeople during Apollo 50-60 years ago? It's high time their exploits are held up next to this pedophile's.

>> No.16440122
File: 446 KB, 1920x996, IMG_4720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna live here

>> No.16440132
File: 45 KB, 682x623, IMG_4998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440133

he's a politician, any notoriety including mockery is music to his ears.
no, the only way of punishing these people is removing their wealth and fame, and you do the latter by erasing his name, not his deed, from the history book.

>> No.16440137

No its not. Most politicians want to have a good reputation to mask their corruption. Having mostly hatred on you means youre looked at under a microscope for these corruptions. There is no benefit to having negative attention as a politician.

>> No.16440148
File: 355 KB, 2486x758, Shelby_Class_Propellant_Depot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440149

>clearly designed around a "down"

>> No.16440156
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1280, balloon iss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more balloons in orbit. ideally wrapping every space station and eventually every colony.

>> No.16440157

cringe frame of reference station
needs 8 sided symmetry interior.

>> No.16440160
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1280, WHOOPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440162

This does literally nothing and rips at a piece of sand flying by

>> No.16440163

OH NO! the exact same thing that would have happened if you stuck the aluminum pressure vessel but this time it's the superfluous outer balloon! how will the people hanging out in the space station in the space station ever recover?

>> No.16440167

I am in favor of inflatable space stations

>> No.16440170
File: 7 KB, 205x205, IMG_4997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hhhuuurhhh *smacks lips* ehhrm guysh, i think we should *coughs from exhaustion* hhuuurhhhh alll buy some teshlash *braps*

>> No.16440172

well, there's nobody inside the space station TO recover.
they were having a nice hour of sunbathing outside the station's interior, and when the bubble got punctured their blood started boiling and they all died.

good job, anon.

>> No.16440173 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 1170x702, IMG_7914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440174
File: 408 KB, 700x1100, posteditagainemmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440176

what a terrible, ugly drawing.
truly soulless and hideous.

>> No.16440178

I don't think I could give up living out in the country to live on Mars.
Sorry bro. Maybe once it's comfy under the giant mattress covered red wood forests of Mars will I come.
I'm sure low gravity will be a nice place to retire to.

>> No.16440179

I am just too enamored with this image right now, idk why

>> No.16440180

Not with your android dogshit but with >>16440170 which is why I posted it again

>> No.16440182

>still thinks Mexicans work at SpaceX.
All their low skill labour has been replaced by robots.

>> No.16440183
File: 630 KB, 1536x2048, 1725968992057698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440184

>t. burger flipper

>> No.16440185

nah, only losers are enamoured by that image
and calling nandroids dogshit is tantamount to branding yourself a subhuman.
fleshbag loving demon.

>> No.16440187

are you a seething mexican?

>> No.16440188
File: 12 KB, 320x240, fffef68806cae456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far ahead do you think SX is thinking about the actual hardware and stuff for inhabiting Mars? Is that even a concern right now, or are they just going one step at a time with the rocket? Maybe it's not even that important, since a Starship is already a big living space and they also have a big drill to drill things with

>> No.16440189


>> No.16440191
File: 527 KB, 1017x736, IMG_5001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a lovely hamster. Heres mine

>> No.16440193

>is that even a concern right now
and this is the same answer for anything else that's not the immediate next step to getting starship to work.
A, then B, then C, then D. not B and D at the same time.

>> No.16440196

I recently spoke to someone at a fortune 500 glass company that was approached by SpaceX to make something related to Starlink (the company fucked it up and was too slow). But SpaceX did get samples, and they tested them by launching them into space. That's probably how Mars dev will go. Instead of spending 50 years writing papers on it like NASA, they're just going to overwhelm the red planet with hardware and they'll know more every window. It's the SpaceX approach.

>> No.16440200
File: 220 KB, 1024x1024, _6d8df9a2-f07c-4438-b24c-9a0d7e4d8f8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im goimg to fik the bunni

>> No.16440201
File: 637 KB, 1536x2048, 1580724456697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440203

Makes sense, one issue I was thinking of just now that is there even good data on how the soil affects different materials? So it wouldn't make much sense to try designing living spaces, until they actually get stuff there and see how hard and fast the sand eats through stuff

>> No.16440207
File: 183 KB, 948x533, 21353251453_eecdd7b4c0_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah good point! I saw in the reddit movie the dust can be pretty dangerous!! :o

>> No.16440208

It'll be nowhere near as bad as moon dust

>> No.16440210

How much have people looked at that? During Apollo, didn't it end up being a bit of a surprise how sharp and sticky the lunar soil is

>> No.16440213

moon rabbitgirls will be raped.

>> No.16440214

Mars has an atmosphere

>> No.16440216

A very thin one thoughever

>> No.16440217

Doesn't matter for the moon dust issue

>> No.16440218 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 255x239, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vote for trump for SpaceX to go to ma- ACK!!!!

>> No.16440219

back to the sharty subhumanoid

>> No.16440222

Sorry anon, I'm a slave to my genes. Can't wean myself off that flesh.

>> No.16440226

reddit trannies really trying to take the tranny-ack meme lmao

>> No.16440227
File: 60 KB, 564x852, Lovell pre-launch gemini 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You young uns don't remember William Proxmire but he was every space nerds enemy back in the day

>> No.16440231
File: 65 KB, 546x545, 1703389620433516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Bloombergs angle really? That whole article is sus even if it appears on the surface to be praising SpaceX.

No Artemis means no HLS or Gateway logistics money for SpaceX, no people on the moon isn't inspiring either.

>sees Starship succeed and the first thought that immediately comes to mind is how much this can benefit robotic space exploration and we must cancel Artemis and Gateway


>> No.16440233

Its sus alright. They've been attacking Musk/Tesla for a decade with daily FUDs. A sudden thought about Moon mission from the owner of the company, a huge Biden voter, should ring an alarm bell. Its fake.

>> No.16440234

NASA was over budget and out of order with nothing to show for it.
Somebody needed to give them a dose of reality and decrease the burden on the taxpayer.

>> No.16440239

Certain NASA contractors and senators would like the constellation cancel into artemis thing to happen again, since they'd get a huge amount of money and jobs increase again.

>> No.16440240

Like people said it was a reaction to the successful test, not motivated by personal interest, as Bloomberg does not give a fuck about space or own controlling interest in a space company
If I was being generous I'd say this dude wants to see Americans on the moon while he's still alive
If I'm being cynical he does have a financial interest, it just isn't disclosed

>> No.16440242
File: 417 KB, 1580x2000, 1720839568875529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440246

>this dude wants to see Americans on the moon while he's still alive
He's a "muh robots" fag that wants no humans in space exploration, still thinks Artemis is about picking up rocks instead of ISRU and water-ice, doesn't know shit about Artemis.

At best like I said there is no ulterior motive for that article and he just wants Starship used for robotic space exploration and move that along faster/cheaper, can't know for sure though.

Artemis shouldn't be cancelled but Block 1B and ML-2 and EUS can fuck off

>> No.16440248

>The gravity gradient (a greater gravitational pull on the parts of objects closest to Earth) can affect the orientation of satellites in space, inexorably pulling them out of alignment.

Wait what that's an actual thing? Damn

>> No.16440250

Honestly I don't even care about it anymore. Public funding is largely wasted. SpaceX has only received half a NASA budget year over the last two decades. With Starlink it just doesn't matter. SpaceX will colonize Mars regardless of what the government does

>> No.16440251

i've never heard tidal force to be significant at this level

>> No.16440257

based and boomer cartoon pilled

>> No.16440258

buying political favor, without going off-topic

>> No.16440261

erm its X now sweetie...

>> No.16440262
File: 1.87 MB, 4157x5906, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440263
File: 108 KB, 880x789, Shusei Nagaoka astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are voting for me aren't you anon?

>> No.16440265
File: 59 KB, 1048x576, Apollo Extension System lab module b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440266

trump doesn't look like this, trump is much uglier than the guy in this picture.

>> No.16440268

that'll be 100 billion usd, plus tip

>> No.16440271

His bet if Trump wins?

>> No.16440274

>dropping a scathing Artemis hitpiece less than a month before NASA makes its decision on the Orion heatshield

oh man, this might do massive PR damage to NASA

>> No.16440275
File: 92 KB, 557x817, nasa mp5 ksc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440276

>A celestial irony is that none of this is necessary. A reusable SpaceX Starship will very likely be able to carry people, cargo and robots directly to the moon — no SLS, Orion, Gateway, Block 1B or ML-2 required — at a small fraction of the cost. Its successful landing of the Starship booster was a breakthrough that demonstrated how far beyond NASA it is moving.

Very good point Mr. Bloomberg

>> No.16440277

but the jobs

>> No.16440285

I pray that Shelby clings to life long enough to have a depot named after him.

>> No.16440286

Moreover, more people are waking up that with the current approach, you're basically handing over the Moon to China.

>> No.16440287
File: 65 KB, 737x581, Miss NASA 1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss SpaceX when?

>> No.16440289

again he doesn't care about that, he'd probably be happy to let Chinese boots hop around the lunar surface if Artemis cancelled means more robotic missions be funded instead

>> No.16440292


Polaris kino dropped

>> No.16440293

imagine copulating with that woman

>> No.16440301
File: 107 KB, 354x331, 1720939304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go again...

>> No.16440302

I've never watched a single second of his content and I never will. same reason I dont go on x to debate flerfs

>> No.16440310

yeah, i don't watch him either, but it surprised me that he doubled down again.

>> No.16440315

If you read the book on musk you'd know they've been talking weekly about how to colonize mars since the companies inception
I think they have some ideas and are probably working on some stuff

>> No.16440316

Just finished Liftoff. Seems like most of the problems with F1 were directly or indirectly caused by that shithole island.

>> No.16440325

let me guess
>timelines inaccurate
>development costs a lot of money
>refurbishment will be expensive and slow (evidence: the shuttle referbishment was expensive and slow)

>> No.16440326

Buy an ad

>> No.16440330

>What's Bloombergs angle really?

He outright states that we should not be sending people to the Moon.

>> No.16440339

No he does not we discussed this in the other thread you fucking retard. Sending robots and cargo PRECEDES human landing aswell, he only states that ‘robots’ should do SCIENCE MISSIONS alone, he spoke to nothing on colonization only science missions. You mischaracterize everything for no reason when a big name is standing up for SpaceX despite political leanings

>> No.16440340

Liftoff is a great book, falcon 1 had blood sweat and tears holding it together.
Hoping Reentry is as good.

>> No.16440346

don't forget the 20-minute introduction where rants about hyperloop

>> No.16440349

Thvnderchad raises some good points.

>> No.16440351

Give me the main points of the video then.

>> No.16440353

Bloomberg is an absolute cretin. People like him and Mike Griffin need to shut up and die

>> No.16440354

you forgot a 45 second long 240p clip from a movie where someone goes "oh no" or something

>> No.16440358

Starship is a useless steel trashcan and NASA propulsively landed on Mars so SpaceX catching its gigantic boondoggle steel trash can is not just stupidly stupid but its also stupidly easy and is only praised by idiots who know nothing.

>> No.16440367


>> No.16440370

He didn't state it but he certainly implied it, read between the lines

>> No.16440371

He literally argues in favor of outright replacing Artemis with robotic missions.

>> No.16440373

The grifter has fooled millions into becoming his paypig subscribers. LMAO

>> No.16440376
File: 55 KB, 664x813, Venus soil sample return spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440381

Hyper loop wasn’t even Musk’s deal. That was Branson.

>> No.16440386
File: 1.37 MB, 1173x1079, 44545456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that this absolute filth didn't even made a video on the starliner fiasco, must not be pleasing his mongoloid supporters I guess
this is the most obvious grift I have ever seen

>> No.16440389
File: 270 KB, 1080x1803, 1720607824258792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reentry is a bit worse than Liftoff. It feels more like a collection of anectodes than a continuous story, but it's still a really good book and a must-read if you like SpaceX

>> No.16440392

He also didn't make a video about: Arcaspace, Blue Origin, SLS, Gateway, Astra, Orel, Rus-M, Nauka, Irtysh, SLS block 2, Orion's heatshield, ML-2, and so on and so forth.. SpaceX are the only scammers in the industry lmao

>> No.16440393
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, ruzzia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute ruzzian gril reacts to starship flight 5

>> No.16440396


>> No.16440397


what the fuck do you think he started tesla, pushed self driving, hypertube shit, boring company, solar panel bullshit, etc etc for ?
It's all about mars, its always been

>> No.16440398

one autistic man and a dream

>> No.16440402

sad to think that she's going to be sold as a sex slave when her country collapses.

>> No.16440410

I'd love to see the balloon that can do that

>> No.16440412

They have multiple concurrent programs running in multiple stages of development. The limits to number of actual concurrent development is money. They have a limited yearly budget and they cant be bothered to spend tens of billions per year. But when one project matures, this frees up budget for more projects. Mars development plan will come in concurrent with HLS (which will come as Starship matures and frees up critical development cost).

>> No.16440416

Think his father will wait that long?

>> No.16440419

Why is Shotwell openly anti Mars colonization?

>> No.16440420

What's this Bloomberg article you guys keep bringing up?

>> No.16440423

If you make it from a reasonable material and only pressurize it to one atmosphere, it shouldn't rip when punctured.

>> No.16440424

Step 1, become filthy rich launching Starlink and Brilliant Pebbles.
Step 2, ??????
Step 3, Mars Colony

Trust the plan (unironically)

>> No.16440425

posted last thread, try to keep up

>> No.16440426

Bloomberg thinks that all human spaceflight is a mistake

>> No.16440428

Bloomberg is a huge piece of shit who should be fed into a wood chipper.

>> No.16440432

She will be queen of Ukraine after Elon become president

>> No.16440433

cute by russian standards is a stretch but I'll give her a few points for liking rockets

>> No.16440435

Why would big E make some russian thot the leader of ukraine when he has already invested in ukraine's victory with the support of starlink?

>> No.16440437

Uncanny. She is in transition to babushka and has an unusual mix of girl and babushka facial features. In 5 years she will be unrecognisable

>> No.16440441

he's a putinbot

>> No.16440442
File: 495 KB, 1280x990, Centaur V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about it.

>> No.16440444

newfag time is over
you can go back to /k/ now

>> No.16440446

fuck off rusnig

>> No.16440447

Cool it with the dehumanizing rhetoric.

>> No.16440448


>> No.16440450

>infographic shows a dime, not to scale, just in case somebody isn't sure what a coin is

>> No.16440451

So you agree, Elon is in the bin for Putler

>> No.16440453
File: 291 KB, 590x706, tod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It turns out that this was 9 launches at just over $80 mil each.

Total oldspace death.

>> No.16440454


>> No.16440456
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1358, ezgif.com-resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship Interior . What do you think ?

>> No.16440457

>[Question from her simps]: What kind of parts are falling off?
>Well, some not very necessary parts.

>> No.16440460

You guys are going to be devastated when you see what interior NASA/SpaceX are cooking up for HLS

>> No.16440461
File: 40 KB, 365x490, von braun no wvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rings of Saturn
It's dishonesty disgusts me

>> No.16440463


>> No.16440464
File: 2.62 MB, 480x360, 1718232305061352.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no circular running track

>> No.16440465

no way the insulation is that thin, right?

>> No.16440467

>heat shield tiles but no flaps

>> No.16440468

>no header tank

>> No.16440472

Can't be worse than the LEM closet

>> No.16440474

Artists have machine retardation.

>> No.16440476

the contrast between this and solar roadways is insane

>> No.16440479

oh boy, just you wait.

>> No.16440480

I have to come clean, Im a muskbot

>> No.16440484

i thought the header tanks were just for earth landings

>> No.16440487

they are for any landing where the bellyflip is done, so mars too. speakingof whitch, mars starships will need bigger header tanks.

>> No.16440494

>Okay so they have 10 thousand kilometers of road paved with solar tiles but it's BUSTED because it's 5 years late okay???
imagine lmao

>> No.16440496

1.07 mm thickness is impressive for a 5.4 meter diameter stage. Mogs starship hard.

>> No.16440502

Thin is easy when you're not planning on bringing it back down a gravity well. If your stage stays in space then you can make them balloons. 1.07 mm is thinner than Atlas 1 I believe, but that's to be expected with developments in metallurgy and manufacturing.

>> No.16440506
File: 615 KB, 1920x1080, 1715872794426441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys! Don't forget about me!

>> No.16440508
File: 547 KB, 1280x990, 1714580207118989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440513

When every hardware portion of Artemis eventually gets replaced with Starship or a Starship derivative and the first fleet of cargo ships are on Mars, what will he resort to?

>> No.16440514

he will be dead by then

>> No.16440518
File: 206 KB, 1919x1079, 1728824617052920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440520

god those eyes are empty

>> No.16440521

why arent spacex building any starship infrastructure at the cape?

>> No.16440523
File: 811 KB, 2560x1707, Axiom-3_Launch_(KSC-20240118-PH-CMS01_0022)_Cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think this big tower is

>> No.16440524

the eyes of a man who does chemistry without a fume hood

>> No.16440526

where do the nukes go
how will it defend itself against the aliens

>> No.16440527

they're gonna need another EA for that hecking flame trench chuddie
Enron M*sk won't be launching any steel dildos from the cape until the 2030s (they will be bankrupt by then)

>> No.16440532

nice olm fag, also nice highbay

>> No.16440533

why don't they build a tower over the grand canyon and use that as a flame trench

>> No.16440535

Why is the outer airlock at the nose where the header tank is.
Pretty good storage area though I would like some modernized looks to it like weve seen on Haven-1 and 2 recently. Whats with the gay netting/mesh just have solid floors.
Why do the crew sleep in more netting
Where is the massive fuck off front windshield
Where is the exercise machines
Overall no aesthetics when we live in the modern age. Fix this now, ship needs to look nice.

>> No.16440536
File: 1.89 MB, 2846x3054, 1707114779174891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lockheed faking starlink interference data
Not something I expected today

>> No.16440539

Where does Lockheed even show up in the allegations? I don't see their name in the screencaps.

>> No.16440540

I cant think of a good reason why not?
We will make contact with the Havasupai Tribe, and offer them some shiny things and booze. Native people have TOTAL control over their land, they would sell out to SpaceX. Its cheaper than buying a presidential election.

>> No.16440542


>> No.16440553
File: 185 KB, 811x940, GaR9IPWW8AAlIO_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX just exposed a dirty ploy by Lockheed Martin and Omnispace to block Starlink’s direct-to-cell service. Lockheed’s partner allegedly rigged their aging satellite to fake interference and filed bogus FCC complaints, trying to stop Starlink from dominating the 5G space.
>In a bombshell FCC filing, SpaceX revealed how Omnispace manipulated its MEO satellite to “intentionally detect” Starlink signals—despite the satellite barely being operational. SpaceX slammed the claims as “bizarre,” accusing Omnispace of creating “artificial conditions” to fake interference.
>The plot thickens: Omnispace refused standard coordination talks and went as far as licensing through Papua New Guinea to dodge regulations. It’s all part of an effort to sabotage Starlink’s $34.9 billion future in global communications.
>Will the FCC see through this sham, or will Lockheed’s shady tactics derail Starlink’s revolution?

>> No.16440555

Lockheed is directly involved in Omnispace's 5G initiatives.
They are being blamed by proxy essentially

>> No.16440558
File: 83 KB, 811x940, GaR9MEPWsAACg73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440561
File: 85 KB, 811x940, GaR9MgDXoAAuxKW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440562

>If a (star)ship did hit a whale, that whale had it coming

>> No.16440568

He’s not idiot. He had to understand the implications of this booster catch on the on target splash down of starship. He has literally no other argument to make once orbital refueling is demonstrated.

>> No.16440570

I thought fuel was supposed to be stored in the nose? Why is the airlock there?

>> No.16440571


>> No.16440593

That's some retards drawing, eg. heat shield but no flaps.

>> No.16440600
File: 123 KB, 725x257, 1723836137186003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long has this been true, and why did nobody tell me?
Whoopie pies in the Mars colony cafeteria confirmed

>> No.16440602

Fake bait to make the anti-dutch autist angry

>> No.16440611

That claim on wikipedia dates back at least two years, I didn't check older. It's not vandalism, or if it is, it has lasted a long time.

>> No.16440620

Also, Pennsylvania Dutch are from Germany (Palatinate), not the Netherlands.

>> No.16440627
File: 113 KB, 719x714, PAGEOS satellite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440629
File: 83 KB, 614x858, US Air Force posters 1983 space 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440632


>> No.16440633
File: 80 KB, 805x611, Lunar Module interior, Robert Watts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440634

He learned enough of rocketry to know that orbital depots made SLS utterly useless. He killed them to preserve orangerocketbad and its artisanally crushed expendable Alabama river rock roads.

>> No.16440637


>> No.16440638


>> No.16440655

lmao lockmart get fucked

>> No.16440656

I've seen this movie.

>> No.16440661

Actual treason. Those who did this should be shot.

>> No.16440667
File: 927 KB, 250x230, 1444686272136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always laugh when the 100 IQ sci-fi slop artists put shit like a nice little rec room break table for eating when nothing remotely like that is necessary on genuine zero-G habitats like Apollo, Mir, the Space Shuttle, the ISS, etc.

At least there's no zero-G violinist this time.

>> No.16440668

Can I brap in your pod?

>> No.16440670
File: 191 KB, 1000x664, Meal-Sharing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost everything you mentioned had a dinner table

>> No.16440671
File: 60 KB, 178x190, 1722225313334561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know they allowed nu metal band bassists in space

>> No.16440672

Thunderfood is pure dunning kruger, if you punish yourself and watch his reaction videos you will see him having no idea what is going on and talking out of his ass constantly.

>> No.16440673

>not one floating sphere of tang

>> No.16440675

post links to kino starship flight 5 music videos

>> No.16440677
File: 9 KB, 219x230, IMG_4999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one but I wont show it to you

>> No.16440678

nooo please show us *pouts and bats eyelids*

>> No.16440679
File: 145 KB, 1200x900, boca_cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unintelligent amphibian enthusiast

>> No.16440682

Pre-flight 5 hype, but still great

>> No.16440685
File: 610 KB, 656x638, fff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want something like this for us quirky zoomers nyaa~

>> No.16440687

Manned starships will never happen

>> No.16440688
File: 157 KB, 529x538, 1729384682665946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk btfo how will he ever recover?!?!

>> No.16440690
File: 45 KB, 547x355, first stage recovery of the Saturn V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trvthnvke that made /sfg/ space cadets seethe

>> No.16440695

Why not

>> No.16440699

>He has literally no other argument to make once orbital refueling is demonstrated.

He'll just everyone knew how to do orbital refueling. His last argument will be yes it increases tonnage to LEO, the moon, and mars but it doesn't save money.

>> No.16440700

Geo sat went byebye, intelsat 33e blew up.

>> No.16440703
File: 1022 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_4787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive got some of my own images now too, fag

>> No.16440704

yikes https://x.com/S4S_SDA/status/1847819183272472884

>> No.16440705

Im not fixing these anymore fuck it they look fine in my album

>> No.16440711

stupid frog poster

>> No.16440719


>> No.16440721
File: 968 KB, 3897x1296, apollo flight plan .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440723


>> No.16440724

common frog L

>> No.16440725
File: 100 KB, 532x715, stratospheric jumps atmosphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440727
File: 88 KB, 947x712, TRS- Skylab shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440734



>> No.16440735

Putting the sleeping quarters, medical, and gym directly above the fuel tank is literally retarded. Whoever designed this is a fucking idiot.

>> No.16440736
File: 772 KB, 1138x1612, spaceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16440738

Buy an ad poojeet
What the fuck is /intp/. Also that flerfer firmament shit should not be at the bottom

>> No.16440739

looks like a zach hadel homunculus

>> No.16440740

That chinlet is your glorious leader

>> No.16440748

No abort system + belly flop + heat shield like shuttle = death

>> No.16440755

Who is that woman?

>> No.16440764

Planes also don't have an abort mode, because they don't regularly fail. Keep in mind these things will be returning from hundreds of starlink launches. Every flight, every unmanned failure a lesson, every ship recovered and examined. Our only example so far is the Falcon 9 booster, and it technically met NASA specs for being crew rated because they've been able to iterate post-flight.

>> No.16440767
File: 255 KB, 1308x3366, SpaceX Oneweb cr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OneWeb Launch 20 Mission - Landing Zone 4
T-40 minutes
>SpaceX is targeting Saturday, October 19 at 10:13 p.m. PT for Falcon 9’s launch of the OneWeb Launch 20 mission to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. If needed, there is a backup opportunity available on Sunday, October 20 at 10:08 p.m. PT.
>A live webcast of this mission will begin about five minutes prior to liftoff, which you can watch here and on X @SpaceX. You can also watch the webcast on the new X TV app.
>This is the seventh flight of the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched USSF-62 and five Starlink missions. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on Landing Zone 4 (LZ-4) at Vandenberg Space Force Base.
Spaceflight Now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdmvurETHjE
thelaunchpad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqXL5pIcBdA

>> No.16440771

They fucked his wife

>> No.16440772
File: 28 KB, 900x100, Boeing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440774

HLS is supposed to nose dock with Orion (Artemis 3) or Gateway (subsequent missions) to avoid RCS expenditures.

>> No.16440777

>2026 ISS depress
Patiently waiting

>What the fuck is /intp/

>> No.16440779

6th launch by spacex this week

>> No.16440781
File: 154 KB, 1080x608, Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 07-09-18 SpaceX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-4 min
Also uses a cut off second stage nozzle

>> No.16440783

nothing will happen

>> No.16440785
File: 813 KB, 1920x1080, paste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440786


>> No.16440788
File: 326 KB, 671x774, 1717302619598852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boeing blew up a satellite in geo
God dammit, when are these fuck wits going to get banned from space?

>> No.16440794

he can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.16440795

I always think it's landing too fast.

>> No.16440799
File: 507 KB, 1920x1080, landed oneweb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

landed; nominal orbit insertion; back in 45 minutes for SES-2 and deploy

>> No.16440801

Perfect night to watch the launch. Clear skies, I could see it from my house. Great fireworks at the top of the ascent, and the return burn was brighter than the moon for a few moments. Even saw a meteor flash by.

>> No.16440802

Ugly pile of shit fairing lol did they demand someone else's logo be covered up? Why is it painted like that? They sure picked the super budget near-bankruptcy option, like that used car lot in the ghetto where they don't do a credit check

>> No.16440807

They don't want Arianespace to find out they've been launching with another provider.

>> No.16440809

Nobody actually watches the launches anymore, so they don't bother with making everything pretty.

>> No.16440816

>200k viewers

>> No.16440821

Same kek, they seem to have taken the LZ landings to the extreme of aggressiveness. Real hoverslam.

>> No.16440825

I had this thought watching flight 5 landing - the landing burn itself slows to a crawl much higher up compared to a F9 landing. There's probably a lot of safety margin that could be reduced for future superheavy landings

>> No.16440826

>Need bigger header tanks to land the same craft at 0.38x it's earth mass


>> No.16440828
File: 631 KB, 789x618, space complex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they were done with launching Oneweb?

>> No.16440832

Is this the $3000 toyota corolla Falcon 9?

>> No.16440834

X viewer metric is a straight up scam you retarded nigger, well most are these days to pump advertiser bucks but X is particularly egregious.

>> No.16440841

>source: my ass

>> No.16440843

>time to deploy
>feed cuts
every time, fix your shit elon

>> No.16440844
File: 35 KB, 752x644, oneweb20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw the OneWeb launch bros, it was real freakin neato

>> No.16440848

Based on the the apparent amount of fuel left over from the visible icing o super heavy they had a lot of margin it looked like.

>> No.16440851

>Elon Musk Might Have Broken the Law Against Bribing Voters
Say it with me: Felon Husk
Mars will be a prison colony

>> No.16440853

>deployment anomaly
oh nononononono

>> No.16440854
File: 876 KB, 1080x608, Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 08-30-23 SpaceX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deployed 14 of 20

>> No.16440855
File: 923 KB, 1080x608, Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 08-31-22 SpaceX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deployed 16 of 20; four more to deploy

>> No.16440856

all done

>> No.16440857
File: 903 KB, 1080x608, Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 08-33-08 SpaceX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all 20 deployed; 99th launch this year, 394th overall

>> No.16440858

It started lower and the initial slow down was intense but took their sweet time with the catch afterwards.
Paradoxally, more propellant is less delta-v if they're only tapping from the landing tank.
If there was as much extra propellant in it as the chopstick sag and ice buildup suggest then at least the outer engines would've had to be feeding from the main LOX tank. It would be hundreds of tons overweight and the landing tank alone wouldn't support that maneuver.
In that case they would've used the margins afforded by the slower than orbital insertion and lack of a payload and retained propellant in the main LOX tank way past what boostback required, to have some on hand for landing. On top of that there would have to be far more oxygen than needed for the velocity change to prevent sloshing from starving engines during the landing.
V2 boosters built to spec as opposed to being retrofits would have landing tanks of the correct size for their dry mass. And future catches will be both shorter and more intense, and touch down with empty main LOX tanks.

>> No.16440859

Shidding and farding also article where

>> No.16440864
File: 54 KB, 640x418, during_mir_21_nasa_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little rec room break table
Every single space station has had this lmfao you projecting midwit

>> No.16440865
File: 2.66 MB, 1606x1558, sss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the new EDS talking points that came up after ULA got btfo in the latest round of NSSL contracts.

>> No.16440867

>SEC, three letter acronym, middle word is Elon's
Formerly Chuck's

>> No.16440868

Submarines have them too, which is one of the best analogues for long duration space flight aside from the ISS.

>> No.16440871
File: 103 KB, 442x430, IMG_4610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ughhhh I am so fucking ready for hot Martian babes

>> No.16440873
File: 154 KB, 1300x942, 1-march-1973-the-three-members-of-the-prime-crew-of-the-first-manned-skylab-mission-dine-on-specially-prep...ist-astronaut-joseph-p-kerwin-science-pilot-astronaut-paul-j-weitz-pilot-and-astronaut-charles-conrad-jr-commander-2HDWD37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the skylab table. Skylab in general is not talked about enough.

>> No.16440874
File: 269 KB, 1245x772, redditlab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like redditlab

>> No.16440875

no way, naming a depot after Shelby is both funny and important

>> No.16440876

the booster doesn't have a dedicated landing tank like the ship does, reentry generates enough Gs to push all propellant to the bottom of the tanks

>> No.16440877

>scroll past post
>+1 view count

Great website

>> No.16440878

>wave function collapse
>+1 view
Absolute precision, I've come to expect no less from his companies.

>> No.16440880

nvm im tarded, it's just not at the top of the booster like on the ship

>> No.16440881

I thought his $47 dollar promotions sounded like those scam accounts lol

>> No.16440883

That "Delivered" photo looks great. He probably couldn't find a less flattering image one of mankind's greatest achievements.

>> No.16440884
File: 305 KB, 220x424, IMG_5004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up before I slightly push you in Enceladean gravity

>> No.16440886

Do you think that the Bloomberg article was useful at all or just milquetoast whining? The last sentence of the article makes it seem like he wants to reorient blame away from NASA, the contractors, and past Presidents and instead lay the Senate Launch System at the feet of whoever the next president is. Likewise, him pushing robots was retarded. It doesn't align with SpaceX's goals.

>> No.16440887

I'm kind of surprised they don't repackage the canned meat into plastic pouches to reduce mass.

>> No.16440888

Can he actually do this, to me it sounds like he's buying votes with extra steps.

>> No.16440889

No, I think it was genuine interest and concern for the better of the space industry. Applying any pressure to pay more attention to the space industry is a good thing anyways, and with how wide reaching his reach is with the more liberal side of the aisle, I think that its good he planted this seed of Artemis bad in them. I still believe he used an EXAMPLE when he said robots and cargo because OBVIOUSLY those are just meant to scout the area to prep for human landing and that sending humans to do science missions on the moon is pointless at this stage. He wasnt ‘pushing’ robots either like he was pushing for rethinking Artemis, it was an offhanded mention. Not everything needs to perfectly line up with SpaceX’s exact goals either, even him advocating for SpaceX is a huge deal, and even pushing for more attention on Artemis is also big. In general, the space industry just needs more attention, for the over regulation, the inattentiveness towards oldspace, and the open political hostilities. What Bloomberg did with his article was good and you are nitpicking very very minor points that could just be you mistaking what he said or of little importance due to your preconceived biases towards left leaning sources.

>> No.16440890

It was never about Gs. The propellant for needed for the landing burn against an empty booster amounts to a piss puddle at the bottom of the tanks that will go flying when the booster starts maneuvering. Some engines wouldn't even have LOX while it's settled askew during the glide. Either they keep a narrow landing tank or retain far more LOX than needed (like this time).

>> No.16440892
File: 86 KB, 900x900, 1708681591516200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440897

Boeing was also the bus manufacturer for those four O3b mPOWER satellites that died

Curiously not listed as examples of the 702 bus on Wikipedia by the way

>> No.16440898

>Intelsat announced that due to a malfunction in the LEROS-1c primary thruster, it would require more time for orbit rising
>insurance officials estimated that the main propulsion failure would not reduce the on orbit life of the spacecraft more than 18 months
>In August 2017, another propulsion issue appeared
>this issue reduced the orbital life-time by about 3.5 years
Looks like it didn't even reach its predicted 10 year lifespan.

>> No.16440902
File: 707 KB, 768x768, 1605234449949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satellites don't just explode. Yes, they use hypergolics, and these ones were leaking, but for a proper explosion that implies the tanks had to actually detonate. An explosion in the line wouldn't do shit.

>> No.16440907

>Tomorrow, I will tell the story of how SpaceX was forced by the government to kidnap seals, put earphones on them and play sonic boom sounds to see if they seemed upset

>> No.16440908

I'm pretty sure that's a Danny McBride character

>> No.16440912

that's why he wants to ban guns, so nobody gets any bright ideas and takes justice into their own hands

>> No.16440914

he's the king of the crab bucket, he can't let anybody escape
his soul is weighed down by gravity

>> No.16440918
File: 63 KB, 500x361, IMG_3936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wen ift6?

>> No.16440919

two weeks (months)

>> No.16440921

Beat me to it

>> No.16440924

What should we discuss? Im bored, and if nobody brings up a good topic Im going to start with the Drumpf post election SpaceX predictions again.

>> No.16440927

sorry but russia isn't le based trad country anon, it's an unstable shithole that's already had an attempted coup a short while ago.

>> No.16440936

they're getting really really scared right now.
i can bet you if you could teleport to any of these oldcomms people right now they'd be biting their nails, they're all shitting themselves.

>> No.16440938

Next month

>> No.16440939

i knew he was my kin.
mars will be dutch.

>> No.16440940

it's spelled truthnuke

>> No.16440943


>> No.16440944
File: 81 KB, 1000x625, cl-5bb3ab1b7971bb5d5187b9df-ph0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least there's no zero-G violinist this time.
what a ridiculous concept

>> No.16440950
File: 28 KB, 362x272, 76d649f421e097b8b7c0c2f9b1b4dd62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you have some deep insider knowledge or a higher quality version of this image I don't want to hear about it, anon

>> No.16440951

oh, he's quoting an Elon Musk quote

>> No.16440952

>Now draw ein schwanz on die diagram!

>> No.16440980

/sfg/ died 40 minutes ago.

>> No.16440983

>3 /sfg/ threads going at the same time
>no-one really seems to be discussing anything interesting
I'm just gonna come back later when you guys have decided which is the real thread.

>> No.16440985

I'm pretty sure it's this one
Elon announcing that he's going to give us a higher resolution and/or more photos from the seal with headphones incident is kind of news

>> No.16440987
File: 59 KB, 655x636, 014587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16440991
File: 37 KB, 666x607, 13f24a350f951286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded?

>> No.16441008

>government requiring SpaceX to asses whether their rockets could potentially hit sharks and whales
Give me a fucking break, what's next? an environmental review to see if Starship could harm algae and plankton? Meanwhile ULA's rockets can kill as many fish and dolphins as they want, and no one bats an eye aghhh

>> No.16441017

Manned ionosphere D layer aerosat station

>> No.16441018

Big if true.

>> No.16441022

wtf Pete Conrad apparently controlled some of the DC-X flights lol this man’s lore never ends

>> No.16441023

Best case numbers that would save about $600 per can. Imagine an "aerospace grade" food container transfer process would cost them about ten times that. You gotta remember we're dealing with NASA kek

>> No.16441024

they should catch some whales and sharks and then drop hot stage ring on them to see the effects

>> No.16441030

That pic could finally go mainstream tomorrow, and be noticed by normies and the media after so many years, historic moment. I can already picture it: Elon Musk, the seal torturer lmao

>> No.16441045

government mandated seal torture, literally

>> No.16441059

sorry your failstage didn't work anon, just pick the right time to stage next time.

>> No.16441060

imagine using fatter one as kickstage for some deep space probe and fitting them into starship. Full reusability and price of starship with performance and 'high energy' ula autism. You could send a probe to anywhere in solar system.

That made me realize, only thing spacex may be missing in the future are high performance vacuum kickstages. Their current infrastructure vision literally ends in LEO.

>> No.16441062

thinner atmosphere will reduce the drag from bellyflop, so probably more propellant needed to compensate

>> No.16441063
File: 139 KB, 1098x770, GaVMn_eWoAAz-Rf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL hear sonic booms and you will be happy

>> No.16441068

that's fucking hilarious

>> No.16441081

>Elon finds out why EIA's are thousands of pages long
Elon now knows why I hate the great crested newt

>> No.16441094
File: 110 KB, 1200x1162, 614252957c75e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS has taken longer and cost the same as the Saturn V so far, with 1 test flight only, whilst also being severely underpowered and will cost multiple times per launch comparatively (at BEST)
Orion has cost as much as the CSM at this point, taken double the development time, managed 1 test flight so far, is fat as fuck, and is still debatable whether the heat shield will kill the astronauts on reentry

>> No.16441095

Contact your local representative instead of whining on the internet.

>> No.16441097

ESA is unavailable for comment

>> No.16441108

I will NEVER forgive the government for forcing Elon Musk to torture seals. I love seals, this was pure evil.

>> No.16441121

oh get over yourself tranny.

>> No.16441122


>> No.16441131

Just yesterday I was telling you that Tesla has outlived its usefulness and Elon should cut it loose. All it represents now is more attack surface for radicalized redditor government regulators to use against Elon.

>> No.16441135

you're retarded

>> No.16441136

>NHTSA opens inquiry after 4 reports of crashes where FSD used
How many people were killed by human drivers in the same period?

>> No.16441139

Him, CSS, and ESG Hound are what I call "Defamation Grifters"

>> No.16441143


>> No.16441149

3700 people die each day in car crash

>> No.16441151

Thats worldwide death stats for car accidents.
For US alone, the stats is ~120 dead from car crash each day.
For US alone, everyday, there are ~17,000 car accidents EACH DAY.

>> No.16441152

You forgot to mention the blowjob robots and monkey butlers

>> No.16441160

watching hls crash ould be HILARIOUS knowing there are 10 monkey butlers onboard screaming

>> No.16441165

>monkeys in space
Probably anything evolved for locomotion in three dimensions would be able to adapt pretty well. It makes me wonder, is there any animal that would do better in 0g? Maybe a bug or some sort of disgusting sea creature? Octopi feel like they're halfway there already

>> No.16441168

slime girls

>> No.16441175

Good name for it.

>> No.16441179
File: 141 KB, 1024x1024, _1dbf5bee-2497-4fbd-b46e-d970e63760a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a simple guy, my dream was to be the Apollo-era footpic specialist for female astronauts who have gone to the moon and back. Why was that denied to me?

>> No.16441180

Imagine jellyfish/slime girl that can act as sex partner, waste disposal, body cleaner (vore), etc all in one bio-mechanically controlled via AI nano bots

>> No.16441181


>> No.16441204
File: 119 KB, 662x1005, slime girl pantsless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what makes them so cool anon, all the interesting biomechanical functions of a single-celled organism, but very big and in a sexy boobed package.

>> No.16441215


Obligatory Mars Guy Sunday post

>> No.16441220

Planes do have an "abort mode". During engine failure (almost all) planes become gliders.

>> No.16441248

new sloss

>> No.16441250

that's not an abort mode.

>> No.16441251

Starship terminal velocity is only 300mph. Perfectly survivable (unless you're a bitch)

>> No.16441253

society owes me a slimegirl

>> No.16441254

Why are Americans so bad at driving?

>> No.16441255

they get license from cereal box at 16

>> No.16441257
File: 102 KB, 850x907, slime girl hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slimegirls will be ideal girlfriends in a zero-g environment

>> No.16441258

Everyone got normalized to the idea of piloting 2 tons of steel down the road at 70mph+ from the age of 16 on. Robovan/taxi can't come soon enough, I want all of (you) to stop driving so my roads get safer to ride.

>> No.16441260

that doesn't have anything to do with the zero g environment though

>> No.16441262

Driving here is hellish. Imagine driving down the highway at 70mph and you see a car up ahead inching forward, about to cross the highway. As you get closer you realize your continued existence is based on the impulse control of a fat black woman in an infinity qx60. Everyone is on their phone or drunk. That's the experience of every American. Twice a day at least, every day, you're trusting 70 IQ niggers operating heavy machinery. It's a miracle there aren't more car crashes. It's a miracle there isn't more mental illness. When I die, my heaven will be torturing the people that caused this state of affairs in hell

>> No.16441264

Mars is the best place for driving because there's no car crash there.

>> No.16441265

driving on weenus would be paradise because every car would be so slow.

>> No.16441266

0.38g dune buggies

>> No.16441273

this guy has EDS. Why?

>> No.16441275

Actually high speed rail makes the most sense because you can go in a straight line from anywhere to anywhere

>> No.16441276

the only people driving on Mars will be geologists and they'll all be fucking drunk

>> No.16441277

No way, what has he said? Why does every eceleb, including space ones, have EDS? Is it because they're closer to artists than engineers or something?

>> No.16441278

NTA but I think a lot of them dont appreciate how humans on Mars would ruin sterile environments for all time, since people are gigantic habitats for micro organisms and cant be sterilized

>> No.16441281
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>> No.16441295

Kek I was guessing this would be the new angle. At first it was "well Mars is never happening anyway", but then when it seems like SX might actually get there soon, they switch to "we can't pollute Mars with stuff before we're sure that there's no life there, fifty more years of rover missions"

>> No.16441303

why's it so dead lately?

>> No.16441304

Sunday is always dead

>> No.16441306

remember last Sunday?

>> No.16441307

Kek fuck off

>> No.16441308
File: 147 KB, 748x862, elson mars car01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16441309

>Already 1 week from Flight 5
>Still no Flight 6
it's over

>> No.16441313

Imagine 3 per day

>> No.16441314

we will get even more bored of them than falcon 9 and that's a good thing.

>> No.16441317


>> No.16441319

Structural analysis for improvements

>> No.16441326
File: 42 KB, 640x536, 1723423441655385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch out girls!

>> No.16441327

~seven months between flight 1 and 2, four months between 2 and 3, three months between flights 3 and 4, and then four months again between 4 and 5, despite red tape and actually ending in a booster catch. Insane compared to oldspace

>> No.16441335

They're just trying to figure out what they're even wanting to try, since they already succeeded with everything

>> No.16441338
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, Elon Musk on Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repent sinners

>> No.16441339

one orbit

>> No.16441344

Since flight 6's license is already approved, SpaceX should be able to schedule it for whenever they think they're ready to send another full stack.
I must begrudgingly acknowledge mayor Pete for reaming out the FAA on Elon's behalf, he may be a dirty (d) poofter but he got the job done.

>> No.16441346

they need the deorbit burn and new flap test, it's the last major things before attempting the first starlink payloads

>> No.16441347

I worship him completely unironically.

>> No.16441348

It's already in the replies.

>> No.16441349

animal torture is based. the government did nothing wrong.

>> No.16441350
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>> No.16441352
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>> No.16441354

Inflight relight of the raptors is the next step.
An flight with an orbit that would see re-entry off the California coast with an option to perform a relight that would see it land off of Hawaii is where I'm putting my money.
No point in doing pez dispenser tests and it allows for more one catch test before OLM2 is complete.
They need to get that pad ready, fulfil the Artemis milestones and then get the KSC OLM finished while they rebuild OLM1

>> No.16441363
File: 160 KB, 1411x734, Amit-prop-test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

officially, for Artemis it's propellant transfer after being able to safely make orbit

>> No.16441374

When will starship fly again. After IFT4 Musk was confident it would take one month. He hasnt even given a timeline this time. Something is wrong!!!

>> No.16441378

they are still figuring out what they want to do
perhaps they skip the last Block 1 starship alltogether

>> No.16441383

>perhaps they skip the last Block 1 starship alltogether
I hope so.
Put it in a museum or something, no use flying it when they know there will be hinge burnthrough.

>> No.16441384


>> No.16441393
File: 245 KB, 505x341, Screenshot 2024-10-20 181410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The key bit is to safely make it to orbit, not sure that SpaceX for that matter, want to put one in orbit without being sure they'll be able to start re-entry.
Sacrifice the last Block 1 for a critical in orbit tests maybe the first one to survive re-entry without issue and be caught/ land can be put in a museum.

>> No.16441399

Please no. If they skip to v2 before the catch attempt, we probably won't have a starship with crispy flaps to put on display.

>> No.16441402

catch attempt is a bit unsafe if you dont know what kind of damage the ship will arrive with. burnthrough could destroy a flap on the next one for all we know. they wont be allowed to catch until they demonstrate no damage on reentry

>> No.16441407

The feds aren't in any position to disallow anything and if enough of a flap disappears, it loses the lift and control authority to make it to the launch site.
This is the mechanism by which S29 missed its splashdown target and that falcon a few years ago ditched in the water instead of blowing up LZ-1.
If physics forbids a crippled rocket from reaching the landing zones then they're inherently safe.

>> No.16441408

spacex bros... we got too cocky...

>> No.16441413


>> No.16441414
File: 519 KB, 1080x1281, Screenshot_20241020_103714_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon posted the seal headphones. Prepare for tourists.


>> No.16441418

twice? i thought only once, that's new to me.

>> No.16441424

>if enough of a flap disappears, it loses the lift and control authority to make it to the launch site
so it crashes somehwere in mexico or the united states. thats why they wont be allowed to.

>> No.16441425

hi guys, /pol/anon here, does musk really mean what he says when he supports trump? do you think he is redpilled?

>> No.16441426

>Planes also don't have an abort mode, because they don't regularly fail.
Not taking sides in your starship argument, but bolting a parachute onto your plane for spin recovery is a thing in general aviation.

>> No.16441430

>/sfg/ talking points leaking into the greater normiesphere
/sfg/ is the most powerful general on this site.
Musk benefits if Trump defangs the FAA from regulating space traffic, even if everything else was a lie that much alone is worth it.

>> No.16441439

musk is a perma-online autist at heart

>> No.16441445
File: 61 KB, 528x656, giga musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16441447

Why is artemis so funny? when i look at it i LAUGH. iT'S LIKE THE SPACEBALLS VERSION OF APOLLO.

>> No.16441448
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>> No.16441455

it's a strategic position, all he cares about is getting the death cult off his back so he can continue his vision for mars.

>> No.16441456

>Mars will be a prison colony
For you

>> No.16441459
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"clean it up, wagies"

>> No.16441462

Most people drive better than average
>hurr durr how can that be
Driving ability doesn't fit a normal distribution. Drunk and senile people are a small portion of the population but cause most of the wrecks. "Americans are bad at driving" because we are by in generally unwilling to strip these few problem drivers of their licenses. Why? Because that would be "mean"...

>> No.16441465

Every MAGA meal comes with a Starship figurine.

>> No.16441466
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get on my level

>> No.16441468

Does anybody know exactly which agency made them do this?

>> No.16441469
File: 53 KB, 616x462, awoo shuttle launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's literally handing out millions of dollars to voters in Pennsylvania this week if they register and vote for Trump. Trump changed up his rally speech to praise Elon directly on space and even EVs.

Pay more attention.

t. /sfg/+/ptg/

>> No.16441472

neo colonization when?

>> No.16441474


>> No.16441479

>He's literally handing out millions of dollars to voters in Pennsylvania this week if they register and vote for Trump
Is that legal?

>> No.16441480

It wouldn't be here, no idea how it is in US

>> No.16441481

Yes, he's using the same law Democrats use for ballot harvesting.

>> No.16441484

he isn't actually paying voters to vote for trump. it's a bit more nuanced than that, and probably legal.

>> No.16441485


>> No.16441486
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nani the fuck

>> No.16441491 [DELETED] 

>he isn't actually paying voters to vote for trump
We can all pretend he isn't paying to vote for trump, but the truth is obvious.

>> No.16441499
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>> No.16441500


>> No.16441503


>> No.16441504


>> No.16441506


>> No.16441513


>> No.16441518
File: 705 KB, 1170x1165, 1676414118220441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sfg/ talking points leaking into the greater normiesphere
>/sfg/ is the most powerful general on this site.

>> No.16441519

why does elon make those !! posts anyways?

>> No.16441520

boomer autism

>> No.16441524

It isn't legal and he's not doing it.

>> No.16441531

No seals in TX or FL as the Carribean monk seal went extinct many decades ago. Random fact: great white sharks still apparently go looking for them however and wander into the GOM as a result. So it might be a CA agency.

>> No.16441532

Bribing people to merely register to vote is also illegal actually.

>> No.16441534

he isn't actually doing that either.

>> No.16441539

the people that sign the petition to support the constitution don't have to vote at all, just sign the thing
and if they do vote, then they might vote for kamala
so yes its legal

>> No.16441541

CA or federal (still related to CA launches).

>> No.16441542

brings more attention to the post by replying to it vs merely retweeting or something, but doesn't have anything meaningful to say
! is quicker than "thats crazy"

>> No.16441544

that's insane

>> No.16441549
File: 12 KB, 719x494, 1727522139768799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shill Brilliant Pebbles on /sfg/ and orange reddit for ages
>it starts to catch on with normalfags, but somehow as an anti-Elon talking point because normalfags hate America and think America being vulnerable is good
my honest reaction

>> No.16441551

deserved for being a homo and trying to make every conversation about brilliant pebbles.
starship is an INTERPLANETARY MARS TRANSPORT VEHICLE faggot, no matter how much you cope it will always do more than just leoslop

>> No.16441552
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>> No.16441556

He's offering a lottery to registered voters very soon before the registration deadline. At best it's a semantic defense to dodge the spirit of the law.

>> No.16441557
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>> No.16441558

Starship will be ready within a year and where will the Mars colony contracts be? 20 years away at best. By that time we'll already be on the second or third Starship successor. What's Starship going to be doing until any serious Mars colony organization is ready to buy rides? Launching massive LEO constellations.

Furthermore, Mars colonization can only proceed if society is relatively stable, Elon Musk himself said this recently. A war with China is incompatible with near-term Mars colonization. American strategic interests are therefore aligned with the goal of Mars colonization. Elon Musk absolutely knows this, and is committed to ensuring that Pax Americana continues for another century.

>> No.16441560
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>> No.16441562
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>> No.16441563

>actually absurd.
Insane even.

Forgot to mention the part where the Jupiter launch was supposed to be an SLS launch, so it saved the government literally billions of dollars.

>> No.16441565

what contract? SpaceX is going to do it themselves

>> No.16441568

>DJT only has a concept of a plan for how to fix FAA

>> No.16441569

i will never forgive this faggot for his awful interview with elon. he never did any post-ift interviews after that, that piece of shit veered into yukroid politics when that was still hot and now we never get to talk tto the man.

>> No.16441570

They haven't even begun development of colony hardware. So again, what is Starship going to be doing the whole time between now and when those colony missions start flying?

EVEN IF we assume that all the colony habitats are just going to be wet workshop Starships, there's an insane amount of planning and development that still needs to be done for that. It's many years away but Starship is damn near ready now.

>> No.16441571

>any serious Mars colony organization
>forgetting about SpaceX in a post about SpaceX
shiggy diggy niggy

>> No.16441573

Congress will not vote to appoint Elon the head of DOGE

>> No.16441574

doesn't matter, brilliant pebbles is still not the only thing it will be used for, it's one small thing out of many

>> No.16441575

The way to "fix" the FAA is to sack all the present political appointees, replace them with people who are aligned with SpaceX interests, and have them whip the rest of the FAA workforce into line.

Then SpaceX needs to get as much work done as they feasibly can before the DNC wins another presidential election and weaponizes the FAA again. There's no realistic way to prevent that from happening.

>> No.16441578

yeah that was fucking bizarre

>> No.16441579

The first manned flight to Mars is less than four years away. They're not going to be sitting around with their thumbs up their asses.

>> No.16441582

the colony missions will start flying immediately

>> No.16441581

Starlink and Brilliant Pebbles are the two big ones. What else is there? Commercial Starlink competitors, paid for by who? Amazon wants one but they have a stick up their ass and won't buy SpaceX launches except when threatened by shareholder lawsuits.

Being an ISP is great and all but if you have the ability to launch 50 thousand satellites AND you have a Republican administration, then strategic defense contracts are a common sense way to print money.

>> No.16441583

its going to be an informal advisory position, not a official role

>> No.16441586
File: 41 KB, 412x326, sfg tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first manned flight to Mars is less than four years away

>> No.16441588


>> No.16441589

It is absurd. This is like the manifesto for an entire years worth of launch done in a week for any other competitor. And that would have seemed like a good year for competitors too.

>> No.16441590

>>The first manned flight to Mars is less than four years away.
That's FAR more outlandish than SpaceX launching interceptors for the US DoD.

>> No.16441594
File: 15 KB, 450x380, 20241020_124913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok now this is just darnright cute

>> No.16441596

Exactly. Earth politics is irrelevant except as a means to make it stable as possible for Mars to thrive. Once we get off the Earth and Mars is sustainable, then they can fuck off and kill each other.

>> No.16441599

so elon protested when trump pulled out of the paris cliamte accords, and now he is full on saying global warming isnt a problem. what way is there to make sense of this? was he lying then or is he lying now?

>> No.16441600

Mars colony industrial self-sufficiency is decades away at best. Until then, political stability on Earth is required.

>> No.16441601

both. he wanted influence both times and didnt get enough the first time so he left. the same will happen again

>> No.16441602

mars colonization will be prioritized over brilliant pebbles no matter how much you shill for it.

>> No.16441604

People can change their minds and come to have different priorities without lying then or now.

>> No.16441606

>we have to increase voter participation! Get out and vote! Tell everyone to vote! voting is your most important civic duty!

>> No.16441610

He wanted trump to be more receptive towards sustainable energy. Climate Change isnt a real issue, Musk has made it clear that Tesla's goal wasn't just buying into climate change, but a means to sustainable energy. Oil runs out at some point, so its time to change energy usage instead and extract the infinite solar power from the sun that hits Earth each day and store it.

>> No.16441615

>and now he is full on saying global warming isnt a problem

is this actually true?

>> No.16441618

he believes it's solvable and not warranting panic or extreme authoritative measures

>> No.16441620

Needless. New agency just for space. Can be based out of the space force for now.

>> No.16441621

Yes. Imagine shilling for more money in politics.

>> No.16441622

It can be done using the exact same research that will go into terraforming Mars

>> No.16441624

Be honest. What were your predictions for the booster catch?

>> No.16441626

spacex seems to have put the mars stuff on the backburner for a long time. like what is paul wooster even doing right now?

>> No.16441627

The last I heard his take was to just use solar for everything

>> No.16441628

town hall in pittsburgh?

>> No.16441630

Wooster needs to deliver another speech at Mars Society before Zubrin dies

>> No.16441632

Wooster might be equally as painful to listen to as elon

>> No.16441634

Its satire. A certain group only promoted registration because the correct people were registering. When anyone tells you to vote, they are not speaking to a random sample of voters and they know it, it doesn't matter if you are bribed or not. The presence of money hardly seems to matter when dishonesty is the reserve currency.

>> No.16441635

isnt elon supposed to bring up the seal story at his town hall today

>> No.16441637

what does the Mars Society even do at this point? The Mars Technical Institute is glacial pace, and even on the society's website there isn't even a frontpage article about Starship at all. Running the same MDRS project for years doing what exactly? Unless people like SpaceX are getting any good data out of it, it's not really useful

>> No.16441641

50/50. If not this time then the next. Starship will be ready within two years, that's what I've been saying for the past year.

>> No.16441647

MDRS is a joke kek, they only run it in the height of the arctic summer when its way warmer than Mars. They dont even try enduring something closer to Martian conditions.
Mars society has always been a larp organisation which is why Musk left it, but giving a speech there is still a decent way to infom enthusiasts of their latest vision.

>> No.16441648

I always wanted to be in the mars sim and fuck a cute young nerdy asian

>> No.16441650

You talk like it can't get any worse, but it can. You're still on the side of "injecting more money into this process is okay in case because it aligns with my politics."

>> No.16441651
File: 85 KB, 1024x726, Boca-Chica-Starhopper-fit-test-010818-NSF-bocachicagal-9c-1024x726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is f*kng amazing

>> No.16441652

you could say it's insane.
crazy even

>> No.16441653

back then if i had told you it would be 2025 and Starship has not yet done a single orbit, you would have laughed me out of the room.

>> No.16441657

I respect that they kept the spirit alive ever since Mars Direct was first published way back and have been advocating for Mars this whole time, I really do, it's just sad that they are not pushing even harder now that the impossible dream is so close. Their website is stuck in like 2009 mode, strange.
Should be going all in more than ever, getting the word out, contacting politiicans, funding shitloads of actual working hardware and real payloads ready to send by say 2030 or so, instead of a shitty podcast and a random article here or there. Just sad

>> No.16441658

I'm still laughing at you. Hahaha

>> No.16441659

>you would have laughed me out of the room.
Incorrect, you never leave even when you're told.

>> No.16441662

It's a sign of Zubrins age sadly. He calls the shots and is not open to new talent. Musk and SpaceX are going through a similar thing. The kind of turbo spergs who built SpaceX in the beginning would never be hired today, its now filled with high achieving neurotypicals, and this will inevitabily give way to people who are just 'liked around the office' like in any organization.

>> No.16441664

This is actually a key reason to let nerds work remotely at least some of the time, it's real easy to spot the deadwood when they're not getting anything done remotely.

>> No.16441666

The first thing that comes to my mind whenever he posts "!!" is that he's giving a comment on a chess move using algebraic notation lol. !! means brilliant move.

>> No.16441668

the org is just lame, always has been. whole thig is an ad for zubrin's books. the talks are filled with old people who pay a thousand bucks to be there. with extremely low energy, and notions of spaceflight that died in the 20th century. it's like a time capsule and hasnt evolved at all in 25 years

>> No.16441671

Very clever, vimtard

>> No.16441673


>> No.16441676

last night i drove 130mph in my model y. it might be too many tesla killing people

>> No.16441680

got me thinking, is there another way to do this? maybe /sfg/ should hold a regular contest instead, more practical surely

>> No.16441683
File: 392 KB, 200x210, IMG_3665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ift-6 is scheduled for feburary 2025
its over…

>> No.16441684

probably not

>> No.16441686


>> No.16441687

its rapid iteration

>> No.16441688
File: 511 KB, 1309x2048, Carmack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should be impossible to have another delay of the same length as flight 4 to flight 5. i will return once i've crunched the numbers

>> No.16441691
File: 14 KB, 316x202, 1415402050426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.16441698

check musks x feed...

>> No.16441700

can't find it

>> No.16441702 [DELETED] 

feed on my cum

>> No.16441703

I always saw the Mars Society as some sort of retirement club or senior center, where you spend your weekends there, play some cards and bingo, eat some sandwiches, and sit at a table to chat with your peers, as if stuck in the early 2000s. comfy, but not disruptive or serious.

>> No.16441705

oh no, its retarded

>> No.16441706

torture the frog posters

>> No.16441707

Some low lying areas will be fucked and maybe American's will have to stop making houses out of sticks, the 1.5C target is impossible but limiting it to 2-2.5C with more Nuclear and Wind is doable

>> No.16441708

Europe will be flooded with niggers tho.

>> No.16441710

Population migrations are already a significant ongoing phenomenon, and it seems to be having budgetary impacts on things like space activities.

>> No.16441711

no frogposter ever called me earther

>> No.16441716

shut the fuck up. get over yourself tranny.

>> No.16441717
File: 518 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_4348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Random seethe
>t. picrel

>> No.16441718
File: 38 KB, 565x423, dyson dot 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so elon protested when trump pulled out of the paris cliamte accords, and now he is full on saying global warming isnt a problem. what way is there to make sense of this?
He got Dyson dot pilled

>> No.16441720

>Their website is stuck in like 2009 mode
he posted on 4chan.org, without a hint of irony

>> No.16441722
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>> No.16441724

Hes just become more convinced that Terran civilization will collapse faster than he thought and is trying to take all measures possible so that Mars can happen faster, which includes removing useless Earther programs that have absolutely 0 benefit to Mars even tangentially

>> No.16441725

this is the most up-to-date website on earth though

>> No.16441726
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>> No.16441727
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>> No.16441729

He likes the double factorial.

>> No.16441730

just start terraforming the earth
its that easy

>> No.16441731

You are strange, and this is also Satan trips, so I think this is somehow an evil post, but how…?

>> No.16441732

Trump's resistance to solar PV and electric cars was basically that all the hardware was made in China and we were undercutting the market for our own oil and gas. Now Trump and Elon are on team Use Everything That Works.
>coal for steel
>oil for vehicle fuels and chemicals
>natgas for rockets, power generation, and petrochemicals
>nuclear for ships, bombs, space, and power
>solar for space and power

The only real losers are coal and oil electric plants getting undercut by natgas, and wind/csp "renewable" power that kills birds and whales.

>> No.16441733
File: 1.53 MB, 2048x2048, Kirkjufell2023Nov9_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behead those who insult Dyna-Soar

>> No.16441736

>normies only just finding out about the government mandated seal torture

>> No.16441737

>left wing seal torture squads

>> No.16441738
File: 87 KB, 999x769, 1627310409548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VTHL spaceplane nose mounted on cheap stack in common with Titan and Minuteman ICBMs that were in full production at the time
It would have been incredibly kino. Imagine a spaceplane scaled up and shielded for lunar return riding a Saturn V to orbit instead of the Apollo cuck capsules. Imagine reusable S-Is giving us a mostly reusable spaceplane stack before Skylab 1.

>> No.16441743
File: 101 KB, 900x750, 1550680941021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cancels your program to pay for LBJ's war

>> No.16441751
File: 30 KB, 825x323, 655160424-quote-you-know-it-s-a-funny-thing-every-one-of-the-bastards-that-are-out-for-legalizing-marijuana-are-richard- nixon -256203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nixon bashing

>> No.16441759

He switched Apollo for STS because of cost savings. Reusable boosters, reusable service modules, and no gap in space access would have provided close to F9 economies of scale instead of the shittle we got. They'd simply make a bigger spaceplane and strap some SRBs on to the S-I for the rare missions needing a robot arm.

>> No.16441762
File: 108 KB, 712x875, Pierre Mion Spaceships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16441764
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based Dick canceled space cadet trash that the public didn't want to pay for anyhow

>> No.16441766
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>> No.16441770
File: 115 KB, 1232x792, Mission Control celebrations following the safe return of Apollo 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't hate spaceflight at all. He was very upset when Apollo 13 nearly killed the crew and it wasn't because of political considerations but because he considered astronauts to be heroes

>> No.16441774
File: 1.25 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_5005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>astronauts are heroes

>> No.16441775

Equator dweller detected

>> No.16441778

sch kino

>> No.16441779
File: 127 KB, 548x684, apollo 11 ticker tape parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Apollo dudes? Indubitably

>> No.16441780

if they aren't heroes who is? whats the most heroic thing you've done this year?

>> No.16441784
File: 493 KB, 1179x1037, IMG_5008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this guy a hero? Also I saved a cat earlier this year that was in the middle of the road

>> No.16441788

i hope elon comes to arizona next

>> No.16441789
File: 1.52 MB, 2048x1365, GZ-1GuIXQAAib1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft landing and catching a rocket is a substantially greater technical challenge than circularizing your orbit. When the CSS and Thunderfoots try to talk about Starship not yet having done an orbit they are outright admitting they are coping and grasping at straws.

>> No.16441792

Back then, they were. It was dangerous, primitive, and the controls were VERY manual. Only heroes can do this without fear.
Now anybody with money can ride, because its just an autonomous robo-taxi to orbit and docking. The only hardship the "modern astronauts" still have is uncomfortable shitting/hygiene, and personal space/privacy. Other dudes are shitting right there in a confined volume, and acting annoying at times for sure. They would be a buzzkill and detriment to my enjoyment.

>> No.16441793

>Ukraine flag
Opinions permanently discarded. Good for you anon, saving a cat is a good deed.

>> No.16441794

And yet, you are one. How curious.

>> No.16441795
File: 42 KB, 466x696, eclipse of sun from moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The context of the discussion is the Apollo astronauts not some queer who wasted everyones time in the pointless ISS

>> No.16441797

thunderf00t is sitting pretty forever. the narratives are set up. when spacexlands humans on mars he will bring up how viking achieved propulsive landing with side rules

>> No.16441802
File: 375 KB, 1650x568, zubrin nifte titan explorer vehicle edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16441804

It should be pointed out to them that Yuri Gagarin didn't actually do an orbit either.

>> No.16441807

at least astronauts have fucking windows, AND wifi
t. bubblehead

>> No.16441808
File: 39 KB, 713x461, leonov gorb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Leonov

>> No.16441817

I was discussing modern astronauts. Yes of course the astronauts that were ACTUALLY risking something on the Apollo missions are heroes. ISSsisters like Garett here tarnished their image.

>> No.16441819

isnt gayret a jew KIKE KIKE KIKE by ethnicity

>> No.16441822

That comment section is... something else. I thought everyone was actually fed up with his goalpost moving and cynicism after his last livestream. Are those bots or is he deleting all negative comments? lol

>> No.16441824

Fall of USSR was an objectively positive event.

>> No.16441831

i've heard that modern ISS era astronauts fucking HATE the idea of 'normal' people like Inspiration4 and such now being able to become astronauts, because it's been their little few hundred people fan club for the last 4 decades

>> No.16441835
File: 108 KB, 871x695, no votes women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing political things because your wife nags you into them is objectively bad howbeit

>> No.16441837

Way to pull the space-ladder up after themselves, bunch of pricks.

>> No.16441839

What cunts. The Apollo chads wanted cities in the sky.

>> No.16441840

Well too bad for them SpaceX controls their rides up AND those of regular people like Isaacman so they cant do shit but seethe

>> No.16441843

not a surprise
if anything, SpaceX would be the ones delaying the launch since they're still working on ship 31's heatshield and they're still analyzing data from flight 5 so they could add refurbishments to the flight 6 vehicles before they fly

>> No.16441844

source? it wouldn't sound surprising though.

>> No.16441846

they are rightly upset that random people will waste time and resource not doing actual science like trained astornuats. rockets are expensive and to send ordinarypeople up is a waste

>> No.16441847

>space cadet
why do oldspace boomer doomers love saying that?

>> No.16441849
File: 138 KB, 954x553, lunar nuke saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The nuclear Saturn would have increased the delivered payload mass to the lunar surface by 60% over the standard Saturn vehicles.

>> No.16441852

Found the nuastronaut. Hows the campaign trail been going Garett?

>> No.16441853

its an apt description of people who think space is like starwars. in other words (you)

>> No.16441854 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 465x642, This is the space age wsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want a future where interplanetary spaceflight is safe, cheap and routine you don't belong here

>> No.16441856

even tho i never watched starwars nor startrek and i despise sci-fi slop concepts like FTL travel

>> No.16441857


>> No.16441861
File: 252 KB, 798x892, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an article that btfo's the delusions of the so-called "space cadets"

>> No.16441862

Phailinsiam: the best planet you’ve never heard of

>> No.16441863

A Tour of the Lunar South Pole

>> No.16441864
File: 1 KB, 125x28, 1704602102601919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16441865

Puffball Planets

>> No.16441866
File: 467 KB, 1179x952, Screenshot from 2024-10-20 19-26-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Going back to re-watch the official stream paid off again.

>> No.16441867

holy seethe

>> No.16441870

Wait, only 60%? Starship can do way more than that with depots.

>> No.16441871
File: 26 KB, 683x271, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm what did he mean by this?

>> No.16441872

Shut up retard

>> No.16441873

I'm not the one who's a paedophile who seetheswhen my victims come out.

>> No.16441874

Thanks for the new video Eager.

>> No.16441876

>my space youtuber is better than your space youtuber

>> No.16441877
File: 961 KB, 965x641, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

br*tish spotted
why are your rockets so gay looking?

>> No.16441880

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.16441882

>come out
As gay? That's how they're made, what pedo would seethe about that

>> No.16441884


>> No.16441885

that was a pretty funny intro
really like your humor

>> No.16441891

reminder that eager space doesn't know what based means so he can't possibly be an /sfg/ lurker
i don't have the pic rel but i remember seeing someone post it a while back

>> No.16441895

what has the spacex team learnt so far from the recovered booster?

>> No.16441899

that you need do to supersonic retro propulsion(entry burn) to prevent your engines from melting

>> No.16441902

if true then its over for spacex

>> No.16441904

where is the reaction control system on starship? ive never seen it

>> No.16441907

Nah, just modify the hotstage ring and come in top first. Last minute flip, toss the ring 300 meters off-shore, and land on the tower.
Fish the ring out of the ocean and reuse for bonus points.

>> No.16441908
File: 331 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16441911

kek. thats how falcon 9 2nd stage was supposed to land originally.

>> No.16441913

>Fish the ring out of the ocean and reuse for bonus points.
the idea is to be rapidly reusable. why would you throw away the ring into the ocean in the first place?

>> No.16441919

how about do the bellyflip with the booster and have it land the same way as the ship. kind of like a shuttle carrying a shuttle.

>> No.16441922

The ring is just an inert hoop of steel, they could easily make a thousand of them in the time it takes to build a single super heavy.

>> No.16441923

>*spacex looks both ways and shuffles out the room*

>> No.16441924

to drop it on fish and sharks

>> No.16441925

same goes for the entire vehicle apart from the engine. its just steel tubes. only reuse the engines if you want to be SMART.

>> No.16441926

the fins and actuators would take up a lot of dry mass
that's why they ditched the landing gear and went for catching the booster instead

>> No.16441929

the legs dont slow it down but the fins do, and it clearly goes too fast for the engines to handle.

>> No.16441933

instead of adding new hardware, they could just cool the engines or do an entry burn
apparently, raptor 3 solves this issue so they would only have to do this for v1 boosters just like how they started ditching the HSR

>> No.16441936

they may as well kill themselves at this point. its over.

>> No.16441941
File: 315 KB, 1080x1171, 1000120762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh... So this is what it feels like to be btfo.
Space Cadets... Our response?

>> No.16441942

superheavy glideback booster

>> No.16441954

No, it's definitely a problem. But, it's not one that warrants panic and the worst effects, even the knock on ones, are at least 20-30 years out at present rate of extreme weather phenomenon that's occurring. That's enough time to build up the energy grid transformational intertia so that society is better aligned to deal with that inevitability. The Biden admin did a good job with the framework of the infrastructure bill, but then they mucked it up by requiring all kinds of absurd DEI requirements that don't align with reality and won't align to reality for another decade at least--simply because the requirement criteria to access cash to modernize the grid is tied to hiring workers that don't physically exist in industry yet because most of the DEI candidates in said STEM fields aren't going for the degrees in question that these new regulations are tied to. So the 50-100Bn in cash strapped for these decade projects is sitting in a metaphorical vault, inaccessible.

>> No.16441958
File: 1 KB, 356x27, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does he mean by "recovering pro-space advocate"?

>> No.16441962
File: 81 KB, 877x413, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw he also thought that the ISS was doomed after columbia lel

>> No.16441965

Oh I just meant if elon actually said that, but thanks for the take anyway

>> No.16441967


>> No.16441969
File: 158 KB, 1041x691, 1726032319712536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what does this thing actually do?

>> No.16441971

>They don't know the facts (or the uncertainties) about the dangers of radiation and microgravity.
>Even worse, they have no idea how much space travel costs, or how these costs compare to other areas of human activity like war or mountain-climbing.
20 years and it's still the same shit. It's sort of uncanny how much of that article feels like it could be posts written here recently.
Also just realized this is the same guy as
>He was only expressing in public what a lot of Space Cadets say in private: The conquest of space is so important a goal that any means is justified to bring it about.
>To the dedicated space fanatic, space is so important that it doesn't matter if London or New York is destroyed along the way, or thousands of innocent people are worked and starved to death.
But this one is actually accurate and fun to read through.

>> No.16441977
File: 57 KB, 578x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my /sfg/...
he's so right...

>> No.16441978

i gotchu anon

>> No.16441983
File: 53 KB, 894x546, launch loop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16441993


>> No.16441994

>space is dangerous and expensive
>to even strive to make it otherwise is heresy

>> No.16441995

>Us boomers huh! Us boomers

>> No.16441997

>They fantasize about various elaborate future space weapon systems onto which they could piggyback their pet projects.

>They seethe with frustration and frequently denounce the general voting public as ignorant dolts. They loathe the complex political horse-trading that has crippled the International Space Station and produced the ever-changing return-to-the-Moon program.

>"Just think how much easier March Storm would be if we only had to convince one politician instead of 535. And wouldn't it be great if that one man could just order giant space facilities built right now, without all these annoying cost-benefit studies and environmental impact statements!"
/sfg/ bros...
he even called out BRILLIANT PEBBLES...
its over

>> No.16441998

Boomers wrote like boomers even before they got old

>> No.16441999

Need to build a titanium foundry on the the moon.

>> No.16442001

Nahhh blud definetly fails his beef jumps :skull:

>> No.16442003
File: 402 KB, 984x1067, 1000120768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That site is an interesting time capsule

>> No.16442005
File: 432 KB, 976x984, 1000120770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in the 2000s they appreciated the need for depots

>> No.16442007

this is the level of stupidity i expect on illiterates, not someone who could string sentences together.
1) spacesuit for children will probably be considered public goods. the whole community will share a few sets of extra small spacesuits for children to go through as they grow. these suits will probably compromise movement range for better flexibility over size. spacesuit companies will have incentive to provide lower price for these children spacesuits for the same reason companies offer discounts to undergraduates. eventually, cost of spacesuit will drop to a point that render this moot.
2) street and road on earth is also dangerous if not more so to irresponsible and unsupervised children. which is why they will be supervised.
3) problem with radiation is not limited to children, they just have much lower tolerance, but everyone will have to manage their exposure. additionally exposure to vacuum does not equate to exposure to radiation.
4) no one knows the minimum gravity needed for normal growth, and we can blame people like him for not encouraging research in this area. comparing someone who cannot stand in 1g after months in 0g to somone who may live his whole life in low gravity is either stupidity or intellectual dishonesty.

>> No.16442009

KEK, it's like he's talking about sfg

>> No.16442010
File: 654 KB, 1080x744, 1000120772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no
/Ourguy/ #JeffBell is kill
Was Musk behind this?

>> No.16442014

it's good to finally be represented... 20 years ago

>> No.16442017

>this is the level of stupidity i expect on illiterates
Boomers are functionally illiterate. They grew up watching television, reading comic books, and drinking leaded gasoline.

>> No.16442018

Your reminder that the coldest night on Mars has less cooling power on a habitat than a typical spring day on Antarctica does, due to the much denser atmosphere. Negative 120 in 0.6% as much ar as on Earth is basically the same as just being in shadow in space.

>> No.16442020

>doing actual science like trained astronauts
sprouting beans and floating balls of tang is hardly "actual science" no matter how much NASA pitches it as such to elementary students.

>> No.16442021

Raptor 3 solves this

>> No.16442022


>> No.16442023

Woah is that the space show host? he sounded on deaths door for awhile

>> No.16442024

How dare he. The pebbles don't piggyback on anything, it's the other way around!

>> No.16442027

>They loathe the complex political horse-trading that has crippled the International Space Station and produced the ever-changing return-to-the-Moon program.
How dare people feel dissatisfied and disgusted by pork barrel and misuse of their tax dollars!

>> No.16442039

I know but you're acting like it hasn't happened before, or else you wouldn't be pointing this out as some kind of special escalation. Using big money to "encourage voting" *wink* is common place. You're just now noticing because space man

>> No.16442038

If a capsule is stuck to the station because it's unsafe but can't be undocked automatically, then the robot can go inside and bring it down.

>> No.16442042

sucks millions of taxpayers' money

>> No.16442043

secure investor funds

>> No.16442044
File: 312 KB, 620x621, m2h3ikXL2hpFVkXaFf4SQ3-1945269903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16442045

Nah you know blud never jumps for no beef :skull:

>> No.16442046

did they ever manage to do anything useful with this thing?

>> No.16442047

You don't understand, you can only choose between freedom and efficiency, you can't have both

>> No.16442048

Just send a Tesla Optimus up there. Cheaper, and more efficient.

>> No.16442049

imagine if all the money spent on nasa meme robots was instead spent on sexbots and artificial wombs

>> No.16442050

If only. Feels like we are neither for decades.

>> No.16442055


>> No.16442057

you are very good at numbers anon

>> No.16442058

>page 8
not this again ffs

>> No.16442059

>To the dedicated space fanatic, space is so important that it doesn't matter if London or New York is destroyed along the way, or thousands of innocent people are worked and starved to death.
Well yeah
Holy shit, I can't believe this was written in 2005. Old-guard space fanatics must have been crazy depressed in the days before private industry actually got going. I wonder what this guy would think about current-day Spacex. He died in 2020, so I wonder if his opinions started to change near the end.

>> No.16442061

to what do we owe this visit from the octal alien

>> No.16442067
File: 74 KB, 879x397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, he did say he was a strong advocate of private spaceflight.

>> No.16442068

kek, best numeral system

>> No.16442069

How long did his opinion column run? I'm wondering if he kept it up until the Falcon reuse years.

>> No.16442070
File: 89 KB, 564x1499, 9efydeh222i51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become ungovernable

>> No.16442071
File: 113 KB, 887x584, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mid 2000s it looks like

>> No.16442073
File: 66 KB, 1242x179, 1000122273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like this disgust me

>> No.16442112
File: 371 KB, 1546x2048, FMbzbO8aMAEmk4Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16442116

>current year
>still no mercury lander
why even live at this point

>> No.16442117

It would take an insane amount of dV to land on Mercury

>> No.16442118


>> No.16442120

i know, but it's still well within our capabilities. it's just that nasa and the others just don't care about this planet, they are all focused on mars.

>> No.16442121

and there's not much to gain from having a lander on Mercury, its surface isn't obscured by an atmosphere and there's not much else particularly interesting about it compared to other bodies in our solar system

>> No.16442126
File: 5 KB, 128x128, IMG_4238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was right in saying that it was a good thing IFT-5 got delayed for my trip. Since Im a southerner, it came right through during Milton so I had the perfect excuse to not be where I needed to be. You fags that got angry at me then can get fucking bent but I got to see a rogget get caught for the first time in history.

>> No.16442130

God is on my side btw, sent a nothingburger hurricane through but made it all big and scary so they delayed the reopenning of my site long enough that I had enough time to get back. Both didnt harm many people or property and gave me an excuse, thanks God!

>> No.16442131

>and there's not much to gain from having a lander on Mercury
oldspace mindset

>> No.16442132

stupid frogposter

>> No.16442134

Intelligent frogposter, stupid fairyposter. You didnt see the catch but I did

>> No.16442152

grats that mustve been a long ass drive

>> No.16442154

I flew there. Why would I drive there? Thats like a 1-3 day journey

>> No.16442158
File: 845 KB, 958x1196, 324234423432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would I drive there?

>> No.16442160
File: 234 KB, 1179x1382, IMG_5010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This unix timestamp is impossible. What are you hiding timetraveler?

>> No.16442164

I'll take being labelled a ideological radical "space cadet" who wants to drop rocks on e*rth if they get the label of "pathetic seething crabs in a bucket" in return.

>> No.16442165

The legendary Scholz's Star poster

>> No.16442173

>Scholz's Star
>A dim binary stellar system 22 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Monoceros, it was discovered in 2013.
>In 2015, Eric Mamajek and collaborators reported the system passed about 52,000 astronomical units from the Sun, through the Solar System's Oort cloud, roughly 70,000 years ago.
>A star is expected to pass through the Oort cloud every 100,000 years or so. An approach as close or closer than 52,000 AU is expected to occur about every 9 million years. In about 1.4 million years, Gliese 710 will come to a perihelion of between 8,800 and 13,700 AU.
I wonder what kind of implications these close approaches could have for civilizations when trying to expand throughout the cosmos. Reminds me of crossing the Bering Strait when it freezes in winter to get to the Americas.

>> No.16442179

>I got to see a rogget get caught for the first time in history.
It's a completely unremarkable stunt though

>> No.16442186
File: 2.60 MB, 5568x3712, 1653143786034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doghouses overheat the propellant system because Boeing was retarded and put the engine bells inside them

Holy fuck wasn't Boeing supposed to be the company with experience making crew capsules? No wonder NASA gave all the 2025 crew flights to SpaceX, Boeing is going to have to redesign that part of Starliner.

>> No.16442197
File: 309 KB, 540x837, Screenshot_20241020_225506_nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>koon nibba range
fucking Australians

>> No.16442198

If you are colonising the galaxy then I doubt you are waiting for one in 100k year events to hop across to a near star that is probably some gay piece of shit anyway. Even with current/near future technology you would likely be using "roads" of beamed power powered by solar/fission (maybe fusion). You can rip a craft up to more or less whatever percent of c you want with beamed power so long as you can keep the beam focused and aligned.

>> No.16442200
File: 132 KB, 946x914, IMG_5011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shidded myself. Am I qualified to be an astronaut?

>> No.16442201

Real nibba hours

>> No.16442204

Everyone is qualified now, you just sit in a chair and let the computer do it's thing.

>> No.16442214


>> No.16442223

I peed. ipod. ipaid

>> No.16442227



>> No.16442235


>> No.16442238

what's the point of using 4chan if you faggots are just going to post links to xitter

>> No.16442239

I talk more when its not 3am.

>> No.16442241


>> No.16442247


>> No.16442252


>> No.16442258

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.16442261

don't open them if you want to read whats behind

>> No.16442263
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, dfgdsfgdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On to Flight 6! What SpaceX Has Been Up To Since Recovering Superheavy - SpaceX Weekly #137

>> No.16442265
File: 227 KB, 1280x720, hfghfghfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starship Launch Pad Damage Inspections | SpaceX Boca Chica

>> No.16442267

Organizing the saga into some Greentext. Standby.
>Prologue to
>"SpaceX had to do a study to see if Starship would hit a shark. I'm like "It's a big ocean, there's a lot of sharks. It's not impossible, but it's very unlikely." OK fine, we'll do it, but we need the data, can you give us the Shark data?

>They said no.

>They said they could give the data to their Western division but they don't trust them.

>We're like, 'Is this a comedy?' Eventually we got the data, and the sharks were going to be fine.

>We thought we were done.

>But then they hit us with: 'Well, what about whales?"

>When you look at the Pacific, how many whales do you see? Honestly, if we did hit a whale, the whale had it coming, because the odds are so low. It's like Final Destination: whale edition.

>So then we had to do the WHALE analysis.

>It goes on and on.

>They said, what if the rocket goes underwater and explodes and the whales get hearing damage?

>Umm, If we could make a rocket go underwater and become a submarine, that would be a feat of physics that we could not accomplish.

>It's just one crazy thing after another.

>So yes, I really feel the pain of Government overregulation."

>> No.16442269

>Similar experience at my space company. We planned to air launch our rocket, with tests where it rolled out the back of a C-17. One Air Force (civilian) enemy of our company said "What if the carrier aircraft is hit by a downdraft of X force? Will your cradle keep the rocket locked in place?"
>It took weeks of our labor to do the analysis, when it took him only 30 seconds to lodge the question.
>The result: a downdraft of X force would snap the wings off the plane before our rocket would leave its cradle.
>Next question from this guy: what if a meteorite hits the plane, will your rocket explode?
>Of course, C-17s have hauled missiles and bombs all over the world for decades, and have never been hit by a meteorite.
>But this guy kept raining down bogus questions, and we had to spend precious engineering resources to answer them.
>If The Government decides to wage war on your company, it's exceedingly easy for them and hugely costly for you.
>Government warfare can kill your company. We ran out of money. Maybe we were bad at romancing investors, or maybe we would have survived if we hadn't been hounded by the (civilian) AF prick.

>> No.16442270
File: 189 KB, 1198x1678, GaR-oEOWoAA-oSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tweet's got nothing to do with Spaceflight
This is Jon Krauss mentioning his Aviation Week cover photo (attached).
This one's a video, so he's got a reasonable excuse for linking without content.

>> No.16442272

Daily reminder that there’s literally no value in colonizing Mars with humans

>> No.16442273

it has the value we give it, which is how value is ultimately given in anything at all

>> No.16442278

what the fuck is this? who are these people?

>> No.16442284

Daily reminder that nihilism is a dead-end philosophy.

>> No.16442285

Daily reminder that you should consider killing yourself

>> No.16442286

there's no value in you posting at all, yet here you are.

>> No.16442289

they are simply called flights or flight tests now

>> No.16442292

and its pretty simple to differentiate from the previous batch
Starhopper and various early ship prototype tests: Hop tests
Integrated stack testing (OFT or IFT previously): Flights or Flight tests

>> No.16442295

useful through bringing the issue up, people have no idea how fucked the SLS program actually is so simply contrasting the cost of the tower for instance is pretty good IMO
not really sure what you expect from an article?

>> No.16442296
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New prediction based on trendline lands Flight 6 on New Year's day. I personally think this could be two weeks sooner, but with holidays and government morass it may balance out. Would be surprised if it took any longer than this.

>> No.16442298

the timeline depends on if they want to launch the last Block 1 ship with minimal changes (some modifications were already approved), which could mean that SpaceX could launch in something like two weeks
if they choose to skip Ship 31 (last of Block 1) and go directly with 33 (first Block 2/ v2) then Jan 1 might be optimistic mainly due to FAA paperwork again and I'm pretty sure the ship is still under construction though close to done

>> No.16442300
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>> No.16442302

remove the government

>> No.16442305
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There are so many upgrades to do yet, I would wonder if SpaceX would rather bundle them all together so they dont have to wait forever to license each flight with minor changes. Current Starship V2 is not even stretched I dont think. And the full V2 stack is stretched with a reusable hotstage ring modified gridfins, removed engine shielding (must be raptor 3?)

>> No.16442306

I'm not clicking your fucking xitter links and you should be crucified under the orbital launch mount

>> No.16442308
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There are ways.

>> No.16442313

tranny detected

>> No.16442320

thats not going to happen for Block 1 at all
there is only one left and they need to have multiple consecutive accurate water landings before attempting a ship tower catch
Flight 5 was successful attempt No.1, so even if they succeeded again, Flight 7 would be Block 2 so they would have to do at least two consecutive accurate landings again due to the dynamics changing from flap movement and modification

No Block 1 ship will be caught, now its just a matter of deciding is it going to be quicker to do engine relight with the last block 1 ship or just wait for block 2 (engine relight seems like a substantial change from Flight 5, so its entirely possible that would be outside the scope of the repeat license the got for Flight 6)

>> No.16442327

fuck off fag, the point is to make rockets cheap
how don't you get this? its the whole point of spacex

>> No.16442335
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interesting, so basically SpaceX is following the reuse as much as possible philosophy even with the Dragon, putting as much complicated stuff as possible into the capsule instead of the expendable cargo/service module, making that simple
unlike with Starliner where Boeing follows a mass autism philosophy from Apollo and Oriong, making the service module very complicated with the benefit of making the capsule simpler and less massive I guess so the heat shield can be smaller

sounds like that even if Starliner issues got solved, then it would be more expensive to use due to less reusability and probably worse cadence too due to having to manufacture these complicated service modules

>> No.16442364
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>What was the furthest distance that the lunar rover traveled from the LEM?
>4.7 miles or 7.6 km. Achieved by Apollo 17
>distance to lunar horizon is 1.5 miles away
So the LEM was over the horizon, cool

>> No.16442368

is that the guys that got FAA hekked on an earlier reentry?

>> No.16442370

Yeah, they should all be executed as a matter of public policy.

>> No.16442377

lel, didn't see anything wrong there really and not even predictions to criticize, but he does seem extremely pessimistic
with an attitude like this, you never accomplish anything disruptive

>> No.16442378
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simply not going to watch these, nor angry astronaut

>> No.16442379

based, the e celeb menace must be stopped

>> No.16442382
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>> No.16442392
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Thinking about it, the interior of a Starship will likely have the same sort of space as a WW2 U-boat

>> No.16442394

simply mass produce them in massive quantities
they won't necessarily need to be form fitted and perhaps the form fitted parts could be 3d printed, which brings cost down (compared to some hand measuring etc)

>> No.16442397

They get all their arguments from the artemis discord.
EB sometimes posts meltdowns from there whenever spacex succeeds at something or boeing fails at something.
Spaceguy5 is in there and during the starliner debacle he was convinced someone was feeding berger false info in order to weed out leakers.

>> No.16442396

Way more usable space to propulsion space ratio. Half the Starship would not be usable space.

>> No.16442399

That's what I meant, the pressurised part of the starship is like the first 20m, and 9m wide. U-boats pressure hull space were more than double that length, although only half the width, so roughly equal

>> No.16442407

these payload to orbit figures are bullshit on the future versions. they will get to 100t optimistically on v3

>> No.16442412

I want to see a view from every planet and moon's surface.

We also need a probe sent to Eris/Dysnomia NOW.

>> No.16442413
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>> No.16442416

its over.

>> No.16442431

Das Boot would be cozy in comparison

>> No.16442432

We need flags and footprints on Eris now

>> No.16442433

Surely he means "pride in the inexorable expansion of Mankind"

>> No.16442435

Diameter matters a lot more than length

>> No.16442438

You've posted this specific video in all the last couple threads. Why do you like this video so much specifically?

>> No.16442444

only a matter of time before they start building 18m starships

>> No.16442450

Imagine this but for crewed Starship

>> No.16442452


>> No.16442453

I’m so excited to see what HLS Starship is going to look like

>> No.16442457

It will land there in 2025-2031 as well

>> No.16442465

God I wish they could ditch 9m and go to 11 or 12, this loooongrooocket looks is pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.16442467
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Succesful upper stage static fire of the upgraded version of Zhuque-2 (ZQ-2E)

It has common bulkheads and replaces the system of TQ-12 engine + TQ-11 verniers with a single, lighter, higher thrust, gimballed and restartable TQ-15A.

Launch is planned for "this winter"

>> No.16442484 [DELETED] 



>> No.16442485
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>> No.16442486
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>> No.16442499

based commenters

>> No.16442531

Good stage seperation, goodspeed anon.

>> No.16442533

Should’ve made orbit then.
I will only take them serious as true space players until they can bring a satellite up to an operational orbit, i hold this standard for every newspace company

>> No.16442535

The fact that he conflates lunar gravity with microgravity in order to justify claims about human development in space that are still entirely speculative lowers this to the level of bad faith argumentation and intentional propaganda. No one is obligated to take this seriously or refute it before dismissing it.

>> No.16442541


>> No.16442551

You could have argued similarly about computers, but of course the actual path to getting more computational resources was to build computers for everyone, everywhere, not to keep making supercomputers by hand. The result has been that more and better computers, more and better software, and more and better software developers are available for the scientific and military applications that used the first computers.

In the same way, putting entire societies in space is what will enable doing research in space at costs and scales comparable to research on earth.

>> No.16442553


>> No.16442554

Fund your own mercury mission

>> No.16442555

>it was a good thing IFT-5 got delayed
In a just world you would, of course, be brutally tortured to death

>> No.16442588

Fuck the stagers.