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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1643709 No.1643709 [Reply] [Original]

How can we disprove that transsexuality is only an excuse for weird people to dress weird so we could stop their bitching? Fuck, people know furries suck yet transgenders get off easily.

>> No.1643714

You can't disprove true things.

>> No.1643723

Yet you can't prove this statement.

>> No.1643732

>How can we disprove that transsexuality is only an excuse for weird people to dress weird so we could stop their bitching

So... You want to prove transsexualism is ok?
You can't prove an opinion, asshole.

>> No.1643734

Einstein was illiterate.

>> No.1643741

Then this is why science fails as an ultimate source to everything.

Go cry some moar, nigger.

>> No.1643744

you can sex a brain and find it to physically be a different sex to the body it was in (mainly due to abnormal hormonal influences during early development). you can only prove this after death, though.

>> No.1643747

4chan is anti-trans. Why would I go to this board to hear another group of 15 year olds whine about things they don't understand? /sci/ is only good for math and simple physics questions.

>> No.1643749

Post evidence or get the fuck out.

>> No.1643751


Oh look, it's someone new here.

>> No.1643754
File: 39 KB, 602x413, trap degrassi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hit it like Mjolnir against the face of a frost giant.
She still has all the girl parts as of now.

>> No.1643759

And her personality is still a girl.

Hmmm, maybe this is an early sign of a fuck up with the character.

>> No.1643764

>And her personality is still a girl.

I noticed that too.

Don't trans people feature personalities that some might consider to be the opposite gender's?

>> No.1643765

This, proof or they're bullshitting.

reCaptcha: camala Sociobiology

>> No.1643766

I love blowing ladyboys.

>> No.1643771

He's just a troll, he always does this


>> No.1643774

mfw /sci/ can't provide any evidence to support transsexuality.

Science fails, Faith wins!

>> No.1643776

Do I give a shit about a shitty board?

>> No.1643777

No one cares.

>> No.1643778

stop bitching about other people's sexuality.

>> No.1643781

>implying transsexuality is really a sexuality.

>> No.1643786

just shut up

>> No.1643788

I like how people always think science has the answer but in reality it doesn't.

>> No.1643791
File: 50 KB, 180x180, u r dum hader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her personality is still a girl
I don't think so, Her voice, posture, outfits, and attitude remind me more of a REALLY butch lesbian, Even down to the "Could it fit in there? "That's what my ex-girlfriend said" and "I COULD be your type" stuff, When she goes FULL trans she won't need to try as hard.

>> No.1643792

You mad you got told off?

>> No.1643793

>implying facist goldfish is a transexual.

>> No.1643796

i like how people think psychology is a science

>> No.1643797

I am an engineer and I feel bad for trans gender people. I had a hard time excepting that I was gay, I can only imagine how had it must be for a man to except that he is a man, and how twisted that must make his mind.

>> No.1643798

Then explain why Eli resulted to calling her a girl?

>> No.1643802

You can't dismiss anything as a not science.

Do you realize that Stephen Hawkings isn't a real scientist?

>> No.1643808

She's probably living a lie to herself.

>> No.1643809

never like Hawking anyway
seems kinda like a pessimist asshole

>> No.1643812

And with this statement, you just proved that science is no better than religion.

>> No.1643813

Only people decenting seem like mindless troll simply bashing people that desire cosmetic surgery to change themselves, And it DOESN'T effect the Anon in the least, so I guess the other side is ahead.

>> No.1643817

If engineers are gay, then why is there no autoCAD for Mac?

>> No.1643821


>> No.1643822

Proof? Jackass?

>> No.1643824
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>> No.1643826

i'm an engineer
enjoy your theoretical what ifs

>> No.1643828

All Mac users are fags but not all fags are Mac users.

>> No.1643833

>people that desire cosmetic surgery to change themselves,
Does that seem ok to you? If so, that's an opinion, If not, THAT'S an opinion.

there's your proof, bro

>> No.1643838
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>Eli resulted to calling her a girl
lol wut

>> No.1643846

That is why I feel bad for her. She is not living a lie, she is a woman and will never be a man. She needs to learn to accept herself and not try to change her biological identity(which is impossible).

>> No.1643857

It's not their fault you only recognize two genders.

>> No.1643864


But she doesn't feel like a woman.

>> No.1643867
File: 46 KB, 330x357, feels bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not try to change her biological identity(which is impossible).

Cosmetically, she CAN change her appearance. Does she NEED to is an opinion, When she can't feel like she LOOKS like a guy she burns/cuts her wrists. So she most likely won't come to terms and settle on being a REALLY butch lesbian.

>> No.1643871



>> No.1643872

OP 4chan is not the world
This is the only place that I know off that likes trannies

>> No.1643873

Genders are social constructs, sexes are biological construct.

Biologically there are only two sexes. Even "hermaphrodites" in humans tend to just have a vestigial penis or vagina and will only be capable as reproducing as a female or male but not both.

>> No.1643874

SOB all the good anuses are leaving us. First it was Corl Sagan, now Jack Nicholson. All fuck fgts are faggots on /sci/ especially Corl Sogan and Jack.

>> No.1643878

so youuuuu're... a gay engineer

>> No.1643879

biological sexes are just classificatory constructs, silly. anything that exists is natural, traps included.

also, go to thailand

>> No.1643884

I laugh when little children hug furries with their parents next to them
They are blissfully unaware

>> No.1643886
File: 230 KB, 1212x1500, trap1282370716432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1643887

Ok then.

In a normal male fetus, the hormones say XY and the SRY gene is present. Hormones cause the fetus to become masculine.This process changes the gonad to testes and so forth. This process also makes the brain masculine.

This is what happens with a NORMAL fetus. There are at least 400 genetic, hormonal,and other abnormalities that can cause this process to result in a nonstandard baby.

One thing that can happen is that the brain is still feminine, this results in a biological male who feels like they should be a woman.

What exactly causes this is unknown but it is believed to be caused by many factors. It's also not a binary phenomenon. The same way genitals can be partial feminine in men and partially masculine in women, gender identity is on a sliding scale, some people feel like they are somewhere in between because of this. Also your brain developing one way or another isn't a guarantee that you become transgendered, it's just about the potential being there.

I hope that's explains the basics a little bit, I'm not a biologist or physiologist or sexologist or anything.

>> No.1643890

as long as they're not pro-op they can dress however they want.
Fake vaginas are every man's fear

>> No.1643901

"Feeling like a woman" is purely a social issue. As a homosexual male I still feel like a man. I try to exhibit masculine qualities as much as possible because I have to work harder at being a "man" then a heterosexual male. Where as heterosexual men are considered masculine by default in society, homosexual men have to work to retain their masculine identity in society. Just because I am gay doesn't mean that I am not a man.

If she wants to be treated like a man in society she should act like one.

>> No.1643905


No, vagina teeth are

>> No.1643913

not sure if serious...

>> No.1643919


Trust me, he's serious.

>> No.1643929

I hate you. You prevent progress to be made within the feminist community.

>> No.1643934

Transsexuals don't naturally exist in humans. In other animals, yes. Transsexuals are created on an operating table in humans. Like I said, biologically people with both organs are just one sex with vestigial versions of the other sex.

>> No.1643935

>"Feeling like a woman" is purely a social issue.

This is more of an issue of self-perception.


What, you've never heard of them?

>> No.1643938

>fucking ugly ass butch fuckwholes with nasty gray hair

>> No.1643947

Ugh I know womens sudies is great and everything and that spouting this helped emancipating women in the early 20th century but it's missing a fundamental issue.

Yes, gender ROLES are a social construct, but aren't part of the underlying issue with trannssexuality. In fact transsexuals should know better than to cling to gender roles better than anyone. But they often find themselves trying way too hard in order convince the world(and maybe themselves) that they are THE REAL DEAL.

Gender IDENTITY on the other hand is completely pysiological. It's your ego telling you if you feel like a man or a woman, this isn't completely understood yet though, but there's plenty you ca read if you're interested.

>> No.1643954

You do realize that Hillary Clinton wanted to make sex changes free, right?

Feminism and transgenderism are allies.

>> No.1643955

I hate you too. You prevent progress to be made within the gay community.

She is trying to adhere to the social expectations of what it is to be a woman, and not her self perception of what a woman is.

>> No.1643958


>> No.1643961

I win, you lose.

>> No.1643973

It's called Transfeminism.

>> No.1643983 [DELETED] 

Never heard of vagina dentata?

You're in for a surprise.

I know, it's great, but gender roles and gender identity are completely different things.
Unless you believe liking football makes you a man and liking dress makes you a woman, which is just so fucking retarded I don't even.

>> No.1643988

Never heard of vagina dentata?

You're in for a surprise.

I know, it's great, but gender roles and gender identity are completely different things.
Unless you believe liking football makes you a man and liking to wear dresses makes you a woman, which is just so fucking retarded I don't even.

>> No.1643994


What, she did? Citation, please.

Most trannies I talk to say that they don't like feminists because often they don't consider them "real womyn".

I hate the word womyn.

>> No.1644004

Watching football IS what makes a man a man.

No girl watches it.

>> No.1644014

>Citation, please.

Just like a fucking atheist to demand so much.

How about you go eat a dick?

>> No.1644021

>You're in for a surprise.

Or not at all.

>> No.1644027

No SENSIBLE person would watch football, it's stupid.

>> No.1644029

European detected, how does it feel knowing a football can snap you in half?

>> No.1644032

This is funny because Europeans are built like sissy women.

Fuck, they even play a girl's sport that only requires a ball.

>> No.1644037

Europe sucks.

>> No.1644043

>how does it feel knowing a football can snap you in half?
I bare knuckle boxed a football once, little bitch couldn't see straight for a week.

>> No.1644048

But how does it feel knowing a football player can easily snap YOU in half?

>> No.1644051


I was very involved in the trans community back when the elections were going on, and I don't remember her saying that. All I want is a source.

Also, being an atheist has nothing to do with this. You must be trolling because mentioning atheism is ridiculous.

>> No.1644053

bitch you lying, you fucking europefag.

I could fuck you up in real life. I would proceed to rip your nuts off and shove them up your moms ass.

>> No.1644056


If you're a football how can you type?

>> No.1644074

Now you deferentially sound like an atheist asshole.

Go die, nigger.

>> No.1644080


well he has feet, doesn't he?

>> No.1644096
File: 33 KB, 598x448, It's time to stop posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1644100

Oh I forgot to comment on the 'furry' issue.

Furries walking around in fursuits aren't tolerated because it's a sexual fetish, simply put.

Sexual fetishes are generally expected to be kept to ones self, not flaunted around everywhere.

There is obviously such a thing as people with a fetish for transsexuals, dicksgirls, crossdresissing, and the whole shebang. Obviously there is some overlap between sexuality and gender identity/transgenderism/transsexuality due to the way pheromone receptors and such develop(it's too much to talk about in this post). Mostly these two aspects of your identity are separate.

>> No.1644103

Wow! Lost his beard and everything! A miracle of science!

>> No.1644108
File: 29 KB, 350x500, kxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm trans and this troll thread doesn't have shit on the terrible things trans people talk about amongst themselves

>> No.1644109
File: 11 KB, 385x385, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Kevin Smith is a transsexual.

>> No.1644118

go on

>> No.1644130

Transgirls on -chan communties are the most psychotic people you'll ever meet.

>> No.1644131
File: 4 KB, 191x196, 1276103144124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little known fact: /sci/ is the easiest board to troll.
case and point: this thread.

i dont want to hear any of you bitching about /b/ trolling us when youre so eager to take the bait.

>> No.1644134

When since does 4chan talk about Degrassi?

>> No.1644137

I think all the trolls gave up a while ago, got so bored had o start arguing about footballs ripping each other in half or something.

>> No.1644147

Since when was there a Degrassi imageboard?

>> No.1644154


Wait, what?

>> No.1644158


>> No.1644164

You cannot, it is. It is definitely not normal, making it weird, and it is definitely an excuse for going against the social (and natural) norms.

>> No.1644169

Well, I know if I could take a pill to make me not trans and be happy in a male body, I would.

>> No.1644175

See fuckers, right there. All the proof you should need.

>> No.1644181

And just become a regular jagoff?

You sir are retarded.

Take pride in who you are.

>> No.1644186

This shit is incredibly fake.

>> No.1644188

I've always wanted a pill like that but lets say it existed and you took it, would you still be the same person you are today? Being trans has shaped my life whether I like it or not, yes it made most of my life an insufferable nightmare and nothing would have made me happier than for that feeling to just go away, but I think enduring that pain made me a stronger and better person than I could ever have been otherwise.

>> No.1644202

Infighting. Identity policing. Essential conceptual differences. Well aired person crisis packaged with wider implications. And since we tend to know each others' thought processes better, we can tear each other to shreds at a moments notice. My roommate used to have terrible fights with his ex over gender, and they're both trans.

Like most levelheaded trans people, you'll just have to come to terms with the fact that there is no definitive empirical support for transsexuality yet. And that regardless, trans people live far better lives expressing themselves as the gender with which they identify.

>> No.1644209

Or society just needs to realize that there is no such thing as normal, you nigger.

>> No.1644214

>you'll just have to come to terms with the fact that there is no definitive empirical support for transsexuality yet.

Luckily for them, people ARE fighting to change society into a more accepting and tolerant place.

>> No.1644217

About the time, humanity needs a wake up call before we are sent into the dark ages. Especially on environmental crisises.

>> No.1644218

Who the hell is this 'society' person? Sounds like a huge dick. Just ignore people like that.

>> No.1644220

Society isn't a person, idiot.


And it needs to change in order for humanity to move forward. It can't do it with all of the conservadicks and Christians trying to send us back into the religious dark ages.

>> No.1644224

I hope you're trolling.

Society can still suck my figurative dick.

>> No.1644225

This, but society will get what it deserves someday when the Earth kills everything because of global warming.

>> No.1644229

And you're the person that is preventing society from evolving.

Please go suck your own clintdick.

>> No.1644230


And this is a prime example as to why society can never move forward. Perhaps we should just round up the dicks and kill them.

>> No.1644232

This sounds like a perfectly justified raid.

Let's do it.

Let's start in Texas, I'm way ahead of you there.

>> No.1644236
File: 26 KB, 400x400, whatisthiseven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying society doesn't need to smarten the fuck up

>> No.1644239

I don't know how retarded the average american is but being transgender doesn't cause a lot of problems where I live. My friends and family, classmates, people I have to work with, generally dealt with it a lot better than I did myself.
You need to have a little faith in other people sometimes, yeah I know 4chan can be mean but most of the time they're just trolling because they're insecure themselves.

If anyone seriously still has a problem with being transgender in this day and age, they are stuck in the dark ages and probably haven't evolved a enough themselves to contribute anything of value to the world. So just ignore them.

>> No.1644245

And just ignore the fact that they are downgrading society?

Fuck you, you're just as worse as them and I will shove my boot up your fake vagina you stupid nigger.

>> No.1644248

Sounds like those are the people who need to go missing.

>> No.1644249

I used to be surprised that /sci/ eagerly welcomes racism and eugenics and yet they butthurt about gays' rights whenever a relevant thread appears.

I think that says a lot...

>> No.1644254

>I think that says a lot...
inb4: that I'm a nigger

>> No.1644258

They are too few and irrelevant to make a difference.

When they act out against someone transgendered, THEY are the ones that get singled out for being 'weird'.

>> No.1644260

Not all trans people are lucky enough to be surrounded by a universally supportive network. If you'd take your head out of your own ass for a minute, you'd understand that it is a reality for many people to experience discrimination at home, at school, around employment, accessing housing, accessing health services, traveling. Fucking everything.

>> No.1644261

I bet you're a pussy agnostic.

There's a shit load of them in San Antonio.

They never fuck with me and they never fucked with trans/gay people again.

Stop slowing down society, you fucking nigger trap.

>> No.1644266


You might be more accepted if you didn't act like a psychotic bitch to everyone.

>> No.1644270

Gender =/= Sex
One of them is a social construct. The other is a biological classification.

>> No.1644287
File: 4 KB, 210x168, chilledvisage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I am a woman
>implying I have emotions

>> No.1644297

You do realize I have your address, right?

>> No.1644357

I fucking hate Texans.

>> No.1644391

transfag here
anyone who defended transgenderism in this thread should kill themselves for feeding this worthless troll.

bump because /sci/ deserves the garbage it brings on itself.

>> No.1644398

If nobody defended it, society will never change.

>> No.1644432
File: 91 KB, 369x550, Rural-Hipster2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that transexuality could be biological for some people (Born with the mind of the opposite sex) but it could also be social (Sexual Fetish that becomes an obsession).

Most people do not get to pick and choose what their sexual fetishes are. I can not picture someone going through a list of fetishes says "Poop Eating WIN I pick you!".

Really though who gives a rats ass who is having sex with who? Of all the issues that we have on this planet you are the most bothered by cocks inside of panties?

>> No.1644439

Being trans, I gotta say that the OP's pic is fucking heartbreaking.